RE: Using Apple music on iTunes for windows

2016-04-06 Thread M. Taylor
Hello Venkatesh,

What screen reader are you using with iTunes for Windows?  

Also, remember that you must manually Authorize your Windows computer in order 
to see purchases associated with your iTunes ID.  Merely signing into your 
iTunes account, via iTunes, does not automatically Authorize that particular 


From: [] 
On Behalf Of
Sent: Wednesday, April 06, 2016 7:23 PM
To: 'Chris Blouch' via MacVisionaries
Subject: Using Apple music on iTunes for windows

I downloaded the latest version of iTunes on Windows machine and logged in with 
my Apple ID in the iTunes Store.

However, I'm unable to find any tabs related to Apple music (knew, for you, 
radio, etc) how do I enable Apple Music?  I am also unable to find music from 
my iCloud music library. 

Thank you.
Venkatesh Potluri
Sent from my iPhone
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Re: Urgent Requirement--Lead Data Modeler@Miami, FL

2016-04-06 Thread Shawn Krasniuk
It's spam. It got sent to the entire list. I'm sure Mark and Cara have done 
something about it already or if not, they will.

Sent From My White MacBook
Facebook Username: Shawn Krasniuk
Twitter Handle: shawnk_aka_bbs
Skype username: bbstheblindrapper

> On Apr 6, 2016, at 7:21 PM, Jessica Moss  wrote:
> Ok, appreciate the info, but have no idea what a data modeler is, so not sure 
> how you got my e-mail address.
>> On Apr 6, 2016, at 10:38 AM, manjit singh > > wrote:
>> Hi,
>> Hope you are doing great!
>> Please find the detailed job description given below.
>> Looking forward for your response.
>> Role: Lead Data Modeler
>> Location: Miami, FL 
>> Duration: 10 +Months
>> Client: TCS
>> Job Description:
>> Data Conversion Lead Data Modeler Data Conversion Developer Marketing Legacy 
>> Data Analyst Customer Care Legacy Data Analyst Onshore Development Lead 
>> Training Developers
>> Competencies   IBM Rational Software Modeller ...
>> Please provide me your updated resume.
>> Thanks & Regards, <>
>> Nityo Infotech Corp. 
>> 666 Plainsboro Road, 
>> Suite 1285
>> Plainsboro, NJ 08536
>> Manjit Singh
>> Desk : 609-853-0818 * 2175
>> Fax :   609 799 5746
>> USA | Canada | India | Singapore | Malaysia | Indonesia | Philippines | 
>> Thailand  | UK | Australia / Zealand 
>> Nityo Infotech has been rated as One of the top 500 Fastest growing 
>> companies by INC 500
>> Disclaimer: 
>> -- 
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>> you feel that a member's post is inappropriate, please contact the owners or 
>> moderators directly rather than posting on the list itself.
>> Your Mac Visionaries list moderator is Mark Taylor and your owner is Cara 
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Request for Tips on Using Screen Sharing

2016-04-06 Thread M. Taylor
Hello Everyone,

I need to help a friend on a Mac halfway across the country.

I have researched screen sharing via Google but am having a difficult time
wrapping my mind around how it works.  

I would greatly appreciate it if someone could outline the broad strokes on
how to set such a connection up and how to use it.  

Both Macs will be running El Capitan.  

Thank you,


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Re: Signing into chrome.

2016-04-06 Thread Kevin Chao
On Tue, Apr 5, 2016 at 10:19 AM Anders Holmberg 

> Hi!
> One thing that doesn’t work with voiceover on google chrome is to sign
> into chrome.
Chrome Menu > Sign-in Tab to email address > type email/password/2FA code >

> If i open the settings and try to sign in the only thing i get is unknown.
Odd, I'm not geting unknown

> This is with the latest chrome and latest mac osX.
I've tried with Chrome Stable V49 and Chrome Canary V51 with Mac OS X
10.9.5 and OS X 10.11.4

> /A
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Re: Page not working properly in chrome.

