Hi ,

En ce jour du Mon, 14 Jul 2003 17:20:11 +0100,
Earle Martin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> parlait ainsi :
> On Mon, Jul 14, 2003 at 05:19:13PM +0100, Alex McLintock wrote:
> > Would it be possible to write up people's recommendations for visiting 
> > Paris and stick it somewhere online?
> > My girlfriend and I have been meaning to go to Paris - though I'm not going 
> > to YAPC.
Sorry for your girlfriend , stupid story ...

But i think , BTW , that among the ideas you were given , the first one (going to the 
embassy first thing in the morning and be prepared to spend the whole day there) has 
really good chances to succeed . Of course i don't guarantee anything , i'm just some 
mongueur you know , not any kind of state employee .

> > Perhaps we could pollute Grubstreet with it :-)
> Well, I'm aiming to meet some interesting mongueurs and convince them into
> starting an OpenGuides Paris....
I already thought about that , and started to gather some material ... I'll let you 
know but at the moment i have a few things to manage till the 23rd , and it will carry 
on till the 25th ;-) ...

Afterwards , i 'll have some time to get back at this ... :)


Assistez à la prochaine conférence Perl en France
23-25 juillet 2003 au CNAM (PARIS)

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