Re: [OzSilverlight] A couple of questions

2008-09-18 Thread Jonas Follesø
Jordan - that's a clever way to do create dummy data - looking forward to
your blog post. Like I mentioned at TechEd I've been playing with the idea
of using a HTTP proxy to sniff up test data, but your approach is probably
A more drastic approach a colleague of mine is using (for WPF) is to have a
SQL Compact Edititon database with dummy data. So we're toying with the idea
of building something similar to the "Dummy Data Generator" in Visual Studio
Data Dude (don't know the official name of that product), as well as a
simple general purpose UI for the designer to interact with the SQL Compact
Edititon database to add new test data to it...

Scott - You're right. I've seen examples over and over of developers getting
a little "confused" of the whole server vs client scenario with AJAX and
particular Silverlight applications. And really making sure people
understand that users can tamper with the data, and really caring about
security is key. Looking forward to your post on dynamic loading. Personally
I find that exciting from a composite application where you might want to
load different modules for different users. I'll give you a private reply
with my involvement with Silverlight - But it's a deep love relationship;)

On Fri, Sep 19, 2008 at 3:41 PM, Jordan Knight <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>wrote:

>  For dummy data I've been serialising out my models to iso storage, then
> picking up the files from the iso directory and placing them in the XAP for
> deserialisation … it's been a great way to get real dummy data.
> I have a blog post in the works on this
> *From:* [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:
> [EMAIL PROTECTED] *On Behalf Of *Scott Barnes
> *Sent:* Friday, 19 September 2008 3:33 PM
> *To:*
> *Subject:* RE: [OzSilverlight] A couple of questions
> · Commands. I've seen a few requests around this, and I've made
> notes of them with the team already but yeah, I agree.
> · Triggers/Data. Well Nikhil's one of our architects in the
> Silverlight camp, so the fact he wrote about may indicate our thinking of
> where this will end up eventually ;)
> · Guidance is a blindspot, 100% agree and I'm working with the
> Patterns & Practices team on this, so stay tuned.
> · Dummy Data. Interesting approach, hadn't thought of that, I'll
> defer my answer until after I speak with some of the teams about some ideas
> around this.
> · Validation + Data Binding. We're spending a lot of time and
> energy on this, and I'd love to share but it's still early days on what our
> plans are here. That being said, I'll  make sure to follow-up with the list
> as things draw closer (adding this email to my follow-ups) to ensure we
> explain ourselves here.
> That all put aside, I'm also really curious to see what types of solutions
> folks are building. I'm also super keen to find out how most of you landed
> on Silverlight and what your love/hate with the product is?  (Can I ask you
> send me this via little-r so I can continue the conversation with folks
> privately as it may get noisy with the list if we echo it all outloud?)
> *From:* [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:
> [EMAIL PROTECTED] *On Behalf Of *Jonas Follesø
> *Sent:* Thursday, September 18, 2008 5:24 AM
> *To:*
> *Subject:* Re: [OzSilverlight] A couple of questions
> I tend to favor the "Model-View-ViewModel" pattern for Silverlight and WPF,
> and is _really_ concerned with providing a best possible design time
> experience. I always strive for no-code behind in my applications. These are
> some of the challenges:
>- No support for commands. Can be implemented using attached
>properties. But commands is important to prevent coupling between event
>invoker (button/UI element) and event handler. The fewer "named elements"
>you have to hook events against the better. More flexibility to designer,
>less chance to screw up.
>- No support for triggers/data triggers. Today there is no easy way to
>trigger an animation based on changes made in the ViewModel. For instance,
>say I set an "IsBussy" property to true, in that case I would like to start
>a "ProgressBarAnimation". Today I have to write code behind to do that.
>Nikhil Kothari has some interesting examples on how to use behaviors to
>achieve trigger-like behavior in Silverlight. But his current 
> implementation
>breaks Blend 2.5 support, so I haven't been able to use it.
>- Not allot of guidance on multi page navigation. This is something
>I've gotten allot of questions. I normally solve this by swapping parts in
>and out of a "master page", and have a navigation helper on the Application
>object. But some clear guidance on this would be helpful.
>- How to provide design time dummy data. I solve this by providing mock
>implementations of external services, and it works quite well. I use the

RE: [OzSilverlight] A couple of questions

2008-09-18 Thread Scott Barnes
The other benefit of Commands is that essentially you can throw the same 
command from different areas within your View, which helps reduce coupling of 
the View with how the overall traffic flows within your Client.

You can build a FrontController class which marries both the Event and Command 
together today. Given that Silverlight has RoutedEvents, one could simply throw 
an Event (through a homemade EventDispatcher), the FrontController catches it 
and marries the event with a command and then the command fires a execute 
method. This in turn will carry out the workflow required in order to achieve a 
successful command delivery. Upon a result, the command can also throw another 
command (depending on the data returned) and so on.

This is good, as it essentially allows again multiple events to feed off the 
same commands (but yet have different semantic value) whilst at the same time 
keeping parts of the overall view abstracted from one another.

Martin Fowler's J2EE patterns have some good paths here to follow around this 
kind of thing.

Actually I feel a blog post + code brewing now.. stand by.. (*cracks fingers* - 
time to put my code where my mouth is!)

Scott Barnes
(Rich Platforms Product Manager)
Microsoft Corp. | Blog: | Mobile: + 1 (425) 802-9503 (New!)
Twitter: | MSN: [EMAIL 
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From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Jonas Follesø
Sent: Thursday, September 18, 2008 8:23 PM
Subject: Re: [OzSilverlight] A couple of questions

Well, I can't answer for Jordan but I'll try to illustrate.

While using the Model-View-ViewModel pattern you have all your UI state and 
behavior in a separate class. This class is normally set as the data context on 
your View (XAML page), and you bind everything against this class. Even things 
like "IsSaveEnabled" to enable the save button.

The View communicates back to the ViewModel by commands. The benefit is that 
you don't have any "btnSave_Click" event handler in your codebehind. Instead 
your ViewModel waits for that Command to trigger, and then do the work.

The benefit of designing your application using these patterns is that you can 
build quite big applications with (almost) no code-behind. This makes your app 
easier to test, more maintainable, and easier to work with for a designer using 
Blend. So what is the problem? The problem is that there is no 
declarative(XAML) way of triggering animations when thing happens. So if you 
want to start a storyboard then the ViewModel IsBussy property is true, you 
will have to write this code by hand.

Typically that would involve listening to a PropertyChanged event in the 
codebehind of the form, and when the ViewModel IsBussy changes to true, then 
start the storyboard, when it changes to false, then stop it. This isn't the 
end of the world, but when we're so close to achieving no-code behind it would 
be nice to go all the way. Also, doing this forces your designer to have a 
stroyboard with that exact name (say ShowProgressanimation) present, so you as 
the developer ends up "owning" part of the user experience. If the designer 
accidentally deletes the storyboard the app will fail at runtime, or perhaps 
not even compile. The less named elements in your XAML file the better.

