Re: How to forbid hyphenation in Section headings?

1999-12-07 Thread Syrus Nemat-Nasser

Hi everyone.

I didn't get a response, but I did my own research on comp.text.tex and
will report the results here. According to experienced tex'ers, there are
two packages that should solve my problems: titlesec and secsty. These are
both included in the Debian tetex-extra package. Unfortunately, because of
other ERT that I've already inserted in my thesis, the inclusion of either
one of these packages seems to cause more problems than they are likely to
fix. As a quick and dirty solution, I inserted forced line breaks in the
section headings that span more than one line. This eliminates the two
problems that I cited: hyphenation in headings and headings that violate
the right margin.

Thanks. Syrus.

On Thu, 2 Dec 1999, Syrus Nemat-Nasser wrote:

> Hello.
> I am writing my thesis using the report style (with various ERT added to
> comply with my Universities requirements). I've noticed that chapter
> headings never have words hyphenated. Also, chapter headings never violate
> the right margin setting. However, section and subsection headings both
> allow hyphenation and, at times, can violate the right margin limit. Can I
> force the behavior that I see for the chapter headings to apply to all
> section headings?
> I am using Lyx 1.1.2 on a Debian potato system. The Tetex version is
> 1.0.X. My document is very large (>150 pages) and split into separate
> included files, but I think I could extract an example long section
> heading if necessary.


Syrus Nemat-Nasser <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>UCSD Physics Dept.

thesis layout wanted

1999-12-07 Thread Cai, Xuejun


I am going to write my Phd thesis. But I can't find thesis layout in lyx
distribution. Does anyone can provide me a thesis layout and style?

Thanks in advance!

Cai, Xuejun

| Cai, Xuejun
| Tel: (+86-10) 68236038(o) 68244467(h)
| Pager: (+86) 198 call 10015237
| Public PGP key:
& Linux Is Not just gnU and uniX &

Fancy Tables

1999-12-07 Thread Diego A. Puertas F.

Any one knows how to make a table like this:

| |  Over titles 2 & 3  |  
| title 1 | title  2 | title  3 |
| data| data | data |
| data| data | data |
| data| data | data |

I have 2 lines of titles, in the first line there is a title over title 2
and 3; in other words, how can i join 2 cells of a table an have a result
like this table.

Re: US-Keyboard + LyX + spanish

1999-12-07 Thread Diego A. Puertas F.

Esa es una forma de configurar el teclado en ingles para acentos y eñes 
que puedes automatizar aún mas, el archivo al que haces referencia
ponlo en tu directorio HOME y llámalo .Xmodmap, asi se cargará 
automáticamente cada vez que uses Xwindows.

Aún así existe una forma de configurar solamente a lyx para poder tipear
acentos y eñes, y esto sin usar la "altgr" sino con los acentos tal como
los usarias en un teclado en español: tecleando primero ' y luego la vocal
en cuestión ;  de una forma análoga funciona para la diéresis y la eñe
( la eñe tipeando primero ~ y luego la n ).

Tienes que crear un archivo "espanol.kmap" y lo ubicas en $HOME/.lyx/kbd
(o en $LYXHOME/share/lyx/kbd si eres root) que contenga lo siguiente (no
usar la numeración es solo para referencia):

1:  \kmod ' acute aeiouAEIOU
2:  \kmod ~ tilde nN
3:  \kmod ` umlaut uU
4:  \kxmod acute i "\\'{\\i}"

 -  En la linea 1 esta la definición para los acentos agudos (el
único tipo de acento en español).
 -  En la linea 2 el "acento" para la eñe, la tilde ~.
 -  En la linea 3 la dieresis, que yo la configuré para la tecla `
pero se puede usar cualquier otra tecla ( "  :  etc ).

Notese que estas lineas funcionan así:

 -  La cuarta línea es para prevenir que se les punga el punto a las i
acentuadas, no tengo la menor idea de como funciona. 

Luego de esto debes modificar el archivo $HOME/.lyx/lyxrc
( $LYXHOME/share/lyx/lyxrc si eres root ) para que incluya lo siguiente:

\kbmap true
\kbmap_primary espanol

y eso es todo, la próxima vez que arranques lyx debes poder usar los
acentos, eñes y diéresis sin tener que usar "altgr".

changing borders...

1999-12-07 Thread Paolo Di Francesco

hi I have a big problem and I hope someone can help me..:-)

What I need is an entire lyx document (my manual) with two "border set". 
I mean I want the first 10 pages (for example) with a textwidth (let's 
say 1inch) and the pages from 11 to the end of the document with a 
different textwidth (let's say 2inches). Now I use the geometry package 
and I set the \textwidth variable in the preamble, but how can I set the 
same variable in the middle of the document?

Why do I need this? Why I want to use a big figure in my document and I 
want to use the page width. 

How can I solve this? I have tried to insert \textwidth=2cm (in 
centimeters) manually somewhere in the document with the 
Layout->texStyle but I get not change...why?

Thank you!

Ciao Ciao

 ->B<-   All Recycled Bytes Message ...

Re: R_Alt+p segfaults!

1999-12-07 Thread Lars Gullik Bjønnes

"Pablo Veliz" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

| I have Mandrake 6.1 (kernel 2.2.13) and LyX 1.1.3 (compiled from sources), I
| set the keyboard layout to US-with-deadkey and then to US-with-ISO9995 (to
| activate the right Alt for mode change)
| when I press R_Alt+p, LyX segfaults. I tried with both layouts.
| when I use the standard US keyboard layout, LyX works ok. But, obviously, I
| cannot get access to the R_Alt mode change.

I have been trying to track this down for a couple of days, but so far
no luck, I'd be grateful for any help to track this bug down.


