Re: Problem with figures side by side

2004-01-20 Thread Nirmal Govind
Then do not use minipages, use package varwidth. The only,
but important problem is, that LyX doesn't support this
package. - ERT
Thanks Herbert.. will try this out soon..

On the other hand you can put the image into a box
and then set the minipage exactly to the width of
this box (image).
To make life harder, my first image's height  width so I've set the 
scaling using the height and asked for the aspect ratio to be 
maintained. The second image's width  height so it's the other way 
around. Hence, for the first figure, I'm not sure what the bounding 
box's width should be...

Or - trial and error ...
I'll have to go with this for now as I'm a little short on time 
(submission in 2 days).. :-)


Re: bibtex confusion

2004-01-20 Thread Raphael Clifford
Herbert Voss wrote:

Raphael Clifford wrote:

I recently discovered the wonderful bibtex features of lyx and fell 
in love with them. Sadly, after only a day or two we are having our 
first misunderstanding. I am not entirely sure what happened but 
now when I try to View-postscript my doc I get 2 errors. They are 
both the same and read as follows...

Missing } inserted.

Does this mean there is an error in my bibtex file or is it something 

your {} are not balanced in your bib file. Look into
the logfile (View-LaTeX log), then you'll get some
more information or run bibtex by hand:
bibtex filename
(filename without any extension)

Thank you very much (and for all the other help I have received on this 
list without saying thank you).


long table caption + table and figure side-by-side

2004-01-20 Thread Nirmal Govind
Hi.. I have a long caption for a table and the overflow from the 
first line of the caption is not centered on the second line.. any 
way to center the second line of the caption also?

Secondly, this table is alongside a figure using the table and 
figure side-by-side tip on Herbert's page where the table and figure 
are within minipages and the two minipages are within a table float 
environment. I'm unable to get the table and the figure to align at 
the top... the table's caption is at the top and the figure's 
caption is at the bottom so actually, I'm not sure what the best way 
is to align these (I'm guessing the answer is top alignment with the 
table caption's first line being aligned with the figure's top??).. 
please let me know if you have any experience with this...


Re: Inserting a complex, multiling equation

2004-01-20 Thread Rich Shepard
On Tue, 20 Jan 2004, Nirmal Govind wrote:

 Not much really but a very subtle positioning of the cursor...

  Thanks, Nirmal. I'm still missing some subtle points of cursor placement.
As an aside, is there a place in some documentation where the use of each
little blue box in math mode is explained? That I've not seen and it would
probably help me with learning new math mode entry tasks.

 ... after you've typed the content in the second blue box of the cases
 environment on the first line, you need to hit Ctrl-Enter immediately,

  That works. But, let's back up a minute.

  When I enter the left side of the equation I then select cases from the
math menu. That gives me a left bracket and two little blue boxes. Would I,
in this situation, enter the 1, in the left side blue box and if and only
if x \in A in the right side blue box, then press ctrl-[Enter]?

  Also, when entering the conditional, what is the proper format for spacing
between words? A keyboard space moves me out of the math box; so does a
right arrow key press. I've used the space button on the math panel (for a
medium space), but that's terribly tedious and does not seem like the proper

  Yes, cursor placement is crucial and I seem to need to learn this for each
different instance of a complex equation I try to enter in my book. :-)

Many thanks,


Dr. Richard B. Shepard, President
Applied Ecosystem Services, Inc. (TM)

tables of equations

2004-01-20 Thread Jeremy Daily
I have a question about typesetting tables of equations. I am trying to show
simultaneous derivations, examples, and the like in both the English and
Metric system. The derivations can be long because we are showing every
step. Because of the length and the pagination features, I wanted to use the
longtable package with English and Metric as the header rows. My problem is
I would like to use displayed math in the table because if its size and
consistency with the other parts of the document where there is no
distinction between English and Metric.  Is there a way to use displayed
math in a longtable?

The second thing I tried was using ERT and the xalignat environment. The
problem here is the pagination isn't like you can get using longtable. I
want to do this using the least amount of brute force (aka ERT) as possible.
Any suggestions?

