Re: repeating dates

2003-02-25 Thread Sean M. Burke
At 12:26 PM 2003-02-24 +, alex wrote:
I'm guessing I'd have to only allow a certain subset of the crontab spec, 
and engage some cleverness in how I store and retrieve the values so that 
it's indexable.  I'm not sure I'm clever enough though, or even if its 
TorgoX purl, advice?
purl TorgoX: Allow an easement (an easement is the abandonment of a 
TorgoX advice, advice?
purl TorgoX: Don't avoid what is easy

So the bot and I unanimously encorage you to implement a small subset of 

If I were dropping this in a database, I'd probably just have different 
tables for hourly vs daily vs weekly vs monthly.  That should serenely 
avoid some of the nastier conceptual and implementational problems with 
crontab.  I encourage you to just skim the crontab2english source for 
occasional interesting things in comments -- actually reading the whole 
source to try to understand it is a very bad idea.

Sean M. Burke

Re: Domain reseller survey

2003-02-25 Thread Jason Clifford
On Sat, 22 Feb 2003, Paul Makepeace wrote:

 Is anyone else reselling domain names? (Or even ICANN accredited?!) I
 recently become a value added service provider for BulkRegister and
 am poking about with their API. (You can either contact them via
 HTTPS POSTs or send XML at a socket. It's nice if only to check
 domain availability, and have a programmatic way to change
 nameservers en masse.)
 Who else provides these kinds of services? In particular BR don't offer
 *.uk registrations.

We use OpenSRS however we do .UK registrations directly as it's trivially 
easy to interface with Nominet's automaton and cheaper too.

Jason Clifford
UKFSN.ORG   Finance Free Software while you surf the 'net   Sign Up Now

Re: Perl jobs in London?

2003-02-25 Thread Ian Brayshaw
On Mon, 2003-02-24 at 22:18, Bill Corr wrote:

snipI might need a London job.../snip

Well, as everyone else has said, the market ain't what it used to be.
I'm  currently looking for work myself at the moment and have found it
to be quite tough. I have my CV with about 50 agencies, and feel as
though I'm getting no where. As someone else said, the best strategy is
to speak to humans, not inboxes. When you send your CV[0], make sure you
ring the agent/employer/waste-of-space you sent it to and discuss the
position. This is possibly the only way to guarantee that they will look
at your CV as they get flooded with CVs for each position these days.

Also, make sure you apply for jobs that exist. Gone are the days of just
firing your CV at any old agency and having them respond with job
possibilities. Agencies are getting selective on which skill sets they
are handling, perhaps because employers want them to be slightly clueful
about the CVs, so it might take time to find an agency who regularly
deals with Perl people.

If you've got J2EE, EJB, JDBC, VBA, .NET or C# on your CV you'll go a
lot further than if you don't. I've applied for numerous jobs that I
know I have the skills for, but I'm failing to get considered because
the employers are putting weird requirements in. One job was for a
Senior Unix/Perl/C developer, but unless you had VBA and .Net on your CV
they didn't want to know. It seems to me that any senior Unix/Perl/C
developer would be able to pick up .Net/VBA in no time as a no brainer,
but unless you can show X years experience you won't get a look in.
Like the front-end web designer, with extensive Photoshop and Flash
experience, who also needed to be a senior Solaris admin and security
expert. ... It's a strange market out there...

... Sorry, I'm ranting, aren't I? ... Think it's time I rang another
agency to create a feeling of doing something

Good luck with the job hunting.


[0] Don't delude yourself about the cluefulnesss of agents/employers:
they are not and will never be clueful. If your CV doesn't open in
Word then they'll probably just bin it. If you're lucky, they'll ask
you to resend in a standard format which does not include PDF.
Others may chime in with war stories about sending two non-editable
versions of your CV, one with and one without your contact details,
but from my experience, that's not working anymore. If the agent
can't play with your CV to help you get the job then it's too much
trouble and they won't do it.

s@[EMAIL PROTECTED]@##@@#y^#@712($;='z')s(..)0$1gs$0s(.)([^01])

Re: Perl jobs in London?

