Re: using ACM SIGGRAPH layout

2008-11-20 Thread Andreas K .
Brian Guenter <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> I am using lyx version 1.6 on Windows XP. I want to use the ACM SIGGRAPH 
document class. It shows up in the
> drop-down menu for document classes but it's listed like 
this:  "Unavailable:ACM SigGraph". This looked
> ominous but I selected it anyway and got the following error message: "the 
document class acmsiggraph
> could not be loaded".
> What does this mean? How does lyx determine which document classes are 
available and which aren't? It seems
> strange that it would know this document class existed but would not allow 
me to choose it. Is there some
> easy way to make it available?
> -brian

First, are you sure it does not says "Unavailable:ACM SIGPLAN"? Anyway, you 
have to download the LaTeX document class and install it in the MikTeX LaTeX 
folder (assuming you are using MikTeX), update/refresh MikTeX and reconfigure 
LyX. See Help>LaTeX configuration and Chapter 5 in Help>Customization.


Re: install thesis class, Mac

2008-10-22 Thread Andreas K .
Mike Martell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> Hi:
> I've been having a lot of trouble installing a new class for LyX with
> my mac.  I am hoping to use LyX to write my doctoral dissertation.  I
> am trying to install the thesis class for my university, authesis.cls.
> I have followed the directions, I believe, but am not getting the class to 
> I have placed these files (authesis.cls, aucas.clo, aut10.clo,
> auecon.clo) in this location:
> users/username/library/texmf/tex/latex/authesis/
> i have placed a layout file (authesis.layout) at this location:
> username/libarary/Application Support/Lyx-1.5/layouts
> The layout file reads:
> #% Do not delete hte line below; configure depens on this
> # \DeclareLaTeXClass[authesis]{article (authesis)}
> # Input general definitions
> Input


> Thanks,
> Mike

Since it is a thesis class, are you sure that the article class should be 
used, and not the book class instead? Try the following layout file:

#% Do not delete the line below; configure depends on this
# \DeclareLaTeXClass[authesis]{book (authesis)}
# Input general definitions
Input book.layout

Best regards,

Re: Lyx 1.5.6 on Vista: Classes unavailable

2008-08-19 Thread Andreas K .
edi <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> I have Lyx 1.5.6 on Vista. I've installed all packages and all classes as far
> as I know. However, I still see a lot of classes unavailable in the
> "Document ==> Settings ==> Doc. class" settings.

Are you really sure that you have installed all classes? Usually most of the 
non-standard classes has to be installed manually.

Look at Help > LaTeX Configuration. If it says "Found: no" for a class, than 
it is not installed.

Re: Cannot import LaTeX file to Lyx

2008-02-23 Thread Andreas K .
Andreas K. <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> sutovsky <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> > 
> > Lyx creates pdf file without problem from file below. 
> > 
> > File exported LaTeX file compiles fine in latex. 
> > 
> > But, when I try to import it back I get error: 
> > 
> > An error occurred whilst running tex2lyx -f  "ecai 08_pokus for import
> > New.tex"ecai
> > 
> > Could it be problem with layout file? Any suggestions how to fix this? Thank
> > you 
> > 
> > Peter Sutovsky
> I have the same problem with LyX 1.5.3 on Windows XP, see this bug report: 
> I understand that you are also using LyX 1.5.3. Is it on Windows XP too?
> Andreas

Peter Sutovsky said in a privat mail that he uses Lyx 1.5.3 under Windows XP.


I also got a privat mail from another user with the same problem.

Do you have full administrator rights on you computer? I have not, only some 
power user rights, and suspects that it maybe may be a reason to my problems.


Re: Cannot import LaTeX file to Lyx

2008-02-21 Thread Andreas K .
sutovsky <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> Lyx creates pdf file without problem from file below. 
> File exported LaTeX file compiles fine in latex. 
> But, when I try to import it back I get error: 
> An error occurred whilst running tex2lyx -f  "ecai 08_pokus for import
> New.tex"ecai
> Could it be problem with layout file? Any suggestions how to fix this? Thank
> you 
> Peter Sutovsky

I have the same problem with LyX 1.5.3 on Windows XP, see this bug report:

I understand that you are also using LyX 1.5.3. Is it on Windows XP too?


Re: Unable to import LaTeX files in LyX 1.5.3

2008-01-22 Thread Andreas K .
Paul A. Rubin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> I grabbed the file from the bug report that you said 1.4.4 could import
> but 1.5.3 could not.  On my box (LyX 1.5.3, XP Home), I can import it
> (using File -> Import -> LaTeX (plain).  I get a bunch of warnings about
> unrecognized commands and such (presumably because I'm not designating a
> document class), but I do not get the "something went wrong" error you
> encountered.
> I repeated the conversion from the command prompt and captured the 
> output from the error stream.  Again, it produced a loadable (if not 
> necessarily correct) LyX file.
> /Paul

Then I guess that it maybe has something with my computers configuration to 
do. This is my work computer, and I do not have administrator rights on it, 
but some limited rights. For example, I can install and uninstall some 
software, but not all. Could it be the cause of the problem?

