Re: Latex Error: There\'s no line here to end

2017-06-17 Thread edu Gpl
First, Thanks for your interest.
Then, i sloved the problem by replace:
empty {} in local layout with:

Do you observe the same behavior on your platform?
No, lyx 2.3 is working nice and perfect.

Besr regards

بتاريخ ١٧‏/٠٦‏/٢٠١٧ ٩:٥٣ م، كتب "mn" :

> On 16.06.17 20:28, edu Gpl wrote:
> > Thank you , the problem was sloved.
> Oh. Is that meanwhile, without my suggestions?
> Then sorry for seeing it so late.
> But actually, your MWE exhibits quite interesting properties in Alpha-1-1:
> When scrolling through it with the cursor it is extremely difficult to
> know where you are and where the next keystroke will take you.
> With the mouse it gets even funnier. The whole screen starts to dance
> around, large empty space is displayed arbitraily and non-continuious
> parts get selected. This is certainly not normal and needs a separate
> bug report before beta?
> Do you observe the same behavior on your platform?
> greetings
> Mike

Re: Latex Error.

2017-01-14 Thread Guenter Milde
On 2017-01-14, Guenter Milde wrote:
> On 2017-01-14, Richard Heck wrote:
>> On 01/14/2017 12:11 AM, Scott Kostyshak wrote:
>>> On Sat, Jan 14, 2017 at 05:56:21PM +1300, gordon cooper wrote:


>> Could we at least say what the character was? Or report its location in
>> the file?

> With an 8-bit input encoding or "forced" characters like °, LyX reports
>  in the source pane and also
> the character in question in the Exort Error dialogue.

> Reporting the location in the file would be a bonus:
> With just one "exotic" character in the document, a search would be possible
> (the only problem is, that drag and drop from the Error dialogue does not
> work).
> With characters that only fail in verbatim context, a search in a larger
> document is cumbersome.

With uncodable characters, the cursor also jumps to the right place. Fine.
Maybe the error message could give some context instead only the problematic
character, just like the TeX errors.

> With "inputenc utf8", LyX only reports uncodable characters for "forced"
> conversion. LyX has currently no correct idea about which characters fail to
> be converted by [utf8]{inputenc} in verbatim context and the LaTeX error
> "TeX capacity exceeded" does not help either.

> Günter

Re: Latex Error.

2017-01-14 Thread Guenter Milde
On 2017-01-14, Richard Heck wrote:
> On 01/14/2017 12:11 AM, Scott Kostyshak wrote:
>> On Sat, Jan 14, 2017 at 05:56:21PM +1300, gordon cooper wrote:

>> Thanks for reporting this problem. Next time it would be helpful if you
>> sent an example file. I went ahead and created an example file and I can
>> reproduce the same problem you saw. The example file is attached. If you
>> open LyX in the terminal, you see the following message when compiling:

>>   Error 84 returned from iconv when converting from UCS-4LE to
>>   ISO-8859-15: Invalid or incomplete multibyte or wide character

>> It does not give a clue where the error comes from, and indeed the LyX
>> GUI is not helpful at all in indicating where the error might be.

>> I'm moving this thread to the lyx-devel list now. I think you wanted to
>> just give lyx-users a warning in case they come across the problem, and
>> I think potential discussion of how to improve LyX to handle this case
>> should proceed on lyx-devel.

> This kind of error does seem to crop up quite a bit. It'd be nice if we
> could say something more informative. 

> Could we at least say what the character was? Or report its location in
> the file?

With an 8-bit input encoding or "forced" characters like °, LyX reports
 in the source pane and also
the character in question in the Exort Error dialogue.

Reporting the location in the file would be a bonus:
With just one "exotic" character in the document, a search would be possible
(the only problem is, that drag and drop from the Error dialogue does not
With characters that only fail in verbatim context, a search in a larger
document is cumbersome.

With "inputenc utf8", LyX only reports uncodable characters for "forced"
conversion. LyX has currently no correct idea about which characters fail to
be converted by [utf8]{inputenc} in verbatim context and the LaTeX error
"TeX capacity exceeded" does not help either.


Re: Latex Error.

2017-01-13 Thread Richard Heck
On 01/14/2017 12:11 AM, Scott Kostyshak wrote:
> On Sat, Jan 14, 2017 at 05:56:21PM +1300, gordon cooper wrote:
>> Happy New Year to All.
>> This has been solved (after some detective work) but am reporting
>> it, just in case it happens to others.
>> Had a recent mysterious error when trying an Lyx to pdf conversion.
>> The program reported a Latex error but gave no error report.
>> The same Lyx file converted to html immediately, no errors. I had
>> a coding error, ignored by one converter. A look at the source code
>> was not a success.
>> So,  used the traditional system of halving the file, testing halving again,
>> until there only a single line of code left. There was the problem, a
>> Hyperlink
>> with a irreconcilable character, a beginning  itemize dot, like this :
>> •
>> Removing the dot fixed the problem, but an hour or two wasted looking
>> for it.
>> Gordon.
> Happy New Year, Gordon!
> Thanks for reporting this problem. Next time it would be helpful if you
> sent an example file. I went ahead and created an example file and I can
> reproduce the same problem you saw. The example file is attached. If you
> open LyX in the terminal, you see the following message when compiling:
>   Error 84 returned from iconv when converting from UCS-4LE to
>   ISO-8859-15: Invalid or incomplete multibyte or wide character
> It does not give a clue where the error comes from, and indeed the LyX
> GUI is not helpful at all in indicating where the error might be.
> I'm moving this thread to the lyx-devel list now. I think you wanted to
> just give lyx-users a warning in case they come across the problem, and
> I think potential discussion of how to improve LyX to handle this case
> should proceed on lyx-devel.

This kind of error does seem to crop up quite a bit. It'd be nice if we
could say something more informative. Could we at least say what the
character was? Or report its location in the file?


Re: Latex Error.

2017-01-13 Thread Scott Kostyshak
On Sat, Jan 14, 2017 at 05:56:21PM +1300, gordon cooper wrote:
> Happy New Year to All.
> This has been solved (after some detective work) but am reporting
> it, just in case it happens to others.
> Had a recent mysterious error when trying an Lyx to pdf conversion.
> The program reported a Latex error but gave no error report.
> The same Lyx file converted to html immediately, no errors. I had
> a coding error, ignored by one converter. A look at the source code
> was not a success.
> So,  used the traditional system of halving the file, testing halving again,
> until there only a single line of code left. There was the problem, a
> Hyperlink
> with a irreconcilable character, a beginning  itemize dot, like this :
> •
> Removing the dot fixed the problem, but an hour or two wasted looking
> for it.
> Gordon.

Happy New Year, Gordon!

Thanks for reporting this problem. Next time it would be helpful if you
sent an example file. I went ahead and created an example file and I can
reproduce the same problem you saw. The example file is attached. If you
open LyX in the terminal, you see the following message when compiling:

  Error 84 returned from iconv when converting from UCS-4LE to
  ISO-8859-15: Invalid or incomplete multibyte or wide character

It does not give a clue where the error comes from, and indeed the LyX
GUI is not helpful at all in indicating where the error might be.

I'm moving this thread to the lyx-devel list now. I think you wanted to
just give lyx-users a warning in case they come across the problem, and
I think potential discussion of how to improve LyX to handle this case
should proceed on lyx-devel.

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Description: PGP signature

Re: ctests: give output of LaTeX error

2016-10-11 Thread Scott Kostyshak
On Tue, Oct 11, 2016 at 01:51:05PM +0200, Kornel Benko wrote:

> Try this patch. Setting env var LYX_DEBUG_LATEX to '1' will produce logs with 
> latex.
> No change of logs if set to '0' or not set at all.

Looks good. If that covers Günter's request I think it makes sense to go
in, at least until one of the tickets is fixed that allows us to view
only the most recent LaTeX error.


Description: PGP signature

Re: ctests: give output of LaTeX error

2016-10-11 Thread Kornel Benko
Am Montag, 10. Oktober 2016 um 19:44:09, schrieb Kornel Benko 
> Am Montag, 10. Oktober 2016 um 09:56:00, schrieb Scott Kostyshak 
> > On Mon, Oct 10, 2016 at 07:56:39AM +, Guenter Milde wrote:
> >
> > > > Difficult.
> > >
> > > Then the debug output for inverted and suspended tests would be fine as
> > > workaround until we have the "keep the tempdir" option.
> >
> > +1
> >
> > Also note that it is easy to turn the -dbg on. For example, you might
> > want to do something like this:
> >
> > 1. run all ctests
> > 2. apply local patch that uses "-dbg latex" for all tests (basically
> >just remove the "if" in Kornel's current patch)
> > 3. ctest --rerun-failed
> > 4. revert local patch that turns debugging on (just to make sure it is
> >not accidentally committed).
> >
> > If it would help, I could make a script that does the above.
> Since ctest runs our cmake scripts, it is also possible to depend on 
> environment.
> I am reluctant though, making test results even more depending.
> > Scott

Try this patch. Setting env var LYX_DEBUG_LATEX to '1' will produce logs with 
No change of logs if set to '0' or not set at all.

Korneldiff --git a/development/autotests/export.cmake b/development/autotests/export.cmake
index 09e7ec7..fea5e25 100755
--- a/development/autotests/export.cmake
+++ b/development/autotests/export.cmake
@@ -126,10 +126,15 @@ if (extension MATCHES "\\.lyx$")
 set(LYX_SOURCE ${result_file_name})
-  message(STATUS "Executing ${lyx} -userdir \"${LYX_TESTS_USERDIR}\" -E ${format} ${result_file_name} \"${LYX_SOURCE}\"")
+set(LatexDebugParam -dbg latex)
+  else()
+  endif()
+  message(STATUS "Executing ${lyx} ${LatexDebugParam} -userdir \"${LYX_TESTS_USERDIR}\" -E ${format} ${result_file_name} \"${LYX_SOURCE}\"")
   file(REMOVE ${result_file_name})
-COMMAND ${lyx} -userdir "${LYX_TESTS_USERDIR}" -E ${format} ${result_file_name} "${LYX_SOURCE}"
+COMMAND ${lyx} ${LatexDebugParam} -userdir "${LYX_TESTS_USERDIR}" -E ${format} ${result_file_name} "${LYX_SOURCE}"

   #check if result file created

Description: This is a digitally signed message part.

Re: ctests: give output of LaTeX error

2016-10-10 Thread Kornel Benko
Am Montag, 10. Oktober 2016 um 09:56:00, schrieb Scott Kostyshak 

> On Mon, Oct 10, 2016 at 07:56:39AM +, Guenter Milde wrote:
> > > Difficult. 
> > 
> > Then the debug output for inverted and suspended tests would be fine as
> > workaround until we have the "keep the tempdir" option.
> +1
> Also note that it is easy to turn the -dbg on. For example, you might
> want to do something like this:
> 1. run all ctests
> 2. apply local patch that uses "-dbg latex" for all tests (basically
>just remove the "if" in Kornel's current patch)
> 3. ctest --rerun-failed
> 4. revert local patch that turns debugging on (just to make sure it is
>not accidentally committed).
> If it would help, I could make a script that does the above.

Since ctest runs our cmake scripts, it is also possible to depend on 
I am reluctant though, making test results even more depending.

> Scott


Description: This is a digitally signed message part.

Re: ctests: give output of LaTeX error

2016-10-10 Thread Scott Kostyshak
On Mon, Oct 10, 2016 at 07:56:39AM +, Guenter Milde wrote:

> > Difficult. 
> Then the debug output for inverted and suspended tests would be fine as
> workaround until we have the "keep the tempdir" option.


Also note that it is easy to turn the -dbg on. For example, you might
want to do something like this:

1. run all ctests
2. apply local patch that uses "-dbg latex" for all tests (basically
   just remove the "if" in Kornel's current patch)
3. ctest --rerun-failed
4. revert local patch that turns debugging on (just to make sure it is
   not accidentally committed).

If it would help, I could make a script that does the above.


Description: PGP signature

Re: ctests: give output of LaTeX error

2016-10-10 Thread Guenter Milde
Dear Kornel and Scott,

On 2016-10-09, Kornel Benko wrote:
> Am Sonntag, 9. Oktober 2016 um 17:55:49, schrieb Scott Kostyshak 
>> On Sun, Oct 09, 2016 at 09:28:47PM +, Guenter Milde wrote:
>> > On 2016-10-09, Scott Kostyshak wrote:

>> > > ... Günter, do you want the log output for
>> > > the non-inverted tests also?
>> > 
>> > Preferabely yes, because then I know if inversion is required if a test 
>> > fails.