2016-04-06 Thread Kevin Chao
On Tue, Apr 5, 2016 at 2:51 PM Anders Holmberg 

> Hi!
> Ok, youtube seems to have issues in chrome.
Which Mac OS X and Chrome version?Works for me with OS X 10.9.5 and 10.11.4
with Chrome Stable V49 and Canary V51

> Try the following:
> Do a search for something

Turned off quick-nav with left-right arrow keys > typed query > ENTER

> and jump to the first heading that begins with the search result.
Turned on quick-nav with left-right arrows key > H for first heading

> Now try to use quicknav and go right to see more details about the first
> search result.
Right Arrow traverses details for first video

> This takes me somewhere else on the site and when i want to jump to the
> next heading

H for next heading goes to second video/heading

> it seems i have been blaced somewhere else.
Works here...

> /
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Using Apple music on iTunes for windows

2016-04-06 Thread venky . 92
I downloaded the latest version of iTunes on Windows machine and logged in with 
my Apple ID in the iTunes Store.

However, I'm unable to find any tabs related to Apple music (knew, for you, 
radio, etc) how do I enable Apple Music?  I am also unable to find music from 
my iCloud music library. 

Thank you.
Venkatesh Potluri
Sent from my iPhone

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Re: odd but very frustrating problem

2016-04-06 Thread Terje Strømberg
Its probably usb drivers. With mac you don’t need usb drivers, but anyway. 
Maybe Logitech  support actually have mac usb drivers or software.

Take care

> 7. apr. 2016 kl. 01.49 skrev Kristeen Hughes :
> I have a Logitech, bluetooth headset which uses a dongle plugged into a USB 
> port. The below problem has been going on for a couple of years now, so it 
> has outlasted more than one headset and still persists. I’ve also tested 
> another Logitech model which also uses a dongle and have the same result.
> Whenever I am doing something that involves sending files or receiving files 
> over the Internet, including dropbox  the sound is so broken up and 
> distorted, it cannot be understood. I can’t use the machine until all 
> operations of that type are completed. It also happens if anything is being 
> added to any of my dropbox shared folders, no matter who is actually 
> uploading files to the folder.
> This does not happen if I am listening through my Bose speakers, which are 
> also USB. It does not happen if sound is coming through the external speaker 
> on the mini. I have teasted this headset on a laptop and this does not occur. 
> It happens on both of my Mac minis. It has been a constant and I don’t 
> understand it. Does anyone have a guess?
> It only seems to happen on 
> -- 
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Accessibility in Inbox by Gmail - Inbox by Gmail Help

2016-04-06 Thread Kevin Chao

Computer accessibility
Inbox is compatible with the following screen readers:

Operating systemScreen reader   Browser
Chrome OS   ChromeVox   Chrome
Microsoft Windows   NVDAFirefox
Mac OS X Yosemite   VoiceOver   Safari
When you open Inbox for the first time, Inbox provides introductory information 
about how to use the application. You can navigate through these introductory 
screens with the left and right arrow keys.

Compose and reply
To reply to an email, start typing in the Reply box below the email. To get to 
more options, like changing the recipients, editing quoted text, or replying 
inline, just expand the compose window by selecting Pop out reply .

Keyboard shortcuts
For the best experience, turn on keyboard shortcuts in Inbox. The following 
table contains some useful shortcuts. To find a complete list while you're 
using Inbox, hold Shift and press ? on your keyboard. Learn how to turn on 
keyboard shortcuts.

?   Open keyboard shortcuts help
c   Compose
t   Create a reminder
/   Search
HomeNavigate to first item in main list
j or right arrowNavigate to next item in main list
k or left arrow Navigate to previous item in main list
n   Navigate to next message in an open thread
p   Navigate to previous message in an open thread
o or Enter  Open focused item
Esc Close
Shift + Esc Focus main window
Shift + m   Focus main menu
Shift + b   Focus notifications
x   Select or deselect an item in the main list
Shift + x   Select multiple items
z   Undo last action
Tip: To improve keyboard navigation, you can make notifications stay on screen 
for 30 seconds. Then you can press Shift + b to navigate to the notification 
and take an action. To make notifications stay on the screen longer:

Open Inbox.
In the top left, go to the main menu .
Choose  Settings at the bottom.
Choose Other.
Check the box next to "Make notifications stay on the screen longer."
Select Done.

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Re: iDevice names

2016-04-06 Thread E.T.
   Thanks. Wanted to make sure I would not break something like my 

From E.T.'s Keyboard...
Many believe that we have been visited
in the past. What if it were true?