2003-02-25 Thread Simon Wistow
On Tue, Feb 25, 2003 at 09:54:24AM +, Ian Brayshaw said:
 Well, as everyone else has said, the market ain't what it used to be.
 I'm  currently looking for work myself at the moment and have found it
 to be quite tough. I have my CV with about 50 agencies, and feel as
 though I'm getting no where.

I think that's your problem right there. 50 agencies is too many I think
it's been discussed before that it's better just to find one or two good
agents and stick with them. 

And word of mouth is good as well, or finding a reliable sourc -
uknm-jobs at isn't strictly a
programming list but a fair few programming jobs come up.

 [0] Don't delude yourself about the cluefulnesss of agents/employers:
 they are not and will never be clueful. If your CV doesn't open in
 Word then they'll probably just bin it. If you're lucky, they'll ask
 you to resend in a standard format which does not include PDF.

My cousin is an IT recruiter and, I was glad to hear, one of the more
clueful ones. He successfully convinced my Dad that it wasn't worth me
registering with him because he dealt with Sys Admins and I was a
Programmer and that I worked in small RnD type roles whereas his firm
deals with city type contracts.

He also admitted that, and lets face it - we all knew this, the first
sweep is looking for keywords and their frequency in a cv. I've missed
out on a job because the recruiter was searching for MIDP and my CV
listed J2ME.


the test for truth is still quicker than the addition

Re: Perl jobs in London?

2003-02-25 Thread Ian Brayshaw
On Tue, 2003-02-25 at 10:14, Simon Wistow wrote:

 I think that's your problem right there. 50 agencies is too many I think
 it's been discussed before that it's better just to find one or two good
 agents and stick with them. 

Agreed. But when you need a job you apply for all the jobs you can find.
Those 50 agencies represent over 50 jobs that I feel I have the skills
for and would like to do. It's more a measure of how flooded the market
is with applications when most recruiters don't read most CVs that come
through to them. 

And I agree, if you can find a good agent, stick with them. However,
it's been over two years since I dealt with a good agent (my last one
ran off with 4 months of my wages), and so I'm having to find a good one
all over again. Mailing my CV out to all jobs ads that appear to fit the
bill is part of this process.

Still, no matter how bad the market is, if you've got the skills,
patience, and a little bit of good fortune, you'll find a job.


s@[EMAIL PROTECTED]@##@@#y^#@712($;='z')s(..)0$1gs$0s(.)([^01])

Re: Perl jobs in London?

2003-02-25 Thread Roger Burton West
On Tue, Feb 25, 2003 at 10:35:38AM +, Nigel Hamilton wrote:
I hope that their CV databases weed out CV's that contain acronym
'payloads' hidden in whitespace, headers and footers. For example,

The ones I've looked at certainly don't.

Before you know it the average CV will be two pages long but 100 Meg in
byte size.

...i.e. a normal Word document?


[JOB] Linux SA

2003-02-25 Thread Simon Wistow
On Tue, Feb 25, 2003 at 07:58:11AM +, Simon Wistow said:
 That's not to say that it's good but it'd definitely better than it was
 4 months ago and that, in turn, was infinitely better than it was a year
 before that.

And as if to prove a point ...

Linux SA work with some Win32 support. There is out-of-hours work and
weekend work involved, and people should expect to sign an EU Working
Time Directive waiver. Standard skillset. Not sure about money yet, but
certainly reasonable.

Mail me and I'll pass it on to the relevant person.

the test for truth is still quicker than the addition

Re: Perl jobs in London?

2003-02-25 Thread David Cantrell
On Tue, Feb 25, 2003 at 10:35:38AM +, Nigel Hamilton wrote:
 Unfortunately some agents do a naive acronym match, between job spec and
 your CV.
 Because they often can't discriminate between the important acronyms and
 the less important ... they often wait until they find a CV that is fully
 'acronym compliant.'