>> >  
>> > Maybe the dbg could be collected and only appended to the log if there was
>> > an error...

> Difficult. 

Then the debug output for inverted and suspended tests would be fine as
workaround until we have the "keep the tempdir" option.

With this, we could append the log (or an excerpt) in case of error for
(failure of normal tests and no failure for inverted tests).


Re: ctests: give output of LaTeX error

2016-10-09 Thread Kornel Benko
Am Sonntag, 9. Oktober 2016 um 17:55:49, schrieb Scott Kostyshak 

> On Sun, Oct 09, 2016 at 09:28:47PM +, Guenter Milde wrote:
> > On 2016-10-09, Scott Kostyshak wrote:
> > > Good idea. Assuming we do not have many inverted tests that would keep
> > > the file size of the log down. Günter, do you want the log output for
> > > the non-inverted tests also?
> > 
> > Preferabely yes, because then I know if inversion is required if a test 
> > fails.
> > Otherwise, a new failure would require 
> >  * inversion (as TODO)
> >  * rerunning cmake
> >  * inspection of the log
> >  * sort of the inversion-pattern or fix of the installation or ignoring ...
> >  * rerunning cmake
> Makes sense.
> >  
> > Maybe the dbg could be collected and only appended to the log if there was
> > an error...
> I'm not sure this is possible. Maybe Kornel is aware of some magic to
> make it happen though.

Difficult. We would
1.) call lyx with '-dbg latex'
2.) collect output in cmake variable
3a.) In case of error, output the the log
3b.) else strip the log of latex messages.
4.) print the stripped output
Unfortunately the lyx-latex debug messages are not easy to filter

Normally they start with
SomeFile.cpp (xxx): Log line: some latex log
but if the log is multi-line, we are lost.

> Scott


Description: This is a digitally signed message part.

Re: ctests: give output of LaTeX error

2016-10-09 Thread Scott Kostyshak
On Sun, Oct 09, 2016 at 09:28:47PM +, Guenter Milde wrote:
> On 2016-10-09, Scott Kostyshak wrote:

> > Good idea. Assuming we do not have many inverted tests that would keep
> > the file size of the log down. Günter, do you want the log output for
> > the non-inverted tests also?
> Preferabely yes, because then I know if inversion is required if a test fails.
> Otherwise, a new failure would require 
>  * inversion (as TODO)
>  * rerunning cmake
>  * inspection of the log
>  * sort of the inversion-pattern or fix of the installation or ignoring ...
>  * rerunning cmake

Makes sense.

> Maybe the dbg could be collected and only appended to the log if there was
> an error...

I'm not sure this is possible. Maybe Kornel is aware of some magic to
make it happen though.


Description: PGP signature

Re: ctests: give output of LaTeX error

2016-10-09 Thread Guenter Milde
On 2016-10-09, Scott Kostyshak wrote:

> [-- Type: text/plain, Encoding: quoted-printable --]

> On Sun, Oct 09, 2016 at 07:46:24PM +0200, Kornel Benko wrote:
>> Am Sonntag, 9. Oktober 2016 um 19:21:57, schrieb Kornel Benko 
>> > Am Sonntag, 9. Oktober 2016 um 12:38:44, schrieb Scott Kostyshak 
>> > 

>> > > Is it possible to show the -dbg output only when there was an error? I
>> > > don't know if our ctest framework allows us to do that.
>> > 
>> > It is possible, but we have to know that there is an error prior to ctest 
>> > call.
>> > 

>> Like attached?

> Good idea. Assuming we do not have many inverted tests that would keep
> the file size of the log down. Günter, do you want the log output for
> the non-inverted tests also?

Preferabely yes, because then I know if inversion is required if a test fails.
Otherwise, a new failure would require 
 * inversion (as TODO)
 * rerunning cmake
 * inspection of the log
 * sort of the inversion-pattern or fix of the installation or ignoring ...
 * rerunning cmake
Maybe the dbg could be collected and only appended to the log if there was
an error...

Re: ctests: give output of LaTeX error

2016-10-09 Thread Scott Kostyshak
On Sun, Oct 09, 2016 at 07:46:24PM +0200, Kornel Benko wrote:
> Am Sonntag, 9. Oktober 2016 um 19:21:57, schrieb Kornel Benko 
> > Am Sonntag, 9. Oktober 2016 um 12:38:44, schrieb Scott Kostyshak 
> > 

> > > Is it possible to show the -dbg output only when there was an error? I
> > > don't know if our ctest framework allows us to do that.
> > 
> > It is possible, but we have to know that there is an error prior to ctest 
> > call.
> > 
> Like attached?

Good idea. Assuming we do not have many inverted tests that would keep
the file size of the log down. Günter, do you want the log output for
the non-inverted tests also?


Description: PGP signature

Re: ctests: give output of LaTeX error

2016-10-09 Thread Kornel Benko
Am Sonntag, 9. Oktober 2016 um 19:21:57, schrieb Kornel Benko <>
> Am Sonntag, 9. Oktober 2016 um 12:38:44, schrieb Scott Kostyshak 
> <>
> > When encountering a ctest failure, we must run the test manually to see
> > what the LaTeX error. It would be nice to be able to see the LaTeX error
> > from the ctest logs. The following tickets are related:
> >
> >
> >
> > One possibility would be for the ctests to call LyX with
> >
> >   -dbg latex
> Yes, will do.
> > which does indeed show the error.
> >
> > I don't think this is a good idea though, because The LastTest.log file
> > already has 1653656 lines and is 110M. With this command, I think the
> > file will get much larger.
> >
> > Is it possible to show the -dbg output only when there was an error? I
> > don't know if our ctest framework allows us to do that.
> It is possible, but we have to know that there is an error prior to ctest 
> call.

Like attached?

diff --git a/development/autotests/export.cmake b/development/autotests/export.cmake
index 09e7ec7..6c02750 100755
--- a/development/autotests/export.cmake
+++ b/development/autotests/export.cmake
@@ -126,10 +126,15 @@ if (extension MATCHES "\\.lyx$")
 set(LYX_SOURCE ${result_file_name})
-  message(STATUS "Executing ${lyx} -userdir \"${LYX_TESTS_USERDIR}\" -E ${format} ${result_file_name} \"${LYX_SOURCE}\"")
+  if (inverted)
+set(LatexDebugParam "-dbg latex")
+  else()
+set(LatexDebugParam "")
+  endif()
+  message(STATUS "Executing ${lyx} ${LatexDebugParam} -userdir \"${LYX_TESTS_USERDIR}\" -E ${format} ${result_file_name} \"${LYX_SOURCE}\"")
   file(REMOVE ${result_file_name})
-COMMAND ${lyx} -userdir "${LYX_TESTS_USERDIR}" -E ${format} ${result_file_name} "${LYX_SOURCE}"
+COMMAND ${lyx} ${LatexDebugParam} -userdir "${LYX_TESTS_USERDIR}" -E ${format} ${result_file_name} "${LYX_SOURCE}"

   #check if result file created

Description: This is a digitally signed message part.

Re: ctests: give output of LaTeX error

2016-10-09 Thread Kornel Benko
Am Sonntag, 9. Oktober 2016 um 12:38:44, schrieb Scott Kostyshak 
> When encountering a ctest failure, we must run the test manually to see
> what the LaTeX error. It would be nice to be able to see the LaTeX error
> from the ctest logs. The following tickets are related:
> One possibility would be for the ctests to call LyX with 
>   -dbg latex

Yes, will do.

> which does indeed show the error.
> I don't think this is a good idea though, because The LastTest.log file
> already has 1653656 lines and is 110M. With this command, I think the
> file will get much larger.
> Is it possible to show the -dbg output only when there was an error? I
> don't know if our ctest framework allows us to do that.

It is possible, but we have to know that there is an error prior to ctest call.

> Scott


Description: This is a digitally signed message part.

ctests: give output of LaTeX error

2016-10-09 Thread Scott Kostyshak
When encountering a ctest failure, we must run the test manually to see
what the LaTeX error. It would be nice to be able to see the LaTeX error
from the ctest logs. The following tickets are related:

One possibility would be for the ctests to call LyX with 

  -dbg latex

which does indeed show the error.

I don't think this is a good idea though, because The LastTest.log file
already has 1653656 lines and is 110M. With this command, I think the
file will get much larger.

Is it possible to show the -dbg output only when there was an error? I
don't know if our ctest framework allows us to do that.


Description: PGP signature

Re: #7551: Inclusion . in filename creates Latex error for graphic inclusion

2011-05-12 Thread Jeff Laake
I can easily avoid that.  It clearly does confuse it.  I ran into this 
problem when I changed gamma.lyx to gamma2.0.lyx when I was testing v1.6 
beside v2.0.  I don't normally include periods in my filenames.  But if 
this is going to create an error you may want to make use of . an 
invalid filename for LyX.  The error you get is sufficiently cryptic 
that it took me several hours to work out what the issue was.  regards 

On 5/12/2011 9:55 AM, LyX Ticket Tracker wrote:

#7551: Inclusion . in filename creates Latex error for graphic inclusion
  Reporter:  jlaake|   Owner:  lasgouttes
  Type:  defect|  Status:  new
  Priority:  normal|   Milestone:
Component:  literate  | Version:  2.0.0
  Severity:  normal|Keywords:

Comment(by yihui):

  why do you have to use a dot in the filename? usually I use - or _ in my
  Sweave code chunk prefix; I think a dot will confuse LaTeX

Re: #7551: Inclusion . in filename creates Latex error for graphic inclusion

2011-05-12 Thread Yihui Xie
You are right. Maybe we can automatically replace dots with - or _ in
the next version for the prefix. Sweave needs more intelligence,

Yihui Xie
Phone: 515-294-2465 Web:
Department of Statistics, Iowa State University
2215 Snedecor Hall, Ames, IA

On Thu, May 12, 2011 at 12:02 PM, Jeff Laake wrote:
 I can easily avoid that.  It clearly does confuse it.  I ran into this
 problem when I changed gamma.lyx to gamma2.0.lyx when I was testing v1.6
 beside v2.0.  I don't normally include periods in my filenames.  But if this
 is going to create an error you may want to make use of . an invalid
 filename for LyX.  The error you get is sufficiently cryptic that it took me
 several hours to work out what the issue was.  regards --jeff

 On 5/12/2011 9:55 AM, LyX Ticket Tracker wrote:

 #7551: Inclusion . in filename creates Latex error for graphic inclusion

  Reporter:  jlaake    |       Owner:  lasgouttes
      Type:  defect    |      Status:  new
  Priority:  normal    |   Milestone:
 Component:  literate  |     Version:  2.0.0
  Severity:  normal    |    Keywords:


 Comment(by yihui):

  why do you have to use a dot in the filename? usually I use - or _ in my
  Sweave code chunk prefix; I think a dot will confuse LaTeX

Re: #7551: Inclusion . in filename creates Latex error for graphic inclusion

2011-05-12 Thread Guenter Milde
On 2011-05-12, Jeff Laake wrote:

   why do you have to use a dot in the filename? usually I use - or _
   in my Sweave code chunk prefix; I think a dot will confuse LaTeX

 I can easily avoid that.  It clearly does confuse it.  I ran into this 
 problem when I changed gamma.lyx to gamma2.0.lyx when I was testing
 v1.6 beside v2.0.  I don't normally include periods in my filenames.

 But if this is going to create an error you may want to make use of .
 an invalid filename for LyX.  The error you get is sufficiently cryptic
 that it took me several hours to work out what the issue was.  regards 

As long as the dot is in a filename for \includegraphics, this can be
solved with the grffile from the oberdiek bundle.


