Use two different classes in one document

2005-05-16 Thread Jan Smid

for my thesis I need to append a curriculum vitae at the end of the document. 
As a addicted lyx user, I wrote my cv with lyx :-). How can I append the cv 
to my document (KOMA article)?


Re: push JabRef references into Lyx (solved)

2004-09-28 Thread Jan Smid
Am Dienstag, 28. September 2004 15:21 schrieb Heinz-Uwe Hobohm:

> Now start Lyx, select references in JabRef, Press the "push to
> Lyx"-button, and the bibliobliography instantaneously appears within
> the Lyx-document.

pretty cool. How about a wiki entry?


Re: Urgent:No indentation for footnote Authors

2004-09-14 Thread Jan Smid
Am Montag, 13. September 2004 18:59 schrieb Rajil Saraswat:

>I am stuck with this tex problem on the last day of my paper submission.
> The footnote for the author is coming out to be indented which i dont
In preamble:

\setlength{\myFootnoteLabel}{1.2em}%  <-- can be changed to any valid value


of course this is from

Sorting entries in a table

2004-09-11 Thread Jan Smid

how can I sort the entries within a table?



I want it to be sorted like:


I figured out that makeindex is probably the right choice, but I am not 
experienced enough to use it. . .

Is there a way to do that?


natbib, pubmed and changing the initials and Lastname

2004-08-25 Thread Jan Smid

when using the natbib package, how do I change the appearance from

"J. P. Aggleton" to "Aggleton, J. P." 

in the literature list?



Need to use \typearea when using \setspace

2004-08-23 Thread Jan Smid

when using onehalfspacing in koma-article class , is it necessary to use 
\typearea[current]{calc} in the preamble, as proposed in the koma-script 
documentation? This leads to very large margin in the .dvi - to large for my 
taste. Or is the calclation done in a correct way?


nomencl.sty/several question to typography

2004-08-13 Thread Jan Smid

after playing around with nomencl.sty (thanks Herbert!), I did not manage to 
produce an abbreviation index in a table. The example in the manual did not 
work, and I am completely lacking of any TeX knowledge (this is why I use 
lyx :-)  )
So does anyone have a nomencl.sty with working tables? I would like to produce 
something like:

Abbrv.| Unit|description

And some questions to typography (if this is offtopic, just ignore it :-)   )

1) I need to use onehalfspaced text for writing a biological/medical thesis. 
Currently I am using the report/kome-script class. What, in your opinion, is 
the best font size and page margin (on a4 paper) to use?
Using the defaults on onehalfspaced text looks a little bit strange for my 
taste. . .

2) At the moment, I am using the Mathmode to produce text like: (Mathmode on) 
SK_{Ca^{2+}} (mathmode off)-Channel.  Is this the right way or is it usual to 
do it in normal text mode?

Thanks for your answers!



2004-08-10 Thread Jan Smid

I am trying to get the nomencl.sty package to work.  I need to create a list 
with the used abbreviatons, in a table and sorted by Name

[ASCII art]

Abbreviation   Unit   Description
bla b   Blabla

In the preamble I wrote:


Then, where the list should magically appear:


The used abbrevations where described like this:


DVI preview did not bring any error, nor did it bring any abbreviations.
When I use the tips at, the latex run brings an error:

! Unable to read an entire line---bufsize=20.
Please increase buf_size in texmf.cnf.

Had that before, yesterday. But the ps preview under lyx works fine, so I 
really do not know what to do...

Anyone any ideas?


Re: using \figcaption as ERT

2004-08-10 Thread Jan Smid
Am Montag, 9. August 2004 18:51 schrieb Jan Smid:

> Any ideas? I would like to get my whole text, actually. . .
> If somebody needs the .tex, I will email it because it is larger than 60
> kb.

I solved this issue. I used copy and paste to place my texts into the ERT. 
Well, there where some %-signs in it and as I found out (in the middle of the 
night, aargh) this is the control sequence to that makes latex treat the rest 
as an comment. Easy, but hard to find for an ERT beginner.
I wrote a wiki on this issue, I would be happy if somebody reads and corrects 


using \figcaption as ERT

2004-08-09 Thread Jan Smid

after Herbert gave me the hint using the nonfloat package (thanks again), I 
got another problem.
I replaced the text describing the figures with
\figcaption [short description] {long blabla}

When I do a div preview (or postscript), only the first 28 pages are 
displayed. When I run an exportet .tex manually, I get the following error:

 ! Unable to read an entire line---bufsize=20.
Please increase buf_size in texmf.cnf.

