Re: Apple Silicon Hardware and MacPorts

2023-11-14 Thread James Linder

My reply wanders OT but may be of interest to the OP. Certainly would have been 
useful to me 2 weeks ago

> On Nov 15, 2023, at 11:04, Alexander Newman via macports-users 
>  wrote:
> Hello All,
> I hope that this is the right place to ask a few questions about Apple 
> Silicon Hardware and MacPorts - I won’t be offended if this post is ignored.
> I’ve trawled through the FAQs but can’t find any references to Apple Silicon 
> hardware, which I assume is a good thing. I do realise that a number of 
> MacPorts ports appear not to be compilable for AS systems, yet.
I’ve had no issues with my ports: qt6, bash, qt6-charts, curl, inkscape  but I 
needed the full XCode. Using a macbook pro, M3, sonoma. I used some unix 
thuggery to rid of SIP, install a root password etc.

> I currently have a mid-2010 27” i7 iMac (32 MB RAM) that is running Ventura 
> on top of OCLP
On my 2011 iMac27 (i5) I was unable to get OCLP to work. Could not get past “No 
Such File” or similar. Only difference I see is a 2T samsung flash (Which makes 
the machine a pleasure to use.)

> (and doing much better than it did natively running High Sierra with the last 
> security updates). I am using this solution until I can figure out what Apple 
> Silicon best meets my needs with respect to compiling MacPorts ports (I use 
> Inkscape, R and Octave, amongst other things).
The middle range 14 Core M3 is faster than 6 core i7. I use mythtv and that is 
on par with the best I’ve seen.

> I should also say that an entry-level 2017 21.5” iMac (bottom spec) that one 
> of my family members acquired is without doubt the worst computer that I’ve 
> ever used, and that includes 8088/6 DOS machines. Nice screen, but a horror 
> to do try and do anything on.
> I have been waiting for several years to see what I can replace the 27” iMac 
> with - the Mac Studio is probably over-powered for my requirements, the Mac 
> mini M2 needs an external display (finding a decent quality 27”+ display 
> seems to be difficult here were I live, in Australia,
Scortptec have nice 27” and 32” samsung 4K monitors for under AU$300

> and the Apple Studio Display is wickedly expensive), and I wasn’t at all sure 
> that the M1 iMac would cut it, especially after the experiences with the 
> ghastly 21.5” iMac.
> The M3 iMac is out now, which may or may not change things, so I am currently 
> pondering whether I should plump for a specced-out M3 iMac now, wait to see 
> what sort of mini (M3, M3 Pro?) comes out next year (presumably), or wait for 
> a lower-end M3 Max Studio (again, next year, and least preferred option).
> Are large-ish MacPorts ports going to compile all right on a 24 MB RAM iMac 
> with, say, a 2TB SSD, without the hardware throttling? The same with running 
> R. Do many people on this list use AS machines, and what are their 
> experiences and advice regarding MacPorts on them? Am I in fact over-thinking 
> it?
Mine is a M3 14core with 36G RAM but is certainly quick, quicker than a 6 core 
So far the only issue that has beaten me: I cannot install a Case Sensitive 
file system on sonoma, allthough I have read: Format the disk Case Sensitive 
then do a timemachine restore.
I can’t imagine discent in this forum but let me say in unix-land INSTALL and 
install are quite different files. 



2023-11-11 Thread James Linder
Pardon being OT to a bunch of clever people who may be able to help …
Googling yields little more than a bunch of cretins proclaiming the apple gods 
have spoken saying DO NOT GO THERE
(Darling not even even Hitler can be dregs and scum at the same time, so the 
irony is not lost on me)

I want Sonoma on apple silicon installed with a Case Sensitive file system
Easy I thought format as case sensitive then install
Install reformats as Case InSensitive then installs

Formatting each sub volume ??


Catelina xcode

2022-10-11 Thread James Linder

slightly OT for macports but definitly onT. :)

My wife’s machine is Catelina (and Ends at Big Sur). It has, and I/She uses 
lots of ports and IIRC we have used Qt before, but when I try to build 
something I get the XCode license dialog. No worries, accept. "Something is 
wrong see the log”
The something wrong turn out to be Certificate Expired.
After spelunking I got an Xcode for catelina. Install. "Something is wrong see 
the log” Again Certificate Expired.

OK I’m starting to fumble. Setting her date back for a build is like a lead 
A VM with no internet sccess ?

Any body able to guide me please?


Re: Build servers offline due to failed SSD

2021-03-08 Thread James Linder

> On 9 Mar 2021, at 5:53 am, Dave C via macports-users 
>  wrote:
> Old technology drives use magnetism to hold bits. This works for decades, or 
> so I’ve read. Usually the motor or bearings die before the magnetic medium 
> fails.
> Solid State Drives use memory chips to hold bits. These “bit holders” can 
> wear out after a few trillion transitions (changing from 1 to 0 and 0 to 1). 
> I’d you’re using it in your laptop or PC, you’ll likely have no problems for 
> many years. In an internet-connected server, you may exceed those maximum 
> write cycles sooner rather than later.

Dave I was just reading up, interesting info …

SSDs work (as do eproms) by having an isolated ‘chamber’. You get electrons in 
or out of the chamber using quantum tunneling [it disapears here and teleports 
there] based on probability, higher with an electric field

Repeated used breaks down the insulation of the isolated ‘chamber’

SLC (the lowest capacity and most expensive) store 0 or 1 (volts or whatever 
unit) and are most tolerant of damage
0 is 0, 1, 2, 3 units, 1 = 6, 7 8 units with 4 more likely a 0 and 5 more 
likely a 1 (say)

DLC store 0, 1 2 ,3 units and are less tolerant of an extra, or a fewer u
DLC store 0, 1, 2, 3 … 13, 14, 15 units. Are the cheapest but most fragile ie 
13 can leak away to 12, or gain from 13 to 14

But the link earlier is discuusion showed drives rated at 300 TBW going well 
past that to 1 or 2 PBW (Peta is 1000 times Tera)

In use a HD (specially with lots of them) is more likely to fail than SSD. 
Seagates old paper ‘ATA more than an interface’ says this:
Drive 1 seeks and the bump knocks others off track. They seek back knocking 
others off track. Process continues until a disk fails.
Their 10 year old assesment of reasons is even more relevant on todays drives.

SSDs generally give more warning that ’the end is nigh’

All considered I’d take SSD for work disks and HD for long term backup
Heck in my day (ouch) we’d teach 'tower of hanoi' backup stratedgy using tape. 
why not do likewise with HDs. Timemachine certainly make that easy.


> Dave
> - - - 
>>> On Sun, 7 Mar 2021, Michael A. Leonetti via macports-users wrote:
>>> I’d really love to know more about what you’re saying here. Up until I just 
>>> read what you wrote, I thought SSDs were the savior of HDDs.
>> Real disk drives [tm] have their N/S magnetic poles lined up pretty much 
>> forever; SSDs rely upon capacitors storing their charge forever (hah!).
>> You need to have an electronics background to understand...
>> -- Dave (VK2KFU)

Re: Build servers offline due to failed SSD

2021-03-08 Thread James Linder

> On 7 Mar 2021, at 3:26 pm, Dave C via macports-users 
>  wrote:
> This applies to affordable SSDs. As you say, the ones that are on par (re. 
> reliability) with HDDs are $pendy.
> It’s something to do with an SSD’s limited number of write cycles, if I 
> remember...
> Dave
> - - - 
>> Isn’t SSD a bad choice for server duty? No server farms use them, apparently 
>> due to short lifespan.

The reality needs to be carefully weighed up

SSDs are rated in TBW. That is Terrabytes Written
The Cheaper SSDs may be 300 or 600 TBW the more expensive may be 1200 TBW or 
even 2500 TBW.

The TBW rating depends on size,

I’ve put a 2T SSD (600 TBW) in my iMac and after a year i see life expected of 
65 years. So no SSD for a build farm is not a bad idea. The performance 
benefits far outweigh the 50+ year hastle of replacing.