Thanks a bunch,
Jeremy Daily
Wright State University

Re: More multiline equation frustration

2004-01-20 Thread Rich Shepard
On Mon, 19 Jan 2004, Rich Shepard wrote:

   What have I done incorrectly, please?

  OK! I found 99.4% of the solution. After starting to read Herbert's
excellent LaTeX Documentation on Math Mode (v. 1.41), I decided to try AMS
multiline mode. With tabs between blue boxes and ctrl-space to space between
text on the line it works just find. Whew! So, from now on, AMS mode rather
than plan ctrl-m for complex stuff.

  Now, the remaining 0.6% to resolve is spacing in the compiled output. With
the cursor in front of the equation box I select Layout-Paragraph and
change the justification from justified to centered. However, the
equation is still typeset across the entire line. The left-hand-side is
left justified, the equals sign is centered and the right-hand-side is
right justified on the line.

  How do I center the equation on the typeset page?



Dr. Richard B. Shepard, President
Applied Ecosystem Services, Inc. (TM)

Re: convert of old documents fails

2004-01-20 Thread Jose' Matos
On Monday 19 January 2004 9:59 pm, Ingo Voss wrote:

 I'm going to send you selected documents with version 2.10 and 2.15. I've
 also some of this files additionally in .dvi/.ps format. If you need
 them, drop it.

   Send them. I do not expect to need the dvi, but if I necessary I will ask 
for them. :-)

 Problem is my small spare time, so that I think, I can send you this at
 the and of the week!

   No problem. :-)

 Thanx for work :-)

  That is my good deed. :-)

 Ingo Voss

José Abílio

Re: More multiline equation frustration

2004-01-20 Thread Uwe Stöhr
  Now, the remaining 0.6% to resolve is spacing in the compiled output. With
the cursor in front of the equation box I select Layout-Paragraph and
change the justification from justified to centered. However, the
equation is still typeset across the entire line. The left-hand-side is
left justified, the equals sign is centered and the right-hand-side is
right justified on the line.
In AMS multline you can only change the indent of the first line with 
the length \multlinegap, see Herberts document.

If you are able to read german, you can have look at

where you find a LyX-Mathed documentation (Multiline-environments are 
described in Ch. 17, \cases in Ch. 3.5).

But better keep on using the \cases environment.

 I'm trying to enter the following equation:

\mu_A(x) =   1, if and only if x \in A
\ 0, if and only if x \notin A.
Here the exact command for this:

Ctrl-m \mu_A-(x)=\cases- Ctrl-Enter

- stands for the arrow button (press it directly after the last 's' for 

Now fill out the boxes.
If you want more boxes, use the menu Edit-Math-AddColumn.
For text in formulas, use the math-panel and choose the last entry of 
its font menu (\textrm).

I hope this helps.

Here an example LyX-file:


#LyX 1.3 created this file. For more info see
\lyxformat 221
\textclass scrartcl
\options fleqn
\language ngerman
\inputencoding auto
\fontscheme ae
\graphics default
\float_placement h
\paperfontsize 12
\spacing single
\papersize a4paper
\paperpackage widemarginsa4
\use_geometry 0
\use_amsmath 1
\use_natbib 0
\use_numerical_citations 0
\paperorientation portrait
\secnumdepth 4
\tocdepth 4
\paragraph_separation skip
\defskip medskip
\quotes_language german
\quotes_times 2
\papercolumns 1
\papersides 1
\paperpagestyle empty
\layout Standard

\begin_inset Formula \[
\\1  \textrm{if and only if}\, x\in A\\
0  \textrm{if and only if}\, x\notin A\end{cases}\]


Re: More multiline equation frustration

2004-01-20 Thread Rich Shepard
On Tue, 20 Jan 2004, Uwe Stöhr wrote:

 If you are able to read german, you can have look at

  Sorry, Uwe. 36 years ago, yes; now, no.

 Here the exact command for this:

 Ctrl-m \mu_A-(x)=\cases- Ctrl-Enter

 - stands for the arrow button (press it directly after the last 's' for

 Now fill out the boxes.

  Did this exactly, generated two error boxes. The error boxes are
screenshot-1.png and screenshot-2.png.

