Re: gzipping your websites WINRAR 40 days trial

2003-09-01 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
I used to be annoyed when someone zipped and the rared. Winzip cannot even
handle this yet. Nowadays I can just say that RAR is more universial the


Original Message:
From: Chris Devers [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: Mon, 1 Sep 2003 12:35:45 -0400 (EDT)
Subject: Re: gzipping your websites

On Mon, 1 Sep 2003, David Cantrell wrote:

> Oh I don't care if the browser doesn't support it, just whether there is
> common Doze software to uncompress it later like there is for tarballs.

Well, everyone using Windows is likely to be using either a copy of
WinZip (unpaid for, of course) or if they're using XP the system has
*finally* added capabilities for dealing with compressed formats.

Poking around WinZip's site, I can't find any mention of bzip / bzip2.
asking Google about "winzip bzip2" turns up phrases such as

Unfortunately WinZip does not unzip bzip2 []

Of course, some day WinZip will add bzip2 []

etc. The most fruitful links seem to point to Cygwin, which while
appreciated is about as likely as saying "just install Linux."
Actually, that pretty much *is* what they're saying... :)

Searching for "windows xp bzip2" turns up a link for PowerArchiver, which
while apparently nicer than WinZip, isn't a program that most people seem
to be running (or, arguably, will ever see a need for, as long as WinZip
does .zip and .zip is all they're interested in).

A poke around MS's techpubs site suggests that Win-Me-Oh-God-NO was the
first version to support the .zip format natively (that only took them 15
years -- impressive), but apparently it's the only compression format that
MS has any interest in. I see no mention of bzip, gzip, sit, hqx, etc.

So... no, bzip file support is unlikely unless they're savvy enough to
have installed Cygwin, PowerArchiver, or similar tools. Which most Windows
users probably haven't & probably never will.

Their loss.


massively parallel, adj.
1 Hypergeometry (Of two right lines) nonintersecting and many
  megaparsecs apart even at the point at infinity.
2 (Of a computer architecture) employing 2^N microprocessors where N
  depends on Intel's current discount structure; esp. of a system
  massively searching for parallel advances in the programming arts.

-- from _The Computer Contradictionary_, Stan Kelly-Bootle, 1995

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Re: Eurocracy sucks.

2003-07-14 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED] lacravate
Hi ,

En ce jour du Mon, 14 Jul 2003 17:20:11 +0100,
Earle Martin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> parlait ainsi :
> On Mon, Jul 14, 2003 at 05:19:13PM +0100, Alex McLintock wrote:
> > Would it be possible to write up people's recommendations for visiting 
> > Paris and stick it somewhere online?
> > My girlfriend and I have been meaning to go to Paris - though I'm not going 
> > to YAPC.
Sorry for your girlfriend , stupid story ...

But i think , BTW , that among the ideas you were given , the first one (going to the 
embassy first thing in the morning and be prepared to spend the whole day there) has 
really good chances to succeed . Of course i don't guarantee anything , i'm just some 
mongueur you know , not any kind of state employee .

> > Perhaps we could pollute Grubstreet with it :-)
> Well, I'm aiming to meet some interesting mongueurs and convince them into
> starting an OpenGuides Paris
I already thought about that , and started to gather some material ... I'll let you 
know but at the moment i have a few things to manage till the 23rd , and it will carry 
on till the 25th ;-) ...

Afterwards , i 'll have some time to get back at this ... :)


Assistez à la prochaine conférence Perl en France
23-25 juillet 2003 au CNAM (PARIS)

Re: We're all going on a summer holiday

2003-07-08 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED] lacravate
Hi ,

En ce jour du Tue, 8 Jul 2003 20:32:44 +0100,
Earle Martin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> parlait ainsi :
And bodyguard to make some room ... You won't be alone ... :)


Assistez à la prochaine conférence Perl en France
23-25 juillet 2003 au CNAM (PARIS)

Re: YAPC::EU Recommended hotel

2003-07-07 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED] lacravate
Hi ,

En ce jour du Mon, 7 Jul 2003 15:25:01 - (GMT),
"Raf" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> parlait ainsi :
> I've just been asked to provide the name of a recommended hotel for the
> conference.  Is there one?  Since the site has a number of links, I
> wondered if anyone could give me a good suggestion if the company is
> forking the bill?  Since I've got to pay for my gf, it shoudln't be 'too'
> costly.  Somewhere near the conference?
I saw that mister "cat herder" answered you already and that you may find his tips 
sufficient . Nevertheless , if ever you need more help , i guided several attendees in 
their search for a hotel , and i would do it for you if you ask for it .