The MTBF of spinning rust is 10 odd years, ssd is many times that. But 
remembering my uni stats the chance of a light globe, with a life of 1000 hours 
failing, when you have a few dozen bulbs (in my test question) was 20 min !!!

Enterprize Disks have a longer life, but as I said it is complicated. 


religious crap

2021-01-18 Thread James Linder
I'm offended by having somebody tout their beliefs in a technical forum.
De Grass Tyson presents argument that it is genetic, and I will not 
discriminate on genetics.
But touting a belief is not genetic, it is for a purpose, and I think it spoils 
the forum. Please don't.

mac build

2020-12-28 Thread James Linder
I posted this to mythtv-users, but I wondered in anyone had any interest. The 
obvious first step is wrapping John's work in a port.

John (Hoyt) did a stellar job getting the macos/ansible build proceess to work 
and in no way is this critique any reflection on his effort.
(and all his work is here

Mythfrontend on mac is aweful!
What we need is someone who understands the gubbins of macos to take an 
interest and lead us from the wilderness :-)

The app is slow to start and to stop (talking 20, 30 seconds)(cf 1-2 sec: linux)
Cutlist editor core dumps *every time* editing a HD (h254) recording
On linux scan of video fills in meta data. On macos it often does not. 
I->Change Details->Retrieve often works, often on 2nd or 3rd try. Sometimes at 
least the text is set but the image is not.

There are also funnies with regard to season vs episode meta data retrieved.
I->C->R retrieves season meta data, scan retrives episode meta data. This 
occurs on linux too. A workaround is to reset metadata and scan until succces.


Re: macports-users Digest, Vol 172, Issue 7

2020-12-08 Thread James Linder
Sorry about the subject line: macports is my only digest mail and I keep 
forgetting :-(

Re: macports-users Digest, Vol 172, Issue 7

2020-12-08 Thread James Linder

> On 8 Dec 2020, at 8:00 pm, wrote:
> Does anybody have any configuration that would allow for running X11 in 
> a window-as-display?  That is, a single Mac window would display an X11 
> session: window manager, multiple windows, etc.
> Ie: can do windowed mode where each X-window is a Mac-window, or 
> root where the entire display is owned by X11 (full screen), but cannot 
> have root-in-a-window, where a single MacOS window would contain an X11 
> session (window manager, windows, etc).
> Alternately, I could start a VNC server, and connect to localhost via a 
> VNC client.
> I have tried:
> - does not have window-as-screen mode
> - Xnest does not appear to have a port (ie: tell to run Xnest 
> and let it then run a window manager)
> - Couldn't find any Xnest-equivalent ports
> - packages category:vnc:
>   - tightvnc fails to build
>   - tigervnc is viewer only
>   - vnc fails to build
>   - cotvnc is viewer
>   - vineserver appears to be a vnc server to allow access to the Mac

At risk of sounding flippent the old  "How do you get an elephant into a 
"Open the door and put it in. Don't look for complications"

likewise here

$ ssh othermachine
othermachine> xprogram

To get (and/or share a complete desktop) nomachine is easy and works well. 
Fullscreen or window.


Re: macports-users Digest, Vol 170, Issue 19

2020-10-29 Thread James Linder
Appologies for the stupid Subject.
I went away from a digest for mythtv (so you just reply to a thread)  and the 
rot siezed my brain

Re: macports-users Digest, Vol 170, Issue 18

2020-10-28 Thread James Linder
> I just upgraded my MacBook to Catalina 10.15.7 from 10.14.6 and I installed 
> the latest Xcode 12.1. I started Xcode and agreed for it to install required 
> components. When I tried to run ?xcode-select ?install? it asked me to agree 
> to the license for the command-line tools and tried to install but then said 
> ?Can?t install the software because it is not currently available from the 
> Software Update server.? I went to the Software Update control panel and it 
> said that it had an update for my command-line tools, and I told it to go 
> ahead and update them. After a while, it said that the command-line tools are 
> no longer required or something like that.
> I decided to go ahead and try to install MacPorts with the Catalina MacPorts 
> installer and it showed me the license, asked about the installation type and 
> destination, but then when it got to the install step it says ?Waiting for 
> other installations to complete?. I don?t think I have any other 
> installations still going on. Wait, after twenty minutes, it now says it is 
> ?running package scripts? and then finished. I guess it was installing 
> something after all.
> Maybe the Xcode installation instructions need an update for Catalina

Eric I know that 'me tooo' posts are a pain but at least this will give you 
confidance. I did for my laptop and for a VM to play with mythtv.

Clean Install of catelina
Clean install of xcode
Clean install of macports

I don't recall where, maybe on license accept, but certainly following the 
wiki, command line tools were installed.
Macports just works


Re: Ubuntu 18.04.4 on older Apple hardware

2020-04-06 Thread James Linder

> On 6 Apr 2020, at 8:00 pm, wrote:
> Initially I burned the 64bit Ubuntu 18 version, but it wouldn't boot on my 
> 32bit EFI Mac.
> There was no 32bit version of Ubuntu 18.04.4 that I saw, so I booted the 
> Ubuntu 16.x 32bit version without trouble. But I didn't want to install that, 
> as that seems doomed and out of date.
> And then I stumbled across a small C program that tweaks the ISO image in 
> such a way that it allows the 64bit Ubuntu to boot on a 32bit EFI Mac. 
>  I risked one more 
> DVD and to my modest surprise, it worked very well. I can't tell you exactly 
> what it does, but someone on this list likely does know exactly what it does.
> Quite possibly it might work with the USB boot method as well, but I didn't 
> try that as yet.
> To get the camera working on this older MacBook, there is software in Ubuntu 
> that takes a driver from your existing MacOS installation and tweaks it 
> slightly. "isight-firmware-tools".
> For newer MacBooks, there is another project to make the HD camera work. I 
> did't try that.
> I did boot the 64bit DVD on another newer MacBookPro I have, and it booted 
> up. I'm not sure at this second just which graphics card it is using.
> It's certainly not MacOS -- the trackpad is jittery, the mouse moves a bit 
> clumsily, setting up hardware is easy if it "just works" but not so easy if 
> it doesn't -- you have to edit conf files, etc. The microphone works in some 
> applications but not other applications (what is that about)? SO yeah -- it's 
> Linux, with all it's benefits and all the warts I remember.
> But it may be useful for some things, like the applications I need to use now 
> that we're all at home with everyone in the house doing videoconferencing 
> with different groups, and we all of a sudden have a need for many current 
> computers with this capability.
> I'm glad I have it as an option -- I partitioned my SSD and with a bit more 
> software that I plan to tweak today, I'm supposed to be able to dual boot 
> without trouble.

I’ve got a new MBP which does not play at all nicely with linux (no trackpad, 
keyboard, network I did not even try bluetooth.
I’m a fan of VirtualBox but I bought Parallels since it’s disk io was much 
nearer NVME native speeds.
I run full screen SuSE on 1 desktop, where it behaves beautifully: Fast, no 
noticeable impact on the rest of the system. I’m using Rosegarden and the USB 
transfer seems good.
The few niggles are: Setup is good but much more obscure than VirtualBox
If I plug in a mem stick OSX wont see it until Parallels releases it.

