Re: Cron Progress Bar in OSX

2003-10-13 Thread Alan Fry
James Reynolds wrote Thu, 9 Oct 2003 08:38:24 -0600:
I have been writing an extremely lightweight Cocoa utility (10 lines
of code about) that displays a dialog box with a barber pole and some
message.  It isn't quite done yet (I don't like the way it looks).
It is intended to be launched by a perl script.
I would be very interested in giving that a try on a 'test-bed' basis 
if that appeals to you.


Re: Cron Progress Bar in OSX

2003-10-13 Thread Alan Fry
Doug McNutt wrote Thu, 9 Oct 2003 05:40:58 -0600:
At 10:46 +0100 10/9/03, Alan Fry wrote:
I have a MacPerl script I am trying to transfer from OS9 to OSX.
There are two problems: cron
cron needs to point, with a full path, to an executable, That is, 
something with the x permission bit set.  That can be /usr/bin/perl 
with arguments pointing to a perl script as text or it can be to the 
script itself if it begins with a #!/usr/bin/perl line and has been 
made executable with a chmod. Remember that your .login and other 
initializations, $PATH in particular, will not be set up for you by 

cron can open an AppleScript APPL (man open) but if all it is used 
for is to start up MacPerl you won't need it. Except for GUI things 
that involve Finder like drag and drop you'll be better off 
replicating the AppleScript tasks in a shell script. Osascript is 
available for simple AppleScript-like things from a shell.
Many thanks Doug for your comments, which I have carefully filed 
against the day I shall understand what you're saying.

My personal problem is total ignorance of Unix and all its manifold 
works. I have a learning curve to negotiate, to say the least. At the 
moment I am merely chipping away like Fred Flintstone at a 
paleolithic Terminal window, getting nowhere fast.

What I miss most is the MacPerl droplet, on which you could drop a 
file, extract the path (into ARGV) and do something with the file. 
For instance I have a droplet to decode Base64 -- drop and bingo 
there is the decoded file. And similarly with more complicated issues 
like translating a 'pod' file to 'pdf'.

Is there anyway one can get back to this functionality in MacOS X? 
Experiments with AppleScript have not been rewarding. Sure, you can 
write an applet which will extract the full path name from a file 
dropped on it. But the path is the old Mac-style colon separated 
directory path. What can you do with that?

Even assuming you could translate the Mac-style path to a Unix-style 
path (in AppleScript!), how can you pass the path to a Perl script? I 
have tried telling application Terminal to do a perl script 
pushing a valid path into @ARGV and then to run a second perl script 
to see what is in the ARGV list. The answer is always nothing.

So I am stuck -- wondering if things might perhaps be more cheerful 
with WinPerl?

Can anybody cheer me up?


Re: Cron Progress Bar in OSX

2003-10-13 Thread Doug McNutt
At 12:03 +0100 10/13/03, Alan Fry wrote:
What I miss most is the MacPerl droplet, on which you could drop a file, extract the 
path (into ARGV) and do something with the file. For instance I have a droplet to 
decode Base64 -- drop and bingo there is the decoded file.

I do use AppleScript for that kind of thing. I'll try to find some samples for you. In 
the meantime check this out. It is a droplet to replace line ends in dropped files but 
ignore that and have a look at the source.  (52 kB)

It's not perl but it does show a way to make AS droplets pass filenames and arguments 
to executable shell tools. You should also learn about POSIX path of and quoted 
form of commands in AS.

 And similarly with more complicated issues like translating a 'pod' file to 'pdf'.

Wasn't that corncob great? I changed the creator code of all .pm's to match, but all 
that is repaired in OS neXt..

Can anybody cheer me up?


Applescript syntax is like English spelling:
Roughly, but not thoroughly, thought through.

Re: Cron Progress Bar in OSX

2003-10-13 Thread Thane Norton
One of my personal favorites is to use a here document to supply the code
for an applescript via osascript.  i.e.