- Jonas

On Fri, Sep 19, 2008 at 1:12 PM, Barry Beattie <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> It's a PITA to make apps with all the bells and whistles in XAML then have
> to break M-V-VM to "finish" it off.
got an example to show what you mean? (just curious/wanting to learn)

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RE: [OzSilverlight] A couple of questions

2008-09-18 Thread Scott Barnes

Correct but it also depends at what level you're at and what you define is 
secret. In that if a user is authenticated and you have all the "forms" for 
example housed in the .XAP (which is fine), then before you accept and receive 
data between the client and server you need to sanitize it and ensure the user 
doesn't go rogue. It's something at times I've seen folks in both Flash and 
Silverlight space overlook (as once they get through the security gate, it's an 
assumed the user will not interfere with the client). It can be small things 
like switching parts of the UI on or off and the more clues you give a 
malicious user, the more they have to work with in terms of figuring out what 
it is you have written and how you expect data to be sent back and forth.

It's more of a cautionary tip and I'd highly recommend folks (when it comes to 
Admin vs. Public) look into dynamically loading .XAP files or more to the point 
bring XAML in over the wire as well.

I've gotten loading of modules to work dynamically and should post some demo 
code around this as it's quite cool to bring in .XAP files over the wire as 
needed. As when you load a .XAP file, it stores it local cache (ie not in 
memory) and then feeds from it when it needs it as well, so the tax isn't high. 
You also can do sniff tests to determine if an assembly is loaded or not and if 
it isn't go get it.

I've taken a framework I wrote in the early days of Flex and ported it over to 
Silverlight, (SynergyFlex = SynergyLight) :D and as we draw closer to 
Silverlight 2 ship dates I'll see if I can spare up some time to release it as 
a basic starter guide to some of these ideas.

From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Jonas Follesø
Sent: Thursday, September 18, 2008 5:12 AM
Subject: Re: [OzSilverlight] A couple of questions


On point 3, why would that matter? Even if you fake the response and "trick" 
your Silverlight app (which would be easy, just download the XAP, unzip it, and 
have it talk to a different end-point), your XAML shouldn't really contain any 
"secret" information anyway. Your users is not part of your markup, that's just 
data. That information should be sent to the user in an authenticated WCF 
call So even if you manage to enable the "show all user" screen, your 
service should re-validate on the server side before giving you that data.

But there might be cases where what you describe makes allot of sense. And 
partial loading of XAP's is quite interesting stuff - could be useful for 
things like composite Silverlight applications, where you download modules as 

On Thu, Sep 18, 2008 at 5:19 PM, Scott Barnes <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Hi Ross! (long time no speak) :)

1)  You have a number of options, essentially the easiest way is to tap 
into the Windows Communication Foundation services and utilize this option. 
It's essentially sending data over the wire in XML format, Silverlight has 
great hooks already built in to handle these type of requests. We're also 
looking to do more here to make things more seamless in upcoming versions. I 
can't say more than that, but it will get a lot easier in the long term.

2)  That's the intent going forward. We see a great deal of positive power 
with using LINQ inside Silverlight and WPF. It's almost safe to say out loud to 
think of LINQ as  you're Data Passport between client and server. There will be 
more expansion on this in the future as well.

3)  Security will remain similar or if not the same as 
ASP.NET today. The difference is on the client, you essentially 
need to architect in such a way that the initial "first ask" is defining whom 
the person is and what their session may look like. From there, it's a case of 
"CanIHaveAccessTo(args)" style security access (given you're in a non-Refresh 
situation - assuming this is a 100% Silverlight App by the way). Now, the 
danger here is if not architected correctly is that you can fake the 
"true/false" responses, so the further piece to this is to maybe consider using 
XAML over the wire. In that "can I have access to ViewAllUsrProfiles?, If the 
answer is true, you essentially trigger a .xap download or you load .XAML 
remotely, via an ASP.NET page (pushing the content). As this 
will also be a secondary check to make sure they did indeed have positive 
response to the question"

4)  Could you expand on the Binary Formatter? I.e. what do you have in mind?

5)  We're working on smarter ways to go between Client and Server, but 
can't say much just yet on what that will look like. We're still actively 
planning features and so feel free to expand on what you're thinking here as 
I'm more than happy to walk this into the next planning meeting and discuss 
with the team.


I'll be back home in Brisbane (currently Belinda and I are living in Seattle 
now) around X

Re: [OzSilverlight] Canvas Overflow

2008-09-18 Thread Jonas Follesø
Since you don't have Element Binding you have to go through some
intermediate object. And your Clip property is of type geometry, and you
have bound your geometry to an object, so don't really know how to do this
without element binding.
But I might be wrong...

On Fri, Sep 19, 2008 at 3:26 PM, Jordan Knight <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>wrote:

>  I ended up hacking it a bit…
> I wanted to bind the values for the clip (as you can move the item around
> the screen) – i.e. it's a magnifying glass for an image…
> You can't do this though:
> Where myrect is a Rect object from the ViewModel…
> I ended up doing this in c# -
> Private Sub doClip()
> Dim avmb As AnnotationViewModelBase = CType(DataContext,
> AnnotationViewModelBase)
> Dim r As New Rect(0, 0, avmb.ConfiguredWidth,
> avmb.ConfiguredHeight)
> Dim rect As New RectangleGeometry()
> rect.Rect = r
> LayoutRoot.Clip = rect
> avmb.ConfiguredWidth is from the ViewModel and changes as the drags happen…
> I'm not happy with this solution so if anyone can tell me how to bind to
> that Clip stuff…
> *From:* [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:
> [EMAIL PROTECTED] *On Behalf Of *.net noobie
> *Sent:* Friday, 19 September 2008 3:14 PM
> *To:*
> *Subject:* Re: [OzSilverlight] Canvas Overflow
> Could you used a "ScrollViewer", might not be exactly what you after, but
> might be able to stop your canvas from going bigger than you wanted?
> On Fri, Sep 19, 2008 at 1:27 PM, Jordan Knight <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> wrote:
> Hi all,
> I can't for the life of me figure out how to stop elements in a canvas from
> overflowing J
> I want to truncate content when is too big J
> Cheers,
> Jordan
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RE: [OzSilverlight] Canvas Overflow

2008-09-18 Thread Jordan Knight
I ended up hacking it a bit...

I wanted to bind the values for the clip (as you can move the item around the 
screen) - i.e. it's a magnifying glass for an image...

You can't do this though:

Where myrect is a Rect object from the ViewModel...

I ended up doing this in c# -

Private Sub doClip()
Dim avmb As AnnotationViewModelBase = CType(DataContext, 
Dim r As New Rect(0, 0, avmb.ConfiguredWidth, avmb.ConfiguredHeight)
Dim rect As New RectangleGeometry()
rect.Rect = r
LayoutRoot.Clip = rect

avmb.ConfiguredWidth is from the ViewModel and changes as the drags happen... 
I'm not happy with this solution so if anyone can tell me how to bind to that 
Clip stuff...

From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of .net noobie
Sent: Friday, 19 September 2008 3:14 PM
Subject: Re: [OzSilverlight] Canvas Overflow

Could you used a "ScrollViewer", might not be exactly what you after, but might 
be able to stop your canvas from going bigger than you wanted?

