Re: Why is the heading of the Preface showing "List of figures" ?

2009-10-01 Thread Miguel Rubio-Roy
Sorry, I wrote "package" instead of "page style".

Anyway, you're right. I've tried using markboth straightaway, and it works!
I'll also take a look at chaptermark

Thanks a lot!


2009/10/1 rgheck 

> On 10/01/2009 04:51 PM, Miguel Rubio-Roy wrote:
>> Hi rh,
>>   Thanks for you answer. I've read that markboth requires the use of
>> package
>> myheadings. I would rather prefer not to use any more packages. Isn't
>> there
>> any other solution?
> It's normally used with the myheadings page style, not any special package.
> But it's a standard LaTeX command and can be used any time you like.
> Actually, assuming your class provides it, you should probably just use:
> \chaptermark{Your Title}. This calls \markboth or \markright, etc, as the
> case may be, and does whatever formatting is necessary.
> rh

Re: Why is the heading of the Preface showing "List of figures" ?

2009-10-01 Thread rgheck

On 10/01/2009 04:51 PM, Miguel Rubio-Roy wrote:

Hi rh,
   Thanks for you answer. I've read that markboth requires the use of package
myheadings. I would rather prefer not to use any more packages. Isn't there
any other solution?

It's normally used with the myheadings page style, not any special 
package. But it's a standard LaTeX command and can be used any time you 

Actually, assuming your class provides it, you should probably just use: 
\chaptermark{Your Title}. This calls \markboth or \markright, etc, as 
the case may be, and does whatever formatting is necessary.


Re: Why is the heading of the Preface showing "List of figures" ?

2009-10-01 Thread Miguel Rubio-Roy
Hi rh,
  Thanks for you answer. I've read that markboth requires the use of package
myheadings. I would rather prefer not to use any more packages. Isn't there
any other solution?

BTW, sorry by the slight off-topic of this thread (latex on a lyx list). I'm
writing my thesis with LyX, but after finding this problem I've started to
reduce code and go back to latex to try to isolate the problem.