#!/bin/perl -w

use strict;
use IPC::Open3;

my $script = 'APPLESCRIPT';
tell application Finder
display dialog Hello World
end tell

# using a here document can mess with the debugger line numbering,
# so include a line comment for it
#line 15

local *script_to;
local *script_from;
local *script_error;
my $pid = open3(*script_to, *script_from, *script_error,
/usr/bin/osascript) or die Couldn't open osascript;
print script_to $script;
close script_to;

while (script_from)
print result: $_\n;
close script_from;
while (script_error)
print error: $_\n;
close script_error;

On 10/13/03 6:58 AM, Doug McNutt [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I do use AppleScript for that kind of thing. I'll try to find some samples for

Re: Cron Progress Bar in OSX

2003-10-13 Thread Dan Sugalski
FWIW, you can pop up progress bars from perl, though it does require
turning the perl program into a Cocoa app with Sherm's CamelBones
framework. (I think the Mac::Carbon module(s?) may do this as well, but
you may or may not still have to turn the program into an application)

You can fire full-scale .apps off via cron--just dig through the bundle
and find the real executable, and use its full pathname. (No relative
paths, and no invocations via PATH env vars. Cocoa does *not* like that)
For example, to fire off emacs which is living in /Applications you'd
just invoke /Applications/ You can even
pass in parameters, which'll show in @ARGV for perl programs.

I suppose it'd be possible to build a progress app that took test-style
output (you know, the 18 tests, ok 1, ok 2 stuff) from the child
process and did the progress bar while the child did its thing and spat
its status info to its stdout...


Re: Cron Progress Bar in OSX

2003-10-13 Thread James Reynolds
Doug McNutt wrote Thu, 9 Oct 2003 05:40:58 -0600:
At 10:46 +0100 10/9/03, Alan Fry wrote:
I have a MacPerl script I am trying to transfer from OS9 to OSX.
There are two problems: cron
cron needs to point, with a full path, to an executable, That is, 
something with the x permission bit set.  That can be /usr/bin/perl 
with arguments pointing to a perl script as text or it can be to 
the script itself if it begins with a #!/usr/bin/perl line and has 
been made executable with a chmod. Remember that your .login and 
other initializations, $PATH in particular, will not be set up for 
you by cron.

cron can open an AppleScript APPL (man open) but if all it is 
used for is to start up MacPerl you won't need it. Except for GUI 
things that involve Finder like drag and drop you'll be better off 
replicating the AppleScript tasks in a shell script. Osascript is 
available for simple AppleScript-like things from a shell.
Many thanks Doug for your comments, which I have carefully filed 
against the day I shall understand what you're saying.

My personal problem is total ignorance of Unix and all its manifold 
works. I have a learning curve to negotiate, to say the least. At 
the moment I am merely chipping away like Fred Flintstone at a 
paleolithic Terminal window, getting nowhere fast.

What I miss most is the MacPerl droplet, on which you could drop a 
file, extract the path (into ARGV) and do something with the file. 
For instance I have a droplet to decode Base64 -- drop and bingo 
there is the decoded file. And similarly with more complicated 
issues like translating a 'pod' file to 'pdf'.

Is there anyway one can get back to this functionality in MacOS X? 
Experiments with AppleScript have not been rewarding. Sure, you can 
write an applet which will extract the full path name from a file 
dropped on it. But the path is the old Mac-style colon separated 
directory path. What can you do with that?

Even assuming you could translate the Mac-style path to a Unix-style 
path (in AppleScript!), how can you pass the path to a Perl script? 
I have tried telling application Terminal to do a perl script 
pushing a valid path into @ARGV and then to run a second perl script 
to see what is in the ARGV list. The answer is always nothing.
This is one way to do it:

on open these_items
	repeat with this_item in these_items
		set the_path to POSIX path of this_item
		set result to do shell script 
/Users/james/ \  the_path  \
		display dialog result
	end repeat
end open

Save as an application.

And /Users/james/ is:


print I got: $ARGV[0];



James Reynolds
University of Utah
Student Computing Labs

Re: Cron Progress Bar in OSX

2003-10-13 Thread John Delacour
At 9:00 am -0600 13/10/03, James Reynolds wrote:

 This is one way to do it:

 on open these_items
 	repeat with this_item in these_items
 		set the_path to POSIX path of this_item
 		set result to do shell script /Users/james/ \ 
 the_path  \
This will break if there happens to be a  in the pathname.  'quoted 
form of' POSIX path of... takes care of all that.

