Re: Logic Set signs?

2000-02-10 Thread Dirk Klugmann

Myriam Abramson wrote:
> Hi!
> I need the union and intersection signs right now. Other characters,
> such as "there exists" and "for all" could be useful.  I couldn't find
> them on the Math panel (duh).  How can I get them?  I'm with lyx.1.1.2.

Enable "Use AMS Math" in the "Layout->Document" pull down menu.  Then
you can use the extra symbols provided by AMS-LaTeX inside the math
editor.  Type the command, as given by AMS-LaTeX.  But beware: The
backslash is NOT displayed, only the command is marked red.

I don't know what the exact command names are, but often they are quite
simple.  You could try \union, \forall, and \exists for example.  But a
guide to AMS-LaTeX from the web might be very helpful.  Look at your
nearest TeX site.

This might not be the neatest solution, but I hope it will help.

Regards, Dirk


 Dirk Klugmann
Institut fuer Troposphaerenforschung Tel.: +49 341 235 - 2146
 Permoserstrasse 15   FAX: +49 341 235 - 2139
 D-04318 Leipzig   E-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]


Re: Small greek letters in roman style?

2000-02-10 Thread Klaus Blaschek

> it's a LaTeX-convention that the small greek letters are only possible
> in mathmode and this means italic. Only capital greek letters are in
> roman.
Is there perhaps a workaround? Imho physicists can't hardly live without a
small greek \mu in roman style ;-).


Re: Problem installing LyX

2000-02-10 Thread Allan Rae

On Fri, 11 Feb 2000, Christopher Sawtell wrote:
> I seem to remember somebody saying a while back that you have to use
> libforms-0.88, now I know why. Looks as if you should get the 0.88 version.

Actually there are other reasons why you should get 0.88 instead 0.89 you
just happened to find another one.

Allan. (ARRae)

Re: Problem installing LyX

2000-02-10 Thread Christopher Sawtell

On Fri, 11 Feb 2000, Jason Ahrens wrote:
> I figured I'd try here before I bug the developers about this, because I
> just probably forgot something really simple.

[ ... ]

> It appears that I cannot locate fl_gc, and looking through my include
> files I cannot tell where this may be from.

libforms-0.88 definitely has it in it. look:-

 $ strings /usr/lib/ | fgrep fl_gc

I seem to remember somebody saying a while back that you have to use
libforms-0.88, now I know why. Looks as if you should get the 0.88 version.

Sincerely etc.,

 NAME   Christopher Sawtell - Support Engineer - iOpen Technologies Ltd.
 CELL PHONE 021 257 4451
 ICQ UIN45863470
 EMAIL  chris @ iopen . co . nz,  csawtell @ xtra . co . nz

 >>> Please refrain from using HTML attachments in e-mails to me. <<<

Problem installing LyX

2000-02-10 Thread Jason Ahrens

I figured I'd try here before I bug the developers about this, because I
just probably forgot something really simple.

I am trying to install Lux 1.1.4 currently. I have installed xForms, and
have a latex installed, as well as libxpm. This is all the stuff listed on
the maditory page.

When I attempt to make LyX, all looks fine until the final stage of the
make where it attempts to make the binary. This produces the following:

g++ -g -O2 -Wno-return-type -fno-exceptions -fno-rtti -o lyx BufferView.o Bullet.o 
Chktex.o DepTable.o FontInfo.o FontLoader.o ImportLaTeX.o  ImportNoweb.o LaTeX.o 
LaTeXFeatures.o LaTeXLog.o Literate.o LyXAction.o LyXSendto.o LyXView.o PaperLayout.o 
ParagraphExtra.o Spacing.o TableLayout.o bmtable.o buffer.o bufferlist.o 
bufferparams.o bullet_forms.o bullet_forms_cb.o chset.o combox.o credits.o 
credits_form.o debug.o filedlg.o form1.o intl.o kbmap.o lastfiles.o latexoptions.o 
layout.o layout_forms.o lyx.o lyx_cb.o lyx_gui.o lyx_gui_misc.o lyx_main.o 
lyx_sendfax.o lyx_sendfax_main.o lyx_sty.o lyxdraw.o lyxfont.o lyxfr0.o lyxfr1.o 
lyxfunc.o lyxlex.o lyxlookup.o lyxrc.o lyxserver.o lyxvc.o main.o menus.o minibuffer.o 
paragraph.o print_form.o screen.o sp_form.o spellchecker.o table.o tex-accent.o 
tex-strings.o texoptions.o texrow.o text.o text2.o toolbar.o trans.o trans_mgr.o 
undo.o vc-backend.o vspace.o mathed/.libs/libmathed.a insets/.libs/libinsets.a 
support/.libs/libsupport.a -lforms -lXpm -lSM -lICE -liberty -lc -lm -L/usr/X11R6/lib 
screen.o: In function `LyXScreen::drawFrame(int, int, int, int, int, unsigned long, 
/tmp/lyx-1.1.4/src/screen.C:809: undefined reference to `fl_gc'
/tmp/lyx-1.1.4/src/screen.C:812: undefined reference to `fl_gc'
/tmp/lyx-1.1.4/src/screen.C:831: undefined reference to `fl_gc'
/tmp/lyx-1.1.4/src/screen.C:836: undefined reference to `fl_gc'
collect2: ld returned 1 exit status
make[3]: *** [lyx] Error 1
make[3]: Leaving directory `/tmp/lyx-1.1.4/src'
make[2]: *** [all-recursive] Error 1
make[2]: Leaving directory `/tmp/lyx-1.1.4/src'
make[1]: *** [all-recursive-am] Error 2
make[1]: Leaving directory `/tmp/lyx-1.1.4/src'
make: *** [all-recursive] Error 1

It appears that I cannot locate fl_gc, and looking through my include
files I cannot tell where this may be from.

ldconfig -v gives (smipped for brevity)

/usr/local/lib: =>

ls -l /usr/local/lib/libforms.*
-rw-r--r--   1 root root   963806 Feb  9 20:44 /usr/local/lib/libforms.a
lrwxrwxrwx   1 root root   16 Feb  9 20:45 /usr/local/lib/ ->
lrwxrwxrwx   1 root root   16 Feb  9 20:45 /usr/local/lib/ ->
-rwxr-xr-x   1 root root   880492 Feb  9 20:44 /usr/local/lib/



There's no GOD who ever tried
To change the world in this way.
But for the ones who abuse his name
There'll be no chance to escape
On judgement day.
   - Silent Warrior (Enigma)

Logic Set signs?

2000-02-10 Thread Myriam Abramson


I need the union and intersection signs right now. Other characters,
such as "there exists" and "for all" could be useful.  I couldn't find 
them on the Math panel (duh).  How can I get them?  I'm with lyx.1.1.2. 



Go Proverb:

For the comb formation in the corner, dame is necessary.

Re: fullscreen landscape foils

2000-02-10 Thread Christopher Sawtell

On Fri, 11 Feb 2000, Allan Rae wrote:
> On Fri, 11 Feb 2000 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> > i use ghost-script-6.0 (ps2pdf) to make pdf and the acroread 4.0 to
> > show the pdf full screen.That's great for portrait mode, but does not
> > work with landscape.
> > 
> > Acroread and gs show landscape on the screen rotated 90+ degrees clockwise
> > like it would print it on the printer.
> I'm sure I've tried this before.  You have to rotate the page before the
> ps2pdf stage which tricks acroread-3.x.  This may not work for 4.0.
> Doesn't acroread also have a "rotate" option in the viewer?

You should make the document "Landscape" from within LyX.

Layout->Paper>Orientation ( Box ) >Landscape ( Radio Button )

You might also need to set Geometry for custom margins.

Have Fun!

Sincerely etc.,

 NAME   Christopher Sawtell - Support Engineer - iOpen Technologies Ltd.
 CELL PHONE 021 257 4451
 ICQ UIN45863470
 EMAIL  chris @ iopen . co . nz,  csawtell @ xtra . co . nz

 >>> Please refrain from using HTML attachments in e-mails to me. <<<

export to latex

2000-02-10 Thread Nabil Hathout


Would it be possible to have latex exported files written in the
directory of their original lyx file and not in the main working
directory (i.e. ~/) ?