Ubuntu seems to have adopted many mac features eg toolbar menu on the focus’d 
app, dock etc
But this seems a way of getting all the pros without the cons


Can anyone see why

2020-03-22 Thread James Linder
I had a hierarchy of MythA-C, MythD-F for my recordings
I changed the hierarchy to Myth-A, Myth-B etc

The first transcode I did failed
I tried another from another chanel. That too failed, but I see nothing wrong. 
Anybody see my error

[sandypit] /store/jam [1003]% ffprobe /store/1092_20200315123600.ts
ffprobe version 4.2.1 Copyright (c) 2007-2019 the FFmpeg developers
  built with gcc 9 (SUSE Linux)
[mp3float @ 0x560306e93e00] Header missing
[mpegts @ 0x560306e8db40] PES packet size mismatch
Last message repeated 1 times
[mpegts @ 0x560306e8db40] Could not find codec parameters for stream 3 
(Unknown: none ([5][0][0][0] / 0x0005)): unknown codec
Consider increasing the value for the 'analyzeduration' and 'probesize' options
[mpegts @ 0x560306e8db40] Could not find codec parameters for stream 4 
(Unknown: none ([11][0][0][0] / 0x000B)): unknown codec
Consider increasing the value for the 'analyzeduration' and 'probesize' options
[mpegts @ 0x560306e8db40] Could not find codec parameters for stream 5 
(Unknown: none ([12][0][0][0] / 0x000C)): unknown codec
Consider increasing the value for the 'analyzeduration' and 'probesize' options
Input #0, mpegts, from '/store/1092_20200315123600.ts':
  Duration: 03:04:28.69, start: 8823.395622, bitrate: 2938 kb/s
  Program 1
Stream #0:0[0x204]: Video: mpeg2video (Main) ([2][0][0][0] / 0x0002), 
yuv420p(tv, top first), 720x576 [SAR 64:45 DAR 16:9], 25 fps, 25 tbr, 90k tbn, 
50 tbc
Stream #0:1[0x28d](eng): Audio: mp2 ([3][0][0][0] / 0x0003), 48000 Hz, 
stereo, fltp, 192 kb/s
Stream #0:2[0x243](eng): Subtitle: dvb_teletext ([6][0][0][0] / 0x0006)
Stream #0:3[0x321]: Unknown: none ([5][0][0][0] / 0x0005)
Stream #0:4[0x322]: Unknown: none ([11][0][0][0] / 0x000B)
Stream #0:5[0x323]: Unknown: none ([12][0][0][0] / 0x000C)
Unsupported codec with id 94215 for input stream 2
Unsupported codec with id 0 for input stream 3
Unsupported codec with id 0 for input stream 4
Unsupported codec with id 0 for input stream 5
[sandypit] /store/jam [1004]%

+ mythtranscode -i /store/1092_20200315123600.ts -o '/store/Movies/MythJ/You 
Only Live Twice.avi' --honorcutlist --showprogress -m
2020-03-22 17:32:29.752980 C  mythtranscode version: fixes/29 
2020-03-22 17:32:29.752999 C  Qt version: compile: 5.12.3, runtime: 5.13.1
2020-03-22 17:32:30.783886 E  No locale defaults file for en_AU, skipping
2020-03-22 17:32:30.816580 E  Skipping unsupported codec 3 on stream 2
2020-03-22 17:32:30.816584 E  Skipping unsupported codec 2 on stream 3
2020-03-22 17:32:40.976172 E  Couldn't open input file, error #-2
2020-03-22 17:32:40.977115 E  Transcoding /store/1092_20200315123600.ts failed
+ stat=128
+ [[ 128 == 0 ]]
+ echo transcode failed try recode needed for some h264 transmissions of HD
transcode failed try recode needed for some h264 transmissions of HD

nothing here has changed

[sandypit] /store/jam [1004]% ls -l /store/1092_20200315123600.ts
-rw-r--r-- 1 jam video 4066154240 Mar 15 23:40 /store/1092_20200315123600.ts

Re: catalena

2020-02-23 Thread James Linder
Thanks for the answer, to Chris too.
When catalena was relrased there were a flurry of ‘don’t rush’ type posts. I 
was checking if ‘dont rush to catelena’ was still the general opinion.
I have not yet even received my macbook (tomorrow :-) so it is that new.
From an engineering point of view it makes sense to limit the os but is still 
um irritating

> On 24 Feb 2020, at 1:10 am, Mojca Miklavec  wrote:
> Given that you have an OS installed, just try to install whatever you
> need and if you run into any serious issues, ask about specific
> problems.
> (It might be true what Chris said and that you won't be able to go
> back in time, not sure when the hardware was released, so maybe 10.14
> still works, but if you have 10.15 installed, try to check if you see
> any problems first. The OS has been around for a while, so most
> pressing problems were solved in the meantime. You won't be able to
> build or run 32-bit software though.)
> Mojca
> On Sat, 22 Feb 2020 at 14:14, James Linder  wrote:
>> Hi All
>> After 6 years my macbook battery is really past it’s use-by.
>> The keyboard has become a sea of 
>> won’t-push-this-week-and-hard-to-get-a-keypush so I decided to get a new 
>> laptop, but of course it comes with catalena.
>> I’ve been using high sierra and all my ports are good. Is catalena now 
>> stable enough to ‘just work’ or need I consider installing (say) high sierra.
>> James


2020-02-22 Thread James Linder
Hi All

After 6 years my macbook battery is really past it’s use-by.
The keyboard has become a sea of won’t-push-this-week-and-hard-to-get-a-keypush 
so I decided to get a new laptop, but of course it comes with catalena.
I’ve been using high sierra and all my ports are good. Is catalena now stable 
enough to ‘just work’ or need I consider installing (say) high sierra.


Re: no destroot found (was: help please)

2019-05-15 Thread James Linder

> On 15 May 2019, at 4:22 pm, Joshua Root  wrote:
>> what does this mean …
>> [haycorn] /Users/jam/DEVEL [580]% sudo port install qt511-qtwebkit
>> --->  Computing dependencies for qt511-qtwebkit
>> --->  Installing qt511-qtxmlpatterns @5.11.3_0
>> Error: Failed to install qt511-qtxmlpatterns: no destroot found at: 
>> /opt/local/var/macports/build/_opt_local_var_macports_sources_rsync.macports.org_macports_release_tarballs_ports_aqua_qt511/qt511-qtxmlpatterns/work/destroot
> It's a bug. Quite a few people have encountered it, but we've never been
> able to reproduce it. If you know how to reproduce it, please add that
> information to .
> The workaround is simple however: clean the affected port.

Thanks that did indeed work.
In tems of doing something funny - I think I did not, but here goes

port install qt5 qt5-qtwebkit

Hmmm 12 did not work (I’ll go back to see why - mysql plugins)

port uninstall `port installed |grep qt5`

port install qt511 qt511-qtwebkit


Re: help please

2019-05-14 Thread James Linder

what does this mean …

> [haycorn] /Users/jam/DEVEL [580]% sudo port install qt511-qtwebkit
> --->  Computing dependencies for qt511-qtwebkit
> The following dependencies will be installed:
> qt511-qtdeclarative
> qt511-qtgraphicaleffects
> qt511-qtimageformats
> qt511-qtlocation
> qt511-qtmultimedia
> qt511-qtquickcontrols
> qt511-qtquickcontrols2
> qt511-qtsensors
> qt511-qtserialport
> qt511-qtwebchannel
> qt511-qtwebsockets
> qt511-qtxmlpatterns
> Continue? [Y/n]: y
> --->  Installing qt511-qtxmlpatterns @5.11.3_0
> Error: Failed to install qt511-qtxmlpatterns: no destroot found at: 
> /opt/local/var/macports/build/_opt_local_var_macports_sources_rsync.macports.org_macports_release_tarballs_ports_aqua_qt511/qt511-qtxmlpatterns/work/destroot
> Error: See 
> /opt/local/var/macports/logs/_opt_local_var_macports_sources_rsync.macports.org_macports_release_tarballs_ports_aqua_qt511/qt511-qtxmlpatterns/main.log
>  for details.
> Error: Follow to report a bug.
> Error: Processing of port qt511-qtwebkit failed

Does this help?

[haycorn] /Users/jam [503]%


help please

2019-05-14 Thread James Linder

what does this mean …

[haycorn] /Users/jam/DEVEL [580]% sudo port install qt511-qtwebkit
--->  Computing dependencies for qt511-qtwebkit
The following dependencies will be installed:
Continue? [Y/n]: y
--->  Installing qt511-qtxmlpatterns @5.11.3_0
Error: Failed to install qt511-qtxmlpatterns: no destroot found at: 
Error: See 
 for details.
Error: Follow to report a bug.
Error: Processing of port qt511-qtwebkit failed


help for the ignorant

2019-05-10 Thread James Linder
Craig pointed me at this
an un-commited port.
I want to play with it. How do I checkout?