2009/10/1 rgheck 

> On 10/01/2009 03:42 PM, Miguel Rubio-Roy wrote:
>> Hi all,
>>  I've tried to isolate this problem I've found on a large tex file,
>> but I don't manage to find where the problem is.
>>  What happens is the heading of the second page of the Preface shows
>> "List of figures", when it should be showing "Preface".
>> You can find the pdf file generated on
>> and the log file on
> I think the reason is that \chapter* does not reset the headings. You'll
> need to do that manually, using something like \markboth.
> rh
>   The tex file I'm compiling is:
>> \documentclass[b5paper,english]{book}
>> \usepackage[T1]{fontenc}
>> \usepackage[latin1]{inputenc}
>> \begin{document}
>> \title{Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit}
>> \author{Lorem ipsum}
>> \maketitle
>> \frontmatter
>> \listoffigures
>> \chapter*{Preface}
>> Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed gravida
>> odio magna. Maecenas vestibulum sodales hendrerit. Maecenas est eros,
>> porttitor sed bibendum ut, hendrerit et purus. Etiam in tellus id ante
>> faucibus malesuada vulputate ac eros. Suspendisse a adipiscing nulla.
>> Suspendisse potenti. Cras nulla lectus, accumsan placerat ultrices
>> vel, cursus non magna. Fusce id dictum diam. Donec pulvinar accumsan
>> suscipit. Nunc at tellus a neque vulputate imperdiet. In non quam
>> dolor, sed malesuada leo. Nunc vitae augue sem. Suspendisse potenti.
>> Fusce vel magna lorem. Vivamus ut orci ac nisi aliquet aliquet et ac
>> nisi. Mauris non dui turpis, ac tincidunt tellus. Nulla facilisi. Nunc
>> dapibus enim eget turpis dapibus molestie nec at dolor. Suspendisse
>> non hendrerit felis.
>> In ac massa ligula, eu volutpat nisi. Donec a orci ante. Vivamus ut
>> molestie ligula. Cras a nisl elit. Sed at neque non massa congue
>> porta. Cras sed neque venenatis lorem condimentum euismod. Cum sociis
>> natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus
>> mus. Curabitur quis turpis ac diam fringilla sagittis. Aliquam
>> volutpat luctus odio, in pellentesque orci pellentesque nec. Quisque
>> porttitor, justo eget mattis tristique, urna nibh fringilla dolor, at
>> pretium elit purus semper risus. Morbi vehicula convallis mauris vel
>> scelerisque. Morbi vitae lacus elit, hendrerit tristique dui.
>> Curabitur imperdiet interdum quam, ac laoreet libero imperdiet eget.
>> Curabitur nec magna justo.
>> Sed pharetra viverra est, vitae fermentum nisl aliquam imperdiet.
>> Etiam ut mauris risus. Aliquam laoreet interdum tellus, in tempor nunc
>> viverra sit amet. Etiam semper quam sit amet justo imperdiet bibendum
>> ac a arcu. Quisque condimentum risus vel arcu hendrerit et bibendum
>> massa egestas. Sed sit amet nulla non erat viverra mattis. Nulla
>> elementum porta sodales. Nulla lobortis adipiscing tellus, vitae
>> hendrerit neque pellentesque quis. Pellentesque habitant morbi
>> tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas.
>> Curabitur lobortis venenatis laoreet. Quisque augue ante, condimentum
>> sit amet cursus imperdiet, iaculis in mauris. In ornare lacinia
>> convallis. Nulla tempor, quam quis semper laoreet, ipsum tortor mattis
>> lacus, non convallis felis augue quis turpis.
>> Aliquam ante nulla, sagittis quis porta vel, sodales ut turpis. Duis
>> id magna sit amet velit tempor adipiscing ut egestas risus. Ut semper
>> velit a quam mattis eget rhoncus arcu cursus. Ut auctor, sapien
>> fringilla consectetur aliquet, libero ipsum luctus nibh, nec euismod
>> nulla sapien eget tortor. In dignissim placerat eros et lobortis.
>> Fusce blandit rhoncus pretium. Praesent venenatis malesuada mauris,
>> non dapibus libero pharetra condimentum. Etiam quis lacus at mi
>> consectetur mattis vel id diam. Duis ut mauris sed libero condimentum
>> sagittis. Mauris blandit nibh at neque rutrum varius. Fusce sed leo
>> quis enim convallis iaculis vel ut lacus. Nulla porta interdum
>> euismod. Vivamus elementum, metus ac eleifend luctus, velit orci
>> commodo ipsum, eget faucibus arcu velit sed augue. Cras diam neque,
>> interdum porta eleifend at, dignissim eget augue.
>> Duis quis turpis mauris, nec viverra orci. Nam vitae lectus odio,
>> rutrum consequat lacus. Mauris sit amet mauris mi. Class aptent taciti
>> sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos
>> himenaeos. Vestibulum scelerisque enim vel metus posuere dapibus.

Re: Why is the heading of the Preface showing "List of figures" ?

2009-10-01 Thread rgheck

On 10/01/2009 03:42 PM, Miguel Rubio-Roy wrote:

Hi all,
  I've tried to isolate this problem I've found on a large tex file,
but I don't manage to find where the problem is.

  What happens is the heading of the second page of the Preface shows
"List of figures", when it should be showing "Preface".

You can find the pdf file generated on
and the log file on

I think the reason is that \chapter* does not reset the headings. You'll 
need to do that manually, using something like \markboth.


  The tex file I'm compiling is:



\title{Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit}
\author{Lorem ipsum}



Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed gravida
odio magna. Maecenas vestibulum sodales hendrerit. Maecenas est eros,
porttitor sed bibendum ut, hendrerit et purus. Etiam in tellus id ante
faucibus malesuada vulputate ac eros. Suspendisse a adipiscing nulla.
Suspendisse potenti. Cras nulla lectus, accumsan placerat ultrices
vel, cursus non magna. Fusce id dictum diam. Donec pulvinar accumsan
suscipit. Nunc at tellus a neque vulputate imperdiet. In non quam
dolor, sed malesuada leo. Nunc vitae augue sem. Suspendisse potenti.
Fusce vel magna lorem. Vivamus ut orci ac nisi aliquet aliquet et ac
nisi. Mauris non dui turpis, ac tincidunt tellus. Nulla facilisi. Nunc
dapibus enim eget turpis dapibus molestie nec at dolor. Suspendisse
non hendrerit felis.

