Re: All threads blocked while logging

2014-10-17 Thread Michael Schall
Please post your config.

On Fri, Oct 17, 2014 at 4:55 AM, Calin Pavel

  Hello everybody,

 I do have an .NET application (Windows Service) that collects data from a
 lot of sources (DBs, log files, machines event logs, ...) and uses Log4Net
 to log details of the actions / execution.  As expected, I'm using a high
 number of threads to collect data, threads that are writing logs in some
 files (RollingFileAppenderer).

 Lately it happens that the entire application is BLOCKED because all
 threads were trying to acquire a read lock, like in the stack trace:
 1ac3d998 774715fa [HelperMethodFrame: 1ac3d998]
 1ac3da90 07fef747b5e9 System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(Int32)
 1ac3dac0 07fef5fb9631
 1ac3db90 07fef5cd297e
 1ac3dbf0 07fef5cd28fa
 1ac3dc40 07fe98fb4efd
 1ac3dcc0 07fe98fb4907
 log4net.Repository.Hierarchy.Logger.Log(System.Type, log4net.Core.Level,
 System.Object, System.Exception)
 1ac3dd30 07fe98fb47f9 log4net.Core.LogImpl.Info(System.Object)


 Did you encountered this before or did anybody else reported similar

 May be it's important to mention:
 - I'm using Log4Net 1.2.13, .NET 4.5 on Windows 2008 R2
 - that my threads have a timeout, and if they do not finish the job in the
 given interval they are aborted.

 In relation with this, I found a possible explanation of application
 hanging here:

 Could it be that the acquire of read lock in Logger.CallAppenderers method
 to generate our problems?

 Thank you in advance,
 Calin Pavel

Re: All threads blocked while logging

2014-10-17 Thread Michael Schall
Usually when blocking occurs, it has something to do with the LockingModel:

I don't see that you are setting this to MinimalLock in what you posted,
but I would verify that you are leaving this setting as the default

We always put a BufferingForwardingAppender (
in front of a RollingFileAppender.  This will help as you actually aren't
writing every log event when it happens.  We use something like the
following configuration to buffer X events and write them out when the
buffer is full (ensure you have lossy = false so you don't lose events) or
an event of WARN or higher is logged.

appender name=BufferingForwardingAppender
bufferSize value=100 /
lossy value=false /
evaluator type=log4net.Core.LevelEvaluator
threshold value=WARN/
appender-ref ref=RollingFileAppender /

Note that this makes it harder to watch your logs as they will only be
flushed every X (100 in the above example) events.  If you need to see
immediate logs and have the process using ConfigureAndWatch to configure
logging, you can just switch the bufferSize configuration to 1 while you
are looking at the logs and set it back when done.

You should also ensure you have a call to LogManager.Shutdown (
when your process is exiting (clean or on error) so log4net can try to get
all events flushed before the process exits.

Hope this helps


On Fri, Oct 17, 2014 at 9:06 AM, Calin Pavel


 We use attached configuration as an XML file, but in addition to this at
 runtime we add dynamically some appenderers with the code:

  private void addLoggerForMonitor(Hierarchy loggerRepository,
 MonitorConfig monitorConfig)
 Logger root = loggerRepository.Root;
 RollingFileAppender mainAppender =
 string logPath = mainAppender.File;
 string logDir = logPath.Substring(0,

 // create the appender
 RollingFileAppender monitorAppender = new
 monitorAppender.Name = buildAppendererName(monitorConfig);
 monitorAppender.File = Path.Combine(logDir,

 // Copy values from the DataCollector appenderer (main
 monitorAppender.DatePattern = DateHelper.DATE_FORMAT + '_ + + .log';
 monitorAppender.AppendToFile = mainAppender.AppendToFile;
 monitorAppender.RollingStyle = mainAppender.RollingStyle;
 monitorAppender.StaticLogFileName =
 monitorAppender.PreserveLogFileNameExtension =

 PatternLayout layout = new PatternLayout(%date [%thread]
 %-5level %logger{1}:%L - %message%newline);
 monitorAppender.Layout = layout;
 monitorAppender.Threshold = monitorConfig.loggingLevel;

 PropertyFilter filter = new PropertyFilter();
 filter.Key = LoggingConstants.THREAD_LOGGING_KEY;
 filter.StringToMatch =;

 DenyAllFilter filterDeny = new log4net.Filter.DenyAllFilter();


 // create the logger
 Logger pbeakkLogger =

 // Force DEBUG level for logger. Filter by level will be done
 by appenderer
 pbeakkLogger.Level = Level.Debug;


 Calin Pavel

 On 10/17/2014 4:16 PM, Michael Schall wrote:

 Please post your config.

 On Fri, Oct 17, 2014 at 4:55 AM, Calin Pavel

  Hello everybody,

 I do have an .NET application (Windows Service) that collects data from a
 lot of sources (DBs, log files, machines event logs, ...) and uses Log4Net
 to log details of the actions / execution.  As expected, I'm using a high
 number of threads to collect data, threads that are writing logs in some
 files (RollingFileAppenderer).

 Lately it happens that the entire application is BLOCKED because all
 threads were trying to acquire a read lock, like in the stack trace:
 1ac3d998 774715fa [HelperMethodFrame: 1ac3d998]
 1ac3da90 07fef747b5e9 System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(Int32)
 1ac3dac0 07fef5fb9631

Re: Inconsistent results observed while using BufferingForwardAppender

2014-08-14 Thread Michael Schall
Try adding the thread name to your conversion to ensure it is a different

conversionPattern value=%level %date{-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss.fffzzz}
%property{hostname}  [%thread]  %property{guid} %message%newline /

It seems more likely that a thread is being reused.


On Thu, Aug 14, 2014 at 10:51 AM, Ananth Tatachar

 I am working with log4net version : .

 I am getting inconsistent results , while using RollingFileAppender with

 My application is a multithreaded application. I spawned 5 threads Each
 will call the constructor of MyClass and SomeFunction once.