What should I do to get a more detailed error report form LyX?


Re: Keep headline and text together

2007-12-10 Thread Andreas K .
Have you tried Insert > Formatting > Page Break?


Re: Editing modernCV LaTeX source and style file

2007-12-10 Thread Andreas K .
I have filed a bug report on 
where I also suggest a temporary work around.


Re: RC1 Dumb Question

2007-06-18 Thread Andreas K .
Mark Kortink <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> Hi
> I am writing a book in LyX and come from the Windows world. I want to 
> and install RC1 with no hassels. This means download a file, double-click it 
> and respond to the prompts, and at the end everything is done. When I go to 
> download area I find:

> Which one should I download?
> Regards
> Mark


You should download the following:

06/01/2007 12:53PM 78,884,411 LyX-1.5.0rc1-Installer-bundle.exe
Best regards,

Re: Conversion problems

2007-06-08 Thread Andreas K .
Elaina <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> I'm working on a project with several other people, and one of them prefers
> to mark up everything by hand and sends me .tex files.


> That's right. LyX is refusing to import a TeX file it exported
> seconds ago.
> Any ideas on how to fix this problem?

What platform are you using?


Re: 1.5 feature request: textsuperscript & textsubscript

2007-05-24 Thread Andreas K .
Tim Holy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> At least in the biological sciences, most journals can't accept LaTeX, and 
> it's important for us to be able to export to RTF format for final 
> of papers. 


> However, latex2rtf does handle \textsuperscript and \textsubscript 
> Would it be possible to have LyX implement things using these commands 
> instead of using the math-mode commands?

You'd probably rather send this to the developers list to get attention.


Re: Why Lyx->Word?

2007-05-14 Thread Andreas K .
Steve Litt <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> Hi all,
> This is a general question for all those asking about converting LyX to MS 
> Word...
> Why not use MS Word from the beginning?

Because it sucks writing math in MS Word.


Re: Bibliography problems

2007-04-11 Thread Andreas K .
Julio Rojas <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> Hi, my tutor wants a bibliographic style similar to APAlike:
> cite[1], book[2]
> [1] Lastname, Name (year): Article Name, Journal Name
> [2] Lastname, Name (year): Book Name, Publisher, Address
> The problem is that when I try to use the "apacite" bibliographic
> style on a "plain" article, a group of "Undefined control sequence"
> errors appear, like the following:
> Any idea on how to solve this problem?

Use the document class Article (APA) instead.


Re: Error on new lyx install

2007-02-14 Thread Andreas K .
Bo Peng <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> > Can anyone help me sort this out.
> >
> You can search for list archives for a solution, but it may be easier
> to wait for the release of lyx-1.4.5 which is due tomorrow.

LyX 1.4.4-1 is the correct version number.


Re: I need some help

2007-02-10 Thread Andreas K .
Luis Garavito <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> I am user of Lyx, and for a little problem I uninstaled the program. When I
> was installing Lyx again, everything is right during the process, I follow
> (I guess!) all the instruction, and it end successfully.  But when I star
> Lyx, show this message:
> "LyXTextClassList::Read: no textclasses found!"
> and the program is closed. I reinstalled the program several times, and
> maintaining the internet connection during the installation process and when
> I try to use it, but  it doesn´t work.


I have also had problems with "LyXTextClassList::Read: no textclasses found!"

Try 1.4.3-4 or 1.4.2 instead.


Re: different headers

2007-02-02 Thread Andreas K .
Bob Lounsbury <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> Hello,
> Is there a way to have a different custom heading on the first and
> subsequent pages? What I need is a specific left header on the first page
> and then a different specific left header on all the subsequent pages.
> Thanks,
> Bob Lounsbury


Try the fancyhdr package:


Re: help: how to convert LyX to word file with many math equations?

2007-01-30 Thread Andreas K .
yiwei cai <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> Hi,
>  Anyone know how to convert a LyX file with many math equations to a
> word file? Do I need to retype all those in-line math characters and
> equations? Thank you in advance!!
> bests,
> yiwei


Try latex2rtf:

Further, make your voice heard at 
and hopefully this feature will be added at future versions of LyX.


Re: plain note

2007-01-17 Thread Andreas K .
Philipp Fleig <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> Hello everybody,
> I am new to LyX and I want to write a simple "note" using Lyx. Just a  
> few lines and some formulae, so no sections, dates, heading etc.
> What document class should I use for this?
> Thanks a lot.
> Philipp 

The article class.


