Re: Memory.bundle will not compile.

2013-12-13 Thread Charlie Garrison

Good morning,

You have sent a personal reply rather than to the list (or if 
you did send to the list it hasn't come through yet).

On 13/12/13 at 1:06 PM -, Alan Fry wrote:

On 12 Dec 201323:11, at   23:11, Charlie Garrison wrote:

I'm so sorry you can't do a double click on your Mac to read a 
Perl error message. I thought that was pretty standard in the 
Mac world.

I didn't say I can't; I said it was easier if I didn't have to, 
and since you're asking for free help, why not make it easier 
for those you're asking to help you. Basic common sense.

And again, we're talking Perl here; I can't even work out how 
that screen shot is related at all; where did it come from. Just 
copy the error message from the text output. Again, we're 
talking Perl.

That is way off the beam. The issue is a 32/64 bit one and can 
be resolved by a perl version plist Prefer-32-Bit. But that's 
nasty thing to do IMHO.

Umm, you know the solution? Then why are you asking for help? 
Or, you know of 'a' solution but don't share that with us so we 
can help you find a better solution? You've got to put some 
effort into helping us to help you. If you don't give us all the 
facts that you know (or think) might be relevant, how do you 
expect non-mind readers to assist?

The errors  arise from a call 'use Mac::OSA;'. It's broken and I gather will 
never be fixed.

I'm not the author, so can't say. What dit the author say?

Hmm, that's part of the Mac::Carbon distro. Doesn't surprise me 
in the slightest that it's not getting ongoing love. There are 
newer (better?) ways of doing things these days.

And from what I can tell; it's not broken at all. It's not 
advertised as 64-bit compatible. Maybe your system is broken 
since it doesn't have a 32-bit perl. You can compile for 
yourself you know.

I have taken it out of the  script and done the job another way.

Since we're still having to be mind-readers to know what your 
ultimate goal is, and knowing that with Perl TIMTOWTDI almost 
always holds true, a different solution doesn't surprise me.

I can take heaps of guesses at what you really wanted to do, but 
that's not what you asked. I suggested some ways to solve the 
question you asked.


   Ꮚ Charlie Garrison ♊

O ascii ribbon campaign - stop html mail -

Re: Memory.bundle will not compile.

2013-12-12 Thread Charlie Garrison

Good morning,

On 12/12/13 at 2:59 PM -, Alan Fry wrote:

I have a script which runs fine on OS 10.6.8 but fails on 10.7.2. The error 
message is this:

No idea what that screen shot is; we're talking perl so just use 
the command line. Also makes it heaps easier for us to help 
since we don't need to open another program to see what you're 
trying to tell us.

Try installing Memory::Memory again. Make sure you run the 
tests. If the tests fail, there are probably compile options 
that need changing, show us the test output. If tests succeed 
and installs fine, and you still have the same errors, then 
there is something wrong with your (script) environment. In that 
case, test from cli and show us all error output (not a 
screenshot please).


   Ꮚ Charlie Garrison ♊

O ascii ribbon campaign - stop html mail -

Re: Can't Update CPAN, Can't Install DBD::mysql

2011-09-28 Thread Charlie Garrison

Good morning,

On 28/09/11 at 3:59 PM -0400, Lola Lee Beno wrote:

That's what I was afraid of.  Apparently a previous install of 
make got blown away. In the process of downloading XCode from 
App Store (uh) . . .

I had to install Xcode twice (not download, just install twice). 
And I seem to recall some reports from others saying the same 
thing. Installing twice also fixed borked xcode for a colleague. 
I never bothered to find out why that fixed things; just 
proceeded and kept working.


   Ꮚ Charlie Garrison ♊

O ascii ribbon campaign - stop html mail -

Re: New Perl-Installation on new OS X

2011-06-09 Thread Charlie Garrison

Good morning,

On 9/06/11 at 4:40 PM +0100, John Delacour wrote:

One thing to remember, of course, is that to add modules with 
cpan to 5.14.0 so configured, rather than to Apple's 
installation, you need to

cd /usr/local/bin; sudo ./cpan

I haven't followed all of this thread (it was digressing there 
for a while). Would perlbrew be a solution for the OP. I've only 
been using it a short while but it makes installing and using a 
custom perl very simple.


$ perlbrew install perl-5.14.0
$ perlbrew switch perl-5.14.0
$ cpan 

Works a treat for me.


   Ꮚ Charlie Garrison ♊

O ascii ribbon campaign - stop html mail -

Re: MacPort: how to port perl?

2008-09-09 Thread Charlie Garrison

Good afternoon,

On 9/9/08 at 9:24 PM -0400, Vic Norton [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

I'm not sure what this proves, David. I've tried your trick 3 
times and gotten three different answers. And I don't think 
PERL5LIB has anything to do with any of them.