 My application's sertup is as follows:



  appender name=RollingLocalFileAppender type=
   file type=log4net.Util.PatternString
  value=C:\Logs\TFile.log /
   rollingStyle value=Date /
  datePattern value=-MM-dd /
  maxSizeRollBackups value=10 /
   appendToFile value=true /
  layout type=log4net.Layout.PatternLayout
 conversionPattern value=%level %date{-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:
 %property{hostname}  %property{guid} %message%newline /
 appender name=BufferedFileAppender type=
   bufferSize value=512 /
  evaluator type=log4net.Core.TimeEvaluator

 interval value=10 /
 !--Send buffered events immediately if 10 seconds pass--
   Fix value=0 /
  !--Buffering can have severe performance degradation if this is set
 to the default (ALL)--

 Logging Class:


 Class MyClass


 public MyClass()


 Log4net.ThreadContext.Properties[guid] = Guid.NewGuid();


 public void SomeFunction()


 Ilog log = LogManager.GetLogger(typeof(MyClass));

 Log.Info(my message);





 Observed Results:

 INFO 2014-08-14T10:47:36.659-04:00 ANANTHTATACHAR MyAudsDigest
 [LQR-Y8c71EmtWl7ZqItYoQ] my message

 INFO 2014-08-14T10:47:36.659-04:00  ANANTHTATACHAR MyAudsDigest
 [9hDzS-_Su0SrEoXZF_aGMw] my message

 INFO 2014-08-14T10:47:36.729-04:00 ANANTHTATACHAR MyAudsDigest
 [GsxT7aTfNEq1uIsqPYeZ5w]  my message

 INFO 2014-08-14T10:47:36.789-04:00 ANANTHTATACHAR MyAudsDigest
 [9hDzS-_Su0SrEoXZF_aGMw] my message

 INFO 2014-08-14T10:47:36.955-04:00 ANANTHTATACHAR MyAudsDigest
 [9hDzS-_Su0SrEoXZF_aGMw] my message

 Expected Results:

 Unique guid in all the messages.


 I understand that Fix value  NONE in
 will not fix any volatile variables , but making it all results in all my
 guids in all the 5 messages becoming same.

 Could anybody please tell me how to fix this issue?

Re: Too many log files

2011-05-26 Thread Michael Schall
I just created my own appender in a new assembly. That way I could roll back to 
the stock implementation if needed. 


On May 26, 2011, at 11:09 AM, Lansdaal, Michael T wrote:

 Thanks for posting that (I don’t follow the mailing list too closely and 
 missed it).  I like the current implementation if your patch that has 
 MaxDateRollBackups of 4 keeping
 I guess the question would be – are the developers interested in folding this 
 into the main branch or are we stuck with making our own patched version?
 Thanks, Mike
 From: Michael Schall [] 
 Sent: Tuesday, May 24, 2011 9:57 AM
 To: Log4NET User
 Subject: Re: Too many log files
 I worked on a solution to this that we are using in production...  I posted 
 it on the list without much response...  You are welcome to try this...'t+support+maximum+number+backup
 On Tue, May 24, 2011 at 11:38 AM, Rob Richardson 
 Thanks for your reply!  I quote a reply to that thread below:
 I suspect the difficulties deleting files rolled only by date is that
 the appender would need to take into account the DatePattern used when
 locating files to be considered for deleting. Counted backups
 (log.txt.1, log.txt.2, log.txt.3, etc.) are easier to deal with because
 integer sequences are more well-known.
 I'm not aware of any efforts to support rolling of files based on
 I would be happy with counted backups, as mentioned in that reply.  How do I 
 set my rolling file appender to do that?
 Thanks again!
 From: Lansdaal, Michael T [] 
 Sent: Tuesday, May 24, 2011 12:33 PM
 To: Log4NET User
 Subject: RE: Too many log files
 This post 
  says that maxSizeRollBackups does not work if you set RollingStyle to 
 RollingMode.Date (and another post I saw says it as “rollingStyle of Date 
 does not support maxSizeRollBackups).
 I have implemented my own directory cleaning code in application to clean out 
 log files older than a certain date.
 Thanks, Mike
 From: Rob Richardson [] 
 Sent: Tuesday, May 24, 2011 8:37 AM
 To: Log4NET User
 Subject: Too many log files
 Log4net is ignoring the maximum number of files for my rolling file appender:
   appender name=RollingFile type=log4net.Appender.RollingFileAppender
 file value=HeatingModelScheduler.log /
 appendToFile value=true /
 param name=MaxSizeRollBackups value=5 /
 param name=DatePattern value=.-MM-dd.lo\g /
 layout type=log4net.Layout.PatternLayout
   conversionPattern value=%date - %message%newline /
 Why do I now have six old log files?
 Thank you very much.

Re: Too many log files

2011-05-24 Thread Michael Schall
I worked on a solution to this that we are using in production...  I posted
it on the list without much response...  You are welcome to try this...'t+support+maximum+number+backup

On Tue, May 24, 2011 at 11:38 AM, Rob Richardson

  Thanks for your reply!  I quote a reply to that thread below:

 I suspect the difficulties deleting files rolled only by date is that
 the appender would need to take into account the DatePattern used when
 locating files to be considered for deleting. Counted backups
 (log.txt.1, log.txt.2, log.txt.3, etc.) are easier to deal with because
 integer sequences are more well-known.

 I'm not aware of any efforts to support rolling of files based on

 I would be happy with counted backups, as mentioned in that reply.  How do
 I set my rolling file appender to do that?

 Thanks again!



 *From:* Lansdaal, Michael T []
 *Sent:* Tuesday, May 24, 2011 12:33 PM
 *To:* Log4NET User
 *Subject:* RE: Too many log files

 This post (
 says that maxSizeRollBackups does not work if you set RollingStyle to
 RollingMode.Date (and another post I saw says it as “rollingStyle of Date
 does not support maxSizeRollBackups).

 I have implemented my own directory cleaning code in application to clean
 out log files older than a certain date.

 Thanks, Mike

 *From:* Rob Richardson []
 *Sent:* Tuesday, May 24, 2011 8:37 AM
 *To:* Log4NET User
 *Subject:* Too many log files

 Log4net is ignoring the maximum number of files for my rolling file

   appender name=RollingFile type=log4net.Appender.RollingFileAppender

 file value=HeatingModelScheduler.log /

 appendToFile value=true /

 param name=MaxSizeRollBackups value=5 /

 param name=DatePattern value=.-MM-dd.lo\g /

 layout type=log4net.Layout.PatternLayout

   conversionPattern value=%date - %message%newline /



 Why do I now have six old log files?

