Re: discreet log types

2003-08-15 Thread Eduardo Francos
Larry Young wrote on 08/15/2003 03:12 AM:

Yes, actually I had already gone down that road as one of my 
first solutions before I posted my original message.  However, when I 
considered that option, I was appending the logging type, which was a 
problem when trying to specify packages instead of individual classes.  
But your suggestion to put it at the beginning could solve that problem.

I'm not so worried about it being clumsy because I can always 
hide it with a wrapper around the front-end if necessary (i.e. create a 
static factory-like method).  And I would only have to define loggers 
for the logging types that my class would be using, not necessarily 
every one that is defined, especially since the list needs to be 
extensible.  And it would also allow me to enable multiple logging types 
for a single class/package.

I'll have to give this one some more thought!  It's not the 
cleanest of solutions, but if no one else on the list thinks this would 
be a good feature to have, then perhaps this would be the quickest 
solution for my situation.  Thanks again for your ideas!

--- regards ---

At 10:51 AM 8/15/03 +1000, you wrote:

On Fri, 2003-08-15 at 10:52, Larry Young wrote:

  Yes, I need to be able to specify which class may display 
 set of discreet types.  For example, I might have com.* allowed to
 display ERROR, but then override that for to 
display only
 TIMING,* to display METHOD_TRACE  TIMING, and* to display DB_ACCESS.


Yeah, the more I think about it the more I see the issue.  Ouch.

Ok, since in each class you like have something like this:

public static final Logger LOG = Logger.getLogger(MyClass.class);

Could you do something like this? (Cumbersome still, but hey, if you
want Ultimate Configuration it comes with Ultimate complexity usually
public static final DBLogger = Logger.getLogger(DB. +
MyClass.class.getName() );
public static final TimerLogger= Logger.getLogger(Trace. +

That way you will have a Logger for every class and every aspect.  You
can then turn _ALL_ Trace logging by setting the DB Logger to whatever
level, then all the class names inherit from it.  You can then also set
DB to INFO, but override with
Would that help?



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Larry Young
The Dalmatian Group
I believe your concern will be covered in Log4j 1.3 under the topic 
Logging Domains. It's described in the plan as a very powerful and 
innovative concept that extends the notion of hierarchical loggers. It 
will also allow dynamic logging with pin-point accuracy
I cannot be sure of this because there isn't much written on the subject 
but I remember a discussion about it somewhere (sorry, I don't remember 
where) that described logging domains in a way tha would cover the needs 
of your discreet types.


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Re: discreet log types

2003-08-14 Thread Ceki Gülcü
If it can run, it can also walk!

I think the existing system can be made to closely simulate the behavior 
you describe.

Here is how:

- Set the root logger to the level OFF.

- Name your loggers as fatal, error, timing, CodeBlock, 
ControlPoint, DBAccess, Info, etc. Set their levels to OFF when you 
create them.

- Whenever you can any of the above loggers, call it with the same printing 
metdod, say info(Object message) of the org.apache.log4j.Logger class.

To enable a type set its level to INFO or above. To disable it, set its 
level to DEBUG or lower. Assuming the type names do not contain dot ('.') 
characters, the types will be independent.

Do I need to continue?

At 04:25 PM 7/30/2003 -0700, Larry Young wrote:

I'm looking at creating a logging package for our applications 
(web  non-web).   The reason for yet-another-logger is that I want 
discreet logging types, not hierarchical levels.  I've built this kind of 
a package before for previous projects, and ended up building the whole 
thing because I didn't think log4j could do what I wanted (that was 
several years ago).  Now I'm building another one, and looking at the 
current version of log4j, and having read much of Ceki's book (which I 
highly recommend!), I'm thinking that there's got to be a way of 
re-configuring (bending?) log4j to do what I need.  I don't think it's 
that far off.

Basically, I want to be able to enable/disable logging for a 
particular class or package by type, and each type is totally independent 
of every other type.  Some examples of types might be:  Fatal, Error, 
Timing, CodeBlock, ControlPoint, DBAccess, Info, etc.  There is no 
implicit ordering between these various types, so levels are 
inappropriate. What I want to be able to do is to turn on/off each type 
independently, so that I can turn on Timing without having to also turn 
on Info, or be able to turn on CodeBlock without turning on Error.  I 
also want the users of my package to be able to define additional types 
and register them with the logger at runtime (via code or xml ???).  Oh 
yeah, I also need to have the logger reload the config file (or some 
portion of it) on a regular basis so that we can change the enabled types 
without bouncing the app-server or restarting the application.

