LyX 1.1.6fix1 RPM faulty?

2001-02-01 Thread Ben Cazzolato

Hi Guys

I've tried to upgrade to LYx1.1.6fix1 from but
there's something wrong with the RPM.

I can't run reconfigure as either root or as myself.  Nothing on my linux box
has changed since 1.1.6.

LyX: Creating directory /root/.lyx/ and running configure...
sh: /usr/share/lyx/configure: Permission denied
LyX: Done!
sh: /usr/share/lyx/configure: Permission denied 

Anyone else seen this?


LyX 1.1.6fix1 RPM faulty?

2001-02-01 Thread Ben Cazzolato

Hi Guys

I've tried to upgrade to LYx1.1.6fix1 from but
there's something wrong with the RPM.

I can't run reconfigure as either root or as myself.  Nothing on my linux box
has changed since 1.1.6.

LyX: Creating directory /root/.lyx/ and running configure...
sh: /usr/share/lyx/configure: Permission denied
LyX: Done!
sh: /usr/share/lyx/configure: Permission denied 

Anyone else seen this?


LyX 1.1.6fix1 RPM faulty?

2001-02-01 Thread Ben Cazzolato

Hi Guys

I've tried to upgrade to LYx1.1.6fix1 from but
there's something wrong with the RPM.

I can't run reconfigure as either root or as myself.  Nothing on my linux box
has changed since 1.1.6.

LyX: Creating directory /root/.lyx/ and running configure...
sh: /usr/share/lyx/configure: Permission denied
LyX: Done!
sh: /usr/share/lyx/configure: Permission denied 

Anyone else seen this?


Re: [] Feedback from

2000-03-30 Thread Ben Cazzolato


I have used Lyx to write a provisional patent.  I've attached a very brief
example of how you can do it.  You will need lineno.sty, see

I don't know how this package will go with two column mode though.


 --- Start of forwarded message ---
 Date: Thu, 30 Mar 2000 10:31:46 +0200
 Subject: Feedback from
 Iain McClatchie ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) entered the 
 following feedback message on the LyX home page:
 I am writing patents and would like a Patent document type: two
 columns, with every fifth line numbered down the center.  There are
 millions of examples of the format on the IBM patent server page:
 Ideally, in the claims section at the end, I would be able to write
 \"the logic circuit of claim link\", where link pointed to an
 earlier claim, and when my claims were renumbered due to edits all
 these links would be changed...
 I\'m drawing my figures in \"xfig\", and it would be quite useful if
 some similar sort of link could be arranged with the drawings to
 eliminate much of the renumbering due to edits there.
 I have no LaTex or Lyx expertise, but I am willing to pay for such
 a package so long as it is integrated into the main Lyx distribution.
 I am also quite willing to help debug such a package.
 Whom do I contact about such services?  I\'d like someone to tell
 me roughly how big a job this is before I commit money.
 --- End of forwarded message ---

Ben Cazzolato

Fluid Dynamics and Acoustics Group
Institute of Sound and Vibration Research
University of Southampton,
Southampton, SO17 1BJ


Work:   +44 (0)1703 594 967
Fax:+44 (0)1703 593 190
Mobile: +44 (0)790 163 8826

Web Page :

#LyX 1.1 created this file. For more info see
\lyxformat 2.15
\textclass article
% Use the line numbering package.
% Turn on line numbers
% Set it to every 5 pages
% Reset at eqach new page
\language default
\inputencoding default
\fontscheme times
\graphics default
\float_placement hbtp
\paperfontsize 12
\spacing single 
\papersize a4paper
\paperpackage a4
\use_geometry 1
\use_amsmath 0
\paperorientation portrait
\leftmargin 25mm
\topmargin 25mm
\rightmargin 25mm
\bottommargin 25mm
\secnumdepth 3
\tocdepth 3
\paragraph_separation indent
\defskip medskip
\quotes_language english
\quotes_times 2
\papercolumns 1
\papersides 1
\paperpagestyle plain

\layout Section*

A virtual energy density sensor for active noise control
\layout Standard

This invention relates to a new type of sensor for active noise control
 In most conventional active noise control systems microphones are used
 as pressure error sensors.
 These tend to lead to poor global control in heavily damped enclosures,
 but they do tend to produce small, well controlled regions at the sensor.
 As an alternative to minimising pressures at the microphone locations,
 it is possible to control energy density.
 This has been shown to produce a broader zone of local control, but still
 localised to the actual transducers.
\layout Standard