 Thank you very much.


Re: RollingFileAppender

2011-01-17 Thread Michael Schall
Re-reading your exact requirements, I'm not sure you can get exactly what you 
want with the built in appenders. 

The current RollingFileAppender roles on size changing the log count portion of 
the file name and on date changing the date portion. I think you would need to 
write your own appender if you want to change the date when size rolls the 


On Jan 16, 2011, at 8:48 PM, cyz wrote:

 Hi, do you mind to provide an example? I played around with the Composite
 setting, but didn't get what I really want.
 Michael Schall wrote: like
 you want to have a rollingStyle=Composite
 On Fri, Jan 14, 2011 at 12:01 AM, cyz wrote:
 Tried the configuration, but the backup file name is still log.txt.1,
 log.txt.2, doesn't append with datetime as specified in DatePattern
 Jim Scott-8 wrote:
 Try this
 appender name=RollingFileAppender
 file value=log.txt /
 appendToFile value=true /
 rollingStyle value=Size /
 maxSizeRollBackups value=-1 /
 maximumFileSize value=10MB /
 staticLogFileName value=true /
 countDirection value=0 /
 layout type=log4net.Layout.PatternLayout
 conversionPattern value=%date [%thread] %-5level %logger
 [%property{NDC}] - %message%newline /
 On 1/13/2011 8:28 PM, cyz wrote:
 Hi, I'd like to have a logging system with below behaviors, is
 RollingFileAppender able to achieve?
 1  messages are logged to a fixed file name, say log.txt.
 2  log files are auto backup by sizes. I.e. when log.txt hits the
 size, it's renamed as logyyMMddHHmmss.txt, next message coming in will
 written to log.txt again.
 3  there is no limit on how many files can be backup.
 Thank you.
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Re: Is there an SMTP appender limit

2010-10-02 Thread Michael Schall
10 should be fine, but you could always use a distribution list.


On Oct 1, 2010, at 11:26 PM, Ron Grabowski wrote:

 Whatever the Framework's limit is for MailMessage's To property. You'll 
 be limited by whatever the mail server is setup to accept.
 - Original Message 
 To: Log4NET User
 Sent: Thu, September 30, 2010 10:41:19 AM
 Subject: Is there an SMTP appender limit
 Just curious if there is any limit for the to value for the SmtpAppender.
 I have about 10 emails I need to put in the to value, so is that ok?
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Re: Log in more than 1 log destination for different assemblies.

2009-09-02 Thread Michael Schall
When you say multiple assemblies, I assume you mean multiple
processes?  Logging this way is not suggested as for each log message
you have to reopen the file.  If you have really light logging, it
would probably be ok...

Look at the LockingModel:


This example shows how to configure the appender to use the minimal
locking model that allows multiple processes to write to the same

appender name=FileAppender type=log4net.Appender.FileAppender
file value=${TMP}\log-file.txt /
appendToFile value=true /
lockingModel type=log4net.Appender.FileAppender+MinimalLock /
layout type=log4net.Layout.PatternLayout
conversionPattern value=%date [%thread] %-5level %logger
[%property{NDC}] - %message%newline /

On Wed, Sep 2, 2009 at 3:28 AM, wrote:

 Hi Christian,

 I'm actually looking to achieve the opposite, I want to know if it's
 possible to get several assemblies to log to the SAME log file.  Have you
 managed to achieve this?  If so, do you have any example code/configs etc.?

 Many Thanks

 cristianmad wrote:


 I am new to log4net and just starting reading some documentation about it.
 We need to see if it would be a suitable logging solution for our
 Our product (like most of them) uses a number of assemblies. I was
 wondering if it would be possible for each assembly to log in its own log
 file (or any other destination) even if they are loaded in the same
 application domain.
 For example consider we have the following assemblies: A.dll and B.dll. Is
 it possible for the two assemblies to log in their own log files even if
 they are loaded in the same application domain?
 If yes, could you please give me a very simple example?

 Thank you,

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 Sent from the Log4net - Users mailing list archive at

Re: Log in more than 1 log destination for different assemblies.

2009-09-02 Thread Michael Schall
Instead of using the GlobalContext.Properties to define where your
logs are coming from I would define a Shared/Static logger per class
based on the fully qualified class name allowing you to use the
logger hierarchy as defined here

The FAQ has a section too...

This way you can turn off specific loggers, direct them to different
appenders, ...


On Wed, Sep 2, 2009 at 9:01 AM, wrote:

 Thanks for the replying.

 When I say mutliple assemblies I have a GUI app. and it uses log4net to log
 to a file let's say 'C:\Claymore.log'.

 I have developed several .dll files which I call from within the GUI app.  I
 want the code within the .dll files to also log to 'C:\Calymore.log'.

 I've actually just managed to get it working but I'm not using locking and
 wonder whether I should be or not for this scenario.  As far as I'm aware
 everything will run in the same process and should be fine without

 Here's what I've done:

 In both the GUI front-end and each .dll I have added the following entry to
 the AssemblyInfo.vb (yes, I'm using!) file


 In GUI Front-End Assembly ONLY I've added 'Claymore.exe.log4net' file.

 Then in GUI Front-End class:

 Public Class frmDashboard
    Public Shared logger As log4net.ILog

    Private Sub frmDashboard_Load(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As
 System.EventArgs) Handles Me.Load
        log4net.GlobalContext.Properties(AssemblyName) =
        logger = log4net.LogManager.GetLogger(ClaymoreLogger)
        logger.Info(Dashboard_Load() - Start)
        logger.Debug(Dashboard_Load() - Finish)
        Dim clsGUI As New ClaymoreGUI.clsDashboard()
    End Sub
 End Class

 In my ClaymoreGUI.dll:

 Public Class clsDashboard
    Public Shared logger As log4net.ILog

    Public Sub New()
        log4net.GlobalContext.Properties(AssemblyName) =
        logger = log4net.LogManager.GetLogger(ClaymoreLogger)
        logger.Info(New() - Start)
        logger.Debug(New() - Finish)
    End Sub
 End Class

 Seems to work well :-)

 Michael Schall wrote:

 When you say multiple assemblies, I assume you mean multiple
 processes?  Logging this way is not suggested as for each log message
 you have to reopen the file.  If you have really light logging, it
 would probably be ok...