--Nabil Hathout

Nabil Hathoutmailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
ERSS (UMR 5610)  Tél : +33 561 50 36 94
CNRS & Université Toulouse II Le Mirail  Fax : +33 561 50 46 77
Maison de la Recherche. 5, allées Antonio Machado. F-31058 Toulouse cedex 1

Re: fullscreen landscape foils

2000-02-10 Thread Allan Rae

On Fri, 11 Feb 2000 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> i use ghost-script-6.0 (ps2pdf) to make pdf and the acroread 4.0 to
> show the pdf full screen.That's great for portrait mode, but does not
> work with landscape.
> Acroread and gs show landscape on the screen rotated 90+ degrees clockwise
> like it would print it on the printer.

I'm sure I've tried this before.  You have to rotate the page before the
ps2pdf stage which tricks acroread-3.x.  This may not work for 4.0.
Doesn't acroread also have a "rotate" option in the viewer?

Allan. (ARRae)

Fwd: [linux-31] Re: Ajustement de fichiers PS

2000-02-10 Thread jdd

should be of interest. short translation:
the problem with ps or eps images comes from a boudingbox too large.
gv can correct this with the command line given.
(not tested, but eric marsden is usually of good faith)

--  Message transmis  --
Subject: [linux-31] Re: Ajustement de fichiers PS
Date: 09 Feb 2000 19:34:27 +0100
From: Eric Marsden <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> "ar" == Arnaud Rolly <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

  ar> Pour faire de la doc en LaTeX, j'utilise des fichiers PS générés
  ar> par d'autres programmes. Le problème est que ces fichiers ont
  ar> des marges et de grands bas de page vide, qui prennent de la
  ar> place pour rien dans le document final.
  ar> Donc, existe-t-il un fichier qui 'recadre' les fichiers
  ar> PostScript, en supprimant les cadres blancs superflus ?

pour inclure des documents il faut de l'EPS (Encapsulated Postscript,
qui contiennent un BoundingBox précisant le taille précise de
l'image). Certains programmes génèrent pas de l'EPS, ou alors de l'EPS
avec un BoundingBox trop grand; dans ce cas on peut utiliser
ghostscript pour calculer un BoundingBox correct. Exemple:

  gs -q -dNOPAUSE -dBATCH -sDEVICE=epswrite -sOutputFile=toto.eps
Eric Marsden

Aide sur la liste: mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Le CULTe sur le web:>

Linux, nouvelles de science fiction (écrites par moi)
pédagogie de la dao et plein d'autres choses,

Re: paragraph decorations?

2000-02-10 Thread Allan Rae

On Thu, 10 Feb 2000, Robyn Wagner wrote:
> the problem with this is that the text on the left half should be left
> justified, and the text on the right half should be right justified.
> i have been doing this by hand with spacing, but it is tedious to do each
> time.
> any suggestions on a better way to do this?

How about a \hfill{} instead.

Insert->Special Character->HFill

Or you might be able to do something with \raggedright{} but I don't know
if that would work in your case unless you switched to using minipages.
Three minipages:  left, centre and right.  It's just an idea don't ask me
how look at the minipage example files.

Allan. (ARRae)

Small greek letters in roman style?

2000-02-10 Thread Klaus Blaschek


does anybody know how to get small greek letters in roman style in LyX? I
especially need the small \mu in order to use for units, e.g. 10 mikrometer
(physical units are written in roman style, not in italic style like

Thanks in advance,


Re: hanging indentation in lyx (fwd)

2000-02-10 Thread Jean-Marc Lasgouttes

> "Philip" == Philip Lehman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

>> If you are not too afraid to change a bit the sources, take a look
>> at all the places where the function stringWidth() is called on
>> parindent or layout.parindent and change it with
>> signedStringWidth(), which honors the leading '-'. Then try it out.
>> If it does something reasonable, I'll be glad to accept this change
>> [I do not have much time to try it out myself].

Philip> I made the change and I'm surprised that it seems to work.
Philip> That is, a negative parindent is displayed right and lyx
Philip> didn't bomb yet ;) I made a brain-dead search & replace
Philip> operation (like I said, I have no idea what I'm doing) and
Philip> found one single occurence only (in text.C); is that possible?

Yes, it seems only this occurence exists. And, looking quickly at the
sources, it is not completely surprising that it works... So, unless
you find problems, I'll make the change (I do not have time to check
it, but the feature does no harm when it is not used, anyway...).

Congratulations! You just added a feature to LyX :)


Re: Small greek letters in roman style?

