Re: Best practice for releasing Perl modules to staging and live

2009-05-19 Thread Minty
On Mon, May 18, 2009 at 4:16 PM, Richard Huxton wrote:
 ian wrote:
 One company I worked at did just this for CPAN modules, but it was a
 many-day exercise to work out all the dependencies of (for example) Catalyst
 and to build them all into Debian packages.

 This is the bit that interests me. How do you find out...

 1. What modules do I need to install/upgrade to install module M version  V?

 2. Given my currently installed set of modules, what is the latest version
 of module M that I can install?

One gotcha I've stumbled upon here is the version numbers.  Debian's
system and CPAN's don't always mesh well.  I believe it's possible to
get a cpan version going from 1.39 to 1.4 but the debian stack would
want the equivalent package to be 1.40.  This isn't a common problem,
and seems mostly confined to newer/more-obscure cpan dists.

I use dpkg-buildpackage, which does a half decent job of parsing the
CPAN package and using the various meta files to find stated

  dpkg --compare-versions 0.3-0.9minty lt 0.3-0.10lt  echo yes || echo no

can help you figure out if debian thinks one version number is better
than another.

Re: Best practice for releasing Perl modules to staging and live

2009-05-19 Thread Minty
On Tue, May 19, 2009 at 12:52 PM, Minty wrote:
 I use dpkg-buildpackage

For the record, here's my steps for building a new module from
scratch.  Aka, creating a deb for a cpan module that doesn't already
exist.  It isn't the same as building a deb for a module that exists
already as a .deb and which you want a newer CPAN version.

I don't claim to be an expert, or that these are good/right
approaches, but they work for me (and took a lot of figuring out).
They skip over steps that would be required to upload to an official
debian/ubuntu repo, but they generate debs that can be installed with
dpkg -i, or in my case, uploaded to a local apt repo, from where I
then install them via apt[itude] install

Using CPAN::Mini::Webserver here as an example is a bit evil, as it
has a lot of dependencies that aren't in debian/ubuntu by default,
you've been warned ;)  C::M::W is most worth it once you've jumped
through all the hoops tho.

Caveats aside ...

# Ensure minicpan is installed
# see also
# Or, replace the next two steps with (a) find on (b)
download the tarball

# Find the package/dist for the module you're after
/bin/zgrep CPAN::Mini::Webserver ~/.MINICPAN/modules/02packages.details.txt

# Unpack it
/bin/tar zxvf 

# Rename and duplicate it
/bin/mv CPAN-Mini-Webserver-0.45 libcpan-mini-webserver-perl-0.45
/bin/cp -ai libcpan-mini-webserver-perl-0.45
/bin/cp -ai libcpan-mini-webserver-perl-0.45

# dpkg-buildpackage wants the first two dirs, and (my wrapper script)
# creates the latter for me to poke around and play in.
# Namely...  check it's not going to crash and burn when we try to build the deb
cd libcpan-mini-webserver-perl-0.45.test  perl Makefile.PL  make
 make test

This step normally reveals any issues.  Lather, rinse repeat the above
until you've got all the dependencies or issues resolved.  Doing this
for CPAN Mini Webserver was what motivated me to create my own wrapper
script for all this, as I found myself lathering, rinsing and
repeating a lot.

# from the dir that *contains* libcpan-mini-webserver-perl*
# magic all the debian meta files into existance
/usr/bin/dh-make-perl libcpan-mini-webserver-perl-0.45

# Edit the change log
vi libcpan-mini-webserver-perl-0.45/debian/changelog

I use a template similar to this (between, not including the --- lines)
libcpan-mini-webserver-perl (0.45-1~0minty) jaunty; urgency=low

  * Initial Release built from cpan bundle

 -- Minty  Tue, 19 May 2009 11:57:15 +

# Now build your .deb
cd libcpan-mini-webserver-perl-0.45
dpkg-buildpackage -rfakeroot -sa

All being well, you should now have a .deb file in the parent dir.
You can dpkg -i foo.deb to install this, or setup your own apt repo
(another world of loads of docs, all slightly inconsistent and a lot
of TIMTOWTDI setups from which you need to cherry pick what you want
for your setup).

Re: Best practice for releasing Perl modules to staging and live

2009-05-19 Thread Minty
On Tue, May 19, 2009 at 1:21 PM, Minty wrote:

[ snip, see

 It isn't the same as building a deb for a module that exists
 already as a .deb and which you want a newer CPAN version.