Re: completely OT

2019-04-14 Thread James Linder
> I have a mid 2011 iMac. I setup a SSD on usb3 over thunderbolt. 
> All good EXCEPT that it wont boot. Will boot on the usb2 ports but they are 
> slower than usb3. 
> I'm looking for a pointer or advice on how to boot on diskA say the internal 
> disk, but run (root on) diskB 
> I can't find a thunderbolt 1 disk or adapter 
> Can anybody point me at where I could ask these sort of questions
> sorry for last-resort posting here


> Mac Support Central, a Yahoo group, is a great resource for all Mac owners. 
> Many Mac users and professional repair techs. Even an author of a self-repair 
> book series.

Thank you.


> I have the same iMac and it's not capable of booting USB3, even with a 
> Thunderbolt or hub. Afraid you are stuck with USB2.
> There are plenty of Thunderbolt drives available. I used one from LaCie.

I believe it is a CPU issue, older CPUs can’t, newer can.
Every LaCie drive I google is thunderbolt 3. I need 1 or 2.

Spelunking I found a very interesting (and unlikely) site that delves deeply 
into technical stuff like booting.
But they raise the issue of codesigning,
and the potential to codesign an executable which would have a major impact on 

Again thanks to the list for indulging OT stuff

completely OT

2019-04-14 Thread James Linder

I have a mid 2011 iMac. I setup a SSD on usb3 over thunderbolt. 
All good EXCEPT that it wont boot. Will boot on the usb2 ports but they are 
slower than usb3. 
I'm looking for a pointer or advice on how to boot on diskA say the internal 
disk, but run (root on) diskB 
I can't find a thunderbolt 1 disk or adapter 

Can anybody point me at where I could ask these sort of questions
sorry for last-resort posting here


Re: Restarting from scratch on Snow Leopard

2019-03-01 Thread James Linder

> On 1 Mar 2019, at 8:00 pm, wrote:
>>> is llvm39 still the one to be used?
>> I still use +llvm39
>> $ port -v installed | grep ld64
>>  ld64 @3_1+universal-ld64_127-ld64_236-ld64_97 (active) platform='darwin 10' 
>> archs='i386 x86_64' date='2018-09-20T16:56:39-0700'
>>  ld64-latest @274.2_2+llvm39+universal-llvm34 (active) platform='darwin 10' 
>> archs='i386 x86_64' date='2017-11-26T13:19:27-0800'
>> One thing you learn in this, is to be current but not too current. There is 
>> no benefit to trying to ride the dragon's tale here -- you just run into a 
>> lot of new errors that haven't been dealt with yet.
>> llvm3.9 is about equal to Sierra. That's a pretty good spot. I haven't 
>> really tried anything newer yet.
>> I was configured to use clang-3.9 as my primary compiler up until a few 
>> weeks ago, when I fixed clang-5.0+ to enable thread_local storage, and so 
>> have just recently set clang-5.0 as my default compiler.
> Right now I’ve finished the whole procedure described in
> without hitting any issue (unlike when I had Xcode 4.2 installed). Will now 
> attempt installing the usual packages I need.
> Thanks for your help, Ken!

I bought a mac. It came with Snow Leopard CDs. I cleaned the disk and want to 
re-install Snow Leopard. I can’t “Certificate Expired”.
Google: easy: iTunes -> purchased: download (ooops I never purchesed or 
downloaded a copy, I have the CDs), OK Apple Download: only the earliest is 
later than that. (IIRC Yosemite)
Oh Apple! he politely lamented

So how does the poor boy install Snow Leopard? Brain surgery on the CD springs 
to mind but that is too involved for moi. No network and fiddle the date?


OT upgrade nag

2019-02-24 Thread James Linder

some folk here choose to not upgrade their macos.
How do you folk get rid of Apples uphrade nag?


Re: A general philosophical question about MacPorts

2019-02-20 Thread James Linder

> On 20 Feb 2019, at 8:00 pm, wrote:
>> So my philosophical question is “Why MacPorts these days?”
> Because running the tools it provides in a VM is a grotesque waste of 
> RAM and disk space and puts a wall up between tools I want to use 
> occasionally and the UI where I prefer to work mostly.

Bill I disagree! What is a waste? I typically give my VMs 2G from a 32G pool. I 
run 2 or 3 VMs without noticeing. You *can* get apple ram from not-apple that 
is quite cheap.

> Also, on one old 1st generation Core Duo iMac, it helps me to build and 
> run a suite of server software and other key tools that can face the 
> Internet with reasonable safety

A couple of years ago one of the anti-virus companies offered $10 000 and a 
Sony Viao to the first person to hack their honeypot Windows, Max and Linux 
The Windows reward was claimed within hours
The Mac was hacked in a week (a flaw in safari)
The linux prize is still unclaimed.
Detractors opined that ir was unkewl (sic) to hack linux.
Rubbish! It would be very kewl to be the one who found an exploitable flaw in 

Yesterday News: Canberra parliment in massive hack. Makes you wonder.

> and an attack surface that doesn't quite 
> look like any other machine while seeming irresistible to a certain 
> class of miscreants. I have a professional interest in the unique 
> behavioral intelligence I get from that machine that I cannot get 
> anywhere else. It would be a serious chore to maintain that host as 
> 'live bait' without MacPorts and I hate the idea of just discarding a 
> machine that would otherwise have no practical use.

I guess the subject is dear to my heart that explains me waxing (so) lyrical.

Re: A general philosophical question about MacPorts

2019-02-20 Thread James Linder

> On 20 Feb 2019, at 8:00 pm, wrote:
>>> So my philosophical question is “Why MacPorts these days?”. 
>> Same reason as always: to help you install software on your Mac. If
>> you prefer installing software in a VM running a different OS, by all
>> means do so, but it's not the same thing.
> Another philosophical question you might want to ask
> yourself is "Why macOS these days?" That's only a bit
> facetious (a large bit, admittedly). If you mostly use
> a VM, you might be better off just installing that OS
> on the hardware and replacing macOS. Just a thought.

I’ve tried linux on my iMac27.
While it works, Apple for all their faults do a much better job of managing the 
Bluetooth pre boot.
MacOS fiddles the sound to make it ‘sound’ nice, on linux it is tinny.
MacOS sleeps the unused cpu cores, linux throttles them. The linux way runs 
much hotter.
I use MS word occasionally. MS in their anti-linux mode don’t do a Word. I use 
CrossOver but a native toolset is noticeably nicer.
I sat my wife, as a totally naive user in front of Word and OpenOffice and she 
quickly gravitated one way. I have  to accept that being a borg does not stop 
ypu writing nice software.
If you use a touch pad the MacOS gestures are much better managed than linux 
making a VM attractive,
There is a whole world I have not explored using a VM app in a native window. 
(think it is called seamless mode on VirtualBox)

> The only reason I use macos at all is because it's
> unixy. I spend most of my time in full screen X11 using
> many programs and languages from macports.

I assume that the general anti-X11 rant comes from people who have no idea! The 
whole wayland push fills me with dread. I use multiple computers, usually from 
one seat. (X11 lets you do that) for all the Mac stuff I resorted to nomachine. 
Thats a poor subsitute.
Again much of macports let you choose X11.

> Even without
> X11, macports makes it easy to install and upgrade lots
> of software that would otherwise be cumbersome to
> install individually, let alone keep up to date. I
> wasn't even aware that Apple supported macports. Apple
> doesn't really support X11 like it used to either and
> it doesn't work quite as well as it does under Linux
> but it'll do.
>> From my point of view, macports makes it possible to
> keep using macOS. Without it, Linux in a VM or
> replacing macOS altogether would be hard to resist.