The invention which is the subject of this document has the advantage that
 it it can sense, and therefore control, energy density at any location
 near to the actual transducers.
 The advantage of this approach is that the bulky transducer arrangement
 used to sense energy density is moved away from the desired control location
 (typically a passengers head).
 The way this is achieved is by using a 7-microphone transducer arrangement
 for three-dimensional sound fields (or 3-microphone transducer for one-dimensio
nal sound fields).
\begin_inset LatexCommand \ref{fig:virtual ed sensor}


 shows a typical physical arrangement of the three-dimensional virtual energy
 density sensor.
\layout Standard

\begin_float fig 
\layout Standard
\align center 

\begin_inset Figure size 100 100
flags 9


\layout Caption

\begin_inset LatexCommand \label{fig:virtual ed sensor}


Transducer locations of the three-dimensional virtual energy density sensor
 for active noise control.
\layout Standard

Conventional energy density sensors calculate the energy density at the
 geometric centre of the transducers.
 In this invention, a forward difference approximation is used to estimate
 the energy density at some distance 
\begin_inset Formula \( x'=[h_{x},h_{y},h_{z}] \)

 from the geometric centre 

Re: [] Feedback from

2000-03-30 Thread Ben Cazzolato


I have used Lyx to write a provisional patent.  I've attached a very brief
example of how you can do it.  You will need lineno.sty, see

I don't know how this package will go with two column mode though.


 --- Start of forwarded message ---
 Date: Thu, 30 Mar 2000 10:31:46 +0200
 Subject: Feedback from
 Iain McClatchie ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) entered the 
 following feedback message on the LyX home page:
 I am writing patents and would like a Patent document type: two
 columns, with every fifth line numbered down the center.  There are
 millions of examples of the format on the IBM patent server page:
 Ideally, in the claims section at the end, I would be able to write
 \"the logic circuit of claim link\", where link pointed to an
 earlier claim, and when my claims were renumbered due to edits all
 these links would be changed...
 I\'m drawing my figures in \"xfig\", and it would be quite useful if
 some similar sort of link could be arranged with the drawings to
 eliminate much of the renumbering due to edits there.
 I have no LaTex or Lyx expertise, but I am willing to pay for such
 a package so long as it is integrated into the main Lyx distribution.
 I am also quite willing to help debug such a package.
 Whom do I contact about such services?  I\'d like someone to tell
 me roughly how big a job this is before I commit money.
 --- End of forwarded message ---

Ben Cazzolato

Fluid Dynamics and Acoustics Group
Institute of Sound and Vibration Research
University of Southampton,
Southampton, SO17 1BJ


Work:   +44 (0)1703 594 967
Fax:+44 (0)1703 593 190
Mobile: +44 (0)790 163 8826

Web Page :

#LyX 1.1 created this file. For more info see
\lyxformat 2.15
\textclass article
% Use the line numbering package.
% Turn on line numbers
% Set it to every 5 pages
% Reset at eqach new page
\language default
\inputencoding default
\fontscheme times
\graphics default
\float_placement hbtp
\paperfontsize 12
\spacing single 
\papersize a4paper
\paperpackage a4
\use_geometry 1
\use_amsmath 0
\paperorientation portrait
\leftmargin 25mm
\topmargin 25mm
\rightmargin 25mm
\bottommargin 25mm
\secnumdepth 3
\tocdepth 3
\paragraph_separation indent
\defskip medskip
\quotes_language english
\quotes_times 2
\papercolumns 1
\papersides 1
\paperpagestyle plain

\layout Section*

A virtual energy density sensor for active noise control
\layout Standard

This invention relates to a new type of sensor for active noise control
 In most conventional active noise control systems microphones are used
 as pressure error sensors.
 These tend to lead to poor global control in heavily damped enclosures,
 but they do tend to produce small, well controlled regions at the sensor.
 As an alternative to minimising pressures at the microphone locations,
 it is possible to control energy density.
 This has been shown to produce a broader zone of local control, but still
 localised to the actual transducers.
\layout Standard