And here's what I do to upgrade from CPAN a deb that already exists

# Find your tarball
/bin/zgrep Template::Declare ~/.MINICPAN/modules/02packages.details.txt.gz

# Get the exising deb
/usr/bin/apt-get source libtemplate-declare-perl

# Unbundle the newer cpan tarball
/bin/tar zxvf ~/.MINICPAN/authors/id/A/AL/ALEXMV/Template-Declare-0.39.tar.gz

# Rename dirs and create a .test dir for me to play in manually
/bin/mv Template-Declare-0.39 libtemplate-declare-perl-0.39
/bin/cp -ai libtemplate-declare-perl-0.39 libtemplate-declare-perl-0.39.test

# Apply any diffs/patches from the existing .deb file
cd libtemplate-declare-perl-0.39  /bin/gzip -dc
../libtemplate-declare-perl*.diff.gz | patch -p1

Those patches are *generally* just the debian meta packaging files,
but sometimes contain actual patches agains the code.  Sometimes there
are alternative packaging approaches to applying diffs.  $hurt++

You need to get to the point where the diffs apply cleanly by hook or by crook

# I need this, but I assume it's probably a sign I've got something wrong
/bin/chmod u+x libtemplate-declare-perl-0.39/debian/rules

# Update libtemplate-declare-perl-0.39/debian/changelog file
# It should already exist, so use that as a reference.

This next bit could be tackled in other ways -- but we're trying to
get a sane libtemplate-declare-perl-0.39/debian/control

# First, have dh-make-perl auto generate a debian/control file in our .test dir.
# It uses the various cpan meta files to stab a wild guess in the dark
/usr/bin/dh-make-perl libtemplate-declare-perl-0.39.test

# Compare, contrast, manually merge
vi -o2 libtemplate-declare-perl-0.39/debian/control

# As before, manually check things aren't going to burn
cd libtemplate-declare-perl-0.39.test  perl Makefile.PL  make  make test

Again, this normally shows up dependency issues.  Lather, rinse,
repeat ... again

# Now build your deb
cd libtemplate-declare-perl-0.39
 dpkg-buildpackage -rfakeroot

Note that we've not got -sa here which we did have when building a new
.deb from scratch.  You want the source included the first time you
build a .deb, but subsequently you don't need it (in fact, i believe
you actively don't want it).  man dpkg-buildpackage

Re: Best practice for releasing Perl modules to staging and live

2009-05-19 Thread Minty
On Mon, May 18, 2009 at 4:29 PM, Dave Cross wrote:
 There will, of course, be a (hopefully far smaller) set of modules that
 aren't already packaged for your distribution. Once you've built those
 packages, you could consider sharing them with the rest of the world.

Although once you start playing with Moose, Catalyst (and hit the
repeated .. ahh, you're not using the latest version ... upgrade!)
it's suprisingly easy to hit something that isn't in the latest Ubuntu
dists.  CPAN::Mini::Webserver also has a bucket load of deps that
Ubuntu jaunty can't meet out of the box.

In any event, ubuntu intrepid/jaunty should be able to get
CPAN::Mini::Webserver installed from my apt repo, but ...

CAVEAT: this exists for my use, and I do not claim it's safe, right or
good.  I believe it's all those things, but if it breaks your system,
you get to keep all the pieces, etc.  I can't honestly recommend you
use this, but hey ...

# /etc/apt/sources.list
deb jaunty main
deb-src jaunty main
deb intrepid main
deb-src intrepid main

You can skip the next two steps if you want - when you try to install
a deb from my apt repo, it'll shout scary insecure warnings at you,
which frankly, is probably entirely sensible.

# get a copy of (if you'd like it via some other secure channel, email me)

# Tell apt you trust my apt repo (you are a fool ... no really)
sudo apt-key add

sudo aptitude update
sudo aptitude install libcpan-mini-webserver-perl


And wait a few seconds while it indexes stuff, then follow it's
instructions wrt the url.  For me, it's http://localhost:8989/

Re: Best practice for releasing Perl modules to staging and live

2009-05-19 Thread Dave Cross

Minty wrote:

On Mon, May 18, 2009 at 4:29 PM, Dave Cross wrote:

There will, of course, be a (hopefully far smaller) set of modules that
aren't already packaged for your distribution. Once you've built those
packages, you could consider sharing them with the rest of the world.