What is needed is perl f1 f2 f3 f4 so only one Apple event 
is needed; the file list can be build as a string and passed with a 
single do shell script call.


Re: Cron Progress Bar in OSX

2003-10-13 Thread James Reynolds
FWIW, you can pop up progress bars from perl, though it does require
turning the perl program into a Cocoa app with Sherm's CamelBones
framework. (I think the Mac::Carbon module(s?) may do this as well, but
you may or may not still have to turn the program into an application)
You can fire full-scale .apps off via cron--just dig through the bundle
and find the real executable, and use its full pathname. (No relative
paths, and no invocations via PATH env vars. Cocoa does *not* like that)
For example, to fire off emacs which is living in /Applications you'd
just invoke /Applications/ You can even
pass in parameters, which'll show in @ARGV for perl programs.
I suppose it'd be possible to build a progress app that took test-style
output (you know, the 18 tests, ok 1, ok 2 stuff) from the child
process and did the progress bar while the child did its thing and spat
its status info to its stdout...

I'm working on a similar app but is less functional so that it launches faster.



James Reynolds
University of Utah
Student Computing Labs

Re: Cron Progress Bar in OSX

2003-10-13 Thread Riccardo Perotti
On 10/13/2003 06:03 AM, Alan Fry [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Doug McNutt wrote Thu, 9 Oct 2003 05:40:58 -0600:

 What I miss most is the MacPerl droplet, on which you could drop a
 file, extract the path (into ARGV) and do something with the file.
 For instance I have a droplet to decode Base64 -- drop and bingo
 there is the decoded file. And similarly with more complicated issues
 like translating a 'pod' file to 'pdf'.
 Is there anyway one can get back to this functionality in MacOS X?

 Can anybody cheer me up?


Don't have an url, but I'm sure you can find it in Version Tracker.

Cheer Up!


Weird math...

2003-10-13 Thread Bill Stephenson
I've got a script that takes numbers similar to those below and then rounds
them and adds them together using code similar to what is below.

#!/usr/bin/perl -w

use strict;

my $item_1 = 1.655;

my $item_2 = 1.755;

my $rnd_1 = (sprintf qq~%.2f~, $item_1);

my $rnd_2 = (sprintf qq~%.2f~, $item_2);

print $rnd_1, $rnd_2;

The code above prints this result (system 10.1.5, perl 5.6.0):

1.66, 1.75

But shouldn't it be:

1.66, 1.76


1.65, 1.75

I'm no math wizard, so if someone could please take the time and tell what
I'm missing here I would very much appreciate it!


Bill Stephenson

Re: Weird math...

2003-10-13 Thread Dan Sugalski
On Mon, 13 Oct 2003, Bill Stephenson wrote:

 I've got a script that takes numbers similar to those below and then rounds
 them and adds them together using code similar to what is below.
 The code above prints this result (system 10.1.5, perl 5.6.0):

 1.66, 1.75

 But shouldn't it be:

 1.66, 1.76


 1.65, 1.75

 I'm no math wizard, so if someone could please take the time and tell what
 I'm missing here I would very much appreciate it!

Welcome to the wonderful world of inexact representations.

You're getting bitten by some fundamental issues with floating point
representations of numbers. Floating point fractions are base 2, so they
can't properly represent anything that's not base 2. (And, since our
decimal fractions are base 10, that can be a lot of 'em)

There's more explanation in the perl faq, along with some workarounds.


Re: Weird math...

2003-10-13 Thread Bill Stephenson
on 10/13/03 1:56 PM, Dan Sugalski at [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Welcome to the wonderful world of inexact representations.


Thank you!!  I'll read up on this today, and hopefully the workarounds will
suffice for my customers.

Bill Stephenson

Re: Weird math...

2003-10-13 Thread Shawn O'Donnell
At 03:24 PM 10/13/2003, Bill Stephenson wrote:
on 10/13/03 1:56 PM, Dan Sugalski at [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Welcome to the wonderful world of inexact representations.


Thank you!!  I'll read up on this today, and hopefully the workarounds will
suffice for my customers.
Have you seen this paper?  David Goldberg, What Every Computer Scientist 
Should Know About Floating-Point Arithmetic ACM Computing Surveys, Vol 23, 
No 1, March 1991.