In ac massa ligula, eu volutpat nisi. Donec a orci ante. Vivamus ut
molestie ligula. Cras a nisl elit. Sed at neque non massa congue
porta. Cras sed neque venenatis lorem condimentum euismod. Cum sociis
natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus
mus. Curabitur quis turpis ac diam fringilla sagittis. Aliquam
volutpat luctus odio, in pellentesque orci pellentesque nec. Quisque
porttitor, justo eget mattis tristique, urna nibh fringilla dolor, at
pretium elit purus semper risus. Morbi vehicula convallis mauris vel
scelerisque. Morbi vitae lacus elit, hendrerit tristique dui.
Curabitur imperdiet interdum quam, ac laoreet libero imperdiet eget.
Curabitur nec magna justo.

Sed pharetra viverra est, vitae fermentum nisl aliquam imperdiet.
Etiam ut mauris risus. Aliquam laoreet interdum tellus, in tempor nunc
viverra sit amet. Etiam semper quam sit amet justo imperdiet bibendum
ac a arcu. Quisque condimentum risus vel arcu hendrerit et bibendum
massa egestas. Sed sit amet nulla non erat viverra mattis. Nulla
elementum porta sodales. Nulla lobortis adipiscing tellus, vitae
hendrerit neque pellentesque quis. Pellentesque habitant morbi
tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas.
Curabitur lobortis venenatis laoreet. Quisque augue ante, condimentum
sit amet cursus imperdiet, iaculis in mauris. In ornare lacinia
convallis. Nulla tempor, quam quis semper laoreet, ipsum tortor mattis
lacus, non convallis felis augue quis turpis.

Aliquam ante nulla, sagittis quis porta vel, sodales ut turpis. Duis
id magna sit amet velit tempor adipiscing ut egestas risus. Ut semper
velit a quam mattis eget rhoncus arcu cursus. Ut auctor, sapien
fringilla consectetur aliquet, libero ipsum luctus nibh, nec euismod
nulla sapien eget tortor. In dignissim placerat eros et lobortis.
Fusce blandit rhoncus pretium. Praesent venenatis malesuada mauris,
non dapibus libero pharetra condimentum. Etiam quis lacus at mi
consectetur mattis vel id diam. Duis ut mauris sed libero condimentum
sagittis. Mauris blandit nibh at neque rutrum varius. Fusce sed leo
quis enim convallis iaculis vel ut lacus. Nulla porta interdum
euismod. Vivamus elementum, metus ac eleifend luctus, velit orci
commodo ipsum, eget faucibus arcu velit sed augue. Cras diam neque,
interdum porta eleifend at, dignissim eget augue.

Duis quis turpis mauris, nec viverra orci. Nam vitae lectus odio,
rutrum consequat lacus. Mauris sit amet mauris mi. Class aptent taciti
sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos
himenaeos. Vestibulum scelerisque enim vel metus posuere dapibus.
Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra,
per inceptos himenaeos. Nam rutrum interdum lectus vitae rhoncus.
Fusce ut velit nulla. Nullam porta sem eu est pulvinar a tincidunt
odio ultrices. Aliquam ut ipsum sem.

\part{State of the art}


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed gravida
odio magna. Maecenas vestibulum sodales hendrerit. Maecenas est eros,
porttitor sed bibendum ut, hendrerit et purus. Etiam in tellus id ante
faucibus malesuada vulputate ac eros. Suspendisse a adipiscing nulla.
Suspendisse potenti. Cras nulla lectus, accumsan placerat ultrices
vel, cursus non magna. Fusce id dictum diam. Donec

Why is the heading of the Preface showing "List of figures" ?

2009-10-01 Thread Miguel Rubio-Roy
Hi all,
 I've tried to isolate this problem I've found on a large tex file,
but I don't manage to find where the problem is.

 What happens is the heading of the second page of the Preface shows
"List of figures", when it should be showing "Preface".

