CamelBones help

2004-06-14 Thread Pierre Vaudrey
I would like to view the following mariages.xml file :
?xml version='1.0' encoding='utf-8'?>
Mariages commune='Meximieux'>
Mariage date='26-06-1662'>
cote>2E 29707/cote>
commentairesGeneraux>Antoine PERON et BOZON/commentairesGeneraux>
Mariage date='18-10-1662'>
cote>2E 29707/cote>
professionEpoux>Notaire Royal/professionEpoux>
commentairesGeneraux>De la CUA, CHASEY bourgeois/commentairesGeneraux>
using the BrowserSample from CBExamples with the following result :
- column 0 Mariages commune attribute : Meximieux
- column 1 Mariage date attribute : '.'
date attribute : '.'
- column 2 all the other tags  contents
I'm using XML::Parser  XML::Parser::EasyTree to produce the corresponding tree.
Could somebody help my to populate @{$self->{'_columns'}->[$column]} from the 
sub browser_numberOfRowsInColumn :
ArgTypes(@i) ReturnType(i) 
method with this tree

Thank for your help
FN:Pierre Vaudrey
TEL;type=HOME;type=pref:0474 611167
ADR;type=HOME;type=pref:;;174\,rue de Lyon\n;Bourg Saint Christophe;;01800;France

Re: Installing modules on osX 10.3.3

2004-06-14 Thread Phil Calvert
On Jun 13, 2004, at 9:53 PM, Sherm Pendley wrote:
On Jun 14, 2004, at 12:12 AM, Phil Calvert wrote:
ld: -undefined: unknown argument: dynamic_lookup
I noticed in an older reply that you're using GCC 3.1, and you've 
upgraded to 10.3.4. If you upgraded from Jaguar (or earlier), and you 
haven't installed Xcode yet, do that - you'll get the newer GCC 3.3 
with it.

Then, do a 'sudo gcc_select 3.3' - that will make the newer GCC 3.3 
the default instead of 3.1. (You can also do a 'gcc_select --list' to 
show what versions are installed, and 'gcc_select' w/o parameters to 
show the current default.)

Like Ed mentioned, GCC versions prior to 3.3 may not understand the 
-undefined dynamic_lookup switch.

At this point, maybe the best thing would be to reinstall osX?
I'm guessing you're a recent refugee from Windows? ;-)
Sir, you wound me! ;-) I've never used a windows for more than a hour 
without feeling ill. I will admit to being a long time system 6, 7, 8, 
9 user and this unix stuff is still a bit heady.

Well, I installed Xcode and ran  sudo perl -MCPAN -e 'install 
Bundle::LWP' again and this time it seemed to go well. Thank you and 
every else for the help!

Re: Installing modules on osX 10.3.3

2004-06-14 Thread Joseph Alotta
On Jun 14, 2004, at 1:34 PM, Phil Calvert wrote:
At this point, maybe the best thing would be to reinstall osX?
I'm guessing you're a recent refugee from Windows? ;-)
Sir, you wound me! ;-) I've never used a windows for more than a hour 
without feeling ill. I will admit to being a long time system 6, 7, 8, 
9 user and this unix stuff is still a bit heady
I saw this news article that Microsoft was fed up with North America 
and Europe antitrust suits and going to focus on underdeveloped 

I like that:  Microsoft: choice of undeveloped world. Apple: choice of 
the developing world.

Does my bias seem to show any?
Joe Alotta

Re: Installing modules on osX 10.3.3

2004-06-14 Thread Sherm Pendley
On Jun 14, 2004, at 2:34 PM, Phil Calvert wrote:
On Jun 13, 2004, at 9:53 PM, Sherm Pendley wrote:
On Jun 14, 2004, at 12:12 AM, Phil Calvert wrote:
At this point, maybe the best thing would be to reinstall osX?
I'm guessing you're a recent refugee from Windows? ;-)
Sir, you wound me! ;-) I've never used a windows for more than a hour 
without feeling ill. I will admit to being a long time system 6, 7, 8, 
9 user and this unix stuff is still a bit heady.
I'm curious - is reinstalling the OS a common troubleshooting technique 
for older MacOS versions? I'm a fairly recent switcher myself. I 
purchased my first Mac expressly to run Mac OS X DP4.

Well, I installed Xcode
That, in a nutshell, was the problem. Panther needs Xcode. Older 
Project Builder releases will sort of work - for some value of work - 
but they're unsupported on Panther, and using them can lead to all 
sorts of difficult to diagnose problems.