I was thinking if I tried to tie all my types to a single 
level, and did something with the log-level filtering to enable/disable 
by package or class, that would get me close.  I'm not sure how I'd tie 
in the type.  I'd probably have to programatically update the log-level 
filters with updates to handle config changes at runtime.

Thoughts, ideas, concerns???Any comments are gratefully 
accepted!  :)

--- regards ---
Larry Young
The Dalmatian Group
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Ceki For log4j documentation consider The complete log4j manual
 ISBN: 2970036908

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Re: discreet log types

2003-08-14 Thread Larry Young

That's an interesting way of looking at logger types!  But how 
would that allow me to enable/disable log messages for a particular 
class?  One of the features I need is the ability to specify that a 
particular class should display a particular type of log message (or 
possibly more than one).  This would appear to only let me set the message 
type system wide.  Did I miss something?

--- regards ---

At 11:10 PM 8/14/03 +0200, you wrote:

If it can run, it can also walk!

I think the existing system can be made to closely simulate the behavior 
you describe.

Here is how:

- Set the root logger to the level OFF.

- Name your loggers as fatal, error, timing, CodeBlock, 
ControlPoint, DBAccess, Info, etc. Set their levels to OFF when you 
create them.

- Whenever you can any of the above loggers, call it with the same 
printing metdod, say info(Object message) of the org.apache.log4j.Logger class.

To enable a type set its level to INFO or above. To disable it, set its 
level to DEBUG or lower. Assuming the type names do not contain dot 
('.') characters, the types will be independent.

Do I need to continue?

At 04:25 PM 7/30/2003 -0700, Larry Young wrote:

I'm looking at creating a logging package for our applications 
(web  non-web).   The reason for yet-another-logger is that I want 
discreet logging types, not hierarchical levels.  I've built this kind 
of a package before for previous projects, and ended up building the 
whole thing because I didn't think log4j could do what I wanted (that 
was several years ago).  Now I'm building another one, and looking at 
the current version of log4j, and having read much of Ceki's book (which 
I highly recommend!), I'm thinking that there's got to be a way of 
re-configuring (bending?) log4j to do what I need.  I don't think it's 
that far off.

Basically, I want to be able to enable/disable logging for a 
particular class or package by type, and each type is totally 
independent of every other type.  Some examples of types might 
be:  Fatal, Error, Timing, CodeBlock, ControlPoint, DBAccess, Info, 
etc.  There is no implicit ordering between these various types, so 
levels are inappropriate. What I want to be able to do is to turn 
on/off each type independently, so that I can turn on Timing without 
having to also turn on Info, or be able to turn on CodeBlock without 
turning on Error.  I also want the users of my package to be able to 
define additional types and register them with the logger at runtime 
(via code or xml ???).  Oh yeah, I also need to have the logger reload 
the config file (or some portion of it) on a regular basis so that we 
can change the enabled types without bouncing the app-server or 
restarting the application.

I was thinking if I tried to tie all my types to a single 
level, and did something with the log-level filtering to 
enable/disable by package or class, that would get me close.  I'm not 
sure how I'd tie in the type.  I'd probably have to programatically 
update the log-level filters with updates to handle config changes at runtime.

Thoughts, ideas, concerns???Any comments are gratefully 
accepted!  :)

--- regards ---
Larry Young
The Dalmatian Group
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Ceki For log4j documentation consider The complete log4j manual
 ISBN: 2970036908

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Larry Young
The Dalmatian Group 

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Re: discreet log types

2003-08-14 Thread Paul Smith
On Fri, 2003-08-15 at 07:49, Larry Young wrote:
  That's an interesting way of looking at logger types!  But how 
 would that allow me to enable/disable log messages for a particular 
 class?  One of the features I need is the ability to specify that a 
 particular class should display a particular type of log message (or 
 possibly more than one).  This would appear to only let me set the message 
 type system wide.  Did I miss something?