Re: A general philosophical question about MacPorts

2019-02-20 Thread James Linder

> On 20 Feb 2019, at 8:00 pm, wrote:
> First let me say I have used MacPorts since 10.6.8.
> Recently, given the overall Apple direction for MacOS I stopped and asked 
> myself “Why am I doing this?”.
> I started using Mint Linux on VirtualBox and ported a couple of the simpler 
> apps I use.
> Mint has come a long way and runs very well on a VBox instance. Data can move 
> easily from MacOS to Mint and vice-versa.
> True, I have been a *nix user for decades, but a novice (non-*nix user) 
> wouldn’t be using MacPorts anyway.
> I appreciate all the work the developers have put into MacPorts but to me the 
> handwriting on the wall was when Apple pulled the MacPorts informal support 
> they provided for years.
> So my philosophical question is “Why MacPorts these days?”. 

I wonder if I’ll tread on toes: In order to seamlessly drain all your money 
Apple need to make nice hardware that works well. They do. I run a doz or so 
linux VMs, yet having macports provide many of the daily tools I use is 
incredibly useful.


Re: whew

2019-02-20 Thread James Linder

> On 20 Feb 2019, at 8:00 pm, wrote:
> OK
> Your inbox has 14500 mail.
> mail->backup size exceeded (after 20%)
> So I was trying to save all your mail using thunderbird
> The flash in the corner was “ junk mail” not as in mail ‘from 
> mary’
> still trying to backup
> XX

That was a problem between seat and keyboard.
I don’t know how I miss posted. Appologies



2019-02-19 Thread James Linder
Your inbox has 14500 mail.
mail->backup size exceeded (after 20%)

So I was trying to save all your mail using thunderbird

The flash in the corner was “ junk mail” not as in mail ‘from 
still trying to backup


browser recomendations

2019-02-03 Thread James Linder
I’ve been using firefox for a while. but increasingly it is getting draconian.

From firefox’s forums:

Ah, I see Mozilla is adopting the Microsoft Windows 10 attitude:

“We know what’s best for you. Turn off updates completely? What folly! We 
reserve the right to nag you incessantly until you comply! Use a feature which 
we deem obsolete or not important enough to support anymore (cough, RSS, 
cough)? We’ll dump it and you’ll learn to live with it.” Oh, and we have this 
neato new thingy we’re just dying to try out on you. You’ll just LOVE it, 
promise! Even if you don’t, hey, we’re getting a nice kickback from a third 
party for including it, so WE’LL love it.”

Good luck with that strategy, guys. You’re going to need it.

Are there any ports or browsers that you folk can recomend:

I want RSS feeds
I want NO search in URL bar
I want a search bar
I want the choice of updates free of nags


Re: gdb

2019-01-08 Thread James Linder

> On 9 Jan 2019, at 12:48 am, Ken Cunningham  
> wrote:
> fyi
> I updated gdb last night, to the current version.
> so it might be worth trying again
> gdb and lldb are both good debuggers, but they are different, and it takes a 
> while to get facile with either.
> K
> On 2019-01-08, at 6:34 AM, Ryan Schmidt wrote:
>> I don't know why gdb isn't working for you. From what I've been able to 
>> find, it should be able to debug programs built by clang.
>> But have you considered trying lldb instead?

I suspect the codesign but I am confused:

I am using 10.13.6 and have seen the warnings that 8.1 is not compatable, is 
8.2 ok?

[Haycorn] /Users/jam [517]% sudo codesign -s gdb-cert /opt/local/bin/ggdb
/opt/local/bin/ggdb: is already signed

[Haycorn] /Users/jam [518]% ggdb a.out
GNU gdb (GDB) 8.2.1
Copyright (C) 2018 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
License GPLv3+: GNU GPL version 3 or later 
This is free software: you are free to change and redistribute it.
There is NO WARRANTY, to the extent permitted by law.
Type "show copying" and "show warranty" for details.
This GDB was configured as "x86_64-apple-darwin17.7.0".
Type "show configuration" for configuration details.
For bug reporting instructions, please see:
Find the GDB manual and other documentation resources online at:

For help, type "help".
Type "apropos word" to search for commands related to "word"...
Reading symbols from a.out...Reading symbols from 
(gdb) l
1   #include 
2   int main ()
3   {
4   printf ("Hello world\n");
5   }
(gdb) r
Starting program: /Users/jam/a.out
Unable to find Mach task port for process-id 771: (os/kern) failure (0x5).
 (please check gdb is codesigned - see taskgated(8))


PS Ryan I will use lldb as a last resort, but baby-duck symdrome does rear it’s 
head. Thanks.

Re: gdb

2019-01-05 Thread James Linder

> On 6 Jan 2019, at 1:00 am, Mojca Miklavec  wrote:
> Dear James,
> I don't quite understand what your question/problem is. Can you please
> be more explicit (ideally on the mailing list).
> Mojca
> On Sat, 5 Jan 2019 at 15:11, James Linder  wrote:
>> Hi
>> can anybody show me mt errant ways
>> I installed gdb
>> codesigned as per 
>> I get
>> [Haycorn] /Users/jam/nodups [510]% ggdb
>> GNU gdb (GDB) 8.0.1
>> Copyright (C) 2017 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
>> License GPLv3+: GNU GPL version 3 or later <>
>> This is free software: you are free to change and redistribute it.
>> There is NO WARRANTY, to the extent permitted by law.  Type "show copying"
>> and "show warranty" for details.
>> This GDB was configured as "x86_64-apple-darwin17.2.0".
>> Type "show configuration" for configuration details.
>> For bug reporting instructions, please see:
>> <>.
>> Find the GDB manual and other documentation resources online at:
>> <>.
>> For help, type "help".
>> Type "apropos word" to search for commands related to "word"...
>> Reading symbols from debugging 
>> symbols found)...done.
>> (gdb) q
>> [Haycorn] /Users/jam/nodups [511]% port list gdb
>> Warning: port definitions are more than two weeks old, consider updating 
>> them by running 'port selfupdate'.
>> gdb@8.0.1  devel/gdb
>> nodeps IS compiled with -g
>> Anybody please

/Applications/ -f Makefile all
 -c -pipe -stdlib=libc++ -g -std=gnu++11  -arch x86_64 -isysroot 
 -mmacosx-version-min=10.12 -Wall -W -fPIC -DQT_DEPRECATED_WARNINGS 
-I/opt/Qt5.12.0/5.12.0/clang_64/lib/QtCore.framework/Headers -I. 
-F/opt/Qt5.12.0/5.12.0/clang_64/lib -o main.o main.cpp

[Haycorn] /Users/jam/nodups [511]% lldb
(lldb) target create ""
warning: (x86_64) 
 empty dSYM file detected, dSYM was created with an executable with no debug 
warning: (x86_64) 
 empty dSYM file detected, dSYM was created with an executable with no debug 
Current executable set to '' (x86_64).

But elsewhere this does work:

[Haycorn] /Users/jam/nodups [512]% cat

TARGET = nodups

CONFIG += debug
<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< and there IS a -g


# Input
SOURCES += main.cpp



2019-01-05 Thread James Linder

can anybody show me mt errant ways

I installed gdb
codesigned as per
I get

[Haycorn] /Users/jam/nodups [510]% ggdb
GNU gdb (GDB) 8.0.1
Copyright (C) 2017 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
License GPLv3+: GNU GPL version 3 or later 
This is free software: you are free to change and redistribute it.
There is NO WARRANTY, to the extent permitted by law.  Type "show copying"
and "show warranty" for details.
This GDB was configured as "x86_64-apple-darwin17.2.0".
Type "show configuration" for configuration details.
For bug reporting instructions, please see:
Find the GDB manual and other documentation resources online at:
For help, type "help".
Type "apropos word" to search for commands related to "word"...
Reading symbols from debugging symbols 
(gdb) q

