Re: ButtonController Mark III

2001-04-17 Thread Allan Rae

On Fri, 13 Apr 2001, John Levon wrote:

> On Thu, 12 Apr 2001, Allan Rae wrote:
> > I have been.  Trouble is other people want to do more with it than I
> > originally meant it for.  In particular people want to disable entries for
> > read-only documents when AFAIAC this is unnecessary because the OK and
> > Apply buttons are disabled in those policies.
> It is very necessary for well-behaved feedback to the user.

Sure.  Not everyone reads the "This buffer is readonly -- you can't change
stuff" dialog.  But you are right though.

> > How much complexity in the policy state machine is it worth to have clever
> > interactive dialogs?  Each dialog designer should be asking themselves if
> > they need the extra fancy control at all or whether they should be
> > thinking up a better interface design.
> FWIW, the KDE frontend was managing just fine without an explicit controller.
> I am perfectly happy for each frontend to NOT use a button controller at all.

As am I.

> And frankly I think it is somewhat lax of you to blame the controller design
> problems on poor dialog design ! Especially as we have inherited some, erm,
> interesting dialog designs from xforms that take some time to re-assess.

How complex a dialog do people want?  If you follow the KISS principle you
get simple elegent designs.  Fancy stuff like Angus' colour selection
switcheroo is possible with the new controller but is it really necessary?
After all the button controller did what it was designed for very well.
Trouble is, people wanted more than what I did which looks like a design
flaw.  It was meant to really simple and small.  The new one will see most
of the controller hierarchy for XForms at least shuffled around and has a
more general state machine engine.

> I do not consider a single thing I've asked for as "fancy"

I don't remember saying you did.

> > If anyone thinks of some fancy feature they want that this new group
> > activation model doesn't support I'm prepared to tell them to rethink
> > their interface -- such as if someone wants to hide/show widgets rather
> > than activating them.
> In 90% of cases this is a terrible idea. The user should be able to
> see roughly what a dialog can do when they first see it, *without* having
> to mess around with the widgets. One commone exception is tabbed dialogs,
> and as I'm sure you know they are awfully overused anyway.

Gotta put all those configuration items somewhere the screen isn't big
enough for one dialog and having multiple dialogs that you blaze a trail
through like W2k networking config is a bigger pain than tabs IMO.

Anyway, we need to try setting shortcuts for the tab folders in XForms --
this should be doable but may need to be done manually because they are
available in the data structures.

> so it can go back to an ad-hoc per-frontend approach. That's fine by me...

Did it ever leave there?

Allan. (ARRae)


2001-04-17 Thread Lars Gullik Bjønnes

some disk problems... (severe)

I guess I can have a backup machine up in not too long.

anyhow... no crucial services was run by aussie.

aussie ran: 
- some mail stuff (lists etc)
- anoncvs
- www-user

Once I get hold of the hardware I will try to save as much as
possible. Especially the mail stuff.

Anoncvs will not be moved to baywatch, but I thing there should be a
mirror? Or perhaps someone is willing to setup an official mirror?
(rsync is your friend)

WWW... you should be able to use, that is the backup of that I have control over.

CVS should work as usual, except that you won't get cvslog mail.

I cannot promise to get everything working super quick... it might
take some days or up to a week. btw. [EMAIL PROTECTED] is not working.

One good thing is that this is an excellent opurtunity to upgrade
aussie (software and hardware).



2001-04-17 Thread Lars Gullik Bjønnes

Testing if I am subscribed.


Long mails

2001-04-17 Thread Andre Poenitz

It would be really nice if we could refrain from posting large mails to
the list. Not everybody has a cheap high-speed connection to the net all
the time...


André Pönitz . [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Long mails

2001-04-17 Thread Lars Gullik Bjønnes

Andre Poenitz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

| It would be really nice if we could refrain from posting large mails to
| the list. Not everybody has a cheap high-speed connection to the net all
| the time...

What's the limit on a "large" mail?



mathed behaviour

2001-04-17 Thread Andre Poenitz

A short request for comments to prepare the step after the macro stuff:

Currently \eqnarray and math tables are internally stored as a single
inset with "embedded" TABs and CRs to mimic "next cell in a row" and "next
row". In parallel to this structure there exists another structure that
handles labels and numbers (which is somewhat difficult to keep in sync
with the "real" structure as you might have noticed in current CVS...)

Apart from a couple of disadvantages (implementation-wise) this has a big
advantage: It is comparatively easy to implement cutting and pasting
parts of an array or a matrix that span more than one "entry" _including_
parts of an "entry".

