Re: page sharing between figure floats and text [oops!]

2004-06-10 Thread G. Milde
On  8.06.04, Charlls Quarra wrote:

 i cannot find a way to insert the \align center lyx
 commands from lyx, did you added them editing the .lyx
 directly or there is some hidden command in the

FormatParagraphAlignment  (FormatAbsatzAusrichtung in my German LyX)
is a choice list of possible alignments.

  i tried adding the same structure of your example to
 my book document, ie:
  ERT \begin{titlepage}
  ERT \end{titlepage}
  the rest of the stuff
  but it wont compile giving errors related to
 \begin{document} being closed by a
 \end{center}.\begin{center}\end{center} (???)

I had the same problem when creating the example. Marking stuff 
and set FormatParagraphAlign to block helped. As this is not, what I
wanted, I changed it again to centered and it kept working.

Remember, that the titlepage environment is incompatible with Title,
Author, and Date layouts! Change these to Standard.

If nothing helps, take out the stuff and try starting with very simple
examples (standard paragraph, align=block).

Also, try with a small example file (say first page of your rest of
stuff, so compiling works fast and experimenting makes fun ;-)



G.Milde at

Re: page sharing between figure floats and text [oops!]

2004-06-10 Thread G. Milde
On  8.06.04, Charlls Quarra wrote:

 i cannot find a way to insert the \align center lyx
 commands from lyx, did you added them editing the .lyx
 directly or there is some hidden command in the

FormatParagraphAlignment  (FormatAbsatzAusrichtung in my German LyX)
is a choice list of possible alignments.

  i tried adding the same structure of your example to
 my book document, ie:
  ERT \begin{titlepage}
  ERT \end{titlepage}
  the rest of the stuff
  but it wont compile giving errors related to
 \begin{document} being closed by a
 \end{center}.\begin{center}\end{center} (???)

I had the same problem when creating the example. Marking stuff 
and set FormatParagraphAlign to block helped. As this is not, what I
wanted, I changed it again to centered and it kept working.

Remember, that the titlepage environment is incompatible with Title,
Author, and Date layouts! Change these to Standard.

If nothing helps, take out the stuff and try starting with very simple
examples (standard paragraph, align=block).

Also, try with a small example file (say first page of your rest of
stuff, so compiling works fast and experimenting makes fun ;-)



G.Milde at

Re: page sharing between figure floats and text [oops!]

2004-06-10 Thread G. Milde
On  8.06.04, Charlls Quarra wrote:

> i cannot find a way to insert the \align center lyx
> commands from lyx, did you added them editing the .lyx
> directly or there is some hidden command in the
> application?

Format>Paragraph>Alignment  (Format>Absatz>Ausrichtung in my German LyX)
is a choice list of possible alignments.

>  Oops!
>  i tried adding the same structure of your example to
> my book document, ie:
>  ERT \begin{titlepage}
>  stuff
>  ERT \end{titlepage}
>  the rest of the stuff
>  but it wont compile giving errors related to
> "\begin{document} being closed by a
> \end{center}.\begin{center}\end{center}" (???)

I had the same problem when creating the example. Marking "stuff" 
and set Format>Paragraph>Align to block helped. As this is not, what I
wanted, I changed it again to centered and it kept working.

Remember, that the "titlepage" environment is incompatible with Title,
Author, and Date layouts! Change these to Standard.

If nothing helps, take out the "stuff" and try starting with very simple
examples (standard paragraph, align=block).

Also, try with a small example file (say first page of your "rest of
stuff", so compiling works fast and experimenting makes fun ;-)



G.Milde at

Re: page sharing between figure floats and text [oops!]

2004-06-08 Thread Charlls Quarra


 i tried adding the same structure of your example to
my book document, ie:

 ERT \begin{titlepage}
 ERT \end{titlepage}
 the rest of the stuff

 but it wont compile giving errors related to
\begin{document} being closed by a
\end{center}.\begin{center}\end{center} (???)

dont have idea why it gives those errors, but if i
remove the titlepage enviroment and also add again a
Title layout then i get it to compile again (otherwise
i still got errors)

 then i tried copying/pasting directly the .lyx code
of the example (of course without the headers) into my
.lyx, but now i got that accent characters like á, é
or ó arent displayed correctly anymore and i dont know
how to restore them to be correctly displayed again. 