Although once you start playing with Moose, Catalyst (and hit the
repeated .. ahh, you're not using the latest version ... upgrade!)
it's suprisingly easy to hit something that isn't in the latest Ubuntu
dists.  CPAN::Mini::Webserver also has a bucket load of deps that
Ubuntu jaunty can't meet out of the box.

[ snip ]

My experience is in the Fedora/Centos world but, yes, it's easy to find 
things that are either a) missing or b) not the right version.

I'm doing my bit tho' -



setting up a file hierarchy

2009-05-19 Thread Jurgen Pletinckx
Please help me do my homework :)

I've got a module which creates .docx files. Those are Microsoft's
latest Word format, as described in the OOXML standard.

OOXML is not too gruesome to work with, and I'm having a great time
stuffing my reports with figures and tables and whatnot.

However, one very smelly piece of code is the creation of a new
document. A .docx file is just a zip container with a handful of XML
documents (plus extra media, if applicable). For most of these, the
default content is fine. But what is the optimal way of generating

I currently find myself doing a lot of mkdirs and print OUT
EOFs, but that's messy. I could set up a template folder (next to
the module?) and copy that around, but that feels awkward as well.

I set up the hierarchy in a folder, and package that up with
Archive::Zip, as it makes interactions with the files easier. I could
write directly into a zip file, but that doesn't really make a
difference to the problem.

So. Any prior art? How should one treat non-code dependencies?

(Note: I'm not bothered about deploying this stuff, this is for now
strictly internal. Although, there doesn't seem to be _anything_ for

Jurgen Pletinckx

Vlaanderen mailing list

cpan distribution for a pod file?

2009-05-19 Thread Minty
Dear lazyweb / perl elite,

Given a real perl module, eg: Acme::Colour one can use
Parse::CPAN::Packages (which uses 02packages.details.txt.gz) to
determine which distribution that module belongs to.

But 02packages.details.txt.gz doesn't contain .pod files, such as
Catalyst::Manual::Intro afaik.

Is it possible (with code) to determine which cpan distribution a pure
pod file belongs to (and if so, how?)


Re: setting up a file hierarchy

2009-05-19 Thread Ash Berlin

On Tue, 19 May 2009 16:12:08 +0100, Dave Cross wrote:
 David Cantrell wrote:
 On Tue, May 19, 2009 at 04:02:19PM +0200, Jurgen Pletinckx wrote:
 So. Any prior art? How should one treat non-code dependencies?
 In a __DATA__ segment.  If you need more than one file, bundle them up
 as blobs in a database in that segment, or put a zip/tarball there.
 Does anyone still use Inline::Files?

was created for this very purpose.

Re: setting up a file hierarchy

2009-05-19 Thread David Cantrell
On Tue, May 19, 2009 at 04:22:29PM +0100, Ash Berlin wrote:
 was created for this very purpose.

I'll pay attention when it doesn't rely on Module::Install.

header   FROM_DAVID_CANTRELLFrom =~ /david.cantrell/i
describe FROM_DAVID_CANTRELLMessage is from David Cantrell
scoreFROM_DAVID_CANTRELL15.72 # This figure from experimentation

Re: setting up a file hierarchy

2009-05-19 Thread Chisel Wright
On Tue, May 19, 2009 at 04:33:06PM +0100, David Cantrell wrote:
 I'll pay attention when it doesn't rely on Module::Install.

Should I ask why?

Chisel Wright

  I like to photograph people naked, but they usually ask me to get
  dressed again as it's not a pretty sight.

Re: [ANNOUNCE] Technical meeting: An evening of dynamic languages

2009-05-19 Thread raph
 Léon Brocard wrote:
 It's not very clear, but you need to sign up as a non-BCS member at
 the following URL first:

 Not much of an advert for the BCS, is it? Dumb form tells me address
 line 1 is a required field, then won't allow me to type into it. I guess
 the clue is in the '.exe'. Or it may be in the scattered bits of php and

 Anyone else get past this (this is firefox 3.0.10)?


I just looked at it, considered it overly intrusive, and fired off an
email of complaint to the BCS. Why are they asking for all this info? We
are only wanting to attend a supposedly *public* meeting.

