[LUTE] Re: Josquin music for lute

2011-01-11 Thread Gernot Hilger
Thanks a lot Göran!

I must have missed this before.


> Datum: Tue, 11 Jan 2011 23:49:31 +0100
> Von: "G. Crona" 
> An: "Lutelist" 
> Betreff: [LUTE] Re: Josquin music for lute

> As you can see its in Pisador.
> https://urresearch.rochester.edu/institutionalPublicationPublicView.action;jsessionid=54B87BF9DF3F0B69D077314E39F4EB47?institutionalItemId=12697
> But I believe he is considered musically suspect! Well, here's your chance
> to find out :)
> G.
> - Original Message - 
> From: "Gernot Hilger" 
> To: "wolfgang wiehe" ; 
> Cc: 
> Sent: Tuesday, January 11, 2011 11:39 PM
> Subject: [LUTE] Re: Josquin music for lute
> > Dear Wolfgang (and all),
> >
> > I see there is something in this list for which I have been looking for 
> > years (and even asked here), an intabulation of missa l'homme armé
> super 
> > voces musicales which I believe is one of the finest pieces of music
> ever 
> > written.
> >
> > Does anybody know about a source for the tab of this one?
> >
> > Thanks!
> > Gernot 
> To get on or off this list see list information at
> http://www.cs.dartmouth.edu/~wbc/lute-admin/index.html

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[LUTE] Re: Josquin music for lute

2011-01-11 Thread G. Crona

As you can see its in Pisador.


But I believe he is considered musically suspect! Well, here's your chance 
to find out :)


- Original Message - 
From: "Gernot Hilger" 

To: "wolfgang wiehe" ; 
Sent: Tuesday, January 11, 2011 11:39 PM
Subject: [LUTE] Re: Josquin music for lute

Dear Wolfgang (and all),

I see there is something in this list for which I have been looking for 
years (and even asked here), an intabulation of missa l'homme armé super 
voces musicales which I believe is one of the finest pieces of music ever 

Does anybody know about a source for the tab of this one?


To get on or off this list see list information at

[LUTE] Re: Josquin music for lute

2011-01-11 Thread Gernot Hilger
Dear Wolfgang (and all),

I see there is something in this list for which I have been looking for years 
(and even asked here), an intabulation of missa l'homme armé super voces 
musicales which I believe is one of the finest pieces of music ever written.

Does anybody know about a source for the tab of this one?


> Datum: Tue, 11 Jan 2011 23:31:18 +0100
> Von: "wolfgang wiehe" 
> An: "\'Lute List\'" 
> Betreff: [LUTE] Re: Josquin music for lute

