Re: catnip.local (redirect)

2005-01-06 Thread Conrad Schilbe
Gregg R.Allen wrote:
I'm not sure where it's being stored, it's probably being cached in 
the browser somewhere.  If you edit the file /etc/hosts
and place an entry such as:

where is the IP address of  This can 
be discovered by either nslookup
or dig

The computer might need to be rebooted after editing the hosts file.
You shouldn't need a reboot. Also... just as an idea, did you check that 
the links aren't hard coded?

The difference is that a link such as: a href=/some/path/file.html 
will be requested from the root directory of the current domain, while 
a href=http://catnip.local/some/path/file.html; would request the 
file from the host catnip.local.

This likely to trivial of a solution, just thought I'd ask.
Unfortunately, many of the links automatically convert too URLs
beginning catnip.local.  Via VPN (the way she does it), there is
no catnip.local.

If that's not the issue, you could try the host file as mentioned 
previously, also apache has it's own host configuration directives in 

-- cs

Re: Reading in a File

2004-12-27 Thread Conrad Schilbe
Doug McNutt wrote:
At 22:44 -0500 12/25/04, Lola Lee wrote:

Nothing happens.  This lesson that I'm working on is working from the premise that people are using a Windows Perl installation.

Watch out for line ends in the source file that is being counted. Perl 
probably doesn't care because the return-linefeed pair from Windoze still 
contains the single linefeed that UNIX expects. But I have been fooled, 
especially with Unicode's two new code points representing line ends.

Also, I believe that the snippet suggested could stop if there is a 
blank line in the file! Although, it would still contain a linefeed, I 
rarely trust interpretation of such.
   while (defined($line = ))

I prefer this method:
   while ($line = ) {
  next if ($line =~ /^\s*$/);
-- cs

Re: File creation issue

2004-12-26 Thread Conrad Schilbe
Adam Butler wrote:
I forgot to mention that $file is set via a form.  On first run of the
script, it prints a form to the browser asking for a file name, which you
enter, and then it's submited and sent to the script.  The way I understood
it, when open tries to open a file that doesn't exist, it creates it.

The source of $file doesn't really matter, but I hope you are 
sanitizing that input!

Open(GAMELOG, $file);
   @entries = GAMELOG;

This snippet will not create the file if it doesn't exist. As mentioned 
before, you can open a file for read or write. When opening for write, 
the file will be created if it does not exist but what would be the 
point of this if you are only reading the file?

If this is actually what you want, add a test routine that creates the 
file if it doesn't exist:

if (!( -f $file )) {
   # create the file
   open(FH,  $file);
open(GAMELOG, $file) || die $!\n;
   @entries = GAMELOG;
If you want to just test for the file instead of creating it too:
if ( -f $file ) {
   open(GAMELOG, $file) || die $!\n;   # you may still die with 
permission problems even though it exists.
  @entries = GAMELOG;

-- cs
You've had your answer. in your script 'Open' means nothing and the
file won't be created even if you use 'open'.
  chdir /tmp;
  $log = game.log;
  open LOG, $log or die $!; # --- !
  print LOG success !;
  close LOG;
  open LOG, $log;
  for (LOG) { print };
Make it a rule NEVER to open a filehandle without testing.


Re: File creation issue

2004-12-24 Thread Conrad Schilbe
On Thursday 23 December 2004 11:27 pm, Adam Butler wrote:

 For some reason, when I try to use the open() function to create a new
 file, it doesn't work.  It will open a pre-existing file just fine, but if
 you enter a file that doesn't exist, instead of creating a new one it
 simply does nothing.

First thing you should do is get perl to tell you why it can't open the file:

open(FH, /path/to/file) || die $!\n;

Most likely it's a permission problem - die $!\n will report something like:
Permission denied - You do not have permission to open the file.
No such file or directory - File does not exist or path to file is wrong. 

Are you trying to append to a file or write over it or just read it?

To append to a file open it like this:

open(FH,  /path/to/file) || die $!\n;

To overwrite the file:

open(FH,  /path/to/file) || die $!\n;

To simply read from the file:

open(FH, /path/to/file) || die $!\n;


-- cs

Re: New to list, greetings and a (newbie)problem

2004-12-23 Thread Conrad Schilbe
On Wednesday 22 December 2004 04:35 pm, Isaac Sherman wrote:

  tcsh: Command not found.

Welcome to perl on OSX!

perl works because perl is in your path and you are giving it as 
an argument.