Re: how to produce hatted (circumflex) symbols in Lyx?

2007-01-17 Thread Andreas K .
Srinivas Nedunuri <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> ..besides typing in some ERT? 

Use: Insert > Math > Math panel > Symbols > Frame decorations


Re: Newbie windows install problem "class scrbook is unknown"

2007-01-17 Thread Andreas K .
yanni papastavrou <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> “Using the default document class, because the class scrbook
> is unknown”


1. Open the MiKTeX Settings
2. Choose Package installation: Install missing packages on-the-fly: Yes
3. Then, reconfigure LyX

If this does not work, try 
1. Open MiKTeX > Settings
2. Choose Refresh FNDB
3. Then, reconfigure LyX

If this does not work, try 
1. Open MiKTeX > Update, and update MiKTeX
2. Open MiKTeX > Settings
2. Choose Refresh FNDB
3. Then, reconfigure LyX


Re: [announce] LyX150svn from 15-01-2007 for Windows

2007-01-16 Thread Andreas K .
Uwe Stöhr <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> Hello LyXTesters,
> I published a new version with LyX1.5.0svn from 15-01-2007:

Thanks a lot. Keep ut the good work.


Re: Enumerated lists

2007-01-16 Thread Andreas K .
Nicolás <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> Hi!
> I am wondering if v1.5 supports different enumeration styles (apart from the 
standard enumeration style
> with arabic numbers), such as 
> a),b),... or i.,ii.,...
> I think some of these styles are commonly used, so it would be great if LyX 
had standard support for them.
> Cheers,
> Nicolás

If you make your voice heard here:

then maybe it will be implemented.


Re: Feature Request / suggestions for new LyX functions

2006-08-21 Thread Andreas K .
Markus Jockisch <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> Here are some suggestions for new LyX functions:
> 1. LaTeX packages: dropping or dropcaps
> Could you implement one of these packages? They are much too difficult for 
standard users to use via ERT.
> Initials  are so basic in typography.

This is a feature request submitted to bugzilla:

I have added your request there. Feel free to write there too.


Re: please consolidate the documentation

2006-07-17 Thread Andreas K .
Sven Schreiber <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> Well isn't there a documentation team? 

I think there is one. At least they have a mailing list. Try sending a mail to 
their mailing list at


Re: Sharing layout files

2006-05-29 Thread Andreas K .
Ingo Klöcker <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> Should we simply add our layout files to the LyX wiki  >

Yes, just do that,

> If yes, then why are there almost no layout files available?

Don't know.

> Is there a policy for adding layout 
> files (e.g. only layout files which don't require homebrewn style or 
> class files) which many homebrewn layout files probably don't comply 
> with?

Add anything you want.
> Anyway, I'm just asking because the layout file(s) I've used for my 
> thesis might be of general interest because they are for scrbook + 
> ntheorem + enumerate.

Please add them to the wiki.


Re: Page number Alignment

2006-05-29 Thread Andreas K .
Luqman H <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> hi,
> is it possible to align the page number
> instead of just center align on default pagestyle ?
> for ex. i want to align the page number on right bottom
> of the page..
> thanks...

You have to use the fancyheader package, see

An example is given here:
[EMAIL PROTECTED]/msg47016.html

I think you should write the following in the preamble:


and \thispagestyle{fancy} using ERT at the start of the first line of the page.

BTW, is an enhancemanet 
suggestion for this. Vote for this bug and it may be implemented.


Re: on automatic equation numbering

2006-05-25 Thread Andreas K .
James Ian <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> I wonder how I can setup lyx to automatically number all my equations.

This is a suggested enhancement, see:

If enough people want this enhancement, I hope it will be implemented. So 
write a comment on bugzilla.


Re: how many lyx users?

2006-05-20 Thread Andreas K .
John McCabe-Dansted <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> Well, as a rough guess I'd say there are about half as many LyX users
> as NetBSD users:

I don't think we should trust a Google search on lyx to much, since "lyx" is 
also Swedish for "luxury". Google finds 2 160 000 pages containing the 
word "lyx", and of these are 919 000 in Swedish and 834 000 located in Sweden. 

But it would be interesting to see the download statistics for the different 
versions of LyX from and the mirrors, especially the distribution 
of downloads for Windows, Mac and Linux.


Re: Equation numbering corresponding to section number

2006-05-19 Thread Andreas K .
Liu Feng <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> Hi,Sir
> I could not number equations like 5.1, 5.2 within
> section 5.1 in Chapter 5. All eaqutions numbered just
> start from (1),(2) in global way. How to number
> eqaution according to the number of section or the
> number of chapter.

I have added this as an enhancement suggestion in bugzilla, see
