[REBOL] large-scale REBOL coding? Re:

2000-07-18 Thread malcolm


>Wow, that makes my REBOL program look puny. A mere 7242 lines (including
>comments). And I was feeling so proud of it. Wh!

My web directory now has 7383 lines of code (without comments - I don't use 
them with CGI scripts) and it still isn't finished, note that I like to 
pack as many commands on to one line as I can, so the lines are sometimes 
500 characters long. Although the script is broken up into 55 files which 
only get read when needed, so it's very quick and efficient.

Just in case you wanted to know!

All the best,
Malcolm Campbell
FreesiteUK - http://www.freesiteuk.com
The UK based searchable web directory of free internet services.
FreesiteWorld.net - coming soon.

[REBOL] large-scale REBOL coding? Re:

2000-07-18 Thread jehamby


> Wow, that makes my REBOL program look puny. A mere 7242 lines (including
> comments). And I was feeling so proud of it. Wh!

You wrote a 7000 line REBOL program?  That's pretty cool..  I'd love to
take a look at that, is it publically available?  What does your program
do?  Did you find any problems with using REBOL for a task like that? 
How did you split the source code up?  Inquiring minds want to know.  :)


[REBOL] large-scale REBOL coding? Re:

2000-07-18 Thread ralph

> >Take Zope (www.zope.org), for
> >instance, a Web application server written in Python (with a few native
> >modules).  I just downloaded the latest version and ran a quick line
> >count on all the .py files:  83165 lines, plus another 10391 lines for
> >the ZServer HTTP server!  That includes comments, but still I'm very
> >impressed that the language can scale up to handle a project of this
> >size.
> Wow, that makes my REBOL program look puny. A mere 7242 lines (including
> comments). And I was feeling so proud of it. Wh!
> - Michael Jelinek

But, Micheal, your program probably WOULD be 83,165 line in Python.


[REBOL] large-scale REBOL coding?

2000-07-18 Thread jelinem1

On 07/17/2000 04:11 PM Jake wrote:

>Take Zope (www.zope.org), for
>instance, a Web application server written in Python (with a few native
>modules).  I just downloaded the latest version and ran a quick line
>count on all the .py files:  83165 lines, plus another 10391 lines for
>the ZServer HTTP server!  That includes comments, but still I'm very
>impressed that the language can scale up to handle a project of this

Wow, that makes my REBOL program look puny. A mere 7242 lines (including
comments). And I was feeling so proud of it. Wh!

- Michael Jelinek

[REBOL] large-scale REBOL coding?

2000-07-17 Thread jehamby

Hi all,

Here's something I've been thinking about since talking to a friend
about REBOL and its prospects.  He said that just about any scripting
language can handle scripts of a few hundred lines, but the real
challenge for REBOL will be in whether or not it can handle large-scale
programs as well as, for example, Python.  Take Zope (www.zope.org), for
instance, a Web application server written in Python (with a few native
modules).  I just downloaded the latest version and ran a quick line
count on all the .py files:  83165 lines, plus another 10391 lines for
the ZServer HTTP server!  That includes comments, but still I'm very
impressed that the language can scale up to handle a project of this

One project I'd like to work on once I'm finished with my current
programming contract job would be to look through the source code to
Zope and figure out how feasible it would be to do something of that
size with REBOL.  Correct me if I'm wrong, but it seems that one big
limitation of REBOL currently is the lack of solid module support. 
DO'ing subsidiary scripts doesn't seem like the right approach,
especially compared to Python's powerful import facility.  I know there
are some third-party module managers available (which to be honest, I
haven't had time to investigate), but this seems like the type of thing
that needs to be built into the language.  I would assume that RT is
aware of this, and hopefully working on a solution, but are there any
other areas where REBOL is currently lacking?  I don't want REBOL to be
only useful for quick hacks!!