On Fri, Sep 19, 2008 at 1:27 PM, Jordan Knight <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Hi all,

I can't for the life of me figure out how to stop elements in a canvas from 
overflowing :)

I want to truncate content when is too big :)


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Re: [OzSilverlight] Canvas Overflow

2008-09-18 Thread .net noobie
Could you used a "ScrollViewer", might not be exactly what you after, but
might be able to stop your canvas from going bigger than you wanted?

On Fri, Sep 19, 2008 at 1:27 PM, Jordan Knight <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>wrote:

>  Hi all,
> I can't for the life of me figure out how to stop elements in a canvas from
> overflowing J
> I want to truncate content when is too big J
> Cheers,
> Jordan
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.net noobie™

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RE: [OzSilverlight] How to play swf extension files in silverlight.?

2008-09-18 Thread Muhammad Niaz
Hi Sam,

Thanks for quick response and one more thing can I add you in my Google
Talk list as a friend for discussion about SL Stuff and lot more :) .?
If yes here is my email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Muhammad Niaz

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Sam Lai
Sent: Friday, September 19, 2008 9:29 AM
Subject: Re: [OzSilverlight] How to play swf extension files in

I haven't actually tried it, but that's how I'd approach it and how
I've seen it done. See Jonas' post after mine - he seems to have it
all worked out.


On 9/19/08, Muhammad Niaz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi Sam,
>Can you please send any sample code related to it.
> Regards,
> Muhammad Niaz
> -Original Message-
> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Sam Lai
> Sent: Wednesday, September 17, 2008 8:37 AM
> To:
> Subject: Re: [OzSilverlight] How to play swf extension files in
> silverlight.?
> If all you want to do is play swf files within a silverlight
> interface, you could do some javascripting that loads the swf in a
> html div and overlay that on top of the silverlight interface.
> On 9/16/08, Scott Barnes <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> You can't. SWF is a proprietary binary solution built by Adobe and
> no
>> support inside Silverlight.
>> On Behalf Of Muhammad Niaz
>> Sent: Monday, September 15, 2008 10:55 AM
>> To:
>> Subject: [OzSilverlight] How to play swf extension files in
> silverlight.?
>> Hi all, can anybody tell me  how to play with swf files in
> silverlight.
>> Regards,
>> Muhammad Niaz
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Re: [OzSilverlight] How to play swf extension files in silverlight.?

2008-09-18 Thread Sam Lai
I haven't actually tried it, but that's how I'd approach it and how
I've seen it done. See Jonas' post after mine - he seems to have it
all worked out.


On 9/19/08, Muhammad Niaz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi Sam,
>Can you please send any sample code related to it.
> Regards,
> Muhammad Niaz
> -Original Message-
> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Sam Lai
> Sent: Wednesday, September 17, 2008 8:37 AM
> To:
> Subject: Re: [OzSilverlight] How to play swf extension files in
> silverlight.?
> If all you want to do is play swf files within a silverlight
> interface, you could do some javascripting that loads the swf in a
> html div and overlay that on top of the silverlight interface.
> On 9/16/08, Scott Barnes <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> You can't. SWF is a proprietary binary solution built by Adobe and has
> no
>> support inside Silverlight.
>> On Behalf Of Muhammad Niaz
>> Sent: Monday, September 15, 2008 10:55 AM
>> To:
>> Subject: [OzSilverlight] How to play swf extension files in
> silverlight.?
>> Hi all, can anybody tell me  how to play with swf files in
> silverlight.
>> Regards,
>> Muhammad Niaz
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RE: [OzSilverlight] How to play swf extension files in silverlight.?

2008-09-18 Thread Muhammad Niaz
Hi Sam,
   Can you please send any sample code related to it.

Muhammad Niaz

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Sam Lai
Sent: Wednesday, September 17, 2008 8:37 AM
Subject: Re: [OzSilverlight] How to play swf extension files in

If all you want to do is play swf files within a silverlight
interface, you could do some javascripting that loads the swf in a
html div and overlay that on top of the silverlight interface.

On 9/16/08, Scott Barnes <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> You can't. SWF is a proprietary binary solution built by Adobe and has
> support inside Silverlight.
> On Behalf Of Muhammad Niaz
> Sent: Monday, September 15, 2008 10:55 AM
> To:
> Subject: [OzSilverlight] How to play swf extension files in
> Hi all, can anybody tell me  how to play with swf files in
> Regards,
> Muhammad Niaz
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Re: [OzSilverlight] A couple of questions

2008-09-18 Thread Jonas Follesø
The whole point is to have as little code as possible. And doing storyboards
in code is deff. not the solution to this problem. The whole point is to use
patterns that lets your designer own the user experience and not depend on
code and Visual Studio.
But sure, procedural animations is a powerful technique, and useful in a
bunch of cases (where to want some  randomness/dynamicness to the animation.

On Fri, Sep 19, 2008 at 1:41 PM, .net noobie <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> but you can write storyboards in code, not that is is as easy as just drop
> and drag in blend
> On Fri, Sep 19, 2008 at 1:23 PM, Jonas Follesø <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> Well, I can't answer for Jordan but I'll try to illustrate.
>> While using the Model-View-ViewModel pattern you have all your UI state
>> and behavior in a separate class. This class is normally set as the data
>> context on your View (XAML page), and you bind everything against this
>> class. Even things like "IsSaveEnabled" to enable the save button.
>> The View communicates back to the ViewModel by commands. The benefit is
>> that you don't have any "btnSave_Click" event handler in your codebehind.
>> Instead your ViewModel waits for that Command to trigger, and then do the
>> work.
>> The benefit of designing your application using these patterns is that you
>> can build quite big applications with (almost) no code-behind. This makes
>> your app easier to test, more maintainable, and easier to work with for a
>> designer using Blend. So what is the problem? The problem is that there is
>> no declarative(XAML) way of triggering animations when thing happens. So if
>> you want to start a storyboard then the ViewModel IsBussy property is true,
>> you will have to write this code by hand.
>> Typically that would involve listening to a PropertyChanged event in the
>> codebehind of the form, and when the ViewModel IsBussy changes to true, then
>> start the storyboard, when it changes to false, then stop it. This isn't the
>> end of the world, but when we're so close to achieving no-code behind it
>> would be nice to go all the way. Also, doing this forces your designer to
>> have a stroyboard with that exact name (say ShowProgressanimation) present,
>> so you as the developer ends up "owning" part of the user experience. If the
>> designer accidentally deletes the storyboard the app will fail at runtime,
>> or perhaps not even compile. The less named elements in your XAML file the
>> better.
>> - Jonas
>> On Fri, Sep 19, 2008 at 1:12 PM, Barry Beattie <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>wrote:
>>> > It's a PITA to make apps with all the bells and whistles in XAML then
>>> have
>>> > to break M-V-VM to "finish" it off.
>>> got an example to show what you mean? (just curious/wanting to learn)
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Re: [OzSilverlight] A couple of questions

2008-09-18 Thread .net noobie
but you can write storyboards in code, not that is is as easy as just drop
and drag in blend

