Re: [luau] Any Open Source Programmers?

2002-10-18 Thread burnst001
I'm curious how many other people on this list are open source developers,
particularly those living on O'ahu.  I do mostly Java development 

Sort of - I was planning to do some open source development in java, but it
got put on hold when a) I began trying to get up to speed on linux and b) I
graduated from the UH ICS masters program.

I had found an interesting java answering machine project called toejam
that I wanted to contribute to, but it was still in larval stage (original 
making major revision of the prototype) and so I got distracted. Maybe its time
for me to get back on that horse.

Distracted Dave

Re: [luau] Re: Graphic art design

2002-10-18 Thread Joe Linux

I think this message is right on target. People want help, are willing to
pay for it, ask for it, and then are hit with an arrogant message about "netiquette"
by an essentially self appointed, self styled net patrolman. I can really
relate to you (Neal  Gay) not wanting to be forced into several years
of study trying to learn all the intricacies of a comparatively complex operating
system. Plus this so called "spam" is actually an opportunity for someone
to earn some money. Now I ask, how can one person decide for all the others
as to who in this group would want to earn money and who wouldn't or how
they might want to earn it. This mailing list should not be a place where
a single solitary (self appointed) boss defines what you can or can not
do. As I said before, I never considered the first message that was declared
"spam" to even be spam. So I don't know. I myself have been declared to
be deficient in netiquette because of some comparatively petty issues. So
if "netnutiquette" allows us to express an opinion here, I would welcome
all requests from people who are seeking help and especially those who are
willing to pay for it. I myself was willing to pay for help in getting my
Linux system going when I first started. At the time I experienced a great
deal of frustration, and got blasted too, so I can relate. 

As for the help, all I can say is that I don't care for Red Hat, but depending
on your purposes it could be the best choice for what you are trying to do.
I see RedHat as being popular with people wanting to set up a sever or networked
system, while some other distributions seem stronger in the desktop and user
friendliness arena. In as much as you are a dentist; and I presume comparatively
well heeled, you might consider the Macintosh OS-X. Having said that, I
wouldn't use it myself because I don't care to be locked into expensive proprietary
hardware and software, but it probably is much more intuitive and user friendly.
So if you need to or are willing to pay for help, then perhaps the investment
in a hardware and intuitive software might actually turn out to be more economical
in the long run. Don't get me wrong, I do use Linux exclusively on my home
PC, but my choice is based primarily on economic, political, and security
reasons. I use Linux because it will run on standard clone PC's and there
is a competitive environment amongst the various distributions, and in the
long run, the effort required to learn it should be well worth it, if in
fact Linux application software can do whatever task you need to accomplish.

Neal  Gay Timon wrote:

  Perhaps my experience will give another perspective
on your  "spam" discussion.
  I went to Comp USA the Sunday your group was there.
I  was considering upgrading my windows operating system and spoke to two
of your  members. Our discussion impressed me, and I decided to purchase
the Red  Hat Linux software. I also attended one of your classes but found
I didn't  have enough knowledge to benefit (I'm sure most of you can relate
to a  class where you don't feel knowledgeable enough to even ask a  question).
  It was suggested that I subscribe to this group where
I  could ask for help etc. I'm just an older dentist trying to benefit from
 what I still perceive to be benefits of this system. I want to get it  working
but am not interested in spending countless hours learning all the  details
about a new operating system right now.
  I was also considering asking about hiring someone
to help me  (you students must still be hungry and need money). That isn't
my idea of  spam, but it may not be something you want on this group. Perhaps
you  would rather just reply that this group discourages that sort of request
and  suggest an alternative.
  by the way, where can Ihire someone to help  me?
Message deliberately not trimed

Re: [luau] Policy Discussion

2002-10-18 Thread Joe Linux

Just drop it, and give people some space.

Warren Togami wrote:

Would everyone agree for the list policy that asking for someone to do a
job is okay?

In the case of Edward's request, it was completely off-topic.  Should
requests be restricted to on-topic things that are remotely related to
Linux/Unix/Programming/Networking/Security types of things that we
normally discuss here?  Where should we draw the line?

This may be a more difficult gray area because what if he had asked 3D
modeling in Linux... 

Comments please.

LUAU mailing list

Re: [luau] Re: Graphic art design

2002-10-18 Thread Joe Linux

My opinion is still remains that if he can get personal help setting up
his one system, for his own needs, it would be a "win win" situation for
all involved.  Taking courses is a long process, and courses are hit and
miss in addressing his actual need.

linuxdan wrote:

   The best thing to do  is purchase the Redhat 8.0 and with
all the applications available you  could get all the technical support off
the list and help yourself learn in the  process. I would even consider
taking the Linux Plus class. Joe  Bransfield and Co at CompUSA Training
are the best of the best. The whole  point of going this route is that you
will find more cash in your wallet for  training and even new equipment once
you start learning how the apps work and  how you can apply it to your home