  So close ... so very close.



Dr. Richard B. Shepard, President
Applied Ecosystem Services, Inc. (TM)
http://www.appl-ecosys.comATTACHMENT: screenshot-1.pngATTACHMENT: screenshot-2.png

Re: More multiline equation frustration

2004-01-20 Thread Rich Shepard
On Tue, 20 Jan 2004, Uwe Stöhr wrote:

 Here the exact command for this:

 Ctrl-m \mu_A-(x)=\cases- Ctrl-Enter

 - stands for the arrow button (press it directly after the last 's' for

 For text in formulas, use the math-panel and choose the last entry of
 its font menu (\textrm).


  Did the above.

 \begin_inset Formula \[
 \\1  \textrm{if and only if}\, x\in A\\
 0  \textrm{if and only if}\, x\notin A\end{cases}\]


  Here's what my file produced:

\begin_inset Formula $\mu_{A}(x)=\begin{cases}
1,  \textrm{if and only if}\, x\in A\\
0,  \textrm{if and only if\, x}\notin A\end{cases}$

  Two error messages generated, referencing misplaced tabs. Could the commas
be responsible? I tried taking them out, but I'm still missing the double
back slashes before the '1'. Also, the 'x' on the second line ended up in
the wrong place.



Dr. Richard B. Shepard, President
Applied Ecosystem Services, Inc. (TM)

Re: Problem with figures side by side

2004-01-20 Thread Nirmal Govind
Then do not use minipages, use package varwidth. The only,
but important problem is, that LyX doesn't support this
package. - ERT
Thanks Herbert.. will try this out soon..

On the other hand you can put the image into a box
and then set the minipage exactly to the width of
this box (image).
To make life harder, my first image's height  width so I've set the 
scaling using the height and asked for the aspect ratio to be 
maintained. The second image's width  height so it's the other way 
around. Hence, for the first figure, I'm not sure what the bounding 
box's width should be...

Or - trial and error ...
I'll have to go with this for now as I'm a little short on time 
(submission in 2 days).. :-)


Re: bibtex confusion

2004-01-20 Thread Raphael Clifford
Herbert Voss wrote:

Raphael Clifford wrote:

I recently discovered the wonderful bibtex features of lyx and fell 
in love with them. Sadly, after only a day or two we are having our 
first misunderstanding. I am not entirely sure what happened but 
now when I try to View-postscript my doc I get 2 errors. They are 
both the same and read as follows...

Missing } inserted.

Does this mean there is an error in my bibtex file or is it something 

your {} are not balanced in your bib file. Look into
the logfile (View-LaTeX log), then you'll get some
more information or run bibtex by hand:
bibtex filename
(filename without any extension)

Thank you very much (and for all the other help I have received on this 
list without saying thank you).


long table caption + table and figure side-by-side

2004-01-20 Thread Nirmal Govind
Hi.. I have a long caption for a table and the overflow from the 
first line of the caption is not centered on the second line.. any 
way to center the second line of the caption also?

Secondly, this table is alongside a figure using the table and 
figure side-by-side tip on Herbert's page where the table and figure 
are within minipages and the two minipages are within a table float 
environment. I'm unable to get the table and the figure to align at 
the top... the table's caption is at the top and the figure's 
caption is at the bottom so actually, I'm not sure what the best way 
is to align these (I'm guessing the answer is top alignment with the 
table caption's first line being aligned with the figure's top??).. 
please let me know if you have any experience with this...


Re: Inserting a complex, multiling equation

2004-01-20 Thread Rich Shepard
On Tue, 20 Jan 2004, Nirmal Govind wrote:

 Not much really but a very subtle positioning of the cursor...

  Thanks, Nirmal. I'm still missing some subtle points of cursor placement.
As an aside, is there a place in some documentation where the use of each
little blue box in math mode is explained? That I've not seen and it would
probably help me with learning new math mode entry tasks.

 ... after you've typed the content in the second blue box of the cases
 environment on the first line, you need to hit Ctrl-Enter immediately,

  That works. But, let's back up a minute.