 Unfortunately, even after setting PATH, it still gives the same error,
 whether I type ./ or just

You probably want to be able to just execute your scripts instead of directly 
invoking the interpreter. After all - that's what #!/usr/bin/perl is for.

1) Make sure you have execute permissions on your script:
$ chmod 755 ./

2) Find out where perl really is:
$ which perl

Although I'm certain it should be /usr/bin/perl, perhaps something is 
different on you system. The fact that perl works indicates that perl 
is there and in your path. which will output it's location.

If it is not /usr/bin/perl, you can either change your shebang 
(#!/usr/bin/perl) to reflect it's actual location or sym link it:

$ ln -s /path/to/perl /usr/bin/perl

Happy coding!

-- cs

Re: Converting PDF to JPEG

2004-05-16 Thread Conrad Schilbe
As a perl solution, I've had success with perl and image magick, converting

On 5/15/04 4:05 PM, Rich Morin [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 At 11:51 AM -0700 5/15/04, Dan Dulay wrote:
 As Mac-only solution, you should look at the Applescript Image Events.
 Thanks; that's _exactly_ the ticket!  I can easily create a script
 to run that command over a set of files (being careful to make sure
 that they are stable first).
 Thanks also to Jerry LeVan; it appears that GC has been updated to
 handle PDFs (though I could find no mention of this on their web site).
 Lacking Applescript Image Events, I would have gone that way, fer sure.

Re: Merging into Address Book

2004-04-08 Thread Conrad Schilbe
On 4/7/04 7:23 PM, Ken Williams [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 On Apr 7, 2004, at 9:11 AM, Bill Jastram wrote:
 Although it's not a Perl soultion, here's a link which might give you
 what you need:
 Hmm - I'm a little hesitant to use that (or a perl equivalent), as it
 doesn't seem like it handles any of the complexities of the vCard

For what it's worth, that looks like a better solution than running palm

Add a little perl voodoo and you've got a pretty solid tool.


Re: Getting the size of a folder with Mac::Glue

2004-03-16 Thread Conrad Schilbe
What ever happened to portability of code. Not to slag Mac::Glue but even
the name suggests that your going to spend decades re-writing code should
you need to move to a different platform.

I can see it's purpose from some of the other threads here when working with
iTunes or something but in this case, use the standard perl/system

As someone else pointed out:

$size = `du -sk $dir`;

Would do the trick nicely.

On 3/16/04 7:03 AM, Jeff Lowrey [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 At 01:48 AM 3/16/2004, Rick Measham wrote:
 I'm trying to get the size of a folder and figure Mac::Glue would be the
 way to go. However I'm getting back a 0:
 my $size = $finder-data_size($monthdir/$folder/);
 print $size;
 From my own mistakes with Mac::Glue, I'm guessing you need to add a
 -get() somewhere in there.
my $size = $finder-data_size($monthdir/$folder/)-get();

Re: Undefined subroutine main::sendmail

2004-03-08 Thread Conrad Schilbe
 Did you try typing
   o conf urllist push ftp://myurl/

ftp://myurl/ is not an actual url. It's telling you Put _your_ url here.

 If that doesn't work (okay, it might not be intuitive), try this:
  mv ~/.cpan ~/.cpan_BROKEN
  sudo perl -MCPAN -e shell
 and then let things re-initialize.

Or simply `o conf init' at the CPAN prompt. No need to be moving things

This will allow you to configure CPAN, where you can select your sources,
first by geographical region, then by source. Here's what it looks like from
start to finish (please not that '%','#','cpan' refer to the shell prompts
and should not be typed:
** NOTE: If you don't have a root password or don't know what it is, please
search for Mac OSX set root password or similar in google

% su
Password: Enter you root password here.

# perl -MCPAN -eshell
cpan o conf init

. cpan config stuff. Accept the defaults (hit return) until you get to
either a prompt to use an existing MIRRORED.BY database or fetch a new one

If it asks you if you want to use a MIRRORED.BY database that exists on your
system and you accept the default yes ([y]) you will not be prompted to
change your sources. So hit `n' here and `return'.

You will then see this:

First, pick a nearby continent and country (you can pick several of
each, separated by spaces, or none if you just want to keep your
existing selections). Then, you will be presented with a list of URLs
of CPAN mirrors in the countries you selected, along with previously
selected URLs. Select some of those URLs, or just keep the old list.
Finally, you will be prompted for any extra URLs -- file:, ftp:, or
http: -- that host a CPAN mirror.