[Haycorn] /Users/jam/nodups [511]% port list gdb
Warning: port definitions are more than two weeks old, consider updating them 
by running 'port selfupdate'.
gdb@8.0.1  devel/gdb

nodeps IS compiled with -g
Anybody please


Re: Help please

2018-11-18 Thread James Linder

> On 18 Nov 2018, at 8:00 pm, wrote:
 The new bit is a Telstra NBN modem (for Aus’s new high speed broadband.) 
 If any Aus user has tamed the Telstra NBN modem please tell me what and 
>>> Have you tried using a closer mirror instead of the master (which is in 
>>> Germany)?
>>> You can separately configure where base is downloaded from during 
>>> selfupdate (macports.conf) and where ports are downloaded from during 
>>> selfupdate or sync (sources.conf).
>>> We have a mirror in Australia, unfortunately for some reason they don't 
>>> mirror base. I'll have to have a word with them about that. Maybe there is 
>>> another mirror that's closer to you than the master. Maybe try the one in 
>>> New Caledonia.
>>> The Australian mirror does mirror ports, so you could use it for that.
>>> Trying different servers could also be a troubleshooting step to narrow 
>>> down whether it's a problem with all rsync traffic or just with reaching 
>>> specific servers.
>> Ryan thanks.
>> The problem is definately the modem. I turned OFF the firewall (actually I 
>> need to think thru, why would the modem have a firewall at all, unless bad 
>> guys can login to the modem …) and rsync ran perfectly. I tried but was not 
>> able to make a modem firewall rule for rsync.
>> So turn off firewall, selfupdate, turn on is pretty painless.
>> James
> Have you tried explicitly opening 873/tcp outgoing?
> Have you tried using iftop or wireshark to see what is/isn't being 
> connected to?

Russel I did explicitly make a rule for tcp/873, which surprised me by not 
After some thought I did not bother with wireshark, Since my modem is only NAT 
for machines on my network 
* RFC state that no router (on internet) may route a private address packet
* The modem must dump any un ESTABLISHED,RELATED packet

The firewall could only assist if
* I had machine(s) with a public IP
* All the internet routers were broken and routed private IP packets to me
* My modem was broken and sent unknown packets to SOME MACHINE on my network
* I had an infected machine that tried to call out (to disclose keystrokes or 
infect other machines)

So just turning off the firewall is the easist way and pretty safe (If my modem 
was broken then why cant you hack it to have no firewall anyway.)
I think the huge amount of dis-infomation on the subject is akin to saying if 
you go hiking without a defibulator you are certain to die.


Re: Help please

2018-11-17 Thread James Linder

> On 17 Nov 2018, at 8:00 pm, wrote:
>> The problem is definately the modem. I turned OFF the firewall (actually 
>> I need to think thru, why would the modem have a firewall at all, unless 
>> bad guys can login to the modem …) and rsync ran perfectly. I tried but 
>> was not able to make a modem firewall rule for rsync. So turn off 
>> firewall, selfupdate, turn on is pretty painless.
> Again, as an Aussie NBN user I have had zero problems with it, and I 
> didn't have to do anything special (other than port-redirects to my 
> FreeBSD server).  You are with T$, aren't you, with the Fast 5355 router?
> And yes, you *do* need the firewall enabled, to at least "Medium" i.e. 
> inbound traffic only in response to outbound traffic, and block everything 
> below NetBIOS.
> You do have remote access disabled, don't you?  And even then, T$ can 
> "upgrade" your firmware in the middle of the night, and the first you know 
> about it is when the Mac has dropped the WiFi connection and failed to 
> restart (you need to disable/enable it, and hope that it gloms onto the 
> right service).

My motivation in continuing this thread is that unless macports users are rare 
in Aussie (how sad that would be) then other macport users are certain to have 
the magic big T$ modem. (T$ is joke reference to Telstra)
I do not use the modem wifi, apple do not play nice with furren AC modems (my 
tests are 5Mb / sec close to a tp link and 35Mb to an airport using my macbook)
Dave I do not understand your 
> And yes, you *do* need the firewall enabled

Any out going packet will be NAT’d and allowed back
Any intruding packet will not be NAT’d and dumped by the router.
There is no pathway from the internet to any of mymachine unless the packet is 

The best answer that I can find is that if you have and infected machine the 
firewall prevents it calling other machines.
Well my network is linux and mac machines only, so I guess that is of little 


Re: Help please

2018-11-16 Thread James Linder

> On 16 Nov 2018, at 8:00 pm, wrote:
>> I can’t believe that I am the only Aussie macports user plagued by the 
>> problem.
> Apparently...
>> I went to Access Control->firewall and turned it OFF during the 
>> selfupdate. I was not able to make a rule that worked for rsync
> What about the Mac's built-in firewall?  I have it turned off, because I 
> don't need it (the Fast-5355 router supplied with the NBN does that for 
> me; nothing can reach the Mac except in response to outbound traffic).

This drifts to OT sorry.
My mac(s) have no firewall on.
I speculate that if the problem is not widespread then telstra delivered other 
modems with the firewall switched off.
I have a single port forward on port (what the heck) 2234 for ssh.
That is the only access from outside to my mac.
Why on earth would would the modem have a firewall? (but their firmware is 
ratty so maybe thet are protecting their modem)
Their technical support is of the ‘connect your windows machine to the modem’ 
level,  not more.

In any event the macports rsync issue is the modem firewall
Thanks for the help

Re: Help please

2018-11-15 Thread James Linder

> On 16 Nov 2018, at 11:14 am, Ryan Schmidt  wrote:
> On Nov 15, 2018, at 00:51, wrote:
>> The new bit is a Telstra NBN modem (for Aus’s new high speed broadband.) If 
>> any Aus user has tamed the Telstra NBN modem please tell me what and how.
> Have you tried using a closer mirror instead of the master (which is in 
> Germany)?
> You can separately configure where base is downloaded from during selfupdate 
> (macports.conf) and where ports are downloaded from during selfupdate or sync 
> (sources.conf).
> We have a mirror in Australia, unfortunately for some reason they don't 
> mirror base. I'll have to have a word with them about that. Maybe there is 
> another mirror that's closer to you than the master. Maybe try the one in New 
> Caledonia.
> The Australian mirror does mirror ports, so you could use it for that.
> Trying different servers could also be a troubleshooting step to narrow down 
> whether it's a problem with all rsync traffic or just with reaching specific 
> servers.

Ryan thanks.
The problem is definately the modem. I turned OFF the firewall (actually I need 
to think thru, why would the modem have a firewall at all, unless bad guys can 
login to the modem …) and rsync ran perfectly. I tried but was not able to make 
a modem firewall rule for rsync.
So turn off firewall, selfupdate, turn on is pretty painless.


Re: How Mojave-ready is MacPorts?

2018-11-13 Thread James Linder

> On 13 Nov 2018, at 8:00 pm, wrote:
> On Nov 11, 2018, at 14:36, Dave Horsfall wrote:
>> On Sat, 10 Nov 2018, Bill Cole wrote:
 OK, I've been talked out of trying Mojave on this thing (it's unlikely to 
>>> Indeed. says it definitely 
>>> won't.
>> So I see; well, it's served me well for nine years...  I only upgrade 
>> hardware when forced to, so I guess it's time to put some of my pension 
>> aside for a MacBook Air or something.
> There are usually ways of shoehorning newer operating systems into 
> unsupported older systems, at the expense of some performance problems or 
> other issues.

I’m technical and dont use my machine for all the wizz bang social media stuff 
so I find that mojave offers me very little and infact the screen blanker kicks 
in intermittently while watching mythtv and my wakeup from sleep is 10 secs ! 
instead of un-noticably short (a sec or two) that it was on high sierra. So a 
cute experiment but I’ll go back to high sierra. 


Re: quite OT [solved] but interesting

2018-11-10 Thread James Linder
After lots of hunting I re-installed high sierra from scratch.
Public key DID work.
I slowly restored from a time machine backup until it stopped working.

The culprit was .ssh directory.
I put the working .ssh dir back and copied my id’s and config to the working 
.ssh dir. Public key still worked.

Using ls -l and ignoring ACLs the working and non working dirs and files look 
identical (content and permissions)

This smacks of Schrödinger's cat


Lots of noise about public key login ...