Available (among other places) at:

Also, there's

Guy Steele, Jr.  Jon White, How to Print Floating-Point Numbers 
Accurately, Conference on Programming Language Design and Implementation, 
Proceedings of the ACM SIGPLAN 1990 conference on Programming language 
design and implementation.

(I don't know if it's available free anywhere.  Sorry.)

That's my 2.001 cents.


Re: Cron Progress Bar in OSX

2003-10-13 Thread James Reynolds
At 9:00 am -0600 13/10/03, James Reynolds wrote:

 This is one way to do it:

 on open these_items
 	repeat with this_item in these_items
 		set the_path to POSIX path of this_item
 		set result to do shell script 
/Users/james/ \  the_path  \
This will break if there happens to be a  in the pathname.  'quoted 
form of' POSIX path of... takes care of all that.

What is needed is perl f1 f2 f3 f4 so only one Apple event 
is needed; the file list can be build as a string and passed with a 
single do shell script call.

How about:

on open these_items
set args to 
repeat with this_item in these_items
set args to args  quoted form of POSIX path of this_item   
end repeat
set result to do shell script /Users/james/   args
display dialog result
end open
Save as an application.

And /Users/james/ is:


foreach $i (@ARGV) {
  print I got: $i\n;


James Reynolds
University of Utah
Student Computing Labs

Re: Cron Progress Bar in OSX

2003-10-13 Thread Alan Fry
At 9:00 am -0600 13/10/03, James Reynolds wrote:
This is one way to do it:

on open these_items
	repeat with this_item in these_items
		set the_path to POSIX path of this_item
		set result to do shell script 
/Users/james/ \  the_path  \
		display dialog result
	end repeat
end open

Save as an application.

And /Users/james/ is:


print I got: $ARGV[0];

Thank you very much for that suggestion -- it is just the sort of 
thing I was hoping for.

But I have a bug somewhere -- just a simple AS

	do shell script /Users/alanfry/Desktop/

results in the error: interpreter:Permission denied

The script runs fine from the Terminal with the command 'perl' 
however. What am I missing?


Re: Weird math... (once more)

2003-10-13 Thread Vic Norton
Here is a little Perl routine that shows exactly what is going on.

   #!/usr/bin/perl -w

   $bigtwo = 2**32;
   while ($a = DATA) {
  $b = (sprintf %.0f, $a * $bigtwo)/$bigtwo;
  $up_or_down = $b = $a ? round up : round down;
  print $a  $up_or_down\n;
The output of this script is
   1.655  round up
   1.755  round down
Here is what is going on.
The 32-bit floating point number $b closest to $a = 1.655 is greater 
than 1.655. This number $b is the computer representation of 1.655; 
consequently the instruction
   sprintf %.2f, $a;
rounds $b up to 1.66.

On the other hand, 32-bit floating point number $b closest to $a = 
1.755 is less than 1.755. This number $b is the computer 
representation of 1.755; consequently the instruction
   sprintf .2f, $a;
rounds $b down to 1.75.



At 1:49 PM -0500 10/13/03, Bill Stephenson wrote:
I've got a script that takes numbers similar to those below and then rounds
them and adds them together using code similar to what is below.
#!/usr/bin/perl -w
use strict;
my $item_1 = 1.655;
my $item_2 = 1.755;
my $rnd_1 = (sprintf qq~%.2f~, $item_1);
my $rnd_2 = (sprintf qq~%.2f~, $item_2);
print $rnd_1, $rnd_2;
The code above prints this result (system 10.1.5, perl 5.6.0):

1.66, 1.75

But shouldn't it be:

1.66, 1.76


1.65, 1.75

I'm no math wizard, so if someone could please take the time and tell what
I'm missing here I would very much appreciate it!

Bill Stephenson
*---* mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
| Victor Thane Norton, Jr.
| Mathematician and Motorcyclist
| phone: 419-353-3399

Re: Weird math...

