Re: [Lsr] Why only a congestion-avoidance algorithm on the sender isn't enough

2020-05-04 Thread Les Ginsberg (ginsberg)
Henk -

Thanx for your thoughtful posts.
I have read your later posts on this thread as well - but decided to reply to 
this one.
Top posting for better readability.

There is broad agreement that faster flooding is desirable.
There are now two proposals as to how to address the issue - neither of which 
is proposing to use TCP (or equivalent).

I have commented on why IS-IS flooding requirements are significantly different 
than that for which TCP is used.
I think it is also useful to note that even the simple test case which Bruno 
reported on in last week's interim meeting demonstrated that without any 
changes to the protocol at all IS-IS was able to flood an order of magnitude 
faster than it commonly does today.
This gives me hope that we are looking at the problem correctly and will not 
need "TCP".

Introducing a TCP based solution requires:

a)A major change to the adjacency formation logic

b)Removal of the independence of the IS-IS protocol from the address families 
whose reachability advertisements it supports - something which I think is a 
great strength of the protocol - particularly in environments where multiple 
address family support is needed

I really don't want to do either of the above.

Your comments regarding PSNP response times are quite correct - and both of the 
draft proposals discuss this - though I agree more detail will be required.
It is intuitive that if you want to flood faster you also need to ACK faster - 
and probably even retransmit faster when that is needed.
The basic relationship between retransmit interval and PSNP interval is 
expressed in ISO 10589:

" partialSNPInterval - This is the amount of time between periodic
action for transmission of Partial Sequence Number PDUs.
It shall be less than minimumLSPTransmission-Interval."

Of course ISO 10589 recommended values (2 seconds and 5 seconds respectively) 
associated with a much slower flooding rate and implementations I am aware of 
use values in this order of magnitude. These numbers need to be reduced if we 
are to flood faster, but the relationship between the two needs to remain the 

It is also true - as you state - that sending ACKs more quickly will result in 
additional PDUs which need to be received/processed by IS-IS - and this has 
some impact. But I think it is reasonable to expect that an implementation 
which can support sending and receiving LSPs at a faster rate should also be 
able to send/receive PSNPs at a faster rate. But we still need to be smarter 
than sending one PSNP/one LSP in cases where we have a burst.

LANs are a more difficult problem than P2P - and thus far 
draft-ginsberg-lsr-isis-flooding-scale has been silent on this - but not 
because we aren't aware of this - just have focused on the P2P behavior first.
What the best behavior on a LAN may be is something I am still considering. 
Slowing flooding down to the speed at which the slowest IS on the LAN can 
support may not be the best strategy - as it also slows down the propagation 
rate for systems downstream from the nodes on the LAN which can handle faster 
flooding - thereby having an impact on flooding speed throughout the network in 
a way which may be out of proportion. This is a smaller example of the larger 
issue that when only some nodes in the network support faster flooding the 
behavior of the whole network may not be "better" when faster flooding is 
enabled because it prolongs the period of LSDB inconsistency. More work needs 
to be done here...

In summary, I don't expect to have to "reinvent TCP" - but I do think you have 
provided a useful perspective for us to consider as we progress on this topic,



> -Original Message-
> From: Lsr  On Behalf Of Henk Smit
> Sent: Thursday, April 30, 2020 6:58 AM
> To:
> Subject: [Lsr] Why only a congestion-avoidance algorithm on the sender isn't
> enough
> Hello all,
> Two years ago, Gunter Van de Velde and myself published this draft:
> That started this discussion about flow/congestion control and ISIS
> flooding.
> My thoughts were that once we start implementing new algorithms to
> optimize ISIS flooding speed, we'll end up with our own version of TCP.
> I think most people here have a good general understanding of TCP.
> But if not, this is a good overview how TCP does it:
> What does TCP do:
> TCP does 2 things: flow control and congestion control.
> 1) Flow control is: the receiver trying to prevent itself from being
> overloaded. The receiver indicates, through the receiver-window-size
> in the TCP acks, how much data it can or wants to receive.
> 2) Congestion control is: the sender trying to prevent the links between

Re: [Lsr] Why only a congestion-avoidance algorithm on the sender isn't enough

2020-05-04 Thread Christian Hopps

> On May 4, 2020, at 5:47 AM, Henk Smit  wrote:
> I'm looking forward to seeing (an outline of) your algorithm.

