Re: [M100] User number in CP/M for M-100?

2020-10-07 Thread Jonathan Yuen
Didn't ZCPR need a real Z80?  That's what my memory tells me--I remember 
playing around with it (even compiling the thing) back in the 80's. But if you 
did the dual process board I guess it would work..


Från: M100 [] för Philip Avery 
Skickat: den 7 oktober 2020 06:24
Ämne: Re: [M100] User number in CP/M for M-100?

Hi Bert

I used standard CP/M 2.2 for M100 CP/M, so only standard User features apply. I 
believe 2.2G & 2.2H are examples of Kaypro numbering for their CP/M versions.

There is a 'drop-in replacement for the CCP', it's called ZCPR. I believe it 
will do what you're looking for:

I haven't tried it, but it would be interesting to see how it goes.


On 7/10/2020 4:42 pm, Tim Russell wrote:
The "user number in prompt" and "execute from user 0" thing are BDOS extensions 
from a given manufacturer and not part of standard CP/M 2.2, if I recall 

It may have become standard in CP/M 3.0, but that's not really germane here.

On Tue, Oct 6, 2020, 17:26 Bert Put>> wrote:

I was wondering which version of CP/M that this was based on?
I'm specifically looking for support for "user numbers" since CP/M does
not support directories.  My Kaypro runs CP/M 2.2G and 2.2H.  In those
versions, the user number is part of the prompt, such as A0> or A1>.
Also, if you navigate to user area 1 with "USER 1", you can call any
executable in user area 0 in case it does not exist in user area 1.
There are 16 such user areas available, 0 to 15.

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Re: [M100] REXCPM in M-100 - Success!

2020-10-07 Thread Jim Anderson
> -Original Message-
> I also transferred some executables from my Kaypro to this machine and
> they work as well:
> - D.COM (A better directory lister)
> - SWEEP.COM (also known as New Sweep, file operations program)

I would love to give these utilities a try, if you find somewhere to upload 

> - Wordstar 3.3, which runs but as we discussed, will not fit on an 8x40
> char screen, and being configured for the Kaypro, likes to write a *lot*
> of control characters to the screen.

I put WordStar 3.3 on my M100 not long after getting it up and running, and 
I've actually been using it for quite a bit of writing (sitting in front of the 
TV, using a C.Itoh VT100-compatible amber CRT terminal as the display while I 
wait for the MVT100 board), combining the wonderful feel of the M100 keyboard 
and the familiarity of WordStar commands.  I never used WordStar back in the 
day, but I did use an editor in DOS (I think it was called TED) that used 
WordStar control-key commands, so it feels like home.

I downloaded it from
 which also has WINSTALL.COM so you can configure it for a VT100 terminal (or 
whatever terminal type you want).  I also installed SPELSTAR which is available 
there, too, but there doesn't seem to be a way to configure the terminal 
emulation for SPELSTAR.OVR and I can't turn up documentation on patch addresses 
for that file.  It spews a weird mixture of VT100 escape sequences and some 
sequences I'm not familiar with.  (It also throws an error about an invalid 
entry in the dictionary when spell checking more than 50% of the files I tried 
it on, so...)

Another option for fixing your WordStar copy is to change the Kaypro terminal 
escape sequences to VT100 sequences right in WS.COM by patching it (editing it 
with DDT).  I found a nice document covering the patch addresses of several 
different WordStar versions, but didn't keep at tab open (just saved the text 
file) and I can't seem to find it again tonight in spite of all my Googling 
efforts.  I could email it to the list if more than one person wants it.  I did 
turn up other lists of patch addresses for specific versions but none of them 
seemed to be as clean as this list.  The most verbose resource (which is also 
easy enough to find) is an old WordStar document called WS-BIBLE.DOC which 
covers the patch addresses in great detail, but the version I found needed to 
have the high bits stripped as it's an actual WordStar document and (as many of 
you may already be aware) modern word processors don't seem to have a WordStar 
import mechanism for whatever reason...

I don't know if this warrants a separate post or new thread or anything, but I 
was going to mention something I found very helpful to organize the enormous 
REXCPM disk space - user areas.  This might be totally obvious to everyone 
else, I don't know, but it was new to me since I'd never used CP/M seriously 
before and had never had an opportunity to worry about organizing large 
disparate collections of files on a single disk without subdirectories.