I think a more suitable implementation of matrices and array would involve
a one-dimesional array (i.e. std::vector) of "row structures", each holding
another one-dimensional array of "entries", an optional number, and an
optional label. 

Obtaining the current functionality with this "new" internal layout should
be obvious in most cases, but implementing that "cut & paste of one entry
and a half" would be more demanding.

I do not think that it will be impossible, it's just a bit ugly, but if
nobody uses that feature regularly, I'd rather drop it entirely and keep
the implementation small...

[I have to rework that part anyway in some way or another, since
labels/numbers for multiline stuff seems still to be broken...]


PS: Would be nice to get some more feedback to the "macro monster patch",
otherwise I'll have a hard time to force-feed this down Lars's throat ;-}

André Pönitz . [EMAIL PROTECTED]

New Basque doc

2001-04-17 Thread Amir Karger

I seem not to have karma to check in the updated Basque eu_splash.lyx. Which
is fine; it's not like I've been checking much in lately. But could somebody
check it in? 

Dooteo tells me he's got a new eu.po coming in soon, too.


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Ongietorri LyX-era!
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 idazteko lana errazago eginez.
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Inglesez gain beste edozein hizkuntzetan idazten edo irakurtzen duten erabiltzai
leentzat abantaila ugari daude.
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LyX-eko Marrazkidun Ibilalditxoa (edo Tour)
\emph default 
-a lortu eta gauza gehiago egin dezakezu.

unicode fonts

2001-04-17 Thread Stephen Reindl

Hello everybody...

Has anybody thought about implementing Unicode support into LyX?

I'm currently plan to support an extended set of math symbols and characters 
into LyX (for myself or others if it is needed).

Here are my thoughts to be discussed:

I'm thinking of a re-implementation of the font engine to support more than 
the standard font encodings and to support more languages and symbols. At the 
moment I'm looking at the pango code if it can be used as the new font engine 
for LyX. This will make the code depending on glib of course which is not 
available for OS/2 at the moment, I think.

The LyX file format has to be changed to support more than the current 
character set. This could be implemented by using a new command (e.g. 

The internal typedef LyXParagraph::value_type has to be changed to 16 bit 
type (wchar_t) and the TeX- and SGML-exporters and -importers have to be 
changed to support more characters.

Anyone satisfied with this ideas :-)


Stephen Reindl  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Swinemünder Straße 43
13355 Berlin
Phone:  +49  (30) 46 79 17 52
Fax:+49 (721) 151 220 366

Re: unicode fonts

2001-04-17 Thread Lars Gullik Bjønnes

Stephen Reindl <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

| Hello everybody...
| Has anybody thought about implementing Unicode support into LyX?

Yes, this is on the agenda.

| I'm currently plan to support an extended set of math symbols and characters 
| into LyX (for myself or others if it is needed).

Ok. You should talk to André Pönitz, he is currently rewritint the
low-level mathed code.
| Here are my thoughts to be discussed:
| I'm thinking of a re-implementation of the font engine to support more than 
| the standard font encodings and to support more languages and
| symbols. At the  
| moment I'm looking at the pango code if it can be used as the new
| font engine  
| for LyX. This will make the code depending on glib of course which is not 
| available for OS/2 at the moment, I think.
| The LyX file format has to be changed to support more than the current 
| character set. This could be implemented by using a new command (e.g. 
| "\LyXUNICODE{code}").

The plan (Plan?) is to make the LyX fileformat UTF-8, and also more

| The internal typedef LyXParagraph::value_type has to be changed to 16 bit 
| type (wchar_t) and the TeX- and SGML-exporters and -importers have to be 
| changed to support more characters.

This is planned, except that wchar_t is 32 bit on most os's.
| Anyone satisfied with this ideas :-)

It needs to be discussed, and also we need to clean up the current
development / changes first.


what to do...

2001-04-17 Thread Andre Poenitz

... if somebody deletes a macro _definition_ (aka "template") but still
uses the macro somewhere in the document?

Whirling through all math insets to find such situations and disallow the
deletion is not really an option, and simply disallow the deletion in all
cases does not sound ok, either.

The "clean" way could be some kind of registration of macro with their
tenmplate and allow the deletion of the template only if the last "user"
is gone... Sounds like obverkill, though...

Ideas? What would you expect?


André Pönitz . [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: what to do...

2001-04-17 Thread Lars Gullik Bjønnes

Andre Poenitz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

| ... if somebody deletes a macro _definition_ (aka "template") but still
| uses the macro somewhere in the document?
| Whirling through all math insets to find such situations and disallow the
| deletion is not really an option, and simply disallow the deletion in all
| cases does not sound ok, either.
| The "clean" way could be some kind of registration of macro with their
| tenmplate and allow the deletion of the template only if the last "user"
| is gone... Sounds like obverkill, though...

