Re: Compiling libapreq 1.1 on Mac OS 10.2.4

2003-03-21 Thread Michael Maibaum
On Thursday, March 20, 2003, at 06:22 PM, David Wheeler wrote:

On Thursday, March 20, 2003, at 08:17  PM, R. Hannes Niedner wrote:

I have tried it hard and long with all kinds of recipes and always 
got the
same error messages with make test. Remember you checked the output 
of the
make and the verbose test... It looks that the tests screw up big 
time on
mac os x (at least for me with perl 5.8). I forced the install so far 
trouble but I would need a killer script to test it though :-).
My suggestion force make install in cpan or just make install without 
Well, not in cpan, but manually. Just go ahead and 'make install' and 
see if it works with your own code.
FWIW, Darwinports has apache with a static mod_perl variant, perl 
5.8.0, and libapreq in ports you should get a clean, working set up 
after you've installed darwinports by doing

#  port install -v -d apache +mod_perl

here you should probably set the /usr/bin/perl to be a symlink to 
/opt/local/bin/perl, or have /opt/local/bin in your path before /usr/bin

# port install -v -d libapreq-perl

at some point in the near future I intend to make a .mpkg so you can 
have a double clickable installer of apache+ mod_perl, perl 5.8.0 and 
libapreq... but I'm about to move continents so that might have to wait 
a week or 2.

However, I'd love to have more people testing the above ports for 
me (One thing, fink shouldn't screw things up, but it is if there are problems, remove fink from you environment 
(stop sourcing the init scripts) and try again.



Michael Maibaum
internet: [EMAIL PROTECTED]|
voice: [h] (415) 626-6733   |[w] (415) 561-1682

5.8.0 binary incompatibility

2003-03-21 Thread Christopher Lewis
Hash: SHA1
I am aware that Perl 5.8.0 is not binary compatible with previous 
versions of Perl; however, I am having a hard time determining exactly 
what I need to change/remove to satisfy this incompatibility.

I was originally getting an error when attempting to run CPAN similar to 
the following (this is not verbatim):

dyld: perl Undefined symbols:
After reading about the incompatibility and the make scripts problems 
replacing certain files I removed libperl.dylib from 
/Library/Perl/darwin/CORE and all the *.bundle files in the 
/Library/Perl directory and its children.

This solved my problems with CPAN, but I now get the following error 
when attempting to use perl the process the Makefile.PL for bioperl:

dyld: perl Undefined symbols:
One thing I don't understand, why more undefined symbols now than before.

So, the crux of my question is, having removed libperl.dylib and all the 
*.bundle files, what else do I need to remove to remedy this undefined 
symbols problem?

Additionally, I should mention that I have seen multiple people mention 
that removing and rebuilding Storable, specifically in reference to a 
Fink install, has cured their problems; I have tried that to no avail. I 
do have fink installed, but I am not running perl from a Fink install or 
the Fink directories.

Version: GnuPG v1.0.7 (Darwin)

Re: 5.8.0 binary incompatibility

2003-03-21 Thread Marcel Grünauer
On Freitag, März 21, 2003, at 11:36  Uhr, Christopher Lewis wrote:

dyld: perl Undefined symbols:
I've installed perl5.8.0 in ~marcel/perl and also as /usr/bin/perl
and get the same error when I want to run fink or apt-get. For these
occasions I keep perl5.6.0 around and copy it to /usr/bin/perl as
necessary, but another thing that helps is unsetting PERL5LIB, as
that points to /sw/lib/perl5. So:
  fink install foo

produces the error, whereas

  PERL5LIB= fink install foo

does not. I'm aware that this doesn't have anything to do with
bioperl, but it might be of use to people running 5.8.0 and
fink (which relies on 5.6.0).

DynaLoader and prebinding

2003-03-21 Thread Chris Nandor
So I have this problem: Mac::Carbon takes a long time to load.

$ time perl -Iblib/arch -Iblib/lib -MMac::Carbon -e1

sys 0m0.160s

Profiling the run showed that over 80% of that time is taken by dyld, so I 
wondered if prebinding could solve the problem.  However, perl uses .bundle 
files for DynaLoader, and .bundle files cannot be prebound.


But .dylib files can be prebound, and I was able to modify DynaLoader.xs to 
load in either .bundle or .dylib files, and to compile my extensions as 
.dylib files.


But I am having problems with the prebinding.  I first had to rebuild 
libperl.dylib with prebinding, and that worked fine (just added -prebind).

Woop woop.

I added -prebind to my extension, and it complained that you can't use 
-undefined suppress with -prebind.  Remove -undefined suppress, and got 
warnings about undefined symbols.  Go figure.

So I added -L/path/to/perl -lperl, and did it again, and I got complaints 
about conflicting symbols.

   ld: warning prebinding disabled because of symbols overridden in 
dependent dynamic shared libraries:
   /usr/lib/libSystem.dylib(crypt.So) definition of _crypt
   /usr/lib/libcrypto.0.9.dylib(fcrypt.o) definition of _crypt

Drat drat.

Anyway, I know there are perhaps better places to ask about dylib and 
prebinding, but I just wonder if anyone else has run into these issues with 
perl, before I move on.

Open Source Development Network[EMAIL PROTECTED]

5.8.0 on 10.2.4?

2003-03-21 Thread Salvatore Denaro
I tried to build 5.8 from the instructions on:

I've followed the instructions to the letter. I don't use fink. But it 
dies with this error:

cc -o libperl.dylib -flat_namespace -L/usr/local/lib -dynamiclib
5.8.0   -current_version5.8.0   
/System/Library/Perl/darwin/CORE/libperl.dylib perl.o  gv.o toke.o 
perly.o op.o regcomp.o dump.o util.o mg.o reentr.o hv.o av.o run.o 
pp_hot.o sv.o pp.o scope.o pp_ctl.o pp_sys.o doop.o doio.o regexec.o 
utf8.o taint.o deb.o universal.o xsutils.o globals.o perlio.o perlapi.o 
numeric.o locale.o pp_pack.o pp_sort.o
ld: Undefined symbols:
/usr/bin/libtool: internal link edit command failed
make: *** [libperl.dylib] Error 1

Anyone seen this problem? (and hopefully solved it?)