backup options?

2005-07-25 Thread Christopher D. Lewis

Dear Perlers,
A little while ago I asked about solutions to the graceless  
failure I was experiencing with psync (would look like it copied  
data, but would happily create zero-byte files once out of room,  
without complaining;  and on re-psync, would copy reams of links,  
making me unsure that everything'd been copied before, since it was  
copying again ...).
Rsync was mentioned as a solution, and using rsync under Tiger  
or using rsyncX, whis looks plausible.  However, when I've tried this  
I've gotten errors.  Also, others complain it's not ready for prime  
page=2 (see comments in bottom;  these reflect my experience, with  
broken pipe errors, etc.)
One happy note was that rsync has a flag for comparing checksums  
during rsync runs.  This assures that copies really put the right  
data -- and all the right data -- in each of the files.  The downside  
is that I have no idea what it does to compaare checksums on extended  
attributes, resource forks, or the like.  The psync script could  
certainly have md5 sums added to the scanning cycle of both source  
and destination, and have a scan of all copied items to ensure the  
sums were correct ... but I don't have an instinct for the least- 
overhead way to do this.  Also, doing checksums over a connection to  
a remote volume would create ridiculous traffic:  the machine running  
psync would need to receive all the data in all the files to do a  
checksum on each, which is in my view why rsync has a client/server  
model (to do processing on each end, reducing transmission of data).

So my questions are:
(1) Does psync really have an issue with symlinks, and recopy  
symlinks all the time? (or is there a difference between relative and  
absolute paths in symlinks, and does psync treat them differently and  
thus fail to recognize a good copy during pre-copy checks, forcing  
(2) Does anyone have a solution for copy verification under  
psync, or should I experiment rolling my own verify flag in the  
psync script?
(3) Does anyone have experience getting backups to work well  
under rsync, with or without perl involvement?

Thanks in advance :-)
Best regards,

Re: psync backup problems: suggestions?

2005-07-12 Thread Christopher D. Lewis

On Jul 10, 2005, at 11:39 PM, Randal L. Schwartz wrote:

Christopher == Christopher D Lewis [EMAIL PROTECTED]  

Christopher Dear psync users,

This may not help, but I'm about to be a former psync user, because
Tiger's rsync now understands the HFS fork, if you include -E.  This
presumably also includes the extended-access lists which psync won't

I thought the issue wasn't a patched rsync, but filesystem changes  
that made regular unix tools automatically get the resource fork  
when they tried to move, rename, etc.  I don't fully understand what  
it's doing, which makes me nervous -- also, I don't know how non- 
Tiger remote systems will treat data sent by rsync on Tiger, so I'm  
not sure how this will work for me as a backup.  I will happily look  
forward to your tales of success (rather than woe) and proceed  
accordingly once you describe the transition into former psync user  
status.  On the other hand, I have a warm spot in my heart for Perl,  
and I'll happily use psync 'till the cows come home if I can work out  
how not to get bitten by this silent failure to back up issue -- say,  
by following backup with a check for zero-length files on the  
destination volume, since that's the symptom.

The incremental (within files) nature of rsync backups *does* have  
appeal, though, especially as I consider remote backup;  my current  
setup involves only backup to an external drive.

Now to spend a few hours reverse engineering carbon-copy-cloner so
that I can ensure that I'm copying only the stuff that doesn't get
cleared on reboot anyway...

rsyncing your swap file across the internet could prove tiresome :-)

Best regards,

Re: keychain

2005-04-29 Thread Christopher D. Lewis
On Apr 21, 2005, at 7:15 AM, Ken Williams wrote:
Hi Joseph,
In my address book, I've got several of those too.  I believe  
they're certificates from people who have signed their messages.   
If you don't know them, they're probably on a list you're on.
You may not notice it, but lots of people send signed messages to  
lists. grabs the x.509 certificate, and then stores it  
inthe keychain for later authentications.  Can be deleted without ill  
effect.  Check the item details before you delete to make sure it's a  
x.509 cert, or somethign else you're happy to part with.