Re: #7551: Inclusion "." in filename creates Latex error for graphic inclusion

2011-05-12 Thread Jeff Laake
I can easily avoid that.  It clearly does confuse it.  I ran into this 
problem when I changed gamma.lyx to gamma2.0.lyx when I was testing v1.6 
beside v2.0.  I don't normally include periods in my filenames.  But if 
this is going to create an error you may want to make use of . an 
invalid filename for LyX.  The error you get is sufficiently cryptic 
that it took me several hours to work out what the issue was.  regards 

On 5/12/2011 9:55 AM, LyX Ticket Tracker wrote:

#7551: Inclusion "." in filename creates Latex error for graphic inclusion
  Reporter:  jlaake|   Owner:  lasgouttes
  Type:  defect|  Status:  new
  Priority:  normal|   Milestone:
Component:  literate  | Version:  2.0.0
  Severity:  normal|Keywords:

Comment(by yihui):

  why do you have to use a dot in the filename? usually I use - or _ in my
  Sweave code chunk prefix; I think a dot will confuse LaTeX

Re: #7551: Inclusion "." in filename creates Latex error for graphic inclusion

2011-05-12 Thread Yihui Xie
You are right. Maybe we can automatically replace dots with - or _ in
the next version for the prefix. Sweave needs more intelligence,

Yihui Xie <>
Phone: 515-294-2465 Web:
Department of Statistics, Iowa State University
2215 Snedecor Hall, Ames, IA

On Thu, May 12, 2011 at 12:02 PM, Jeff Laake <> wrote:
> I can easily avoid that.  It clearly does confuse it.  I ran into this
> problem when I changed gamma.lyx to gamma2.0.lyx when I was testing v1.6
> beside v2.0.  I don't normally include periods in my filenames.  But if this
> is going to create an error you may want to make use of . an invalid
> filename for LyX.  The error you get is sufficiently cryptic that it took me
> several hours to work out what the issue was.  regards --jeff
> On 5/12/2011 9:55 AM, LyX Ticket Tracker wrote:
>> #7551: Inclusion "." in filename creates Latex error for graphic inclusion
>> --+-
>>  Reporter:  jlaake    |       Owner:  lasgouttes
>>      Type:  defect    |      Status:  new
>>  Priority:  normal    |   Milestone:
>> Component:  literate  |     Version:  2.0.0
>>  Severity:  normal    |    Keywords:
>> --+-
>> Comment(by yihui):
>>  why do you have to use a dot in the filename? usually I use - or _ in my
>>  Sweave code chunk prefix; I think a dot will confuse LaTeX

Re: #7551: Inclusion "." in filename creates Latex error for graphic inclusion

2011-05-12 Thread Guenter Milde
On 2011-05-12, Jeff Laake wrote:

>>   why do you have to use a dot in the filename? usually I use - or _
>>   in my Sweave code chunk prefix; I think a dot will confuse LaTeX

> I can easily avoid that.  It clearly does confuse it.  I ran into this 
> problem when I changed gamma.lyx to gamma2.0.lyx when I was testing
> v1.6 beside v2.0.  I don't normally include periods in my filenames.

> But if this is going to create an error you may want to make use of .
> an invalid filename for LyX.  The error you get is sufficiently cryptic
> that it took me several hours to work out what the issue was.  regards 

As long as the dot is in a filename for \includegraphics, this can be
solved with the grffile from the oberdiek bundle.


Re: (Regression in r37749 by forenr) Assert with ERT inset and LaTeX Error dialog open.

2011-03-02 Thread John McCabe-Dansted
On Tue, Mar 1, 2011 at 2:55 AM, Pavel Sanda wrote:
 neither me. John are you running up to date svn?

It was quite recent, but I updated I now I cannot reproduce either :).

John C. McCabe-Dansted

Re: (Regression in r37749 by forenr) Assert with ERT inset and LaTeX Error dialog open.

2011-03-02 Thread Pavel Sanda
John McCabe-Dansted wrote:
 On Tue, Mar 1, 2011 at 2:55 AM, Pavel Sanda wrote:
  neither me. John are you running up to date svn?
 It was quite recent, but I updated I now I cannot reproduce either :).

yep something similar was fixed recently.p

Re: (Regression in r37749 by forenr) Assert with ERT inset and LaTeX Error dialog open.

2011-03-02 Thread John McCabe-Dansted
On Tue, Mar 1, 2011 at 2:55 AM, Pavel Sanda  wrote:
> neither me. John are you running up to date svn?

It was quite recent, but I updated I now I cannot reproduce either :).

John C. McCabe-Dansted

Re: (Regression in r37749 by forenr) Assert with ERT inset and LaTeX Error dialog open.

2011-03-02 Thread Pavel Sanda
John McCabe-Dansted wrote:
> On Tue, Mar 1, 2011 at 2:55 AM, Pavel Sanda  wrote:
> > neither me. John are you running up to date svn?
> It was quite recent, but I updated I now I cannot reproduce either :).

yep something similar was fixed recently.p

(Regression in r37749 by forenr) Assert with ERT inset and LaTeX Error dialog open.

2011-02-28 Thread John McCabe-Dansted
To Reproduce:
1) Press Alt-Delete to insert a non-printable character
2) Press Ctrl-L to insert an ERT inset
3) Press Ctrl-D to bring up the LaTeX error dialog box.
4) Click inside the ERT.

I then get the following assert. This appears to be a regression in
r37749 by forenr, though note that I need the compile fix found in
r37751 to compile r37749. (Ubuntu 10.04 x86_64)

Program received signal SIGABRT, Aborted.
0x751dfa75 in *__GI_raise (sig=value optimised out)
at ../nptl/sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/raise.c:64
64  ../nptl/sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/raise.c: No such file or directory.
in ../nptl/sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/raise.c
(gdb) #0  0x751dfa75 in *__GI_raise (sig=value optimised out)
at ../nptl/sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/raise.c:64
cpp abort.c
#1  0x751e35c0 in *__GI_abort () at abort.c:92
#2  0x008e1f2e in __replacement_assert (this=0x6093, __pos=24723)
at /usr/include/c++/4.4/x86_64-linux-gnu/bits/c++config.h:284
#3  std::basic_stringwchar_t, std::char_traitswchar_t,
std::allocatorwchar_t ::operator[] (this=0x6093, __pos=24723)
at /usr/include/c++/4.4/bits/basic_string.h:740
#4  0x008cb374 in lyx::Paragraph::isLineSeparator (this=0x1e67b00,
cpp Paragraph.cpp
pos=24723) at Paragraph.cpp:2835
#5  0x009da7e8 in copySelectionToStack (cur=..., cutstack=...)
cpp CutAndPaste.cpp
at CutAndPaste.cpp:857

For more information see:

John C. McCabe-Dansted

Re: (Regression in r37749 by forenr) Assert with ERT inset and LaTeX Error dialog open.

2011-02-28 Thread Enrico Forestieri
On Mon, Feb 28, 2011 at 08:48:46PM +0800, John McCabe-Dansted wrote:

 To Reproduce:
 1) Press Alt-Delete to insert a non-printable character
 2) Press Ctrl-L to insert an ERT inset
 3) Press Ctrl-D to bring up the LaTeX error dialog box.
 4) Click inside the ERT.

Sorry, cannot reproduce.


Re: (Regression in r37749 by forenr) Assert with ERT inset and LaTeX Error dialog open.

2011-02-28 Thread Pavel Sanda
Enrico Forestieri wrote:
 On Mon, Feb 28, 2011 at 08:48:46PM +0800, John McCabe-Dansted wrote:
  To Reproduce:
  1) Press Alt-Delete to insert a non-printable character
  2) Press Ctrl-L to insert an ERT inset
  3) Press Ctrl-D to bring up the LaTeX error dialog box.
  4) Click inside the ERT.
 Sorry, cannot reproduce.

neither me. John are you running up to date svn?

(Regression in r37749 by forenr) Assert with ERT inset and LaTeX Error dialog open.

2011-02-28 Thread John McCabe-Dansted
To Reproduce:
1) Press Alt-Delete to insert a non-printable character
2) Press Ctrl-L to insert an ERT inset
3) Press Ctrl-D to bring up the LaTeX error dialog box.
4) Click inside the ERT.

I then get the following assert. This appears to be a regression in
r37749 by forenr, though note that I need the compile fix found in
r37751 to compile r37749. (Ubuntu 10.04 x86_64)

Program received signal SIGABRT, Aborted.
0x751dfa75 in *__GI_raise (sig=)
at ../nptl/sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/raise.c:64
64  ../nptl/sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/raise.c: No such file or directory.
in ../nptl/sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/raise.c
(gdb) #0  0x751dfa75 in *__GI_raise (sig=)
at ../nptl/sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/raise.c:64
cpp abort.c
#1  0x751e35c0 in *__GI_abort () at abort.c:92
#2  0x008e1f2e in __replacement_assert (this=0x6093, __pos=24723)
at /usr/include/c++/4.4/x86_64-linux-gnu/bits/c++config.h:284
#3  std::basic_string<wchar_t, std::char_traits,
std::allocator >::operator[] (this=0x6093, __pos=24723)
at /usr/include/c++/4.4/bits/basic_string.h:740
#4  0x008cb374 in lyx::Paragraph::isLineSeparator (this=0x1e67b00,
cpp Paragraph.cpp
pos=24723) at Paragraph.cpp:2835
#5  0x009da7e8 in copySelectionToStack (cur=..., cutstack=...)
cpp CutAndPaste.cpp
at CutAndPaste.cpp:857

For more information see:

John C. McCabe-Dansted

Re: (Regression in r37749 by forenr) Assert with ERT inset and LaTeX Error dialog open.

2011-02-28 Thread Enrico Forestieri
On Mon, Feb 28, 2011 at 08:48:46PM +0800, John McCabe-Dansted wrote:

> To Reproduce:
> 1) Press Alt-Delete to insert a non-printable character
> 2) Press Ctrl-L to insert an ERT inset
> 3) Press Ctrl-D to bring up the LaTeX error dialog box.
> 4) Click inside the ERT.

Sorry, cannot reproduce.


Re: (Regression in r37749 by forenr) Assert with ERT inset and LaTeX Error dialog open.

2011-02-28 Thread Pavel Sanda
Enrico Forestieri wrote:
> On Mon, Feb 28, 2011 at 08:48:46PM +0800, John McCabe-Dansted wrote:
> > To Reproduce:
> > 1) Press Alt-Delete to insert a non-printable character
> > 2) Press Ctrl-L to insert an ERT inset
> > 3) Press Ctrl-D to bring up the LaTeX error dialog box.
> > 4) Click inside the ERT.
> Sorry, cannot reproduce.

neither me. John are you running up to date svn?

Re: [patch] Re: Latex error

2010-11-14 Thread Jürgen Spitzmüller
Jean-Marc Lasgouttes wrote:
 The next thing we might want to add there is Quote (french, german,
 ...), that could be set like in the guessing that is done in
 We could have a new quote type auto so that the quote (even ones
 already in the document) can change when the document change.
 Of course, it can be considered late in the game, but it would be a nice

Yes, Quote came to my mind as well. At first, though, I'd like to put in 
PreBabelPreamble, and then look for some hardcoding which should go into 
languages (e.g., the ugly checking for japanese, vietnamese etc. we have twice 
in BufferParams).

And of course, Polyglossia.


Re: [patch] Re: Latex error

2010-11-14 Thread Jürgen Spitzmüller
Jean-Marc Lasgouttes wrote:
> The next thing we might want to add there is Quote (french, german,
> ...), that could be set like in the guessing that is done in
> tex2lyx/preamble.cpp.
> We could have a new quote type "auto" so that the quote (even ones
> already in the document) can change when the document change.
> Of course, it can be considered late in the game, but it would be a nice
> improvement.

Yes, Quote came to my mind as well. At first, though, I'd like to put in 
PreBabelPreamble, and then look for some hardcoding which should go into 
languages (e.g., the ugly checking for japanese, vietnamese etc. we have twice 
in BufferParams).

And of course, Polyglossia.


Re: [patch] Re: Latex error

2010-11-13 Thread Jürgen Spitzmüller
Pavel Sanda wrote:

 polyglossia stuff is planned on the top of it?

Yes, this is the prerequisite for polyglossia support.

I'll post a polished patch later, where I resolved the remaining issues.


Re: [patch] Re: Latex error

2010-11-13 Thread Pavel Sanda
Jürgen Spitzmüller wrote:
 Pavel Sanda wrote:
  polyglossia stuff is planned on the top of it?
 Yes, this is the prerequisite for polyglossia support.


Re: [patch] Re: Latex error

2010-11-13 Thread Jürgen Spitzmüller
Jürgen Spitzmüller wrote:
 I'll post a polished patch later, where I resolved the remaining issues.

Here it comes. Includes some harmonization of tag spelling and the necessary changes.