 Look at the LockingModel:


 This example shows how to configure the appender to use the minimal
 locking model that allows multiple processes to write to the same

 appender name=FileAppender type=log4net.Appender.FileAppender
     file value=${TMP}\log-file.txt /
     appendToFile value=true /
     lockingModel type=log4net.Appender.FileAppender+MinimalLock /
     layout type=log4net.Layout.PatternLayout
         conversionPattern value=%date [%thread] %-5level %logger
 [%property{NDC}] - %message%newline /

 On Wed, Sep 2, 2009 at 3:28 AM,

 Hi Christian,

 I'm actually looking to achieve the opposite, I want to know if it's
 possible to get several assemblies to log to the SAME log file.  Have you
 managed to achieve this?  If so, do you have any example code/configs

 Many Thanks

 cristianmad wrote:


 I am new to log4net and just starting reading some documentation about
 We need to see if it would be a suitable logging solution for our
 Our product (like most of them) uses a number of assemblies. I was
 wondering if it would be possible for each assembly to log in its own
 file (or any other destination) even if they are loaded in the same
 application domain.
 For example consider we have the following assemblies: A.dll and B.dll.
 it possible for the two assemblies to log in their own log files even if
 they are loaded in the same application domain?
 If yes, could you please give me a very simple example?

 Thank you,

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 Sent from the Log4net - Users mailing list archive at

Re: forced log

2009-09-02 Thread Michael Schall
You could define a separate logger for your the ones you always want log...

logger = log4net.LogManager.GetLogger(AlwaysLog) world)

logger name=AlwaysLog
level value=ALL /
appender-ref ref=... /

Depending on how you usually get a logger...


This has the downside of not knowing which class you are logging from...

Might work for your circumstance...


On Wed, Sep 2, 2009 at 10:36 AM, wrote:

 Hi all,

 I'm looking for a way to force a log without using Fatal.
 For example, let us say I want to print a log with the application name and
 version.  I want this printed regardless of what the log level is.

 Right now, I am just using the fatal log level.  The problem with this is it
 ruins some of the data collection we have where we have a count of the
 number of errors/fatal logs.

 Is there some way to do a logger.ForcedLog( INFO, my string) ?  Which
 basically ignores the priority of the message, but still logs it?

 I have see this ForcedLog API in log4j
 but it does not seem to in log4net (


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Re: Experiencing locks while using AdoNetAppender

2009-08-18 Thread Michael Schall
Not sure if this has changed, but I'm pretty sure there is a database  
lock on inserts/updates.  So only one insert at a time. You might try  
the BufferedForwardingAppender. It might serialize the inserts for you.

On Aug 18, 2009, at 8:36 PM, Ron Grabowski  

I think that's how SQLite works. Have you tried writing to a  
single .db file from multiple threads without using log4net?

From: Patrick Kalkman
Sent: Tuesday, August 18, 2009 8:29:17 AM
Subject: Experiencing locks while using AdoNetAppender


I am using the AdoNetAppender for logging messages from multiple  
application. All the applications log into one sqllite database.  
Sometimes when a lot of information is logged I am experiencing  
exceptions like:

log4net:ERROR [AdoNetAppender] Exception while writing to database
System.Data.SQLite.SQLiteException: The database file is locked
database is locked
at System.Data.SQLite.SQLite3.Reset(SQLiteStatement stmt)
at System.Data.SQLite.SQLite3.Step(SQLiteStatement stmt)
at System.Data.SQLite.SQLiteCommand.ExecuteNonQuery()
at System.Data.SQLite.SQLiteTransaction..ctor(SQLiteConnection  
connection, Boolean deferredLock)
at System.Data.SQLite.SQLiteConnection.BeginTransaction(Boolean  
at System.Data.SQLite.SQLiteConnection.BeginDbTransaction 
(IsolationLevel isolationLevel)

at log4net.Appender.AdoNetAppender.SendBuffer(LoggingEvent[] events)

The default CommandTimeout in the AdoNetAppender on the IDbCommand  
is 30 seconds, but I would like to influence this timeout in the  
log4net configuration (file) so that I can influence the timeout on  
the logging if the database is locked for a longer portion of time.  
Reducing the timeout may lead to events getting lost, but I prefer  
that to our application hanging for the full CommandTimeout waiting  
for the database to become unlocked.

Is it possible to configure the timeout using configuration? or  
would it be better to choose for a solution like deriving from the  
AdoNetAppender and add the functionality?

Thanks in advance for any answers.


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Re: relative path for config file

2009-08-06 Thread Michael Schall
We configure our logging in code using an external xml file using

This way  I can change my logging settings without resetting my website.


2009/8/6 Karim Bourouba

 Hi There,

 I understand you desire to have a central directory for log files - but
 surely if they are all going to live in the \Configs dir, then this
 directory will always be in the same place on each machine?

 Other than that, I think unless you want to have a seperate utility to
 manage your logfiles for you, then you will probably need to set the path in
 the code :(

 Raszka - sometimes it is very useful to hold some configuration in an
 external xml file.

 Subject: RE: relative path for config file
 Date: Thu, 6 Aug 2009 08:14:47 +0200

 you can try this:
 add key=log4net.Config.File value=~\configs\log4net.config /
 but I'm not sure if this works. What you are using external config
 file? log4net config can be written directly in web.config.
 Od: Christian Chenier []
 Odesláno: 5. srpna 2009 18:16
 Předmět: relative path for config file


 I use log4net in a C# web application and am having problems configuring it
 to use a relative path to point to the location of a configuration file
 external to web.config.

 In web.config, if I use

   add key=log4net.Config.File value=C:\somePath\log4net.config /

 all works fine. However, I would like to avoid having to hard-code the
 physical path and would like to specify something like

   add key=log4net.Config.File value=configs\log4net.config /

 where the configs directory is located in the same directory as web.config
 (the AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory). However this does not work (I
 no longer get anything output to my log file when I make that change).

 I understand that one can programmatically construct a full path from the
 base directory, but there is surely a way to specify a relative path
 directly in the web.config file? I have tried modifying the string using
 leading slash (and backslash), etc. to no avail, and could not find a
 solution anywhere. Does anyone know how to do this?