Re: Installing modules on osX 10.3.3

2004-06-14 Thread Bill Stephenson
On Jun 14, 2004, at 3:12 PM, Sherm Pendley wrote:
I'm curious - is reinstalling the OS a common troubleshooting 
technique for older MacOS versions? I'm a fairly recent switcher 
myself. I purchased my first Mac expressly to run Mac OS X DP4.

Yes, it certainly was for Systems 7-8. Clean System install, then 
install apps one at a time until a failure (conflict) occurs. The 
Extensions Manager helped a bit, but I always shied away from using 
it and learned to manage conflicts manually instead. I used to restart 
my 6100 and then my 8600 several times a day just to avoid System 
freezes. You could just feel one coming on after a bit. I sure don't 
miss that. System 9 was a pretty big improvement, but after several 
years my 8600 started acting weird and now it surely needs a clean 
install to make things work again.

Kindest Regards,
Bill Stephenson


2004-06-14 Thread Nelius Bresnan
I'm a Perl novice using the PDF::API package to add stuff to the end of a
PDF file. I've RTFMed, I've googled this and I even tried emailing the
author but I'm totally stuck.

I want to use the method PDF::API2::PDF::Page-add($str). At first I tried
PDF::API2-page($index). This inserts-and-returns a new page at $index and
it works fine. However an attempt to use $page-add($str) gets the error
Can't locate object method add via package PDF::API2::Page

So it seems that the scalar returned by PDF::API2-page is not the same kind
of object that PDF::API2::PDF::Page-add is supposed to be called on. This
surprised me - I expected both 'page' objects to be the same type. But I
checked and there is a file /Library/Perl/5.8.1/PDF/API2/ and also a
file /Library/Perl/5.8.1/PDF/API2/pdf/ so it would appear there are
in fact two different kind of page objects. And AFAICT I need the other one.

So I tried to create a scalar of type PDF::API2::PDF::Page using its
constructor. But to create that I need an object of type
PDF::API2::PDF::Pages to base it on. The constructor for Pages is
PDF::API2::PDF::Pages-new($pdfs,$parent). But the explanation
( of the
parameters needed for $pdfs and $parent aren't explicit enough for a Perl
novice like myself. It says that $parent should point at the file context if
we're trying to create a root node. And I think thats what I need to do to
add pages onto the end of the PDF file.

I know enough Perl to know that contexts are very important in Perl. So I
looked it up in three different manuals but none of them make any reference
to a file context. So I'm assuming that context isn't being using in the
canonical sense here and that the author simply means a file pointer of some

So I've supplied the $pdf scalar that was returned from
PDF::API2-open('aPDFfile.pdf'). The pod says that $pdfs is the file object
(or objects) in which to create the new Pages object. I'm not sure
precisely what it means by that but I think its that this is the file that
it'll output to. I want it to output to the same file so I've provided the
same $pdf value again. So my attempted construction of a 'pages' object
looks like this:
my $pages = PDF::API2::PDF::Pages-new($pdf, $pdf);

when I run it it craps out giving the message:
Can't locate object method new_obj via package PDF::API2 at
/Library/Perl/5.8.1/PDF/API2/PDF/ line 68.
I had a look at the line in question and its pretty hairy stuff. I think its
doing something about creating a file outputstream or something like that.
It's expecting that there will be a pointer to an object in $_ and I think
its the wrong kind of object and consequently it can't find the method. But
I'm (way) out of my depth. I think my problem is that my providing the wrong
parameters to PDF::API2::PDF::Pages-new. But I just can't understand what I
should be giving it. The POD comments are too vague for me. I don't get what
I should be providing to it.

thank you.

Nelius Bresnan.

Re: Installing modules on osX 10.3.3

2004-06-14 Thread Joel Rees
On 2004.6.15, at 06:08 AM, Bill Stephenson wrote:
On Jun 14, 2004, at 3:12 PM, Sherm Pendley wrote:
I'm curious - is reinstalling the OS a common troubleshooting 
technique for older MacOS versions? I'm a fairly recent switcher 
myself. I purchased my first Mac expressly to run Mac OS X DP4.

Yes, it certainly was for Systems 7-8. Clean System install,
And there was that sweet spot where the system only took half an hour 
to re-install. When we were working in that sweet spot, re-installing 
made eminent sense.