Index: lib/languages
--- lib/languages	(Revision 36280)
+++ lib/languages	(Arbeitskopie)
@@ -1,89 +1,677 @@
-# name  babel name	GUI name	RTL?   encoding	  code	latex options
-# LyX internal languages
-ignore  ignore	Ignore	false  iso8859-1  ignore	 
-latex   		LaTeX		false  iso8859-1  latex	 
-# Real languages now
-afrikaans   afrikaans	Afrikaans	false  iso8859-15 af_ZA	 
-albanianalbanian	Albanian	false  iso8859-2  sq_AL	 
-americanamerican	English (USA)	false  iso8859-15 en_US	 
-# FIXME: dummy babel language for arabic_arabtex to be able to switch the language the way of the ArabTeX-package
-arabic_arabtex arabtex	Arabic (ArabTeX) true  cp1256   ar_SA	 
-arabic_arabi arabic	Arabic (Arabi)   true  cp1256   ar_SA	 
-armenian		Armenian	false  armscii8   hy_AM	 
-austrianaustrian	German (Austria, old spelling)	false  iso8859-15 de_AT	 
-naustrian   naustrian	German (Austria)	false  iso8859-15  de_AT	 
-bahasa  bahasa	Indonesian	false  iso8859-15 id_ID	 
-bahasam bahasam	Malay		false  iso8859-15 ms_MY	 
-basque  basque	Basque	false  iso8859-15 eu_ES	 
-belarusian  belarusian	Belarusian	false  cp1251 be_BY	 
-brazilian   brazil	Portuguese (Brazil)	false  iso8859-15  pt_BR	 
-breton  breton	Breton	false  iso8859-15 br_FR	 
-british british	English (UK)	false  iso8859-15 en_GB	 
-bulgarian   bulgarian	Bulgarian	false  cp1251 bg_BG	 
-canadiancanadian	English (Canada)	false  iso8859-15 en_CA	 
-canadiencanadien	French (Canada)	false  iso8859-15  fr_CA	 
-catalan catalan 	Catalan	false  iso8859-15 ca_ES	 
-chinese-simplified 	Chinese (simplified)	false  euc-cn zh_CN	 
-chinese-traditional 	Chinese (traditional)	false  utf8-cjk zh_CN	 
-croatiancroatian	Croatian	false  iso8859-2  hr_HR	 
-czech   czech	Czech		false  iso8859-2  cs_CZ	 
-danish  danish	Danish	false  iso8859-15 da_DK	 
-dutch   dutch	Dutch		false  iso8859-15 nl_NL	 
-english english	English	false  iso8859-15 en_US	 
+# Languages supported by LyX.
+# Syntax:
+# Language lyxname
+#	GuiName  Gui Name
+#	BabelName babelname
+#	Encoding  encoding
+#	InternalEncoding  true|false
+#	RTL   true|false
+#	LangCode  language_code
+#   LangVariety   language_variety
+#	BabelPreamble
+# extra latex code for babel
+#	EndBabelPreamble
+# End
+# Omitted elements will be treated as empty
+# (omitted RTL and InternalEncoding as false)
+# LyX-internal languages
+Language ignore
+	GuiName Ignore
+	BabelName   ignore
+	Encodingiso8859-1
+	RTL false
+	LangCodeignore
+Language latex
+	GuiName LaTeX
+	Encodingiso8859-1
+	RTL false
+	LangCodelatex
+# Real languages
+Language afrikaans
+	GuiName Afrikaans
+	BabelName   afrikaans
+	Encodingiso8859-15
+	RTL false
+	LangCodeaf_ZA
+Language albanian
+	GuiName Albanian
+	BabelName   albanian
+	Encodingiso8859-2
+	RTL false
+	LangCodesq_AL
+Language american
+	GuiName English (USA)
+	BabelName   american
+	Encodingiso8859-15
+	RTL false
+	LangCodeen_US
+# FIXME: dummy babel language for arabic_arabtex to be able
+# to switch the language the way of the ArabTeX-package
+Language arabic_arabtex
+	GuiName Arabic (ArabTeX)
+	BabelName   arabtex
+	Encodingcp1256
+	RTL true
+	LangCodear_SA
+Language arabic_arabi
+	GuiName Arabic (Arabi)
+	BabelName   arabic
+	Encodingcp1256
+	RTL true
+	LangCodear_SA
+Language armenian
+	GuiName Armenian
+	Encodingarmscii8
+	RTL false
+	LangCodehy_AM
+Language austrian
+	GuiName German (Austria, old spelling)
+	BabelName   austrian
+	Encodingiso8859-15
+	RTL false
+	LangCodede_AT
+Language naustrian
+	GuiName German (Austria)
+	BabelName   naustrian
+	Encodingiso8859-15
+	RTL false
+	LangCodede_AT
+Language bahasa
+	GuiName Indonesian
+	BabelName   bahasa
+	Encodingiso8859-15
+	RTL false
+	LangCodeid_ID
+Language bahasam
+	GuiName Malay
+	BabelName   bahasam
+	Encodingiso8859-15
+	RTL false
+	LangCodems_MY
+Language basque
+	GuiName Basque
+	BabelName   

Re: [patch] Re: Latex error

2010-11-13 Thread Jean-Marc Lasgouttes

Le 13 nov. 10 à 14:26, Jürgen Spitzmüller a écrit :

Jürgen Spitzmüller wrote:
I'll post a polished patch later, where I resolved the remaining  

Here it comes. Includes some harmonization of tag spelling and the  
necessary changes.

Looks very good. Just a small spacing problem there
+#   LangVariety   language_variety

Also you might want to remove the RTL false statements, assuming that
false is the default.


Re: [patch] Re: Latex error

2010-11-13 Thread Jürgen Spitzmüller
Jean-Marc Lasgouttes wrote:
 Looks very good.


 Just a small spacing problem there
 +#   LangVariety   language_variety

I noted that already, thanks.

 Also you might want to remove the RTL false statements, assuming that
 false is the default.

I thought about it, too. (I first worried this would look a bt LTR-centric; 
but this is just the linguist's concern).

In the meantime, I have furthermore changed BabelPreamble to PostBabelPreamble 
(to make clear this code is inserted after babel and assuming we might 
introduce also a PreBabelPreamble [bug #4786])

Pavel, can I shove this in?


Re: [patch] Re: Latex error

2010-11-13 Thread Pavel Sanda
Jürgen Spitzmüller wrote:
 Pavel, can I shove this in?


Re: [patch] Re: Latex error

2010-11-13 Thread Jean-Marc Lasgouttes

Le 13/11/2010 16:57, Jürgen Spitzmüller a écrit :

In the meantime, I have furthermore changed BabelPreamble to
PostBabelPreamble (to make clear this code is inserted after babel
and assuming we might introduce also a PreBabelPreamble [bug #4786])

The next thing we might want to add there is Quote (french, german,
...), that could be set like in the guessing that is done in

We could have a new quote type auto so that the quote (even ones
already in the document) can change when the document change.

Of course, it can be considered late in the game, but it would be a nice


Re: [patch] Re: Latex error

2010-11-13 Thread Jürgen Spitzmüller
Pavel Sanda wrote:

> polyglossia stuff is planned on the top of it?

Yes, this is the prerequisite for polyglossia support.

I'll post a polished patch later, where I resolved the remaining issues.


Re: [patch] Re: Latex error

2010-11-13 Thread Pavel Sanda
Jürgen Spitzmüller wrote:
> Pavel Sanda wrote:
> > polyglossia stuff is planned on the top of it?
> Yes, this is the prerequisite for polyglossia support.


Re: [patch] Re: Latex error

2010-11-13 Thread Jürgen Spitzmüller
Jürgen Spitzmüller wrote:
> I'll post a polished patch later, where I resolved the remaining issues.

Here it comes. Includes some harmonization of tag spelling and the necessary changes.

Index: lib/languages
--- lib/languages	(Revision 36280)
+++ lib/languages	(Arbeitskopie)
@@ -1,89 +1,677 @@
-# name  babel name	GUI name	RTL?   encoding	  code	latex options
-# LyX internal languages
-ignore  ignore	"Ignore"	false  iso8859-1  ignore	 ""
-latex   ""		"LaTeX"		false  iso8859-1  latex	 ""
-# Real languages now
-afrikaans   afrikaans	"Afrikaans"	false  iso8859-15 af_ZA	 ""
-albanianalbanian	"Albanian"	false  iso8859-2  sq_AL	 ""
-americanamerican	"English (USA)"	false  iso8859-15 en_US	 ""
-# FIXME: dummy babel language for arabic_arabtex to be able to switch the language the way of the ArabTeX-package
-arabic_arabtex arabtex	"Arabic (ArabTeX)" true  cp1256   ar_SA	 ""
-arabic_arabi arabic	"Arabic (Arabi)"   true  cp1256   ar_SA	 ""
-armenian""		"Armenian"	false  armscii8   hy_AM	 ""
-austrianaustrian	"German (Austria, old spelling)"	false  iso8859-15 de_AT	 ""
-naustrian   naustrian	"German (Austria)"	false  iso8859-15  de_AT	 ""
-bahasa  bahasa	"Indonesian"	false  iso8859-15 id_ID	 ""
-bahasam bahasam	"Malay"		false  iso8859-15 ms_MY	 ""
-basque  basque	"Basque"	false  iso8859-15 eu_ES	 ""
-belarusian  belarusian	"Belarusian"	false  cp1251 be_BY	 ""
-brazilian   brazil	"Portuguese (Brazil)"	false  iso8859-15  pt_BR	 ""
-breton  breton	"Breton"	false  iso8859-15 br_FR	 ""
-british british	"English (UK)"	false  iso8859-15 en_GB	 ""
-bulgarian   bulgarian	"Bulgarian"	false  cp1251 bg_BG	 ""
-canadiancanadian	"English (Canada)"	false  iso8859-15 en_CA	 ""
-canadiencanadien	"French (Canada)"	false  iso8859-15  fr_CA	 ""
-catalan catalan 	"Catalan"	false  iso8859-15 ca_ES	 ""
-chinese-simplified ""	"Chinese (simplified)"	false  euc-cn zh_CN	 ""
-chinese-traditional ""	"Chinese (traditional)"	false  utf8-cjk zh_CN	 ""
-croatiancroatian	"Croatian"	false  iso8859-2  hr_HR	 ""
-czech   czech	"Czech"		false  iso8859-2  cs_CZ	 ""
-danish  danish	"Danish"	false  iso8859-15 da_DK	 ""
-dutch   dutch	"Dutch"		false  iso8859-15 nl_NL	 ""
-english english	"English"	false  iso8859-15 en_US	 ""
+# Languages supported by LyX.
+# Syntax:
+# Language 
+#	GuiName  ""
+#	BabelName 
+#	Encoding  
+#	InternalEncoding  
+#	RTL   
+#	LangCode  
+#   LangVariety   
+#	BabelPreamble
+#	EndBabelPreamble
+# End
+# Omitted elements will be treated as empty
+# (omitted RTL and InternalEncoding as "false")
+# LyX-internal languages
+Language ignore
+	GuiName "Ignore"
+	BabelName   ignore
+	Encodingiso8859-1
+	RTL false
+	LangCodeignore
+Language latex
+	GuiName "LaTeX"
+	Encodingiso8859-1
+	RTL false
+	LangCodelatex
+# Real languages
+Language afrikaans
+	GuiName "Afrikaans"
+	BabelName   afrikaans
+	Encodingiso8859-15
+	RTL false
+	LangCodeaf_ZA
+Language albanian
+	GuiName "Albanian"
+	BabelName   albanian
+	Encodingiso8859-2
+	RTL false
+	LangCodesq_AL
+Language american
+	GuiName "English (USA)"
+	BabelName   american
+	Encodingiso8859-15
+	RTL false
+	LangCodeen_US
+# FIXME: dummy babel language for arabic_arabtex to be able
+# to switch the language the way of the ArabTeX-package
+Language arabic_arabtex
+	GuiName "Arabic (ArabTeX)"
+	BabelName   arabtex
+	Encodingcp1256
+	RTL true
+	LangCodear_SA
+Language arabic_arabi
+	GuiName "Arabic (Arabi)"
+	BabelName   arabic
+	Encodingcp1256
+	RTL true
+	LangCodear_SA
+Language armenian
+	GuiName "Armenian"
+	Encodingarmscii8
+	RTL false
+	LangCodehy_AM
+Language austrian
+	GuiName "German (Austria, old spelling)"
+	BabelName   austrian
+	Encodingiso8859-15
+	RTL false
+	LangCodede_AT
+Language naustrian
+	GuiName "German (Austria)"
+	BabelName   naustrian
+	Encodingiso8859-15
+	RTL false
+	LangCodede_AT
+Language bahasa
+	GuiName "Indonesian"
+	BabelName   bahasa
+	Encodingiso8859-15
+	RTL false
+	LangCodeid_ID
+Language bahasam
+	GuiName "Malay"
+	BabelName   bahasam
+	Encodingiso8859-15
+	RTL false
+	LangCodems_MY

Re: [patch] Re: Latex error

2010-11-13 Thread Jean-Marc Lasgouttes

Le 13 nov. 10 à 14:26, Jürgen Spitzmüller a écrit :

Jürgen Spitzmüller wrote:
I'll post a polished patch later, where I resolved the remaining  

Here it comes. Includes some harmonization of tag spelling and the  
necessary changes.