I'm not trying to push any particular algorithm, we already have some 
proposals. My intention was only to suggest that we not disregard solutions too 
aggressively. The argument that there are too many queues in one routers 
implementation of a punt path, or there are so few or none that one can't tell 
IS-IS from other traffic early enough doesn't mean that one couldn't consider 
what *would* be required for a simple solution to be viable. If a simple 
solution is elegant enough then perhaps market forces start coming in to play 
and the cost to implement isn't actually that high.

In any case we already have a couple proposed semi-solutions and during the 
meeting it seemed to be agreed that people would write some code and collect 
some data at this point.

[as WG member]
Lsr mailing list

Re: [Lsr] Why only a congestion-avoidance algorithm on the sender isn't enough

2020-05-04 Thread Henk Smit

Mitchel wrote:

IS-IS has two levels of neighbors via hello level 1s (LSAs) and hello
level  2s :, so immediate is somewhat relative..

As Tony said, Level-2 neighbors are still directly adjacent.
There might be layer-2 switches between them.
But there are never layer-3 routers between 2 adjacent level-2 

Les's point is that interfaces, linecards, and the interface
between the data-plane and the control-plane can all be seen
as points between 2 ISIS instances/process on two different
routers, where ISIS messages might be dropped. And that
therefor you need congestion-control (in stead of, or added
to) receiver-side flow-control.

Sorry, I disagree, Link capacity is always an issue..

Note, we're not trying to find the maximum number of LSPs
we can transmit. We just want to improve the speed a bit.
From 33 LSPs/sec today to 10k LSPs/sec or something in
that order. There's no need to send 10 million LSPs/sec.

Suppose the average LSP is 500 bytes.
Suppose a router sends 10k LSPs per second.
I think if ISISes can send 10k LSPs/sec, we've solved the problem
for 99.99% of networks.

10k LSPs is 5 000 000 bytes. Is 40 000 000 bits. Is 40 Mbps.
So a continuous stream of 10k LSPs/sec takes 40 Mbps to transmit.

For LSP-flooding, bandwidth itself is never the problem.


Lsr mailing list

Re: [Lsr] Why only a congestion-avoidance algorithm on the sender isn't enough

2020-05-04 Thread Henk Smit

On Friday I wrote:

I still think we'll end up re-implementing a new (and weaker) TCP.

Christian Hopps wrote 2020-05-04 01:27:

Let's not be too cynical at the start though! :)

I wasn't trying to be cynical.
Let me explain my line of reasoning two years ago.

When reading about the proposals for limiting the flooding topology
in IS-IS, I read a requirement doc. It said that the goal was to
support areas (flooding domains) of 10k routers. Or maybe even 100k
routers. My immediate thought was: "how are you gonna sync the LSDB
when a router boots up ? That takes 300 to 3000 seconds !?".

This is the problem I wanted to solve. I hadn't even thought of
routers in dense topologies that have 1k+ neighbors.

There are currently heathens that use BGP as IGP in their data-centers.
There's even a cult that is developing a new IGP on top of BGP (LSVR).
If they think BGP/BGP-LS/LSVR are good choices for an IGP, why is that ?
One reason is that people claim that BGP is more scalable. Note, when
doing "Internet-routing" with large number of prefixes, routers, or
some implementations of BGP, still sometimes need minutes, or dozens
of minutes to process and re-advetise all those prefixes. So when we
talk about minutes, why do people think BGP is so much more wonderful ?
I think it's TCP. TCP can transport lots of info quickly and 

And conceptually TCP is easy to understand for the user ("you write
into a socket, you read from a socket on the other box. done").

If TCP is good enough for BGP bulk-transport, it should be good
enough for IS-IS bulk-transport.