(1) Africa
(2) Asia
(3) Central America
(4) Europe
(5) North America
(6) Oceania
(7) South America
Select your continent (or several nearby continents) []

Select your region, mine is (5) North America so I hit `5' and `return'.

It then breaks it down further:

(1) Canada
(2) Mexico
(3) United States
Select your country (or several nearby countries) []

Again select the option appropriate for you. Which will then give you a list
of sources in that region:

(3) (previous pick)
(4) (previous pick)
(5) (previous pick)
Select as many URLs as you like (by number),
put them on one line, separated by blanks, e.g. '1 4 5'
(or just hit RETURN to keep your previous picks) []

It is beneficial to select multiple sources from this list so that if one
fails it will skip to the next. Choices should be space delimited, meaning a
space between each choice. I've had problems with some on the list so I type
`3 4 5' and hit `return'

If you know of another URL that you would like to use that was not on the
list you can now enter it or simply hit `return' to continue:

Enter another URL or RETURN to quit: []

This is the last step in configuring cpan and you will now be back at the
cpan prompt.

Note that if your region does not come up with many sources, you can select
multiple countries or even multiple continents the same way you select
multiple sources.

Hope this helps.



Re: CPAN -- why always so long?

2004-03-05 Thread Conrad Schilbe
# perl -MCPAN -eshell
Cpan  o conf init

This will allow you to configure CPAN, one of the steps is to select FTP
sites. You can select based on geographical region and can also enter your

I've never had a problem with speed and usually select multiple sites when

... Checking validity of my statements ...

Actually appears that some of the hosts in my list are unreachable, taking
some time to get a list of hosts... It tries LWP twice, presumably passive
and non passive, then Net::FTP twice, then goes to the next host.

Not a bad idea to update your sources once in a while I guess.


On 3/5/04 9:08 AM, Joseph Alotta [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 It goes through all the ftp sites you have listed and tries to find
 on that will allow logins.
 Does anyone know how to reset the list of ftp sites?  Which ones are
 most available?
 On Mar 5, 2004, at 3:04 AM, John Delacour wrote:
 I've been meaning to ask this question for months but never got round
 to it.
 Why is it that when I try to use cpan for the first time after a
 little while it takes an age for it to contact the sites and get
 going?  I always have to go away and do something else and it might
 take 5 minutes for cpan to sart doing anything useful.
 Here's a typical transcript of what happens before the long wait:
 CPAN: Storable loaded ok
 Going to read /Users/jd/.cpan/Metadata
   Database was generated on Wed, 03 Mar 2004 05:50:41 GMT
 CPAN: LWP::UserAgent loaded ok
 Fetching with LWP:
 LWP failed with code[400] message[FTP return code 000]
 Fetching with Net::FTP:

Re: Advice for moving perl script to OSX server

2004-03-01 Thread Conrad Schilbe
Apache is standard under OSX. And, yes, supports .htaccess files.

If you are running this on Linux already, the transition should be simple.

- Configure apache
- Copy over scripts
- Create .htaccess and .htpasswd files (or whatever you specify in
- Go to town

Apache has many other authentication modules that may suit your needs. As
OSX is *nix at heart, there are several options for authentication really.
Not to mention FREE. You can find apache auth modules by searching for
authentication here:

There is no reason you should need to purchase a license to do


Conrad Schilbe

On 3/1/04 10:41 AM, Eric Curts [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I am the technology specialist for North Canton City Schools in North
 Canton, Ohio.  For years we have been using a perl script I wrote that helps
 teachers to develop home pages.  Recently we have begun sharing this script
 with other school districts in our county so they could help their teachers
 as well.  However, two of the districts use OSX for their web server.  Here
 is where I need a push in the right direction...
 For us we run the script on a Linux server running Apache.  Another district
 we have helped runs it on a Windows 2000 server.  So far so good.  I am
 wanting to give this script to the Mac districts but need help with the
 issue of authentication.
 Since school districts have hundreds of employees, it is easier to tap into
 an already existing password file, rather than have the staff create new
 usernames and passwords to use the homepage script.  On our Linux server I
 use the built-in htaccess feature to handle the authentication.  The
 htaccess file protects the folder holding the script.  When a teacher tries
 to access the script, htaccess prompts them for a username and password.  I
 then have configured the htaccess file to look at the already existing
 password file on the server (which is also used for their email accounts)
 and it authenticates them.
 On the Windows 2000 server we did a similar thing.  We used Windows built-in
 ability to set privileges to protect the folder with the scripts.  We then
 used Windows built-in basic authentication to tap into Active Directory to
 authenticate the teachers.
 What I am wondering is if there is some kind of built-in authentication for
 OSX.  If so, where can I get more information on it?  Does it sound like I
 will be able to use it as I have done with the other operating systems (that
 is point it to some already existing username/password system)?
 If that does not work, I also understand that Apache can be set up on an OSX
 server.  Is this correct?  Would that be a reasonable solution to the
 authentication problem, since then I could use htaccess as before?
 Any advice would be greatly appreciated.  I apologize if some of my comments
 or questions are not clear as I have never worked with a Mac server before.
 We are just trying to help out some neighboring schools.
 * Eric Curts
 * Technology Specialist, North Canton City Schools
 * (330) 497-5600 x377
 * FAX (330) 497-5618
 * Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day;
 * teach him to use the Net and he won't bother you for weeks.

Re: XML::Parser isn't working on OX 10.3.2

2004-02-04 Thread Conrad Schilbe
I have XML::Parser installed... Used CPAN...

/usr/local/lib/libExpant.dylib doesn't exist on my system,

Maybe it's supposed to be libExpat, without the 'n'? Source issue?


On 2/3/04 4:02 PM, Noah Hoffman [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

   I've just upgraded our build machines from 10.2.8 to 10.3.2 and now all
 of my perl scripts are broken.  It seems XML::Parser is the culprit, I'm
 gettting an error of:
   Can't load '/usr/local/lib/libExpant.dylib' formodule
 XML::Parser::Expat: /usr/local/lib/libexpat.dylib(2): Not a recognisable
 object file at /Library/Perl/XML/ line 14
 I've tried reinstalling the Parser module with no luck.  Does anyone have
 any ideas here?

Re: ***regular expression***

2003-11-17 Thread Conrad Schilbe
On 11/17/03 2:52 AM, xweb [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Thanks all but...
 I don't explain well the problem!
 So, i'm processing a very big text file ( from A DB ) in this format
 number|field 1|field2| field 3| etc. Every line is a record.Every line
 contains many url.
 I'm interested about specific url and i don't consider the others.
 while ( $line =~ s/href=\([^]+)\//) {
 $url = $1; ###ALL URL#
 if ($url =~ m/\/[^,]+,([^,]+),([^,]+),[^,]+\.html?$/) {
  ($var1,$var2)=($1,$2); ###INTERESTING URL AND VALUES
 In this way i obtain two values that interested me! It's works!
 Now i must substitute these url a href=$urlthe_link /a with
 idlink=$var2the_link/idlink and then i write to a new file with this
 substitution on all the field of file!
 Can you help me?

The only thing you haven't captured is `the_link`.

 open (FH,  path/to/new/file) || die $!\n; # open new file to write to

 while ( $line =~ /a href=\([^]+)\.*?(.*?)\/a/) {
 $url = $1; ###ALL URL#
 $the_link = $2;
 if ($url =~ m/\/[^,]+,([^,]+),([^,]+),[^,]+\.html?$/) {
  ($var1,$var2)=($1,$2); ###INTERESTING URL AND VALUES
  print FH idlink=$var2$the_link/idlink; # print to new file

Re: ***regular expression***

2003-11-15 Thread Conrad Schilbe
I think this is what you are looking for:

$string =~ s/\a\s*href\=\(.*?)\\.*?\\/a\/\idlink\$1/;

If you want to capture the link text as well, put brackets around the 2nd
'.*?' and reference it as $2.

Hope that's what you are after.


On 11/14/03 8:25 AM, xweb [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Can someone help me about a regular ?
 In which way i can substitute a href=$urlstring/a with

Re: Back with Make file errors AGAIN...

2003-11-15 Thread Conrad Schilbe
It would help if you send the output from make to see where it went wrong
but I would assume that the early threads on this would help you. You may
also want to use CPAN as root.

