Re: [lxc-users] Bind public IP that is available on host's ens3:1 to a specific LXD container?

2017-05-22 Thread Joe McDonald
Hi Thomas,

Can you list the steps you went through to get it working?
I'm in the same boat.


On Fri, May 19, 2017 at 8:31 PM, Thomas Ward  wrote:
> Thanks to some off-list replies and some help from other online
> resources, I've been able to switch this to a bridged method, with the
> host interfaces set to 'manual', an inet0 bridge created that is static
> IP'd for the host system to have its primary IP, and can have manual IP
> assignments to containers on that bridged network for the other
> non-primary IPs.  I've also kept an `lxdbr0` device from the older
> lxd-bridge setup that I still had for NAT'd containers, since I have
> more containers than public IPs, and many of the containers don't need
> to be on public IPs.
> Thank you to the people who replied to me off-list, but also the people
> in general who help people new to LXC/LXD networking get started working
> through issues they've run into!
> Thomas
> On 05/19/2017 10:01 PM, Thomas Ward wrote:
>> Hello.
>> I've got a VDS from RamNode - which is essentially a KVM VPS with
>> dedicated CPUs, and larger RAM capacity.  This VDS has three IPs.  I'm
>> going to obfuscate them here, but essentially the host box is configured
>> like this:
>> # The primary network interface
>> auto ens3
>> iface ens3 inet static
>> address
>> netmask
>> gateway
>> dns-nameserver
>> auto ens3:1
>> iface ens3:2 inet static
>> address
>> netmask
>> gateway
>> dns-nameserver
>> auto ens3:2
>> iface ens3:2 inet static
>> address
>> netmask
>> gateway
>> dns-nameserver
>> Now, I've got a container I'd like to route the to a specific
>> container once I've created it, but ens3 is the only actual physical NIC
>> on the system, and I don't have the ability to add any more physical NICs.
>> How would I go about routing to the 'new' container I'm going
>> to create?
>> Note that by default, new containers are attached to an 'lxdbr0' which
>> NATs container traffic, this new container would have to reside outside
>> that obviously, but I'm not fluent in LXC/LXD networking so a guide
>> and/or how-tos for this would be wonderful to have.
>> --
>> Thomas
> ___
> lxc-users mailing list
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Re: [lxc-users] Short howto re lxd-container-on-LAN for impatient dummies?

2017-04-22 Thread Joe McDonald
This would be great!

I have a kvm machine in the cloud with 5 public IPs, one for the host
and 4 for containers.
(eth0 and eth0:0-3 are the interfaces)
I installed lxd as so:
apt install -t xenial-backports lxd lxd-client
ran lxd init and created a few containers.
all good.
But now I want to assign a public IP to a container and don't find a
succinct way to do it.
lxd init created lxdbr0  I'm not sure if I need to delete that and
create a new bridge, or what.
I'm running ubuntu 16.04 on host and in containers.

On Sat, Apr 22, 2017 at 8:52 AM, Dan Kegel  wrote:
> TL;dr:
> For Ubuntu 16.04 users who have lxd-2.0.9 from xenial-updates,
> what is the fast path towards simple lxd container-on-the-lan happiness?
> (Extra credit: allow ssh between the host and the guest, also part of
> Things Just Working.)
> Long version:
> The issue
> was closed, but as far as I can tell, is still valid:
> lxc users don't care about bridges, they just Want Things To Work.
> And so the tutorials for setting up lxd containers that act like
> they're on the LAN, e.g.
> leave them cold, leading to questions like
> Note the length of the answer.  Users who Just Want Things To Work
> don't want to have to learn about bridges.  I know, it's their loss, but
> that's the way it is.  This hinders adoption.
> (Docker probably has similar problems, but has wrappers like weave,
> pipework, flannel, and socketplane to smooth things over for users, I hear.)
> ___
> lxc-users mailing list
lxc-users mailing list

[lxc-users] lxc/docker security on hackernews

2016-06-01 Thread Joe McDonald
Abusing Privileged and Unprivileged Linux Containers
lxc-users mailing list

[lxc-users] apt-get dist-upgrade inside container?

2015-08-28 Thread Joe McDonald
have host and containers running ubuntu 14.04.

When I apt-get dist-upgrade the host, do I need to apt-get dist-upgrade in
the containers as well, or just apt-get upgrade?

Are there best practices for keeping a bunch of containers up to date?

lxc-users mailing list

Re: [lxc-users] User input on resource limits for containers

2015-08-10 Thread Joe McDonald
We are using lxc to house a shared hosting environment.
Currently just limiting on CPU.

Most interested in limiting disk and network IO (separately)
Would also like to limit IO on a per user basis inside of the lxc container.
Ideally would like something like cloudlinux cagefs LVE:
I do not know of any open source equivalent.