You can find the pdf file generated on
and the log file on


 The tex file I'm compiling is:



\title{Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit}
\author{Lorem ipsum}



Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed gravida
odio magna. Maecenas vestibulum sodales hendrerit. Maecenas est eros,
porttitor sed bibendum ut, hendrerit et purus. Etiam in tellus id ante
faucibus malesuada vulputate ac eros. Suspendisse a adipiscing nulla.
Suspendisse potenti. Cras nulla lectus, accumsan placerat ultrices
vel, cursus non magna. Fusce id dictum diam. Donec pulvinar accumsan
suscipit. Nunc at tellus a neque vulputate imperdiet. In non quam
dolor, sed malesuada leo. Nunc vitae augue sem. Suspendisse potenti.
Fusce vel magna lorem. Vivamus ut orci ac nisi aliquet aliquet et ac
nisi. Mauris non dui turpis, ac tincidunt tellus. Nulla facilisi. Nunc
dapibus enim eget turpis dapibus molestie nec at dolor. Suspendisse
non hendrerit felis.

In ac massa ligula, eu volutpat nisi. Donec a orci ante. Vivamus ut
molestie ligula. Cras a nisl elit. Sed at neque non massa congue
porta. Cras sed neque venenatis lorem condimentum euismod. Cum sociis
natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus
mus. Curabitur quis turpis ac diam fringilla sagittis. Aliquam
volutpat luctus odio, in pellentesque orci pellentesque nec. Quisque
porttitor, justo eget mattis tristique, urna nibh fringilla dolor, at
pretium elit purus semper risus. Morbi vehicula convallis mauris vel
scelerisque. Morbi vitae lacus elit, hendrerit tristique dui.
Curabitur imperdiet interdum quam, ac laoreet libero imperdiet eget.
Curabitur nec magna justo.

Sed pharetra viverra est, vitae fermentum nisl aliquam imperdiet.
Etiam ut mauris risus. Aliquam laoreet interdum tellus, in tempor nunc
viverra sit amet. Etiam semper quam sit amet justo imperdiet bibendum
ac a arcu. Quisque condimentum risus vel arcu hendrerit et bibendum
massa egestas. Sed sit amet nulla non erat viverra mattis. Nulla
elementum porta sodales. Nulla lobortis adipiscing tellus, vitae
hendrerit neque pellentesque quis. Pellentesque habitant morbi
tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas.
Curabitur lobortis venenatis laoreet. Quisque augue ante, condimentum
sit amet cursus imperdiet, iaculis in mauris. In ornare lacinia
convallis. Nulla tempor, quam quis semper laoreet, ipsum tortor mattis
lacus, non convallis felis augue quis turpis.

Aliquam ante nulla, sagittis quis porta vel, sodales ut turpis. Duis
id magna sit amet velit tempor adipiscing ut egestas risus. Ut semper
velit a quam mattis eget rhoncus arcu cursus. Ut auctor, sapien
fringilla consectetur aliquet, libero ipsum luctus nibh, nec euismod
nulla sapien eget tortor. In dignissim placerat eros et lobortis.
Fusce blandit rhoncus pretium. Praesent venenatis malesuada mauris,
non dapibus libero pharetra condimentum. Etiam quis lacus at mi
consectetur mattis vel id diam. Duis ut mauris sed libero condimentum
sagittis. Mauris blandit nibh at neque rutrum varius. Fusce sed leo
quis enim convallis iaculis vel ut lacus. Nulla porta interdum
euismod. Vivamus elementum, metus ac eleifend luctus, velit orci
commodo ipsum, eget faucibus arcu velit sed augue. Cras diam neque,
interdum porta eleifend at, dignissim eget augue.

Duis quis turpis mauris, nec viverra orci. Nam vitae lectus odio,
rutrum consequat lacus. Mauris sit amet mauris mi. Class aptent taciti
sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos
himenaeos. Vestibulum scelerisque enim vel metus posuere dapibus.
Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra,
per inceptos himenaeos. Nam rutrum interdum lectus vitae rhoncus.
Fusce ut velit nulla. Nullam porta sem eu est pulvinar a tincidunt
odio ultrices. Aliquam ut ipsum sem.