I shall therefore not be at the meeting.

Re: setting up a file hierarchy

2009-05-19 Thread David Cantrell
On Tue, May 19, 2009 at 04:50:06PM +0100, Chisel Wright wrote:
 On Tue, May 19, 2009 at 04:33:06PM +0100, David Cantrell wrote:
  I'll pay attention when it doesn't rely on Module::Install.
 Should I ask why?

Would you like to install mandatory pre-requisite Foo::Bar for this
'ere module what you told the comptuer to install? Y/n

Would you like to install mandatory pre-requisite Baz::Barf for this
'ere module what you told the comptuer to install? Y/n

Would you like to install mandatory pre-requisite Quux::Garbleflux
for this 'ere module what you told the comptuer to install? Y/n

David Cantrell |

You are so cynical.  And by cynical, of course, I mean correct.
 -- Kurt Starsinic

Re: setting up a file hierarchy

2009-05-19 Thread Tom Hukins
On Tue, May 19, 2009 at 04:02:19PM +0200, Jurgen Pletinckx wrote:
 A .docx file is just a zip container with a handful of XML
 documents (plus extra media, if applicable). For most of these, the
 default content is fine. But what is the optimal way of generating


 I set up the hierarchy in a folder, and package that up with
 Archive::Zip, as it makes interactions with the files easier. I could
 write directly into a zip file, but that doesn't really make a
 difference to the problem.

I think I'd use Template Toolkit's ttree to build the internal
structure, then package that with Archive::Zip as you suggest.

That seems cleaner to me than a script with lots of END in it
because the input file structure matches the output archive structure,
but then I'm easily confused.


Re: setting up a file hierarchy

2009-05-19 Thread Tom Hukins
On Tue, May 19, 2009 at 05:19:16PM +0100, David Cantrell wrote:
 On Tue, May 19, 2009 at 04:50:06PM +0100, Chisel Wright wrote:
  On Tue, May 19, 2009 at 04:33:06PM +0100, David Cantrell wrote:
   I'll pay attention when it doesn't rely on Module::Install.
  Should I ask why?
 Would you like to install mandatory pre-requisite Foo::Bar for this
 'ere module what you told the comptuer to install? Y/n

I think we're supposed to believe that everyone somehow knows to set
the correct environment variable to deal with this.  The environment
variable exists, and it's documented.  And we should all somehow find
the right documentation, and if we consider it sufficiently annoying,
patch the code or stop whining about backwards incompatibility.

I worry about things like Modern Perl and Enlightened Perl, not
because I want to remain stuck in the past, but because I worry about
how we convey fundamental changes to Perl users outside our clique.

Sometimes the word Schumpeter sounds like an elephant trampling
everyone to death.

Sorry, I don't have any constructive advice here other than that the
constructive advice we offer should remain helpful in future, lest we
eventualy alienate those we briefly appeal to.

We've taught people how to use CPAN, then thrown away our credibility
with Module::Install.  Please replace the elephant, and grope it
again.  I feel fortunate to belong with the in-crowd that can ask the
right people for help.  Consequently, I've managed to make
Module::Install behave how I want.  People outside our clique won't
know who to ask and won't readily get such helpful answers.


Re: [ANNOUNCE] Technical meeting: An evening of dynamic languages

2009-05-19 Thread Graham Seaman wrote:

I just looked at it, considered it overly intrusive, and fired off an
email of complaint to the BCS. Why are they asking for all this info? We
are only wanting to attend a supposedly *public* meeting.

I shall therefore not be at the meeting.


I follow the 'contact us' link to report a web problem, and ended up 
with a reply from a lady in BCS customer services  who says I have to 
give them my phone number so they can ring me before I can be registered 
for  the meeting.  I have the impression they must be very concerned 
with physical security, and want anyone in their building to be 
traceable. Why, I have no idea. Are they a likely target for aggrieved 
clients of software companies?


Re: setting up a file hierarchy

2009-05-19 Thread Ash Berlin

On 19 May 2009, at 17:19, David Cantrell wrote:

On Tue, May 19, 2009 at 04:50:06PM +0100, Chisel Wright wrote:

On Tue, May 19, 2009 at 04:33:06PM +0100, David Cantrell wrote:

I'll pay attention when it doesn't rely on Module::Install.

Should I ask why?