Which is why I *always* phone the pimp before sending in my CV, ostensibly
to find out whether I've already applied for that job through another
agency, but really so that I can explain to them just how well my skills
fit even if I don't mention all the right buzzwords.

David Cantrell | Looking for work |

See the creativity that comes from misery! Without misery people who
would otherwise relax at home with a drink are spurred to great
heights of expression. Art thrives on constraint and unhappiness.
   -- Arp

[Job] Looking for a Sales Guy

2003-02-25 Thread Nik Butler
Remember Me ? 

Well Wired4Life is getting a little bigger and has had a few more
successes in the last year. The result of which is I wish to bite the
bullet and take on someone to help me market and promote the use of
Linux and Open Source in the small business environment.

oh yes, and we are changing the name from Wired4Life to 3ait.

if you , or someone you know is interested then please drop a email to 



[EMAIL PROTECTED]  Wired4Life, an Answer.

apt-get install zoe-ball
 To many unmet dependancies.
 installation failed.

Re: [Job] Looking for a Sales Guy

2003-02-25 Thread Peter Sergeant
 [EMAIL PROTECTED]  Wired4Life, an Answer.

With regards to your website, I notice a little poll...

There would be less Email Viruses if ?

o  Attachments were banned.
o  Outlook[express] was not integrated into Windows
o  Users thought about what they were viewing

These choices strike me as a little odd. Banning attatchments is an
unrealistic option - users to whom you applied this rule would revolt,
and how do you define attatchment? 

And what exactly do you mean by 'Outlook was not integrated into
Windows'? In general, email-viruses are made more viable by bugs in
Internet Explorer being exploited - Outlook just happens to bring IE and
dodgy HTML together. But, even if this wasn't the case, and even if
Outlook wasn't pre-installed on machines, software has bugs, therefore,
email clients have bugs, therefore, Outlook just got lucky by being

And finally: users thought more about what they were viewing. Almost
every prolific email-virus of that last couple of years has exploited
Internet Explorer to: a) auto-execute attatchments, or; b) hide the
extensions of files it's sending, or; c) both. Users, now, in general,
realise they shouldn't click on dodgy looking files - therefore, virus
writers go to lengths to hide extensions, change icons, and make their
code auto-execute.

Just some thoughts


Much may be made of a Scotchman, if he be caught young.
 -- Samuel Johnson

Re: [Job] Looking for a Sales Guy

2003-02-25 Thread Nik Butler
Actually whats annoying is I been so busy I aint updated that site in a
while. most of my business does not come via the web or net.. I really
should forward it to the new site though. 

meanwhile does anyone know any good sales guys ?

[EMAIL PROTECTED]  Wired4Life, an Answer.

apt-get upgrade life++
life++ is already upto date 

Re: [Job] Looking for a Sales Guy

2003-02-25 Thread nemesis
Nik Butler wrote:
...good sales guys ?
Isn't that an Oxymoron?



Re: [Job] Looking for a Sales Guy

2003-02-25 Thread Dirk Koopman
On Tue, 2003-02-25 at 15:07, nemesis wrote:
 Nik Butler wrote:
  ...good sales guys ?
 Isn't that an Oxymoron?

Nope, but people have different opinions on the Job Spec represented by
'good' in this context.

Me? I am happy if they sell what I can produce in the time frame they
told the customer.


Maybe you were right the first time...

Please Note: Some Quantum Physics Theories Suggest That When the
Consumer Is Not Directly Observing This Product, It May Cease to
Exist or Will Exist Only in a Vague and Undetermined State.

Re: [Job] Looking for a Sales Guy

2003-02-25 Thread Paul Makepeace
 There would be less Email Viruses if ?

There would be fewer Email Viruses if:

'Less' is for singular, 'fewer' is for plural. ('More' can be used
with both.)


Paul Makepeace ...

What is truth? It itches.

Re: Perl jobs in London?