Looks very good. Just a small spacing problem there
+#   LangVariety   

Also you might want to remove the "RTL false" statements, assuming that
false is the default.


Re: [patch] Re: Latex error

2010-11-13 Thread Jürgen Spitzmüller
Jean-Marc Lasgouttes wrote:
> Looks very good.


> Just a small spacing problem there
> +#   LangVariety   

I noted that already, thanks.

> Also you might want to remove the "RTL false" statements, assuming that
> false is the default.

I thought about it, too. (I first worried this would look a bt LTR-centric; 
but this is just the linguist's concern).

In the meantime, I have furthermore changed BabelPreamble to PostBabelPreamble 
(to make clear this code is inserted after babel and assuming we might 
introduce also a PreBabelPreamble [bug #4786])

Pavel, can I shove this in?


Re: [patch] Re: Latex error

2010-11-13 Thread Pavel Sanda
Jürgen Spitzmüller wrote:
> Pavel, can I shove this in?


Re: [patch] Re: Latex error

2010-11-13 Thread Jean-Marc Lasgouttes

Le 13/11/2010 16:57, Jürgen Spitzmüller a écrit :

In the meantime, I have furthermore changed BabelPreamble to
PostBabelPreamble (to make clear this code is inserted after babel
and assuming we might introduce also a PreBabelPreamble [bug #4786])

The next thing we might want to add there is Quote (french, german,
...), that could be set like in the guessing that is done in

We could have a new quote type "auto" so that the quote (even ones
already in the document) can change when the document change.

Of course, it can be considered late in the game, but it would be a nice


[patch] Re: Latex error

2010-11-12 Thread Jürgen Spitzmüller
Jean-Marc Lasgouttes wrote:
 And turn this language file into a format like layout files, so that  
 humans can read it...

Attached is an attempt at this direction.

The lexer code needs review, I'm not good at that.

Currently, I get

LyX: No name given for language: `'. [around line 676 of file [languages] 
current token: '' context: 'Languages::read']

(which is the last line of the file)

Apart from that, it seems to work as intended.

Index: lib/languages
--- lib/languages	(Revision 36263)
+++ lib/languages	(Arbeitskopie)
@@ -1,89 +1,676 @@
-# name  babel name	GUI name	RTL?   encoding	  code	latex options
-# LyX internal languages
-ignore  ignore	Ignore	false  iso8859-1  ignore	 
-latex   		LaTeX		false  iso8859-1  latex	 
-# Real languages now
-afrikaans   afrikaans	Afrikaans	false  iso8859-15 af_ZA	 
-albanianalbanian	Albanian	false  iso8859-2  sq_AL	 
-americanamerican	English (USA)	false  iso8859-15 en_US	 
-# FIXME: dummy babel language for arabic_arabtex to be able to switch the language the way of the ArabTeX-package
-arabic_arabtex arabtex	Arabic (ArabTeX) true  cp1256   ar_SA	 
-arabic_arabi arabic	Arabic (Arabi)   true  cp1256   ar_SA	 
-armenian		Armenian	false  armscii8   hy_AM	 
-austrianaustrian	German (Austria, old spelling)	false  iso8859-15 de_AT	 
-naustrian   naustrian	German (Austria)	false  iso8859-15  de_AT	 
-bahasa  bahasa	Indonesian	false  iso8859-15 id_ID	 
-bahasam bahasam	Malay		false  iso8859-15 ms_MY	 
-basque  basque	Basque	false  iso8859-15 eu_ES	 
-belarusian  belarusian	Belarusian	false  cp1251 be_BY	 
-brazilian   brazil	Portuguese (Brazil)	false  iso8859-15  pt_BR	 
-breton  breton	Breton	false  iso8859-15 br_FR	 
-british british	English (UK)	false  iso8859-15 en_GB	 
-bulgarian   bulgarian	Bulgarian	false  cp1251 bg_BG	 
-canadiancanadian	English (Canada)	false  iso8859-15 en_CA	 
-canadiencanadien	French (Canada)	false  iso8859-15  fr_CA	 
-catalan catalan 	Catalan	false  iso8859-15 ca_ES	 
-chinese-simplified 	Chinese (simplified)	false  euc-cn zh_CN	 
-chinese-traditional 	Chinese (traditional)	false  utf8-cjk zh_CN	 
-croatiancroatian	Croatian	false  iso8859-2  hr_HR	 
-czech   czech	Czech		false  iso8859-2  cs_CZ	 
-danish  danish	Danish	false  iso8859-15 da_DK	 
-dutch   dutch	Dutch		false  iso8859-15 nl_NL	 
-english english	English	false  iso8859-15 en_US	 
+# Languages supported by LyX.
+# Syntax:
+# Language lyxname
+#	GuiName Gui Name
+#	BabelNamebabelname
+#	encoding encoding
+#	internal_enc true|false
+#	RTL  true|false
+#	lang_codelanguage_code
+#   lang_variety language_variety
+#	BabelPreamble
+#extra latex code for babel
+#	EndBabelPreamble
+# End
+# Omitted elements will be treated as empty
+# (omitted RTL and internal_enc als false)
+# LyX-internal languages
+Language ignore
+	GuiName Ignore
+	BabelName   ignore
+	encodingiso8859-1
+	RTL false
+	lang_code   ignore
+Language latex
+	GuiName LaTeX
+	encodingiso8859-1
+	RTL false
+	lang_code   latex
+# Real languages
+Language afrikaans
+	GuiName Afrikaans
+	BabelName   afrikaans
+	encodingiso8859-15
+	RTL false
+	lang_code   af_ZA
+Language albanian
+	GuiName Albanian
+	BabelName   albanian
+	encodingiso8859-2
+	RTL false
+	lang_code   sq_AL
+Language american
+	GuiName English (USA)
+	BabelName   american
+	encodingiso8859-15
+	RTL false
+	lang_code   en_US
+# FIXME: dummy babel language for arabic_arabtex to be able
+# to switch the language the way of the ArabTeX-package
+Language arabic_arabtex
+	GuiName Arabic (ArabTeX)
+	BabelName   arabtex
+	encodingcp1256
+	RTL true
+	lang_code   ar_SA
+Language arabic_arabi
+	GuiName Arabic (Arabi)
+	BabelName   arabic
+	encodingcp1256
+	RTL true
+	lang_code   ar_SA
+Language armenian
+	GuiName Armenian
+	encodingarmscii8
+	RTL false
+	lang_code   hy_AM
+Language austrian
+	GuiName German (Austria, old spelling)
+	BabelName   austrian
+	encodingiso8859-15
+	RTL false
+	lang_code   de_AT
+Language naustrian
+	GuiName German (Austria)
+	BabelName   naustrian
+	encodingiso8859-15
+	RTL false
+	lang_code   de_AT
+Language bahasa
+	GuiName Indonesian
+	BabelName   bahasa
+	encodingiso8859-15
+	RTL false

Re: [patch] Re: Latex error

2010-11-12 Thread Pavel Sanda
Jürgen Spitzmüller wrote:
 Jean-Marc Lasgouttes wrote:
  And turn this language file into a format like layout files, so that  
  humans can read it...
 Attached is an attempt at this direction.

polyglossia stuff is planned on the top of it?


[patch] Re: Latex error

2010-11-12 Thread Jürgen Spitzmüller
Jean-Marc Lasgouttes wrote:
> And turn this language file into a format like layout files, so that  
> humans can read it...

Attached is an attempt at this direction.

The lexer code needs review, I'm not good at that.

Currently, I get

LyX: No name given for language: `'. [around line 676 of file [languages] 
current token: '' context: 'Languages::read']

(which is the last line of the file)

Apart from that, it seems to work as intended.

Index: lib/languages
--- lib/languages	(Revision 36263)
+++ lib/languages	(Arbeitskopie)
@@ -1,89 +1,676 @@
-# name  babel name	GUI name	RTL?   encoding	  code	latex options
-# LyX internal languages
-ignore  ignore	"Ignore"	false  iso8859-1  ignore	 ""
-latex   ""		"LaTeX"		false  iso8859-1  latex	 ""
-# Real languages now
-afrikaans   afrikaans	"Afrikaans"	false  iso8859-15 af_ZA	 ""
-albanianalbanian	"Albanian"	false  iso8859-2  sq_AL	 ""
-americanamerican	"English (USA)"	false  iso8859-15 en_US	 ""
-# FIXME: dummy babel language for arabic_arabtex to be able to switch the language the way of the ArabTeX-package
-arabic_arabtex arabtex	"Arabic (ArabTeX)" true  cp1256   ar_SA	 ""
-arabic_arabi arabic	"Arabic (Arabi)"   true  cp1256   ar_SA	 ""
-armenian""		"Armenian"	false  armscii8   hy_AM	 ""
-austrianaustrian	"German (Austria, old spelling)"	false  iso8859-15 de_AT	 ""
-naustrian   naustrian	"German (Austria)"	false  iso8859-15  de_AT	 ""
-bahasa  bahasa	"Indonesian"	false  iso8859-15 id_ID	 ""
-bahasam bahasam	"Malay"		false  iso8859-15 ms_MY	 ""
-basque  basque	"Basque"	false  iso8859-15 eu_ES	 ""
-belarusian  belarusian	"Belarusian"	false  cp1251 be_BY	 ""
-brazilian   brazil	"Portuguese (Brazil)"	false  iso8859-15  pt_BR	 ""
-breton  breton	"Breton"	false  iso8859-15 br_FR	 ""
-british british	"English (UK)"	false  iso8859-15 en_GB	 ""
-bulgarian   bulgarian	"Bulgarian"	false  cp1251 bg_BG	 ""
-canadiancanadian	"English (Canada)"	false  iso8859-15 en_CA	 ""
-canadiencanadien	"French (Canada)"	false  iso8859-15  fr_CA	 ""
-catalan catalan 	"Catalan"	false  iso8859-15 ca_ES	 ""
-chinese-simplified ""	"Chinese (simplified)"	false  euc-cn zh_CN	 ""
-chinese-traditional ""	"Chinese (traditional)"	false  utf8-cjk zh_CN	 ""
-croatiancroatian	"Croatian"	false  iso8859-2  hr_HR	 ""
-czech   czech	"Czech"		false  iso8859-2  cs_CZ	 ""
-danish  danish	"Danish"	false  iso8859-15 da_DK	 ""
-dutch   dutch	"Dutch"		false  iso8859-15 nl_NL	 ""
-english english	"English"	false  iso8859-15 en_US	 ""
+# Languages supported by LyX.
+# Syntax:
+# Language 
+#	GuiName ""
+#	BabelName
+#	encoding 
+#	internal_enc 
+#	RTL  
+#	lang_code
+#   lang_variety 
+#	BabelPreamble
+#	EndBabelPreamble
+# End
+# Omitted elements will be treated as empty
+# (omitted RTL and internal_enc als "false")
+# LyX-internal languages
+Language ignore
+	GuiName "Ignore"
+	BabelName   ignore
+	encodingiso8859-1
+	RTL false
+	lang_code   ignore
+Language latex
+	GuiName "LaTeX"
+	encodingiso8859-1
+	RTL false
+	lang_code   latex
+# Real languages
+Language afrikaans
+	GuiName "Afrikaans"
+	BabelName   afrikaans
+	encodingiso8859-15
+	RTL false
+	lang_code   af_ZA
+Language albanian
+	GuiName "Albanian"
+	BabelName   albanian
+	encodingiso8859-2
+	RTL false
+	lang_code   sq_AL
+Language american
+	GuiName "English (USA)"
+	BabelName   american
+	encodingiso8859-15
+	RTL false
+	lang_code   en_US
+# FIXME: dummy babel language for arabic_arabtex to be able
+# to switch the language the way of the ArabTeX-package
+Language arabic_arabtex
+	GuiName "Arabic (ArabTeX)"
+	BabelName   arabtex
+	encodingcp1256
+	RTL true
+	lang_code   ar_SA
+Language arabic_arabi
+	GuiName "Arabic (Arabi)"
+	BabelName   arabic
+	encodingcp1256
+	RTL true
+	lang_code   ar_SA
+Language armenian
+	GuiName "Armenian"
+	encodingarmscii8
+	RTL false
+	lang_code   hy_AM
+Language austrian
+	GuiName "German (Austria, old spelling)"
+	BabelName   austrian
+	encodingiso8859-15
+	RTL false
+	lang_code   de_AT
+Language naustrian
+	GuiName "German (Austria)"
+	BabelName   naustrian
+	encodingiso8859-15
+	RTL false
+	lang_code   de_AT
+Language bahasa
+	GuiName "Indonesian"
+	BabelName   

Re: [patch] Re: Latex error

2010-11-12 Thread Pavel Sanda
Jürgen Spitzmüller wrote:
> Jean-Marc Lasgouttes wrote:
> > And turn this language file into a format like layout files, so that  
> > humans can read it...
> Attached is an attempt at this direction.

polyglossia stuff is planned on the top of it?