Re: [luau] List Policy

2002-10-18 Thread Joe Linux
I agree fully with you, but I guess at this point I see this as problem 
where a single individual is enforcing policy where no policy exists. 
Now you can ask is the problem do to a lack of policy or an individual 
who makes up policy on the spot, with little thought as he goes along. 
Since I was at the brunt of this in the past, I guess I can admit that 
a certain amount of bad blood is coming out now as I see the same thing 
happening to others that happened in the past to me.  An yes, I agree 
this is definitely not in the interest of actually building and open 
source community.  I would like to point out that I'm also a member of 
the CLUE group in Denver, and there are is virtually no equivalent 

Dustin Cross wrote:


Come on guys, this has been blown WAY out of proportion!  This was someone
asking for help.  The second guy said he heard about linux from the CompUSA
thing and wanted help.  This list used to be about helping people and not
chastising them for asking for help!  It is okay to give someone free help,
but insulting if they offer to pay a little money?

This list used to be about talking about open source and helping each other
learn new things about open source, no matter if they are newbies or geeks
who have been using Unix since it only ran on a PDP-11.

I think we need to calm down a little, this is supposed to be about
building the open source community in Hawaii, isn't it?


Re: [luau] List Policy

2002-10-18 Thread Joe Linux

If you know this, how come you immediately pounce on someone for "spamming"
when it's obvious in the first place that they are not Linux users?
I do know I dropped Oceanic Road Runner in favor of Oceanic Earthlink for
the very reason that the "SMTP" server was stalling out and we were having
difficulty sending outbound mail on actually both Linux and Windows. 

Warren Togami wrote:

  On Thu, 2002-10-17 at 17:28, al plant wrote:
At last a reasonable voice. I believe the person was only asking forhelp too. By the way there are some people on this list who send two or three mailpostings each time they make a comment. I don't think it is intentionalor spam. In fact it has been discussed a couple of times in the past.Maybe something in our sign up mail program is doing this. 

Many of the multiple postings are the fault of Outlook Express, where insome cases if you click "Send" but the SMTP server is stalling, itsometimes sends it multiple times.  I don't recall seeing any othermailers do this.___LUAU mailing list[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: [luau] List Policy

2002-10-18 Thread Joe Linux
Interestingly since I switched to Earthlink Cable, (through Oceanic) I 
have been getting no spam, but on my old RR account which for some 
reason is still active, the only thing I get is SPAM.  Another benefit 
of Earthlink is that you get nation wide dial up included with the 
Hawaii cable modem price.  So it has worked out well.

Dustin Cross wrote

But hey, this is just the opinion of someone who gets well over 100 SPAM e-
mails per day, not to mention the 100 or so messages I get from lists I
subscribe to.  There is a down side to having the same e-mail address for
seven years.


Re: [luau] List Policy

2002-10-18 Thread Joe Linux
It seems to me, you should be the last person worried about being 
personally affected by SPAM.

Warren Togami wrote:

I personally trust that a combination of the three works very well after
configuration.  I have something like 99.99% effective spam filtering
now, with no false positives for several weeks.  (I read through my
entire SPAM folder periodically, just to make sure.)


Re: [luau] List Policy

2002-10-18 Thread Warren Togami
On Fri, 2002-10-18 at 03:18, Joe Linux wrote:
 It seems to me, you should be the last person worried about being 
 personally affected by SPAM.

Yes, and now you're going on my blacklist.  I can't stand you.

Re: [luau] List Policy

2002-10-18 Thread al plant
Warren Togami wrote:

 Many of the multiple postings are the fault of Outlook Express, where in
 some cases if you click Send but the SMTP server is stalling, it
 sometimes sends it multiple times.  I don't recall seeing any other
 mailers do this.

Thanks for the clarification.

I only email from Linux and FreeBSD boxes so I hope I don't contribute
to the multiple postings.

Aloha! Al Plant - Webmaster
Providing FAST DSL Service for $28.00 /mo. Member Small Business Hawaii.
Running FreeBSD 4.5 UNIX  Caldera Linux 2.4  RedHat 7.2
Support OPEN SOURCE in Business Computing. Phone 808-622-0043

Re: [luau] News - Impressions of SuSE 8.1

2002-10-18 Thread Dean Fujioka
SuSE 8.0 works  fine on my Duron 700 no optical mouse or Geforce2 


Joe Linux wrote:

I was just at installfest in Denver and one member of the group tried 
to install SuSE 8.1 on a Duron 700 machine running an Geforce 2 card 
and a M$ optical mouse and SuSE 8.1 locked up very early on. He said 
he hasn't been able to install SuSE on his machine since 7.1.   Even 
the pros there couldn't get it to go and so in the end the guy just 
gave up. 

[luau] News - UH ITS dept evaluating Spam blocking

2002-10-18 Thread Warren Togami
University of Hawaii ITS department is looking for spam blocking solutions,
this article specifically mentions that they are looking at Spam Assassin
among other tools.  I just got off the phone with someone in the ITS
department and will soon be assisting in implementation.  Here's hoping that
they adopt Spam Assassin and Vipul's Razor for spam protection.

