[luau] Taiwan Budgeting $8M to Push Linux

2003-10-16 Thread Hawaii Linux Institute
Because LUAU is a public forum accessible by the world at large, I will 
mention only what is publicly available.  In a surprise move, Taiwan 
government yesterday announced that it will budget 25.5 million NT this 
year (or about 8 million USD) to urgently push Linux. 


(you may try to go to altavista, http://babelfish.altavista.com/ , for 
an on-line translation)

Essentially all the agencies that have anything to do with hi-tech will 
be involved: Ministry of Economic Affairs, Ministry of Education, 
National Science Foundation, Executive Yuan Science Advisory Council, 
etc.  Only a few days ago, I heard that the money was going to be about 
1.5 million USD.  Such a 5-fold increase at the last minute was totally 

Now that we can claim Fedora originated from Hawaii (you will be 
surprised as to how much that could elevate our Linuxique credibility 
:-) ), perhaps eventually our local Linux groups can somehow get 
involved.  But we will see.  wayne

Re: [luau] that crazy GPL stuff...

2003-10-16 Thread Hawaii Linux Institute

Warren Togami wrote:


We need to realize that the validity of GPL is closely tied to the 
notion of shrink-wrap licenses.  There are two important issues.  First, 
since there are no face-to-face negotiations, do you really need to 
abide by the terms of GPL and open your source code?  If you have to 
open your source code, to what extent?  Since there is no uniform law 
regarding shrink-wrap licenses, answer to this question will of course 
vary from state to state.  Then, there is the issue of whether the GPL 
will bind you forever.  Both issues have been advanced by David Boise of 

With regard to SCO,  AFAIK, the real issue is, whether Microsoft should 
be allowed to essentially underwrite the entire cost of the law suit 
under the color of a highly questionable licensing agreement.  A friend 
in Massachusetts told me that some firms are considering filing a 
federal RICO ( Racketeering Influenced and Corrupt Organization) law 
suit naming Microsoft and SCO as co-defendants.  Now that should be 
interesting.  wayne

[luau] shell script question

2003-10-16 Thread Lou Rickard
I'm trying to write a shell script that would open up
a gnome terminal and have that gnome terminal execute
something (that something being ssh into another

I think it would have to look something like:

gnome-terminal "ssh [EMAIL PROTECTED]"

and have been trying variations on this theme, but
haven't gotten anywhere, and don't really know the
vocabulary for expressing what I'm trying to do.

Sould somebody throw me a bone?


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[luau] whatever.

2003-10-16 Thread Charles Lockhart
Then what do you think the weight of a full grown moose is?  I've never 
gotten gottem more than 300 or 350 pounds of meat from a moose, and 
that's when I was really scraping the bones, taking everything between 
the ribs, etc.  That's like maybe 25% bodywieght, max.

If you think you're going to pack 500 pounds of meat from a 1200 pound 
moose, you're just wrong.  And why would you want to?  It's a giant pain 
in the ass.

I'm never shooting another moose unless it's standing in the back of my 
truck.  I might consider taking one hostage and walking it back to my 
truck and finishing it off there, but until that's a viable solution, 
I'll leave the packing to you ;o)



Re: [luau] shell script question

2003-10-16 Thread Vince Hoang
On Thu, Oct 16, 2003 at 01:05:31PM -0700, Lou Rickard wrote:
> gnome-terminal "ssh [EMAIL PROTECTED]"


> Sould somebody throw me a bone?

gnome-terminal -e "ssh [EMAIL PROTECTED]"


Re: [luau] whatever.

2003-10-16 Thread Charles Lockhart

I'm sorry, that was a private email to somebody else.


Charles Lockhart wrote:
Then what do you think the weight of a full grown moose is?  I've never 
gotten gottem more than 300 or 350 pounds of meat from a moose, and 
that's when I was really scraping the bones, taking everything between 
the ribs, etc.  That's like maybe 25% bodywieght, max.

If you think you're going to pack 500 pounds of meat from a 1200 pound 
moose, you're just wrong.  And why would you want to?  It's a giant pain 
in the ass.

I'm never shooting another moose unless it's standing in the back of my 
truck.  I might consider taking one hostage and walking it back to my 
truck and finishing it off there, but until that's a viable solution, 
I'll leave the packing to you ;o)



LUAU mailing list

Charles Lockhart
Software Engineer
University of Hawaii Institute for Astronomy
NASA InfraRed Telescope Facility

Re: [luau] whatever.

2003-10-16 Thread tom_gordon

are there moose in hawaii?

Please respond to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject:[luau] whatever.

Then what do you think the weight of a full grown moose is?  I've never 
gotten gottem more than 300 or 350 pounds of meat from a moose, and 
that's when I was really scraping the bones, taking everything between 
the ribs, etc.  That's like maybe 25% bodywieght, max.

If you think you're going to pack 500 pounds of meat from a 1200 pound 
moose, you're just wrong.  And why would you want to?  It's a giant pain 
in the ass.

I'm never shooting another moose unless it's standing in the back of my 
truck.  I might consider taking one hostage and walking it back to my 
truck and finishing it off there, but until that's a viable solution, 
I'll leave the packing to you ;o)



LUAU mailing list

[luau] Any RT users out there?