2003-02-25 Thread michael

Nigel Hamilton wrote:
It's quite scary when they advertise for someone with 'Pearl' and
'SeekWell' skills.
Unfortunately some agents do a naive acronym match, between job spec and
your CV.
I hope that their CV databases weed out CV's that contain acronym
'payloads' hidden in whitespace, headers and footers.

One wonders if you could use hidden lameronyms to make your
CV idiot compatable  However it would require you to think on
their level  :-O

Michael John Lush PhDTel:44-20-7679-5027
Nomenclature Bioinformatics Support  Fax:44-20-7387-3496
HUGO Gene Nomenclature Committee Email:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
The Galton Laboratory
University College London, UK

[ANNOUNCE] Social Meeting: Thursday 6th March @ The Star

2003-02-25 Thread Mark Fowler
Announcing the March social meeting of the London Perl Mongers, which will
be held after seven on Thursday the 6th of March in the upstairs room of
the Star of Belgravia.  The Star is in walking distance of Victoria,
Sloane Square, Hyde Park Corner and Knightsbridge.  Full directions to the
pub are included in this email below.,_SW1X_8HT

Social meetings are a chance to meet up.  They allow members of the group
to chat about Perl and other issues over a pint, and put names (or nicks)
to faces and they present an informal way for people to pass on or acquire
Perl knowledge.  Non-Perl programmers any way affiliated with or
it's members are always made welcome, and they'll be plenty of non-Perl
talk that they shouldn't feel excluded.

The meetings start at approximately 7pm, though people often arrive earlier
than this as they come directly from work.  Quite a few people will opt to
eat in the pub rather than eating beforehand;  This month's venue The
Star is fabled for it's excellent steaks.  There's no formal plan for the
evening (apart from drinking and chatting) and people should feel to turn
up and leave when they want, though the majority of people will remain in
the pub till closing time so late-comers shouldn't be worried about us
leaving before they get there.


 The Star Tavern is located in a little cobbled street behind the German
 Embassy. Below are directions to get there from various places.

From Sloane Square

 Essentially you want to take the north exit off the square and head up
 Sloane Street and then take a right down Pont street till you get to the
 embassy, and then down the cobbled mews till you find the pub.

 So, in detail: Come out of the station. Standing as you are with your
 back to the station you want to go up the road diagonally opposite on
 the right (so turn right, cross the crossing, and on the other side turn
 left and walk for a bit till you come to Sloane Street - a big wide street
 - on your right.)  You want to keep going up Sloane street till you come
 to Pont Street, the junction of which has traffic lights on it.  Turn
 right (east) down this street and keep going. The road will start to veer
 off to the left, and at this point you should see a large white building
 with black windows that is the German embassy on the left hand side
 (north) side of the road.  In a big, tall, archway under the embassy there
 should be a cobbled street.  Head up this street and The Star is on the
 end on the left.

From Victoria:

 Essentially you want to cross the road out of the station and then head
 up Lower then Upper Belgrave Street so you get to Belgrave Square.  From
 here you want to take the second left exit to Pont Steet and turn
 right though the German embassy up the cobbled mews to the pub.

 In detail: From the tube lines, follow signs for main station and get to
 the surface.  Turn left and walk past starbucks and pret a manger - you
 want to get to Buckingham Palace Road which is the road the busses enter
 the bus station off of.  Cross the road at the traffic lights and use the
 other set of traffic lights to the left to get off the mini-island you're
 on. You should now be in front of the deserted Usit campus office.  go
 left (west) along Buckingham Palace Road then take the first right
 (north) up into Lower Belgrave Street.  Continue up this street, passing
 drinking establishments such as The Victoria on your left, and the The
 Plumber Arms.  This road turns into Upper Belgrave Street - just keep
 on going until you come to Belgrave square.  Here, turn left and take the
 second exit off the square (the one that goes directly west) down Pont
 Street.  Almost immediately on your right you should see the German
 embassy (a big white building with black windows) and a large phallic
 like statue. There should be an archway here under the embassy leading up
 a cobbled street.  Go up this street and The Star will be on the end on
 the left.