 In the Layout - Document... - Language i have
language set to Spanish and encoding to Auto. Dont
know where else this may be configured :-(

 --- Charlls Quarra [EMAIL PROTECTED]
escribió:   --- G. Milde [EMAIL PROTECTED] escribió:
 7.06.04, Charlls Quarra wrote:
--- G. Milde [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: 
  Have a look at the attached example too :-)
  Your example works really nice, thanks a lot :) But
 cannot find a way to insert the \align center lyx
 commands from lyx, did you added them editing the
 directly or there is some hidden command in the
  G.Milde at
   #LyX 1.3 created this file. For more info see
  \lyxformat 221
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  \begin_inset ERT
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  \begin_inset ERT
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  \layout Standard
  \layout Standard
  \align center 
  \begin_inset Graphics
  lyxscale 10
  scale 10
  \layout Standard
  \align center 
  \size large 
  Technische Universität Dresden
  \layout Standard
  \align center 
  \begin_inset ERT
  status Collapsed
  \layout Standard
  \layout Standard
  \align center 
  \series bold 
  \size largest 
  Modellierung und Simulation pyroelektrischer
  \layout Standard
  \align center 
  \series bold 
  \begin_inset ERT
  status Collapsed
  \layout Standard
  \layout Standard
  \align center 
  \series bold 
  \size large 
   Günter Milde
  \layout Standard
  \align center 
  \begin_inset ERT
  status Collapsed
  \layout Standard
  \layout Standard
  \align center 
  \size large 
  Der Fakultät Elektrotechnik und
  der Technischen Universität Dresden
  \layout Standard
  \added_space_top medskip \align center 
  \size large 
  zur Erlangung des akademischen Grades eines
  \layout Standard
  \added_space_top medskip \align center 
  \series bold 
  \size large 
  \layout Standard
  \added_space_top medskip \align center 
  \size large 
  \layout Standard
  \added_space_top medskip \align center 
  \size large 
  vorgelegte Dissertation
  \layout Standard
  \align center 
  \size large 
  \begin_inset ERT
  status Collapsed
  \layout Standard
  \layout Standard
=== message truncated === 

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Re: page sharing between figure floats and text [oops!]

2004-06-08 Thread Charlls Quarra


 i tried adding the same structure of your example to
my book document, ie:

 ERT \begin{titlepage}
 ERT \end{titlepage}
 the rest of the stuff

 but it wont compile giving errors related to
\begin{document} being closed by a
\end{center}.\begin{center}\end{center} (???)

dont have idea why it gives those errors, but if i
remove the titlepage enviroment and also add again a
Title layout then i get it to compile again (otherwise
i still got errors)

 then i tried copying/pasting directly the .lyx code
of the example (of course without the headers) into my
.lyx, but now i got that accent characters like á, é
or ó arent displayed correctly anymore and i dont know
how to restore them to be correctly displayed again. 

 In the Layout - Document... - Language i have
language set to Spanish and encoding to Auto. Dont
know where else this may be configured :-(

 --- Charlls Quarra [EMAIL PROTECTED]
escribió:   --- G. Milde [EMAIL PROTECTED] escribió:
 7.06.04, Charlls Quarra wrote:
--- G. Milde [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: 
  Have a look at the attached example too :-)
  Your example works really nice, thanks a lot :) But
 cannot find a way to insert the \align center lyx
 commands from lyx, did you added them editing the
 directly or there is some hidden command in the
  G.Milde at
   #LyX 1.3 created this file. For more info see
  \lyxformat 221
  \textclass book
  \options DIV14, oneside, notitlepage,
  headsepline, tablecaptionabove
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  \begin_inset ERT
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  \layout Standard
  \layout Standard
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  \begin_inset ERT
  status Collapsed
  \layout Standard
  \layout Standard
  \align center 
  \begin_inset Graphics
  lyxscale 10
  scale 10
  \layout Standard
  \align center 
  \size large 
  Technische Universität Dresden
  \layout Standard
  \align center 
  \begin_inset ERT
  status Collapsed
  \layout Standard
  \layout Standard
  \align center 
  \series bold 
  \size largest 
  Modellierung und Simulation pyroelektrischer
  \layout Standard
  \align center 
  \series bold 
  \begin_inset ERT
  status Collapsed
  \layout Standard
  \layout Standard
  \align center 
  \series bold 
  \size large 
   Günter Milde
  \layout Standard
  \align center 
  \begin_inset ERT
  status Collapsed
  \layout Standard
  \layout Standard
  \align center 
  \size large 
  Der Fakultät Elektrotechnik und
  der Technischen Universität Dresden
  \layout Standard
  \added_space_top medskip \align center 
  \size large 
  zur Erlangung des akademischen Grades eines
  \layout Standard
  \added_space_top medskip \align center 
  \series bold 
  \size large 
  \layout Standard
  \added_space_top medskip \align center 
  \size large 
  \layout Standard
  \added_space_top medskip \align center 
  \size large 
  vorgelegte Dissertation
  \layout Standard
  \align center 
  \size large 
  \begin_inset ERT
  status Collapsed
  \layout Standard
  \layout Standard
=== message truncated === 

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Re: page sharing between figure floats and text [oops!]