The invention which is the subject of this document has the advantage that
 it it can sense, and therefore control, energy density at any location
 near to the actual transducers.
 The advantage of this approach is that the bulky transducer arrangement
 used to sense energy density is moved away from the desired control location
 (typically a passengers head).
 The way this is achieved is by using a 7-microphone transducer arrangement
 for three-dimensional sound fields (or 3-microphone transducer for one-dimensio
nal sound fields).
\begin_inset LatexCommand \ref{fig:virtual ed sensor}


 shows a typical physical arrangement of the three-dimensional virtual energy
 density sensor.
\layout Standard

\begin_float fig 
\layout Standard
\align center 

\begin_inset Figure size 100 100
flags 9


\layout Caption

\begin_inset LatexCommand \label{fig:virtual ed sensor}


Transducer locations of the three-dimensional virtual energy density sensor
 for active noise control.
\layout Standard

Conventional energy density sensors calculate the energy density at the
 geometric centre of the transducers.
 In this invention, a forward difference approximation is used to estimate
 the energy density at some distance 
\begin_inset Formula \( x'=[h_{x},h_{y},h_{z}] \)

 from the geometric centre 

Re: [] Feedback from

2000-03-30 Thread Ben Cazzolato


I have used Lyx to write a provisional patent.  I've attached a very brief
example of how you can do it.  You will need lineno.sty, see

I don't know how this package will go with two column mode though.


> --- Start of forwarded message ---
> Date: Thu, 30 Mar 2000 10:31:46 +0200
> Message-Id: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject: Feedback from
> Iain McClatchie ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) entered the 
> following feedback message on the LyX home page:
> I am writing patents and would like a Patent document type: two
> columns, with every fifth line numbered down the center.  There are
> millions of examples of the format on the IBM patent server page:
> Ideally, in the claims section at the end, I would be able to write
> \"the logic circuit of claim \", where  pointed to an
> earlier claim, and when my claims were renumbered due to edits all
> these links would be changed...
> I\'m drawing my figures in \"xfig\", and it would be quite useful if
> some similar sort of  could be arranged with the drawings to
> eliminate much of the renumbering due to edits there.
> I have no LaTex or Lyx expertise, but I am willing to pay for such
> a package so long as it is integrated into the main Lyx distribution.
> I am also quite willing to help debug such a package.
> Whom do I contact about such services?  I\'d like someone to tell
> me roughly how big a job this is before I commit money.
> --- End of forwarded message ---

Ben Cazzolato

Fluid Dynamics and Acoustics Group
Institute of Sound and Vibration Research
University of Southampton,
Southampton, SO17 1BJ


Work:   +44 (0)1703 594 967
Fax:+44 (0)1703 593 190
Mobile: +44 (0)790 163 8826

Web Page :

#LyX 1.1 created this file. For more info see
\lyxformat 2.15
\textclass article
% Use the line numbering package.
% Turn on line numbers
% Set it to every 5 pages
% Reset at eqach new page
\language default
\inputencoding default
\fontscheme times
\graphics default
\float_placement hbtp
\paperfontsize 12
\spacing single 
\papersize a4paper
\paperpackage a4
\use_geometry 1
\use_amsmath 0
\paperorientation portrait
\leftmargin 25mm
\topmargin 25mm
\rightmargin 25mm
\bottommargin 25mm
\secnumdepth 3
\tocdepth 3
\paragraph_separation indent
\defskip medskip
\quotes_language english
\quotes_times 2
\papercolumns 1
\papersides 1
\paperpagestyle plain

\layout Section*

A virtual energy density sensor for active noise control
\layout Standard

This invention relates to a new type of sensor for active noise control
 In most conventional active noise control systems microphones are used
 as pressure error sensors.
 These tend to lead to poor global control in heavily damped enclosures,
 but they do tend to produce small, well controlled regions at the sensor.
 As an alternative to minimising pressures at the microphone locations,
 it is possible to control energy density.
 This has been shown to produce a broader zone of local control, but still
 localised to the actual transducers.
\layout Standard

The invention which is the subject of this document has the advantage that
 it it can sense, and therefore control, energy density at any location
 near to the actual transducers.
 The advantage of this approach is that the bulky transducer arrangement
 used to sense energy density is moved away from the desired control location
 (typically a passengers head).
 The way this is achieved is by using a 7-microphone transducer arrangement
 for three-dimensional sound fields (or 3-microphone transducer for one-dimensio
nal sound fields).
\begin_inset LatexCommand \ref{fig:virtual ed sensor}


 shows a typical physical arrangement of the three-dimensional virtual energy
 density sensor.
\layout Standard

\begin_float fig 
\layout Standard
\align center 

\begin_inset Figure size 100 100
flags 9


\layout Caption

\begin_inset LatexCommand \label{fig:virtual ed sensor}


Transducer locations of the three-dimensional virtual energy density sensor
 for active noise control.
\layout Standard

Conventional energy density sensors calculate the energy density at the
 geometric centre of the transducers.
 In this invention, a forward difference approximation is used to estimate

Re: [comp.text.tex] Re: pdflatex and ligature problems HELP!