  When I enter the left side of the equation I then select cases from the
math menu. That gives me a left bracket and two little blue boxes. Would I,
in this situation, enter the 1, in the left side blue box and if and only
if x \in A in the right side blue box, then press ctrl-[Enter]?

  Also, when entering the conditional, what is the proper format for spacing
between words? A keyboard space moves me out of the math box; so does a
right arrow key press. I've used the space button on the math panel (for a
medium space), but that's terribly tedious and does not seem like the proper

  Yes, cursor placement is crucial and I seem to need to learn this for each
different instance of a complex equation I try to enter in my book. :-)

Many thanks,


Dr. Richard B. Shepard, President
Applied Ecosystem Services, Inc. (TM)

tables of equations

2004-01-20 Thread Jeremy Daily
I have a question about typesetting tables of equations. I am trying to show
simultaneous derivations, examples, and the like in both the English and
Metric system. The derivations can be long because we are showing every
step. Because of the length and the pagination features, I wanted to use the
longtable package with English and Metric as the header rows. My problem is
I would like to use displayed math in the table because if its size and
consistency with the other parts of the document where there is no
distinction between English and Metric.  Is there a way to use displayed
math in a longtable?

The second thing I tried was using ERT and the xalignat environment. The
problem here is the pagination isn't like you can get using longtable. I
want to do this using the least amount of brute force (aka ERT) as possible.
Any suggestions?

Thanks a bunch,
Jeremy Daily
Wright State University

Re: More multiline equation frustration

2004-01-20 Thread Rich Shepard
On Mon, 19 Jan 2004, Rich Shepard wrote:

   What have I done incorrectly, please?

  OK! I found 99.4% of the solution. After starting to read Herbert's
excellent LaTeX Documentation on Math Mode (v. 1.41), I decided to try AMS
multiline mode. With tabs between blue boxes and ctrl-space to space between
text on the line it works just find. Whew! So, from now on, AMS mode rather
than plan ctrl-m for complex stuff.

  Now, the remaining 0.6% to resolve is spacing in the compiled output. With
the cursor in front of the equation box I select Layout-Paragraph and
change the justification from justified to centered. However, the
equation is still typeset across the entire line. The left-hand-side is
left justified, the equals sign is centered and the right-hand-side is
right justified on the line.

  How do I center the equation on the typeset page?



Dr. Richard B. Shepard, President
Applied Ecosystem Services, Inc. (TM)

Re: convert of old documents fails

2004-01-20 Thread Jose' Matos
On Monday 19 January 2004 9:59 pm, Ingo Voss wrote:

 I'm going to send you selected documents with version 2.10 and 2.15. I've
 also some of this files additionally in .dvi/.ps format. If you need
 them, drop it.

   Send them. I do not expect to need the dvi, but if I necessary I will ask 
for them. :-)

 Problem is my small spare time, so that I think, I can send you this at
 the and of the week!

   No problem. :-)

 Thanx for work :-)

  That is my good deed. :-)

 Ingo Voss

José Abílio

Re: More multiline equation frustration

2004-01-20 Thread Uwe Stöhr
  Now, the remaining 0.6% to resolve is spacing in the compiled output. With
the cursor in front of the equation box I select Layout-Paragraph and
change the justification from justified to centered. However, the
equation is still typeset across the entire line. The left-hand-side is
left justified, the equals sign is centered and the right-hand-side is
right justified on the line.
In AMS multline you can only change the indent of the first line with 
the length \multlinegap, see Herberts document.

If you are able to read german, you can have look at

where you find a LyX-Mathed documentation (Multiline-environments are 
described in Ch. 17, \cases in Ch. 3.5).

But better keep on using the \cases environment.

 I'm trying to enter the following equation:

\mu_A(x) =   1, if and only if x \in A
\ 0, if and only if x \notin A.
Here the exact command for this:

Ctrl-m \mu_A-(x)=\cases- Ctrl-Enter

- stands for the arrow button (press it directly after the last 's' for 

Now fill out the boxes.
If you want more boxes, use the menu Edit-Math-AddColumn.
For text in formulas, use the math-panel and choose the last entry of 
its font menu (\textrm).

I hope this helps.