On Wed, Aug 5, 2015 at 8:53 AM, Stéphane Graber  wrote:

> Hello,
> The LXD team is currently busy working on resource limitations and
> reporting.
> The goal is to design a user friendly experience around CPU, memory and
> I/O limits which doesn't require any specific understanding of the
> implementation (cgroup knobs, ...).
> As we are going through ideas, it would be very useful to us to know how
> LXC users are currently using resource limits (lxc.cgroup.*, ...), what's
> working for you and what isn't so we can try to improve things as much
> as possible.
> Here are a few questions to try and get things going. Please don't feel
> limited to those though, any feedback is appreciated!
>  - Are you using resource limits with LXC?
>  - What kind of resource limits are you setting (cpu, memory, I/O, ...)?
>  - Are you updating the resource limits of running containers?
>  - Are you reading the current resource usage of your containers?
>  - Are you using resource limits only to prevent containers from using
>all the host resources or as a way to provide different tier of
>containers, some faster than others?
>  - Would percentage based limits (percentage of the host resources) be
>useful to you?
>  - Are you using the cpuset controller only as a way to limit the number of
>CPUs exposed to the container or is pinning to specific physical CPUs
>actually important to you?
>  - Would you be interested in being able to limit network IOps and
>bandwidth for a container?
>  - Is the split between memory, swap and kernel memory useful to you?
>  - Would you like a way to prevent overprovisioning, causing container
>failure if the stated resource limits exceeds what's available on the
> Thanks!
> --
> Stéphane Graber
> Ubuntu developer
> ___
> lxc-users mailing list
lxc-users mailing list

[lxc-users] ntpdate errors in vivid container

2015-06-26 Thread Joe McDonald
host is Ubuntu 14.04.2 LTS
container is Ubuntu 15.04 (vivid)
lxc is 1.1.2

using bridging for networking.
container /etc/network/interfaces looks like:
auto lo
iface lo inet loopback

auto eth0
iface eth0 inet static

bringing it up, everything works fine, but there is a 2 minute delay in the
bootup process.  delay from (i think bringing up network calls ntpdate):

Jun 26 12:20:32 vivweb ntpdate[611]: Can't adjust the time of day:
Operation not permitted
Jun 26 12:22:25 vivweb systemd[1]: ifup-wait-all-auto.service start
operation timed out. Terminating.
Jun 26 12:22:25 vivweb systemd[1]: Failed to start Wait for all "auto"
/etc/network/interfaces to be up for
Jun 26 12:22:25 vivweb systemd[1]: Unit ifup-wait-all-auto.service entered
failed state.
Jun 26 12:22:25 vivweb systemd[1]: ifup-wait-all-auto.service failed.

other errors:
Jun 26 12:22:25 vivweb systemd[1]: Failed to reset devices.list on
/lxc/vivweb/system.slice/networking.service: Permission denied
Jun 26 12:22:26 vivweb systemd[1]: Failed to reset devices.list on
/lxc/vivweb/system.slice/systemd-update-utmp-runlevel.service: Permission

any idea why these errors are occuring?
lxc-users mailing list

Re: [lxc-users] networking and permissions questions

2015-04-28 Thread Joe McDonald
On Mon, Apr 27, 2015 at 8:05 PM, Fajar A. Nugraha  wrote:
> On Tue, Apr 28, 2015 at 6:53 AM, Joe McDonald  wrote:
>> 1) Do I need to specify this IP in both the
>> config file and the rootfs/etc/network/interfaces file?
>> Is there a better way to do this?
> IMHO the best way is on container's interfaces file

Ah!  So I don't need to specify IP in config, just in containers
network/interface.  I tried that and the double IP went away, also,
lag time for ssh disappeared as well, could ssh in as soon as
container was up.  Thanks!

> Long version:
> There's a workaround that I posted sometime ago, which in essence does
> NOT use bridging, but use routing + proxy_arp. However it currently
> ONLY works on priviledged container (since it needs persistent veth
> name on the host side, which is currently not possible for
> unpriviledged containers)

Hopefully this will be possible with unprivileged containers in the
future as it would be handy.

lxc-users mailing list

[lxc-users] networking and permissions questions

2015-04-27 Thread Joe McDonald

I have 5 publicly routed ips from my isp.
On the host (Ubuntu 14.04.2 LTS)
Have /etc/network/interfaces as so:

# The loopback network interface
auto lo p4p1
iface lo inet loopback
iface p4p1 inet manual

auto br0
iface br0 inet static
  bridge_ports p4p1
  bridge_stp off
  bridge_fd 0
  bridge_maxwait 0


I create a user (lxcuser) that will have unprivileged containers.