But that sweet spot would go away. Apple would add necessary 
functionality, and, of course, we would add apps and extensions so that 
it would consume a whole half a day to re-install the system and apps.

I always that those half-day re-installs were terrible, until I 
starting helping with MSWnt4 or OS2Warp installs at work.

 then install apps one at a time until a failure (conflict) occurs. 
The Extensions Manager helped a bit, but I always shied away from 
using it and learned to manage conflicts manually instead.
I started using the extensions manager to move everything out of the 
extensions folder before installs. Then I could compare what the app 
installed with what had already been in place. Leaving only the most 
recent version of extensions and disabling as many Microsoft extensions 
as I could was usually pretty effective.

 I used to restart my 6100 and then my 8600 several times a day just 
to avoid System freezes. You could just feel one coming on after a 
bit. I sure don't miss that. System 9 was a pretty big improvement, 
but after several years my 8600 started acting weird and now it surely 
needs a clean install to make things work again.


2004-06-14 Thread Rick Measham
This post belongs on the [EMAIL PROTECTED] list 
rather than the Mac OS-X Perl list. I've cross posted it there and 
would suggest that you subscribe to that list for all your PDF::API2 
help. It's an active and helpful list.

You need to be calling the methods on objects and not on their class. 
Once you open the PDF, you need to add the page to it rather than just 
adding a page to ... a class.

The following code (from my head so it could be wrong) demonstrates how 
you'd do it:

my $pdf = PDF::API2-open( $path_to_pdf ); # Open a PDF
my $page = $pdf-page( $pdf-pages );  # Add a page at the end
$page-do_something()  # Do stuff to the page
If there's any PDF::API2ers reading this, feel free to correct my code.

On 15 Jun 2004, at 7:08 AM, Nelius Bresnan wrote:
I'm a Perl novice using the PDF::API package to add stuff to the end 
of a
PDF file. I've RTFMed, I've googled this and I even tried emailing the
author but I'm totally stuck.

I want to use the method PDF::API2::PDF::Page-add($str). At first I 
PDF::API2-page($index). This inserts-and-returns a new page at $index 
it works fine. However an attempt to use $page-add($str) gets the 
Can't locate object method add via package PDF::API2::Page

So it seems that the scalar returned by PDF::API2-page is not the 
same kind
of object that PDF::API2::PDF::Page-add is supposed to be called on. 
surprised me - I expected both 'page' objects to be the same type. But 
checked and there is a file /Library/Perl/5.8.1/PDF/API2/ and 
also a
file /Library/Perl/5.8.1/PDF/API2/pdf/ so it would appear there 
in fact two different kind of page objects. And AFAICT I need the 
other one.

So I tried to create a scalar of type PDF::API2::PDF::Page using its
constructor. But to create that I need an object of type
PDF::API2::PDF::Pages to base it on. The constructor for Pages is
PDF::API2::PDF::Pages-new($pdfs,$parent). But the explanation
( of 
parameters needed for $pdfs and $parent aren't explicit enough for a 
novice like myself. It says that $parent should point at the file 
context if
we're trying to create a root node. And I think thats what I need to 
do to
add pages onto the end of the PDF file.

I know enough Perl to know that contexts are very important in Perl. 
So I
looked it up in three different manuals but none of them make any 
to a file context. So I'm assuming that context isn't being using in 
canonical sense here and that the author simply means a file pointer 
of some

So I've supplied the $pdf scalar that was returned from
PDF::API2-open('aPDFfile.pdf'). The pod says that $pdfs is the file 
(or objects) in which to create the new Pages object. I'm not sure
precisely what it means by that but I think its that this is the file 
it'll output to. I want it to output to the same file so I've provided 
same $pdf value again. So my attempted construction of a 'pages' object
looks like this:
my $pages = PDF::API2::PDF::Pages-new($pdf, $pdf);

when I run it it craps out giving the message:
Can't locate object method new_obj via package PDF::API2 at
/Library/Perl/5.8.1/PDF/API2/PDF/ line 68.
I had a look at the line in question and its pretty hairy stuff. I 
think its
doing something about creating a file outputstream or something like 
It's expecting that there will be a pointer to an object in $_ and I 
its the wrong kind of object and consequently it can't find the 
method. But
I'm (way) out of my depth. I think my problem is that my providing the 
parameters to PDF::API2::PDF::Pages-new. But I just can't understand 
what I
should be giving it. The POD comments are too vague for me. I don't 
get what
I should be providing to it.

thank you.
Nelius Bresnan.

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