2000-02-10 Thread Herbert Voss

Klaus Blaschek wrote:

> does anybody know how to get small greek letters in roman style in LyX? I
> especially need the small \mu in order to use for units, e.g. 10 mikrometer
> (physical units are written in roman style, not in italic style like
> variables!).

it's a LaTeX-convention that the small greek letters are only possible
in mathmode and this means italic. Only capital greek letters are in



Re: LyX crash

2000-02-10 Thread Herbert Voss

Yann MORERE wrote:
> Herbert Voss wrote:
> Yes I had this problem with the 1.1.4pre2 release of lyx, but with the
> 1.1.4 release this problem is solved
> > whats's happened?
> which release do you have?

1.1.4 pre 1

I'll try the 1.1.4 version,



About a new layout

2000-02-10 Thread Osvaldo Fornaro


I need to add a company logo in my letters and tried akletter class in
latex for do that. Where is the information to build a new layout for
lyx with this new class?

Please, give me a line

Osvaldo Fornaro

paragraph decorations?

2000-02-10 Thread Robyn Wagner


I am writing some legal briefs which begin like this:


John Doe Rumplestiltskin,   |
Plaintiff,  |
v.  |   Case 23476238746823746823746
Some Other Person   |
Defendant.  |

where the vertical separation in the middle is a giant "}"

what ive been doing is writing the above portion in math mode, with no
left decoration, the "blah v. foo" portion as a 1x5 matrix, and "}" as the
right separation.

it looks almost correct.

the problem with this is that the text on the left half should be left
justified, and the text on the right half should be right justified.
i have been doing this by hand with spacing, but it is tedious to do each

any suggestions on a better way to do this?


fullscreen landscape foils

2000-02-10 Thread Olav


How do I get to show foiltex foils full screen in landscape mode on Linux/unix ?
(like the PPT'eers do ;-)

I use Lyx 1.3 to produce foils that uses latex to make ps which
i use ghost-script-6.0 (ps2pdf) to make pdf and the acroread 4.0 to show
the pdf full screen.That's great for portrait mode, but does not work with landscape.

Acroread and gs show landscape on the screen rotated 90+ degrees clockwise
like it would print it on the printer.
Gv though shows the document in landscape with horisontal text as it should
be - but it does not have the nice fullscreen-mode of acroread.

Any suggestions ?

Here is the ps2pdf command :

gs -q -dNOPAUSE -dBATCH -sDEVICE=pdfwrite -sOutputFile=$outfile 
   -c save pop -f $infile


Re: hanging indentation in lyx

2000-02-10 Thread Jean-Marc Lasgouttes

> "Philip" == Philip Lehman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

Philip> On 9 Feb 2000, Jean-Marc Lasgouttes
Philip> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> Yes, it seems only this occurence exists. And, looking quickly at
>> the sources, it is not completely surprising that it works... So,
>> unless you find problems, I'll make the change (I do not have time
>> to check it, but the feature does no harm when it is not used,
>> anyway...).

Philip> FYI: I did that with 1.1.3, if that makes a difference. I'll
Philip> try 1.1.4 soon and if anything goes wrong, I'll let you know.
Philip> Thanks for walking me through this ;)

You're welcome. If you find other things you'd like to improve, feel
free to try. You will soon see how exciting it is to understand and
modify the code to do what you want.


accent-circumflex in math on an arbitrary letter

2000-02-10 Thread Dr. Ing. Roland Krause

Hi experts,
can anyone please tell me whether it is possible to have something like:
that is a small cicle over any letter in math mode. I know about
accent-circumflex but that doesnt seem to work for all letters and especially
not in mathmode.
I'd  be satisfied if it involves ERT.


Re: accent-circumflex in math on an arbitrary letter

2000-02-10 Thread Herbert Voss

"Dr. Ing. Roland Krause" wrote:
> Hi experts,
> can anyone please tell me whether it is possible to have something like:
> that is a small cicle over any letter in math mode. I know about
> accent-circumflex but that doesnt seem to work for all letters and especially
> not in mathmode.
> I'd  be satisfied if it involves ERT.

try in tex (red):   $\stackrel{\circ}{E}$

or same in mathdisplay.



LyX crash

2000-02-10 Thread Herbert Voss

sorry, here is the attachement ..