On Fri, Sep 19, 2008 at 1:23 PM, Jonas Follesø <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Well, I can't answer for Jordan but I'll try to illustrate.
> While using the Model-View-ViewModel pattern you have all your UI state
> and behavior in a separate class. This class is normally set as the data
> context on your View (XAML page), and you bind everything against this
> class. Even things like "IsSaveEnabled" to enable the save button.
> The View communicates back to the ViewModel by commands. The benefit is
> that you don't have any "btnSave_Click" event handler in your codebehind.
> Instead your ViewModel waits for that Command to trigger, and then do the
> work.
> The benefit of designing your application using these patterns is that you
> can build quite big applications with (almost) no code-behind. This makes
> your app easier to test, more maintainable, and easier to work with for a
> designer using Blend. So what is the problem? The problem is that there is
> no declarative(XAML) way of triggering animations when thing happens. So if
> you want to start a storyboard then the ViewModel IsBussy property is true,
> you will have to write this code by hand.
> Typically that would involve listening to a PropertyChanged event in the
> codebehind of the form, and when the ViewModel IsBussy changes to true, then
> start the storyboard, when it changes to false, then stop it. This isn't the
> end of the world, but when we're so close to achieving no-code behind it
> would be nice to go all the way. Also, doing this forces your designer to
> have a stroyboard with that exact name (say ShowProgressanimation) present,
> so you as the developer ends up "owning" part of the user experience. If the
> designer accidentally deletes the storyboard the app will fail at runtime,
> or perhaps not even compile. The less named elements in your XAML file the
> better.
> - Jonas
> On Fri, Sep 19, 2008 at 1:12 PM, Barry Beattie <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>wrote:
>> > It's a PITA to make apps with all the bells and whistles in XAML then
>> have
>> > to break M-V-VM to "finish" it off.
>> got an example to show what you mean? (just curious/wanting to learn)
>> ---
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.net noobie™

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[OzSilverlight] Canvas Overflow

2008-09-18 Thread Jordan Knight
Hi all,

I can't for the life of me figure out how to stop elements in a canvas from 
overflowing :)

I want to truncate content when is too big :)



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Re: [OzSilverlight] A couple of questions

2008-09-18 Thread Jonas Follesø
Well, I can't answer for Jordan but I'll try to illustrate.
While using the Model-View-ViewModel pattern you have all your UI state
and behavior in a separate class. This class is normally set as the data
context on your View (XAML page), and you bind everything against this
class. Even things like "IsSaveEnabled" to enable the save button.

The View communicates back to the ViewModel by commands. The benefit is that
you don't have any "btnSave_Click" event handler in your codebehind. Instead
your ViewModel waits for that Command to trigger, and then do the work.

The benefit of designing your application using these patterns is that you
can build quite big applications with (almost) no code-behind. This makes
your app easier to test, more maintainable, and easier to work with for a
designer using Blend. So what is the problem? The problem is that there is
no declarative(XAML) way of triggering animations when thing happens. So if
you want to start a storyboard then the ViewModel IsBussy property is true,
you will have to write this code by hand.

Typically that would involve listening to a PropertyChanged event in the
codebehind of the form, and when the ViewModel IsBussy changes to true, then
start the storyboard, when it changes to false, then stop it. This isn't the
end of the world, but when we're so close to achieving no-code behind it
would be nice to go all the way. Also, doing this forces your designer to
have a stroyboard with that exact name (say ShowProgressanimation) present,
so you as the developer ends up "owning" part of the user experience. If the
designer accidentally deletes the storyboard the app will fail at runtime,
or perhaps not even compile. The less named elements in your XAML file the

- Jonas

On Fri, Sep 19, 2008 at 1:12 PM, Barry Beattie <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>wrote:

> > It's a PITA to make apps with all the bells and whistles in XAML then
> have
> > to break M-V-VM to "finish" it off.
> got an example to show what you mean? (just curious/wanting to learn)
> ---
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Re: [OzSilverlight] A couple of questions

2008-09-18 Thread Barry Beattie
> It's a PITA to make apps with all the bells and whistles in XAML then have
> to break M-V-VM to "finish" it off.

got an example to show what you mean? (just curious/wanting to learn)

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[OzSilverlight] RE: Data Binding Question

2008-09-18 Thread Jordan Knight
Oops : )

I wasn't using a callback my dep property to update the CLR property :)

Public Shared ReadOnly ItemTemplateProperty As DependencyProperty = 
DependencyProperty.Register("ItemTemplate", GetType(UserControl), 
GetType(SomeContainer), New PropertyMetadata(New 
PropertyChangedCallback(AddressOf SetItemTemplateCallback)))

Public Shared Sub SetItemTemplateCallback(ByVal obj As DependencyObject, ByVal 
propertyValue As DependencyPropertyChangedEventArgs)
CType(obj, SomeContainer).ItemTemplate = CType(propertyValue.NewValue, 
End Sub

From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Jordan Knight
Sent: Friday, 19 September 2008 8:37 AM
Subject: [OzSilverlight] Data Binding Question

Hi all,

I have a UserControl which I want to bind a property to from it's own XAML 

The control has a property on it called ChildControl and I want to bind a value 
to it from my ViewModel. I don't want to bind to this property from the control 
that created it (i.e. 

I want to do this:";
 Width="{Binding ConfiguredWidth}"<-- Works
 Height="{Binding ConfiguredHeight}" <-- Works
 my: SomeContainer.ItemTemplate="{Binding ChildControl, 
Mode=OneTime}" <-- Doesn't work

The property ChildControl that I'm binding to here gets called and the control 
is returned but the binding is not completed (I don't think the Dep property is 
communicating with the CLR property)...


My Dep Prop (Public Shared ReadOnly ItemTemplateProperty As DependencyProperty) 
references my CLR prop (Public Property ItemTemplate() As UserControl) but the 
setter is never called on the CLR prop.

Any assistance would be helpful.


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[OzSilverlight] Data Binding Question

2008-09-18 Thread Jordan Knight
Hi all,

I have a UserControl which I want to bind a property to from it's own XAML 

The control has a property on it called ChildControl and I want to bind a value 
to it from my ViewModel. I don't want to bind to this property from the control 
that created it (i.e. 

I want to do this:";
 Width="{Binding ConfiguredWidth}"<-- Works
 Height="{Binding ConfiguredHeight}" <-- Works
 my: SomeContainer.ItemTemplate="{Binding ChildControl, 
Mode=OneTime}" <-- Doesn't work

The property ChildControl that I'm binding to here gets called and the control 
is returned but the binding is not completed (I don't think the Dep property is 
communicating with the CLR property)...


My Dep Prop (Public Shared ReadOnly ItemTemplateProperty As DependencyProperty) 
references my CLR prop (Public Property ItemTemplate() As UserControl) but the 
setter is never called on the CLR prop.

Any assistance would be helpful.



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RE: [OzSilverlight] A couple of questions

2008-09-18 Thread Jordan Knight
+1 on triggers/data triggers.

It's a PITA to make apps with all the bells and whistles in XAML then have to 
break M-V-VM to "finish" it off.

