Re: Panther problems

2003-11-16 Thread Doug McNutt
   2. If I must live with the current setup, how do I change my MANPATH
  in bash. In tcsh I would simply put the line
 setenv MANPATH /man:/usr/share/man: ... :${HOME}/man

Personally I would change my default to tcsh in Netinfo

But check out the export command in bash.


-- In Christianity, man can have only one wife. This is known as monotony. --

Re: Panther problems

2003-11-16 Thread Morbus Iff
OK, here is my situation. My new system starts absolutely clean. I run
cpan in Terminal and accept the default configurations. Then I try

When you're installing Perl modules system-wide, you want to use sudo
cpan. Since you didn't, everything, including the manuals, were installed
into directories specific to your user, which aren't part of the default.
That's my understanding, least.

2. If I must live with the current setup, how do I change my
   MANPATH in bash. In tcsh I would simply put the line

Bash doesn't need setenv.


That would be correct IF you had a leading slash on Users. You also
would have to start a new shell so your new .bash_profile would be read.

Incidentally, I too prefer bash to tsch.

Morbus Iff ( jeez, looks like ookla here has yet to touch the monolith )
Culture: and
icq: 2927491 / aim: akaMorbus / yahoo: morbus_iff / morbus

Re: Panther problems

2003-11-16 Thread John Delacour
At 8:05 pm -0500 16/11/03, Vic Norton wrote:

 My problems start when I want to peruse some manuals. Manuals for LWP
 or TimeDate modules are not immediately accessible. The commands
man LWP::Simple
man Date::Parse
 yield absolutely nothing. When I check manpath, I get
 /usr/share/man:/Users/vic/man. There are definitely no LWP or TimeDate
 manuals in either of these directories.

I had persistent problems with CPAN after first installing Panther.  After updating 
modules on two occasions I found that /usr/bin/perl and /usr/bin/perl5.8.1 had shrunk 
from their proper size of 98K to 19K and all sorts of things stopped working, eg. 
perldoc xx.  I always make myself root before these operations.

I reinstalled 5.8.1 from source twice and everything went fine until I upgraded 
certain modules.  In the end I installed 5.8.2 with the Apple way, ie. to replace 
5.8.1, and since then everything has been fine.  All my modules have been updated 
except for Filter::Simple, which cpan always reports as being one point behind in 
spite of updating.

I'm afraid I have no explanation for all this, but 5.8.2 is fine.


INSTALLSITEMAN[13]DIR fixes for Panther to prevent /man documentation installation and additional ruminations

2003-11-16 Thread Jeremy Mates
 The default shell for Panther is bash. I had become accustomed to tcsh
 under Jaguar. That is part of my problem. I'm trying to go with bash
 under the new system.

IM(NS)HO, zsh has more tcsh compatibilities, while not suffering from
the various deficiencies that plague the csh shells (google for csh
programming harmful), and also has (to me) several advantages over
other Bourne-based shells, such as MULTIOS and programmable completion.

1. Aren't these package manuals going in the wrong place? Shouldn't
   they automatically be placed in a subdirectory of /usr/share/man?
   If so, how do I change the configuration of my system so that the
   make procedure automatically puts new manuals in the right place?

Hmm, I also see a /man directory on my 10.3 system. Let us see where
this rabbit hole goes.

Poke around in a module build directory that has had perl Makefile.PL
run previously in it (which creates the Makefile); I use a non-
/root/.cpan/build directory, as outlined at:

Ideally pick a module that installed documentation to /man, but I chose
one at random.

$ cd /var/spool/cpan/build/DBD-Pg-1.22
$ grep /man Makefile
INST_MAN1DIR = blib/man1
INST_MAN3DIR = blib/man3
INSTALLMAN1DIR = $(PERLPREFIX)//usr/share/man/man1
INSTALLMAN3DIR = $(PERLPREFIX)//usr/share/man/man3

And a secondary lookup at how those *PREFIX are being defined:

$ egrep '^(PERL|SITE|VENDOR)PREFIX' Makefile
VENDORPREFIX = /usr/local

SITEPREFIX looks to blame, as it should set ///man as the prefix for
under /usr/local/man or /usr/share/man, which are fine.

Ergo, modules using SITEPREFIX-based INSTALLSITEMAN[13]DIR settings will
install under /man. To correct this, optionally relocate the exiting
documentation (or just delete /man and reinstall the modules once CPAN
is reconfigured):

$ sudo rsync -avz /man /usr/share
$ sudo rm -rf /man

Then either use the CPAN shell (peruse `perldoc CPAN` in the shell, and
type help in the CPAN shell and investigate o conf makepl_arg) or
muck with the system-wide CPAN/ preferences file directly to
proper CPAN/ file to edit may be different from the following
if you have installed a new version of perl (say, 5.8.2).

$ locate CPAN/

$ sudo vi `locate CPAN/ | head -1`

$ grep makepl_arg /System/Library/Perl/5.8.1/CPAN/
  'makepl_arg' = q[INSTALLSITEMAN1DIR=/usr/share/man/man1 

P.S. Spanish wine is tasty.

Re: INSTALLSITEMAN[13]DIR fixes for Panther to prevent /man documentation installation and additional ruminations

2003-11-16 Thread Morbus Iff
P.S. Spanish wine is tasty.

And Spanish fly is alluring.

Morbus Iff ( i'm wearing footsie jammies here )
Culture: and
icq: 2927491 / aim: akaMorbus / yahoo: morbus_iff / morbus