#LyX 1.1 Copyright 1995-1999 Matthias Ettrich and the LyX Team
\lyxformat 2.15
\textclass scrartcl

%\newcommand{\listing}[1]{\footnotesize \verbatiminput{#1} \normalsize}
%\newenvironment{definition}[1]{\begin{rahmen}{16cm} \bf Definition #1: \rm} 
%\newcommand{\lst}[2]{\vspace{0.5cm}\noindent \refstepcounter{lst_counter} \bf Listing 
\arabic{chapter}-\arabic{lst_counter}\hspace{0.2cm}\rm #2\lstinputlisting{#1}\indent}
%\newcommand{\tabelle}[2]{\vspace{0.5cm}\noindent \refstepcounter{table} \bf\ Tabelle 
\arabic{chapter}-\arabic{table}\hspace{0.2cm}\rm #2\listing{#1}\indent}
%\newcommand{\exor}{$\mbox{\stackrel{e}{\vee }$}
%\newcommand{\lstzeile}[1]{\vspace{0.1cm}\noindent \tt \small 
%\newcommand{\lstwort}[1]{\tt \small #1\normalsize\rm}
\options htb
\language german
\inputencoding latin1
\fontscheme default
\graphics default
\paperfontsize 11
\spacing single 
\papersize a4paper
\paperpackage a4
\use_geometry 1
\use_amsmath 0
\paperorientation portrait
\secnumdepth 3
\tocdepth 3
\paragraph_separation indent
\defskip medskip
\quotes_language english
\quotes_times 2
\papercolumns 1
\papersides 1
\paperpagestyle default

\layout LaTeX

\layout Title

Grafik unter Java
\layout Author

Herbert Voß
\layout Standard

\latex latex 

\latex default 
Herbert Voss, Wasgenstrasse 21, D-14129 Berlin
\layout Standard

\layout Standard
\latex latex 
\layout Standard

\begin_inset LatexCommand \tableofcontents{}


\layout Section

\layout Standard

Mit dem 
\series bold 
\series default 
\series bold 
\series default 
\series bold 
\series default 
\begin_inset LatexCommand \index{Abstract Window Toolkit}


\begin_float footnote 
\layout Standard

Es finden sich auch andere Bezeichnungen, z.B.
 Application Window Tool.
 steht eine riesige Sammlung an möglichen Moduln zur grafischen Darstellung
 unter X-Windows
\begin_inset LatexCommand \index{X-Windows}


 zur Verfügung.
 Eine ausführliche Beschreibung der Klassen und Methoden erhält man über:
\emph on 

\begin_inset LatexCommand \url{}


\emph default 
 für das JDK der Versionen 1.0 bis 1.1.8 bzw.
\emph on 

\begin_inset LatexCommand \url{}


\emph default 
 für die Java-2 Platformen (Versionen ab 1.2).
 Auf der dortigen SUN
\begin_inset LatexCommand \index{SUN}


-Homepage steht auch das frei verfügbare JDK
\begin_float footnote 
\layout Standard

JDK: Java Development Kit (auch Java Developers Kit)
\begin_inset LatexCommand \index{JDK}


1.1.8 bzw.
 die zur Zeit neueste Version 1.3
\begin_float footnote 
\layout Standard

auch als Java 2 bezeichnet.
 für die unterschiedlichsten Systemplattformen kostenlos zum Download bereit,
 wobei angepasste Linux-Versionen unter 
\begin_inset LatexCommand \url{}


 zu bekommen sind
\begin_float footnote 
\layout Standard

SUN bietet im Prinzip nur Solaris und Windows-Versionen an.
 Eine Beschreibung der vielfach angewendeteten Swing-Connection findet man
 unter anderem auf 
\begin_inset LatexCommand \url{}


 oder in [Deitel].
 Diese erfordert jedoch mindestens ein JDK 2.
 Bei den meisten der gängigen Linux-Distributionen oder den beiliegenden
 Java-CD's diverser Computerbücher und -zeitschriften ist ein JDK ohnehin
 standardmäßig dabei, allerdings selten die neueste Version.
\layout Standard

In diesem Artikel soll es primär nicht um die Anwendung des AWT
\begin_inset LatexCommand \index{AWT}


 gehen, sondern um eine entsprechende Erweiterung.
 Dabei soll die Programmiersprache Java
\begin_inset LatexCommand \index{Java}


 nicht im Vordergrund stehen, sondern einzelne Algorithmen, wie z.B.
 die Projektion einer 3D-Ebene
\begin_inset LatexCommand \index{3D-Ebene}


 auf eine 2D-Zeichenfläche
\begin_inset LatexCommand \index{2D-Zeichenfläche}


 Letztlich lassen sich aber alle hier angegebenen Algorithmen auf alle a

Lyx-1.1.4 Internationalization

2000-02-10 Thread Ulrich Guenther

setenv LANG de
The menus remain English!
However the key bindings default to de_menus
(what a pain).  

