Re: [log4perl-devel] Log4perl and catching unhandle exceptions but not using 'easy' mode

2009-05-20 Thread Robert Jacobson
Richard Burton |log4perl_sourceforge| wrote:
 Hi all
 I am trying to capture unhandled exceptions that are sent to STDERR,
 e.g. for example the following could would give such an error
 I can catch this using stealth as loggers outlined in
 but the example assumes you are using the easy configuration method.
 The question I have is can I do a similar thing but use an external
 configuration file for log4perl? I have tried but failed so would
 appreciate any guidance?

Here's what I did:
1.  Make a file  It's basically the same as the example,
except the Log4perl init, which uses a config file (in this case, with a
 SIGHUP to re-read it):

package Trapper;

use Log::Log4perl qw(get_logger :levels);

my $logger = get_logger(program.category);

... [etc]

2. In my perl program:
tie (*STDERR, 'Trapper');


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log4perl-devel mailing list

Re: [log4perl-devel] subclassed DBI (DBI_Buffer) does not release dbh filehandles on reinit

2009-02-26 Thread Robert Jacobson
Mike Schilli |log4perl_sourceforge| wrote:
 On Tue, 24 Feb 2009, Robert Jacobson wrote:
 Those are mostly the expected values from the Layout I specified
 (time, log level, script name, hostname, PID, ?, message).
 That's peculiar ... what does your layout look like?
 It's hard to diagnose the problem without code that reproduces it, can
 you post a stripped-down version of your appender?

I attached the appender code (full version), a configuration file, and a
test program in the first post I made.   I could understand how you'd
want a stripped-down version of the appender :)

I wasn't sure what would happen if I stripped it down -- but it turns
out that even with only two subs defined (new and post_init), the
appender exhibits the problem of persistent DB connections.

The stripped-down version of DBI_Buffer is attached, along with the test
program and config.  (again, modify the database config to match your

For the error called 7 bind variables when 6 are needed..., I added a
little debug to (while still using my subclassed appender).  With
the l4_depends_on code in the stripped-down i.e.:

if ($self-{errorappender}) {
# Pass back the appender to be synchronized as a dependency
# to the configuration file parser
push @{$p{l4p_depends_on}}, $self-{errorappender};
push @{$p{l4p_post_config_subs}}, sub { $self-post_init() };

Then $p in DBI::calculate_bind_values shows the message as an array, e.g.:

calculate_bind_values Dump p:
$VAR1 = {
  'log4p_level' = 'INFO',
  'log4p_category' = 'ANS.component',
  'level' = 1,
  'name' = 'Database',
  'message' = [
 'Starting '

I thought the message array ref would get compressed to a scalar string
value, but that doesn't seem to be the case.

I tried messing with the warp_message values of the Logfile and Database
appenders, but I still end up with 7 bind values no matter what
warp_message setting I use.


package DBI_Buffer;
use base (Log::Log4perl::Appender::DBI);

use strict;
use warnings;

use Time::HiRes;
use Data::Dumper;

use vars qw ($VERSION);
$VERSION = 1.06;

sub new {
my($proto, %p) = @_;
my $class = ref $proto || $proto;

my $self = bless {}, $class;


my %defaults = (
reconnect_attempts = 1,
reconnect_sleep= 0,
logbuffer  = 2000,
buffer = [],
connected  = 1,
errorstodatabase   = 1,
signal_caught  = 0,

for (keys %defaults) {
if(exists $p{$_}) {
$self-{$_} = $p{$_};
} else {
$self-{$_} = $defaults{$_};

#log4j.appender.DBAppndr.params.1 = %p  
#log4j.appender.DBAppndr.params.2 = %5.5m
foreach my $pnum (keys %{$p{params}}){
$self-{bind_value_layouts}{$pnum} = 
{ConversionPattern = {value  = 
#'bind_value_layouts' now contains a PatternLayout
#for each parameter heading for the Sql engine

$self-{SQL} = $p{sql}; #save for error msg later on

$self-{MAX_COL_SIZE} = $p{max_col_size};

$self-{BUFFERSIZE} = $p{bufferSize} || 1; 

$self-{errorappender} = $p{errorappender} if exists $p{errorappender};