 (As an aside, using a relative path to specify the output file name within
 the appender works fine, relative to the base directory.)


 Chris Chenier

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 emoticons. Get Them Now


2009-02-25 Thread Michael Schall
What appenders are you using? I assume one of them is the rolling file
appender?  How large is the log file produced with the setting at DEBUG vs
If you need to keep the debug information you can look at
the BufferingForwardingAppender.  The following will buffer 255 messages
before writing to the file, unless there is a WARN or higher message, then
the buffer is flushed immediately.  This should hopefully let the error
message that crashes the system still make it to the log file.:)

 I don't know how your loggers are setup, but you can turn off at that level
as well.


appender name=BufferingForwardingAppender
bufferSize value=255 /
lossy value=false /
evaluator type=log4net.Core.LevelEvaluator
threshold value=WARN/
appender-ref ref=RollingFile /
 appender name=RollingFile type=log4net.Appender.RollingFileAppender
file value=..\..\log\web.log /
appendToFile value=true /
maximumFileSize value=100MB /
maxSizeRollBackups value=-1 /
layout type=log4net.Layout.PatternLayout
conversionPattern value=%5level [%date] [%thread] %-30.30logger{2}
level value=DEBUG /
appender-ref ref=BufferingForwardingAppender /

On Wed, Feb 25, 2009 at 8:31 AM, Walden H. Leverich


 That's not a log4net issue as much as it's an issue in your application.
 Sounds like your application (like many) makes lots of log.Debug()
 calls, to log, um, debug information. By switching the logging from
 DEBUG to INFO you've stopped all those log entries from being written to
 disk. Even more, if your app developers were smart about it, they
 checked the IsDebugEnabled property before making the log.Debug() call,
 so you're not even evaluating the parms to that call, and sometimes that
 can be quite expensive.

 So, it's a known issue that logging more stuff takes more time, but I
 wouldn't call it a bug.


 Walden H Leverich III
 Tech Software
 (516) 627-3800 x3051

 Quiquid latine dictum sit altum viditur.
 (Whatever is said in Latin seems profound.)

Re: How to use separate config file for log4net

2008-12-06 Thread Michael Schall

No, it is only required once for the process.

Sent from my iPod

On Dec 6, 2008, at 7:28 AM, wijitha [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

First, thanks for replying me.

now that is working.
but now i wanna know, Should this piece of code be written  in  

of each class i write.

 FileInfo log4NetConfigFile = new FileInfo(log4net.config);

 if (log4NetConfigFile == null || !log4NetConfigFile.Exists) throw new
Exception(unable to find log file);


thank you


// initialize the log4net config file

// the system expects to find it in the same folder as the exe file =

FileInfo  log4NetConfigFile = new  FileInfo  
( MyCustomConfigFile.config


if (log4NetConfigFile == null || ! log4NetConfigFile.Exists) throw  

Exception ( unable to find log4net log file );

XmlConfigurator .Configure(log4NetConfigFile);

From: wijitha [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, December 05, 2008 10:14 AM
Subject: How to use separate config file for log4net

Hi all

I want to use log4net with my project.
here is the simple example i tried.

App.config :

type=log4net.Config.Log4NetConfigurationSectionHandler, log4net/

A1 is set to be a ConsoleAppender

A1 uses PatternLayout

Set root logger level to DEBUG and its only appender to A1

here is the code:

private static readonly ILog log =
static void Main(string[] args)
log.Info(Entering application.);
log.Debug(Exiting application.);
Console.Write(This Log4Net example);

This thing is working well.
And what i want to do is put the log4net configuration part in a  

file call Log4Net.config

if any one know how to do this please reply me. It is better if u can
separately give me the two configuration files. (App.config and

thanks a lot

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Re: How to use separate config file for log4net

2008-12-05 Thread Michael Schall
You don't need anything in your app.config.  Just use
the log4net.Config.XmlConfigurator.ConfigureAndWatch method instead as pass
it a file with your log4net definitions.

This will also allow you to change logging settings while the program is


On Fri, Dec 5, 2008 at 9:46 AM, wijitha [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Hi all

 I want to use log4net with my project.
 here is the simple example i tried.

 App.config :

 ?xml version=1.0 encoding=utf-8 ?
   section name=log4net
 type=log4net.Config.Log4NetConfigurationSectionHandler, log4net/


 A1 is set to be a ConsoleAppender
appender name=A1 type=log4net.Appender.ConsoleAppender

   A1 uses PatternLayout
  layout type=log4net.Layout.PatternLayout
conversionPattern value=%-4timestamp [%thread] %-5level %logger
 %ndc - %message%newline /

 Set root logger level to DEBUG and its only appender to A1
  level value=DEBUG /
  appender-ref ref=A1 /

 here is the code:

private static readonly ILog log =
static void Main(string[] args)
log.Info(Entering application.);
log.Debug(Exiting application.);
Console.Write(This Log4Net example);

 This thing is working well.
 And what i want to do is put the log4net configuration part in a separate
 file call Log4Net.config

 if any one know how to do this please reply me. It is better if u can
 separately give me the two configuration files. (App.config and

 thanks a lot

 View this message in context:
 Sent from the Log4net - Users mailing list archive at

Re: custom fields?

2008-10-02 Thread Michael Schall
Take a look at the documentation around contexts and how they override each
other...  Hopefully this will give you want you want...

We use both the GlobalContext and the ThreadContext and they work great.


On Thu, Oct 2, 2008 at 1:31 PM, Bill McCormick [EMAIL PROTECTED]wrote:

 Thanks, so much Francine!!

