Re: [PROPOSAL] Implementing the SLF4J API directly

2008-12-06 Thread Jacob Kjome
On 12/6/2008 6:27 AM, Thorbjørn Ravn Andersen wrote:
> I believe that the positive in decoupling the logging implementation
> from the application will vastly overshadow any inconvinience in this
> regard.  Most if not all of the work has been done in the slf4j project.

Right.  "Most if not all the work has been done".  What is left?  SLF4J has
succeeded in its aim.  Congratulations!  And I'm not being facetious here.  So,
what exactly is the impetus to to modify Log4j 1.2 when existing SLF4J binders
work well with it?

Also, it seems to me that there is a clear advantage to the SLF4J project in
maintaining control of its own development.  If there's some fundamental fix 
needs to be done to all binders it can be done and released quickly; entirely
under the control of one project.  Why move part of this control out to external
projects?  What is the advantage of it?  Wouldn't that necessitate Log4j to
coordinate its release cycles with SLF4J to a certain extent?  Such a burden 
totally unnecessary as they can and have lived happily apart up to now.

>> However, I could see a significant political advantage to SLF4J to
>> have an implicit endorsement from the ASF and in my mind that is what
>> this proposal is about.  In my mind, java.util.logging has already won
>> the API standardization war years ago, but it has been mostly limited
>> the available appenders and configurators.  One of the design goals
>> ( for log4j 2.0 is to
>> have the back-end classes independent of the API, so that the bulk of
>> log4j 2 is isolated from the client's API choice.
> I find your statement quite interesting.
> If j.u.l won the standardization war, then how come that there has been
> no adapter from log4j to j.u.l from this project?  That would be the
> perfect way to migrate to a standards based logging solution.

I'm not sure about this whole "JUL has won the API war" thing?  I guess I'd have
to hear more from Curt about why he believes this?  I've never even considered
using JUL, but maybe that's just me?

However, the question of why Log4j has not provided adapters for JUL in the 
codebase is probably because it's somewhat of a dead end, development-wise.  It 
in maintenance mode.  It generally works well, but there are fundamental issues
(threading) that can't be fixed without breaking compatibility.  So, changes are
limited to those that preserve compatibility.  The upside is that existing users
who have written custom extensions can upgrade and pick up fixes without having 
worry about breakage.  The downside is that the motivation to innovate remains 
hibernation until someone gets cracking on Log4j 2.0.  I, for one, seem to have
less and less time for this as the years go by; sad but true.

> Are you *ABSOLUTELY* certain you want to bring in politics in this
> technical issue?  In my opinion it will only mudden the waters!

I don't necessarily condone it, but I understand where it comes from.  And 
you followed Log4j-1.3/nLog4j/UGLI experience a few years back, you probably 
understand.  All I can say is that there's a bit of Dejavu going on here.

BTW, notice that Curt did not say no.  He said he wants to evaluate the 
 I think that's reasonable and that demanding immediate consensus is not.  I'd
also like to hear some more convincing arguments from the SLF4J side about how
this proposal provides real benefits over what exists today?  See my questions
above for more on that.

Finally, let's not get lost in tangential issues and concentrate our attention 
the original proposal...

"I propose that log4j implement the SLF4J API directly. This can be done in the
next version of log4j, say 1.3 or 2.0."

I think consensus may be quite high if we're talking about Log4j 2.0, as it has
already been planned that 2.0 will not be compatible with 1.2.xx.  Though keep 
mind that some have certain [re]designs in mind for 2.0.  If Ceki's conception 
2.0 is simply 1.2.xx implementing the SLFJ, I'm not sure he will gain much
traction?  And, again, a convincing argument must be (and hasn't been) made as 
the benefit of direct extension -vs- the existing model.


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Re: [PROPOSAL] Implementing the SLF4J API directly

2008-12-06 Thread Ralph Goers
First let me say that I am in favor of log4j natively supporting the  
SLF4J API in 2.0. As I've also stated, I'd have no objection to using  
Logback as the foundation for 2.0 if we could. You've made it clear  
you are not interested in that. That is disappointing to me but such  
is life.