No, you haven't missed anything, it would set the types system wide, and
allow you to specify the level system wide, but if that was not granular
enough, can't you specific a particular Filter for your appender?  (i.e
all classes logging to the DB logger, but you filter for a particular

I'm sure you could write yourself a Filter sub-class very quickly and
attach it to an Appender via the configuration.   You could configure
this Filter impl with some configuration as to what classes you want to
see output.

Hope that makes sense.


Paul Smith

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Re: discreet log types

2003-08-14 Thread Larry Young

Yes, I need to be able to specify which class may display which 
set of discreet types.  For example, I might have com.* allowed to 
display ERROR, but then override that for to display only 
TIMING,* to display METHOD_TRACE  TIMING, and* to display DB_ACCESS.

I've been looking at the filter solution based on your original 
suggestion (thanks!).  But if I'm not mistaken, Filters can only be applied 
to Appenders, not Loggers.  So I would have to define multiple appenders, 
one for each logger that I have, or rather one for each logger I explicitly 
define in the config file.  That would seem to be rather cumbersome.  And 
using Ceki's solution, each logger is based on the type, so the filter 
would still apply to all classes, since there is no class information in 
the LogEvent class.  I could solve that using MDC, but I am still missing 
the critical piece which ties a specific class/package to a list of allowed 
logging types.

The trick it seems to me is that I need to define the permitted 
logging types per class/package in the config file, just the way logging 
levels are defined today, either in conjunction with or as a replacement 
for.  Ultimately, if I want to be able to enable/disable logging types by a 
specific class/package (just like levels are), then I need to build that 
association somewhere.  I can define it either in the log4j config file, or 
in a separate config file (obviously, the fewer config files, the 
better!).  And that association needs to be maintained in memory at runtime 
either with the current logger sitting in the default repository, or in a 
new logger class in a separate repository, or in a totally separate global 
collection associating loggers to their allowed types.

I am sorry if I'm not explaining myself very well.  I have a 
pretty clear idea in my head, but perhaps I'm not communicating it very 
well.  Thanks for all your input!

I am still interested to hear if anyone on the list thinks that 
the idea of logging by discreet types is of interest and would be a useful 
feature for others out there besides myself.  BTW, I'll be out tomorrow, so 
I won't be checking my email again until Monday.  Have a good weekend!

--- regards ---

At 07:52 AM 8/15/03 +1000, you wrote:
On Fri, 2003-08-15 at 07:49, Larry Young wrote:

  That's an interesting way of looking at logger types!  But how
 would that allow me to enable/disable log messages for a particular
 class?  One of the features I need is the ability to specify that a
 particular class should display a particular type of log message (or
 possibly more than one).  This would appear to only let me set the message
 type system wide.  Did I miss something?
No, you haven't missed anything, it would set the types system wide, and
allow you to specify the level system wide, but if that was not granular
enough, can't you specific a particular Filter for your appender?  (i.e
all classes logging to the DB logger, but you filter for a particular
I'm sure you could write yourself a Filter sub-class very quickly and
attach it to an Appender via the configuration.   You could configure
this Filter impl with some configuration as to what classes you want to
see output.
Hope that makes sense.


Paul Smith

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Larry Young
The Dalmatian Group 

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Re: discreet log types

2003-08-14 Thread Paul Smith
  Yes, actually I had already gone down that road as one of my first 
 solutions before I posted my original message.  However, when I considered 
 that option, I was appending the logging type, which was a problem when 
 trying to specify packages instead of individual classes.  But your 
 suggestion to put it at the beginning could solve that problem.

As I was writing my last message I also started with it at the end, and
realised the same thing you have.  I think it has more power at the
front.  Log4j does not have a complete taxonomy, it is strictly
hierarchical, so you will ALWAYS have to choose a primary node structure
at the top (this is usually the package name hierarchy).  It sounds like
your aspect (DB, TRACE) etc is your primary concern, with a secondary
concern of the source class.  

  I'm not so worried about it being clumsy because I can always hide 
 it with a wrapper around the front-end if necessary (i.e. create a static 
 factory-like method).  And I would only have to define loggers for the 
 logging types that my class would be using, not necessarily every one that 
 is defined, especially since the list needs to be extensible.  And it would 
 also allow me to enable multiple logging types for a single class/package.
  I'll have to give this one some more thought!  It's not the 
 cleanest of solutions, but if no one else on the list thinks this would be 
 a good feature to have, then perhaps this would be the quickest solution 
 for my situation.  Thanks again for your ideas!