Here an example LyX-file:


#LyX 1.3 created this file. For more info see
\lyxformat 221
\textclass scrartcl
\options fleqn
\language ngerman
\inputencoding auto
\fontscheme ae
\graphics default
\float_placement h
\paperfontsize 12
\spacing single
\papersize a4paper
\paperpackage widemarginsa4
\use_geometry 0
\use_amsmath 1
\use_natbib 0
\use_numerical_citations 0
\paperorientation portrait
\secnumdepth 4
\tocdepth 4
\paragraph_separation skip
\defskip medskip
\quotes_language german
\quotes_times 2
\papercolumns 1
\papersides 1
\paperpagestyle empty
\layout Standard

\begin_inset Formula \[
\\1  \textrm{if and only if}\, x\in A\\
0  \textrm{if and only if}\, x\notin A\end{cases}\]


Re: More multiline equation frustration

2004-01-20 Thread Rich Shepard
On Tue, 20 Jan 2004, Uwe Stöhr wrote:

 If you are able to read german, you can have look at

  Sorry, Uwe. 36 years ago, yes; now, no.

 Here the exact command for this:

 Ctrl-m \mu_A-(x)=\cases- Ctrl-Enter

 - stands for the arrow button (press it directly after the last 's' for

 Now fill out the boxes.

  Did this exactly, generated two error boxes. The error boxes are
screenshot-1.png and screenshot-2.png.

  So close ... so very close.



Dr. Richard B. Shepard, President
Applied Ecosystem Services, Inc. (TM)
http://www.appl-ecosys.comATTACHMENT: screenshot-1.pngATTACHMENT: screenshot-2.png

Re: More multiline equation frustration

2004-01-20 Thread Rich Shepard
On Tue, 20 Jan 2004, Uwe Stöhr wrote:

 Here the exact command for this:

 Ctrl-m \mu_A-(x)=\cases- Ctrl-Enter

 - stands for the arrow button (press it directly after the last 's' for

 For text in formulas, use the math-panel and choose the last entry of
 its font menu (\textrm).


  Did the above.

 \begin_inset Formula \[
 \\1  \textrm{if and only if}\, x\in A\\
 0  \textrm{if and only if}\, x\notin A\end{cases}\]


  Here's what my file produced:

\begin_inset Formula $\mu_{A}(x)=\begin{cases}
1,  \textrm{if and only if}\, x\in A\\
0,  \textrm{if and only if\, x}\notin A\end{cases}$

  Two error messages generated, referencing misplaced tabs. Could the commas
be responsible? I tried taking them out, but I'm still missing the double
back slashes before the '1'. Also, the 'x' on the second line ended up in
the wrong place.



Dr. Richard B. Shepard, President
Applied Ecosystem Services, Inc. (TM)

Re: Problem with figures side by side

2004-01-20 Thread Nirmal Govind
Then do not use minipages, use package varwidth. The only,
but important problem is, that LyX doesn't support this
package. -> ERT
Thanks Herbert.. will try this out soon..

On the other hand you can put the image into a box
and then set the minipage exactly to the width of
this box (image).
To make life harder, my first image's height > width so I've set the 
scaling using the height and asked for the aspect ratio to be 
maintained. The second image's width > height so it's the other way 
around. Hence, for the first figure, I'm not sure what the bounding 
box's width should be...

Or -> trial and error ...
I'll have to go with this for now as I'm a little short on time 
(submission in 2 days).. :-)


Re: bibtex confusion

2004-01-20 Thread Raphael Clifford
Herbert Voss wrote:

Raphael Clifford wrote:

I recently discovered the wonderful bibtex features of lyx and fell 
in love with them. Sadly, after only a day or two we are having our 
first "misunderstanding". I am not entirely sure what happened but 
now when I try to View->postscript my doc I get 2 errors. They are 
both the same and read as follows...

Missing } inserted.

Does this mean there is an error in my bibtex file or is it something 

your {} are not balanced in your bib file. Look into
the logfile (View->LaTeX log), then you'll get some
more information or run bibtex by hand:
bibtex filename
(filename without any extension)

Thank you very much (and for all the other help I have received on this 
list without saying thank you).


long table caption + table and figure side-by-side

2004-01-20 Thread Nirmal Govind
Hi.. I have a long caption for a table and the overflow from the 
first line of the caption is not centered on the second line.. any 
way to center the second line of the caption also?