>> Password-less login to 10.13.6 works for me just fine,
>> with the method described above (put your *.pub to the authorized_keys).
>> That's the system /usr/sbin/sshd, which is OpenSSH_7.6, LibreSSL 2.6.2.
>> Below is a log of such a session, from OpenBSD 6.3 to MacOS 10.13.6.
>>> hell 40 years experience using unix and I have and do do many many
>> I'm sure you do do.
 On 3 Sep 2018, at 8:00 pm, wrote:
 What port?
>>> actually openssh which works everywhere ( where works == password-less 
>>> login NB nothing to do with pass-phrase) does not work on high sierra
>> In the current port tree, that's OpenSSH 7.6p1r5 (right?).
>> Have you tried the same with the system OpenSSH?
>> Have you tried with the OpenSSH port built upon the LibreSSL port,
>> as opposed to the OpenSSL port? What is the difference?
> i usually copy the public key by hand, but I also used ssh-copy-id
> from 1_mac to another
> from 1_mac to itself
> from 1_mac to a plethora of linux machines and virtual machines
> 1_mac cannot login passwd-less to another.
 To another what?
>>> The original post made clear I called the first mac "mac-1"
>>> and the second mac “another"
>> What happens when you try a 10.13.6 server with a different client?
> 1_mac CAN login to the linux boxes passwdless
> The logs show nothing of interest
>> Well, there must be a message about what failed with the keys, right?
>>> Umm I’m confused. I see a password prompt not a shell prompt. I see too 
>>> public_key auth failed wthi error 51 before password auth gets tried
>> So show us the full -v -v log.
>>> I can see my suspition is not happening
>>> which was blank pass phrase is not allowed.
>> That would be a restriction of the _client_ (which I doubt),
>> and the client log would surely say so.
> Thanks to every one for suggestions and help.  I’ll stop abusing the list 
> I have two machines upgraded to high sierra (that did work once upon a time)
> and one clean install (the machine was formatted ext4 and ran linux). None 
> work!
> for interest
> [haycorn] /Users/jam [263]% ls -lR .ssh
> total 40
> -rw---  1 jam  staff  1014  3 Sep 19:08 authorized_keys
> -rw-r--r--  1 jam  staff   130  4 Sep  2017 config
> -rw---  1 jam  staff  1679 17 Feb  2018 id_rsa
> -rw-r--r--  1 jam  staff   398 17 Feb  2018
> -rw-r--r--  1 jam  staff  2342  7 Oct  2016 known_hosts
> [haycorn] /Users/jam [264]% cat .ssh/authorized_keys
> ssh-rsa 
> B3NzaC1yc2EDAQABAAABAQC7Nq44JqKYYGNHMzotos6xmDkeI/2KVKIWcEz36TXqJsZxms39HuTpky5lP56gDnmXdBe8fSDi6ZJbSONZ5sMmS8XG0QqxDQufJIuoQrmgGXFhE8jcrbPAixGhX5fmBOPgFa5JgWDD9caYhpbxTfl2GoAu6Pe0u7paCaMyxD9KNAMk8oBzfkQFU3KMiK+0rB+/UI5lEyAJLCPW2WzFlF8N5iBjocvoDqx2slATfjKPx85VrdS5hVjKHcJjlpgEJ4a5+fcjlpAq/A2AKEQbzXfK1Tpb5PtyhRTIhjDufCZbgSdZlRC8fnm/iDXkwWDmkwCVYhyPAy5P4ecPpihzP6hF
>  jam@twill
> [haycorn] /Users/jam [265]%
> To high sierra
> [twill] /Users/jam [230]% ssh -vv haycorn.home
> OpenSSH_7.6p1, LibreSSL 2.6.2
> debug1: Reading configuration data /Users/jam/.ssh/config
> debug1: /Users/jam/.ssh/config line 2: Applying options for *
> debug1: Reading configuration data /etc/ssh/ssh_config
> debug1: /etc/ssh/ssh_config line 49: Applying options for *
> debug2: ssh_connect_direct: needpriv 0
> debug1: Connecting to haycorn.home port 22.
> debug1: Connection established.
> debug1: identity file /Users/jam/.ssh/id_rsa type 0
> debug1: key_load_public: No such file or directory
> debug1: identity file /Users/jam/.ssh/id_rsa-cert type -1
> debug1: key_load_public: No such file or directory
> debug1: identity file /Users/jam/.ssh/id_dsa type -1
> debug1: key_load_public: No such file or directory
> debug1: identity file /Users/jam/.ssh/id_dsa-cert type -1
> debug1: key_load_public: No such file or directory
> debug1: identity file /Users/jam/.ssh/id_ecdsa type -1
> debug1: key_load_public: No such file or directory
> debug1: identity file /Users/jam/.ssh/id_ecdsa-cert type -1
> debug1: key_load_public: No such file or directory
> debug1: identity file /Users/jam/.ssh/id_ed25519 type -1
> debug1: key_load_public: No such file or directory
> debug1: identity file /Users/jam/.ssh/id_ed25519-cert type -1
> debug1: Local version string SSH-2.0-OpenSSH_7.6
> debug1: Remote protocol version 2.0, remote software version OpenSSH_7.6
> debug1: match: OpenSSH_7.6 pat OpenSSH* compat 

Re: quite OT (James)

2018-09-05 Thread James Linder
Hi All

just in case this is the issue, both machines being “up to date”, and it 
affects others

it is not an issue
no more noise I promise

This works (passwd-less login):

[pussycat] /Users/mary [501]% sshd --help
OpenSSH_7.5p1, LibreSSL 2.5.4

This does not (identical keys and config files)

[haycorn] /Users/jam [291]% sshd --help
OpenSSH_7.6p1, OpenSSL 1.0.2p  14 Aug 2018


Re: nmap

2018-09-05 Thread James Linder

> On 5 Sep 2018, at 10:01 pm, Daniel J. Luke  wrote:
> On Sep 4, 2018, at 9:46 PM, James Linder  wrote:
>>> On 5 Sep 2018, at 4:45 am, Daniel J. Luke  wrote:
>>> On Sep 4, 2018, at 4:39 PM, Ryan Schmidt  wrote:
>>>> It looks like he's showing us that nmap on his Linux machine found 11 
>>>> hosts while on his Mac it only found 6 hosts.
>>> maybe? and there a lots of reasons why that might be the case.
>> Just to be more exact the linux machine is a vm on my mac with a bridged 
>> network.
>> Daniel what can the ‘lots of reasons’ be?
> I can think of many, but it's probably not going to be helpful for you to 
> enumerate the possible issues as the start of determining what's happening.
> I would probably start with seeing if I can ping all the hosts I expect to be 
> able to ping from both the linux VM and from the Mac.

Daniel thanks. Yup ofcourse I can ping every host, it is a bridged VM. 
Stephen’s explanation seems very likely. “the the kernel limits ICMP rate"
Thanks Steven.


Re: nmap

2018-09-04 Thread James Linder

> On 5 Sep 2018, at 4:45 am, Daniel J. Luke  wrote:
> On Sep 4, 2018, at 4:39 PM, Ryan Schmidt  wrote:
>> It looks like he's showing us that nmap on his Linux machine found 11 hosts 
>> while on his Mac it only found 6 hosts.
> maybe? and there a lots of reasons why that might be the case.

Just to be more exact the linux machine is a vm on my mac with a bridged 
Daniel what can the ‘lots of reasons’ be?



2018-09-02 Thread James Linder
Hi All
still in pursuit of passwd-less logins to High Sierra.

Here fire is a VM on haycorn with bridged network (VirtualBox)
[fire] /home/jam [1798]% cat /etc/issue
Ubuntu 18.04.1 LTS \n \l
haycorn is my high sierra machine

[fire] /home/jam [1804]% nmap --help
Nmap 7.60 ( )

[haycorn] /Users/jam [182]% nmap --help
Nmap 7.70 ( )

[fire] /home/jam [1796]% nmap -sP |grep -v Host

Starting Nmap 7.60 ( ) at 2018-09-03 11:11 AWST
Nmap scan report for _gateway (
Nmap scan report for haycorn.home (
Nmap scan report for sandypit.home (
Nmap scan report for fire.home (
Nmap scan report for
Nmap scan report for ws103.home (
Nmap scan report for ws108.home (
Nmap scan report for printer.home (
Nmap scan report for gold.home (
Nmap scan report for fibaro.home (
Nmap scan report for divectl.home (
Nmap done: 254 IP addresses (11 hosts up) scanned in 5.22 seconds

[fire] /home/jam [1797]% exit
Connection to fire closed.