 If I understand correctly, once the GC property is set, it would stay set
 for every logged message thereafter? It would actually be better if it would
 be reset, since I would need (potentially) new values with each new logged



 On Thu, Oct 2, 2008 at 12:01 PM, Francine Taylor 

  Sure.  Here's how you can create a custom dynamic field:

 Put this in your application's log4net setup:

 // This is a way of creating a dynamic property (found in

 // To use it, put a reference to the property in the appender's property:

 // It isn't actually used for anything right now, but I wanted it left in
 as an example

 log4net.GlobalContext.Properties[custom1] = new Custom1();

 log4net.GlobalContext.Properties[custom2] = new Custom2();

 log4net.GlobalContext.Properties[custom2] = new Custom3();

 And then add this class to your project:

 // You can use this class to create an active property to be used in the
 log4net configuration


 // In your application setup routine you would create the property:

 // log4net.GlobalContext.Properties[sampler] = new SampleProperty();


 // Then in the log4net.xml file, a pattern might contain this reference:


 using System;

 using System.Collections.Generic;

 using System.Text;

 namespace Genesis.Logging {

 public static class ActiveProperties {

 public static string custom1 = custom1 value;

 public static string custom2 = custom2 value;

 public static string custom3 = custom3 value;


 public class Custom1 {

 public override string ToString() {

 return ActiveProperties.custom1;



 public class Custom2 {

 public override string ToString() {

 return ActiveProperties.custom2;



 public class Custom3 {

 public override string ToString() {

 return ActiveProperties.custom3;




 Then, in your InfoFormat method, just set the sampleProperty to whatever
 you passed in, just before you log the error.


 *From:* Bill McCormick [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 *Sent:* Thursday, October 02, 2008 9:39 AM
 *To:* log4net-user
 *Subject:* custom fields?


 Is it possible to add custom fields to log4net. I'd like to be able to do
 something like this:

 log.InfoFormat(Custom1, Custom2, Custom3, {0},Message);

 and then have an appender look something like:

 layout type=log4net.Layout.

   conversionPattern value=%custom1 %custom2 %custom3 %message%newline



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Re: RollingLogFileAppender

2008-02-18 Thread Michael Schall
This is not an answer, but I open log files with notepad++ all the time and
I don't have the MinimalLock flag set.  There must be a way...

On Feb 18, 2008 4:45 AM, Beyers Cronje [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Hi all,

 Quick question. I am using a RollingLogFileAppender on a webservice.
 Logging works 100%, but whenever I try to open the log file for reading in
 another process I get a sharing violation on the log file. I open the file

 FileStream file = new FileStream(fileName, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read,

 Would I have to enable MinimalLock, or is there a way to use ExclusiveLock
 and have another process read from the log file ?

 Kind regards

 Beyers Cronje

Re: Newbie: Log4Net or MS Logging Application Block?

2007-10-24 Thread Michael Schall
We wrap log4net and have had no issues and we have a logger for each class.
I have not swapped it out as your argument suggests, but I don't like to use
any library directly.  It shields you not only from swapping out a library,
but from breaking changes in the library you are wrapping. Most of my
wrapper is below... Am I missing something?  I'm hopping this would allow me
to switch to say nLog if I wanted...

Public Interface ILogger

Sub Debug(ByVal format As String, ByVal ParamArray args() As Object)
Sub Info(ByVal format As String, ByVal ParamArray args() As Object)
Sub Warn(ByVal format As String, ByVal ParamArray args() As Object)
Sub [Error](ByVal format As String, ByVal ParamArray args() As
Sub Fatal(ByVal format As String, ByVal ParamArray args() As Object)

Sub Debug(ByVal format As String, ByVal exception As Exception,
ByVal ParamArray args() As Object)
Sub Info(ByVal format As String, ByVal exception As Exception, ByVal
ParamArray args() As Object)
Sub Warn(ByVal format As String, ByVal exception As Exception, ByVal
ParamArray args() As Object)
Sub [Error](ByVal format As String, ByVal exception As Exception,
ByVal ParamArray args() As Object)
Sub Fatal(ByVal format As String, ByVal exception As Exception,
ByVal ParamArray args() As Object)

ReadOnly Property IsDebugEnabled() As Boolean
ReadOnly Property IsInfoEnabled() As Boolean
ReadOnly Property IsWarnEnabled() As Boolean
ReadOnly Property IsErrorEnabled() As Boolean
ReadOnly Property IsFatalEnabled() As Boolean

End Interface

Public NotInheritable Class LogManager

Public Shared Sub Configure(ByVal configFile As FileInfo)

If configFile Is Nothing Then
Throw New System.ArgumentNullException(configFile)
End If

System.Diagnostics.EventLog.WriteEntry( _
Process.GetCurrentProcess.ProcessName), _
 String.Format(Configuring logging using configuration file
{0}, configFile.FullName))


GetLogger(GetType(LogManager)).Debug(Configured logging using
configuration file {0}, configFile.FullName)

End Sub

Public Shared Function GetLogger(ByVal type As System.Type) As
Dim logger As log4net.ILog = _
System.Reflection.Assembly.GetCallingAssembly(), type)
Return New Log4NetAdapter(logger)
End Function

End Class

Friend Class Log4NetAdapter
Implements ILogger

Private _inner As ILog

Friend Sub New(ByVal log4netLogger As ILog)
_inner = log4netLogger
End Sub

'Implement interface methods delegating to _inner

End Class

On 10/24/07, Owen Corpening [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  I second that, but beyond me-too, the only thing I need that I don't
 have currently is aspect-based logging or the equivalent. In general I have
 concluded that .net aspect technologies are not-there-yet.

 I want to be able to add logging at build or runtime, ideally for runtime
 I can just add a jar with some kind of config file to an existing app and
 get the logging I need …

 Obviously no amount of wrapping will even lead in such a direction …

 Or maybe just-in-time logging, where it will somehow without a performance
 penalty buffer the last bit of logging then when an exception happens start
 logging 5 minutes ago ….

 As for wrapping for down the road I have not seen many applications even
 make it down the road … they all keep getting rewritten or close to it as
 new technologies keep arriving … so log4net being the best-in-breed I say
 use it ….



 *From:* Peter Drier [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 *Sent:* Wednesday, October 24, 2007 9:05 AM
 *To:* Log4NET User
 *Subject:* Re: Newbie: Log4Net or MS Logging Application Block?

 I've seen many people wrap log4net just so they could swap it out down the

 Doing that, you lose the context sensitivity of having a logger in each
 class..  one of log4net's greatest strengths..

 And I've never ever seen it actually replaced down the road..  It makes
 much more sense to create a custom appender to write to whatever system you
 need down the road, while still using log4net as the plumbing within your

 I'd advise HEAVILY against wrapping log4net to everyone.  You will be
 trading a strength for a sense of flexibility you'll never actually use.