On 4/6/2016 5:02 PM, Gabe Griffith wrote:


I know that you can rename a device but I am going on memory with how to do it.

Go to settings, general, and about. I think you can then double tap on the 
device name and edit it.

If you have a personal hotspot set up the SSID for that hotspot will also be 



On Apr 6, 2016, at 2:17 PM, E.T.  wrote:

   Can one rename their iDevices? Since I npow have two, I want to use names 
that are more easily associated with them especially when connected to iTunes.

 From E.T.'s Keyboard...
Many believe that we have been visited
in the past. What if it were true?

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Re: Urgent Requirement--Lead Data Modeler@Miami, FL

2016-04-06 Thread Jessica Moss
Ok, appreciate the info, but have no idea what a data modeler is, so not sure 
how you got my e-mail address.
> On Apr 6, 2016, at 10:38 AM, manjit singh  wrote:
> Hi,
> Hope you are doing great!
> Please find the detailed job description given below.
> Looking forward for your response.
> Role: Lead Data Modeler
> Location: Miami, FL 
> Duration: 10 +Months
> Client: TCS
> Job Description:
> Data Conversion Lead Data Modeler Data Conversion Developer Marketing Legacy 
> Data Analyst Customer Care Legacy Data Analyst Onshore Development Lead 
> Training Developers
> Competencies   IBM Rational Software Modeller ...
> Please provide me your updated resume.
> Thanks & Regards, <>
> Nityo Infotech Corp. 
> 666 Plainsboro Road, 
> Suite 1285
> Plainsboro, NJ 08536
> Manjit Singh
> Desk : 609-853-0818 * 2175
> Fax :   609 799 5746
> USA | Canada | India | Singapore | Malaysia | Indonesia | Philippines | 
> Thailand  | UK | Australia / Zealand 
> Nityo Infotech has been rated as One of the top 500 Fastest growing companies 
> by INC 500
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Re: iDevice names

2016-04-06 Thread Gabe Griffith

I know that you can rename a device but I am going on memory with how to do it.

Go to settings, general, and about. I think you can then double tap on the 
device name and edit it.

If you have a personal hotspot set up the SSID for that hotspot will also be 



On Apr 6, 2016, at 2:17 PM, E.T.  wrote:

>   Can one rename their iDevices? Since I npow have two, I want to use names 
> that are more easily associated with them especially when connected to iTunes.
> From E.T.'s Keyboard...
> Many believe that we have been visited
> in the past. What if it were true?
> -- 
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> If you have any questions or concerns about the running of this list, or if 
> you feel that a member's post is inappropriate, please contact the owners or 
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> Quinn - you can reach Cara at
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Re: zoom-Ex refuses to force quit.

2016-04-06 Thread Jessica Moss
I tried that and the “force quit,” option came up, and that’s when it refused 
to force quit, unlike whenever I’ve tried to force quit an application.
  I shut the computer down last night and got it to uninstall then, so have no 
idea what caused it to get hung up yesterday.
> On Apr 6, 2016, at 12:57 AM, Terje Strømberg  wrote:
> Did you use the option-command + escape to open a dialog window woth table of 
> open programs? You should be able to uninstall it after shut down of the 
> program here.
> Take care
>> 5. apr. 2016 kl. 16.57 skrev Jessica Moss :
>> I just tried to open zoom-ex, and it decided first of all to not show that 
>> my camera was plugged in, which is nothing unusual on my end; sometimes it 
>> takes a couple tries before it picks it up so I sometimes have to close and 
>> relaunch it.  However, this time around, after I thought I quit the 
>> appliction, I tried to reopen it, and got an allert message telling me I 
>> couldn’t open the app because it wasn’t responding, so I went to my recent 
>> items menu and removed it from there, downloaded the latest version thinking 
>> maybe it just was out of date, and tried deleting the one I’d been using 
>> only to get a message telling me it was already open.
>> So then I found it in the list of options I can force quit, only when I tell 
>> it to force quit, it just moves back up to the top, or pretty much whereever 
>> it wants, and I have no idea what to do now, because I have a bunch of stuff 
>> I need to scan and organize.
>> -- 
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odd but very frustrating problem

2016-04-06 Thread Kristeen Hughes
I have a Logitech, bluetooth headset which uses a dongle plugged into a USB 
port. The below problem has been going on for a couple of years now, so it has 
outlasted more than one headset and still persists. I’ve also tested another 
Logitech model which also uses a dongle and have the same result.
Whenever I am doing something that involves sending files or receiving files 
over the Internet, including dropbox  the sound is so broken up and distorted, 
it cannot be understood. I can’t use the machine until all operations of that 
type are completed. It also happens if anything is being added to any of my 
dropbox shared folders, no matter who is actually uploading files to the folder.