Would you like to install mandatory pre-requisite Foo::Bar for this
'ere module what you told the comptuer to install? Y/n

Would you like to install mandatory pre-requisite Baz::Barf for this
'ere module what you told the comptuer to install? Y/n

Would you like to install mandatory pre-requisite Quux::Garbleflux
for this 'ere module what you told the comptuer to install? Y/n

David Cantrell |

   You are so cynical.  And by cynical, of course, I mean correct.
-- Kurt Starsinic

Your information is out of date. This no longer happens for new  
modules. If it does then complain at that module author to upgrade his  
dist. Or at Alias to make Module::Install fucking well self update.

Also File::ShareDir doesn't rely on Module::Install at all -  
Module::Install just gives you an way to install the files in the  
'right' place. Module::Build can easily do it to. Since everyone is lazy

Re: short term accommodation

2009-05-19 Thread Scott McWhirter
Hi all,

So it looks like I'm going to be London for a few months working at the beeb.

I'm not too familiar with london geography, but I'm looking for places
to stay/share/whatever that's a short commute to white city. Does
anyone have a spare room, know of folks with a spare room or have any
other advice in terms of accommodation?


-Scott McWhirter- | -Technology Consultant-
[ Cloudtone Studios - ]

Re: [ANNOUNCE] Technical meeting: An evening of dynamic languages

2009-05-19 Thread James Laver

On 19 May 2009, at 18:25, Graham Seaman wrote:

I follow the 'contact us' link to report a web problem, and ended up  
with a reply from a lady in BCS customer services  who says I have  
to give them my phone number so they can ring me before I can be  
registered for  the meeting.  I have the impression they must be  
very concerned with physical security, and want anyone in their  
building to be traceable. Why, I have no idea. Are they a likely  
target for aggrieved clients of software companies?

Perhaps they're afraid anyone who has used their website might attend.

--James, who will also not be in attendance because their website sucks.

Re: [ANNOUNCE] Technical meeting: An evening of dynamic languages

2009-05-19 Thread Bob MacCallum
i agree that they are asking too much info, but i registered anyway...

On Tue, May 19, 2009 at 7:50 PM, James Laver wrote:
 On 19 May 2009, at 18:25, Graham Seaman wrote:

 I follow the 'contact us' link to report a web problem, and ended up with
 a reply from a lady in BCS customer services  who says I have to give them
 my phone number so they can ring me before I can be registered for  the
 meeting.  I have the impression they must be very concerned with physical
 security, and want anyone in their building to be traceable. Why, I have no
 idea. Are they a likely target for aggrieved clients of software companies?

 Perhaps they're afraid anyone who has used their website might attend.

 --James, who will also not be in attendance because their website sucks.

-- - survival of the funkiest

Re: Best practice for releasing Perl modules to staging and live

2009-05-19 Thread Oliver Gorwits
Hash: SHA1

Minty wrote:
 On Tue, May 19, 2009 at 12:52 PM, Minty
 I use dpkg-buildpackage
 For the record, here's my steps for building a new module from 
 scratch.  Aka, creating a deb for a cpan module that doesn't
 already exist.  It isn't the same as building a deb for a module
 that exists already as a .deb and which you want a newer CPAN

There's also:

dh-make-perl --build --cpan Foo::Bar

which gets most things right but can fall down on the dependencies.

In my experience the maintainers have a helpful IRC channel
(#debian-perl ?) and are free with commit bits if you have patches.

For many Perl Debian packages you can often rebuild the bleeding
edge version for your current dist release quite easily:

- --
Oliver Gorwits, Network and Telecommunications Group,
Oxford University Computing Services
Version: GnuPG v1.4.7 (Darwin)
Comment: Using GnuPG with Mozilla -


Re: Best practice for releasing Perl modules to staging and live

2009-05-19 Thread Ask Bjørn Hansen

On May 19, 2009, at 7:22, Paul Johnson wrote:

The way I do this is to build perl and all the modules I need on the
development machine.  Then I package up the whole lot as a single

The big failure in this is that you can only have one version of  
stuff.  One developer experimentally wants to try a new version of  
Foo::Bar?   Too bad.   Want to deploy two versions of your app on the  
same box (prod/stage running as different users).  Too bad.   One  
developer debugging an older version of the application that a partner  
is using?  Too bad.

Perl modules are part of your application; not of the system.

  - ask