If there are issues with using TCP for routing-protocols, I'm sure
we've solved those by now (in our implementations). We can use those
same solutions/tweaks we use for BGP's TCP in ISIS's TCP. Or am I
too naive now ?

BTW, all the implementations I've worked with used regular TCP. All
the Open Source BGPs seem to be using the regular TCP in their
kernels. Can someone explain why TCP is good for BGP but not for IS-IS ?

Almost 24 years ago, I sat on a bench in Santa Cruz discussing protocols
with an engineer who had a lot more experience than I had, and still 

He was designing LDP at the time (with Yakov). LDP also uses TCP.
He said "if we had to design IS-IS now, of course we'd use TCP as
transport now". I never forgot that.

The goal here is not to make IS-IS transport optimal. We don't need to
use maximum available bandwidth. I just happen to think we need the
same 2 elements that TCP has: sender-side congestion-avoidance and
receiver-side flow-control. I hope I have explained why sender-side
congestion-control in IS-IS is not enough (you don't get the feedback
you need to make it work). Les and others have tried to explain
why receiver-side flow-control is hard to implement (the receiving
IS-IS might not know about the state of its interfaces, linecards, etc).

That's why I think we need both.
And when we implement both, it'll start to look like TCP.
So why not use TCP itself ?
Or Quic ? Or another transport that's already implemented ?

I'd note that our environment is a bit more controlled than the
end-to-end internet environment. In IS-IS we are dealing with single
link (logical) so very simple solutions (CTS/RTS, ethernet PAUSE)
could be viable.

Les's argument is that it's often not so controlled.

Let me ask you one question:
In your algorithm, the receiving IS-IS will send a "pause signal" when
it is overrun. How does IS-IS know it is overrun ? The router is 
IS-IS pdu's on the interface, on the linecard, on the queue between 
and Control Plane, on the IS-IS process's input-queue. When queues are 
you can't send a message up saying "we didn't have space for an IS-IS 
but we're sending you this message that we've just dropped an IS-IS 

How do you envision this works ?

Imho receiver-side flow-control can only send a rough upper-bound on how 

pdu's it can receive normally.

A solution with a "pause signal" is basically the same as a 

flow-control, where the receive-window is either 0 or infinite.

Thus our choice of algorithms may well be less restricted.

I'm looking forward to seeing (an outline of) your algorithm.

Again, I'm not pushing for TCP (anymore). I'm not pushing for anything.
I'm just trying to explain the problems that I see with solutions
that are, imho, a bit too simple to really help. Maybe I'm wrong, and
the problem is simpler than I think. Experimentation would be nice.


Lsr mailing list

Re: [Lsr] Why only a congestion-avoidance algorithm on the sender isn't enough

2020-05-04 Thread Mitchell Erblich

Mitchell Erblich
Implementation of IS-IS for Extreme Networks in what seems Eons ago…

> On May 3, 2020, at 11:12 PM, wrote:
> Mitchell,
>>  I think we/you are looking at two different problems: 
>> 1) a hop count of 1 or maybe two between the two end points 2) and the 
>> multiple / many hop count between the two end points.
> IS-IS adjacencies are always between immediate L3 neighbors, ignoring strange 
> things like tunneling.

IS-IS has two levels of neighbors via hello level 1s (LSAs) and hello level  2s 
:, so immediate is somewhat relative..

>>  Thus, I think that your issue is mostly the #2 problem 
>> and the problem that most CA algorithms IMO always try to increase capacity 
>> and thus at some point must exceed capacity. TCP must find a range of 
>> capacity per flow (assuming a consistent a number of packets per sec). 
>> However, what is maybe missed (I missed it in the document) is the ability 
>> not to overshoot the TCP threshold point and trigger multiple initial 
>> congestion events in/exiting the slow-start phase.
> Modern router designs have interface bandwidths from 10-400Gb/s.  The CPU 
> would be hard pressed to supply 1Gb/s, therefore for most of the 
> circumstances that we’re concerned about, the link capacity is never the 
> issue.