Feel free to discuss your ideas further on the list as you develop them,
I'm sure other people will be interested in how you go (definately me). 
May even be worth a nice Wiki page outlining your ideas, and how you
accomplished them.  I'm sure other people would appreciate it if you
have the time.  (see


Paul Smith

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Re: discreet log types

2003-08-01 Thread Larry Young

Thanks for the response.  Let me repeat back to you what I think 
you are saying to be sure I understand.

Basically you are using MDC (I don't think NDC would be quite 
right, and not sure what Properties are in this context) to add a 
user-specified attribute to each logging call.  Since MDC preserves these 
per-thread, they would only apply to the caller's data.  I'm assuming that 
the MDC data is available in the LoggingEvent object (I know NDC is).  So 
assuming that the log type is the data put into the MDC, then the Filter 
can check that against the current setting for that type, but it will still 
have to scan the package hierarchy programmatically to see if that type is 
enabled for the calling class.  This might be a problem with nested timing 
blocks if I try to use MDC for the timing info also, I need to give that 
some more thought.  Perhaps that is where NDC would come in handy.

If that's not what you were suggesting, please correct as 
necessary.  Otherwise, I'll give that a try!

--- regards ---
At 09:31 AM 7/31/03 +1000, you wrote:
Hi Larry,

This is where you would probably delve into the MDC/NDC/Properties
At each 'type' point/location in code I would add a MDC/NDC/Property
(whatever works best) at the point, and remove it afterwards where
appropriate.  The log events generated between these places would then
have a Level, belong to a Logger (you're class/interface/logger name),
and have additional information for your 'type'.
Then it is just a matter of configuring Filters at the appender level to
filter out events that you're not interested in for that appender.  You
might have to develop some custom Filter classes to meet your needs, or
re-use/build on the Filter classes that are in Log4j, but that's the
approach I would use.
Configuration reloading is free out of the box, just register a File
Watchdog (see the PropertyConfigurator.configureAndWatch(file,
watchTime) method, plus the DOMConfigurator obviously has this too).
I hope this helps you.


Paul Smith

On Thu, 2003-07-31 at 09:25, Larry Young wrote:

  I'm looking at creating a logging package for our applications
 (web  non-web).   The reason for yet-another-logger is that I want
 discreet logging types, not hierarchical levels.  I've built this kind 
of a
 package before for previous projects, and ended up building the whole 
 because I didn't think log4j could do what I wanted (that was several 
 ago).  Now I'm building another one, and looking at the current version of
 log4j, and having read much of Ceki's book (which I highly recommend!), 
 thinking that there's got to be a way of re-configuring (bending?) 
log4j to
 do what I need.  I don't think it's that far off.

  Basically, I want to be able to enable/disable logging for a
 particular class or package by type, and each type is totally independent
 of every other type.  Some examples of types might be:  Fatal, Error,
 Timing, CodeBlock, ControlPoint, DBAccess, Info, etc.  There is no 
 ordering between these various types, so levels are inappropriate. 
 I want to be able to do is to turn on/off each type independently, so that
 I can turn on Timing without having to also turn on Info, or be able to
 turn on CodeBlock without turning on Error.  I also want the users of my
 package to be able to define additional types and register them with the
 logger at runtime (via code or xml ???).  Oh yeah, I also need to have the
 logger reload the config file (or some portion of it) on a regular 
basis so
 that we can change the enabled types without bouncing the app-server or
 restarting the application.

  I was thinking if I tried to tie all my types to a single
 level, and did something with the log-level filtering to enable/disable
 by package or class, that would get me close.  I'm not sure how I'd tie in
 the type.  I'd probably have to programatically update the log-level
 filters with updates to handle config changes at runtime.

  Thoughts, ideas, concerns???Any comments are gratefully
 accepted!  :)

 --- regards ---

 Larry Young
 The Dalmatian Group

Larry Young
The Dalmatian Group 

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discreet log types

2003-07-30 Thread Larry Young

I'm looking at creating a logging package for our applications 
(web  non-web).   The reason for yet-another-logger is that I want 
discreet logging types, not hierarchical levels.  I've built this kind of a 
package before for previous projects, and ended up building the whole thing 
because I didn't think log4j could do what I wanted (that was several years 
ago).  Now I'm building another one, and looking at the current version of 
log4j, and having read much of Ceki's book (which I highly recommend!), I'm 
thinking that there's got to be a way of re-configuring (bending?) log4j to 
do what I need.  I don't think it's that far off.