There are several fun caveats about user areas, one of which is that you can't 
execute commands from another user area like you can from another disk drive, 
so you get into a bit of a catch-22 starting out.  I wanted to put WordStar and 
my document files in their own user area (I actually have user areas 0 through 
3 in use for various different groupings of files now) and so you at least need 
IMPORT.COM in that user area to bring files in from your TPDD device.  PIP has 
an option to copy files from another user area, PIP IMPORT.COM=IMPORT.COM[G0] 
(where [G0] means 'get this file from user area number 0').  That's great, 
except PIP.COM is not in the new user area yet so you can't execute it.  To get 
PIP.COM into a new user area the CP/M manual has the following handy (?!?) 
solution (I'll save you the trouble of calculating it and tell you that in the 
CP/M image for REXCPM the NEXT value is 1E00 and the number 's' below is 
therefore 29 - also note that at least in my PDF of the CP/M manual there is a 
typo or possibly OCR error and G0 (gee zero) was erroneously written as GO (gee 
oh) which frustrated me until I realized the mistake):

Note: to copy files into another user area, PIP.COM must be located in that 
user area. Use the
following procedure to make a copy of PIP.COM in another user area.

USER 0  Log in user 0.
DDT PIP.COM (note PIP size s) Load PIP to memory.
G0  Return to CCP.
USER 3  Log in user 3.

In this procedure, s is the integral number of memory pages, 256- byte 
segments, occupied by
PIP. The number s can be determined when PIP.COM is loaded under DDT, by 
referring to the
value under the NEXT display. If, for example, the next available address is 
1D00, then
PIP.COM requires 1C hexadecimal pages, or 1 times 16 + 12 = 28 pages, a

Re: [M100] compile and execute Turbo Pascal

2020-10-07 Thread Jim Anderson
> -Original Message-
> Never used Pascal myself, but a co-worker wrote me a File Management
> program that started AutoCAD, on MS-DOS 5 under Windows 3.11 and passed
> startup commands to it. Borland Turbo Pascal had a nice facility for
> starting another DOS Shell in which you could start another program with
> full memory available to the program, including the 386K of Extended
> Memory in a 1Mb system.

This brings back memories of one of the more 'serious' things I wrote in Turbo 
Pascal (for DOS) before moving on to C, which was a mouse-driven application 
launcher for my sister's PC.  That was the first thing I used where I called 
interrupts (to interface with the DOS mouse driver), and although it started 
out with a hand-built data file for defining each of the applications in the 
launcher menu I did eventually add on a data file maintenance (add/edit/remove 
entries) subsystem which was also mouse-driven.  It wasn't exactly enormous, 
but it was the largest project I wrote in Turbo Pascal.

I was also an early adopter of the multi-monitor workstation once I got VGA - I 
had a Hercules clone MDA adapter and an amber monitor off to one side of my 
desk.  You could switch between your colour and MDA monitors using the DOS 
'mode' command, and Turbo Pascal (as well as Turbo C) had a dual monitor option 
you could enable where it would display program output on whichever monitor was 
active at launch, and the IDE interface on the other monitor.  This was 
fabulous for line-by-line debugging because normally TP would have to flash 
between the output screen and the IDE every time you hit the F-key for stepping 
to the next line, which was not only slow but you couldn't really see what had 
happened on the output screen.  With the output on its own monitor you could 
watch it as it changed, and the steps were pretty much instantaneous.  Fun 

I also kept this dual setup when I was running OS/2, because not only did TP 
and TC still work fine with dual monitors in a full-screen DOS box in OS/2, but 
you could leave something running in a DOS box in the background which you had 
full-screened and switched to mono, and it would stay on the mono monitor for 
you to keep an eye on it when you hit Ctrl-ESC to go back to the OS/2 GUI.  
IIRC, I think Turbo C for OS/2 also would let you output a text-mode program 
full-screen to the mono monitor even though it was a GUI-based IDE...


Re: [M100] User number in CP/M for M-100?

2020-10-07 Thread Jim Anderson
> -Original Message-
> I'm specifically looking for support for "user numbers" since CP/M does
> not support directories.  My Kaypro runs CP/M 2.2G and 2.2H.  In those
> versions, the user number is part of the prompt, such as A0> or A1>.
> Also, if you navigate to user area 1 with "USER 1", you can call any
> executable in user area 0 in case it does not exist in user area 1.
> There are 16 such user areas available, 0 to 15.