1999-11-25 Thread Ben Cazzolato

You may also be interested in the following (I don't know if it will address
the ligature problems though)

 This is a couple of recommendations for pdf use.

Hi guys,

For those of you that distill or plan to distill latex generated ps files to pdf
then read on.

It has just come to my attention that postscipt files produced by dvips (in
linux and windows) often results in equations and some font types that don't
reproduce well.  This is because that computer modern (type 3) fonts are used. 
These are bit map fonts and consequently are a little dodgey when viewing
either on the screen or printing after distilling to pdf.  The solution is to
use type 1 postscript fonts instead which are fully scalable.

See the following for a better explanation

To rectify the problem (with RH6 linux), change to Super user "su"
and edit the file

You then need to uncomment 3 lines.  change the following from

% Uncomment the following two lines to use Postscript Type1 fonts instead of
% bitmap fonts for computer modern  co.
% p
% p
% p  


% Uncomment the following two lines to use Postscript Type1 fonts instead of
% bitmap fonts for computer modern  co.

( If you have windows then add the following lines to your file
% Configuration of postscript type 1 fonts:

I then typed texhash and rebooted my machine (these 2 steps may not be

Now when I distill using Adobe Acrobat the fonts are LOVELY!  Although
the files are slightly larger.

Happy distilling.


Re: [comp.text.tex] Re: pdflatex and ligature problems HELP!

1999-11-25 Thread Ben Cazzolato

You may also be interested in the following (I don't know if it will address
the ligature problems though)

 This is a couple of recommendations for pdf use.

Hi guys,

For those of you that distill or plan to distill latex generated ps files to pdf
then read on.

It has just come to my attention that postscipt files produced by dvips (in
linux and windows) often results in equations and some font types that don't
reproduce well.  This is because that computer modern (type 3) fonts are used. 
These are bit map fonts and consequently are a little dodgey when viewing
either on the screen or printing after distilling to pdf.  The solution is to
use type 1 postscript fonts instead which are fully scalable.

See the following for a better explanation

To rectify the problem (with RH6 linux), change to Super user "su"
and edit the file

You then need to uncomment 3 lines.  change the following from

% Uncomment the following two lines to use Postscript Type1 fonts instead of
% bitmap fonts for computer modern  co.
% p
% p
% p  


% Uncomment the following two lines to use Postscript Type1 fonts instead of
% bitmap fonts for computer modern  co.

( If you have windows then add the following lines to your file
% Configuration of postscript type 1 fonts:

I then typed texhash and rebooted my machine (these 2 steps may not be

Now when I distill using Adobe Acrobat the fonts are LOVELY!  Although
the files are slightly larger.

Happy distilling.


Re: [comp.text.tex] Re: pdflatex and ligature problems HELP!

1999-11-25 Thread Ben Cazzolato

You may also be interested in the following (I don't know if it will address
the ligature problems though)

> This is a couple of recommendations for pdf use.

Hi guys,

For those of you that distill or plan to distill latex generated ps files to pdf
then read on.

It has just come to my attention that postscipt files produced by dvips (in
linux and windows) often results in equations and some font types that don't
reproduce well.  This is because that computer modern (type 3) fonts are used. 
These are bit map fonts and consequently are a little dodgey when viewing
either on the screen or printing after distilling to pdf.  The solution is to
use type 1 postscript fonts instead which are fully scalable.

See the following for a better explanation

To rectify the problem (with RH6 linux), change to Super user "su"
and edit the file

You then need to uncomment 3 lines.  change the following from

% Uncomment the following two lines to use Postscript Type1 fonts instead of
% bitmap fonts for computer modern & co.
% p
% p
% p  


% Uncomment the following two lines to use Postscript Type1 fonts instead of
% bitmap fonts for computer modern & co.