Google means that this means my lines are to long. Fine, but inserting a 
couple of returns does not change anything.

Any ideas? I would like to get my whole text, actually. . .
If somebody needs the .tex, I will email it because it is larger than 60 kb.


Splitting figures describing text

2004-08-02 Thread Jan Smid

I got a problem with text describing my figures in a float. A large text below 
the figures is not placed onto a new page, but is cut off after the page 
ends. Site numbering is completely ignored, the text is placed over it. 
I will try to draw an ASCII example :-)

|   |
| fig   |
|   |
|   |
Text Text
Text Text
Text Text

^ Sitenumber is placed inside the describing text.

So I would like to tell Lyx/Latex that it should break the text from the 
figure to a the new page. There is no way to describe the figures in a more 
compressed manner (at least not for me :-)  ) or shrink the images.  Another 
way would be to change the line space to normal, I have to use 12 pt/two 
lines format for this document.
Any help is really appreciated (deadline is end of august ;-)) )


Turn off using cm fonts

2004-07-12 Thread Jan Smid

after installing the computer modern fonts package (mainly to produce a pdf 
which is good to read on a display with Adobe acrobat), I would like to use 
the default font again. How do I turn off using the cm font?


Creating figures - replacing nativ text with latex text

2004-07-12 Thread Jan Smid

after I created figures with Microcal Origin 4.11/5.0/6.0 (buggy! bad .eps 
support!) I figured out that it is possible to replace the texts in .eps 
files it with native latex font, which probably will look far better than 
this Arial 12 pt. 
Do you replace fonts in graphs etc. on a regular basis? Are there any flaws? I 
am thinking of overlapping fonts and so on.


View of Lyx

2004-06-30 Thread Jan Smid

because I can better concentrate when reading a real piece of paper, I often 
print out several pages of my thesis to correct them manually and then 
transfer the corrections back into the lyx document. When doing this, it is a 
little bit annonying to orientate in the text on the screen because the 
screen view is totally different from the print version. Is it somehow 
configurable to let the text on screen appear a little bit more like the 
printed version?
I know that the typesetting is done by latex; but IMHO it should be possible 
to somehow "guess" how the document will probably look like.



Change the font for a document from default to helvetica

2004-06-27 Thread Jan Smid

I need to change the font in my document from default (times) to helvetica. 
When I change it, the text appears to be helv, but things like "Table", the 
page number and "figures" set by lyx are still the default.
This looks a little bit ugly, is it possible to change that?


Bug when merging multiple lyx files

2004-06-24 Thread Jan Smid

when I merge several .lyx files (insert --> insert file --> .lyx document), 
the images are not displayed because the path to the .ps is altered. The 
single files are ok, it just occures when merging multiple lyx documents.
Any workarounds yet?


blue underlines

2004-05-25 Thread Jan Smid

since I opened up a new file to split my thesis in lyx 1.3.4, I got blue 
underlines under every word (blanks are left out). I'm not aware of any 
changes in document style or anything like that. 
How can I get rid of the blue underlines, they are sort of annoying.



Preview of .ps files is not accurate

2002-09-06 Thread Jan Smid


I have a problem with the preview of .ps Files. The preview is not accurate at 
all, the right border seems to be cut off a bit, though in the generated 
postscript is all right. This makes it hard use the "bounding box"-feature 
because I have to compile the lyx file every time I change something. Is 
there any way to correct this behavior?


Bug in lyx 1.2.1 Bounding Box size

2002-09-06 Thread Jan Smid


when I choose a value higher than the size of the bounding box, Lyx 1.2.1 
crashes. Can anybody confirm this behavior?


Biochemical equation in lyx

2002-09-05 Thread Jan Smid


I got a question concerning biochemical equations in lyx 1.2.1:

how can I do somthing like this:

adp + p --> atp? I just found a doubledirection arrow <-->.
(the formula is an example, it is probably incorrect :-)  )