Okay, so I feel dumb now - I just finished writing up a response to a message 
you sent on the weekend including a dive into what I did with user areas, and I 
hadn't caught up yet on today's messages so I didn't know this has already come 
up.  But yeah, in summary, there are user areas in 2.2 and no, they don't show 
in the prompt and you can't execute things from user areas other than the one 
you're currently logged to (which leads to the fun gymnastics of getting 
PIP.COM into each user area).  You might still be able to make use of the info 
in that message about fixing the terminal emulation in your copy of WordStar 


Re: [M100] REXCPM in M-100 - Success!

2020-10-07 Thread Stephen Adolph
Wow quite a note here and lots of great info!

On Wednesday, October 7, 2020, Jim Anderson  wrote:

> > -Original Message-
> > I also transferred some executables from my Kaypro to this machine and
> > they work as well:
> > - D.COM (A better directory lister)
> > - SWEEP.COM (also known as New Sweep, file operations program)
> I would love to give these utilities a try, if you find somewhere to
> upload them.
> > - Wordstar 3.3, which runs but as we discussed, will not fit on an 8x40
> > char screen, and being configured for the Kaypro, likes to write a *lot*
> > of control characters to the screen.
> I put WordStar 3.3 on my M100 not long after getting it up and running,
> and I've actually been using it for quite a bit of writing (sitting in
> front of the TV, using a C.Itoh VT100-compatible amber CRT terminal as the
> display while I wait for the MVT100 board), combining the wonderful feel of
> the M100 keyboard and the familiarity of WordStar commands.  I never used
> WordStar back in the day, but I did use an editor in DOS (I think it was
> called TED) that used WordStar control-key commands, so it feels like home.
> I downloaded it from
> cpmarchives/cpm/Software/rlee/M/MICROPRO/WORDSTAR/V3-3/8080/ which also
> has WINSTALL.COM so you can configure it for a VT100 terminal (or
> whatever terminal type you want).  I also installed SPELSTAR which is
> available there, too, but there doesn't seem to be a way to configure the
> terminal emulation for SPELSTAR.OVR and I can't turn up documentation on
> patch addresses for that file.  It spews a weird mixture of VT100 escape
> sequences and some sequences I'm not familiar with.  (It also throws an
> error about an invalid entry in the dictionary when spell checking more
> than 50% of the files I tried it on, so...)
> Another option for fixing your WordStar copy is to change the Kaypro
> terminal escape sequences to VT100 sequences right in WS.COM by patching
> it (editing it with DDT).  I found a nice document covering the patch
> addresses of several different WordStar versions, but didn't keep at tab
> open (just saved the text file) and I can't seem to find it again tonight
> in spite of all my Googling efforts.  I could email it to the list if more
> than one person wants it.  I did turn up other lists of patch addresses for
> specific versions but none of them seemed to be as clean as this list.  The
> most verbose resource (which is also easy enough to find) is an old
> WordStar document called WS-BIBLE.DOC which covers the patch addresses in
> great detail, but the version I found needed to have the high bits stripped
> as it's an actual WordStar document and (as many of you may already be
> aware) modern word processors don't seem to have a WordStar import
> mechanism for whatever reason...
> I don't know if this warrants a separate post or new thread or anything,
> but I was going to mention something I found very helpful to organize the
> enormous REXCPM disk space - user areas.  This might be totally obvious to
> everyone else, I don't know, but it was new to me since I'd never used CP/M
> seriously before and had never had an opportunity to worry about organizing
> large disparate collections of files on a single disk without
> subdirectories.
> There are several fun caveats about user areas, one of which is that you
> can't execute commands from another user area like you can from another
> disk drive, so you get into a bit of a catch-22 starting out.  I wanted to
> put WordStar and my document files in their own user area (I actually have
> user areas 0 through 3 in use for various different groupings of files now)
> and so you at least need IMPORT.COM in that user area to bring files in
> from your TPDD device.  PIP has an option to copy files from another user
> area, PIP IMPORT.COM=IMPORT.COM[G0] (where [G0] means 'get this file from
> user area number 0').  That's great, except PIP.COM is not in the new
> user area yet so you can't execute it.  To get PIP.COM into a new user
> area the CP/M manual has the following handy (?!?) solution (I'll save you
> the trouble of calculating it and tell you that in the CP/M image for
> REXCPM the NEXT value is 1E00 and the number 's' below is therefore 29 -
> also note that at least in my PDF of the CP/M manual there is a typo or
> possibly OCR error and G0 (gee zero) was erroneously written as GO (gee oh)
> which frustrated me until I realized the mistake):
> ==
> Note: to copy files into another user area, PIP.COM must be located in
> that user area. Use the
> following procedure to make a copy of PIP.COM in another user area.
> USER 0  Log in user 0.
> DDT PIP.COM (note PIP size s) Load PIP to memory.
> G0  Return to CCP.
> USER 3  Log in user 3.
> In this procedure, s is the integral number of memory pages, 256- byte
> segments, occupied by
> PIP. The number s can be determined w