From Knightsbridge:

 Essentially you want to get out of the tube and then head south down
 Sloane Street until you come to Cadeogan Place.  Turning down here
 you simply want to walk east for a short while until you come to the
 north end of a cobbled mews that the pub is located on.

 In detail: To get out of the tube, take the exit signposted for Harvey
 Nichols / Knightsbridge (south side) / Sloane Street (east side) [it's
 signed differently in different places but these are all the same exit,
 to the right as you come out of the Tube barriers].  When you come out of
 the exit turn right round 180 degrees so that you are on the left
 pavement of Sloane Street heading south. Walk down here for a few minutes
 (past one left turning, which you should ignore) and turn left into
 Cadogan Place.

 At this point you want to keep heading in a straight line (east.)  Don't
 follow Cadogan 

Re: [Job] Looking for a Sales Guy

2003-02-25 Thread Mike Jarvis
On Tue, Feb 25, 2003 at 03:38:56PM +, Paul Makepeace wrote:
  There would be less Email Viruses if ?
 There would be fewer Email Viruses if:
 'Less' is for singular, 'fewer' is for plural. ('More' can be used
 with both.)

What do you mean for plural, since both have to do with quantities?  I
think of it as 'less' is things you can't count and 'fewer' is for
things you can.  Less sand, fewer grains of sand. Or less email, fewer

Oh.  I see what you're saying now.  Same thing I am, but since I'm
dense, my way seems easier to remember, or at least figure out when
you need to.


A whole lotta hoot and just a little bit of nanny

Linux Virtual Machines

2003-02-25 Thread Peter Sergeant
Having heard quite a bit of discussion on The Other Place
about people wanting cheap colo solutions, and having recently bumped
into an old school friend who's started a business doing just that, I
though I'd post this to the list...

Born out of basically an argument over why their server was using qmail
over sendmail, they started playing around with User Mode Linux, and
ended up with a service for offering virtual Linux machines for about 15
quid a month for 3GB of disk space, 64MB of RAM, and 5GB transfer, and,
most importantly, root (10% discount available for free software

Anyway, I'm making a hash of describing this, so, without further ado,
the URL:


Nature has given women so much power that the law has very wisely given them little.
 -- Samuel Johnson

Re: Perl jobs in London?

2003-02-25 Thread Peter Hickman
Ian Brayshaw wrote:
Agreed. But when you need a job you apply for all the jobs you can find.
Those 50 agencies represent over 50 jobs that I feel I have the skills
for and would like to do. It's more a measure of how flooded the market
is with applications when most recruiters don't read most CVs that come
through to them. 
Sorry but in my experience those 50 agencies probably represent the same 
10 jobs if you are lucky. I found 12 agencies with perl jobs in brighton 
than came down to the same job at absolute internet 11 times - and it 
isn't even in brighton. The twelth job didn't actually exist.


Re: Perl jobs in London?

2003-02-25 Thread Ian Brayshaw
On Tue, 2003-02-25 at 14:06, Peter Hickman wrote:
 Ian Brayshaw wrote:
  Agreed. But when you need a job you apply for all the jobs you can find.
  Those 50 agencies represent over 50 jobs that I feel I have the skills
  for and would like to do. It's more a measure of how flooded the market
  is with applications when most recruiters don't read most CVs that come
  through to them. 
 Sorry but in my experience those 50 agencies probably represent the same 
 10 jobs if you are lucky. I found 12 agencies with perl jobs in brighton 
 than came down to the same job at absolute internet 11 times - and it 
 isn't even in brighton. The twelth job didn't actually exist.

Only found that in a couple of positions, and then only chose one
agency. No, I've made sure they are all different positions.


s@[EMAIL PROTECTED]@##@@#y^#@712($;='z')s(..)0$1gs$0s(.)([^01])