Best regards,

Re: Noob perl question re psync (dyld: perl Undefined symbols)

2003-10-01 Thread Christopher D . Lewis
Update on my situation:

On Tuesday, September 30, 2003, at 07:24  PM, Christopher D. Lewis 
On Tuesday, September 30, 2003, at 05:56  PM, Ken Williams wrote:
On Tuesday, September 30, 2003, at 02:26  PM, Christopher D. Lewis 
Dear Wiser Folks,
	I was getting this:
% psync -v
dyld: perl Undefined symbols:
Trace/BPT trap
So I thought I had a badly-synced perl and psync and recompiled Perl 
according to the directions on Apple's page.  I still get this exact 
error after usign CPAN to install MacOSX::File.  What is my real 
You probably didn't need to re-install perl, you probably needed to 
re-install psync (and MacOSX::File).
I did.  Now, I'm doing a forced reinstall.  I'll report back :-)
After recompiling Perl and doing a forced install of MacOS::File, I get:
% psync -v
dyld: perl Undefined symbols:
Trace/BPT trap
... exactly where I started.  I have an acute need to backup a volume.  
Will psync work with this error?  Is this safe?  Feedback very 

Best regards,

Re: Noob perl question re psync (dyld: perl Undefined symbols)

2003-10-01 Thread Christopher D . Lewis
On Tuesday, September 30, 2003, at 10:09  PM, Ken Williams wrote:
Unfortunately it won't work at all, no.  That's a fatal error.
Assuming you're using tcsh as the shell, try this:
 env DYLD_PRINT_LIBRARIES=1 psync -v
and then see what the last library it tries to load before the error  
is.  Then re-install that module.
The last library mentioned before the error is:
loading libraries for image:  

I think it's a library for Perl 5.6.1 which shipped with the machine,  
and I'm using 5.8 now.  Advice?  Can I get what I need to reinstall  
this?  Entire output of command below.

% env DYLD_PRINT_LIBRARIES=1 psync -v
loading libraries for image: perl
loading library: /Library/Perl/darwin/CORE/libperl.dylib
loading library: /usr/local/lib/libdl.1.dylib
loading library: /usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib
loading libraries for image: /Library/Perl/darwin/CORE/libperl.dylib
loading libraries for image: /usr/local/lib/libdl.1.dylib
loading libraries for image: /usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib
loading library: /usr/lib/system/libmathCommon.A.dylib
loading libraries for image: /usr/lib/system/libmathCommon.A.dylib
loading libraries for image:  
loading libraries for image:  
loading libraries for image:  
loading library:  
loading libraries for image:  
loading library:  
loading library:  
loading library:  
loading library:  
loading library:  
loading library:  
loading library:  
loading library:  
loading library:  
loading library:  
loading library:  
loading library:  
loading libraries for image:  
loading library:  
loading library:  
loading libraries for image:  
loading libraries for image:  
loading library:  
loading libraries for image:  
loading library:  
loading library:  
loading library:  
loading library:  
loading library:  
loading library:  
loading library:  

Re: Noob perl question re psync (dyld: perl Undefined symbols)

2003-10-01 Thread Christopher D . Lewis
On Tuesday, September 30, 2003, at 10:28  PM, Ken Williams wrote:
The last perl library that loads seems to be MacOSX::File::Copy.  Can 
you load that in isolation either?
%  perl -MMacOSX::File::Copy -e1
dyld: perl Undefined symbols:
Trace/BPT trap
You seem to have hit the target.  This is the error I get running 
psync.  What do I do to fix this?  Was it not gotten with the forced 
reinstall of MacOS::File?  How would I do it differently?  Are there 
places I would look for a broken copy, perhaps from an old installation?


Noob perl question re psync

2003-09-30 Thread Christopher D . Lewis
Dear Wiser Folks,
I was getting this:
% psync -v
dyld: perl Undefined symbols:
Trace/BPT trap
So I thought I had a badly-synced perl and psync and recompiled Perl 
according to the directions on Apple's page.  I still get this exact 
error after usign CPAN to install MacOSX::File.  What is my real 

Sorry to waste your bandwidth,

Re: Noob perl question re psync

2003-09-30 Thread Christopher D . Lewis
On Tuesday, September 30, 2003, at 05:56  PM, Ken Williams wrote:

On Tuesday, September 30, 2003, at 02:26  PM, Christopher D. Lewis 

Dear Wiser Folks,
I was getting this:
% psync -v
dyld: perl Undefined symbols:
Trace/BPT trap
So I thought I had a badly-synced perl and psync and recompiled Perl 
according to the directions on Apple's page.  I still get this exact 
error after usign CPAN to install MacOSX::File.  What is my real 
You probably didn't need to re-install perl, you probably needed to 
re-install psync (and MacOSX::File).
I did.  Now, I'm doing a forced reinstall.  I'll report back :-)


CPAN/compilation issues

2003-06-04 Thread Christopher D . Lewis
Dearest and most learned MacOS X / Perl worthies,

I've had problems recently trying to update my Perl modules ... I got a 
lot of this sort of thing:

t/06gzdopen.dyld: /usr/bin/perl Undefined symbols:
Test returned status 0 (wstat 5, 0x5)
Any ideas?  What do I need to do to fix this?  What have I likely got 
out of synch?

A similar vein, I get this:
% psync -h
dyld: perl Undefined symbols:
Trace/BPT trap
 (just running perl programs that don't use any additional modules seem 
to go off without error, though)

Thanks in advance,
Love Like You Don't Need The Money
Work Like Nobody's Watching
Dance Like You've Never Been Hurt

Phantom Line Numbers

2003-01-07 Thread Christopher D . Lewis
I'm writing a little toy tool to teach myself more Perl than I have 
used before, and I am puzzled by error messages I get when trying to 
run and debug it:

syntax error at ./nudice-01c line 187, near sub displayResults 
syntax error at ./nudice-01c line 305, near sub rollRequest
syntax error at ./nudice-01c line 325, near while @rawRollArray
syntax error at ./nudice-01c line 457, near }
Execution of ./nudice-01c aborted due to compilation errors.

The problem is, you see, that (according to two different text editors) 
nudice-01c has only 304 lines 

Any ideas how I debug lines which don't exist?  Any ideas why Perl is 
reporting nonexistent line numbers?  Perl 5.8.0.

Thanks in advance,

Re: Debugging Problem: Phantom line numbers!

2003-01-07 Thread Christopher D . Lewis

On Tuesday, January 7, 2003, at 10:31  AM, Peter Scott wrote:

 [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Christopher D . Lewis) writes:

My problem is that the errors Perl coughs up end with:

syntax error at ./nudice-01c line 187, near sub displayResults 
syntax error at ./nudice-01c line 305, near sub rollRequest
syntax error at ./nudice-01c line 325, near while @rawRollArray
syntax error at ./nudice-01c line 457, near }
Execution of ./nudice-01c aborted due to compilation errors.

This would be all well and good, except that every text editor I point
at my program agrees that the actual line count ends at 304.


What line numbers do your text editors say the above statements are
actually on?

Sprinkle a few

	print __LINE__;

statements around and see what Perl thinks the line numbers are.

I replaced the entirety of sub displayResults with:

sub displayResults { print __line__ . sub displayResults; }

(both to get Perl's idea of the line numbers, and to implement another 
suggestion I replace contents of problem subroutines with simple code 
to track down bugs)

and my errors went from:
chris% ./nudice-01c
my variable $labelThrow masks earlier declaration in same scope at 
./nudice-01c line 193.
my variable @requests masks earlier declaration in same statement at 
./nudice-01c line 193.
my variable $requestNumber masks earlier declaration in same 
statement at ./nudice-01c line 193.
my variable $labelThrow masks earlier declaration in same scope at 
./nudice-01c line 195.
my variable @requests masks earlier declaration in same scope at 
./nudice-01c line 195.
my variable $requestNumber masks earlier declaration in same scope at 
./nudice-01c line 195.
my variable $labelThrow masks earlier declaration in same scope at 
./nudice-01c line 197.
my variable @requests masks earlier declaration in same scope at 
./nudice-01c line 197.
my variable $requestNumber masks earlier declaration in same scope at 
./nudice-01c line 197.
my variable @requests masks earlier declaration in same statement at 
./nudice-01c line 197.
my variable $requestNumber masks earlier declaration in same 
statement at ./nudice-01c line 197.
syntax error at ./nudice-01c line 187, near sub displayResults 
syntax error at ./nudice-01c line 305, near sub rollRequest
syntax error at ./nudice-01c line 325, near while @rawRollArray
syntax error at ./nudice-01c line 457, near }
Execution of ./nudice-01c aborted due to compilation errors.

to the more modest:
chris% ./nudice-01c
syntax error at ./nudice-01c line 187, near sub displayResults 
syntax error at ./nudice-01c line 189, near sub rollRequest
syntax error at ./nudice-01c line 209, near while @rawRollArray
syntax error at ./nudice-01c line 341, near }
Execution of ./nudice-01c aborted due to compilation errors.