I have no idea what went on before you went off and started logback  
and slf4j. I understand that you did a large part of the work, just as  
you are in those communities. However, I don't see how the tone of the  
message below is going to generate support from Curt and others. While  
it might be 100% true, more than likely it will just make them mad.

I've seen the sentiment that log4j must remain 100% backward  
compatible. That will continue to be true in 1.2, but I can guarantee  
it won't be in 2.0, should it ever see the light of day. It simply  
can't in order to really support Java 5 and to fix some of the problems.

As to whether a logging call should take an object or a String. SLF4J  
will actually take both. It is "cheating", but since all the  
parameters are Objects and they can be passed through the logging  
implementation I've used them to pass Objects to my custom appender  
without any problem. In Logback they are transient in the logging  
event object so they are lost once the event is serialized, but Log4j  
doesn't have to do that if they don't want to.


On Dec 6, 2008, at 4:02 AM, Ceki Gulcu wrote:

Curt Arnold wrote:
As far as I can tell, there is no significant practical advantage  
to our user community to do a direct implementation of SLF4J in  
log4j over the facade implementation provided by  I have  
never seen a significant performance difference between the two  
approaches and a direct implementation has several strong negatives  
to the log4j community and users that have been previously discussed.
However, I could see a significant political advantage to SLF4J to  
have an implicit endorsement from the ASF and in my mind that is  
what this proposal is about.  In my mind, java.util.logging has  
already won the API standardization war years ago, but it has been  
mostly limited the available appenders and configurators.  One of  
the design goals (  
for log4j 2.0 is to have the back-end classes independent of the  
API, so that the bulk of log4j 2 is isolated from the client's API  

I would like to remind you that there would not be a "log4j brand"
without my work. Excluding chainsaw, I wrote 95% of log4j code and
documentation and spent an order of magnitude more time on log4j than
all the other contributors, including yourself, combined. Flaunting
the log4j brand in my face is shameless.

Since you arrived and filibustered the log4j project, it has gone
nowhere. We used make log4j releases regularly. Now we are lucky if
there is one release a year. We used to have a new committer once a
semester. Log4j project was joined only by one new committer in the
last 4 years, namely Ralh. All log4j comitters, excluding Ralph, but
including you, have been nominated by me. Accusing me of wanting to
get political advantage at the expense of Apache and the log4j brand,
is shameless.

If the current majority of log4j committers wish to continue the
status quo, than that's that. However, I propose a path whereby log4j
would converge on SLF4J, an established and popular API. This will
make life easier for thousands of java developers. I wish more of them
could speak up. If you really think that "java.util.logging has
already won the API standardization war years ago" (quoting your own
words) then none of this matters to you. By the way, how can you say
such thing as logging PMC chair, especially since only a small
minority of Java projects use j.u.l.?

We used to have elections for PMC chair every year. There has not been
any since you were elected in 2005. Why is that?

Why hasn't log4j evolved in the last 4 years? Is it because you don't
want it to evolve?

Ceki Gülcü

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Re: [PROPOSAL] Implementing the SLF4J API directly

2008-12-06 Thread Thorbjørn Ravn Andersen

Ceki Gulcu skrev  den 04-12-2008 21:33:

Curt has plainly expressed his feelings. What do others think?

I think that the slf4j approach is the right way to select the logging 
framework, and it is the only implementation of this approach I am aware 
of.  My personal "Best Practice" list has "use slf4j" high on the list.

As slf4j is an open source project it is not a problem for users to use 
it and choose the backend they like, but an issue in whether log4j 
should acknowledge slf4j at all allowing users to avoid reinventing the 
wheel over and over again, when they find that they need to combine 
libraries which use java.util.logging and log4j with their own source.

I strongly believe that either should the log4j project endorse the 
practice of using slf4j or provide its own implementation of 
"java.util.logging-over-log4j" bridging to give the users the best 
headstart in the world of large applications with lots of independent 
libraries.  If this proprosal is rejected for any reason, the rejecters 
should at least initiate an alternative and reasonable solution to the 
problem of multiple logging frameworks in the same application, as this 
is a real issue encountered by real programmers.