This thread may help:[EMAIL PROTECTED]/msg05736.html


On 11/14/03 12:07 AM, Myth [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 What would a new operating system be without the old problems from
 yesteryear creeping back into the mix. New G5, 10.3 installed, running
 5.8.1, and when attempting to CPAN anything I continually get:
 Running make test
  Make had some problems, maybe interrupted? Won't test
 Running make install
  Make had some problems, maybe interrupted? Won't install
 Bundle summary: The following items in bundle Bundle::DBI had
 My reads:
  'build_cache' = q[10],
  'build_dir' = q[/Users/me/.cpan/build],
  'cache_metadata' = q[1],
  'cpan_home' = q[/Users/me/.cpan],
  'dontload_hash' = {  },
  'ftp' = q[/usr/bin/ftp],
  'ftp_proxy' = q[],
  'getcwd' = q[cwd],
  'gpg' = q[],
  'gzip' = q[/usr/bin/gzip],
  'histfile' = q[/Users/me/.cpan/histfile],
  'histsize' = q[200],
  'http_proxy' = q[],
  'inactivity_timeout' = q[0],
  'index_expire' = q[1],
  'inhibit_startup_message' = q[0],
  'keep_source_where' = q[/Users/me/.cpan/sources],
  'lynx' = q[],
  'make' = q[/usr/bin/make],
  'make_arg' = q[],
  'make_install_arg' = q[''],
  'makepl_arg' = q[],
  'ncftp' = q[],
  'ncftpget' = q[],
  'no_proxy' = q[],
  'pager' = q[/usr/bin/less],
  'prerequisites_policy' = q[ask],
  'scan_cache' = q[atstart],
  'shell' = q[/bin/bash],
  'tar' = q[/usr/bin/tar],
  'term_is_latin' = q[1],
  'unzip' = q[/usr/bin/unzip],
 What is my innocent mind doing wrong this time? I've installed the
 Developer Tools. I've read a hundred threads on how to rewrite my
 config, and no change is in sight.
 Many thanks to whatever pour soul comes to my rescue.

Re: Perl version of GetFileInfo?

2003-10-31 Thread Conrad Schilbe
On 10/31/03 4:41 PM, William H. Magill [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 The application:  GetFileInfo on the Developers (Xcode) CD functions
 differently between 10.2.x and 10.3.x.
 Under Jaguar GetFileInfo directory worked, Under Panther it returns
 the message:
 /Developer/Tools/GetFileInfo could not be used to display info about
 Is there a Perl work around?

I found this from a google search:

use MacOSX::File::Info;
my $info = MacOSX::File::Info-get(...);
print Creator is  . $info-creator . \n

Set info about a file
$info-creator( 'R*ch' );

Here's the CPAN page for MacOSX::File::Info

Description states this:
This module implements what /Developer/Tools/{GetFileInfo,SetFile} does
within perl.

Conrad Schilbe

Re: Perl version of GetFileInfo?

2003-10-31 Thread Conrad Schilbe
On 10/31/03 5:08 PM, Conrad Schilbe [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 On 10/31/03 4:41 PM, William H. Magill [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 The application:  GetFileInfo on the Developers (Xcode) CD functions
 differently between 10.2.x and 10.3.x.
 Under Jaguar GetFileInfo directory worked, Under Panther it returns
 the message:
 /Developer/Tools/GetFileInfo could not be used to display info about
 Is there a Perl work around?
 I found this from a google search:
 use MacOSX::File::Info;
 my $info = MacOSX::File::Info-get(...);
 print Creator is  . $info-creator . \n
 Set info about a file
 $info-creator( 'R*ch' );
 Here's the CPAN page for MacOSX::File::Info
 Description states this:
 This module implements what /Developer/Tools/{GetFileInfo,SetFile} does
 within perl.
 Conrad Schilbe

I jumped too soon. I tested the MacOSX::File install under Panther and it
failed with these errors:

 from /Developer/Headers/FlatCarbon/Files.h:1,
 from Catalog.xs:16:
ework/Headers/Debugging.h:285:2: #else without #if
ework/Headers/Debugging.h:287:2: #endif without #if
ework/Headers/Debugging.h:301:1: missing binary operator before token enum
Catalog.c:313:1: unterminated #if
make[1]: *** [Catalog.o] Error 1
make: *** [subdirs] Error 2
  /usr/bin/make  -- NOT OK

I tried using gcc 2.95 instead of 3.3 and got further but still errored... I
don't have time right now to try and debug it but maybe later.