Re: [M100] REXCPM in M-100 - Success!

2020-10-07 Thread Jonathan Yuen
Hello All,

A trip down memory lane.  I think the document for patching wordstar with ddt 
is 'Wordstar Customization Notes'.  I remember having a pirated version and you 
could patch all kinds of things in the program.  There were the codes for the 
video terminal, but as I recall there was even a section for different 
character widths. I patched a version so that printing with the proportional 
fonts for my Diablo printer could be right-justified.

I just used google and found a copy of 'Wordstar Customization Notes' for 3.0 


Från: M100 [] för Stephen Adolph 
Skickat: den 7 oktober 2020 13:43
Ämne: Re: [M100] REXCPM in M-100 - Success!

Wow quite a note here and lots of great info!

On Wednesday, October 7, 2020, Jim Anderson>> wrote:
> -Original Message-
> I also transferred some executables from my Kaypro to this machine and
> they work as well:
> - D.COM (A better directory lister)
> - SWEEP.COM (also known as New Sweep, file operations 
> program)

I would love to give these utilities a try, if you find somewhere to upload 

> - Wordstar 3.3, which runs but as we discussed, will not fit on an 8x40
> char screen, and being configured for the Kaypro, likes to write a *lot*
> of control characters to the screen.

I put WordStar 3.3 on my M100 not long after getting it up and running, and 
I've actually been using it for quite a bit of writing (sitting in front of the 
TV, using a C.Itoh VT100-compatible amber CRT terminal as the display while I 
wait for the MVT100 board), combining the wonderful feel of the M100 keyboard 
and the familiarity of WordStar commands.  I never used WordStar back in the 
day, but I did use an editor in DOS (I think it was called TED) that used 
WordStar control-key commands, so it feels like home.

I downloaded it from
 which also has WINSTALL.COM so you can configure it for a 
VT100 terminal (or whatever terminal type you want).  I also installed SPELSTAR 
which is available there, too, but there doesn't seem to be a way to configure 
the terminal emulation for SPELSTAR.OVR and I can't turn up documentation on 
patch addresses for that file.  It spews a weird mixture of VT100 escape 
sequences and some sequences I'm not familiar with.  (It also throws an error 
about an invalid entry in the dictionary when spell checking more than 50% of 
the files I tried it on, so...)

Another option for fixing your WordStar copy is to change the Kaypro terminal 
escape sequences to VT100 sequences right in WS.COM by patching 
it (editing it with DDT).  I found a nice document covering the patch addresses 
of several different WordStar versions, but didn't keep at tab open (just saved 
the text file) and I can't seem to find it again tonight in spite of all my 
Googling efforts.  I could email it to the list if more than one person wants 
it.  I did turn up other lists of patch addresses for specific versions but 
none of them seemed to be as clean as this list.  The most verbose resource 
(which is also easy enough to find) is an old WordStar document called 
WS-BIBLE.DOC which covers the patch addresses in great detail, but the version 
I found needed to have the high bits stripped as it's an actual WordStar 
document and (as many of you may already be aware) modern word processors don't 
seem to have a WordStar import mechanism for whatever reason...

I don't know if this warrants a separate post or new thread or anything, but I 
was going to mention something I found very helpful to organize the enormous 
REXCPM disk space - user areas.  This might be totally obvious to everyone 
else, I don't know, but it was new to me since I'd never used CP/M seriously 
before and had never had an opportunity to worry about organizing large 
disparate collections of files on a single disk without subdirectories.