From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Jonas Follesø
Sent: Thursday, 18 September 2008 10:24 PM
Subject: Re: [OzSilverlight] A couple of questions

I tend to favor the "Model-View-ViewModel" pattern for Silverlight and WPF, and 
is _really_ concerned with providing a best possible design time experience. I 
always strive for no-code behind in my applications. These are some of the 

 *   No support for commands. Can be implemented using attached properties. But 
commands is important to prevent coupling between event invoker (button/UI 
element) and event handler. The fewer "named elements" you have to hook events 
against the better. More flexibility to designer, less chance to screw up.
 *   No support for triggers/data triggers. Today there is no easy way to 
trigger an animation based on changes made in the ViewModel. For instance, say 
I set an "IsBussy" property to true, in that case I would like to start a 
"ProgressBarAnimation". Today I have to write code behind to do that. Nikhil 
Kothari has some interesting examples on how to use behaviors to achieve 
trigger-like behavior in Silverlight. But his current implementation breaks 
Blend 2.5 support, so I haven't been able to use it.
 *   Not allot of guidance on multi page navigation. This is something I've 
gotten allot of questions. I normally solve this by swapping parts in and out 
of a "master page", and have a navigation helper on the Application object. But 
some clear guidance on this would be helpful.
 *   How to provide design time dummy data. I solve this by providing mock 
implementations of external services, and it works quite well. I use the 
HtmlPage.IsEnabled to detect weather or not the code is running in Blend. I 
know this isn't a good check, and that this property is actually used to check 
if the host has blocked access to the HTML DOM. So a better hook to see where 
the code is executing would be valuable.
 *   Validation and Data Binding. I'm not a big fan of the way you have to hook 
event handlers to handle the binding exception event when doing validation. 
This forces me to add code in the code-behind. I wish I could solve this more 
declarative. Nikhils behaviors might be one way, a custom control could be 
another solution.
These are some of the initial comments on this topic. I agree that it's 
interesting to see what people are discovering about Silverlight. At the same 
time it's also good to reuse alot of experience from WPF. I know Rocky Lotkha 
is doing interesting things with CSLA.NET, and there is all 
ready an early port of Prism for Silverlight (Composite WPF Guidance).

Jonas :)

On Thu, Sep 18, 2008 at 5:28 PM, Scott Barnes <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

I'm seeing a bit of traffic these days around "how to architect" Silverlight. I 
think this is exciting news as folks have not only digested Silverlight well, 
but are now pushing beyond the boundaries (growth is a powerful thing to 
monitor and observe).

I've got a few ideas on how to solve this, but am curious to hear some of your 
pain points specifically around what hurdles you face when architecting Rich 
Applications such as Silverlight?

Behalf Of .net noobie
Sent: Wednesday, September 17, 2008 9:43 PM

Subject: Re: [OzSilverlight] A couple of questions

ok cool, thanks

On Thu, Sep 18, 2008 at 2:31 PM, Jonas Follesø <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Well, you can actually do all this from a Silverlight application. And anything 
you could do from MS AJAX, you could do from Silverlight.

And to be fair the "Client Application Services" (for Windows Forms/WPF) comes 
with classes that abstract away the service interaction, and actually gives you 
a "client side" Membership- and Role Provider. But under the hood it's all HTTP 
JSON calls (I assume for performance reasons, as their API only has synchronous 
methods for accessing the Membership- and Role Provider).

Check this post:

for more information on what you can do.

The service-end point used by the "Client Application Services" client 
libraries are:




You don't get WSDL for these services, but you can invoke them as REST services 
and do things like create user, create role etc. given that the currently 
authenticated user have the permissions needed.

On Thu, Sep 18, 2008 at 2:19 PM, .net no

Re: [OzSilverlight] A couple of questions

2008-09-18 Thread Jonas Follesø
I tend to favor the "Model-View-ViewModel" pattern for Silverlight and WPF,
and is _really_ concerned with providing a best possible design time
experience. I always strive for no-code behind in my applications. These are
some of the challenges:

   - No support for commands. Can be implemented using attached properties.
   But commands is important to prevent coupling between event invoker
   (button/UI element) and event handler. The fewer "named elements" you have
   to hook events against the better. More flexibility to designer, less chance
   to screw up.

   - No support for triggers/data triggers. Today there is no easy way to
   trigger an animation based on changes made in the ViewModel. For instance,
   say I set an "IsBussy" property to true, in that case I would like to start
   a "ProgressBarAnimation". Today I have to write code behind to do that.
   Nikhil Kothari has some interesting examples on how to use behaviors to
   achieve trigger-like behavior in Silverlight. But his current implementation
   breaks Blend 2.5 support, so I haven't been able to use it.

   - Not allot of guidance on multi page navigation. This is something I've
   gotten allot of questions. I normally solve this by swapping parts in and
   out of a "master page", and have a navigation helper on the Application
   object. But some clear guidance on this would be helpful.

   - How to provide design time dummy data. I solve this by providing mock
   implementations of external services, and it works quite well. I use the
   HtmlPage.IsEnabled to detect weather or not the code is running in Blend. I
   know this isn't a good check, and that this property is actually used to
   check if the host has blocked access to the HTML DOM. So a better hook to
   see where the code is executing would be valuable.

   - Validation and Data Binding. I'm not a big fan of the way you have to
   hook event handlers to handle the binding exception event when doing
   validation. This forces me to add code in the code-behind. I wish I could
   solve this more declarative. Nikhils behaviors might be one way, a custom
   control could be another solution.

These are some of the initial comments on this topic. I agree that it's
interesting to see what people are discovering about Silverlight. At the
same time it's also good to reuse alot of experience from WPF. I know Rocky
Lotkha is doing interesting things with CSLA.NET, and there is all ready an
early port of Prism for Silverlight (Composite WPF Guidance).

Jonas :)

On Thu, Sep 18, 2008 at 5:28 PM, Scott Barnes <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>wrote:

>  I'm seeing a bit of traffic these days around "how to architect"
> Silverlight. I think this is exciting news as folks have not only digested
> Silverlight well, but are now pushing beyond the boundaries (growth is a
> powerful thing to monitor and observe).
> I've got a few ideas on how to solve this, but am curious to hear some of
> your pain points specifically around what hurdles you face when architecting
> Rich Applications such as Silverlight?
> *From:* [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:
> [EMAIL PROTECTED] *On Behalf Of *.net noobie
> *Sent:* Wednesday, September 17, 2008 9:43 PM
> *To:*
> *Subject:* Re: [OzSilverlight] A couple of questions
> ok cool, thanks
> On Thu, Sep 18, 2008 at 2:31 PM, Jonas Follesø <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Well, you can actually do all this from a Silverlight application. And
> anything you could do from MS AJAX, you could do from Silverlight.
> And to be fair the "Client Application Services" (for Windows Forms/WPF)
> comes with classes that abstract away the service interaction, and actually
> gives you a "client side" Membership- and Role Provider. But under the hood
> it's all HTTP JSON calls (I assume for performance reasons, as their API
> only has synchronous methods for accessing the Membership- and Role
> Provider).
> Check this post:
> for more information on what you can do.
> The service-end point used by the "Client Application Services" client
> libraries are:
> http://localhost/myservice/Profile_JSON_AppService.axd
> http://localhost/myservice/Authentication_JSON_AppService.axd
> http://localhost/myservice/Role_JSON_AppService.axd
> You don't get WSDL for these services, but you can invoke them as REST
> services and do things like create user, create role etc. given that the
> currently authenticated user have the permissions needed.
> On Thu, Sep 18, 2008 at 2:19 PM, .net noobie <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> wrote:
> "new users, create roles, change role assignment etc." they are the things
> I wanted to do...
> so really I would be better off handling all this in the ASP.NET page that
> is hosting my Silverlight Applications and then talking too and from the
> ASP.NET page with my Silverlight Application to do thes