Conrad Schilbe

Re: DBD::mysql fails tests

2003-10-29 Thread Conrad Schilbe

On 10/29/03 10:33 AM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Hi Conrad, thanks for the tip. However, to clarify, I was already
 trying to install via CPAN as root, and I've double checked that
 there's no password on the MySQL root account. Since my earlier post,
 I've done a little more digging and found some people on the perl list
 at who have had the same problem with the DBD::mysql tests.
 So barring any other ideas, I'm just going to assume these errors are
 meaningless and go ahead and force install.
 Still, Conrad... I saw from an earlier thread here that you were able
 to install DBD::mysql, using Apple's install of perl, without any
 problems. I'm assuming it passed 'make test' for you? What version of
 gcc were you using?

I used 3.3.

But I'm using Mysql 3.x - Could be the difference.

 On Oct 29, 2003, at 11:45 AM, Conrad Schilbe wrote:
 On 10/29/03 12:33 AM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Hi all,
 I've been having trouble installing DBD::mysql on a fresh install of
 Panther, even after having patched as Edward Moy suggested
 this list a couple weeks ago. Specifically, 'make test' spits back the
 t/mysqlFAILED tests 46-48
Failed 3/68 tests, 95.59% okay
 All other tests pass with flying colors. This is with MySQL 4.0.16.
 Anyway, so I googled around a bit, and it turns out this problem was
 mentioned here exactly once before (see[EMAIL PROTECTED]/msg05466.html). My
 is, is anyone else having the same problem besides the two of us? It
 seems a little suspicious that there'd be nothing else on the
 web about DBD::mysql failing these tests, if the problem were
 universal. Perhaps there's something unique to Juan's configuration
 my own that is causing problems with this test?
 I'm relatively new to Perl and MySQL, but I seem to recall reading
 somewhere that DBD::mysql prefers a perl built without
 Is it worth a try to recompile perl with multi-threading disabled?
 To be honest, I don't know if DBD::mysql failing this one test is even
 worth worrying about, but I'd still appreciate any advice anyone can
 Try installing with CPAN
 As root do the following:
 perl -MCPAN -eshell
 cpan install DBD::mysql
 If this still fails the same test you should check that Mysql is
 running and
 that root can connect without a password. You should change that after

Re: DBI and DBD::MySQL (Panther)

2003-10-16 Thread Conrad Schilbe
To clear up any confusion for others that may pick up this thread, my
previous email stated that a patch should not be made to perl sources... I
mistook the details below as implying that each perl module (i.e.
DBD::mysql) be patched for an error in the module. In actuality, I
believe, the patch is intended for the perl source itself... My bad.

A demonstration of when to leave things up to those who know what they are
talking about...


On 10/15/03 6:28 PM, Edward Moy [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 In hints/, replace
   *) ld=MACOSX_DEPLOYMENT_TARGET=10.3 ${ld} ;;
   *) ld=env MACOSX_DEPLOYMENT_TARGET=10.3 ${ld} ;;
 Hopefully, this will go into 5.8.2.
 On Oct 15, 2003, at 5:05 PM, David Wheeler wrote:
 On Wednesday, October 15, 2003, at 04:58  PM, Edward Moy wrote:
 We recently discovered the DBD::mysql problem as well.  The patch is
 to edit 
 Unfortunately, this change is too late to get into Panther.
 Is there a patch that could go into the Perl sources themselves?
 David Wheeler AIM: dwTheory
 [EMAIL PROTECTED]  ICQ: 15726394 Yahoo!: dew7e
 Kineticode. Setting knowledge in motion.[sm]

Re: BBEdit-Perl confusion

2003-10-16 Thread Conrad Schilbe
On 10/16/03 5:12 PM, Ingles, Juan W. [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I wonder: Is this because
 /opt/local/bin/perl   points to the perl 5.6 binary
 5.6 binary path is hard coded in BBEdit

Would this be in a plist file for BBedit?


 which perl
 on the terminal will tell you what binary you are launching
 ( not currently at my machine to check )
 -Original Message-
 From: Vic Norton [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Thursday, October 16, 2003 2:46 PM
 Subject: Re: BBEdit-Perl confusion
 I guess there is no fix right now.
 But actually the bug is somewhat convenient. Now a BBEdit script
 starting with
#!/opt/local/bin/perl -w
# Perl 5.8
 uses Perl 5.8.0 with its @INC list if Run from BBEdit and
 uses Perl 5.6.0 with a different @INC list if Run in Terminal.
 It's not all bad---though it is a bit confusing.
 At 12:03 PM -0400 10/16/03, Bare Bones Software Technical Support wrote:
 There is a bug in BBEdit where run in terminal hard codes the path
 to perl as /usr/bin/perl instead of taking the other usual steps to
 choose which interpreter to run. I have a bug logged and this will
 be corrected for the next release.
 At 9:56 AM -0400 10/16/03, Vic Norton wrote:
 I have recently installed Perl 5.8.0 on my iMac via PortsManager from
 DarwinPorts Perl
 resides in the /opt/local/bin directory, and this directory is at the
 beginning of $PATH. Everything works well except that BBEdit seems
 confused. Any suggestions as to how to rectify this confusion would be

