Re: Lyx 2.3.3 doesn't print Glossary

2019-09-26 Thread John White
I fear this exceeds my pay grade.  But if you could give me some specific task, 
would try it over the weekend.


On Wednesday, September 25, 2019 4:45:56 AM PDT Dr Eberhard Lisse wrote:
> Thanks.
> I have removed the preferences file and then it works.
> I have added a few preferences and it still works.
> If I change the screen background color to white it fails.  I'd really
> like to have someone try this out and if that is the cause figure out
> why and what can be done to fix this.
> greetings, el
> On 24/09/2019 17:09, John White wrote:
> > Morning (here) El,
> > 
> > I get the same thing whether exported to lautex, cntr-D or cntrl-R.
> > 
> > John
> > 
> > On Tuesday, September 24, 2019 1:50:06 AM PDT Dr Eberhard Lisse wrote:
> >> Hi,
> >> 
> >> I enclose a MWE which does not print the Glossary.
> >> 
> >> If I export to LuaLaTeX and run the PDF shows the Glossary.
> >> 
> >> If I then run it in LyX the PDF does show the Glossary.
> >> 
> >> Any ideas what I can do to figure this out?
> >> 
> >> greetings, el

Re: Lyx 2.3.3 doesn't print Glossary

2019-09-26 Thread Eberhard W Lisse


My collaborator, who is new to LyX and worries about how to make a Glossary, 
made a change and ran it, generating the Glossary, so I’s probably my 

I probably will remove all my preferences and see whether this changes things. 
And then I can manually add one by one.

greetings, el

Sent from Dr Lisse’s iPhone Xs
On 24 Sep 2019, 18:32 +0200, John White , wrote:
> Morning (here) El,
> I get the same thing whether exported to lautex, cntr-D or cntrl-R.
> John
> On Tuesday, September 24, 2019 1:50:06 AM PDT Dr Eberhard Lisse wrote:
> > Hi,
> >
> > I enclose a MWE which does not print the Glossary.
> >
> > If I export to LuaLaTeX and run the PDF shows the Glossary.
> >
> > If I then run it in LyX the PDF does show the Glossary.
> >
> > Any ideas what I can do to figure this out?
> >
> > greetings, el

Re: Lyx 2.3.3 doesn't print Glossary

2019-09-26 Thread Dr Eberhard Lisse

I have removed the preferences file and then it works.

I have added a few preferences and it still works.

If I change the screen background color to white it fails.  I'd really
like to have someone try this out and if that is the cause figure out
why and what can be done to fix this.

greetings, el

On 24/09/2019 17:09, John White wrote:
> Morning (here) El,
> I get the same thing whether exported to lautex, cntr-D or cntrl-R. 
> John
> On Tuesday, September 24, 2019 1:50:06 AM PDT Dr Eberhard Lisse wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I enclose a MWE which does not print the Glossary.
>> If I export to LuaLaTeX and run the PDF shows the Glossary.
>> If I then run it in LyX the PDF does show the Glossary.
>> Any ideas what I can do to figure this out?
>> greetings, el

Re: Lyx 2.3.3 doesn't print Glossary

2019-09-24 Thread John White
Morning (here) El,

I get the same thing whether exported to lautex, cntr-D or cntrl-R. 


On Tuesday, September 24, 2019 1:50:06 AM PDT Dr Eberhard Lisse wrote:
> Hi,
> I enclose a MWE which does not print the Glossary.
> If I export to LuaLaTeX and run the PDF shows the Glossary.
> If I then run it in LyX the PDF does show the Glossary.
> Any ideas what I can do to figure this out?
> greetings, el

Description: Adobe PDF document

Lyx 2.3.3 doesn't print Glossary

2019-09-24 Thread Dr Eberhard Lisse

I enclose a MWE which does not print the Glossary.

If I export to LuaLaTeX and run the PDF shows the Glossary.

If I then run it in LyX the PDF does show the Glossary.

Any ideas what I can do to figure this out?

greetings, el
If you want to email me, replace nospam with el

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