Personally I think that the least complex solution would be either to 
accept a donation of the log4j->slf4j bridge in the standard log4j 
distribution or go the whole way with Cekis suggestion.

 Thorbjørn Ravn Andersen  " Tubular Bells!"

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Re: [PROPOSAL] Implementing the SLF4J API directly

2008-12-06 Thread Thorbjørn Ravn Andersen

Curt Arnold skrev  den 04-12-2008 20:34:

As far as I can tell, there is no significant practical advantage to 
our user community to do a direct implementation of SLF4J in log4j 
over the facade implementation provided by  I have never 
seen a significant performance difference between the two approaches 
and a direct implementation has several strong negatives to the log4j 
community and users that have been previously discussed.
Simply the fact that it is impossible for programs using log4j or java 
util logging to switch between java.util.logging (the Sun standard) and 
log4j (the de-facto standard) should be enough to say that a solution 
must be found.The Commons logging project did not work well, and a 
revised version which do has not shown up.

I believe that the positive in decoupling the logging implementation 
from the application will vastly overshadow any inconvinience in this 
regard.  Most if not all of the work has been done in the slf4j project.

However, I could see a significant political advantage to SLF4J to 
have an implicit endorsement from the ASF and in my mind that is what 
this proposal is about.  In my mind, java.util.logging has already won 
the API standardization war years ago, but it has been mostly limited 
the available appenders and configurators.  One of the design goals 
( for log4j 2.0 is to 
have the back-end classes independent of the API, so that the bulk of 
log4j 2 is isolated from the client's API choice.

I find your statement quite interesting.

If j.u.l won the standardization war, then how come that there has been 
no adapter from log4j to j.u.l from this project?  That would be the 
perfect way to migrate to a standards based logging solution.

Are you *ABSOLUTELY* certain you want to bring in politics in this 
technical issue?  In my opinion it will only mudden the waters!

 Thorbjørn Ravn Andersen  " Tubular Bells!"

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Re: [PROPOSAL] Implementing the SLF4J API directly

2008-12-06 Thread Ceki Gulcu

Curt Arnold wrote:

As far as I can tell, there is no significant practical advantage to our 
user community to do a direct implementation of SLF4J in log4j over the 
facade implementation provided by  I have never seen a 
significant performance difference between the two approaches and a 
direct implementation has several strong negatives to the log4j 
community and users that have been previously discussed.

However, I could see a significant political advantage to SLF4J to have 
an implicit endorsement from the ASF and in my mind that is what this 
proposal is about.  In my mind, java.util.logging has already won the 
API standardization war years ago, but it has been mostly limited the 
available appenders and configurators.  One of the design goals 
( for log4j 2.0 is to 
have the back-end classes independent of the API, so that the bulk of 
log4j 2 is isolated from the client's API choice.

I would like to remind you that there would not be a "log4j brand"
without my work. Excluding chainsaw, I wrote 95% of log4j code and
documentation and spent an order of magnitude more time on log4j than
all the other contributors, including yourself, combined. Flaunting
the log4j brand in my face is shameless.

Since you arrived and filibustered the log4j project, it has gone
nowhere. We used make log4j releases regularly. Now we are lucky if
there is one release a year. We used to have a new committer once a
semester. Log4j project was joined only by one new committer in the
last 4 years, namely Ralh. All log4j comitters, excluding Ralph, but
including you, have been nominated by me. Accusing me of wanting to
get political advantage at the expense of Apache and the log4j brand,
is shameless.

If the current majority of log4j committers wish to continue the
status quo, than that's that. However, I propose a path whereby log4j
would converge on SLF4J, an established and popular API. This will
make life easier for thousands of java developers. I wish more of them
could speak up. If you really think that "java.util.logging has
already won the API standardization war years ago" (quoting your own
words) then none of this matters to you. By the way, how can you say
such thing as logging PMC chair, especially since only a small
minority of Java projects use j.u.l.?

We used to have elections for PMC chair every year. There has not been
any since you were elected in 2005. Why is that?

Why hasn't log4j evolved in the last 4 years? Is it because you don't
want it to evolve?

Ceki Gülcü

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