> Here is the list posted on our lute newsgroup:
> http://www.mail-archive.com/lute@cs.dartmouth.edu/msg28867.html
> ##
> Dear David [and the lutenet]
> I made a list of Josquin settings for lute some time ago and Arthur 
> Ness suggested I shared it with you. It includes manuscript and 
> printed sources. I have attached it as a Word document which I hope 
> you can all open.
> best wishes - John H Robinson
> Lute intabulations of music by Josquin in prints and manuscripts
> [John H Robinson, January 1997]
> Manuscript sources:
> Adieu mes amours
> Adieu mes amours Munich 272 ff.52v-53
> Adieu mes amours Wertheim Nr.6 pp.9-10
> Benedicta
> Benedicta es regina. VI vocum Josquin Berlin 40632 ff.8v-11
> / Per illiud ave II ditto
> / [Nunc mater exora natum: tertia pars] ditto
> Benedicta es caelorum. 6 uocum Josquin Munich 267 ff.6v-8
> / Secunda pars Per illiud ave Duum ditto
> / Tertia Pars Nunc mater ditto
> Benedicta Es Celorum prima pars Paris 429  ff.38v-43v
> / Per illu dave Secunta pars Paris 429  ff.44-45v
> / Nunc mater Tertia pars Paris 429  ff.46-47
> Benedicta [Ness App.30] [Edin. Dc.5.125] Thistlethwaite  ff.47v-50
> Benedicta es coelorum regina [Ness App.30] 
> Thistlethwaite ff.81v-84
> Chuor languor
> Chuor languor Munich 266 ff.43v-44v
> Circumdederunt
> Circumd dederunt me 6 vocum Munich 266 ff.137v-138
> Coment peult avoir Coment peult avoir
> Coment peult avoir [Spinacino] Dallis pp.168-9
> Cum sancto spiritu
> Cum sancto spiritu [Missa de beata Virgine] Munich 272 ff.73v-74
> Et in terra pax [Missa pange linqua]
> Et in terra pax. Parte duna mesa. bela. Capirola (c.1517) p.129
> Et resurrexit de lomo arme [Missa l'homme arme]
> Et resurrexit de lomo arme. Parte duna mesa, bela, et bella 
> *Capirola (c.1517) p.106
> =46ors seulement [not in printed sources]
> Forschalamendt Berlin 40632 ff.17v-18
> For seulament [Gerle 1533<1>/41] Munich 272 ff.57v-58
> Hec dicit dominus [not in printed sources]
> Hec dicit do[min]us 6. Vocum Josquin Munich 267 ff.26v-27
> In exitu Israell / Deus autem / Dominus memor
> In exitu Israell der erst taill Munich 272 ff.82v-85
> / In exitu Israell der ander taill [2: Deus autem] ditto
> / In exitu Israell der drit taill [3: Dominus memor] ditto
> Inviolata /  Nosta vt pura / O Beningna
> Inviolata. Josquin quinque vocum Munich 267 ff.2v-4
> / Secunda Pars  Nosta vt pura ditto
> / Tertia Pars O Beningna ditto
> Mille Regres
> Mille Regres Munich 266 f.41
> Mille Regres / mit 4 stimmen Sequitur Munich 272 f.47v
> Mille regres Wroclaw 352 ff.54v-55v
> cf. VIII Galliarda V[alentin?] B[akfark?] [parody - Peter 
> Kir=E1ly] Basel F.IX.70 p.299
> Plus mil Regres
> Plus mil Regres Munich 266 ff.55-55v
> Plus mil Regres / Ist zimlich gueth Munich 1511d ff.11v-12v
> Preter Rerum
> Preter Rerum mit 6 stimmen der erst taill Munich 272 ff.80v-82
> Preter Rerum der ander taill mit 6 stimmen [2: Virtus 
> sancti spiritus] ditto
> Preter rerum seriem. 6 vocum Wroclaw 352 ff.3-5v
> Qui habitat
> Qui habitat 4or vocum Josquin Munich 267 ff.14v-17
> / Secunda Pars Non accedat ditto
> Qui habitat der erst taill Munich 272 ff.77v-80
> / Qui habitat der ander tail [2: Non accedat] ditto
> Qui habitat in adiutorio altissimi Iosquini Luneberg 1196 p.4
> Qui tollis pechata mundi [Missa pange linqua]
> Qui tollis pechata mundi. Parte duna mesa. e piu bela. 
> Capirola (c.1517) p.132
> Stabat Mater Dolorosa
> V[alentin].B[akfark].Stabat Mater Dolorosa 5 Vocu: 
> Berlin 40598 ff.150v-151
> [Homolya&Benko 37]
> Combined prints and manuscripts:
> MASSES [more or less complete settings]:
> Missa Ave Maris Stella [Benedictus]
> Otra missa de Jusquin de ave maristella Pisador (1552)
> cf. Fantasia acomposturada de cierta parte
> de la missa de Ave maristella de Josquin 
> Valderrabano (1547)
> Missa Beata Virgine [Cum sancto spiritu]
>   Otra missa de Jusquin de beata virgen Pisador (1552)
> Missa Dicha [Credo]
> Missa Fa Re Mi Re?
> Otra missa de Jusquin que va sobre fa re mi re Pisador (1552)
> Missa de Faysan Regres [Et in terra pax, 

