Help with Lyx

2014-11-11 Thread Trisha Lawrence

I have recently obtained a new laptop and I am unable to obtain the
document classes that were available in the Lyx docment processor of my old
Laptop. I've followed the steps included in the link below which
suggested copying the layout types to users then reconfiguring Lyx, however
it still doesn't seem to work.

I remember getting tremendous help from someone@ Lyx-doc upon completing my
thesis for my MSc. I am currently pursuing my PhD and this will help me
immensely. Can anyone help in anyway?

Kindest Regards,
Trisha Lawrence


2013-04-28 Thread Trisha Lawrence

 I am currently typing my MSc project using Lyx for the completion of my MSc 
degree and I've encountered a  few problems that I couldn't seem to solve using 
the User's Manual:

(1) How can I change the font size of the header that appears at the top of 
most pages? I'd like the font size of the header to be smaller that the actual 

(2) I'd like to number the pages before my TOC in Roman numerals. Can you 
please tell me how this is done?

Thanking you in advance for your response.

Kindest Regards,

Trisha Lawrence.

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