You can write at the address i am currently using or at [EMAIL PROTECTED] .

Cheers !

David from the Y::E::2003 committee .


Assistez à la prochaine conférence Perl en France
23-25 juillet 2003 au CNAM (PARIS)

RE: Where to buy IBM laptop?

2003-06-12 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Original Message:
From: Jon Reades [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: Thu, 12 Jun 2003 13:13:38 +0100
Subject: Where to buy IBM laptop?

I bought a IBM Thinkpad R31 for 499 plus VAT payed another 50 for IBM 128MB
RAM. at the last shop on Tottenham Court Road. Realized that that shop got
the same owner as the first shop on the street. Intelsomething. Runned by
arabs. Everybody seems to thing that I got a good deal. Registered online
and got 1 year parts and labour warranty.


mail2web - Check your email from the web at .

www. KICK! DOWN! orwhatevershouldonecallit plus misc.

2003-06-06 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Howdy all of you Perl People!

This is Marcus. The Swedish. This is my first post. I was at the last
social meeting and was hoping to be able to have been there on the one
earlier tonight but was unable to.

As I joined this mailing list a while back in digest mode but have not yet
recived a single digest (is there a bug?). So thought I gotta go non-digest
and see what happens.

The reason I'm sending you this message is two. As the people I talked to
at the last meeting know I'm a Perl n0obie I wonder if you can with Perl
make an URL entered with the bleeping www. entered.

e.g. enter redirects to
An example of this can be seen at

The next reason I'm sending you this message is I wanna host my future
domain on a server that not 404 if you do not enter the goddessdamnit W's.
I talked to Roger [Hi Roger] and he said that some of you could host
domain's so if I cannot get an own server going I wonder is maybe I can get
it going with some of yours assitance or possily even host it on one of you
guys or GIRLS even machine.

Please let me know your thoughts. And hope to see you all soon again.

Goodbye for now.


PS. was that it was a stripped down version of years
back I noticed but not anymore ;| 

mail2web - Check your email from the web at .

Re: www. KICK! DOWN! orwhatevershouldonecallit plus misc.

2003-06-06 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Original Message:
From: Paul Makepeace [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: Fri, 6 Jun 2003 12:56:35 +0100
Subject: Re: www. KICK! DOWN! orwhatevershouldonecallit plus misc.

On Fri, Jun 06, 2003 at 11:32:15AM +0200, Eric Cholet wrote:
> >>> 
> >>> ServerName
> >>> ServerAlias
> >>>
> >>> 
> >>
> >>The one downside to this is that the browser caches these separately so
> >>links might appear in an unexpected colou?r.
> >
> >And makes adding an https:// site 'interesting'.
> >And potentially makes
> >cookie stuff on the site not work properly :/
> Sure, adding extra requirements (cookies, SSL, ...) indeed modifies
> the solution, that's no surprise.

It probably is to someone asking the question in the first place :)



Thanks to you all for the info and the data I can actupon. I've visted
Makepeace site and he actually got the www. KICK! DOWN! (credit to him for
that) Have you or any one else experienced any actual probs? Or any other
for that matter.  With risk of writing rubbish since tired and confused.

Yes, https:// I want. What would be the potential possible cookie problems
then.  The page expired issue: I hate that. That is to do with cookies I
think. Lets say you complete a form. Is cookie required to remember what
was entered if going backwards!? What is the need of a cookie if it just
gonna expire to fast or to late!?

When filling in a secure order form. Is a cookie maybe required if you
would link back to the form would a cookie not be required if you
Javascripted backwards in history instead of a link!?

These are som random thought at the moment.


mail2web - Check your email from the web at .