[LUTE] Re: Josquin music for lute

2011-01-11 Thread wolfgang wiehe
le regres Wroclaw 352 ff.54v-55v
cf. VIII Galliarda V[alentin?] B[akfark?] [parody - Peter 
Kiraly] Basel F.IX.70 p.299
35. Miserere mei deus
Miserere mei deus de Jusquin Pisador (1552)
36. Non accedat at te malum [2nd part of Qui habitat]
Non accedat at te malum Bakfark (1565)
Secunda Pars Non accedat Munich 267 ff.14v-17
Qui habitat der ander tail [Non accedat] Munich 272 ff.77v-80
37. Nostra ut pura pectora [2nd part of Inviolata]
Nostra ut pura Gerle (1533)
  Nostra ut pura pectora Ochsenkun (1558)
Secunda Pars Nosta vt pura Munich 267 ff.2v-4
38. Nunc mater exora natum [3rd part of Benedicta es caelorum]
Nunc mater Gintzler (1547)
Nunc mater exora natum Ochsenkun (1558)
Nunc mater exora nataum Albert de Rippe (1558)
Nunc mater Phalese and Bellere (1571)
Nunc mater exora natum M. Newsidler (1574)
[Nunc mater exora natum: tertia pars] Berlin 40632 ff.8v-11
Tertia Pars Nunc mater Munich 267 ff.6v-8
Nunc mater Tertia pars Paris 429  ff.46-47
39. O Benigna [3rd part of Inviolata]
O benigna Gerle (1533)
O Benigna O Regina O Maria Ochsenkun (1558)
Tertia Pars O Beningna Munich 267 ff.2v-4
40. Osanna
Osanna de la misma missa Narvaez (1538)
Ossanna de la misma missa Narvaez (1538)
41. Pater noster
Pater noster a sey de Josquin Francesco da Milano (1536)
Pater noster di Jusquin a sei Francesco da Milano (1546)
Pater noster Gintzler (1547)
Pater noster Phalese (1547)
Pater Noster Ochsenkun (1558)
42. Per illiud ave 2nd part of Benedicta es caelorum]
[Per illud ave] Gintzler (1547)
Per illud ave Duo Valderrabano (1547)
Per illud ave Phalese (1553)
Per illud ave Drusina (1556)
Per illud ave Ochsenkun (1558)
Per illud ave Albert de Rippe (1558)
Per illud ave Phalese and Bellere (1571)
Per illud ave M. Newsidler (1574)
Per illiud ave II Berlin 40632 ff.8v-11
Secunda pars Per illiud ave Duum Munich 267 ff.6v-8
Per illu dave Secunta pars Paris 429  ff.44-45v
43. Pleni sunt celi
Pleni de Jusquin a tres de la missa de fortuna desesperata 
Pisador (1552)
Pleni sunt celi.  Duo de la missa de Hercules Fuenllana (1554)
Pleni de la misa de faysan regres de Josquin Mudarra (1546)
44. Plus mil Regres
Plus mile regres Gerle (1533)
Plus mueltz regres Newsidler (1536)
Plus mil Regres Munich 266 ff.55-55v
Plus mil Regres / Ist zimlich gueth Munich 1511d ff.11v-12v
45. Portio mea, Domine
[Portio mea, Domine] Newsidler (1536)
46. Praeter rerum seriem
Preter rerum Gintzler (1547)
Preter rerum Fuenllana (1554)
Praeter rerum seriem Albert de Rippe (1555)
Praeter rerum seriem Ochsenkun (1558)
Preter Rerum mit 6 stimmen der erst taill Munich 272 ff.80v-82
Preter rerum seriem. 6 vocum Wroclaw 352 ff.3-5v
47. Qui habitat in adjutorio altissimi
Qui habitat Gerle (1533)
Qui habitat Ochsenkun (1558)
Qui habitat in adjutorio altissimi Bakfark (1565)
Qui habitat 4or vocum Josquin Munich 267 ff.14v-17
/ Secunda Pars Non accedat Munich 267 ff.14v-17
Qui habitat der erst taill Munich 272 ff.77v-80
/ Qui habitat der ander tail [2: Non accedat] 
Munich 272 ff.77v-80
Qui habitat in adiutorio altissimi Iosquini Luneberg 1196 p.4
48. Qui tollis pechata mundi
Qui tollis de la misa de pange lingua Valderrabano (1547)
Qui tollis peccata.  Segunda parte de la gloria de la sol fa 
re mi  Fuenllana (1554)
Qui tollis pechata mundi. Parte duna mesa. e piu bela. 
Capirola (c.1517) p.132
49. Respice in me Deus
Respice in me Deus [Je ne me puis tenir d'aimer] Mudarra (1546)
50. Salve regina
Salve regina Barberiis (1546)
Salve [Regina] Pisador (1552)
51. Sanctus
Sanctus dela misa de faisan regres de josquin
(Missa Hercules Dux Ferrariae) Narvaez (1538)
Sanctus de josquin de le misa de faissan regres Narvaez (1538)
52. Scaramella
Scaramella Gerle (1532)
Scaramella Newsidler (1544)
53. Stabat Mater Dolorosa
Stabat mater dolorosa Francesco (1536)
Stabat mater di Jusquin a 5 Francesco (1546)
Stabat mater Gintzler (1547)
Stabat mater dolorosa Ochsenkun (1558)
V[alentin].B[akfark].Stabat Mater Dolorosa 5 Vocu: 
Berlin 40598 ff.150v-151
[Homolya&Benko 37]
54. Tota pulchra
Tota pulchra Pisador (1552)
55. Tribulatio & angustia
Tribulatio & angustia Phalese (1552)
56. Tulerunt Dominum meum
Tulerunt Dominum meum (attr. Gombert, actually Josquin) 
Adriaenssen (1592)
57. Virtus sancti spritus  [2nd part of Preter Rerum]
Virtus sancti spritus Gintzler (1547)
[Virtus sancti spiritus] Albert de Rippe (1555)
Virtus Sancti Spiritus Ochsenkun (1558)
Preter Rerum der ander taill mit 6 stimmen Munich 272 ff.80v-82
[Virtus sancti spiritus]