LaTeX Error: Too deeply nested.

2010-07-22 Thread Rainer Dorsch

I am writting a document with a number of people with varying level of LyX and 
LaTeX skills. The biggest issue is that some co-authors are breaking the 
document by nesting itemize or enumerate environments too deep. A simple 
example is here

It seems to me relatively trivial to check inside LyX that the allowed nesting 
level is not exceeded. Is that a bug or is it simply something which is not 
implemented or do I miss something...

Many thanks,

Rainer Dorsch
Lärchenstr. 6
D-72135 Dettenhausen
GPG Fingerprint: 5966 C54C 2B3C 42CC 1F4F  8F59 E3A8 C538 7519 141E
Full GPG key:

Re: LaTeX Error: Too deeply nested.

2010-07-22 Thread Uwe Stöhr

 I am writing a document with a number of people with varying level of
 LyX and LaTeX skills. The biggest issue is that some co-authors are
 breaking the document by nesting itemize or enumerate environments
 too deep.

This is a known LaTeX limitation. LyX is not yet able to prevent such cases:

 It seems to me relatively trivial to check inside LyX that the
 allowed nesting level is not exceeded.

A patch would be very welcome.

regards Uwe

Re: LaTeX Error: Too deeply nested.

2010-07-22 Thread Rainer Dorsch

Am Thursday 22 July 2010 16:15:59 schrieb Uwe Stöhr:
   I am writing a document with a number of people with varying level of
   LyX and LaTeX skills. The biggest issue is that some co-authors are
   breaking the document by nesting itemize or enumerate environments
   too deep.

 This is a known LaTeX limitation. LyX is not yet able to prevent such

thanks for the pointer, I subscribed to the bugreport. Impressive that this is 
7 years old.

   It seems to me relatively trivial to check inside LyX that the
   allowed nesting level is not exceeded.

 A patch would be very welcome.

Given that this bug is more then 7 years old, I assume it is not easy to 
fix :-(


Rainer Dorsch
Lärchenstr. 6
D-72135 Dettenhausen
GPG Fingerprint: 5966 C54C 2B3C 42CC 1F4F  8F59 E3A8 C538 7519 141E
Full GPG key:

LaTeX Error: Too deeply nested.

2010-07-22 Thread Rainer Dorsch

I am writting a document with a number of people with varying level of LyX and 
LaTeX skills. The biggest issue is that some co-authors are breaking the 
document by nesting itemize or enumerate environments too deep. A simple 
example is here

It seems to me relatively trivial to check inside LyX that the allowed nesting 
level is not exceeded. Is that a bug or is it simply something which is not 
implemented or do I miss something...

Many thanks,

Rainer Dorsch
Lärchenstr. 6
D-72135 Dettenhausen
GPG Fingerprint: 5966 C54C 2B3C 42CC 1F4F  8F59 E3A8 C538 7519 141E
Full GPG key:

Re: LaTeX Error: Too deeply nested.

2010-07-22 Thread Uwe Stöhr

> I am writing a document with a number of people with varying level of
> LyX and LaTeX skills. The biggest issue is that some co-authors are
> breaking the document by nesting itemize or enumerate environments
> too deep.

This is a known LaTeX limitation. LyX is not yet able to prevent such cases:

> It seems to me relatively trivial to check inside LyX that the
> allowed nesting level is not exceeded.

A patch would be very welcome.

regards Uwe

Re: LaTeX Error: Too deeply nested.

2010-07-22 Thread Rainer Dorsch

Am Thursday 22 July 2010 16:15:59 schrieb Uwe Stöhr:
>  > I am writing a document with a number of people with varying level of
>  > LyX and LaTeX skills. The biggest issue is that some co-authors are
>  > breaking the document by nesting itemize or enumerate environments
>  > too deep.
> This is a known LaTeX limitation. LyX is not yet able to prevent such
> cases:

thanks for the pointer, I subscribed to the bugreport. Impressive that this is 
7 years old.

>  > It seems to me relatively trivial to check inside LyX that the
>  > allowed nesting level is not exceeded.
> A patch would be very welcome.

Given that this bug is more then 7 years old, I assume it is not easy to 
fix :-(


Rainer Dorsch
Lärchenstr. 6
D-72135 Dettenhausen
GPG Fingerprint: 5966 C54C 2B3C 42CC 1F4F  8F59 E3A8 C538 7519 141E
Full GPG key:

SubFigure LaTeX error

2008-10-24 Thread Guenter Milde
I really like the new way to insert SubFigures.
However, I had a bad surprise when I tried to look at the LaTeX output -
uncomprehensible errors about missing (or spurious) endgroups appeared.

It turned out that I must not put any ERTs with \psfraq replacements inside
the sub-figure float. Moving them to the enclosing figure float solved the

As I always like to keep the \psfrags close to the figure they relate to
and LyX did not stop me from doing this kind of thing, I wonder if 

a) there is a way to prevent this kind of surprise, 

b) documenting is be the way to go, or

c) LyX could be extended to natively support psfrag replacements.


SubFigure LaTeX error

2008-10-24 Thread Guenter Milde
I really like the new way to insert SubFigures.
However, I had a bad surprise when I tried to look at the LaTeX output -
uncomprehensible errors about missing (or spurious) endgroups appeared.

It turned out that I must not put any ERTs with \psfraq replacements inside
the sub-figure float. Moving them to the enclosing figure float solved the

As I always like to keep the \psfrags close to the figure they relate to
and LyX did not stop me from doing this kind of thing, I wonder if 

a) there is a way to prevent this kind of surprise, 

b) documenting is be the way to go, or

c) LyX could be extended to natively support psfrag replacements.


Re: [PATCH] Bug 3081: LaTeX error dialog doesn't exactly point to the error

2007-02-25 Thread Jean-Marc Lasgouttes
 Jean-Marc == Jean-Marc Lasgouttes [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Jean-Marc Hello,

Jean-Marc The following patch fixes texrow computation in the case
Jean-Marc where paragraph alignment is used. There was a one by one
Jean-Marc error because a \n was added to the centering commands
Jean-Marc (probably in the work to help Sweave).



Re: [PATCH] Bug 3081: LaTeX error dialog doesn't exactly point to the error

2007-02-25 Thread Jean-Marc Lasgouttes
> "Jean-Marc" == Jean-Marc Lasgouttes <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

Jean-Marc> Hello,

Jean-Marc> The following patch fixes texrow computation in the case
Jean-Marc> where paragraph alignment is used. There was a one by one
Jean-Marc> error because a \n was added to the centering commands
Jean-Marc> (probably in the work to help Sweave).



[PATCH] Bug 3081: LaTeX error dialog doesn't exactly point to the error

2007-02-24 Thread Jean-Marc Lasgouttes


The following patch fixes texrow computation in the case where
paragraph alignment is used. There was a one by one error because a \n
was added to the centering commands (probably in the work to help

The fix is to pass texrow to relevant functions and update it.

I'll commit tomorrow if nobody complains.


Index: src/paragraph.C
--- src/paragraph.C	(révision 17332)
+++ src/paragraph.C	(copie de travail)
@@ -792,13 +792,14 @@ string const corrected_env(string const 
-int adjust_column_count(string const  str, int oldcol)
+void adjust_row_column(string const  str, TexRow  texrow, int  column)
 	if (!contains(str, \n))
-		return oldcol + str.size();
+		column += str.size();
 	else {
 		string tmp;
-		return rsplit(str, tmp, '\n').size();
+		texrow.newline();
+		column = rsplit(str, tmp, '\n').size();
@@ -807,7 +808,8 @@ int adjust_column_count(string const  s
 // This could go to ParagraphParameters if we want to
 int Paragraph::startTeXParParams(BufferParams const  bparams,
- odocstream  os, bool moving_arg) const
+ odocstream  os, TexRow  texrow, 
+ bool moving_arg) const
 	int column = 0;
@@ -845,7 +847,7 @@ int Paragraph::startTeXParParams(BufferP
 			output = corrected_env(\\begin, flushright, ownerCode());
 		os  from_ascii(output);
-		column = adjust_column_count(output, column);
+		adjust_row_column(output, texrow, column);
 	} case LYX_ALIGN_RIGHT: {
 		string output;
@@ -854,13 +856,13 @@ int Paragraph::startTeXParParams(BufferP
 			output = corrected_env(\\begin, flushleft, ownerCode());
 		os  from_ascii(output);
-		column = adjust_column_count(output, column);
+		adjust_row_column(output, texrow, column);
 	} case LYX_ALIGN_CENTER: {
 		string output;
 		output = corrected_env(\\begin, center, ownerCode());
 		os  from_ascii(output);
-		column = adjust_column_count(output, column);
+		adjust_row_column(output, texrow, column);
@@ -870,8 +872,9 @@ int Paragraph::startTeXParParams(BufferP
 // This could go to ParagraphParameters if we want to
-int Paragraph::endTeXParParams(BufferParams const  bparams,
-   odocstream  os, bool moving_arg) const
+int Paragraph::endTeXParParams(BufferParams const  bparams,  
+   odocstream  os, TexRow  texrow,
+			   bool moving_arg) const
 	int column = 0;
@@ -904,7 +907,7 @@ int Paragraph::endTeXParParams(BufferPar
 			output = corrected_env(\n\\par\\end, flushright, ownerCode());
 		os  from_ascii(output);
-		column = adjust_column_count(output, column);
+		adjust_row_column(output, texrow, column);
 	} case LYX_ALIGN_RIGHT: {
 		string output;
@@ -913,13 +916,13 @@ int Paragraph::endTeXParParams(BufferPar
 			output = corrected_env(\n\\par\\end, flushleft, ownerCode());
 		os  from_ascii(output);
-		column = adjust_column_count(output, column);
+		adjust_row_column(output, texrow, column);
 	} case LYX_ALIGN_CENTER: {
 		string output;
 		output = corrected_env(\n\\par\\end, center, ownerCode());
 		os  from_ascii(output);
-		column = adjust_column_count(output, column);
+		adjust_row_column(output, texrow, column);
@@ -1000,7 +1003,7 @@ bool Paragraph::simpleTeXOnePar(Buffer c
 		if (!asdefault)
-			column += startTeXParParams(bparams, os,
+			column += startTeXParParams(bparams, os, texrow,
@@ -1031,7 +1034,8 @@ bool Paragraph::simpleTeXOnePar(Buffer c
 			if (!asdefault)
-column += startTeXParParams(bparams, os,
+column += startTeXParParams(bparams, os, 
+			texrow,
@@ -1140,7 +1144,8 @@ bool Paragraph::simpleTeXOnePar(Buffer c
 	if (!asdefault) {
-		column += endTeXParParams(bparams, os, runparams.moving_arg);
+		column += endTeXParParams(bparams, os, texrow, 
+	  runparams.moving_arg);
 	lyxerr[Debug::LATEX]  SimpleTeXOnePar...done   this  endl;
Index: src/paragraph.h
--- src/paragraph.h	(révision 17332)
+++ src/paragraph.h	(copie de travail)
@@ -115,10 +115,12 @@ public:
 	void validate(LaTeXFeatures ) const;
-	int startTeXParParams(BufferParams const , odocstream , bool) const;
+	int startTeXParParams(BufferParams const , odocstream , TexRow , 
+			  bool) const;
-	int endTeXParParams(BufferParams const , odocstream , bool) const;
+	int endTeXParParams(BufferParams const , odocstream , TexRow , 
+			bool) const;

[PATCH] Bug 3081: LaTeX error dialog doesn't exactly point to the error

2007-02-24 Thread Jean-Marc Lasgouttes


The following patch fixes texrow computation in the case where
paragraph alignment is used. There was a one by one error because a \n
was added to the centering commands (probably in the work to help

The fix is to pass texrow to relevant functions and update it.

I'll commit tomorrow if nobody complains.


