Errant "11 11 TEX LATEX" in printouts

1999-05-27 Thread David Nedrow

First, let me state that I've just started down the SGML, TEX/LATEX road,
so I may be doing something wrong. 

I was using LyX 1.0.3pre4 to generate some documents using the LinuxDoc
format. When I printed my documents, I saw that there was always a line at
the top of the first page the said "11 11 TEX LATEX". This would push the
text of the first page down on the sheet, making the last line of the
first page ride the bottom.


Thinking it might be a problem with LyX, I tried printing some of the SGML
howto's that ship with RedHat.

Here's how I did it:

1) Ran the SGML file through sgml2latex (sgml-tools 1.0.9) 

2) Ran the resulting DVI file through dvips (v5.85 with no options)
sending the output directly to lpr

No matter which document I prcoessed, they all had the "11 11 TEX LATEX"

Am I doing something wrong (steps, config, etc.) or do I need to look at
the tools themselves?

 David Nedrow

Future LyX DTD support?

1999-05-29 Thread David Nedrow

Will LyX ever support user defined DTDs? Or does it do it now and I'm just
missing something?

I know DocBook support is on the way, but I'm more interested in being
able to use some DTDs we're creating for internal use.

-David Nedrow

Re: Errant "11 11 TEX LATEX" in printouts

1999-05-29 Thread David Nedrow

On Fri, 28 May 1999, Jose Abilio Oliveira Matos wrote:

>  > I was using LyX 1.0.3pre4 to generate some documents using the LinuxDoc
>  > format. When I printed my documents, I saw that there was always a line at
>  > the top of the first page the said "11 11 TEX LATEX". This would push the
>  > text of the first page down on the sheet, making the last line of the
>  > first page ride the bottom.
>   This seems a problem with the printer configuration..

Well, looking into texconfig, it turned out that A4 was the default paper
type. I changed this and some of the top/bottom margin issues disappeared,
but I still had the problem with the "11 11 TEX LATEX" shoving everything

>  Without further informations I would think that was nothing to do
> with lyx or sgmltools.

You're correct. After much testing, I've determined that the problem lies
in the tetex v0.9-17 RPMs included with RedHat 6.0.

When I backlevel these packages to those shipped with RedHat 5.2 (0.9-6)
everything prints normally (ie. sans the "11 11 TEX LATEX").

-David Nedrow

Arg! LyX 1.0.4 and RedHat 6.1

1999-10-11 Thread David Nedrow

OK, I give.

I have the default installation of RedHat 6.1 and have installed LyX
1.0.4 (via RPM).

If I use any of the templates (docbook, etc.) I get errors when trying to
create the DVI or postscript versions. For example, the docbook template
always generates a "! LaTeX Error: Missing \begin{document}." error.

If I simply create a new document without a template, it appears to work
fine. Also, since LyX no longer exports SGML, how do I use sgml-tools'
(v1.0.9) sgml2rtf to create rtf files? I know sgmltools v2 is out there,
but it appears to make things worse if anything.

Any ideas what (if anything) I'm doing wrong?


Version: 3.1
GCA/CS d+@ s+++:++ a C++ UL$ SU++ P++(P--) L E++ W+++ N++ w---
O++@ M+@ PS+ PE Y+ t++@ 5+++ X+@ R- tv+ DI++ D+ G++ e++>(e+++) h++ r++

Table problem with Linuxdoc template

1999-10-14 Thread David Nedrow

Why is it that tables are not rendered properly when the LinuxDoc
template is used? When rendered, the cell values are simply placed one
after another on a single line with no table regardless of output format.

The DocBook template works, but I haven't figure out how to add a TOC to
it. If I insert the TOC, I get an error in the compilation that the TOC is
not valid. Here is the output using DocBook ( Note that this was done by
simply choosing File -> New From Template, selecting DocBook after
providing a name and then placing the TOC between the default abstract
and first section) - 

/usr/bin/jade:0:25:7:E: document type does not allow element
"PARA" here;
"LEGALNOTICE" start-tag
/usr/bin/jade:0:26:6:E: document type does not allow element
"TOC" here
/usr/bin/jade:/usr/share/sgml/stylesheets/docbook/print/version.dsl:11:19:E: cannot
find "../VERSION"; tried
This is TeX, Version 3.14159 (Web2C 7.3.1)

I need to create documents with tables that can be output as SGML (for RCS
archiving), PostScript, ASCII and HTML. So far as I can tell, I can't get
HTML without the SGML intermediate, but I can't get SGML without using a
template, but I can't use the templates because each has it's own issues
that I can't seem to figure out, ad nauseum.

I'm not a stupid person, but LyX 1.0.4 is really making me feel that
way. As far as LinuxDoc goes, this all worked for me in an older version
of LyX (though I can't remember which one.)


Version: 3.1
GCA/CS d+@ s+++:++ a C++ UL$ SU++ P++(P--) L E++ W+++ N++ w---
O++@ M+@ PS+ PE Y+ t++@ 5+++ X+@ R- tv+ DI++ D+ G++ e++>(e+++) h++ r++

Where to now? Lack of key features in LyX

1999-10-16 Thread David Nedrow

Well, after lots of fiddling and questions answered by this list, it looks
as though LyX just doesn't do what I had hoped it would.

I was looking for a simple tool that would allow my team to create
documents in a WYSIWYG environment and generate output that could be
tranformed (correctly) into multiple formats (HTML, PS, ASCII
required; PDF, RTF optional). For internal reasons, there must also be an
SGML "master" for archiving.

As far as document feature requirements, we need the usual: tables,
figures, table of contents, etc.

I had thought we could use LyX's docbook support for this but it turns out
that LyX does not provide support for TOC. We had previously struggled
with LyX' LinuxDoc support, but couldn't get figures and tables to work
until it was pointed on the mailing list that linuxdoc itself apparently
doesn't support this.

One of my major disappointments with LyX is that there is apparently no
sense of "context". Eg. if I choose the docbook template and LyX doesn't
support a TOC (as it doesn't) then the TOC feature should be disabled. I
shouldn't be able to insert anything that LyX doesn't do in that context.

Another good example is the linuxdoc template. If linuxdoc doesn't support
tables and figures, why am I allowed to insert tables and figures?!?!?

I guess for now I'm back to WordPerfect Office 2000 (Win32) for SGML work.

I'll keep fiddling with LyX as it progresses, but for now it doesn't
appear to be particularly usefull as a documentation tool.


DocBook "book" vs. "article"

2000-04-29 Thread David Nedrow

DOes LyX support the DocBook "book" style? I haven't been able to figure
out any way to force book rather than article in LyX. Am I missing
something or is this not supported?


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fn:David Nedrow

Hope for DocBook "book"?

2000-07-19 Thread David Nedrow

Does anyone know what the current status of a DocBook book is in LyX? I
know only "article" is currently supported, but I thought it had been
mentioned that this was being worked on.