Re: BBEdit-Perl confusion

2003-10-16 Thread Conrad Schilbe
On 10/16/03 5:12 PM, Ingles, Juan W. [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I wonder: Is this because
 /opt/local/bin/perl   points to the perl 5.6 binary
 5.6 binary path is hard coded in BBEdit
 which perl
 on the terminal will tell you what binary you are launching
 ( not currently at my machine to check )
 -Original Message-
 From: Vic Norton [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Thursday, October 16, 2003 2:46 PM
 Subject: Re: BBEdit-Perl confusion
 I guess there is no fix right now.
 But actually the bug is somewhat convenient. Now a BBEdit script
 starting with
#!/opt/local/bin/perl -w
# Perl 5.8
 uses Perl 5.8.0 with its @INC list if Run from BBEdit and
 uses Perl 5.6.0 with a different @INC list if Run in Terminal.
 It's not all bad---though it is a bit confusing.
 At 12:03 PM -0400 10/16/03, Bare Bones Software Technical Support wrote:
 There is a bug in BBEdit where run in terminal hard codes the path
 to perl as /usr/bin/perl instead of taking the other usual steps to
 choose which interpreter to run. I have a bug logged and this will
 be corrected for the next release.
 At 9:56 AM -0400 10/16/03, Vic Norton wrote:
 I have recently installed Perl 5.8.0 on my iMac via PortsManager from
 DarwinPorts Perl
 resides in the /opt/local/bin directory, and this directory is at the
 beginning of $PATH. Everything works well except that BBEdit seems
 confused. Any suggestions as to how to rectify this confusion would be

I have now also found that running this command in Bbedit:

print `which perl`;

Produces the following error:

MANPATH: Undefined variable.

That is a very strange error to be produced by that command... I thought
maybe it was a problem using the `` syntax to execute via the shell so I
tried system() syntax, same results... I then thought maybe it was that
bbedit choked on any system command but,

print `echo test`;

Worked fine... Very strange must have something to do with a hard coded
environment in perl.


Re: DBI and DBD::MySQL (Panther)

2003-10-15 Thread Conrad Schilbe

I was encountering the same errors as you in my quest to install DBD::mysql
and discovered that under the following setup:

Custom installed Perl 5.8.1 RC3 - No multi-threading
ggc 2.95 - via /usr/sbin/gcc_select 2

Removing /sw/lib/perl5/  /sw/lib/perl5/auto/Storable

I was able to compile and install Bundle::Msql which installs DBD::mysql.

I cannot isolate wich of the above steps actually fixed the problem but I
noted this difference in the make procedure:

Running Mkbootstrap for DBD::mysql ()
chmod 644
rm -f ../blib/arch/auto/DBD/mysql/mysql.bundle
LD_RUN_PATH=/usr/lib MACOSX_DEPLOYMENT_TARGET=10.3 cc  -bundle -undefined
dynamic_lookup -L/usr/local/lib dbdimp.o mysql.o -L/usr/local/mysql/lib  -o
../blib/arch/auto/DBD/mysql/mysql.bundle   -L/usr/local/mysql/lib
-lmysqlclient -lm -lz
chmod 755 ../blib/arch/auto/DBD/mysql/mysql.bundle
cp ../blib/arch/auto/DBD/mysql/
chmod 644 ../blib/arch/auto/DBD/mysql/

Running Mkbootstrap for DBD::mysql ()
chmod 644
rm -f blib/arch/auto/DBD/mysql/mysql.bundle
LD_RUN_PATH=/usr/lib /usr/local/bin/perl myld
MACOSX_DEPLOYMENT_TARGET=10.3 cc  -bundle -undefined dynamic_lookup
-L/usr/local/lib dbdimp.o mysql.o  -o blib/arch/auto/DBD/mysql/mysql.bundle
-L/usr/local/lib -lz

As you can see the first one carried on past the previous error point.