Re: [OzSilverlight] A couple of questions

2008-09-18 Thread Jonas Follesø
On point 3, why would that matter? Even if you fake the response and "trick"
your Silverlight app (which would be easy, just download the XAP, unzip it,
and have it talk to a different end-point), your XAML shouldn't really
contain any "secret" information anyway. Your users is not part of your
markup, that's just data. That information should be sent to the user in an
authenticated WCF call So even if you manage to enable the "show all
user" screen, your service should re-validate on the server side before
giving you that data.

But there might be cases where what you describe makes allot of sense. And
partial loading of XAP's is quite interesting stuff - could be useful for
things like composite Silverlight applications, where you download modules
as needed.

On Thu, Sep 18, 2008 at 5:19 PM, Scott Barnes <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>wrote:

>  Hi Ross! (long time no speak) J
> 1)  You have a number of options, essentially the easiest way is to
> tap into the Windows Communication Foundation services and utilize this
> option. It's essentially sending data over the wire in XML format,
> Silverlight has great hooks already built in to handle these type of
> requests. We're also looking to do more here to make things more seamless in
> upcoming versions. I can't say more than that, but it will get a lot easier
> in the long term.
> 2)  That's the intent going forward. We see a great deal of positive
> power with using LINQ inside Silverlight and WPF. It's almost safe to say
> out loud to think of LINQ as  you're Data Passport between client and
> server. There will be more expansion on this in the future as well.
> 3)  Security will remain similar or if not the same as ASP.NET today.
> The difference is on the client, you essentially need to architect in such a
> way that the initial "first ask" is defining whom the person is and what
> their session may look like. From there, it's a case of
> "CanIHaveAccessTo(args)" style security access (given you're in a
> non-Refresh situation – assuming this is a 100% Silverlight App by the way).
> Now, the danger here is if not architected correctly is that you can fake
> the "true/false" responses, so the further piece to this is to maybe
> consider using XAML over the wire. In that "can I have access to
> ViewAllUsrProfiles?, If the answer is true, you essentially trigger a .xap
> download or you load .XAML remotely, via an ASP.NET page (pushing the
> content). As this will also be a secondary check to make sure they did
> indeed have positive response to the question"
> 4)  Could you expand on the Binary Formatter? I.e. what do you have in
> mind?
> 5)  We're working on smarter ways to go between Client and Server, but
> can't say much just yet on what that will look like. We're still actively
> planning features and so feel free to expand on what you're thinking here as
> I'm more than happy to walk this into the next planning meeting and discuss
> with the team.
> P.S
> I'll be back home in Brisbane (currently Belinda and I are living in
> Seattle now) around XMAS time. So if you're still stuck around then, I'm
> sure we can find a E&Y event to meet up at and discuss in depth over a beer
> or two. Failing that, feel free to contact me offline to discuss in depth
> should the above not be enough (same goes for anyone on this list btw).
> *--*
> *Scott Barnes *
> (Rich Platforms Product Manager)
> Microsoft Corp.  | *Blog:*
> | *Mobile:* + 1 (425) 802-9503 (*New*!)
> *Twitter*: | *MSN*: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> *P **Please consider your environmental responsibility before printing
> this e-mail*
> *From:* [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:
> [EMAIL PROTECTED] *On Behalf Of *Ross McKinnon
> *Sent:* Wednesday, September 17, 2008 7:20 PM
> *To:*
> *Subject:* [OzSilverlight] A couple of questions
> Hi all,
> I am the CIO of Michael Hill Jeweller which is an international (US,
> Canada, New Zealand, Australia) jewellery retail chain whose global head
> office is based in Brisbane and we are in the process of replacing our
> global website. The executive here are very excited by the opportunities
> presented by silverlight and we will be developing the new site using this
> technology and are trying to release it as soon as possible.
> I did have a couple of questions which I have posed to Microsoft, but they
> have been unable to answer and most of them are directed towards my
> personally perceived weaknesses of silverlight and I was hoping that someone
> would be able to point out how they can be achieved. Hopefully our work
> arounds are not the suggested best practice.
> 1) What is the best way of persisting user identity through multiple
> silverlight pages?
> 2) It appears to me that linq to SQL entities seem to lose the ability to
> maintain state (ie know what is changed)

Re: [OzSilverlight] Accessing the App.xaml resources

2008-09-18 Thread Stephen Price
Ok fixed the problem. The references to System.Web.Extensions were pointing
to an old version. I think the new version is the 3.5 version. I did a
compare and copied over all the references to that dll and it's working now.
Always the way, 10 minutes after you post for help you find the answer
yourself (after hours of banging head against wall). Hope this helps someone
down the track. :)


On Thu, Sep 18, 2008 at 5:19 PM, Stephen Price <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>wrote:

> I've been working on a Silverlight app hosted in a DotNetNuke module
> (thanks for the post Philip!) and have hit a weird problem when I uploaded
> the module to the test server.
>   A critical error has occurred.
> The control with ID 'SilverlightModule' requires a ScriptManager on the
> page. The ScriptManager must appear before any controls that need it.
> Any ideas? I've been trying to figure out what the differences are between
> my machine and the server. I've got three DNN installations on my machine
> and it works flawlessly locally. For some reason the server is not
> registering the Scriptmanager.
> I've checked the source of the page on my machine and can see the script
> that registers the scriptmanager but its missing from the server's source.
> (source being viewed via browser)
>  "/Dnn_Auth/ScriptResource.axd?d=svo06Iew2oldx8fZ_h3P_-Kra0ZdVOBxf3F5WVkyvImxAtOfVoxE3zO-vCOG4gpJ_jQOg2GPuFI1&t=32af477a"
> type="text/javascript">
> // Sys.WebForms.PageRequestManager._initialize('ScriptManager',
> document.getElementById('Form'));
> Sys.WebForms.PageRequestManager.getInstance()._updateControls([], [], [],
> 90);
> //]]>
> This is the code I'm using to register the scriptmanager;
> if (!DotNetNuke.Framework.AJAX.IsEnabled()) {
> }
> (started off without the check to see if IsEnabled is not true)
> help! stuck!
> thanks,
> Stephen
> On Mon, Sep 8, 2008 at 9:34 PM, Philip Beadle <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>wrote:
>>  Here's the first post on DNN + SL
>> Regards,
>> *Philip Beadle*
>> Readify | Principal Consultant
>> Microsoft MVP - ASP/ASP.NET, MCAD, MCT
>> Suite 206 Nolan Tower | 29 Rakaia Way | Docklands | VIC 3008 | Australia
>> M: +61 417 301 024 | E: [EMAIL PROTECTED] | C:
>> *From:* [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:
>> [EMAIL PROTECTED] *On Behalf Of *Stephen Price
>> *Sent:* Monday, September 01, 2008 5:17 PM
>> *To:*
>> *Subject:* Re: [OzSilverlight] Accessing the App.xaml resources
>> Awesome, make sure you blog that Silverlight/DNN stuff, I'm looking at
>> getting that happening myself.
>> On Mon, Sep 1, 2008 at 1:47 PM, Philip Beadle <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>> wrote:
>> That worked nicely.  I forgot the INotifyPropertyChanged and went off on a
>> tangent when it didn't work J
>> Make sure you come and give us a hand in the Dev Garten.  We are building
>> a DotNetNuke site with a bunch of Silverlight modules J
>> Regards,
>> *Philip Beadle*
>> Readify | Principal Consultant
>> Microsoft MVP - ASP/ASP.NET , MCAD, MCT
>> Suite 206 Nolan Tower | 29 Rakaia Way | Docklands | VIC 3008 | Australia
>> M: +61 417 301 024 | E: [EMAIL PROTECTED] | C:
>> *From:* [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:
>> [EMAIL PROTECTED] *On Behalf Of *Jonas Follesø
>> *Sent:* Monday, September 01, 2008 3:24 PM
>> *To:*
>> *Subject:* Re: [OzSilverlight] Accessing the App.xaml resources
>> Hi,
>> Silverlight does not support binding against static classes. One thing you
>> could do is something like this:
>> Create a simple binding helper class that implements
>> INotifyPropertyChanged, and with one Bool property.
>> Then create a app level resource like this:
>> Then in your App_Startup, you can fetch out your InitParam set through
>> HTML when initializing your app. Then do this in App_Startup:
>> ((BindingHelper)Resources["bindingHelper"]).IsVisible =
>> Convert.ToBoolean(e.InitParam["myInitParam"]);
>> Then where ever you need to hide/show stuff in your app you can use
>> standard binding.
>> See you in Sydney!
>> Cheers,
>> Jonas
>> On Mon, Sep 1, 2008 at 5:06 PM, Philip Beadle <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>> wrote:
>> Hi All,
>> What i want to do is bind to a list of items and have a button that is
>> either visible or not depending on an InitParam.  Whats the best way to do
>> this?
>> I have tried to make a static resource in App.xaml but i cant access it to
>> change the value.  I have a static variable in App.xaml.cs but can't figure
>> out how to write that into the xaml.
>> Cheers
>> Regards,
>> *Philip Beadle*
>> Readify | Principal Consultant
>> Micros

Re: [OzSilverlight] Accessing the App.xaml resources

2008-09-18 Thread Stephen Price
I've been working on a Silverlight app hosted in a DotNetNuke module (thanks
for the post Philip!) and have hit a weird problem when I uploaded the
module to the test server.
  A critical error has occurred.
The control with ID 'SilverlightModule' requires a ScriptManager on the
page. The ScriptManager must appear before any controls that need it.

Any ideas? I've been trying to figure out what the differences are between
my machine and the server. I've got three DNN installations on my machine
and it works flawlessly locally. For some reason the server is not
registering the Scriptmanager.
I've checked the source of the page on my machine and can see the script
that registers the scriptmanager but its missing from the server's source.
(source being viewed via browser)


This is the code I'm using to register the scriptmanager;

if (!DotNetNuke.Framework.AJAX.IsEnabled()) {
(started off without the check to see if IsEnabled is not true)
help! stuck!


On Mon, Sep 8, 2008 at 9:34 PM, Philip Beadle <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>wrote:

>  Here's the first post on DNN + SL
> Regards,
> *Philip Beadle*
> Readify | Principal Consultant
> Microsoft MVP - ASP/ASP.NET, MCAD, MCT
> Suite 206 Nolan Tower | 29 Rakaia Way | Docklands | VIC 3008 | Australia
> M: +61 417 301 024 | E: [EMAIL PROTECTED] | C:
> *From:* [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:
> [EMAIL PROTECTED] *On Behalf Of *Stephen Price
> *Sent:* Monday, September 01, 2008 5:17 PM
> *To:*
> *Subject:* Re: [OzSilverlight] Accessing the App.xaml resources
> Awesome, make sure you blog that Silverlight/DNN stuff, I'm looking at
> getting that happening myself.
> On Mon, Sep 1, 2008 at 1:47 PM, Philip Beadle <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> wrote:
> That worked nicely.  I forgot the INotifyPropertyChanged and went off on a
> tangent when it didn't work J
> Make sure you come and give us a hand in the Dev Garten.  We are building a
> DotNetNuke site with a bunch of Silverlight modules J
> Regards,
> *Philip Beadle*
> Readify | Principal Consultant
> Microsoft MVP - ASP/ASP.NET , MCAD, MCT
> Suite 206 Nolan Tower | 29 Rakaia Way | Docklands | VIC 3008 | Australia
> M: +61 417 301 024 | E: [EMAIL PROTECTED] | C:
> *From:* [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:
> [EMAIL PROTECTED] *On Behalf Of *Jonas Follesø
> *Sent:* Monday, September 01, 2008 3:24 PM
> *To:*
> *Subject:* Re: [OzSilverlight] Accessing the App.xaml resources
> Hi,
> Silverlight does not support binding against static classes. One thing you
> could do is something like this:
> Create a simple binding helper class that implements
> INotifyPropertyChanged, and with one Bool property.
> Then create a app level resource like this:
> Then in your App_Startup, you can fetch out your InitParam set through HTML
> when initializing your app. Then do this in App_Startup:
> ((BindingHelper)Resources["bindingHelper"]).IsVisible =
> Convert.ToBoolean(e.InitParam["myInitParam"]);
> Then where ever you need to hide/show stuff in your app you can use
> standard binding.
> See you in Sydney!
> Cheers,
> Jonas
> On Mon, Sep 1, 2008 at 5:06 PM, Philip Beadle <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> wrote:
> Hi All,
> What i want to do is bind to a list of items and have a button that is
> either visible or not depending on an InitParam.  Whats the best way to do
> this?
> I have tried to make a static resource in App.xaml but i cant access it to
> change the value.  I have a static variable in App.xaml.cs but can't figure
> out how to write that into the xaml.
> Cheers
> Regards,
> *Philip Beadle*
> Readify | Principal Consultant
> Microsoft MVP - ASP/ASP.NET , MCAD, MCT
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> Suite 206 Nolan Tower | 29 Rakaia Way | Docklands | VIC 3008 | Australia
> M: +61 417 301 024 | E: [EMAIL PROTECTED] | C:
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RE: [OzSilverlight] A couple of questions

2008-09-18 Thread Scott Barnes
I'm seeing a bit of traffic these days around "how to architect" Silverlight. I 
think this is exciting news as folks have not only digested Silverlight well, 
but are now pushing beyond the boundaries (growth is a powerful thing to 
monitor and observe).

I've got a few ideas on how to solve this, but am curious to hear some of your 
pain points specifically around what hurdles you face when architecting Rich 
Applications such as Silverlight?