\part{State of the art}


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed gravida
odio magna. Maecenas vestibulum sodales hendrerit. Maecenas est eros,
porttitor sed bibendum ut, hendrerit et purus. Etiam in tellus id ante
faucibus malesuada vulputate ac eros. Suspendisse a adipiscing nulla.
Suspendisse potenti. Cras nulla lectus, accumsan placerat ultrices
vel, cursus non magna. Fusce id dictum diam. Donec pulvinar accumsan
suscipit. Nunc at tellus a neque vulputate imperdiet. In non quam
dolor, sed malesuada leo. Nunc vitae augue sem. Suspendisse potenti.
Fusce vel magna lorem. Viva

Re: keep all lines of paragraph together

2009-10-01 Thread Jean-Marc Lasgouttes
rgheck  writes:
> You can find several such examples in the layout files that come with
> LyX. Documentation is in chapter five of the Customization manual. The
> hard part is to figure out what LaTeX you want to generate. 

In particular, if the goal is to have that for all paragraphs (or many
ones), I'd suggest to look at widows/orphans:

This is something that LyX should support natively, IMO.


Re: keep all lines of paragraph together

2009-10-01 Thread rgheck

On 10/01/2009 10:47 AM, Bert Douglas wrote:

rgheck wrote:

On 10/01/2009 02:12 AM, Guenter Milde wrote:

On 2009-10-01, Bert Douglas wrote:

How can I keep all lines of a paragraph together?

Put the paragraph in a parbox or minipage.  Insert>Box, configure with
right-click on the "handle" (width = columnwidth).

And if you're doing a lot of these, it'll definitely be worth 
defining a paragraph layout that will do this automatically.

Can you point me to an example please ?

You can find several such examples in the layout files that come with 
LyX. Documentation is in chapter five of the Customization manual. The 
hard part is to figure out what LaTeX you want to generate. You can do 
this by doing it in LyX as Guenter suggested, then using View>Source to 
see what LaTeX that produces. Then you can define your layout to 
generate that LaTeX. E.g., something like:

Style Member
CopyStyle Standard
LaTeXType Environment
LaTeXName member
\newenvironment{member}{...beginning code...}{...ending code...}

This could be prettied up, but just that much will work.


Re: keep all lines of paragraph together

2009-10-01 Thread Bert Douglas

rgheck wrote:

On 10/01/2009 02:12 AM, Guenter Milde wrote:

On 2009-10-01, Bert Douglas wrote:

How can I keep all lines of a paragraph together?

Put the paragraph in a parbox or minipage.  Insert>Box, configure with
right-click on the "handle" (width = columnwidth).

And if you're doing a lot of these, it'll definitely be worth defining 
a paragraph layout that will do this automatically.


Can you point me to an example please ?

You guys are really helpful.  Nobody has complained about my stupid 

Bert Douglas

Re: Starting LyX 1.6.4 with maximized window / Locale

2009-10-01 Thread rgheck

On 10/01/2009 04:42 AM, Hellmut Weber wrote:

Hi Richard,
thanks for your quick response.

>>tools >Preferences >look & feel >User interface >session
>Restore window layouts and geometries

Can I do something else?

Try deleting the sessions file from ~/.lyx. That may be the issue. You 
The session file was quite big, but deleting it, unfortunately, did 
not help.

could have a permissions problem somewhere, too, that are preventing 
LyX from writing a sensible sessions file.
I chowned the whole of .lyx already, because I had this idea too, 
sorry Id didn't mention it.

Any other file which could have a permission problem?
(I'm using gentoo linux and do, sometimes, use root privileges ;-)

If the window size isn't being controlled by LyX, then I'd think it had 
to be controlled by your wm. So I'd look there.


TOC spaces with alnumsec / no new page after chapter(part) / space after and before captions / one and half spacing (word)

2009-10-01 Thread Axel
Hello guys,

I've stated using lyx about two months ago, and mostly try to help myself
via internet and Koma-Script documentation, but I'm still a beginner and
lack some understanding with latex. This is a long email with a lot of
information for 4 problems. Please tell me if it would be wiser to split it
up in four emails.