2003-10-16 Thread Camron W. Fox

I was wondering if there are any users of RT (www.bestpractical.com) out
there who might be interested in training with the developer, Jesse Vincent.
If we could get enough people to commit, we might be able to get him to come
out here vice flying to the mainland (or Europe, which is VERY popular with

Best Regards,

Camron W. Fox
Hilo Office
High Performance Computing Group
Fujitsu America, INC.

Re: [luau] whatever.

2003-10-16 Thread Jan Semrau

African or European Moose ? :)

On Thursday, October 16, 2003, at 01:27 PM, Charles Lockhart wrote:

I'm sorry, that was a private email to somebody else.


Charles Lockhart wrote:
Then what do you think the weight of a full grown moose is?  I've 
never gotten gottem more than 300 or 350 pounds of meat from a moose

Re: [luau] Taiwan Budgeting $8M to Push Linux

2003-10-16 Thread Warren Togami

Hawaii Linux Institute wrote:

Now that we can claim Fedora originated from Hawaii (you will be 
surprised as to how much that could elevate our Linuxique credibility 
:-) ), perhaps eventually our local Linux groups can somehow get 
involved.  But we will see.  wayne

Well, Fedora originated in Hawaii by the ICS499 project of one geek and 
some University bandwidth.  In reality there isn't a whole lot unique 
about Hawaii in this.


Re: [luau] that crazy GPL stuff...

2003-10-16 Thread Warren Togami

Hawaii Linux Institute wrote:

Warren Togami wrote:


We need to realize that the validity of GPL is closely tied to the 
notion of shrink-wrap licenses.  There are two important issues.  First, 
since there are no face-to-face negotiations, do you really need to 
abide by the terms of GPL and open your source code?  If you have to 
open your source code, to what extent?  Since there is no uniform law 
regarding shrink-wrap licenses, answer to this question will of course 
vary from state to state.  Then, there is the issue of whether the GPL 
will bind you forever.  Both issues have been advanced by David Boise of 

I don't pretend to truly understand this legal stuff, but I recall the 
FSF saying repeatedly, even long before this SCO mess that you do NOT 
need to agree to the terms of the GPL in order to USE GPL software.  The 
GPL only regulates what you can and cannot do in distribution.

With regard to SCO,  AFAIK, the real issue is, whether Microsoft should 
be allowed to essentially underwrite the entire cost of the law suit 
under the color of a highly questionable licensing agreement.  A friend 
in Massachusetts told me that some firms are considering filing a 
federal RICO ( Racketeering Influenced and Corrupt Organization) law 
suit naming Microsoft and SCO as co-defendants.  Now that should be 
interesting.  wayne

If that is the case, then perhaps these guys should be another 
co-defendant after investing $50 million in SCO.


Re: [luau] that crazy GPL stuff...

2003-10-16 Thread Jimen Ching
On Thu, 16 Oct 2003, Hawaii Linux Institute wrote:
>We need to realize that the validity of GPL is closely tied to the
>notion of shrink-wrap licenses.

IANAL, but I believe both are based on copyright law.

>First, since there are no face-to-face negotiations, do you really need
>to abide by the terms of GPL and open your source code?

I don't think 'face-to-face negotiations' are required.  GPL is a legal
document.  IF IT APPLIES, then you will abide by it because it's the law.
Or the FSF will go after you.  The 'if it applies' sentence fragment is
very important.  Because no one is forced to accept the GPL.  But if you
don't accept the GPL, then you don't get to use the software.  And by use,
I mean make derivative works.

>If you have to open your source code, to what extent?

To the extent that the GPL specifies.  The GPL is very clear on this
issue, and I qoute:

  "3. You may copy and distribute the Program (or a work based on it,
under Section 2) in object code or executable form under the terms of
Sections 1 and 2 above provided that you also do one of the following:

a) Accompany it with the complete corresponding machine-readable
source code, which must be distributed under the terms of Sections
1 and 2 above on a medium customarily used for software interchange; or,"

I don't think there's any wiggle room here.

>Since there is no uniform law regarding shrink-wrap licenses, answer to
>this question will of course vary from state to state.


>Then, there is the issue of whether the GPL will bind you forever.  Both
>issues have been advanced by David Boise of SCO.

The GPL is based on copyright law.  It binds you for the same duration as
copyright binds you.


[luau] redhat 9 dhcp hostname

2003-10-16 Thread Hilke Dokter

I too installed redhat 9 recently, and it defaults 
to obtaining an IP address AND a hostname from my cable internet 
The ISP server gives me a host name based on the IP 
address it provides.
In previous installations of redhat, I was able to 
give my machine a name of my own choosing.
I 'solved' my problem with the redhat 
configuration, by editing the "dhclient-script" file, located in the /sbin 
Somewhere near the bottom of that file, is an entry 
which assigns a variable name to 'hostbame'.
I simply replaced the variable item with the name 
that I wanted to use, and rebooted.
Problem solved.
The ISP server is happy, Redhat 9 is happy, and I 
am happy.
I'm able to login to "my_name_host", instead of 
"ISP_name_host", Evolution works, and my box still continues to function as a 
It's a bit of a kludge workaround, but hey, it 