[haycorn] /Users/jam [184]% nmap -sP |grep -v Host
Starting Nmap 7.70 ( ) at 2018-09-03 11:11 AWST
Nmap scan report for
Nmap scan report for haycorn.home (
Nmap scan report for sandypit.home (
Nmap scan report for
Nmap scan report for printer.home (
Nmap scan report for fibaro.home (
Nmap done: 254 IP addresses (6 hosts up) scanned in 5.23 seconds

It seems the port of nmap is quite different to linux nmap.
What is happening

Re: vnc

2018-07-25 Thread James Linder

> On 25 Jul 2018, at 8:00 pm, wrote:
>> What exactly is your question ? The macPorts build of cotvnc is 64-bit and 
>> no warnings are offered running it. 
> Agreed. I use cotvnc all the time and I've seen no problems with it on High 
> Sierra so far. Actually I use the cotvnc-devel port, to get the latest 
> development version.

My question was exactly what Ryan answered. Thanks Ryan. I installed and 
everything is perfect.


Re: macports-users Digest, Vol 138, Issue 15

2018-02-20 Thread James Linder

> On 20 Feb 2018, at 8:00 pm, wrote:
>> This happens recurrently to me, usually after significant updates. 
>> The last time was some months ago, so I forget exactly what I did, but it 
>> involved the location of xauth and the ssh config on the target machine, if 
>> I recall correctly.
>> So that's where I would start to google, (and will, the next time I have 
>> this issue).
>> I hope this helps.
>> Ken
>> On 2018-02-16, at 10:33 AM, Gustavo Seabra wrote:
>>> Hi all,
>>> I understand this may not be a real Macports problem, but I suspect someone 
>>> here may know the solution. I have googled a bit about this, but the 
>>> solutions I found do not really apply to that problem. Here it is:
>>> I have 3 machines:
>>> A: My Mac
>>> B: A Unix machine that serves as firewall to other computers
>>> C: The computer I want to access.
>>> SO, If I do:
>>> A]$ ssh -Y B
>>> B]$ echo $DISPLAY
>>> localhost:10.0
>>> B]$ xmgrace
>>> I get a nice window from xmgrace, as expected.
>>> However, If I try to open xmgrace from C using B as a jump, I get:
>>> A]$ ssh -Y B
>>> B]$ echo $DISPLAY
>>> localhost:10.0
>>> B]$ ssh -Y C
>>> C]$ echo $DISPLAY
>>> localhost:10.0
>>> C]$ xmgrace
>>> Can't open display
>>> Failed initializing GUI, exiting
>>> C]$
>>> I suspect there’s something ill-configured in C, but don’t know what could 
>>> it be or where to look. Could someone there please help me here?

I found a bunch of X11 localhost configs in /etc/ssh/ssh_config that can/must 
be changed.
My 27” takes long for the first connection
My laptop is always fast 


Re: gnome-terminal

2018-02-10 Thread James Linder
Hi George

> On 11 Feb 2018, at 2:44 pm, George Nachman <> wrote:
> Seems like a good thing to have for accessibility. I've added an advanced 
> pref in commit 578a430.  Try tomorrow's nightly build. Look for the setting 
> named "Should middle-click on a tab in the tab bar close the tab" in the Tabs 
> section and turn it off.
> On Sat, Feb 10, 2018 at 10:21 PM, James Linder <> wrote:
> Hi
> it is somewhat rude to ask if you’d address this behaviour, but is it 
> possible.
> Else I see GPL licence stuff. Mac is not my devolpment platform, but I do 
> have xcode and do use QT what else would I need to do it myself
> Thanks
> James
>> Begin forwarded message:
>> From: Ryan Schmidt <>
>> Subject: Re: gnome-terminal
>> Date: 11 February 2018 at 2:03:10 pm AWST
>> To: James Linder <>
>> Cc: MacPorts Users <>
>>> iTerm’s preference for middle mouse IS paste but clicking the tab bar kills 
>>> and exits the tab. I can find no options to confirm this it is just gone.
>>> I’m somewhat knackered being right handed but having to use left due to MS.
>>> Operation would be vi paste at the cursor having accidently left the 
>>> pointer in the tab bar. Bing Gone!
>> That sounds annoying. Have you discussed the problem with the developer of 
>> iTerm2 to see if that behavior is intended or if it could perhaps be changed?

I just sent mail to your iTerm account asking if you *could* so to see that you 
already did so was very nice. Many thanks.


Re: gnome-terminal

2018-02-10 Thread James Linder

>> I???ve been using iTerm2 for a while but the 100th time I accidently 
>> middle-mouse clicked the tab bar only to have the tab be-gone usually in vi 
>> I binned it.
>> Terminal is a pretty good replacement except it askes stupid questions every 
>> time I suhtdown (everyday). Also irritating!
>> Google gnome-terminal and macports show numerous ???it does not work??? 
>> entries with no ???it now works; entries.
>> Can anybody comment on the current status please.
>> Any comments on a terminal that just works also welcome. I dont need (or 
>> even want) any fancy features like knitting christmas stockings (I jest, but 
>> you get the picture)

> On 10 Feb 2018, at 3:15 am, dan d. <> wrote:
> What is the shutdown message in terminal?  If it is the one requesting 
> confirmation it can be turned off in terminal system preferences.
> On Fri, 9 Feb 2018, James Linder wrote:

“You have 6 processes running, do you want to review them before quitting?” 
[confirm[ etc

The processes are bash

FWIW I tried to build gnome-terminal and xfce4-terminal both of which did not 

I’ll try sleep and shutdown once a week to claim leaked memory etc, I always 
though fvwm was a dog, now I miss the  ability to not have an [Exit] button.

Thanks all


2018-02-08 Thread James Linder
I’ve been using iTerm2 for a while but the 100th time I accidently middle-mouse 
clicked the tab bar only to have the tab be-gone usually in vi I binned it.
Terminal is a pretty good replacement except it askes stupid questions every 
time I suhtdown (everyday). Also irritating!
Google gnome-terminal and macports show numerous ‘it does not work’ entries 
with no ‘it now works; entries.

Can anybody comment on the current status please.

Any comments on a terminal that just works also welcome. I dont need (or even 
want) any fancy features like knitting christmas stockings (I jest, but you get 
the picture)


Re: no more Quartz in new MacOS 10.13.2?

2018-01-01 Thread James Linder

> On 1 Jan 2018, at 8:00 pm, wrote:
> I'm a novice using MacPorts but I have used it to successfully install Python 
> on my MacBookPro since late 2014 and on many different Macs used by my 
> students.
> I would use the command like: sudo port install py36-tkinter +quartz
> and everything was fine. I recently upgraded to MacOS 10.13.2, updated 
> MacPorts for High Sierra and got the most recent Xcode. My MacPorts installed 
> python opens but crashes whenever I attempt to open or save a .py file. I can 
> install python using X11 but miss the quartz interface.
> I recently read on the internet that quartz in no longer part of the newest 
> Mac systems
> Can anyone help me? Thanks in advance.

I use it all the time running x11 apps on other machines and displaying on my 
High Sierra workstation.
It is definitly part of High Sierra and definitely works



2017-10-14 Thread James Linder

Hi all
I can find no reports relating, so I wonder if I’m doing something amis:

I have an app built with qt5 from macports.
I set a menu shortcut to Return

If I build it in sierra then in both sierra and high sierra the shortcut 
If I build it in high sierra then the Return shortcut does not work but 
others eg option D

do work.
the menu does show the shortcuts eg both option-D and Return.

Has anybody bumped into this issue or indeed is using Return shortcut.