$self-{errorstodatabase} = $p{errorstodatabase} if exists 

$self-{flushsignal} = $p{flushsignal} if exists $p{flushsignal};

if ($self-{flushsignal}) {
#$self-{watcher} = Log::Log4perl::Config::Watch-new(
#file   = '/dev/null', # no file needed
#signal = $self-{flushsignal}
# Install a signal handler
$SIG{$self-{flushsignal}} = sub {
$self-{signal_caught} = 1;
print STDERR __PACKAGE__.: We get signal!\n;
$self-{signal_caught} = 0;

# Run our post_init method in the configurator after
# all appenders have been defined to make sure the
# appenders we're connecting to really exist.
if ($self-{errorappender}) {
push @{$p{l4p_post_config_subs}}, sub { $self-post_init() };

if ($p{usePreparedStmt}) {
$self-{sth} = $self-create_statement($p{sql});
$self-{usePreparedStmt} = 1;

Re: [log4perl-devel] subclassed DBI (DBI_Buffer) does not release dbh filehandles on reinit

2009-02-24 Thread Robert Jacobson
Robert Jacobson wrote:

 If I add equivalent code to my existing conditional for the definition
 of errorappender, i.e.:
 if ($self-{errorappender}) {
 # Pass back the appender to be synchronized as a dependency
 # to the configuration file parser
 push @{$p{l4p_depends_on}}, $self-{errorappender};
 push @{$p{l4p_post_config_subs}}, sub { $self-post_init() };
 Then I get this error from Log::Log4perl::Appender::DBI:
 Log4perl: DBI appender failed to reconnect to database after 1 attempt
 at line 10

I added some debug to and found that when I add the depends_on
code, the sub in DBI query_execute gets called with extra arguments.  I
turned on the warn to print out the DBI::errstr and found that it isn't
really a connection error, it's a failure to execute the DBI statement:

Exe: failed: called with 7 bind variables when 6 are needed at
.../Log/Log4perl/Appender/ line 159.

(line number different because of my local edits to

Adding a Dumper for qmarks:

$VAR1 = '2009-055/17:35:41';
$VAR2 = 'INFO';
$VAR3 = '';
$VAR4 = 'ansdev2';
$VAR5 = '25227';
$VAR6 = 'ARRAY(0x813274c)';
$VAR7 = 'Starting ';

Those are mostly the expected values from the Layout I specified (time,
log level, script name, hostname, PID, ?, message).

Where the heck did that ARRAY string come from?  I checked using
ref(); it really is a string of characters and not an actual array ref.


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log4perl-devel mailing list

Re: [log4perl-devel] Intermittent problems when using signal to reread log configuration

2009-02-23 Thread Robert Jacobson

Ah, apparently I *had* left some appenders using DBI_Buffer (DBI
appender subclass) in my config.   I retested a bunch of things today
and I could not reproduce the error unless I had my DBI_Buffer appender
in the config.

Further investigation showed that the mysql server was reaching its
maximum number of allowed connections (currently set at 250).

Apparently my appender is not closing its dbh filehandles.  I'm going to
start a separate thread, since the problem is something totally
different (in my code, probably).

I apologize for my inadequate testing :(


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log4perl-devel mailing list

Re: [log4perl-devel] Intermittent problems when using signal to reread log configuration

2009-02-21 Thread Robert Jacobson
Mike Schilli |log4perl_sourceforge| wrote:
 On Fri, 20 Feb 2009, Robert Jacobson wrote:
 I wonder what kind of config change would cause
 this. Are you removing an appender by any chance?

 Nope, usually I'm only changing the log level.

 But I can reproduce the error without changing anything in the config, 
 Interesting ... is there a way you could send a narrowed-down test
 program to let me reproduce this? 

I can try, but it'll have to wait until I'm at work again.

 I'd be interested to find out what's
 causing this. Also, is this only happening on Windows with ActiveState
 Perl or have you seen it happen on other OS and perl distros as well?

I am using ActiveState perl on CentOS 4.2 and RHEL4; they both exhibit 
the problem.  I haven't tried Windows; does SIGHUP even exist there? 
(nvm, doesn't matter :)  )


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