Re: latex paragraph export

1999-12-07 Thread John Wetterau


Thanks for your reply. It finally occurred to me to look at the html
source produced by latex2html (view source while displayed by browser)
The header info contained a reference to a stylesheet. This turned out
to be an external file with an extension of .css (cascading style
sheets) that was generated by latex2html. I hunted around on the net and
found specs for css files. Was able to solve the problem!

For indented paragraphs with no line skips in html display generated by

P {text-indent: 2em}
P {margin-top: 0em}

add the above 2 commands to the filename.css file created automatically
by latex2html

Probably there is some style or other that would cause this to happen,
but I can't find it or figure out how latex2html references it. How
pdflatex figures it out is a mystery. tth blows up on me, so it may work
fine; I don't know.

My novel goes up tomorrow, worldwide (love the net), at:


latex paragraph export

1999-12-06 Thread John Wetterau

Lyx 1.1.3 is producing great PS output with indented paragraphs and no
line skip between them. Pdflatex produces the same output in PDF format
(indented paragraphs with no line skip). 
Latex2html, however, takes the same .tex file that was used by pdflatex
and produces html code with no paragraph indents and with a line skip
between each paragraph.
Have been through the latex2html docs and mail list archives and can
find no switch or way to control this. The .tex file also has no indents
and line skips, so latex2html seems to be converting it exactly. Yet
pdflatex takes the same input and produces indented PDF code. How does
it know to do this, while latex2html doesn't? 
Any ideas? There must be a simple answer, but after a day of screwing
around I've been unable to find it.
P.S. when this problem is solved, anyone who wishes to read my novel
"Joe Burke's Last Stand" can, at:

more thanks

1999-10-09 Thread John Wetterau

Thanks indeed, all you developers. I am working on my second novel using LyX. I
converted from Widows/Word to Linux, LateX, and LyX. What a joy to use. Every
morning I start rewriting work from the day before, perfectly typeset. Review
copies that I print at home look great. So far, only one editor has refused PDF
files, and he accepted ASCII (which only took a day's work to meet his
requirements). No crashes. No hassles. Just what a tool should be. And I don't
even use the fancy stuff--math editing, bibliograpy, cross referencing, tables,
etc. If I have to stop writing novels to make some money, I can switch to
technical writing without having to change tools. You guys are heroes. Who is
going to write a good "Using LyX" book? Should be a market for it. Although,
what language would one use?

dvips scalable fonts

1999-05-24 Thread John Wetterau

I searched on GhostScript in AltaVista and came up with:
The rpm is:
I installed with the upgrade parameter:
rpm -Uvh ./ghostscript-5.50-2.i386.rpm
as I had RedHat 5.2 with ghostscript 4.03 already installed. 
Reuben Thomas steered me in the right direction. Many thanks.

dvips scalable fonts

1999-05-22 Thread John Wetterau

All, problem disappeared when I followed Reuben's advice to get GhostScript
5.50. There is an rpm available for download that upgraded RedHat 5.2
GhostScript 4.03 perfectly. ps2pdf in the new version seems to substitute
scalable fonts for the bitmapped.

dvips Type 1 font output

1999-05-22 Thread John Wetterau

Hi, plowing along trying to get pdf files of a reasonable size. So far I have
been unable to force dvips to use Type 1 scalable fonts which, reportedly,
allow ps2pdf to produce small pdf files (rather than 10X the size of the ps
file which I get using dvips in the normal configuration). I have the Adobe
paper by Kevin Whitehouse on creating quality Adobe pdf files from TeX with
DVIPS, but the specifics elude me. How do you create a fontmap that lists all
the fonts that DVIPS should not use as bitmapped? Where does one find the
equivalent font names that should be substituted? My document (book) is plain
vanilla Times Roman, no figures, nothing fancy. I found all sorts of font map
files, and experimented with "p" in a .dvipsrc file located in my
home directory, but I could detect no change in the output from dvips (once
converted with ps2pdf and displayed with Acrobat 3.0). 
Probably the solution is simpler than I think. Has anyone succeeded in forcing
dvips to use Type 1 scalable fonts? I have RedHat 5.2 and LyX 1.01. 
I have pStill downloaded but have not compiled and tried it yet, as I'm
assuming that it would not be any better than ps2pdf with dvips output that
uses bitmapped fonts. The ability to distribute small pdf files would seem to
be useful to many. Maybe we can document this procedure in one place.

Re: LyX to Adobe PDF

1999-05-20 Thread John Wetterau

Thierry, Reuben,
Thanks a lot. That's a big help.