This is what we must do.
| Ideas? What would you expect?

I have thought that the templates should not really be a part of the
document proper. the macros are only inserted into the document when
needed, upson save, export etc. 


minibuffer changes ++

2001-04-17 Thread Lars Gullik Bjønnes

I have committed my changes to the minibuffer code, some of this will
need some tweeking, but most is fine.


Re: minibuffer changes ++

2001-04-17 Thread Garst R. Reese

Lars Gullik Bjønnes wrote:
> I have committed my changes to the minibuffer code, some of this will
> need some tweeking, but most is fine.
> --
> Lgb
is that on

Re: minibuffer changes ++

2001-04-17 Thread Lars Gullik Bjønnes

"Garst R. Reese" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

| Lars Gullik Bjønnes wrote:
| > 
| > I have committed my changes to the minibuffer code, some of this will
| > need some tweeking, but most is fine.
| > 
| > --
| > Lgb
| is that on

no such thing...


Re: minibuffer changes ++

2001-04-17 Thread Garst R. Reese

Lars Gullik Bjønnes wrote:
> "Garst R. Reese" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> | Lars Gullik Bjønnes wrote:
> | >
> | > I have committed my changes to the minibuffer code, some of this will
> | > need some tweeking, but most is fine.
> | >
> | > --
> | > Lgb
> | is that on
> no such thing...
> --
> Lgb is timing out.

Re: mathed behaviour

2001-04-17 Thread Dekel Tsur

On Tue, Apr 17, 2001 at 06:00:58PM +0200, Andre Poenitz wrote:
> PS: Would be nice to get some more feedback to the "macro monster patch",
> otherwise I'll have a hard time to force-feed this down Lars's throat ;-}

I had few problems with your patch:
1. In macro instances, the argument where not expanded to their values, i.e.
I got #1,#2 etc.
2. The cursor is broken when it is inside a macro instance.

Also, what is the reason for the new behavior when the cursor moves into a
macro instance (i.e. the box with the argument) ? 
Do you think that it is a better UI ? (due to (2) above I couldn't do a real
test of this new behavior).

minipage in latest cvs

2001-04-17 Thread Herbert Voss

creating a minipagepage via insert->minipage with the 
default width of 100% gives in latex:

it should be 1.00

all other values less than 100% are okay, all over
99% are wrong!



Re: minibuffer changes ++

2001-04-17 Thread Lars Gullik Bjønnes

"Garst R. Reese" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

| Lars Gullik Bjønnes wrote:
| > 
| > "Garst R. Reese" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
| > 
| > | Lars Gullik Bjønnes wrote:
| > | >
| > | > I have committed my changes to the minibuffer code, some of this will
| > | > need some tweeking, but most is fine.
| > | >
| > | > --
| > | > Lgb
| > | is that on
| > 
| > no such thing...
| > 
| > --
| > Lgb
| is timing out.

It not even up, so no wonder...
(as said HD problem)


Re: mathed behaviour

2001-04-17 Thread Andre Poenitz

> On Tue, Apr 17, 2001 at 06:00:58PM +0200, Andre Poenitz wrote:
> > PS: Would be nice to get some more feedback to the "macro monster patch",
> > otherwise I'll have a hard time to force-feed this down Lars's throat ;-}
> I had few problems with your patch:
> 1. In macro instances, the argument where not expanded to their values, i.e.
> I got #1,#2 etc.

That is one of the remaining issues, it is solvable by extensive redrawing 

> 2. The cursor is broken when it is inside a macro instance.


> Also, what is the reason for the new behavior when the cursor moves into a
> macro instance (i.e. the box with the argument) ? 

> Do you think that it is a better UI ?

Sort of, yes. But it's an implementation issue, too.

If an argument is used more than once (ie #1 + #2 + #1), it is now
obvious that there is only one argument and there is no surprise if the
display changes in several places after this argument has changed. 

>From the implementation pov it's simply that the old macro code did not
allow editing of nested macros of the same kind at all and editing and
displaying macro of the same kind were not independent (I'd even say
impossible, but I probably have not understood the inner workings of the
old implemnetation entirely). Anyway, I had to break a few things to make
nested macros of the same kind work in a manner that I understand and one
of the things that are seemingly gone is some knowledge the macro had of
its arguments... but I actually think of changing this again so this won't
hold true for long...

I just noticed another bug, so maybe its worthwhile to wait a bit for your
next try...


André Pönitz . [EMAIL PROTECTED]
C++-Programmierer gesucht ... Naeheres unter