 On 10/23/07, *shaeney* [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 José Joye wrote:
  However. in order not to be too hardly tight to log4net, we decided
  to build a facade to abstract the Logging framework. This was done in
  order to easily switch the logging framework we use behind the

 Thanks Jose, I had 

Re: UDP Appender Issues

2007-08-03 Thread Michael Schall
I'm not an expert, but I have it working and here is the config.  You
are missing the LocalPort param.  I don't know if it is required.

appender name=UdpAppender type=log4net.Appender.UdpAppender
param name=LocalPort value=23098 /
param name=RemoteAddress value= /
param name=RemotePort value= /
layout type=log4net.Layout.XmlLayoutSchemaLog4j, log4net
locationInfo value=true /

On 8/3/07, Scott Glass [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


   I'm trying to log events to ChainSaw using the UdpAppender.  However, even
 after following the directions on the web site I keep getting the message:

 log4net:ERROR [UdpAppender] Unable to send logging event to remote host ::1
 on port 8080.

 System.Net.Sockets.SocketException: An address incompatible
 with the requested protocol was used

at System.Net.Sockets.Socket.SendTo(Byte[] buffer, Int32
 offset, Int32 size, SocketFlags socketFlags, EndPoint remoteEP)

at System.Net.Sockets.UdpClient.Send(Byte[] dgram, Int32
 bytes, IPEndPoint endPoint)

at log4net.Appender.UdpAppender.Append(LoggingEvent

 A first chance exception of type 'System.NullReferenceException' occurred in

 The thread 0x918 has exited with code 0 (0x0).

 appender name=UdpAppender type=log4net.Appender.UdpAppender

 remoteAddress value= /

 remotePort value=8080 /

 layout type=log4net.Layout.XmlLayoutSchemaLog4j

 locationInfo value=true /



 Firewall rules are in place to allow UDP:8080 traffic and netStat shows an
 open listener on port 8080.

 I'm at a loss, any ideas?



Re: File Paths

2007-07-25 Thread Michael Schall

I had a similar problem where the same exe could be launched multiple times
at the same time.  You can modify the filename of the log by properties in
log4net.  I used the processid there may be something like assemblyName or

   appender name=RollingFile type=log4net.Appender.RollingFileAppender

   file type=log4net.Util.PatternString
value=log\foo-pid%processid- /
   rollingStyle value=Composite /
   appendToFile value=false /
   datePattern value=MMdd /
   maximumFileSize value=100MB /
   maxSizeRollBackups value=-1 /
   StaticLogFileName value=false /
   layout type=log4net.Layout.PatternLayout
   conversionPattern value=%5level [%date] [%thread] %-
30.30logger{2}%message%newline /

On 7/25/07, Vanderkolk, John [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


I'm writing a logger utility for a solution that has several different
points of execution. They will all be under some particular folder, but relative
to this folder their locations are different. All of these applications
are to read the same config file which specifies locations for file
appenders, one for each of the points of execution.

My problem is that since log4net reads the paths specified in the config file
as relative to the executing module, when each executable is run, it makeslog 
files in different locations when I want them
all to make log files in the same location.

EX: Here is an example with 2 executables:

…\Installation Folder\


Program 1\








The problem is that since both exe's read the same config file, I can't
get them both to write logs to the same place. Short of writing my own
utility to configure the loggers I don't see any other way.

Any help would be appreciated,

John VanderKolk


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Re: no log file is created

2007-06-27 Thread Michael Schall

Put the following in your Application_Start in your Global.asax...

Dim applicationBase As String =
Dim log4netPath As String = Path.Combine(applicationBase, 

If File.Exists(log4netPath) Then
   Throw New System.InvalidOperationException(Unable to find logging
configuration file at   log4netPath)
End If
Note that if this fails for some reason (file not present) or other
configuration issues, you will not have logging configured.  We kill the app
domain so that logging (and other configuration) is configured or the system
will not start up.

Sub Application_Start(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As EventArgs)
   Dim lg As ILogger = Nothing
   *Code above
*Catch ex As Exception
   Dim t As New Threading.Thread(AddressOf ShutdownApp)
   End Try
End Sub

Private Sub ShutdownApp()
End Sub
On 6/27/07, Samuel Rochas [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Dear Michael,

I've tried to define an EventLogAppender as shown bellow, but still
nothing happens. I may have a bigger problem ;-)
In the Solution Explorer view, I can see the Bin directory with the
log4net.dll inside, so for me it looks good.

If I use an external config file for log4net, where do I tell my
application to use it?



  !-- Register a section handler for the log4net section --
section name=log4net type=
System.Configuration.IgnoreSectionHandler /
  !-- This section contains the log4net configuration settings --
!-- Define some output appenders --
appender name=EventLogAppender type=
  layout type=log4net.Layout.PatternLayout
conversionPattern value=%date [%thread] %-5level %logger
[%property{NDC}] - %message%newline /
appender name=A1 type=log4net.Appender.RollingFileAppender
  file value=C:\Dev\Test\log\log.txt /
  appendToFile value=true /
  maxSizeRollBackups value=10 /
  maximumFileSize value=1024KB /
  rollingStyle value=Size /
  staticLogFileName value=true /
  layout type=log4net.Layout.PatternLayout
conversionPattern value=%date [%thread] %-5level %logger [%ndc]
- %message%newline /
  level value=DEBUG /
  appender-ref ref=EventLogAppender /
logger name=com.mypackage.test 
  level value=DEBUG /
  appender-ref ref=EventLogAppender /

Michael Schall escribió:

Are any of the other appenders working(EventViewer, Console)? If not are
you configuring log4net?  I see you have your configuration in your web
config file.  We don't do it this way.

If the others are working, it has to be in your config file or

We use external config files and configure it manually during
Application_Start in the global.asax.  Below is a sample of our
Web.log4net.config file.  This way we can change logging without resetting
the web site.


appender name=RollingFile type=
file value=..\..\log\Regen.log /
rollingStyle value=Composite /
appendToFile value=false /
datePattern value=MMdd /
maximumFileSize value=100MB /
maxSizeRollBackups value=-1 /
StaticLogFileName value=false /
layout type=log4net.Layout.PatternLayout
conversionPattern value=%5level [%date] [%thread] %-
30.30logger{2} %message%newline /

appender name=EventLog type=log4net.Appender.EventLogAppender 
applicationName value=Regen /
filter type=log4net.Filter.LevelRangeFilter
levelMin value=INFO /
layout type=log4net.Layout.PatternLayout 
conversionPattern value=%logger %newline %message /

level value=DEBUG /
appender-ref ref=RollingFile /
appender-ref ref=EventLog /


On 6/27/07, Samuel Rochas [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Dear Michael,

 I have changed my app to write a file using a TextWriter and this is
 working so I believe my app has rights to write files. But I still have the
 log problem, no log file is created.