( If you have windows then add the following lines to your file
% Configuration of postscript type 1 fonts:

I then typed texhash and rebooted my machine (these 2 steps may not be

Now when I distill using Adobe Acrobat the fonts are LOVELY!  Although
the files are slightly larger.

Happy distilling.


Bug in Release of LyX 1.1.2

1999-01-02 Thread Ben Cazzolato

On Wed, 03 Nov 1999, you wrote:

Downloaded latest release (rpm).  Running RH 6.0.  Have experienced a couple of
problems already.

Firstly, having trouble with exporting html.  I have both tth and latex2html
installed, although this isn't the problem.  Reconfigure detects tth, but when I
try to use the default configuration to export html I get the following

  Invalid switch $$Fname

USAGE: tth [option [option ...]] file.tex [file.html] [2err]
   -a automatic picture environment conversion using latex2gif. Default omit.
   -c prefix header "Content-type: text/HTML" (for direct web serving).
   -d disable definitions with delimited arguments. Default enable.
   -e? epsfbox handling: -e1 convert to png/gif using user-supplied ps2png/gif.
   -e2 convert and include inline. -e0 (default) no conversion, just ref.
   -f? limit built-up fraction nesting in display eqns to ?(0-9). Default 5.
   -g remove, don't guess intent of, \font commands. Default guess font/size.
   -i use italic font for equations (like TeX). Default roman.
   -Lfile tell tth the base file (no extension) for LaTeX auxiliary input,
  enables LaTeX commands (e.g. \frac) without a \documentclass line.
   -pdirectory  designate an additional directory to search for input files.
   -r raw HTML output (omit header and tail) for inclusion in other files.
   -t display built-up items in textstyle equations. Default in-line.
   -w don't attempt HTML title construction nor warn on failure. Default warn.
   -xmakeindxcmd  specify command for making index. Default "makeindex".
   -v give verbose commentary. -V even more verbose (for debugging).
   -h print help. -? print this usage.   

The other bug, although not yet repeatable was when I tried to exit Lyx it just
hung and I could only close it by killing the process.  I'll let you know if it
happens again.


PS.  Thanks for fixing up the printer spool command bug!

 This release is a minor update to 1.1.1 that fixes the bugs found there.
   - crash when using fax
   - cheaders included
   - the '-' vs. '_' should be gone.
   - the export to html should be a little better
   - + some additional bugfixes
 The 1.1.x series are moving towards more use of ANSI C++, and if your
 compiler is not standard conforming (enough), you will have problems
 compiling LyX.
 Also note that the XForms libarary version 0.89 is NOT stable and you
 might experience problems (i.e. crashes) if you use it with LyX.
 Still, even if 1.1.2 is considered stable, please make backups of your
 important work before using it.
 Go get it at:

Ben Cazzolato

Fluid Dynamics and Acoustics Group
Institute of Sound and Vibration Research
University of Southampton,
Southampton, SO17 1BJ


Work:   +44 (0)1703 594 967
Fax:+44 (0)1703 593 190
Mobile: +44 (0)790 163 8826

Web Page :

Bug in Release of LyX 1.1.2

1999-01-02 Thread Ben Cazzolato

On Wed, 03 Nov 1999, you wrote:

Downloaded latest release (rpm).  Running RH 6.0.  Have experienced a couple of
problems already.

Firstly, having trouble with exporting html.  I have both tth and latex2html
installed, although this isn't the problem.  Reconfigure detects tth, but when I
try to use the default configuration to export html I get the following

  Invalid switch $$Fname

USAGE: tth [option [option ...]] file.tex [file.html] [2err]
   -a automatic picture environment conversion using latex2gif. Default omit.
   -c prefix header "Content-type: text/HTML" (for direct web serving).
   -d disable definitions with delimited arguments. Default enable.
   -e? epsfbox handling: -e1 convert to png/gif using user-supplied ps2png/gif.
   -e2 convert and include inline. -e0 (default) no conversion, just ref.
   -f? limit built-up fraction nesting in display eqns to ?(0-9). Default 5.
   -g remove, don't guess intent of, \font commands. Default guess font/size.
   -i use italic font for equations (like TeX). Default roman.
   -Lfile tell tth the base file (no extension) for LaTeX auxiliary input,
  enables LaTeX commands (e.g. \frac) without a \documentclass line.
   -pdirectory  designate an additional directory to search for input files.
   -r raw HTML output (omit header and tail) for inclusion in other files.
   -t display built-up items in textstyle equations. Default in-line.
   -w don't attempt HTML title construction nor warn on failure. Default warn.
   -xmakeindxcmd  specify command for making index. Default "makeindex".
   -v give verbose commentary. -V even more verbose (for debugging).
   -h print help. -? print this usage.   

