Re: single spacing does not work

2006-09-17 Thread Urijah Kaplan
Oh--I figured out the right address thing--the "right address" setting! 
Who da thunk?

I guess I am now fully operational. :-)


Re: single spacing does not work

2006-09-17 Thread Urijah Kaplan

Aha! O frabjous day! Callooh! Callay!

I thought there might be some difference between a regular line return and 
a paragraph break, but since the behavior differed only with different 
alignments I rejected that hypothesis without looking into it. Actually, I 
still don't understand why a justified alignment is treated differently 
than any other kind in terms of line spacing, but that might be a decision 
by the TeX gods, and I shall not question it any further. I suppose one 
line paragraphs is not really a good design choice for me...

While I have you on the line, can I ask a related question? When I have a 
paragraph that I want to justify right, but I want the *left* side to be 
flush, what sort of TeX-fu am I supposed to invoke? Say for a name and 
address I want on the top right hand corner.



Paul A. Rubin wrote:

Urijah Kaplan wrote:
Attached is a sample document, with a pdf (dvipdfm)  I made from it. 
(Save grayed out in Yap. Why??)

Don't know why, but that's true here too, and not just for your 
document.  I'd never noticed it before, because I've never had a reason 
to try to save a DVI file from Yap.  (The file already exists, else Yap 
couldn't be displaying it, and AFAIK Yap cannot modify a file.)  To save 
a DVI from LyX, you can just use File->Export->DVI.

Here is the outcome


Any thoughts?

I'm pretty sure you're bumping into a LaTeX issue.  (Disclaimer:  I'm 
not a TeXpert, so believe the following at your own peril.) The attached 
revision of your file displays the way I think you intended (other than 
that the justified/default spaced paragraphs have a somewhat funky 
spacing of the first line, which I think would be improved if you turned 
off the option to indent the first line of each paragraph).

What's going on is that each of your verses, as typed into your original 
document, is actually four paragraphs (one per line).  Using default 
spacing, and with the setting that paragraphs start with an indented 
line rather than with extra vertical space, this works ok, because when 
you left-align or justify them each line indents the same amount as its 
mates (and of course the indentation is irrelevant when you center- or 

When you deviate from default spacing, however, LaTeX automatically 
inserts some extra vertical space before and after the spacing changes. 
 Since each line is a new paragraph for you, this extra spacing is 
inserted around each line, hence the distinct deviation from 
single-spacing in the output.

In the attached version, I merged each verse into a single paragraph by 
changing paragraph breaks to line breaks (C-enter rather than enter), as 
signified by the arrows at the ends of the lines.  The fourth line of 
each verse ends with a paragraph break (enter rather than C-enter).

Hope that makes sense.


Re: single spacing does not work

2006-09-16 Thread Urijah Kaplan

Your document renders correctly.

Attached is a sample document, with a pdf (dvipdfm)  I made from it. (Save grayed out in Yap. Why??)

Here is the outcome


Any thoughts?


Description: Adobe PDF document

Description: application/lyx

Re: single spacing does not work

2006-09-14 Thread Urijah Kaplan

I did everything you suggested, and there are no more error messages.

It only kinda works.

The original document rendered as dvi without complaint, but did not heed 
my single spacing instructions. I thought that might be something to do 
with my original file, so I made a new one with just three lines, and no 
other formatting but single spacing. It worked! But when I right, left, or 
center align it (with the paragraph dialog) it doesn't work (It double 
spaces, I think). It only works with the default alignment of "justified". 

Is there any kind of example LyX document with different formatting tests? 
For all I know there might be many other problems with my installation

preventing documents from rendering correctly.

Thanks so much for your help.
(And no, I was not fully operational either even before using LyX.)


Re: single spacing does not work

2006-09-13 Thread Urijah Kaplan
Thank you for the reply; alas I am still not fully operational.

I didn't have setspace.sty on my system (I did a full system search) so I went
to the MikTeX package manager to download it. I downloaded it (after a few of
the listed repositories bounced me for some reason) but when I went to the LaTeX
Configuration 7.13 was a no, as were quite a few other packages (4.x 6.x 7.x I
think) I decided to update MikTeX to 2.5 and see if that would help, no go. I
went to the  LyX->Tools->Reconfigure and after many many pop-up to download
files, it seems to have finished. I shut down LyX and restarted my computer. I
went to LaTeX Configuration and Lo! there were many more yeses, including 7.13.
I went to my little document (it's just three lines, nothing special) selected
single spacing, tried to render to dvi, and now get a brand new error the
package download pop-ups I saw when I "reconfigured" saying that the required
file "tex\latex\setspace\setspace.sty" is missing and needs to be downloaded. I
press install, it pops up again, the document renders, but without the single
spacing I wanted. I close down yap, make a change (so I don't get the cached
dvi) CTRL-D, and the same download pop-up appears. If I press cancel instead of
install I get a pop-up that say "an empty output file was generated" click okay,
get a familiar LaTeX error message that File 'setspace.sty' not found. By the
way, I checked, and it *is* in the E:\texmf\tex\latex\setspace folder (E: is my
boot drive.) Any suggestions?

single spacing does not work

2006-09-13 Thread Urijah Kaplan

I just installed LyX for the first time yesterday. Whenever I select a paragraph
to be single-spaced (I highlighted the paragraph, pressed the "paragraph
settings" button, and changed spacing from default to single) it gives an error
message and does not work. The first time I did this and tried rendering to dvi,
it complained about a missing "setspace.sty". I reinstalled LyX this time with
the bundled installer (lyx-142-1-bundle.exe.) and this time it gives me a
different error, "LaTeX Error: Environment singlespace undefined" and "LaTeX
Error: \begin{document} ended by \end{singlespace}." When installing, I was
Administrator, and set installation for all users with the packages. The only
other non-default setting I used was by indicating I was also using Hebrew.

I am using Windows Server 2003 (32-bit). Rendering the included documents (like
the tutorial) to dvi works fine.

Thank you very much for your help, and for what looks like to be a great 