This does not happen if I am listening through my Bose speakers, which are also 
USB. It does not happen if sound is coming through the external speaker on the 
mini. I have teasted this headset on a laptop and this does not occur. It 
happens on both of my Mac minis. It has been a constant and I don’t understand 
it. Does anyone have a guess?

 It only seems to happen on 

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iDevice names

2016-04-06 Thread E.T.
   Can one rename their iDevices? Since I npow have two, I want to use 
names that are more easily associated with them especially when 
connected to iTunes.

From E.T.'s Keyboard...
Many believe that we have been visited
in the past. What if it were true?

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Re: Halo devices with hearing aids and iPod

2016-04-06 Thread Jenine Stanley
Thanks Maurice, 

I will respond to you at the alternate email address. 
Jenine Stanley

> On Apr 6, 2016, at 3:27 PM, maurice.mines  wrote:
> Good afternoon, I use my iPhone, MacBook Pro, and other non-Apple devices 
> with a Bluetooth hearing aid system. The system seems to work pretty well 
> with all of these devices about 90% of the time. However lately with the 
> update to IOS 9.3 there been some strange quirks, and how they operate. 
> Before this system late last year, I had many of the problems that you have 
> mentioned. If you contact me off list, but a different email address them 
> going to give you, and put something in the subject line it lets me know that 
> it is indeed you, I might have some resources that might be able to help you 
> out? I hope this helps.
> Sincerely Maurice mines.
> message number, 505-369-3283.
> Amateur radio call sign,kd0iko.
> alternate email address,
> Board member, national Federation of the blind of New Mexico Albuquerque 
> chapter.
> Please note large portions of this email has been dictated to the computer by 
> using Dragon 4.0 for the Mac, if there are errors in the text of this email. 
> The result of either the software orders of the dictation process.
>> On Apr 6, 2016, at 10:26 AM, Jenine Stanley  wrote:
>> Is anyone using the Halo device and app to push sound to hearing aids from 
>> an iOS device? 
>> My husband’s hearing aids are older, 4 years old, high end but not Apple 
>> compatable. 
>> The good people at apple Accessibility said they are fairly sure the Halo 
>> device and app are what I’m looking for. I’d love to hear from anyone 
>> working with this technology. I do have the Halo contact info, just want 
>> some practical advice on the system. 
>> Thanks.
>> Jenine Stanley
>> -- 
>> The following information is important for all members of the Mac 
>> Visionaries list.
>> If you have any questions or concerns about the running of this list, or if 
>> you feel that a member's post is inappropriate, please contact the owners or 
>> moderators directly rather than posting on the list itself.
>> Your Mac Visionaries list moderator is Mark Taylor and your owner is Cara 
>> Quinn - you can reach Cara at
>> The archives for this list can be searched at:
>> --- 
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>> "MacVisionaries" group.
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> -- 
> The following information is important for all members of the Mac Visionaries 
> list.
> If you have any questions or concerns about the running of this list, or if 
> you feel that a member's post is inappropriate, please contact the owners or 
> moderators directly rather than posting on the list itself.
> Your Mac Visionaries list moderator is Mark Taylor and your owner is Cara 
> Quinn - you can reach Cara at
> The archives for this list can be searched at:
> --- 
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Re: Halo devices with hearing aids and iPod

2016-04-06 Thread maurice.mines
Good afternoon, I use my iPhone, MacBook Pro, and other non-Apple devices with 
a Bluetooth hearing aid system. The system seems to work pretty well with all 
of these devices about 90% of the time. However lately with the update to IOS 
9.3 there been some strange quirks, and how they operate. Before this system 
late last year, I had many of the problems that you have mentioned. If you 
contact me off list, but a different email address them going to give you, and 
put something in the subject line it lets me know that it is indeed you, I 
might have some resources that might be able to help you out? I hope this helps.