For my momentary homework I'stuck with a couple of problems I can't find a
satisfying solution. I hope you can help me on these. There are some fixed
layout rules for German law homeworks, I'll need to stick to them, even
though they screw up the layout.

I use document-class: report (koma-script). The version is the repository
installed somewhat older version of koma for Ubuntu.

Problem 1:
I use the package alnumsec to change the caption numbering the way I need
it. This increases the space in the the space between number and title in
the table of contents, how can I undo this (the annex picture should clarify
my problem).






Problem 2:
As I need a lot of sections for a law homework, I need to use chapter and if
possible part as additional sections. I have a maximum space of 25 pages, so
space is limited. How can I stop chapter and part from starting a new page.

Problem 3:
Out of the same reason as Problem 2 I want to limit space before and after
all captions to the normal space between lines. My goal is font size 12,
bold, OneHalf space between lines for all captions (From part to
I use "smallheading" as a documentclass - option upto now, but it still
takes too much space. I've tried renewcommand for the space before and after
chapter, but I'd like to understand how I can tell lyx to reduce spaces to
the OneHalf line spacing in the normal text:



Problem 4:
As it is required I need the OneHhalf space between all lines Open Office
and word use. Now if I use font size 12 "Times Roman" and "OneHalf" line
spacing in lyx, and "Times New Roman" and "OneHalf" line spacing in Open
Office I get different line spaces if the document is exported as a pdf. I
tried using setspace, but it didn't change to the required space:



Is this a known problem? Otherwise I'll just set the line spacing to an
individual distance, after visual judgement.

Sorry for the long mail. I'd be really grateful if someone could help me

Thanks ahead,


Re: keep all lines of paragraph together

2009-10-01 Thread rgheck

On 10/01/2009 02:12 AM, Guenter Milde wrote:

On 2009-10-01, Bert Douglas wrote:

How can I keep all lines of a paragraph together?

Put the paragraph in a parbox or minipage.  Insert>Box, configure with
right-click on the "handle" (width = columnwidth).

And if you're doing a lot of these, it'll definitely be worth defining a 
paragraph layout that will do this automatically.


Re: Error Message From Lyx I Don't Understand

2009-10-01 Thread Jürgen Spitzmüller
Thomas La Bone wrote:

> Errors:
> LaTeX Error: Command \texteuro unavailable in encoding T1.

The error message suggests that you have a Euro sign somewhere in your text 
and that LaTeX does not know how to deal with it. However,
> Description
> \newblock Birkhä
> user, 2002.
> Your command was ignored.
> Type  Ito replace it with another command,
> orto continue without it.

Do you happen to use a utf8-encoded bibtex file? If so, look here:


Re: qui utiliser, asymptote, tikz?

2009-10-01 Thread Wolfgang Engelmann
Am Thursday 01 October 2009 10:46:34 schrieb abdelkader belahcene:
> Bonjour,
>  J ai longtemps utilisé xfig pour obtenir mes schemas, mais je voudrais
> quelquechose de plus automatique,
> par exemple au lieu de dessiner la courbe sinus manuellement gnuplot le
> fait beaucoup mieux et plus vite.
> J ai pensé utiliser asymptote ou tikz,  ou peut etre un autre?   Si
> quelqu'un a un idee precise sur les avantages de chacun et quand il est
> utile d'utiliser l'un ou l'autre.
> De plus je voudrais l'utiliser apres a partir de Lyx d'une facon ou d'une
> autre.
> Merci de votre aide
> Amicalement
> bela

Have a look at Pyxplot


qui utiliser, asymptote, tikz?

2009-10-01 Thread abdelkader belahcene

 J ai longtemps utilisé xfig pour obtenir mes schemas, mais je voudrais
quelquechose de plus automatique,
par exemple au lieu de dessiner la courbe sinus manuellement gnuplot le fait
beaucoup mieux et plus vite.

J ai pensé utiliser asymptote ou tikz,  ou peut etre un autre?   Si
quelqu'un a un idee precise sur les avantages de chacun et quand il est
utile d'utiliser l'un ou l'autre.
De plus je voudrais l'utiliser apres a partir de Lyx d'une facon ou d'une

Merci de votre aide