LyX to Adobe PDF

1999-05-20 Thread John Wetterau

Is there a way to convert LyX output to Adobe PDF? Without going through ASCII
export (and losing curly quotes)? LyX is marvelous for writing and printing.
Now if I can find a way to transfer files to non-LyXers, all will be well. 

converting straight quotes to curly

1999-03-18 Thread John Wetterau

All, I forgot about non-dialog uses of quotes (around a word or term, to
emphasize) within a sentence. Thanks, Andre. The attached code takes
care of almost all those cases. To be properly user friendly, this
routine should prompt for input and output file names and should return
a quick error check, separate counts of left and of right curly quotes,
to see if they are equal. Or, fancier, some kind of stack push/pop
routine to check nested levels for mismatched pairs and, when finding
one, generating a location error message. There are too many
possibilities to catch them all automatically. It would probably be
better to keep the replacement algorithm simple, get 99.9% of them, and
then let the user adjust the remaininder to his or her satisfaction.
Just my opinion, of course. Ideally, this routine should be part of the
ascii import code (a switch: convert straight quotes?) or else offered
as a utility tool from within LyX.

#!/usr/bin/perl  -w 

#   straightQuoteConvertToLyX 

#   by John Wetterau

#   converts ascii straight quotes to LyX curly quotes

# is a novel originally written in Word for Windows.
#   It was exported in MS-DOS no lines format, copied to Linux, run 
#   through dos2unix (to convert cr,lf to newline), and then imported 
#   by LyX as an ascii file. The Word export routine replaced all curly 
#   quotes with straight quotes. This perl code takes the lyx document, after
#   it has been imported by LyX, and inserts LyX code for left and right curly
#   quotes at the appropriate places. It may miss some unusual cases, 
#   but it worked fine for me on hundreds of pages of mixed description and 
#   dialog. This code will not work properly on incorrect punctuation.
#   e.g. "Zounds!"  works, gets a left and right curly quote
#"Zounds"!  does not work, gets 2 left curly quotes

#   Hard coded input and output files cuz I don't
#   know any better (first perl code).
#   You will have to replace the filenames with your own.

$LYXIN = "/home/jw/writing/joe.burke.out.lyx";

$LCURLY =  "\n\\begin_inset Quotes eld\n\\end_inset
$RCURLY =  "\n\\begin_inset Quotes erd\n\\end_inset

open LYXIN or die "Can't find file $LYXIN: $!\n";
open LYXOUT or die "Can't find file $LYXOUT: $!\n";

select LYXOUT;

while () {

# substitute for right straight quotes first
 s/"\ /$RCURLY /gxm;

# remaining straight quotes should be lefties




converting imported straight quotes to curly

1999-03-18 Thread John Wetterau

Problem solved (with help from Andre Poenitz)! Attached is perl code
that replaces straight quotes with LyX code for left or right curly
quotes as appropriate. There are probably many ways to do this in one
line, but this is my first perl code, so... 

This problem will be faced by anyone who imports ascii text into LyX,
text that has been saved by a word processor in another operating system
and that has been stripped of proprietary formatting codes. Manually
changing each straight quote in LyX to a left or right curly quote is a
long job for a book length document. I hope this will save others time. 

Newbie that I am, I don't know how to paste the text into this e-mail,
so I have attached the file: straightQuoteConvertToLyX

#!/usr/bin/perl  -w 

#   straightQuoteConvertToLyX 

#   by John Wetterau

#   converts ascii straight quotes to LyX curly quotes

# is a novel originally written in Word for Windows.
#   It was exported in MS-DOS no lines format, copied to Linux, run 
#   through dos2unix (to convert cr,lf to newline), and then imported 
#   by LyX as an ascii file. The Word export routine replaced all curly 
#   quotes with straight quotes. This perl code takes the lyx document, after
#   it has been imported by LyX, and inserts LyX code for left and right curly
#   quotes at the appropriate places. It may miss some unusual cases, 
#   but it worked fine for me on hundreds of pages of mixed description and 
#   dialog.

#   hard code input and output files cuz I don't
#   know any better (first perl code)

$LYXIN = "/home/jw/writing/joe.burke.out.lyx";

$LCURLY =  "\n\\begin_inset Quotes eld\n\\end_inset
$RCURLY =  "\n\\begin_inset Quotes erd\n\\end_inset

open LYXIN or die "Can't find file $LYXIN: $!\n";
open LYXOUT or die "Can't find file $LYXOUT: $!\n";

select LYXOUT;

while () {

# substitute for right straight quotes first


# remaining straight quotes should be lefties