There are several fun caveats about user areas, one of which is that you can't 
execute commands from another user area like you can from another disk drive, 
so you get into a bit of a catch-22 starting out.  I wanted to put WordStar and 
my document files in their own user area (I actually have user areas 0 through 
3 in use for various different groupings of files now) and so you at least need 
IMPORT.COM in that user area to bring files in from your 
TPDD device.  PIP has an option to copy files from another user area, PIP 
means 'get this file from user area number 0').  That's great, except 
PIP.COM is not in the new user area yet so you can't execute 
it.  To get PIP.COM into a new user are

Re: [M100] REXCPM in M-100 - Success!

2020-10-07 Thread Bert Put

On 10/7/20 4:35 AM, Jim Anderson wrote:
>> -Original Message-
>> I also transferred some executables from my Kaypro to this machine and
>> they work as well:
>> - D.COM (A better directory lister)
>> - SWEEP.COM (also known as New Sweep, file operations program)
> I would love to give these utilities a try, if you find somewhere to upload 
> them.

Hi Jim,

Yes, I have a WIKI account now so I believe I can upload them to the
WIKI.  I'll do that in the next couple of days, but in the meantime, I
think you can get them from, if I recall correctly, the "Classic
Computers Archive".

These are the two utilities I copy to every single CP/M floppy that I
have; they are my go-to utilities that I use every day.  Especially
SWEEP, since it handles things like file copies, etc. without that messy
PIP trick that described earlier. :-)

And D.COM is 40-column friendly since it displays the list of files in
two columns, each taking 40 columns, which is perfect on the M-100
screen :-)  There are several versions, each one displays things
slightly differently, and I'll package them all up in one ZIP file.
That way you can choose which one you like.


Re: [M100] User number in CP/M for M-100?

2020-10-07 Thread Bert Put

On 10/7/20 4:55 AM, Jim Anderson wrote:
>> -Original Message-
>> I'm specifically looking for support for "user numbers" since CP/M does
>> not support directories.  My Kaypro runs CP/M 2.2G and 2.2H.  In those
>> versions, the user number is part of the prompt, such as A0> or A1>.
>> Also, if you navigate to user area 1 with "USER 1", you can call any
>> executable in user area 0 in case it does not exist in user area 1.
>> There are 16 such user areas available, 0 to 15.
> Okay, so I feel dumb now - I just finished writing up a response to a message 
> you sent on the weekend including a dive into what I did with user areas, and 
> I hadn't caught up yet on today's messages so I didn't know this has already 
> come up.  But yeah, in summary, there are user areas in 2.2 and no, they 
> don't show in the prompt and you can't execute things from user areas other 
> than the one you're currently logged to (which leads to the fun gymnastics of 
> getting PIP.COM into each user area).  You might still be able to make use of 
> the info in that message about fixing the terminal emulation in your copy of 
> WordStar though.
Hi Jim,

I do not recall CP/M ever dumping me back into user area 0 whenever I
run a program.  On the Kaypro and the M-100 I stay in my current user
area, unless I change it with another USER command.  The documentation
states that behavior as well.


Re: [M100] REXCPM in M-100 - Success!

2020-10-07 Thread Bert Put
Hi Jim,

On 10/7/20 4:35 AM, Jim Anderson wrote:
> I downloaded it from 
>  which also has WINSTALL.COM so you can configure it for a VT100 terminal (or 
> whatever terminal type you want).

Now it's my turn to feel dumb -- I'm sorry!  I see you already found the
"Classic Computer Archive" that I spoke of earlier. :-)

> Another option for fixing your WordStar copy is to change the Kaypro terminal 
> escape sequences to VT100 sequences right in WS.COM by patching it (editing 
> it with DDT).
I've done that before, but as I don't have a VT-100 terminal handy I'll
just have to wait for my MVT100 kit, then I can use VGA. :-)

> ==
> Note: to copy files into another user area, PIP.COM must be located in that 
> user area. Use the
> following procedure to make a copy of PIP.COM in another user area.
> USER 0Log in user 0.
> DDT PIP.COM   (note PIP size s) Load PIP to memory.
> G0Return to CCP.
> USER 3Log in user 3.
> In this procedure, s is the integral number of memory pages, 256- byte 
> segments, occupied by
> PIP. The number s can be determined when PIP.COM is loaded under DDT, by 
> referring to the
> value under the NEXT display. If, for example, the next available address is 
> 1D00, then
> PIP.COM requires 1C hexadecimal pages, or 1 times 16 + 12 = 28 pages, and the 
> value of s is 28
> in the subsequent save. Once PIP is copied in this manner, it can be copied 
> to another disk
> belonging to the same user number through normal PIP transfers.
> ==
Or... use SWEEP :-)

Thanks for your patience!