From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of .net noobie
Sent: Wednesday, September 17, 2008 9:43 PM
Subject: Re: [OzSilverlight] A couple of questions

ok cool, thanks
On Thu, Sep 18, 2008 at 2:31 PM, Jonas Follesø <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Well, you can actually do all this from a Silverlight application. And anything 
you could do from MS AJAX, you could do from Silverlight.

And to be fair the "Client Application Services" (for Windows Forms/WPF) comes 
with classes that abstract away the service interaction, and actually gives you 
a "client side" Membership- and Role Provider. But under the hood it's all HTTP 
JSON calls (I assume for performance reasons, as their API only has synchronous 
methods for accessing the Membership- and Role Provider).

Check this post:
for more information on what you can do.

The service-end point used by the "Client Application Services" client 
libraries are:

You don't get WSDL for these services, but you can invoke them as REST services 
and do things like create user, create role etc. given that the currently 
authenticated user have the permissions needed.

On Thu, Sep 18, 2008 at 2:19 PM, .net noobie <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
"new users, create roles, change role assignment etc." they are the things I 
wanted to do...

so really I would be better off handling all this in the 
ASP.NET page that is hosting my Silverlight Applications and 
then talking too and from the ASP.NET page with my Silverlight 
Application to do these things?

then to stop the page reloading I would need to do these tasks "new users, 
create roles, change role assignment etc." via something like MS AJAX...?

On Thu, Sep 18, 2008 at 2:07 PM, Jonas Follesø <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>From a Silverlight client point of view, what else do you really need? 
>Everything that has to do with validation, accessing user store etc. has to 
>happen on the server and not on the client. Some thing, like Authorization 
>(does this user belong to this role) is useful from the UI, as you can 
>enable/disable certain buttons and functionality. But in the end you have to 
>redo all the validation on the server as you can't trust any input coming from 
>the client.

The reason you got allot more functionality in ASP.NET is 
because you're running on the server, and that is a whole different ball game. 
You got functionality to create new users, create roles, change role assignment 
etc. To do those things from a Silverlight client you would have to expose (and 
secure) the individual pieces your self.

On Thu, Sep 18, 2008 at 2:00 PM, .net noobie <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Authentication Application Service, via WCF is a very limited set of 
functionality compared to what you have in a ASP.NET page, you 
can do a few things like "Login, Logout" and one to two there things right..?

when I was checking it out I ended up making a normal WCF service for my 
Silverlight application, then adding the membership to it  via just wrapping 
the methods of the Membership class I wanted, but it also had a few issues 
doing it that way to, but I got all the parts of Membership I wanted to use...?

is this a bad way to go about it in the future?

please note it was just a learning application for myself, so I was not really 
worried about any security issues passing the data back and forth at the time

On Thu, Sep 18, 2008 at 12:51 PM, Ross McKinnon <[EMAIL 
PROTECTED]> wrote:
Thanks to both of you.

Behalf Of Jordan Knight
Sent: Thursday, 18 September 2008 12:44 PM

Subject: RE: [OzSilverlight] A couple of questions

You where slowed down by all the extra detail :)


Jordan Knight
Readify - Senior Developer

Suite 206 Nolan Tower | 29 Rakaia Way | Docklands | VIC 3008 | Australia
M: +61 403 532 404 | E: [EMAIL PROTECTED] | W:

From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto

RE: [OzSilverlight] A couple of questions

2008-09-18 Thread Scott Barnes
Hi Ross! (long time no speak) :)

1)  You have a number of options, essentially the easiest way is to tap 
into the Windows Communication Foundation services and utilize this option. 
It's essentially sending data over the wire in XML format, Silverlight has 
great hooks already built in to handle these type of requests. We're also 
looking to do more here to make things more seamless in upcoming versions. I 
can't say more than that, but it will get a lot easier in the long term.

2)  That's the intent going forward. We see a great deal of positive power 
with using LINQ inside Silverlight and WPF. It's almost safe to say out loud to 
think of LINQ as  you're Data Passport between client and server. There will be 
more expansion on this in the future as well.

3)  Security will remain similar or if not the same as ASP.NET today. The 
difference is on the client, you essentially need to architect in such a way 
that the initial "first ask" is defining whom the person is and what their 
session may look like. From there, it's a case of "CanIHaveAccessTo(args)" 
style security access (given you're in a non-Refresh situation - assuming this 
is a 100% Silverlight App by the way). Now, the danger here is if not 
architected correctly is that you can fake the "true/false" responses, so the 
further piece to this is to maybe consider using XAML over the wire. In that 
"can I have access to ViewAllUsrProfiles?, If the answer is true, you 
essentially trigger a .xap download or you load .XAML remotely, via an ASP.NET 
page (pushing the content). As this will also be a secondary check to make sure 
they did indeed have positive response to the question"

4)  Could you expand on the Binary Formatter? I.e. what do you have in mind?

5)  We're working on smarter ways to go between Client and Server, but 
can't say much just yet on what that will look like. We're still actively 
planning features and so feel free to expand on what you're thinking here as 
I'm more than happy to walk this into the next planning meeting and discuss 
with the team.

I'll be back home in Brisbane (currently Belinda and I are living in Seattle 
now) around XMAS time. So if you're still stuck around then, I'm sure we can 
find a E&Y event to meet up at and discuss in depth over a beer or two. Failing 
that, feel free to contact me offline to discuss in depth should the above not 
be enough (same goes for anyone on this list btw).

Scott Barnes
(Rich Platforms Product Manager)
Microsoft Corp. | Blog: | Mobile: + 1 (425) 802-9503 (New!)
Twitter: | MSN: [EMAIL 
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From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Ross McKinnon
Sent: Wednesday, September 17, 2008 7:20 PM
Subject: [OzSilverlight] A couple of questions

Hi all,

I am the CIO of Michael Hill Jeweller which is an international (US, Canada, 
New Zealand, Australia) jewellery retail chain whose global head office is 
based in Brisbane and we are in the process of replacing our global website. 
The executive here are very excited by the opportunities presented by 
silverlight and we will be developing the new site using this technology and 
are trying to release it as soon as possible.

I did have a couple of questions which I have posed to Microsoft, but they have 
been unable to answer and most of them are directed towards my personally 
perceived weaknesses of silverlight and I was hoping that someone would be able 
to point out how they can be achieved. Hopefully our work arounds are not the 
suggested best practice.
1) What is the best way of persisting user identity through multiple 
silverlight pages?
2) It appears to me that linq to SQL entities seem to lose the ability to 
maintain state (ie know what is changed) after passing through a wcf call and 
silverlight treats it like a normal class. Is that the case and if so, is that 
going to be changed?
3) What is the best practice for integrating security and sessions between / silverlight / wcf?
4) Are there plans for a binary formatter in the silverlight framework?
5) I have been overlaying silverlight pages over aspx with master and content 
pages. The largest issue with that is being able to pass information between 
your master and content pages (easily achievable in aspx), but are there any 
plans to implement a method to easily pass information between SL pages on the 
client (usually user specific information), other than at creation of the page.
Thanks for any help in advance,

18/9/2008   Ross McKinnon

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