Index: src/paragraph.C
--- src/paragraph.C	(révision 17332)
+++ src/paragraph.C	(copie de travail)
@@ -792,13 +792,14 @@ string const corrected_env(string const 
-int adjust_column_count(string const & str, int oldcol)
+void adjust_row_column(string const & str, TexRow & texrow, int & column)
 	if (!contains(str, "\n"))
-		return oldcol + str.size();
+		column += str.size();
 	else {
 		string tmp;
-		return rsplit(str, tmp, '\n').size();
+		texrow.newline();
+		column = rsplit(str, tmp, '\n').size();
@@ -807,7 +808,8 @@ int adjust_column_count(string const & s
 // This could go to ParagraphParameters if we want to
 int Paragraph::startTeXParParams(BufferParams const & bparams,
- odocstream & os, bool moving_arg) const
+ odocstream & os, TexRow & texrow, 
+ bool moving_arg) const
 	int column = 0;
@@ -845,7 +847,7 @@ int Paragraph::startTeXParParams(BufferP
 			output = corrected_env("\\begin", "flushright", ownerCode());
 		os << from_ascii(output);
-		column = adjust_column_count(output, column);
+		adjust_row_column(output, texrow, column);
 	} case LYX_ALIGN_RIGHT: {
 		string output;
@@ -854,13 +856,13 @@ int Paragraph::startTeXParParams(BufferP
 			output = corrected_env("\\begin", "flushleft", ownerCode());
 		os << from_ascii(output);
-		column = adjust_column_count(output, column);
+		adjust_row_column(output, texrow, column);
 	} case LYX_ALIGN_CENTER: {
 		string output;
 		output = corrected_env("\\begin", "center", ownerCode());
 		os << from_ascii(output);
-		column = adjust_column_count(output, column);
+		adjust_row_column(output, texrow, column);
@@ -870,8 +872,9 @@ int Paragraph::startTeXParParams(BufferP
 // This could go to ParagraphParameters if we want to
-int Paragraph::endTeXParParams(BufferParams const & bparams,
-   odocstream & os, bool moving_arg) const
+int Paragraph::endTeXParParams(BufferParams const & bparams,  
+   odocstream & os, TexRow & texrow,
+			   bool moving_arg) const
 	int column = 0;
@@ -904,7 +907,7 @@ int Paragraph::endTeXParParams(BufferPar
 			output = corrected_env("\n\\par\\end", "flushright", ownerCode());
 		os << from_ascii(output);
-		column = adjust_column_count(output, column);
+		adjust_row_column(output, texrow, column);
 	} case LYX_ALIGN_RIGHT: {
 		string output;
@@ -913,13 +916,13 @@ int Paragraph::endTeXParParams(BufferPar
 			output = corrected_env("\n\\par\\end", "flushleft", ownerCode());
 		os << from_ascii(output);
-		column = adjust_column_count(output, column);
+		adjust_row_column(output, texrow, column);
 	} case LYX_ALIGN_CENTER: {
 		string output;
 		output = corrected_env("\n\\par\\end", "center", ownerCode());
 		os << from_ascii(output);
-		column = adjust_column_count(output, column);
+		adjust_row_column(output, texrow, column);
@@ -1000,7 +1003,7 @@ bool Paragraph::simpleTeXOnePar(Buffer c
 		if (!asdefault)
-			column += startTeXParParams(bparams, os,
+			column += startTeXParParams(bparams, os, texrow,
@@ -1031,7 +1034,8 @@ bool Paragraph::simpleTeXOnePar(Buffer c
 			if (!asdefault)
-column += startTeXParParams(bparams, os,
+column += startTeXParParams(bparams, os, 
+			texrow,
@@ -1140,7 +1144,8 @@ bool Paragraph::simpleTeXOnePar(Buffer c
 	if (!asdefault) {
-		column += endTeXParParams(bparams, os, runparams.moving_arg);
+		column += endTeXParParams(bparams, os, texrow, 
+	  runparams.moving_arg);
 	lyxerr[Debug::LATEX] << "SimpleTeXOnePar...done " << this << endl;
Index: src/paragraph.h
--- src/paragraph.h	(révision 17332)
+++ src/paragraph.h	(copie de travail)
@@ -115,10 +115,12 @@ public:
 	void validate(LaTeXFeatures &) const;
-	int startTeXParParams(BufferParams const &, odocstream &, bool) const;
+	int startTeXParParams(BufferParams const &, odocstream &, TexRow &, 
+			  bool) const;
-	int endTeXParParams(BufferParams const &, odocstream &, bool) const;
+	int endTeXParParams(BufferParams const &, odocstream &, TexRow &, 
+			bool) const;

Re: latex error caused by long temp filename

2005-12-27 Thread Georg Baum
On Monday 26 December 2005 06:11, Bo Peng wrote:

 Is it the generated filename that is causing the problem? My guess is
 that the filename is too long.

It looks like that, but if that really is the case then your version of 
pdflatex is really limited.
You could find out if the filename is too long by removing one character at a 
time and try again. Then create a bugzilla entry and report the longest name 
that works and the TeX distribution/version of pdflatex that you are using.
We have had another report of too long filenames, so we probably need to do 
something about that.


Re: latex error caused by long temp filename

2005-12-27 Thread Georg Baum
On Monday 26 December 2005 06:11, Bo Peng wrote:

> Is it the generated filename that is causing the problem? My guess is
> that the filename is too long.

It looks like that, but if that really is the case then your version of 
pdflatex is really limited.
You could find out if the filename is too long by removing one character at a 
time and try again. Then create a bugzilla entry and report the longest name 
that works and the TeX distribution/version of pdflatex that you are using.
We have had another report of too long filenames, so we probably need to do 
something about that.


latex error caused by long temp filename

2005-12-25 Thread Bo Peng
Dear list,

I get compile errors when I insert a figure into lyx. The problem
disappears when I export to latex and run pdflatex directly. By
comparing the exported latex file in /tmp/lyx_..., I find that

 exported latex code


 log file

LaTeX Warning: Reference `viewpop' on page 18 undefined on input line 1051.

LaTeX Warning: File `/tmp/lyx_tmpdir13060IGMYBk/lyx_tmpbuf0/0_home_bpeng_simuPO
P_doc_viewPop.png' not found on input line 1056.

! Missing \endcsname inserted.
to be read again
l.1056 ...f0/0_home_bpeng_simuPOP_doc_viewPop.png}

 end of error message -

Note that the file
does exist.

If I rename the figure to viewPop.png under
/tmp/lyx_tmpdir13060IGMYBk/lyx_tmpbuf0  and change the latex file
accordingly, the file compiles OK.

Is it the generated filename that is causing the problem? My guess is
that the filename is too long.


latex error caused by long temp filename

2005-12-25 Thread Bo Peng
Dear list,

I get compile errors when I insert a figure into lyx. The problem
disappears when I export to latex and run pdflatex directly. By
comparing the exported latex file in /tmp/lyx_..., I find that

 exported latex code


 log file

LaTeX Warning: Reference `viewpop' on page 18 undefined on input line 1051.

LaTeX Warning: File `/tmp/lyx_tmpdir13060IGMYBk/lyx_tmpbuf0/0_home_bpeng_simuPO
P_doc_viewPop.png' not found on input line 1056.

! Missing \endcsname inserted.

l.1056 ...f0/0_home_bpeng_simuPOP_doc_viewPop.png}

 end of error message -

Note that the file
does exist.

If I rename the figure to viewPop.png under
/tmp/lyx_tmpdir13060IGMYBk/lyx_tmpbuf0  and change the latex file
accordingly, the file compiles OK.

Is it the generated filename that is causing the problem? My guess is
that the filename is too long.


Re: Trouble converting to LaTeX.. error says reLyX -f

2004-10-30 Thread Andre Poenitz
On Wed, Oct 27, 2004 at 11:23:59AM -0700, Kevin Martin wrote: is a screen capture of the error message:

Could you please stop this nonsense of posting screen shots of 
_text_ messages?

Thank you.


Re: Trouble converting to LaTeX.. error says reLyX -f

2004-10-30 Thread Andre Poenitz
On Wed, Oct 27, 2004 at 11:23:59AM -0700, Kevin Martin wrote:
> is a screen capture of the error message:

Could you please stop this nonsense of posting screen shots of 
_text_ messages?

Thank you.


Trouble converting to LaTeX.. error says reLyX -f

2004-10-27 Thread Kevin Martin

 I am trying to 
convert from lyx to LaTeX and back again. I keep getting this error message. 
I've tried it with multiple files... I also tried reinstalling the program. The 
same error shows up when importing or exporting... otherwise the program seems 
to work fine. I looked at the bug list but nothing matched directly as far as I 
could tell.

very much for your help,

Kevin Martin

The error says: Cannot convert 
file Error while executing reLyX -f "file 
My version of LyX is: 1.3.3-Win32 
of Thu, Sep 25 2003
My operating system is: Windows XP 
Pro, Version 2002, Service Pack 2
My hardware is: 2.4GHz cpu with 
1GB RAM is a screen capture of the error 


Re: Trouble converting to LaTeX.. error says reLyX -f

2004-10-27 Thread Angus Leeming
Kevin Martin wrote:

   I am trying to convert from lyx to LaTeX and back again. I keep
   getting this error message. I've tried it with multiple files... I
   also tried reinstalling the program. The same error shows up when
   importing or exporting... otherwise the program seems to work fine.
   I looked at the bug list but nothing matched directly as far as I
   could tell.
 Thanks very much for your help,

reLyX is written in perl. Do you have perl installed? What happens if you run
reLyX on your file from the command line?

I don't know if you have the unix man page for reLyX installed and readable on
your machine, so I have appended it below.


RELYX(1)  User Contributed Perl Documentation RELYX(1)

   reLyX - translate well-behaved LaTeX into LyX

   The simplest way to use reLyX is via the File-Import command in LyX.
   (This option is available starting with version 1.0.0.) That runs reLyX
   on the given file and loads the resulting file into LyX. You should try
   that first, and call it from the command line only if you need to use
   more complicated options.

   reLyX [ -c textclass ] [ -df ] [ -o outputdir ] [-n]
   [ -r renv1[,renv2...]] [ -s sfile1[,sfile2...]]  inputfile

   reLyX -p -c textclass [ -df ] [ -o outputdir ] [ -r renv1[,renv2...]]
   [ -s sfile1[,sfile2...]]  inputfiles

   reLyX -h

   -c  Class. By default, when reLyX sees a \documentclass{foo} command,
   it creates a file of textclass foo and reads the LyX layout file
   for that class (something like
   /usr/local/share/lyx/layouts/foo.layout OR
   HOME/.lyx/layouts/foo.layout).  Use -c to declare a different
   textclass (and read a different layout file).

   -d  Debug. By default, reLyX gives sparse output and deletes the
   temporary files which were created during translation. Using the -d
   flag will create much more output (both to stdout and stderr) and
   leave the temporary files around.

   -f  Force. reLyX will not run if the .lyx file it would generate
   already exists Use the -f option (carefully) to clobber any
   existing files.

   -h  Help. Print out usage information and quit.

   -n  Noweb. Translate a noweb (aka literate programming) file. This
   should be (almost?) equivalent to running noweb2lyx foo.tex
   foo.lyx. This option requires the -c option.

   -o  Output directory. With this option, all temporary files and LyX
   output files (for the given input file, for any included files, or
   for any file fragments given with the -p option) will be put into
   outputdir. Otherwise, for each file dir/foo.tex, the temporary
   files and the LyX output file will be created in dir. This can be
   useful if a file includes files from other directories which you
   want to consolidate in one directory, or if you don?t have write
   permission on the directory the LaTeX files are in.

   -p  Partial file. The input files are LaTeX fragments, with no preamble
   matter or \begin{document} commands. This option requires the -c
   option, since there are no \documentclass commands in the files
   reLyX is translating. When using this option, you can translate
   more than one file, as long as all files are the same class. The
   LyX file created by reLyX can be included in an existing LyX file
   using the Include LyX File command from LyX?s Insert menu.

   -r  Regular environments (see the section on Syntax Files).  If you
   give more than one environment, separate them with commas (not
   spaces). You?ll probably need to quote the environment list,
   especially if it has asterisk environments (foo*) in it. If you use
   this command often, considering creating a personal syntax file.

   -s  Syntax files. Input (one or more quoted, comma-separated) syntax
   files to read in addition to the default. (see the section on
   Syntax Files for details).


   reLyX will create a LyX file dir/foo.lyx from the LaTeX file
   dir/foo.tex (unless the -o option is used).

   Suffixes .tex, .ltx and .latex are supported. If inputfile does not
   exist and does not have one of these suffixes, reLyX will try to
   translate inputfile.tex. (This is similar to the behavior of LaTeX.)