Sincerely Maurice mines.
message number, 505-369-3283.
Amateur radio call sign,kd0iko.
alternate email address,
Board member, national Federation of the blind of New Mexico Albuquerque 
Please note large portions of this email has been dictated to the computer by 
using Dragon 4.0 for the Mac, if there are errors in the text of this email. 
The result of either the software orders of the dictation process.
> On Apr 6, 2016, at 10:26 AM, Jenine Stanley  wrote:
> Is anyone using the Halo device and app to push sound to hearing aids from an 
> iOS device? 
> My husband’s hearing aids are older, 4 years old, high end but not Apple 
> compatable. 
> The good people at apple Accessibility said they are fairly sure the Halo 
> device and app are what I’m looking for. I’d love to hear from anyone working 
> with this technology. I do have the Halo contact info, just want some 
> practical advice on the system. 
> Thanks.
> Jenine Stanley
> -- 
> The following information is important for all members of the Mac Visionaries 
> list.
> If you have any questions or concerns about the running of this list, or if 
> you feel that a member's post is inappropriate, please contact the owners or 
> moderators directly rather than posting on the list itself.
> Your Mac Visionaries list moderator is Mark Taylor and your owner is Cara 
> Quinn - you can reach Cara at
> The archives for this list can be searched at:
> --- 
> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
> "MacVisionaries" group.
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> email to
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If you have any questions or concerns about the running of this list, or if you 
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Your Mac Visionaries list moderator is Mark Taylor and your owner is Cara Quinn 
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Halo devices with hearing aids and iPod

2016-04-06 Thread Jenine Stanley
Is anyone using the Halo device and app to push sound to hearing aids from an 
iOS device? 

My husband’s hearing aids are older, 4 years old, high end but not Apple 

The good people at apple Accessibility said they are fairly sure the Halo 
device and app are what I’m looking for. I’d love to hear from anyone working 
with this technology. I do have the Halo contact info, just want some practical 
advice on the system. 

Jenine Stanley

The following information is important for all members of the Mac Visionaries 

If you have any questions or concerns about the running of this list, or if you 
feel that a member's post is inappropriate, please contact the owners or 
moderators directly rather than posting on the list itself.

Your Mac Visionaries list moderator is Mark Taylor and your owner is Cara Quinn 
- you can reach Cara at

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Re: Perhaps I'm not as teky as the rest of you but...

2016-04-06 Thread Jenine Stanley
I’d try the nylon weave band if the sport band bothered your skin. I was 
surprised it didn’t bother mine. The nylon bands are very comfortable and can 
be adjusted more easily to fit a larger variety of wrist sizes. They also come 
in a range of colors. 

I haven’t tried the boarding pass thing yet and sadly I’ve only found 1 place 
that took Apple Pay and that was a Best Buy store. I love it when it’s 
available. What app do you use to do the boarding pass? 

I have the Tile app and Tiles and love them. Yes, the app on the Watch is much 
easier to use. In the phone app, go to the Map button in the lower right corner 
of the main screen. Tapping on this takes you to a screen where your tiles are 
shown by the names you give them when you set them up. Unfortunately, VO and 
this list don’t play well so you might tap on one and see in the next screen 
that you’re dealing with another tile. 

The Watch does not have this issue at all and it’s easy to find the tile you 
want to trigger. I have it as a glance now.

I also use mine for medication reminders and the app Due for other kinds of 
reminders, especially recurring or long term ones.
Jenine Stanley

