Re: A new leader is born...

2012-04-01 Thread Tom Hukins
Hi all,

I'm flattered to have been chosen to follow in the footsteps of Leo
and's previous leaders.  Thank you, Leo, for all your work
over the past year and a bit.

As an established group, already has several people
successfully fulfilling various roles.  I aim to help these people (I
won't try to name you all because I'll forget someone) continue to do
a great job, and encourage others to pursue unfilled roles they care

I look forward to helping anyone in or near London with an interest in
Perl make this group welcoming, informative and fun.

I hope to see lots of you for drinks and pleasant conversation on


A new leader is born...

2012-04-01 Thread Leo Lapworth
Dear members,

It's been a year and a bit since I was given the honor of being your
leader and I feel I've kept to my manifesto:

1) Carry on as we are mostly, lots of excellent people already to
lots of the organising

Yep, Ilmari has done a wonderful job of having a pub that would let us
in every month, Leon has organised some great Technical meetings,
Dave has organised heretical meetings - and I didn't get in the way
of one of them!

2) I won't make every social, but I'll try make more than I do at the moment

I've not been keeping count, but I've been at more than I've missed.

3) Be open to other people wanting to organsie other stuff

London Perl Workshop, happened despite me, there were many
emergency meetings, I'd really love to see even more events, maybe
smaller group things getting more newbies involved, though that takes
organisation and time. We have the wonderful Damian visiting
us very shortly as well :)

4) I already maintain the website (with others) so I'd carry on with that

I did that, even moved it to github and recoded it to run on Plack, it's
waiting for us to switch over to a new server which will happen
when someone with a mailman clue can get round to it.

5) Will answer emails / act as point of contact for

I did that, mostly pointing people to either the website or mailing lists.

So, why am I reviewing this? - no, I'm not moving to the US before
anyone asks, but I have wonderful news...


Tom Hukins (who was in London many moons ago, forgot himself
and now has been reborn to the one true city) has agreed to take
on the role of Leader (and I didn't have to bribe him nor nuffink)

So I'd like to be the first to congratulate him and wish him
(and all of you) the best for the future.

I'll still be around, so see you at a social sometime!
(although not Aprils unfortunately)


p.s. has never been a democracy, just incase
anyone was wondering why I didn't hold an election :)

Re: Programming Heresy

2012-04-01 Thread Piers Cawley
On 1 April 2012 01:14, Travis Basevi  wrote:

> On 31/03/2012 11:44, Aaron Trevena wrote:
>> Ummm this is  People in London don't have sheds.
>> I have a shed, also a nice garden and a 15 min commute to the office
>> (and 20 min drive to selection of best beaches in the country).. but
>> then I don't actually live in London :)
> Congratulations.

What Aaron neglected to mention was that we're still hiring. At least, I
think we are.