Any ideas how to fix this?


Ulrich Günther

LyX crash

2000-02-10 Thread Herbert Voss


please have a look at the atachement demo.lyx .
open all floats and go to a blank line between a flaot and
the beginning of a new section or subsection (for
example 2.1 or 4. or 4.2), than press enter and lyx crashes.
if you close all floats and do the same all works well,
because the "blank line" exists only if the floats are

whats's happened?


Re: export to latex

2000-02-10 Thread Nabil Hathout

Thank you for the response. My problem is that I have sub-directories
in my documents directory. I know I can move files with shell
commands, but I think it would be more convenient if they were written
in the directory of the lyx file.


Jean-Pierre.Chretien writes:
 > >>From: Nabil Hathout <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
 > >>Date: Thu, 10 Feb 2000 11:34:09 +0100 (CET)
 > >>To: LyX-Users List <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
 > >>Subject: export to latex
 > >>
 > >>Hello,
 > >>
 > >>Would it be possible to have latex exported files written in the
 > >>directory of their original lyx file and not in the main working
 > >>directory (i.e. ~/) ?
 > >>
 > >>--Nabil Hathout
 > # The default path for your documents.
 > # Default is $HOME
 > #\document_path ~/Documents/
 > \document_path .
 > in the lyxrc file should be OK ?
 > -- 
 > Jean-Pierre

Re: export to latex

2000-02-10 Thread Jean-Pierre.Chretien

>>From: Nabil Hathout <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>>Date: Thu, 10 Feb 2000 11:34:09 +0100 (CET)
>>To: LyX-Users List <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>>Subject: export to latex
>>Would it be possible to have latex exported files written in the
>>directory of their original lyx file and not in the main working
>>directory (i.e. ~/) ?
>>--Nabil Hathout

# The default path for your documents.
# Default is $HOME
#\document_path ~/Documents/
\document_path .
in the lyxrc file should be OK ?


Re: LyX crash

2000-02-10 Thread Yann MORERE

Herbert Voss wrote:
> hi,
> please have a look at the atachement demo.lyx .
> open all floats and go to a blank line between a flaot and
> the beginning of a new section or subsection (for
> example 2.1 or 4. or 4.2), than press enter and lyx crashes.
> if you close all floats and do the same all works well,
> because the "blank line" exists only if the floats are
> opened.

Yes I had this problem with the 1.1.4pre2 release of lyx, but with the
1.1.4 release this problem is solved
> whats's happened?

which release do you have?

"Y faut liiirrreee, Arlequin, Champion de l'amou" Dany Boon
Doctorant Automatique

Re: 8859-15 input

2000-02-10 Thread Jean-Marc Lasgouttes

> "Philip" == Philip Lehman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

Philip> The error message is perfectly clear, since I don't have any
Philip> latin9 Helvetica, but actually I want to change the font
Philip> encoding used for the text fonts only (as set Options/Screen
Philip> Fonts). Or is this a global setting which affects all font
Philip> encodings including the text fonts? 

Unfortunately, the same encoding is used for the document and the
menu. You could alos use a iso8859-15 font for menus, if you have one. 

Philip> And will this override the encoding set from Options/Screen Fonts?

Yes, this is the same setting.

Philip> Yes, you're right, of course. But I guess it should be
Philip> possible to modify the latin1.def to create a latin9.def for
Philip> use with inputenc; it's still 8bit after all and the two
Philip> encodings differ only in six glyphs.

Yes, I am even surprised that it does not exist yet.

Philip> It's a lucky coincidence to encounter a french Latex user. How
Philip> do you guys handle this problem? Do you always use \oe to get
Philip> the oe ligature, for example? And type "oe" in emails as well?

Well, I type \oe, and pester against ispell because it does not
understand it :)