[luau] Macromedia Flash 6 beta for Linux released

2002-10-18 Thread Warren Togami

I am happy to report that the crash problems over X displays seems to be
fixed in this version of the plugin.  Finally LTSP clients should finally be
able to use Flash.

It should be noted that this is the first time a beta for Windows, Macintosh
and Linux is released simultaneously.  I would like to thank the developers
at Macromedia that have been very receptive.

Please help in testing this beta version so they can hammer out any
remaining bugs and make Flash finally viable on the Linux desktop!

Re: [luau] Almost full /usr partition....

2002-10-18 Thread Ben Beeson

Thanks for your help.  That will probably do what I need to do for now. 
When I upgrade to my next rev, I'll wipe my drives and start over with a 
better file plan

Yes, it's Linux, RH 7.2 for now...

Thanks again,


On Thursday 17 October 2002 09:23 pm, you wrote:
 Using the example I gave you could move everything to /home/usr.  Then
 umount /usr and link the new /home/usr to /usr.

 # mkdir /home/usr
 # cd /usr
 # tar cf - . | (cd /home/usr; tar xf -)
 # cd /
 # umount /usr
 # ln -s /home/usr  /usr

 You would also need to remove the entry that causes the old /usr to be
 mounted at reboot.

 This should work for most Unix OSes.  There is a slight potential for some
 gotchas with some older OSes such as SunOS, but I'm assuming you're using
 something current (probably Linux?).


Re: [luau] News - UH ITS dept evaluating Spam blocking

2002-10-18 Thread Ray Strode

Warren Togami wrote:

University of Hawaii ITS department is looking for spam blocking solutions,
this article specifically mentions that they are looking at Spam Assassin
among other tools.  

Yeah i read about that in the paper this morning.  I'm curious tho,
1) spamassassin is pretty processor intensive (especially for a whole 

Are they going to put it on it's own box?

2) how is this going to integrate with their new iPlanet mail system?


Re: [luau] News - UH ITS dept evaluating Spam blocking

2002-10-18 Thread Warren Togami
- Original Message -
From: Ray Strode [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, October 18, 2002 5:15 PM
Subject: Re: [luau] News - UH ITS dept evaluating Spam blocking
 Yeah i read about that in the paper this morning.  I'm curious tho,
 1) spamassassin is pretty processor intensive (especially for a whole
 Are they going to put it on it's own box?

 2) how is this going to integrate with their new iPlanet mail system?


I'm not sure yet, I will have to evaluate how iPlanet separates the MTA and
MDA.  I'm thinking that yes, SpamAssassin will need its own powerful server,
perhaps using the spamd and spamc client-server model.

I'm definitely going to advocate them to use at least Razor and open relay
blacklists if SpamAssassin turns out to be inadequate.

Suggestions welcome.

Re: [luau] News - UH ITS dept evaluating Spam blocking

2002-10-18 Thread Warren Togami
Cool, I've just been informed that they have two SunFire 480's dedicated for
Spam Assassin, and they are currently thinking about implementation based
upon the UC Irvine design.  I'm not sure what this design is, but will

Re: [luau] List Policy

2002-10-18 Thread Eric Hattemer
For a while, USC was on certain lists for opening their mail servers or
accidentally opening them to relay.  

-Eric Hattemer

On Thu, 2002-10-17 at 22:07, Warren Togami wrote:
 not.  While pattern matching is subject to occasional errors, blacklists
 and Vipul's Razor should NEVER have a false positive, you may consider
 using those two instead.
 LUAU mailing list

Re: [luau] List Policy

2002-10-18 Thread Eric Hattemer
I do have to say that Warren has a point.  8 Posts in a row all about
the same subject.  It would be appreciated if you could generally
combine your posts into fewer.  This isn't a threaded forum.  

-Eric Hattemer

On Fri, 2002-10-18 at 06:18, Joe Linux wrote:
 It seems to me, you should be the last person worried about being 
 personally affected by SPAM.
 Warren Togami wrote:
 I personally trust that a combination of the three works very well after
 configuration.  I have something like 99.99% effective spam filtering
 now, with no false positives for several weeks.  (I read through my
 entire SPAM folder periodically, just to make sure.)
 LUAU mailing list

Re: [luau] List Policy

2002-10-18 Thread Warren Togami
Then frankly, it is the fault of the administrator there, but the nice thing
about SpamAssassin with conservative settings is that you probably wont be
marked as spam if ONLY you are on an open relay blacklist, because it
combines several other methods in determining a spam score.  Open Relay
alone will only make your score perhaps 33% to the threshold point.

- Original Message -
From: Eric Hattemer [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, October 18, 2002 8:37 PM
Subject: Re: [luau] List Policy

 For a while, USC was on certain lists for opening their mail servers or
 accidentally opening them to relay.

 -Eric Hattemer

 On Thu, 2002-10-17 at 22:07, Warren Togami wrote:
  not.  While pattern matching is subject to occasional errors, blacklists
  and Vipul's Razor should NEVER have a false positive, you may consider
  using those two instead.