Secondly, this table is alongside a figure using the table and 
figure side-by-side tip on Herbert's page where the table and figure 
are within minipages and the two minipages are within a table float 
environment. I'm unable to get the table and the figure to align at 
the top... the table's caption is at the top and the figure's 
caption is at the bottom so actually, I'm not sure what the best way 
is to align these (I'm guessing the answer is top alignment with the 
table caption's first line being aligned with the figure's top??).. 
please let me know if you have any experience with this...


Re: Inserting a complex, multiling equation

2004-01-20 Thread Rich Shepard
On Tue, 20 Jan 2004, Nirmal Govind wrote:

> Not much really but a very subtle positioning of the cursor...

  Thanks, Nirmal. I'm still missing some subtle points of cursor placement.
As an aside, is there a place in some documentation where the use of each
little blue box in math mode is explained? That I've not seen and it would
probably help me with learning new math mode entry tasks.

> ... after you've typed the content in the second blue box of the cases
> environment on the first line, you need to hit Ctrl-Enter immediately,

  That works. But, let's back up a minute.

  When I enter the left side of the equation I then select cases from the
math menu. That gives me a left bracket and two little blue boxes. Would I,
in this situation, enter the "1," in the left side blue box and "if and only
if x \in A" in the right side blue box, then press ctrl-[Enter]?

  Also, when entering the conditional, what is the proper format for spacing
between words? A keyboard space moves me out of the math box; so does a
right arrow key press. I've used the space button on the math panel (for a
medium space), but that's terribly tedious and does not seem like the proper

  Yes, cursor placement is crucial and I seem to need to learn this for each
different instance of a complex equation I try to enter in my book. :-)

Many thanks,


Dr. Richard B. Shepard, President
Applied Ecosystem Services, Inc. (TM)

tables of equations

2004-01-20 Thread Jeremy Daily
I have a question about typesetting tables of equations. I am trying to show
simultaneous derivations, examples, and the like in both the English and
Metric system. The derivations can be long because we are showing every
step. Because of the length and the pagination features, I wanted to use the
longtable package with English and Metric as the header rows. My problem is
I would like to use displayed math in the table because if its size and
consistency with the other parts of the document where there is no
distinction between English and Metric.  Is there a way to use displayed
math in a longtable?

The second thing I tried was using ERT and the xalignat environment. The
problem here is the pagination isn't like you can get using longtable. I
want to do this using the least amount of brute force (aka ERT) as possible.
Any suggestions?

Thanks a bunch,
Jeremy Daily
Wright State University

Re: More multiline equation frustration

2004-01-20 Thread Rich Shepard
On Mon, 19 Jan 2004, Rich Shepard wrote:

>   What have I done incorrectly, please?

  OK! I found 99.4% of the solution. After starting to read Herbert's
excellent LaTeX Documentation on Math Mode (v. 1.41), I decided to try AMS
multiline mode. With tabs between blue boxes and ctrl-space to space between
text on the line it works just find. Whew! So, from now on, AMS mode rather
than plan ctrl-m for complex stuff.

  Now, the remaining 0.6% to resolve is spacing in the compiled output. With
the cursor in front of the equation box I select Layout->Paragraph and
change the justification from "justified" to "centered". However, the
equation is still typeset across the entire line. The left-hand-side is
left justified, the equals sign is centered and the right-hand-side is
right justified on the line.

  How do I center the equation on the typeset page?



Dr. Richard B. Shepard, President
Applied Ecosystem Services, Inc. (TM)

Re: convert of old documents fails

2004-01-20 Thread Jose' Matos
On Monday 19 January 2004 9:59 pm, Ingo Voss wrote:
> I'm going to send you selected documents with version 2.10 and 2.15. I've
> also some of this files additionally in .dvi/.ps format. If you need
> them, drop it.

   Send them. I do not expect to need the dvi, but if I necessary I will ask 
for them. :-)

> Problem is my small spare time, so that I think, I can send you this at
> the and of the week!