2004-06-08 Thread Charlls Quarra


 i tried adding the same structure of your example to
my book document, ie:

 ERT \begin{titlepage}
 ERT \end{titlepage}
 the rest of the stuff

 but it wont compile giving errors related to
"\begin{document} being closed by a
\end{center}.\begin{center}\end{center}" (???)

dont have idea why it gives those errors, but if i
remove the titlepage enviroment and also add again a
Title layout then i get it to compile again (otherwise
i still got errors)

 then i tried copying/pasting directly the .lyx code
of the example (of course without the headers) into my
.lyx, but now i got that accent characters like á, é
or ó arent displayed correctly anymore and i dont know
how to restore them to be correctly displayed again. 

 In the Layout -> Document... -> Language i have
language set to Spanish and encoding to Auto. Dont
know where else this may be configured :-(

 --- Charlls Quarra <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
escribió: >  --- "G. Milde" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> escribió:
> On 
> 7.06.04, Charlls Quarra wrote:
> > >  --- "G. Milde" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: 
> > Have a look at the attached example too :-)
> > 
>  Your example works really nice, thanks a lot :) But
> i
> cannot find a way to insert the \align center lyx
> commands from lyx, did you added them editing the
> .lyx
> directly or there is some hidden command in the
> application?
> >  
> > 
> > -- 
> > G.Milde at
> > > #LyX 1.3 created this file. For more info see
> >
> > \lyxformat 221
> > \textclass book
> > \options DIV14, oneside, notitlepage,
> smallheadings,
> > headsepline, tablecaptionabove
> > \language german
> > \inputencoding latin1
> > \fontscheme default
> > \graphics default
> > \paperfontsize 12
> > \spacing single 
> > \papersize a4paper
> > \paperpackage a4
> > \use_geometry 0
> > \use_amsmath 1
> > \use_natbib 0
> > \use_numerical_citations 0
> > \paperorientation portrait
> > \leftmargin 2cm
> > \topmargin 1cm
> > \rightmargin 2cm
> > \bottommargin 1cm
> > \secnumdepth 2
> > \tocdepth 2
> > \paragraph_separation indent
> > \defskip medskip
> > \quotes_language polish
> > \quotes_times 2
> > \papercolumns 1
> > \papersides 1
> > \paperpagestyle headings
> > 
> > \layout Standard
> > 
> > 
> > \begin_inset ERT
> > status Open
> > 
> > \layout Standard
> > 
> > \backslash 
> > begin{titlepage}
> > \end_inset 
> > 
> > 
> > \layout Standard
> > \align center 
> > 
> > \begin_inset ERT
> > status Collapsed
> > 
> > \layout Standard
> > 
> > \backslash 
> > vfill
> > \end_inset 
> > 
> > 
> > \layout Standard
> > \align center 
> > 
> > \begin_inset Graphics
> > filename
> >
> /home/milde/Texte/Behoerde/IFE-Vorlagen/tu-logo.eps
> > lyxscale 10
> > scale 10
> > 
> > \end_inset 
> > 
> > 
> > \layout Standard
> > \align center 
> > 
> > \size large 
> > Technische Universität Dresden
> > \layout Standard
> > \align center 
> > 
> > \begin_inset ERT
> > status Collapsed
> > 
> > \layout Standard
> > 
> > \backslash 
> > vfill
> > \end_inset 
> > 
> > 
> > \layout Standard
> > \align center 
> > 
> > \series bold 
> > \size largest 
> > Modellierung und Simulation pyroelektrischer
> > Sensorarrays
> > \layout Standard
> > \align center 
> > 
> > \series bold 
> > 
> > \begin_inset ERT
> > status Collapsed
> > 
> > \layout Standard
> > 
> > \backslash 
> > vfill
> > \end_inset 
> > 
> > 
> > \layout Standard
> > \align center 
> > 
> > \series bold 
> > \size large 
> > Dipl.-Phys.
> >  Günter Milde
> > \layout Standard
> > \align center 
> > 
> > \begin_inset ERT
> > status Collapsed
> > 
> > \layout Standard
> > 
> > \backslash 
> > vfill
> > \end_inset 
> > 
> > 
> > \layout Standard
> > \align center 
> > 
> > \size large 
> > Der Fakultät Elektrotechnik und
> Informationstechnik 
> > \newline 
> > der Technischen Universität Dresden
> > \layout Standard
> > \added_space_top medskip \align center 
> > 
> > \size large 
> > zur Erlangung des akademischen Grades eines
> > \layout Standard
> > \added_space_top medskip \align center 
> > 
> > \series bold 
> > \size large 
> > Doktoringenieurs
> > \layout Standard
> > \added_space_top medskip \align center 
> > 
> > \size large 
> > (Dr.-Ing.)
> > \layout Standard
> > \added_space_top medskip \align center 
> > 
> > \size large 
> > vorgelegte Dissertation
> > \layout Standard
> > \align center 
> > 
> > \size large 
> > 
> > \begin_inset ERT
> > status Collapsed
> > 
> > \layout Standard
> > 
> > \backslash 
> > vfill
> > \end_inset 
> > 
> > 
> > \layout Standard
> > 
> > 
=== message truncated === 

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