What is the value of your PERL5LIB? From your perl output we can 
see the defaults for @INC, but without knowing the value of 
PERL5LIB it's hard to draw any conclusions.

My experience matches David's; the PERL5LIB variable does work 
as advertised.


   Charlie Garrison  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
   PO Box 141, Windsor, NSW 2756, Australia

O ascii ribbon campaign - stop html mail -

Re: Using Perl to Read jar file MANIFEST file.

2008-03-05 Thread Charlie Garrison

Good afternoon,

On 5/3/08 at 10:23 AM -0800, Michael Barto 

Has anybody every tried to create a Perl program ro read the 
contents of the MANIFEST file in java jar file? We are trying 
to develop something to provide comparisons for change between 
different implementations. Is this a simple Perl backtic, 
system or exec of the jar command or is there a more exotic way 
to do it? Also, we need to extract Checksum. But that seems documented.

Did you ask CPAN? There seems to be a few modules which might be 
helpful for you:


   Charlie Garrison  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
   PO Box 141, Windsor, NSW 2756, Australia

O ascii ribbon campaign - stop html mail -

Re: Formatting uploaded images

2006-02-15 Thread Charlie Garrison
Good morning,

On 15/2/06 at 12:57 PM -, Moisés Chicharro [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

I have a perl script which enables users to upload a jpg file to my  
webserver from their browser. However, I'd like to reformat the  
uploaded jpeg to a certain pixel width and height so that it fits in  
with my webpage template (and also to avoid massive files being  
uploaded). Is there any way to do this in perl?

Quite a few ways; one of the popular ones is ImageMagick.


   Charlie Garrison  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
   PO Box 141, Windsor, NSW 2756, Australia

Re: CamelBones on Intel? Maybe not.

2005-06-09 Thread Charlie Garrison
Good evening,

On 9/6/05 at 2:39 AM -0700, wren argetlahm [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Hey Sherm, I haven't toyed with CB since the days of
10.2, anything I should know before diving in again?

And are there any licensing issues that would prevent using CB in a commercial


   Charlie Garrison  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
   PO Box 141, Windsor, NSW 2756, Australia

Re: BBEdit 8.0

2004-09-10 Thread Charlie Garrison
Good evening,

On 9/9/04 at 3:06 PM -0400, Sherm Pendley [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Safari and reload the page. I can configure to 
automagically pop itself to the front of the window stack whenever 
anything gets appended to Apache's (or some other) error log.

Then you may also be interested in Tailer+. It simply tails a log file (can do
so with ssh too) but it also highlights and strips lines based on criteria
such as a regex. I find it great for getting to just the data I want to see in
apache error logs.

After Affrus and BBEdit, it's one of the most useful tools in my arsenal.


   Charlie Garrison  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
   PO Box 141, Windsor, NSW 2756, Australia

Re: many module questions

2004-02-01 Thread Charlie Garrison
Good morning,

On 1/2/04 at 8:11 AM -0500, Sherm Pendley [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

One thing you'll need to do before installing DBD::mysql is install 
MySQL itself. The simplest way to do that is via Fink. You'll also need 

There is now a package/binary download for OSX from the mySQL site. I think
that is now easier than the fink install. Of course there are still plenty of
other good reasons to use fink, so if you already have fink installed, then
using it to grab mysql may be just as good.

And that was a great reply from Sherm for all of Christopher's questions. I
had forgotten about the cpan 'look' command. I could have used that recently
to save some time had I remembered it.


   Charlie Garrison[EMAIL PROTECTED]
   PO Box 141, Windsor, NSW 2756, Australia

Using Mac::Glue to convert alias string to posix path

2004-01-02 Thread Charlie Garrison
Good morning,

I am using Mac::Glue to get alias style strings from a FileMaker database. I
need to convert the string into a posix style path for manipulation in perl.

I realize that Mac::Glue will convert an alias to posix path when doing a
'get'. But how do I convert the string into an alias?

I'm trying to do the equivalent of the following AppleScript:

set file_path to HD:Users:charlie:test_file
set file_str to (POSIX path of file_path) as string
-- returns /Users/charlie/test_file

This is the perl version I'm trying:

use Mac::Glue ':glue';

my $app = new Mac::Glue 'System_Events';

my $file_path = HD:Users:charlie:test_file;
my $file_str = $app-get($file_path, as = 'posix_path');
#my $file_str = $app-obj($file_path, as = 'posix_path');
#my $file_str = $app-get($file_path, as = 'posix_file');
#my $file_str = $app-get($file_path, as = 'alias');

print $file_str\n; # want /Users/charlie/test_file

I have tried different variations, and none of them are working. Maybe I'm
approaching the problem the wrong way.

Can anyone suggest how to convert an alias string into a posix path string?