   The purpose of reLyX is to translate well-behaved LaTeX2e into LyX. If
   your LaTeX file doesn?t compile---or if you do weird things, like
   redefining standard LaTex commands---it may choke. LaTeX209 will often
   be translated correctly, but it?s not guaranteed.

   reLyX has some bugs and lacks a few features. However, its main goals

Trouble converting to LaTeX.. error says reLyX -f

2004-10-27 Thread Kevin Martin

  I am trying to 
convert from lyx to LaTeX and back again. I keep getting this error message. 
I've tried it with multiple files... I also tried reinstalling the program. The 
same error shows up when importing or exporting... otherwise the program seems 
to work fine. I looked at the bug list but nothing matched directly as far as I 
could tell.
very much for your help,
Kevin Martin
The error says: Cannot convert 
file    Error while executing reLyX -f "file 
My version of LyX is: 1.3.3-Win32 
of Thu, Sep 25 2003
My operating system is: Windows XP 
Pro, Version 2002, Service Pack 2
My hardware is: 2.4GHz cpu with 
1GB RAM is a screen capture of the error 


Re: Trouble converting to LaTeX.. error says reLyX -f

2004-10-27 Thread Angus Leeming
Kevin Martin wrote:

> Hi,
>   I am trying to convert from lyx to LaTeX and back again. I keep
>   getting this error message. I've tried it with multiple files... I
>   also tried reinstalling the program. The same error shows up when
>   importing or exporting... otherwise the program seems to work fine.
>   I looked at the bug list but nothing matched directly as far as I
>   could tell.
> Thanks very much for your help,

reLyX is written in perl. Do you have perl installed? What happens if you run
reLyX on your file from the command line?

I don't know if you have the unix man page for reLyX installed and readable on
your machine, so I have appended it below.


RELYX(1)  User Contributed Perl Documentation RELYX(1)

   reLyX - translate well-behaved LaTeX into LyX

   The simplest way to use reLyX is via the File->Import command in LyX.
   (This option is available starting with version 1.0.0.) That runs reLyX
   on the given file and loads the resulting file into LyX. You should try
   that first, and call it from the command line only if you need to use
   more complicated options.

   reLyX [ -c textclass ] [ -df ] [ -o outputdir ] [-n]
   [ -r renv1[,renv2...]] [ -s sfile1[,sfile2...]]  inputfile

   reLyX -p -c textclass [ -df ] [ -o outputdir ] [ -r renv1[,renv2...]]
   [ -s sfile1[,sfile2...]]  inputfiles

   reLyX -h

   -c  Class. By default, when reLyX sees a \documentclass{foo} command,
   it creates a file of textclass "foo" and reads the LyX layout file
   for that class (something like
   /usr/local/share/lyx/layouts/foo.layout OR
   HOME/.lyx/layouts/foo.layout).  Use -c to declare a different
   textclass (and read a different layout file).

   -d  Debug. By default, reLyX gives sparse output and deletes the
   temporary files which were created during translation. Using the -d
   flag will create much more output (both to stdout and stderr) and
   leave the temporary files around.

   -f  Force. reLyX will not run if the .lyx file it would generate
   already exists Use the -f option (carefully) to clobber any
   existing files.

   -h  Help. Print out usage information and quit.

   -n  Noweb. Translate a noweb (aka literate programming) file. This
   should be (almost?) equivalent to running "noweb2lyx foo.tex
   foo.lyx". This option requires the -c option.

   -o  Output directory. With this option, all temporary files and LyX
   output files (for the given input file, for any included files, or
   for any file fragments given with the -p option) will be put into
   outputdir. Otherwise, for each file dir/foo.tex, the temporary
   files and the LyX output file will be created in dir. This can be
   useful if a file includes files from other directories which you
   want to consolidate in one directory, or if you don?t have write
   permission on the directory the LaTeX files are in.

   -p  Partial file. The input files are LaTeX fragments, with no preamble
   matter or \begin{document} commands. This option requires the -c
   option, since there are no \documentclass commands in the files
   reLyX is translating. When using this option, you can translate
   more than one file, as long as all files are the same class. The
   LyX file created by reLyX can be included in an existing LyX file
   using the "Include LyX File" command from LyX?s Insert menu.

   -r  Regular environments (see the section on Syntax Files).  If you
   give more than one environment, separate them with commas (not
   spaces). You?ll probably need to quote the environment list,
   especially if it has asterisk environments (foo*) in it. If you use
   this command often, considering creating a personal syntax file.

   -s  Syntax files. Input (one or more quoted, comma-separated) syntax
   files to read in addition to the default. (see the section on
   Syntax Files for details).


   reLyX will create a LyX file dir/foo.lyx from the LaTeX file
   dir/foo.tex (unless the -o option is used).

   Suffixes .tex, .ltx and .latex are supported. If inputfile does not
   exist and does not have one of these suffixes, reLyX will try to
   translate inputfile.tex. (This is similar to the behavior of LaTeX.)

   The purpose of reLyX is to translate well-behaved LaTeX2e into LyX. If
   your LaTeX file doesn?t compile---or if you do weird things, like
   redefining standard LaTex commands---it may choke. LaTeX209 will often
   be translated correctly, but it?s not guaranteed.

   reLyX has some bugs and lacks a few features. However, its 

Re: Latex error parsing

2000-09-15 Thread Lars Gullik Bjønnes

Dekel Tsur [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

| The parsing of latex errors assumes that an error begins with a line
| beginning with "! ", and afterwards there is a line beginning with "l."
| containing the error line number.
| However, the "l." lines doesn't already exist.
| For example, by putting "\emph{" with no closing bracket,
| the error message is 
| Runaway argument?
| { \end {document}
| ! File ended while scanning use of \emph .
| inserted text 
| \par 
| We can remove the check for the "l." line by removing the
| "if (prefixIs(tmp, "l.")) {" line in LaTeX::scanLogFile, but we need to be
| sure that latex never prints a line beginning with "! " unless there is an
| error.
| A safer solution is to do the following:
| - if (prefixIs(tmp, "l.")) {
| + if (prefixIs(tmp, "l.") ||
| + contains(token, "File ended while")) {
| which only handle the specific type of error which is shown above.
| I've attached a patch for this.

Wouldn't it be better to handle the "Runaway argument?" case

} else if (contains(token, "Runaway argument?")) {
scan the msg and insert the error into terr with line desc and
errstr set.


Re: Latex error parsing

2000-09-15 Thread Lars Gullik Bjønnes

Dekel Tsur <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

| The parsing of latex errors assumes that an error begins with a line
| beginning with "! ", and afterwards there is a line beginning with "l."
| containing the error line number.
| However, the "l." lines doesn't already exist.
| For example, by putting "\emph{" with no closing bracket,
| the error message is 
| Runaway argument?
| { \end {document}
| ! File ended while scanning use of \emph .
| \par 
| We can remove the check for the "l." line by removing the
| "if (prefixIs(tmp, "l.")) {" line in LaTeX::scanLogFile, but we need to be
| sure that latex never prints a line beginning with "! " unless there is an
| error.
| A safer solution is to do the following:
| - if (prefixIs(tmp, "l.")) {
| + if (prefixIs(tmp, "l.") ||
| + contains(token, "File ended while")) {
| which only handle the specific type of error which is shown above.
| I've attached a patch for this.

Wouldn't it be better to handle the "Runaway argument?" case

} else if (contains(token, "Runaway argument?")) {
scan the msg and insert the error into terr with line desc and
errstr set.


Latex error parsing

2000-09-14 Thread Dekel Tsur

The parsing of latex errors assumes that an error begins with a line
beginning with "! ", and afterwards there is a line beginning with "l."
containing the error line number.
However, the "l." lines doesn't already exist.
For example, by putting "\emph{" with no closing bracket,
the error message is 

Runaway argument?
{ \end {document}
! File ended while scanning use of \emph .
inserted text 

We can remove the check for the "l." line by removing the
"if (prefixIs(tmp, "l.")) {" line in LaTeX::scanLogFile, but we need to be
sure that latex never prints a line beginning with "! " unless there is an
A safer solution is to do the following:

-   if (prefixIs(tmp, "l.")) {
+   if (prefixIs(tmp, "l.") ||
+   contains(token, "File ended while")) {

which only handle the specific type of error which is shown above.
I've attached a patch for this.


Latex error parsing

2000-09-14 Thread Dekel Tsur

The parsing of latex errors assumes that an error begins with a line
beginning with "! ", and afterwards there is a line beginning with "l."
containing the error line number.
However, the "l." lines doesn't already exist.
For example, by putting "\emph{" with no closing bracket,
the error message is 

Runaway argument?
{ \end {document}
! File ended while scanning use of \emph .

We can remove the check for the "l." line by removing the
"if (prefixIs(tmp, "l.")) {" line in LaTeX::scanLogFile, but we need to be
sure that latex never prints a line beginning with "! " unless there is an
A safer solution is to do the following:

-   if (prefixIs(tmp, "l.")) {
+   if (prefixIs(tmp, "l.") ||
+   contains(token, "File ended while")) {

which only handle the specific type of error which is shown above.
I've attached a patch for this.


Re: LaTeX error ignored by 1.04 but not by 1.15

2000-08-01 Thread Dekel Tsur

On Mon, Jul 31, 2000 at 04:42:13PM +0200, Lionel Portmann wrote:
 In a figure (float) caption, I want to put within the text some math
 symboles. If I use for instance an overrightarrow over even a single
 letter, I get an error from Latex. With Lyx 1.04, this error was
 ignored, (no grey box) and the DVI came out all right (fine for me).
 With Lyx 1.15 the error is caught, and I get a grey box in my Lyx
 document, and no DVI (bad for me). Actually, Lyx 1.04 and 1.15 write the
 same Latex code, which triggers the same error.
 These errors come when I use overrightarrow, overbrace, etc., but not
 with overline or tilde!

You can use the attached patch that fixes this problem.
If you can not use the patch, a workaround for the problem is to type
\protect before the overrightarrow.


Re: LaTeX error ignored by 1.04 but not by 1.15

2000-08-01 Thread Dekel Tsur

On Mon, Jul 31, 2000 at 04:42:13PM +0200, Lionel Portmann wrote:
> In a figure (float) caption, I want to put within the text some math
> symboles. If I use for instance an overrightarrow over even a single
> letter, I get an error from Latex. With Lyx 1.04, this error was
> ignored, (no grey box) and the DVI came out all right (fine for me).
> With Lyx 1.15 the error is caught, and I get a grey box in my Lyx
> document, and no DVI (bad for me). Actually, Lyx 1.04 and 1.15 write the
> same Latex code, which triggers the same error.
> These errors come when I use overrightarrow, overbrace, etc., but not
> with overline or tilde!

You can use the attached patch that fixes this problem.
If you can not use the patch, a workaround for the problem is to type
\protect before the overrightarrow.


small margins latex error II

1999-02-13 Thread Thomas Janke

Sorry, I forgot the attachment
Here it is.

By the way I am using DEBIAN GNU/Linux. Version 2.0-2.1 (It`s a mix)

Yours S.
Thomas Janke
student at "university of applied siences" - (FHTW-Berlin)
Home :

#This file was created by thomas Wed Feb 10 21:05:24 1999
#LyX 1.0 (C) 1995-1999 Matthias Ettrich and the LyX Team
\lyxformat 2.15
\textclass book
\language english
\inputencoding latin1
\fontscheme times
\graphics default
\paperfontsize 12
\spacing single 
\papersize Default
\paperpackage a4wide
\use_geometry 0
\use_amsmath 0
\paperorientation portrait
\secnumdepth 3
\tocdepth 3
\paragraph_separation skip
\defskip medskip
\quotes_language english
\quotes_times 2
\papercolumns 1
\papersides 1
\paperpagestyle default

\layout Standard

Hello! This is just a test.


small margins latex error II

1999-02-13 Thread Thomas Janke

Sorry, I forgot the attachment
Here it is.

By the way I am using DEBIAN GNU/Linux. Version 2.0->2.1 (It`s a mix)

Yours S.
Thomas Janke
student at "university of applied siences" - (FHTW-Berlin)
Home :

#This file was created by  Wed Feb 10 21:05:24 1999
#LyX 1.0 (C) 1995-1999 Matthias Ettrich and the LyX Team
\lyxformat 2.15
\textclass book
\language english
\inputencoding latin1
\fontscheme times
\graphics default
\paperfontsize 12
\spacing single 
\papersize Default
\paperpackage a4wide
\use_geometry 0
\use_amsmath 0
\paperorientation portrait
\secnumdepth 3
\tocdepth 3
\paragraph_separation skip
\defskip medskip
\quotes_language english
\quotes_times 2
\papercolumns 1
\papersides 1
\paperpagestyle default

\layout Standard

Hello! This is just a test.