So, now that I know all the variable problems are in displayResults 
despite the line numbers being off, I can start looking outside 
displayResults for the other errors.  I note in passing that I can't 
find a bunch of my labelThrow masking one another, as in 
displayResults I make the label for each throw using:
   my $labelThrow; # Identifies throw type for table readers
   # Calculates Label for Throw
$labelThrow .= $requests[$requestNumber]{numDicePerThrow} if 
$requests[$requestNumber]{numDicePerThrow}  1; # Puts numDice in 
throw's label if  1
$labelThrow .= d . $requests[$requestNumber]{numSidesPerDie}; # 
Puts Die size
$labelThrow .= $requests[$requestNumber]{numAddedToThrow} if 
$requests[$requestNumber]{numAddedToThrow};#Puts numAddedToThrow in 
throw's labal if nonzero

Does anyone spot what I'm doing wrong in trying to build a this label's 
contents in this way?

Note that I have no idea at all what I'm doing with these data 
structures, what's why it is practice :-).  @requests is not created 
expressly, but is created as data is stuffed into 
$requests[$requestNumber]{numDicePerThrow} and the like.  It looks 
like I need a primer on using these sort of storage tools.  Advice?  
Have Learning Perl and Advanced Perl Programming on hand...

Many thanks,

Phantom Line Numbers

2003-01-06 Thread Christopher D . Lewis
I'm writing a little toy tool to teach myself more Perl than I have 
used before, and I am puzzled by error messages I get when trying to 
run and debug it:

syntax error at ./nudice-01c line 187, near sub displayResults 
syntax error at ./nudice-01c line 305, near sub rollRequest
syntax error at ./nudice-01c line 325, near while @rawRollArray
syntax error at ./nudice-01c line 457, near }
Execution of ./nudice-01c aborted due to compilation errors.

The problem is, you see, that (according to two different text editors) 
nudice-01c has only 304 lines 

Any ideas how I debug lines which don't exist?  Any ideas why Perl is 
reporting nonexistent line numbers?  Perl 5.8.0.

Thanks in advance,

Re: Phantom Line Numbers

2003-01-06 Thread Christopher D . Lewis

On Monday, January 6, 2003, at 06:39  PM, Andy Lester wrote:

syntax error at ./nudice-01c line 187, near sub displayResults 
syntax error at ./nudice-01c line 305, near sub rollRequest

The problem is, you see, that (according to two different text 
nudice-01c has only 304 lines 

Line numbers aside, you can find sub rollRequest, cancha?

Yes, it starts on 189 and continues to 267, hence my hope to narrow 
down the line number search :-)

On Monday, January 6, 2003, at  5:53:20 PM, drieux wrote:
I would start up around line 186 to begin with.

Since that could be the start of the 'real issue'
and hence that it is then finding stray carriage returns
that would otherwise be parts of outgoing print statements
and growing the offset.

As such start with looking for where you have
that first sub - and work out what in that area has gone wrong.

displayResults begins on 130 and goes to 187, though several intended 
features are not actually implemented yet -- I just wanted to see what 
I needed to do to get it running.  I was able to eliminate several 
compile errors, but got stuck when the errors stopped giving me clues I 
knew how to follow.  I will have to dedicate some more time to hunting 
down whatever might be wrong in these subroutines ... I may need to 
make a bunch of little test apps to try what I'm doing and see, 
piecemeal, what breaks and what works.


Re: Apple Perl directory layout

2002-12-09 Thread Christopher D . Lewis
I did file a bug via and 
subsequently, wsanchez apparently submitted a perl patch which leads to 
version-numbers in the pathname.