   Charlie Garrison[EMAIL PROTECTED]
   PO Box 141, Windsor, NSW 2756, Australia

Re: searching complex datastructures

2003-12-11 Thread Charlie Garrison
Good afternoon,

On 11/12/03 at 4:55 PM -0800, wren argetlahm [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

--- Charlie Garrison [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I'm no expert ( I'd love to hear from one). But
 when I need to do something
 similar I use a second data structure for doing the
 'reverse lookup'.

I thought about that, but was put off by the fact that
it's a complex structure-- of course I'm only
reverse-looking up one field, so it might work. I have
an estimated 1-10 lookups per database entry, of which
there are ~500 right now. So there might be time
savings, but memory requirements might be an issue

Exactly, which is why I ask that you post the solution here if you find
something more elegant. It feels like a sledgehammer solution to me, but I've
yet to find anything better.

--- Fred Eiden [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 How about using a different data structure?  Maybe a
 hash of hashes would
 work better.  If the value of $xml_index is unique,

$xml_index is unique (as is the name value), but the
reason for the array is to sort the entries into an
order which doesn't necessarily correlate with
$xml_index or the name, and I look things up by their
order more often than their $xml_index.

I also agree with Fred's solution, but only for data which doesn't need to be
sorted (which I assumed was the case for you). It is possible to expand on
Fred's solution to save the initial ordering by also using a 'sort_val' key
into each hash. But that starts getting just as complex:

%names = ({sort_val=1, data={xml_index='a', name='abc'}}, 
  {sort_val=2, data={xml_index='d', name='def'}} );

But then you need to do the same thing for each key that you need to do
lookups for. Each 'data' hash can be referred to with references so that you
only need one copy across all lookup hashes, but it still uses more memory.

Can anyone offer an elegant solution for a data structure that maintains
sorted order as well as access to data for a (primary) key?

   Charlie Garrison[EMAIL PROTECTED]
   PO Box 141, Windsor, NSW 2756, Australia 

Re: searching complex datastructures

2003-12-10 Thread Charlie Garrison
Good morning,

On 10/12/03 at 4:01 PM -0800, wren thornton [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

I'm working with some complex data (array of hashes in
this case) and I'm wondering if there's a good way to
do a reverse lookup? So far I have the following:

I'm no expert ( I'd love to hear from one). But when I need to do something
similar I use a second data structure for doing the 'reverse lookup'.

for my $i (0.. @names-1) {
   if ($names[$i]{'xml_index'} == $xml_index){
   $return = $names[$i]{'name'}
   last if $return;

So in addition to @names, I would also have %name_xml ( maybe %name_vals

@names = ({xml_index='a', name='abc'}, {xml_index='d', name='def'});
%name_xml = (a=1, d=2);   # hash value is index into @names for 
# matching xml_index
%name_vals = (abc=1, def=2);

You could then do a lookup in @names as:

$val = $names[$name_xml{'a'}]{'name'};

Which works fine, but I'm pretty sure there has to be
a more efficient way to do it that will save cycles.

The above will (obviously) take longer to create the data structures and will
use much more memory. So if you only have the occasional lookup to do, it
won't save you anything. But if you have lots of lookups to do, it will save
you time.

   Charlie Garrison[EMAIL PROTECTED]
   PO Box 141, Windsor, NSW 2756, Australia 

Re: HTML to PDF converter

2003-11-24 Thread Charlie Garrison
Good evening,

On 23/11/03 at 9:23 PM -0700, Mike Schienle [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

I need to batch convert a hundred or so HTML pages to PDF on a regular 
basis. I've looked on the web a bit, CPAN and the last year or so of 
The Perl Journal, but I'm getting more confused the longer I search :-) 
It looks like HTML::HTMLDoc is the way to go at this point. Can someone 
give me an idea if that's the most appropriate module? If not, are 
there other recommendations?

It will depend largely on what sort of html documents you have (simple
text/tables vs complex layout with lots of images) and what features you need
in the resulting pdf (bookmarks, clickable links, etc).

I have been using html2ps for a few years. Its feature list is pretty basic,
and it was written years ago. But it was the best solution (for me) at the
time and I have found no reason to switch (or a better solution to switch to).

   Charlie Garrison[EMAIL PROTECTED]
   PO Box 141, Windsor, NSW 2756, Australia 

Re: magic bullet needed for Perl upgrades on Mac OS X

2003-03-01 Thread Charlie Garrison
Good afternoon,

On 28/2/03 at 12:39 PM, Peter N Lewis [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

In that case, don't even think about trying to build a smaller bundle 
- people in general will not even blink before 10MB these days, and 
in general wont worry about it until it is *much* bigger than that.

I disagree. For me, I don't blink if it's under 2MB. But anythinbg over that I
make a conscious decision about whether I really want it. I find file size to
be a very important factor in deciding whether to download. Not everyone has
even 56K connections (much less broadband) if they don't live in/near a city.

   Charlie Garrison[EMAIL PROTECTED]
   PO Box 141, Windsor, NSW 2756, Australia