Sorry, I disagree ,, Link capacity is always an issue.. wrt to video we 
now have 4k/8.3mpixels video streams with 8k support at the TV in the near 
future. And as you mentioned 400Gb via Link Aggregation… Whether a single or 
multiple 1 core, 4core or more is used and the speed of the Eth interface(s) is 
based on the platform. I would assume that hello 2 level neighbors / 
adjacencies would be more WAN based and thus stresses a router’s link capacity 
more than a standard neighbors via hello 1s… 

Even more grey scale or the number of different colors of 
pixels require more link capacity…

Pixelation on your TV is based on either link capacity or not 
being able to process the packets, and thus either get dropped or just skipped.

Even compression consumes CPU processing a requires an “entire 
frame” / partial frame to be recieved before the frame can be processed.

If we jump to OSPF it is the DRs and BDRs, I would assume 
consume more link capacity, than DRothers (note; does not use TCP). 

So, link capacity and/or packet-per-sec processing Will always 
be an issue in some/many environments, and is more so with IPv4 due to 
fragmentation given fixed input queue/fifos sizes, and whether the router then 
does tail drops, or REDS (random early discards), or does delay of dropping an 
adjacency because it is processing a massive number of LSAs and has not 
processed the hello,,, Please tell me 1 router can process say 1GByte of min 
sized packets at wire speeds of say 400Gb/sec, via echo requests/responses… aka 
1 million pings as a quick stress test..

 Even with long enough FIFOs, don’t we have longer latencies as we queue up the 
packets? This is a side effect of link capacity… 

Even limiting the number of routers in a area and having slower or 
faster convergence, is based on link capacity and CPU capacity,,, aka the 

> Tony

Lsr mailing list

Re: [Lsr] Why only a congestion-avoidance algorithm on the sender isn't enough

2020-05-04 Thread tony . li


>   I think we/you are looking at two different problems: 
> 1) a hop count of 1 or maybe two between the two end points 2) and the 
> multiple / many hop count between the two end points.

IS-IS adjacencies are always between immediate L3 neighbors, ignoring strange 
things like tunneling.

>   Thus, I think that your issue is mostly the #2 problem 
> and the problem that most CA algorithms IMO always try to increase capacity 
> and thus at some point must exceed capacity. TCP must find a range of 
> capacity per flow (assuming a consistent a number of packets per sec). 
> However, what is maybe missed (I missed it in the document) is the ability 
> not to overshoot the TCP threshold point and trigger multiple initial 
> congestion events in/exiting the slow-start phase.

Modern router designs have interface bandwidths from 10-400Gb/s.  The CPU would 
be hard pressed to supply 1Gb/s, therefore for most of the circumstances that 
we’re concerned about, the link capacity is never the issue.


Lsr mailing list

Re: [Lsr] Why only a congestion-avoidance algorithm on the sender isn't enough

2020-05-03 Thread Mitchell Erblich

I think we/you are looking at two different problems: 
1) a hop count of 1 or maybe two between the two end points 2) and the multiple 
/ many hop count between the two end points.

RFC3649 does a “ship-in-the night” type implementation 
of #1, where there is an excess of capacity between the two end points. It also 
IMO addresses the ability to burst and then close a shorter term connection.

Thus, I think that your issue is mostly the #2 problem 
and the problem that most CA algorithms IMO always try to increase capacity and 
thus at some point must exceed capacity. TCP must find a range of capacity per 
flow (assuming a consistent a number of packets per sec). However, what is 
maybe missed (I missed it in the document) is the ability not to overshoot the 
TCP threshold point and trigger multiple initial congestion events in/exiting 
the slow-start phase.

FYI:  My implementations tend to try to identify a connection of 
packets-per-sec with a range using prime numbers, and possibly identify excess 
capacity and subdivide that capacity into future multiple connections. This 
type of implementation is much easier to do from a server, that implements the 
#1 scenario above where the server is one of the end points.