Basically, I want to be able to enable/disable logging for a 
particular class or package by type, and each type is totally independent 
of every other type.  Some examples of types might be:  Fatal, Error, 
Timing, CodeBlock, ControlPoint, DBAccess, Info, etc.  There is no implicit 
ordering between these various types, so levels are inappropriate. What 
I want to be able to do is to turn on/off each type independently, so that 
I can turn on Timing without having to also turn on Info, or be able to 
turn on CodeBlock without turning on Error.  I also want the users of my 
package to be able to define additional types and register them with the 
logger at runtime (via code or xml ???).  Oh yeah, I also need to have the 
logger reload the config file (or some portion of it) on a regular basis so 
that we can change the enabled types without bouncing the app-server or 
restarting the application.

I was thinking if I tried to tie all my types to a single 
level, and did something with the log-level filtering to enable/disable 
by package or class, that would get me close.  I'm not sure how I'd tie in 
the type.  I'd probably have to programatically update the log-level 
filters with updates to handle config changes at runtime.

Thoughts, ideas, concerns???Any comments are gratefully 
accepted!  :)

--- regards ---
Larry Young
The Dalmatian Group 

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Re: discreet log types

2003-07-30 Thread Paul Smith
Hi Larry, 

This is where you would probably delve into the MDC/NDC/Properties

At each 'type' point/location in code I would add a MDC/NDC/Property
(whatever works best) at the point, and remove it afterwards where
appropriate.  The log events generated between these places would then
have a Level, belong to a Logger (you're class/interface/logger name),
and have additional information for your 'type'.

Then it is just a matter of configuring Filters at the appender level to
filter out events that you're not interested in for that appender.  You
might have to develop some custom Filter classes to meet your needs, or
re-use/build on the Filter classes that are in Log4j, but that's the
approach I would use.

Configuration reloading is free out of the box, just register a File
Watchdog (see the PropertyConfigurator.configureAndWatch(file,
watchTime) method, plus the DOMConfigurator obviously has this too).

I hope this helps you.


Paul Smith

On Thu, 2003-07-31 at 09:25, Larry Young wrote:
  I'm looking at creating a logging package for our applications 
 (web  non-web).   The reason for yet-another-logger is that I want 
 discreet logging types, not hierarchical levels.  I've built this kind of a 
 package before for previous projects, and ended up building the whole thing 
 because I didn't think log4j could do what I wanted (that was several years 
 ago).  Now I'm building another one, and looking at the current version of 
 log4j, and having read much of Ceki's book (which I highly recommend!), I'm 
 thinking that there's got to be a way of re-configuring (bending?) log4j to 
 do what I need.  I don't think it's that far off.
  Basically, I want to be able to enable/disable logging for a 
 particular class or package by type, and each type is totally independent 
 of every other type.  Some examples of types might be:  Fatal, Error, 
 Timing, CodeBlock, ControlPoint, DBAccess, Info, etc.  There is no implicit 
 ordering between these various types, so levels are inappropriate. What 
 I want to be able to do is to turn on/off each type independently, so that 
 I can turn on Timing without having to also turn on Info, or be able to 
 turn on CodeBlock without turning on Error.  I also want the users of my 
 package to be able to define additional types and register them with the 
 logger at runtime (via code or xml ???).  Oh yeah, I also need to have the 
 logger reload the config file (or some portion of it) on a regular basis so 
 that we can change the enabled types without bouncing the app-server or 
 restarting the application.
  I was thinking if I tried to tie all my types to a single 
 level, and did something with the log-level filtering to enable/disable 
 by package or class, that would get me close.  I'm not sure how I'd tie in 
 the type.  I'd probably have to programatically update the log-level 
 filters with updates to handle config changes at runtime.
  Thoughts, ideas, concerns???Any comments are gratefully 
 accepted!  :)
 --- regards ---
 Larry Young
 The Dalmatian Group
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