[M100] TPDD2 help

2020-10-07 Thread Francois Gurin
Reaching out to the list for advice and help.

I recently replaced the belt on my TPDD2 and was in the process of writing
to a test disk when the drive fell a few feet onto the carpeted floor.
There's no obvious physical damage, but as you can expect it's no longer
able to read or write to disks.I'm going to guess the head is
physically out of alignment, but I haven't a clue where to start.

Any ideas?

If not, anyone interested in taking a look?


Re: [M100] TPDD2 help

2020-10-07 Thread Josh Malone
Most of the PDD design I think is pretty robust - physically at least.
Things I would check off the top of my head:

 - Is the belt still in place?
 - Does it still power up (PSU board has connector that could shift loose)
 - Does disk still insert / eject smoothly?

One non-obvious thing I've seen on a couple of PDDs now is this:  There is
a metal tab on the top of the frame that lifts the felt pressure-pad off
the disk cookie during eject. This tab was physically bent on 2 of the
drives I've seen, preventing the felt from making contact. The result was
that the cookie was not pressed firmly against the drive head and the disk
was not read properly. Bending this tab is very touchy as the felt needs to
raise up quickly enough to clear the disk shell on eject, but still lower
fully to press the cookie to the head.

Good luck!


On Wed, Oct 7, 2020 at 12:40 PM Francois Gurin  wrote:

> Reaching out to the list for advice and help.
> I recently replaced the belt on my TPDD2 and was in the process of writing
> to a test disk when the drive fell a few feet onto the carpeted floor.
> There's no obvious physical damage, but as you can expect it's no longer
> able to read or write to disks.I'm going to guess the head is
> physically out of alignment, but I haven't a clue where to start.
> Any ideas?
> If not, anyone interested in taking a look?
> --FG

[M100] MVT100 shipping status

2020-10-07 Thread Stephen Adolph
To date, I've gotten 9 MVT100 out the door.  So, making progress.
I mistakenly ordered a wrong set of VGA connectors, and so I am waiting for
those to arrive.  When they do I will have parts on hand for 20 more.

Re: [M100] TPDD2 help

2020-10-07 Thread Jeffrey Birt
In addition to what Josh said you can look for the low battery LED to very 
briefly flash when you turn it ON (or OFF, can’t remember which just now). This 
is a sign that the power supply is putting out 5V and it is getting to the 
control board.


The connector from the battery compartment/ext. power jack it a pain to snap in 
place and may have popped loose.


Worse case would be something popped loose from the power supply. I worked on 
one last week that had a battery leak in its past which did a number on the 
power supply board. A board in that shape could have a component knocked loose 
from a fall. The video for that repair will be out this Saturday in fact.


Good luck let us know if you get it or if you need help.


Jeff Birt



From: M100  On Behalf Of Josh Malone
Sent: Wednesday, October 7, 2020 11:45 AM
Subject: Re: [M100] TPDD2 help


Most of the PDD design I think is pretty robust - physically at least. Things I 
would check off the top of my head:


 - Is the belt still in place?

 - Does it still power up (PSU board has connector that could shift loose)

 - Does disk still insert / eject smoothly?


One non-obvious thing I've seen on a couple of PDDs now is this:  There is a 
metal tab on the top of the frame that lifts the felt pressure-pad off the disk 
cookie during eject. This tab was physically bent on 2 of the drives I've seen, 
preventing the felt from making contact. The result was that the cookie was not 
pressed firmly against the drive head and the disk was not read properly. 
Bending this tab is very touchy as the felt needs to raise up quickly enough to 
clear the disk shell on eject, but still lower fully to press the cookie to the 


Good luck!




On Wed, Oct 7, 2020 at 12:40 PM Francois Gurin> > wrote:

Reaching out to the list for advice and help.