On Monday, December 9, 2002, at 01:38  PM, Michael Maibaum wrote:

Hash: SHA1

As I guess most of you know, Apple's system Perl layout is broken, 
because it doesn't version the module directories and this means Perl 
upgrade trauma. Anyway, I just found out that Apple has no bugs on 
this, there are no open, or it seems, closed bugs on the way perl is 
installed with the base system.

I'd like to encourage people to file a bug on this, so when apple 
upgrades the system Perl to 5.8.x they will hopefully use a sane 
directory layout


Version: GnuPG v1.0.7 (Darwin)


Perl version in pathname

2002-12-09 Thread Christopher D . Lewis
wsanchez' hints file patch cures this concern, no?

Re: Math::Pari -- anyone using it on MacOS X?

2002-12-03 Thread Christopher D . Lewis

On Monday, December 2, 2002, at 10:59  PM, Ken Williams wrote:

On Monday, December 2, 2002, at 04:47  PM, Christopher D. Lewis wrote:

On Sunday, December 1, 2002, at 05:49  PM, Ken Williams wrote:

The error messages below aren't helpful, they just say that there  
were error messages in a previous run.  In the CPAN shell, do 'clean  
Math::Pari' and then 'test Math::Pari' to see the real error  
This may look lame, but I am new enough to lack even rudimentary  
troubleshooting (besides installing modules when an error says can't  
find Module X.  The error I get when followign your prescription is:
[looking good up to ...]
Getting GP/PARI from
Cannot list ():  at utils/Math/ line 167,  line 1.
Running make test
  Make had some problems, maybe interrupted? Won't test

I still don't understand your message - what do you mean [looking  
good up to ...]?

Sorry, the output from the command to test follows.
Many thanks for looking,

---begin copy---
cpan test Math::Pari
Running test for module Math::Pari
Running make for I/IL/ILYAZ/modules/Math-Pari-2.010305.tar.gz
Checksum for  
2.010305.tar.gz ok
Removing previously used /Volumes/Storage/cpan/build/Math-Pari-2.010305 Going to build I/IL/ILYAZ/modules/Math-Pari-2.010305.tar.gz

Did not find GP/PARI build directory around.
Do you want to me to fetch GP/PARI automatically?
  (If you do not, you will need to fetch it manually, and/or direct me  
   the directory with GP/PARI source via the command-line option  
Make sure you have a large scrollback buffer to see the messages.
Fetch? (y/n, press Enter) y
Getting GP/PARI from
Cannot list ():  at utils/Math/ line 167,  line 1.
Running make test
  Make had some problems, maybe interrupted? Won't test
---end copy---

Re: Math::Pari -- anyone using it on MacOS X?

2002-12-02 Thread Christopher D . Lewis

On Sunday, December 1, 2002, at 05:49  PM, Ken Williams wrote:


If you look at , you'll 
see that nobody has yet reported success or failure on Darwin.  That's 
usually a good place to look.

The error messages below aren't helpful, they just say that there were 
error messages in a previous run.  In the CPAN shell, do 'clean 
Math::Pari' and then 'test Math::Pari' to see the real error messages.


This may look lame, but I am new enough to lack even rudimentary 
troubleshooting (besides installing modules when an error says can't 
find Module X.  The error I get when followign your prescription is:
[looking good up to ...]
Getting GP/PARI from
Cannot list ():  at utils/Math/ line 167,  line 1.
Running make test
  Make had some problems, maybe interrupted? Won't test

 and without test, no install without force.  Thoughts?  List I 
should look at?
	Many thanks,

Math::Pari -- anyone using it on MacOS X?

2002-12-01 Thread Christopher D . Lewis
CPAN gave me:
Running install for module Math::Pari
Running make for I/IL/ILYAZ/modules/Math-Pari-2.010305.tar.gz
  Is already unwrapped into directory 
  Makefile.PL returned status 65280
Running make test
  Make had some problems, maybe interrupted? Won't test
Running make install
  Make had some problems, maybe interrupted? Won't install

Does anyone have this running?  It seems to be a dependency of 
Crypt::Random, which I was hoping to use (though I can read directly 
from /dev/random myself I suppose for really random date).

Thoughts appreciated.  I want really random numbers.

Best regards,