Mitchell Erblich

> On Apr 30, 2020, at 6:57 AM, Henk Smit  wrote:
> Hello all,
> Two years ago, Gunter Van de Velde and myself published this draft:
> That started this discussion about flow/congestion control and ISIS flooding.
> My thoughts were that once we start implementing new algorithms to
> optimize ISIS flooding speed, we'll end up with our own version of TCP.
> I think most people here have a good general understanding of TCP.
> But if not, this is a good overview how TCP does it:
> What does TCP do:
> TCP does 2 things: flow control and congestion control.
> 1) Flow control is: the receiver trying to prevent itself from being
> overloaded. The receiver indicates, through the receiver-window-size
> in the TCP acks, how much data it can or wants to receive.
> 2) Congestion control is: the sender trying to prevent the links between
> sender and receiver from being overloaded. The sender makes an educated
> guess at what speed it can send.
> The part we seem to be missing:
> For the sender to make a guess at what speed it can send, it looks at
> how the transmission is behaving. Are there drops ? What is the RTT ?
> Do drop-percentage and RTT change ? Do acks come in at the same rate
> as the sender sends segments ? Are there duplicate acks ? To be able
> to do this, the sender must know what to expect. How acks behave.
> If you want an ISIS sender to make a guess at what speed it can send,
> without changing the protocol, the only thing the sender can do is look
> at the PSNPs that come back from the receiver. But the RTT of PSNPs can
> not be predicted. Because a good ISIS implementation does not immediately
> send a PSNP when it receives a LSP. 1) the receiver should jitter the PSNP,
> like it should jitter all packets. And 2) the receiver should wait a little
> to see if it can combine multiple acks into a single PSNP packet.
> In TCP, if a single segment gets lost, each new segment will cause the
> receiver to send an ack with the seqnr of the last received byte. This
> is called "duplicate acks". This triggers the sender to do
> fast-retransmission. In ISIS, this can't be be done. The information
> a sender can get from looking at incoming PSNPs is a lot less than what
> TCP can learn from incoming acks.
> The problem with sender-side congestion control:
> In ISIS, all we know is that the default retransmit-interval is 5 seconds.
> And I think most implementations use that as the default. This means that
> the receiver of an LSP has one requirement: send a PSNP within 5 seconds.
> For the rest, implementations are free to send PSNPs however and whenever
> they want. This means a sender can not really make conclusions about
> flooding speed, dropped LSPs, capacity of the receiver, etc.
> There is no ordering when flooding LSPs, or sending PSNPs. This makes
> a sender-side algorithm for ISIS a lot harder.
> When you think about it, you realize that a sender should wait the
> full 5 seconds before it can make any real conclusions about dropped LSPs.
> If a sender looks at PSNPs to determine its flooding speed, it will probably
> not be able to react without a delay of a few seconds. A sender might send
> hunderds or thousands of LSPs in those 5 seconds, which might all or
> partially be dropped, complicating matters even further.
> A sender-sider algorithm should specify how to do PSNPs.
> So imho a sender-side only algorithm can't work just like that in a
> multi-vendor 

Re: [Lsr] Why only a congestion-avoidance algorithm on the sender isn't enough

2020-05-03 Thread Christian Hopps

> On Apr 30, 2020, at 9:57 AM, Henk Smit  wrote:
> I still think we'll end up re-implementing a new (and weaker) TCP.

Hi Henk,

Thanks for the thoughtful writeup. Let's not be too cynical at the start 
though! :)

I'd note that our environment is a bit more controlled than the end-to-end 
internet environment. In IS-IS we are dealing with single link (logical) so 
very simple solutions (CTS/RTS, ethernet PAUSE) could be viable. That aside, 
yes, there are queues and opportunity for loss between the receiving linecard 
interface and the IS-IS process on the router, but that path is much more 
accessible (controllable) to the control loop than all the routers and networks 
between 2 endpoints for an internet TCP connection.

Also, while it's generally accepted that end-to-end internet based protocols 
need to be TCP friendly (e.g., the datagram-based congestion control algorithms 
(DCCP)), I'm not sure this requirement needs to be applied the same way for 
IS-IS. Thus our choice of algorithms may well be less restricted.