2003-10-13 Thread Bill Stephenson
on 10/13/03 3:07 PM, John Delacour at [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Don't ask me why but this does solve your problem (which happens also
 in 5.8.0):
 @ls = qw(1.655 1.755) ;
 for (@ls) {
 $_ += 0.01;
 printf %.2f$/ , $_;

Thanks JD! That seems to work pretty good. I still don't quite get what's
going on here so I'll do some further testing to see If I can catch any more
odd (imho) behavior. For grins, run the included code and check the
different results for each sub routine.


Bill Stephenson

 start code 
#!/usr/bin/perl -w

use strict;

my @stuff = qw 1.055




sub round1 {

print === round1 \n;

foreach my $num1 (@stuff) {

 print $num1 rounded to - ;

 my $result1 = $num1;

 $result1 = ($result1*100);

 $result1=(int $result1 + ( $result1  0 ? 0.5 : -0.5 ))/100;

 $result1 = (sprintf qq~%.2f~, $result1);
 print $result1\n;


sub round2 {

print === round2 \n;

foreach my $num2 (@stuff) {

 print $num2 rounded to - ;

 my $result2 = $num2;

 $result2 = ($result2 + .1);

 $result2 = (sprintf qq~%.2f~, $result2);
 print $result2\n;


sub round3 {

print === round3 \n;

foreach my $num3 (@stuff) {

 print $num3 rounded to - ;

 my $result3 = $num3;

 $result3 = ($result3 + 0.0001);

 $result3 = (sprintf qq~%.2f~, $result3);
 print $result3\n;

# end code #

Re: Weird math... (once more)

2003-10-13 Thread Vic Norton
You are wrong about the 64 bit part, Edward, no matter what the Perl books say.

The precision, eps, of a machine is the smallest positive number such that
1 + eps  1  in machine arithmetic. For example, if
   1.01  1  but  1.001 = 1   (binary),
then the precision of the machine is 0.01 = 2**6, and the machine 
can be said to have 6 bit precision.

By this definition the precision of Perl (on Mac OS X) is 2**52. The 
following script shows this quite clearly.

   $n = 0;
   while( 1 + 2**(-$n)  1 ) { $n++ }
   $n = $n-1;
   print precision = 2**$n\n;
Probably Perl's precision is best put at 48 bits (12 hex). In the 
case of rounding 1.655 and 1.755, this is the last point at which the 
former rounds down and the latter rounds up. This can be seen with 
the script

   $twopower = 48;
   $bigtwo = 2**$twopower;
   print two power = $twopower\n;
   while ($a = DATA) {
  chomp $a;
  $b = (sprintf %.0f, $a * $bigtwo)/$bigtwo;
  $up_or_down = $b = $a ? round up : round down;
  print $a  $up_or_down\n;
   print ---\n;

When $twopower  48 both numbers always round up. And they round 
every which way for 32  $twopower  48.

The pair of numbers, 1.655 and 1.755, illustrate machine pathology 
marvelously. Thank you Bill Stevenson!



At 6:29 PM -0700 10/13/03, Edward Moy wrote:
Yes, Vic is correct (except Perl uses double precision, which is 64 bits).
*---* mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
| Mathematicians are like Frenchmen: whatever you say to them
| they translate into their own language, and at once it is
| something entirely different.
|- Johann Wolfgang von Goethe, Maxims and Reflections

Re: Weird math... (once more)

2003-10-13 Thread Matthew Langford
On Mon, 13 Oct 2003, Vic Norton wrote:

 You are wrong about the 64 bit part, Edward, no matter what the Perl
 books say.

Never tell an Apple employee they are wrong, especially on a statement of
machine or software capability.  Unless you are sure.  And even then,
double check two or three times.  In this case, you were right, and he was
right, but you were wrong to call him wrong.  :)

 By this definition the precision of Perl (on Mac OS X) is 2**52. The
 following script shows this quite clearly.

IEEE standard double-precision floating point specifies 52 bits of
fraction, 11 bits of exponent, and a sign bit:

first link in Google for IEEE floating point 64 bit:

IOW, Perl uses 64 bit doubles, which have 52 bits of precision and 11 bits
of range.

 At 6:29 PM -0700 10/13/03, Edward Moy wrote:
 Yes, Vic is correct (except Perl uses double precision, which is 64 bits).