 Do you have any suggestion on what should I try now?


 Michael Schall escribió:

 You don't need to escape them.  Here is my appender declaration...

 appender name=RollingFile type=
 file value=C:\Projects\Company_Name\Project_Name\log\web.log
 appendToFile value=true

Re: no log file is created

2007-06-22 Thread Michael Schall

You don't need to escape them.  Here is my appender declaration...

   appender name=RollingFile type=log4net.Appender.RollingFileAppender

   file value=C:\Projects\Company_Name\Project_Name\log\web.log /
   appendToFile value=true /
   maximumFileSize value=100MB /
   maxSizeRollBackups value=-1 /
   layout type=log4net.Layout.PatternLayout
   conversionPattern value=%5level [%date] [%thread] %-
30.30logger{2}%message%newline /

On 6/22/07, Samuel Rochas [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Dear Michael,

I run the web server which comes with studio. I am not sure how / where
to configure it. I open the IIS tool, and in the Default web site
properties, I setup the directory rights to write. But no change is to

Do you need to escape the '\' characters like you do in Java for the
absolute file path like C:\\path1\\path2\\file.txt?

Thank you

Michael Schall escribió:
 The user the application is running as has to have rights to write to
 / create files in the folder where you are logging.  Keep in mind that
 if you are debugging, that might be a different relative path than if
 you are running the program directly.  I use an absolute path for my
 rolling file appenders and they work great.


Re: no log file is created

2007-06-21 Thread Michael Schall

The user the application is running as has to have rights to write to /
create files in the folder where you are logging.  Keep in mind that if you
are debugging, that might be a different relative path than if you are
running the program directly.  I use an absolute path for my rolling file
appenders and they work great.


On 6/21/07, Samuel Rochas [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Dear all,

I use to work with Log4j but I am new to Log4net. I try to setup a small
example but no file is created while logging, though the line with the
log instruction is executed. This is my setup, any hint? Thank you in

*** web.config ***
  !-- Register a section handler for the log4net section --
section name=log4net
type=System.Configuration.IgnoreSectionHandler /
!-- To enable internal log4net logging specify the following
appSettings key --
!-- add key=log4net.Internal.Debug value=true/ --
  !-- This section contains the log4net configuration settings --
!-- Define some output appenders --
appender name=A1 type=log4net.Appender.RollingFileAppender
  file value=log.txt /
  appendToFile value=true /
  maxSizeRollBackups value=10 /
  maximumFileSize value=1024KB /
  rollingStyle value=Size /
  staticLogFileName value=true /
  layout type=log4net.Layout.PatternLayout
header value=[Header]#13;#10; /
footer value=[Footer]#13;#10; /--
conversionPattern value=%date [%thread] %-5level %logger
[%ndc] - %message%newline /
  level value=DEBUG /
  appender-ref ref=A1 /
logger name =L1
  level value=DEBUG /
  appender-ref ref=A1 /

*** My code ***
public static class Query
// Logger instance
private static readonly ILog log =

public static ArrayList myMethod(string id_p, string course_p)
 log.Debug(Entering application.);


Compress Delete old logs

2006-05-30 Thread Michael Schall

Is there a way with the rollingfile appender to have it compress
itself as it is rolling to the next file?  I would name my logs by
date, and would like the old files to compress (zip, cab, some format
readable without extra installs) as a new file is being created.

Also, is it possible to have a max number of files saved?  We would
like to only keep the last x days of logs.

So day to day the files would be compressed and after x days, the
compressed files would be removed.

Is this possible currently, or planned in the future?


Re: Compress Delete old log

2006-05-30 Thread Michael Schall

Thanks for the reply...

appender name=RollingFile type=log4net.Appender.RollingFileAppender
file value=C:\Projects\IaDoc\Icon\log\web.log /
appendToFile value=true /
maximumFileSize value=100MB /
maxSizeRollBackups value=-1 /
layout type=log4net.Layout.PatternLayout
conversionPattern value=%5level [%date] [%thread]
%-30.30logger{2}%message%newline /

In my case at least I would like it to write a 100mb file, create a
new one to log to, and then compress the original file in a separate
thread to that dates zip file.  For example lets say that my
application logs 500mb a day.  When reaching the 100mb limit it would
rename the file to as it does today and create a new
web.log.  It would then create a new thread that would move that log
file to a zip archive  When the limit is reached
again, the same thing would happen only file that is
created would be moved into the existing file.

Also the MaxSizeRollBackups is per time based group.  (The maximum
applies to each time based group of files and not the total.)  We
don't set a time, so it defaults to 1 day.  We have that setting set
to -1 so that we don't delete any for that day.  I would like a
setting that does it per appender so I can keep only the last 14 days
worth of files.  This request is so we don't need to have an external
process to clean the logs.  It is our policy that the one that does
the logging, cleans up the logging.


On 5/30/06, Ron Grabowski [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

The RollingFileAppender does not have compression support built-in.
What should happen if I set my rolling log file size to 200mb? Should
my application stop responding until the compression process is

According to this page:

The MaxSizeRollBackups property is the maximum number of backup files
that are kept before the oldest is erased.

Are you able to roll files on a daily basis then run another program
every day to compress old log files? There may be general purpose
command line utilities that do this already.

--- Michael Schall [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Is there a way with the rollingfile appender to have it compress
 itself as it is rolling to the next file?  I would name my logs by
 date, and would like the old files to compress (zip, cab, some format
 readable without extra installs) as a new file is being created.

 Also, is it possible to have a max number of files saved?  We would
 like to only keep the last x days of logs.

 So day to day the files would be compressed and after x days, the
 compressed files would be removed.

 Is this possible currently, or planned in the future?