> On Apr 6, 2016, at 9:53 AM, Mika Pyyhkala  wrote:
> Hi,
> I got the Apple watch sport with the sort of rubberized band, but I
> find the band irritates my wrist a little bit; so I want to try
> another band.
> The coolest thing I do with the watch is the ApplePay on JetBlue as
> they accept it on flights.  I had thought the watch would work well as
> a boarding pass, but the phone is a lot easdier to orient at TSA & at
> the gate.
> I think it is cool also how it can track your pulse and that may be
> helpful when working out.
> Also at CSUN I heard how the Tile app (an app for tracking Bluetooth
> tiles that you use to find objects like keys or a wallet) is more
> accessible on the watch than the iPhone.  Basically on the iPhone it
> announces an unlabeled element for each tile where as I am told on the
> watch it properly announces the name of each tile like wallet, keys,
> back pack, etc.
> Finally I like seeing my next meeting readily available right on the
> home screen of the watch, and I agree the complications could be cool.
> That being said I have not worn the watch for a month or so again
> probably because of the issue with the band but I want to get back in
> to it again!
> Best,
> Mika Pyyhkala
> @pyyhkala
> On 4/6/16, Scott  wrote:
>> I like that as well and I also like you can edit the complications that
>> appear on each face.  Very cool and cool how new applications add new
>> complications.
>>> On Apr 6, 2016, at 7:26 AM, Jenine Stanley 
>>> wrote:
>>> I do love the ability to change the Watch faces and complications on each
>>> face depending on what I’m doing. I have each face with complications set
>>> differently for different situations and often switch between them.
>>> Jenine Stanley
 On Apr 4, 2016, at 7:48 AM, Scott  wrote:
 Vaughn I would highly recommend the Apple watch as well.  To anyone else
 interested I was highly skeptical at first.  Figured it wouldn’t be much
 use if the watch couldn’t be used independent of the phone.  I was wrong!
 I find I like getting my quick notifications on my watch, I love having
 the vibration feedback, the range from the watch to the phone is
 excellent so I can cover a several thousand SQFT office that’s a section
 of a huge glass and steel building with no problem.  I know for example
 if I’m getting texted or called while in a meeting but don’t have to
 disturb others.
The work out tracking is fantastic and the little pokes and prods to be
 moving and active I really find useful and helpful in the health
You can remote control things like your TV and audio if you have Apple
 TV or your phone wired in to your audio etc, and you can place and
 receive calls even with out a phone as long as the watch can join a WiFi
 network that your phone or other devices have joined before.  So it does
 have some stand alone functionality.  I say run and don’t walk and buy an
 Apple watch if you can.  I like the larger 42MM model but go with what
 you can afford and with what feels like it fits your style and use case
 the best.
 Good luck.
> On Apr 3, 2016, at 7:23 PM, Vaughn Brown 
> wrote:
> Alex,
> Thank you for sharing this article. It was precise in detail. I've
> been thinking about getting one, but like you at one time, do not have
> the money for it.
> I really like the sound of the fitness tracker.
> Vaughn
> On 4/3/16, Alex Hall  wrote:
>> Here's my post on the Apple Watch. This was written before I got my
>> own
>> Watch, but it still applies. I talk about what I love, like, and d

Re: Perhaps I'm not as teky as the rest of you but...

2016-04-06 Thread Jenine Stanley

I think the web site to learn more about tiles is or get 

Tiles are low power bluetooth enabled plastic squares with a hole for attaching 
to a keyring, lanyard or other type device. They have a small battery which the 
manufacturer says will last about 18 months. 

Using the phone or Watch app, you set up a Tile for any object you want, attach 
the Tile to it and then when you want to find it, choose it on the app and tap 
the Find  button. The Tile will emit a tune until you turn it off via the app. 

I have 4 of these deployed throughout our house. My husband’s phone, my and his 
keys and a 64gb thumb drive all have Tiles. we tried putting one on the garage 
door opener but couldn’t get it to stay, no matter how I fastened it. They 
really do need a lanyard or keyring. I suppose you could also use double sided 
tape if it wasn’t outside. 

there are other types of these things and I believe you can find them by 
looking for bluetooth+locators. I bought mine on amazon which is slightly less 
expensive than the tile web site. Also, if you download the app, the web site 
is listed there. 