[as WG member]

Lsr mailing list

[Lsr] Why only a congestion-avoidance algorithm on the sender isn't enough

2020-04-30 Thread Henk Smit

Hello all,

Two years ago, Gunter Van de Velde and myself published this draft:
That started this discussion about flow/congestion control and ISIS 

My thoughts were that once we start implementing new algorithms to
optimize ISIS flooding speed, we'll end up with our own version of TCP.
I think most people here have a good general understanding of TCP.
But if not, this is a good overview how TCP does it:

What does TCP do:

TCP does 2 things: flow control and congestion control.

1) Flow control is: the receiver trying to prevent itself from being
overloaded. The receiver indicates, through the receiver-window-size
in the TCP acks, how much data it can or wants to receive.
2) Congestion control is: the sender trying to prevent the links between
sender and receiver from being overloaded. The sender makes an educated
guess at what speed it can send.

The part we seem to be missing:

For the sender to make a guess at what speed it can send, it looks at
how the transmission is behaving. Are there drops ? What is the RTT ?
Do drop-percentage and RTT change ? Do acks come in at the same rate
as the sender sends segments ? Are there duplicate acks ? To be able
to do this, the sender must know what to expect. How acks behave.

If you want an ISIS sender to make a guess at what speed it can send,
without changing the protocol, the only thing the sender can do is look
at the PSNPs that come back from the receiver. But the RTT of PSNPs can
not be predicted. Because a good ISIS implementation does not 
send a PSNP when it receives a LSP. 1) the receiver should jitter the 
like it should jitter all packets. And 2) the receiver should wait a 

to see if it can combine multiple acks into a single PSNP packet.

In TCP, if a single segment gets lost, each new segment will cause the
receiver to send an ack with the seqnr of the last received byte. This
is called "duplicate acks". This triggers the sender to do
fast-retransmission. In ISIS, this can't be be done. The information
a sender can get from looking at incoming PSNPs is a lot less than what
TCP can learn from incoming acks.

The problem with sender-side congestion control:

In ISIS, all we know is that the default retransmit-interval is 5 
And I think most implementations use that as the default. This means 
the receiver of an LSP has one requirement: send a PSNP within 5 
For the rest, implementations are free to send PSNPs however and 

they want. This means a sender can not really make conclusions about
flooding speed, dropped LSPs, capacity of the receiver, etc.
There is no ordering when flooding LSPs, or sending PSNPs. This makes
a sender-side algorithm for ISIS a lot harder.

When you think about it, you realize that a sender should wait the
full 5 seconds before it can make any real conclusions about dropped 
If a sender looks at PSNPs to determine its flooding speed, it will 
not be able to react without a delay of a few seconds. A sender might 

hunderds or thousands of LSPs in those 5 seconds, which might all or
partially be dropped, complicating matters even further.

A sender-sider algorithm should specify how to do PSNPs.

So imho a sender-side only algorithm can't work just like that in a
multi-vendor environment. We must not only specify a congestion-control
algorithm for the sender. We must also specify for the receiver a more
specific algorithm how and when to send PSNPs. At least how to do PSNPs
under load.

Note that this might result in the receiver sending more (and smaller) 

More packets might mean more congestion (inside routers).

Will receiver-side flow-control work ?

I don't know if that's enough. It will certainly help.

I think to tackle this problem, we need 3 parts:
1) sender-side congestion-control algorithm
2) more detailed algorithm on receiver when and how to send PSNPs
3) receiver-side flow-control mechanism

As discussed at length, I don't know if the ISIS process on the 

router can actually know if its running out of resources (buffers on
interfaces, linecards, etc). That's implementation dependent. A receiver
can definitely advertise a fixed value. So the sender has an upper bound
to use when doing congestion-control. Just like TCP has both a 
window and a congestion-control window, and a sender uses both. Maybe 
receiver can even advertise a dynamic value. Maybe now, maybe only in 

future. An advertised upper limit seems useful to me today.

What I didn't like about our own proposal (flooding over TCP):

The problem I saw with flooding over TCP concerns multi-point networks 

When flooding over a multi-point network, setting up TCP connections
introduces serious challenges. Who are the endpoints of the TCP 
connections ?

Full mesh ? Or