The other bug, although not yet repeatable was when I tried to exit Lyx it just
hung and I could only close it by killing the process.  I'll let you know if it
happens again.


PS.  Thanks for fixing up the printer spool command bug!

 This release is a minor update to 1.1.1 that fixes the bugs found there.
   - crash when using fax
   - cheaders included
   - the '-' vs. '_' should be gone.
   - the export to html should be a little better
   - + some additional bugfixes
 The 1.1.x series are moving towards more use of ANSI C++, and if your
 compiler is not standard conforming (enough), you will have problems
 compiling LyX.
 Also note that the XForms libarary version 0.89 is NOT stable and you
 might experience problems (i.e. crashes) if you use it with LyX.
 Still, even if 1.1.2 is considered stable, please make backups of your
 important work before using it.
 Go get it at:

Ben Cazzolato

Fluid Dynamics and Acoustics Group
Institute of Sound and Vibration Research
University of Southampton,
Southampton, SO17 1BJ


Work:   +44 (0)1703 594 967
Fax:+44 (0)1703 593 190
Mobile: +44 (0)790 163 8826

Web Page :

Bug in Release of LyX 1.1.2

1999-01-02 Thread Ben Cazzolato

On Wed, 03 Nov 1999, you wrote:

Downloaded latest release (rpm).  Running RH 6.0.  Have experienced a couple of
problems already.

Firstly, having trouble with exporting html.  I have both tth and latex2html
installed, although this isn't the problem.  Reconfigure detects tth, but when I
try to use the default configuration to export html I get the following

  Invalid switch $$Fname

USAGE: tth [option [option ...]] file.html] [2>err]
   -a automatic picture environment conversion using latex2gif. Default omit.
   -c prefix header "Content-type: text/HTML" (for direct web serving).
   -d disable definitions with delimited arguments. Default enable.
   -e? epsfbox handling: -e1 convert to png/gif using user-supplied ps2png/gif.
   -e2 convert and include inline. -e0 (default) no conversion, just ref.
   -f? limit built-up fraction nesting in display eqns to ?(0-9). Default 5.
   -g remove, don't guess intent of, \font commands. Default guess font/size.
   -i use italic font for equations (like TeX). Default roman.
   -Lfile tell tth the base file (no extension) for LaTeX auxiliary input,
  enables LaTeX commands (e.g. \frac) without a \documentclass line.
   -pdirectory  designate an additional directory to search for input files.
   -r raw HTML output (omit header and tail) for inclusion in other files.
   -t display built-up items in textstyle equations. Default in-line.
   -w don't attempt HTML title construction nor warn on failure. Default warn.
   -xmakeindxcmd  specify command for making index. Default "makeindex".
   -v give verbose commentary. -V even more verbose (for debugging).
   -h print help. -? print this usage.   

The other bug, although not yet repeatable was when I tried to exit Lyx it just
hung and I could only close it by killing the process.  I'll let you know if it
happens again.


PS.  Thanks for fixing up the printer spool command bug!

> This release is a minor update to 1.1.1 that fixes the bugs found there.
>   - crash when using fax
>   - cheaders included
>   - the '-' vs. '_' should be gone.
>   - the export to html should be a little better
>   - + some additional bugfixes
> The 1.1.x series are moving towards more use of ANSI C++, and if your
> compiler is not standard conforming (enough), you will have problems
> compiling LyX.
> Also note that the XForms libarary version 0.89 is NOT stable and you
> might experience problems (i.e. crashes) if you use it with LyX.
> Still, even if 1.1.2 is considered stable, please make backups of your
> important work before using it.
> Go get it at:
>   Lgb

Ben Cazzolato

Fluid Dynamics and Acoustics Group
Institute of Sound and Vibration Research
University of Southampton,
Southampton, SO17 1BJ


Work:   +44 (0)1703 594 967
Fax:+44 (0)1703 593 190
Mobile: +44 (0)790 163 8826

Web Page :