US-Keyboard + LyX + spanish

1999-12-07 Thread Pablo Veliz

LyX 1.1.3 + Mandrake 6.1
** for an English version check down. **
| Spanish version |---
Logre trabajar con LyX usando un teclado en ingles, pudiendo escribir en 
español (ñ,é,á,...). Hago esto:
1) configurar el archivo /etc/X11/XF86Config con la seccion de 
teclado(Keyboard) de la siguiente manera:

  Section "Keyboard"   
  Protocol    "Standard"   
  AutoRepeat  500 5   
  LeftAlt Meta   
  RightAlt    Compose   
  ScrollLock  Compose   
  RightCtl    Control   
  XkbKeycodes "xfree86"   
  XkbTypes    "default"   
  XkbCompat   "default"   
  XkbSymbols  "us(pc101)"   
  XkbGeometry "pc"   
  XkbRules    "xfree86"   
  XkbModel    "pc101"   
  XkbLayout   "us"   
  XkbOptions  "grp:switch"    # 
  <- aqui esta el truco que me permite
  manipular el Alt derecho
2) crear un archivo llamado con el siguiente 

  clear Mod3add Mod3 = Alt_Rkeycode 57 = n N ntildekeycode 38 = 
  a A aacutekeycode 26 = e E eacutekeycode 32 = o O oacutekeycode 31 
  = i I iacutekeycode 30 = u U uacute
3) reiniciar X, y en una terminal X, ejecutar:

4) haz correr el LyX y presiona:
    AltDerecho + a     
 para á 
    AltDerecho + Shift+a    para Á
    AltDerecho + n     
 para ñ
    AltDerecho + N    
  para Ñ
Me pregunto si existe una mejor manera de obtener esto. 
Alguien sabe algo?
---Pablo Veliz Bouzas[EMAIL PROTECTED]
| English version |---

I managed to work with LyX using a US-keyboard writing in 
Spanish (ñ,é,á...). I do this:
1) setup the /etc/X11/XF86Config with the Keyboard section as 

  Section "Keyboard"   
  Protocol    "Standard"   
  AutoRepeat  500 5   
  LeftAlt Meta   
  RightAlt    Compose   
  ScrollLock  Compose   
  RightCtl    Control   
  XkbKeycodes "xfree86"   
  XkbTypes    "default"   
  XkbCompat   "default"   
  XkbSymbols  "us(pc101)"   
  XkbGeometry "pc"   
  XkbRules    "xfree86"   
  XkbModel    "pc101"   
  XkbLayout   "us"   
  XkbOptions  "grp:switch"    # 
  <- here is the trick for Right-AltEndSection
2) create a file named with the following 

  clear Mod3add Mod3 = Alt_Rkeycode 57 = n N ntildekeycode 38 = 
  a A aacutekeycode 26 = e E eacutekeycode 32 = o O oacutekeycode 31 
  = i I iacutekeycode 30 = u U uacute
3) restart X, and in a Xterminal execute:

4) try Lyx and press:
    RightAlt + a      
for á 
    RightAlt + Shift+a    for Á
    RightAlt + n      
for ñ
    RightAlt + N    
  for Ñ
I was wondering if there is a better way to do this. Anyone 
---Pablo Veliz Bouzas[EMAIL PROTECTED]

R_Alt+p segfaults!

1999-12-07 Thread Pablo Veliz

I have Mandrake 6.1 (kernel 2.2.13) and LyX 1.1.3 (compiled from sources), I
set the keyboard layout to US-with-deadkey and then to US-with-ISO9995 (to
activate the right Alt for mode change)
when I press R_Alt+p, LyX segfaults. I tried with both layouts.
when I use the standard US keyboard layout, LyX works ok. But, obviously, I
cannot get access to the R_Alt mode change.

Pablo Veliz Bouzas

Re: word count

1999-12-07 Thread Herbert

Lyx1 wrote:
> I'd like to add to this: How can I set the spacing to a specific number, say
> 1cm?


in TeX (red), thats all ... ;-)



Re: latex paragraph export

1999-12-07 Thread John Wetterau


Thanks for your reply. It finally occurred to me to look at the html
source produced by latex2html (view source while displayed by browser)
The header info contained a reference to a stylesheet. This turned out
to be an external file with an extension of .css (cascading style
sheets) that was generated by latex2html. I hunted around on the net and
found specs for css files. Was able to solve the problem!

For indented paragraphs with no line skips in html display generated by

P {text-indent: 2em}
P {margin-top: 0em}

add the above 2 commands to the filename.css file created automatically
by latex2html

Probably there is some style or other that would cause this to happen,
but I can't find it or figure out how latex2html references it. How
pdflatex figures it out is a mystery. tth blows up on me, so it may work
fine; I don't know.

My novel goes up tomorrow, worldwide (love the net), at:


Re: highly irritating behaviour in LyX 1.1.3

1999-12-07 Thread Staffan Ringbom

Completely agree with Murali Atastya. Would be nice to have the old version
with good ergonomy.

Sorry to admit, but I must be a complete idiot. I do not understand how to
the problem! Would be nice to have  the patch in the ftp directory

pub/lyx/devel (at

The path is probably not needed at the site, because the
using  that site are supposed to understand things without explanations.

"Lars Gullik Bjønnes" wrote:

> Murali Agastya <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> | Hi,
> |
> | In LyX 1.1.3, is it possible to make the mathmode work like it used
> | to before - i.e.
> |
> | pressing the spacebar does not introduce additional spaces (on the
> | screen) but jumps
> |
> | back either to the text mode or back to normal-mode from subscript mode!
> This is (supposedly) casued by some whitespaces fixes by me. If you
> look at the lyx-devel thread about the LyX 1.1.3 release you should
> find a patch that I believe fixes this.
> Lgb

Staffan Ringbom
"there is nothing as smart as an idiot"