When I create containers, I edit (as user lxcuser):
and change: = $ipnumber
i.e. =

I also change
and put in there like:

# The loopback network interface
auto lo
iface lo inet loopback

#auto eth0
#iface eth0 inet dhcp

auto eth0
iface eth0 inet static

I have a couple of containers running and it shows:

lxc-ls --fancy
ubpdns   RUNNING   - -   NO
ubsharedweb  RUNNING,  - -   NO

a few questions:

1) Do I need to specify this IP in both the
config file and the rootfs/etc/network/interfaces file?
Is there a better way to do this?

2) why does one container (ubsharedweb) show the same IP address twice?

3) How is user lxcuser able to just take whatever IP's it wants?
I have: "lxcuser veth lxcbr0 100" in /etc/lxc/lxc-usernet
So I'm guessing that is how it can do it, but how can I
constrain lxcuser to only use IP's within a certain range?

4) starting up a container (ubuntu 14.04) takes about 8 seconds, I can
then lxc-attach to it.  But it takes a couple of minutes before
I can ssh into it.  Is this normal?

5) in ~/.local/share/lxc I see:
drwxrwx---  3  296608 lxcuser  4096 Apr 27 16:08 ubsharedweb
should that container directory be owned by lxcuser or is 296608
the correct user id?  all container directories are the same
except for one which is lxcuser:lxcuser.  I don't know why the
one is different.

thanks in advance,
lxc-users mailing list

[lxc-users] upgrading to lxd-daily and migrating to unprivileged containers

2015-03-30 Thread Joe McDonald
I am on lxc 1.07 and would like to upgrade to lxd and latest lxc.
I have: ppa:ubuntu-lxc/stable  as a repository.
Do I need to remove that and remove lxc before following the
instructions on ?
Or will following those instructions simply upgrade my system?

Also, my lxc containers are currently privileged containers
on /var/lib/lxc  is there any way to "migrate" them to
unprivileged containers?

Finally I want to thank Bostjan Skufca and Fajar Nugraha for helping
me with lxc bridging question, solution worked great.  I haven't
been approved for the mailing list yet and so can't reply.

lxc-users mailing list

Re: [lxc-users] upgrading to lxd-daily and migrating to unprivileged containers

2015-03-20 Thread Joe McDonald
Great.  upgrade went smoothly. thank you.

question:  are the /usr/bin/lxc-* commands now deprecated in favor of
plain "lxc"?
how to do lxc-attach ?
using the lxc-attach no longer works:
$ lxc-attach -n first
lxc-attach: attach.c: lxc_attach: 632 failed to get the init pid
get errors for other lxc-* commands as well.

is "lxc exec first  /bin/bash"  the new lxc-attach?

thanks in advance,

On Thu, Mar 19, 2015 at 7:08 PM, Serge Hallyn  wrote:
> Quoting Joe McDonald (
>> I am on lxc 1.07 and would like to upgrade to lxd and latest lxc.
>> I have: ppa:ubuntu-lxc/stable  as a repository.
>> Do I need to remove that and remove lxc before following the
> No, you can keep it.
>> instructions on ?
>> Or will following those instructions simply upgrade my system?
>> Also, my lxc containers are currently privileged containers
>> on /var/lib/lxc  is there any way to "migrate" them to
>> unprivileged containers?
> Hm, shouldn't be hard to write a script to do that.  The rootfs will
> need to be moved, and the configuration moved into the database.
>> Finally I want to thank Bostjan Skufca and Fajar Nugraha for helping
>> me with lxc bridging question, solution worked great.
>> ___
>> lxc-users mailing list
> ___
> lxc-users mailing list
lxc-users mailing list

[lxc-users] upgrading to lxd-daily and migrating to unprivileged containers

2015-03-19 Thread Joe McDonald
I am on lxc 1.07 and would like to upgrade to lxd and latest lxc.
I have: ppa:ubuntu-lxc/stable  as a repository.
Do I need to remove that and remove lxc before following the
instructions on ?
Or will following those instructions simply upgrade my system?

Also, my lxc containers are currently privileged containers
on /var/lib/lxc  is there any way to "migrate" them to
unprivileged containers?

Finally I want to thank Bostjan Skufca and Fajar Nugraha for helping
me with lxc bridging question, solution worked great.
lxc-users mailing list

[lxc-users] lxc bridge setup

2015-03-12 Thread Joe McDonald
I have 5 public IPs (/29) and would like to make them available to lxc
containers.  I am on ubuntu 14.04.

What is the procedure?   I tried to duplicate br0 with br1, etc and
incrementing the IP#, but it didn't like it.  I'd like to make 1 IP
for the host system, and the other 4 IP's each go to a container.

I have this in /etc/network/interfaces:

# The loopback network interface
auto lo p4p1
iface lo inet loopback
iface p4p1 inet manual

auto br0
iface br0 inet static
  bridge_ports p4p1
  bridge_stp off
  bridge_fd 0
  bridge_maxwait 0

  address 104.250.x.x
  gateway 104.250.x.x
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