-Ursprüngliche Nachricht-
Von: lute-...@cs.dartmouth.edu [mailto:lute-...@cs.dartmouth.edu] Im
Auftrag von A. J. Ness
Gesendet: Dienstag, 11. Januar 2011 21:43
An: be...@interlog.com; Lute List
Betreff: [LUTE] Re: Josquin music for lute

Jacob Heringman used Kwee Him Yong's compilation.

Kwee Him Yong, "Sixteenth-Century Printed Instrumental Arrangements of
Works by Josquin des Prez. An Inventory," _Tijdschrift van de Vereniging
voor Nederlandse Muziekgeschiedenis_ 22 (1971), 43-52, 54-66.

It's available 

[LUTE] Re: Josquin music for lute

2011-01-11 Thread A. J. Ness

Jacob Heringman used Kwee Him Yong's compilation.

Kwee Him Yong, "Sixteenth-Century Printed Instrumental Arrangements of Works
by Josquin des Prez. An Inventory," _Tijdschrift van de Vereniging voor
Nederlandse Muziekgeschiedenis_ 22 (1971), 43-52, 54-66.

It's available on JSTOR, but most good music libraries will have that
periodical on the shelf. U of Tornoto will surely have it. If not, they must 
subscribe to JSTOR and you can download the article. Most of the articles 
are in English.  Of course,

you need to find the music.  But at least with the list you know what to
look for.

Also for materials after 1971 (Kwee's date) you can use these finding


Espeically 1991-9 Christan Meyer et al., the on-line index, linked there.

- Original Message - 

Sent: Tuesday, January 11, 2011 11:04 AM
Subject: [LUTE] Josquin music for lute

Hi, everyone - I'm taking part in a concert of Josquin music, for  which
I'm planning to play some transcriptions of Josquin pieces
transcribed/adapted for lute by other composers. I've  been listening  to
Jacob Heringman's album of these kind of transcriptions, and I'm
wondering if anyone knows online resources from which one might find  some
of these transcriptions. Thanks! Ben S

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