   No problem. :-)

> Thanx for work :-)

  That is my good deed. :-)

> Ingo Voss

José Abílio

Re: More multiline equation frustration

2004-01-20 Thread Uwe Stöhr
  Now, the remaining 0.6% to resolve is spacing in the compiled output. With
the cursor in front of the equation box I select Layout->Paragraph and
change the justification from "justified" to "centered". However, the
equation is still typeset across the entire line. The left-hand-side is
left justified, the equals sign is centered and the right-hand-side is
right justified on the line.
In AMS multline you can only change the indent of the first line with 
the length \multlinegap, see Herberts document.

If you are able to read german, you can have look at

where you find a LyX-Mathed documentation (Multiline-environments are 
described in Ch. 17, \cases in Ch. 3.5).

But better keep on using the \cases environment.

> I'm trying to enter the following equation:
>\mu_A(x) =  < 1, if and only if x \in A
>\ 0, if and only if x \notin A.
Here the exact command for this:

Ctrl-m \mu_A->(x)=\cases-> Ctrl-Enter

-> stands for the arrow button (press it directly after the last 's' for 

Now fill out the boxes.
If you want more boxes, use the menu Edit->Math->AddColumn.
For text in formulas, use the math-panel and choose the last entry of 
its font menu (\textrm).

I hope this helps.

Here an example LyX-file:


#LyX 1.3 created this file. For more info see
\lyxformat 221
\textclass scrartcl
\options fleqn
\language ngerman
\inputencoding auto
\fontscheme ae
\graphics default
\float_placement h
\paperfontsize 12
\spacing single
\papersize a4paper
\paperpackage widemarginsa4
\use_geometry 0
\use_amsmath 1
\use_natbib 0
\use_numerical_citations 0
\paperorientation portrait
\secnumdepth 4
\tocdepth 4
\paragraph_separation skip
\defskip medskip
\quotes_language german
\quotes_times 2
\papercolumns 1
\papersides 1
\paperpagestyle empty
\layout Standard

\begin_inset Formula \[
\\1 & \textrm{if and only if}\, x\in A\\
0 & \textrm{if and only if}\, x\notin A\end{cases}\]


Re: More multiline equation frustration

2004-01-20 Thread Rich Shepard
On Tue, 20 Jan 2004, Uwe Stöhr wrote:

> If you are able to read german, you can have look at

  Sorry, Uwe. 36 years ago, yes; now, no.

> Here the exact command for this:
> Ctrl-m \mu_A->(x)=\cases-> Ctrl-Enter
> -> stands for the arrow button (press it directly after the last 's' for
> \cases)
> Now fill out the boxes.

  Did this exactly, generated two error boxes. The error boxes are
screenshot-1.png and screenshot-2.png.

  So close ... so very close.



Dr. Richard B. Shepard, President
Applied Ecosystem Services, Inc. (TM)

Re: More multiline equation frustration

2004-01-20 Thread Rich Shepard
On Tue, 20 Jan 2004, Uwe Stöhr wrote:

> Here the exact command for this:
> Ctrl-m \mu_A->(x)=\cases-> Ctrl-Enter
> -> stands for the arrow button (press it directly after the last 's' for
> \cases)

> For text in formulas, use the math-panel and choose the last entry of
> its font menu (\textrm).


  Did the above.

> \begin_inset Formula \[
> \mu_{a}(x)=\begin{cases}
> \\1 & \textrm{if and only if}\, x\in A\\
> 0 & \textrm{if and only if}\, x\notin A\end{cases}\]
> \end_inset

  Here's what my file produced:

\begin_inset Formula $\mu_{A}(x)=\begin{cases}
1, & \textrm{if and only if}\, x\in A\\
0, & \textrm{if and only if\, x}\notin A\end{cases}$

  Two error messages generated, referencing misplaced tabs. Could the commas
be responsible? I tried taking them out, but I'm still missing the double
back slashes before the '1'. Also, the 'x' on the second line ended up in
the wrong place.



Dr. Richard B. Shepard, President
Applied Ecosystem Services, Inc. (TM)