I have a feeling that Bundle::Msql would successfully install under the
default apple environment without switching gcc, without recompiling perl,
and without removing Storable... I simply combined the methods of previous
posts and hoped for the best. Later resorting to a memory of installing
Bundle::Msql elsewhere.

Someone should likely attempt to install Bundle::Msql under a clean OSX
(Panther) install and report back on the outcome...


Re: DBI and DBD::MySQL (Panther)

2003-10-15 Thread Conrad Schilbe

I edited /System/Library/Perl/5.8.1/darwin-thread-multi-2level/,
switched perl back to the apple install and had no problems building

Your information is greatly appreciated!


On 10/15/03 5:58 PM, Edward Moy [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 We recently discovered the DBD::mysql problem as well.  The patch is to
 edit /System/Library/Perl/5.8.1/darwin-thread-multi-2level/,
 Unfortunately, this change is too late to get into Panther.
 Edward Moy
 On Oct 15, 2003, at 1:52 PM, Conrad Schilbe wrote:
 I was encountering the same errors as you in my quest to install
 and discovered that under the following setup:
 Custom installed Perl 5.8.1 RC3 - No multi-threading
 ggc 2.95 - via /usr/sbin/gcc_select 2
 Removing /sw/lib/perl5/  /sw/lib/perl5/auto/Storable
 I was able to compile and install Bundle::Msql which installs
 I cannot isolate wich of the above steps actually fixed the problem
 but I
 noted this difference in the make procedure:
 Running Mkbootstrap for DBD::mysql ()
 chmod 644
 rm -f ../blib/arch/auto/DBD/mysql/mysql.bundle
 LD_RUN_PATH=/usr/lib MACOSX_DEPLOYMENT_TARGET=10.3 cc  -bundle
 dynamic_lookup -L/usr/local/lib dbdimp.o mysql.o
 -L/usr/local/mysql/lib  -o
 ../blib/arch/auto/DBD/mysql/mysql.bundle   -L/usr/local/mysql/lib
 -lmysqlclient -lm -lz
 chmod 755 ../blib/arch/auto/DBD/mysql/mysql.bundle
 cp ../blib/arch/auto/DBD/mysql/
 chmod 644 ../blib/arch/auto/DBD/mysql/
 Running Mkbootstrap for DBD::mysql ()
 chmod 644
 rm -f blib/arch/auto/DBD/mysql/mysql.bundle
 LD_RUN_PATH=/usr/lib /usr/local/bin/perl myld
 MACOSX_DEPLOYMENT_TARGET=10.3 cc  -bundle -undefined dynamic_lookup
 -L/usr/local/lib dbdimp.o mysql.o  -o
 -L/usr/local/lib -lz
 As you can see the first one carried on past the previous error point.
 I have a feeling that Bundle::Msql would successfully install under the
 default apple environment without switching gcc, without recompiling
 and without removing Storable... I simply combined the methods of
 posts and hoped for the best. Later resorting to a memory of installing
 Bundle::Msql elsewhere.
 Someone should likely attempt to install Bundle::Msql under a clean OSX
 (Panther) install and report back on the outcome...

Re: DBI and DBD::MySQL (Panther)

2003-10-15 Thread Conrad Schilbe
I would think this should stay out of the perl sources since it is not a bug
of perl's... Thoughts?

I also just discovered that this fixes a build problem with Data::Dumper...
Or so it would appear. It's possible this will effect several packages. The
patch should not be put in all the perl sources should it?


On 10/15/03 6:28 PM, Edward Moy [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 In hints/, replace
   *) ld=MACOSX_DEPLOYMENT_TARGET=10.3 ${ld} ;;
   *) ld=env MACOSX_DEPLOYMENT_TARGET=10.3 ${ld} ;;
 Hopefully, this will go into 5.8.2.
 On Oct 15, 2003, at 5:05 PM, David Wheeler wrote:
 On Wednesday, October 15, 2003, at 04:58  PM, Edward Moy wrote:
 We recently discovered the DBD::mysql problem as well.  The patch is
 to edit 
 Unfortunately, this change is too late to get into Panther.
 Is there a patch that could go into the Perl sources themselves?
 David Wheeler AIM: dwTheory
 [EMAIL PROTECTED]  ICQ: 15726394 Yahoo!: dew7e
 Kineticode. Setting knowledge in motion.[sm]