I recently replaced the belt on my TPDD2 and was in the process of writing to a 
test disk when the drive fell a few feet onto the carpeted floor.  There's no 
obvious physical damage, but as you can expect it's no longer able to read or 
write to disks.I'm going to guess the head is physically out of alignment, 
but I haven't a clue where to start.


Any ideas?


If not, anyone interested in taking a look?



Re: [M100] Model 100 Option ROM Compartment Covers

2020-10-07 Thread Peter Noeth
I did the covers in PLA, because it is a little stiffer than ABS. I was
concerned that the "softness" of ABS might wear down the latch nubs quicker
if the cover is taken off/on a lot. Of course if that happens, then another
one could be made easily (except for those without a printer).

JamesZ brought up a point I forgot when uploading the files. That being
that the program I designed it with (AutoCAD 2006) saves its files in
"units", and programs that read these files may interpret incorrectly.
Apparently most slicers interpret "units" to be mm (their default). My
slicer has a button to convert "mm to inch", which I use after loading the
file.  So if your slicer defaults to mm, you will need to scale up the
object by 25.4, or select "inch" after loading.

The correct dimensions are 3.060" x 2.270" excluding projections. Of course
your finished dimensions may vary a little, so some fitting may be required.

This is my first Thingiverse project, so I am still learning.


On Wed, Oct 7, 2020 at 1:38 AM  wrote:

> Message: 2
> Date: Mon, 5 Oct 2020 21:35:27 -0400
> From: Stephen Adolph 
> To: "" 
> Cc: Model 100 Discussion 
> Subject: Re: [M100] Model 100 Option ROM Compartment Covers
> Message-ID:
> <
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf-8"
> Those are nice Peter.  Thank you for posting that.
> What is the best material to make them with?

Re: [M100] Model 100 Option ROM Compartment Covers

2020-10-07 Thread tony

Tho messy to print, petG is a good compromise between ABS and PLA.

On 10/7/20 3:57 PM, Peter Noeth wrote:
I did the covers in PLA, because it is a little stiffer than ABS. I 
was concerned that the "softness" of ABS might wear down the latch 
nubs quicker if the cover is taken off/on a lot. Of course if that 
happens, then another one could be made easily (except for those 
without a printer).

JamesZ brought up a point I forgot when uploading the files. That 
being that the program I designed it with (AutoCAD 2006) saves its 
files in "units", and programs that read these files may 
interpret incorrectly. Apparently most slicers interpret "units" to be 
mm (their default). My slicer has a button to convert "mm to inch", 
which I use after loading the file.  So if your slicer defaults to mm, 
you will need to scale up the object by 25.4, or select "inch" after 

The correct dimensions are 3.060" x 2.270" excluding projections. Of 
course your finished dimensions may vary a little, so some fitting may 
be required.

This is my first Thingiverse project, so I am still learning.


On Wed, Oct 7, 2020 at 1:38 AM > wrote:

Message: 2
Date: Mon, 5 Oct 2020 21:35:27 -0400
From: Stephen Adolph>>
To: " ">>
Cc: Model 100 Discussion>>
Subject: Re: [M100] Model 100 Option ROM Compartment Covers
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf-8"

Those are nice Peter.  Thank you for posting that.
What is the best material to make them with?

[M100] tip for MVT100 power

2020-10-07 Thread Stephen Adolph
Right now MVT100 takes power from a USB jack@ 5V.

I was thinking about the BCR port and the fact that pin 9 has 5V on it
So I added a single wire to bridge pin 9 over to the USB 5V input pin and
now I am running MVT100 adapter powered by the M100 itself.


My CP/M rig just got it's first Pascal program from me...  calculating
prime numbers.
I also have a real TPDD as off-disk backup for programs.  100kB is plenty
of backup for little Pascal programs.

Fun stuff.  I have transitioned from "making it work" to "using it".


Re: [M100] MVT100 shipping status

2020-10-07 Thread Kevin Becker
I know I've espressed interest but I'm not clear if I commited to buy
one.  If not, please include me on the list.


On Wed, 2020-10-07 at 13:52 -0400, Stephen Adolph wrote:
> To date, I've gotten 9 MVT100 out the door.  So, making progress.  
> I mistakenly ordered a wrong set of VGA connectors, and so I am
> waiting for those to arrive.  When they do I will have parts on hand
> for 20 more.
> cheers
> Steve