Jenine Stanley

> On Apr 6, 2016, at 11:34 AM, Scott  wrote:
> Just a note that Apple Pay works a lot more places than advertises, same can 
> be said for Android pay.
> Walmart for example officially will not take Apple Pay but it does work.  My 
> Dentist even advertises having it available now and specifically had it 
> enabled with his new POS system.
> If I might ask, what are tiles?  I’m googling but learning more about floor 
> coverings than anything bluetooth enabled.
> Thank you
>> On Apr 6, 2016, at 11:27 AM, Jenine Stanley  wrote:
>> I’d try the nylon weave band if the sport band bothered your skin. I was 
>> surprised it didn’t bother mine. The nylon bands are very comfortable and 
>> can be adjusted more easily to fit a larger variety of wrist sizes. They 
>> also come in a range of colors.
>> I haven’t tried the boarding pass thing yet and sadly I’ve only found 1 
>> place that took Apple Pay and that was a Best Buy store. I love it when it’s 
>> available. What app do you use to do the boarding pass?
>> I have the Tile app and Tiles and love them. Yes, the app on the Watch is 
>> much easier to use. In the phone app, go to the Map button in the lower 
>> right corner of the main screen. Tapping on this takes you to a screen where 
>> your tiles are shown by the names you give them when you set them up. 
>> Unfortunately, VO and this list don’t play well so you might tap on one and 
>> see in the next screen that you’re dealing with another tile.
>> The Watch does not have this issue at all and it’s easy to find the tile you 
>> want to trigger. I have it as a glance now.
>> I also use mine for medication reminders and the app Due for other kinds of 
>> reminders, especially recurring or long term ones.
>> Jenine Stanley
>>> On Apr 6, 2016, at 9:53 AM, Mika Pyyhkala  wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> I got the Apple watch sport with the sort of rubberized band, but I
>>> find the band irritates my wrist a little bit; so I want to try
>>> another band.
>>> The coolest thing I do with the watch is the ApplePay on JetBlue as
>>> they accept it on flights.  I had thought the watch would work well as
>>> a boarding pass, but the phone is a lot easdier to orient at TSA & at
>>> the gate.
>>> I think it is cool also how it can track your pulse and that may be
>>> helpful when working out.
>>> Also at CSUN I heard how the Tile app (an app for tracking Bluetooth
>>> tiles that you use to find objects like keys or a wallet) is more
>>> accessible on the watch than the iPhone.  Basically on the iPhone it
>>> announces an unlabeled element for each tile where as I am told on the
>>> watch it properly announces the name of each tile like wallet, keys,
>>> back pack, etc.
>>> Finally I like seeing my next meeting readily available right on the
>>> home screen of the watch, and I agree the complications could be cool.
>>> That being said I have not worn the watch for a month or so again
>>> probably because of the issue with the band but I want to get back in
>>> to it again!
>>> Best,
>>> Mika Pyyhkala
>>> @pyyhkala
>>> On 4/6/16, Scott  wrote:
 I like that as well and I also like you can edit the complications that
 appear on each face.  Very cool and cool how new applications add new
> On Apr 6, 2016, at 7:26 AM, Jenine Stanley 
> wrote:
> I do love the ability to change the Watch faces and complications on each
> face depending on what I’m doing. I have each face with complications set
> differently for different situations and often switch between them.
> Jenine Stanley
>> On Apr 4, 2016, at 7:48 AM, Scott  w

Re: Perhaps I'm not as teky as the rest of you but...

2016-04-06 Thread Scott
Just a note that Apple Pay works a lot more places than advertises, same can be 
said for Android pay.

Walmart for example officially will not take Apple Pay but it does work.  My 
Dentist even advertises having it available now and specifically had it enabled 
with his new POS system.

If I might ask, what are tiles?  I’m googling but learning more about floor 
coverings than anything bluetooth enabled.

Thank you

> On Apr 6, 2016, at 11:27 AM, Jenine Stanley  wrote:
> I’d try the nylon weave band if the sport band bothered your skin. I was 
> surprised it didn’t bother mine. The nylon bands are very comfortable and can 
> be adjusted more easily to fit a larger variety of wrist sizes. They also 
> come in a range of colors.
> I haven’t tried the boarding pass thing yet and sadly I’ve only found 1 place 
> that took Apple Pay and that was a Best Buy store. I love it when it’s 
> available. What app do you use to do the boarding pass?
> I have the Tile app and Tiles and love them. Yes, the app on the Watch is 
> much easier to use. In the phone app, go to the Map button in the lower right 
> corner of the main screen. Tapping on this takes you to a screen where your 
> tiles are shown by the names you give them when you set them up. 
> Unfortunately, VO and this list don’t play well so you might tap on one and 
> see in the next screen that you’re dealing with another tile.
> The Watch does not have this issue at all and it’s easy to find the tile you 
> want to trigger. I have it as a glance now.
> I also use mine for medication reminders and the app Due for other kinds of 
> reminders, especially recurring or long term ones.
> Jenine Stanley
>> On Apr 6, 2016, at 9:53 AM, Mika Pyyhkala  wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I got the Apple watch sport with the sort of rubberized band, but I
>> find the band irritates my wrist a little bit; so I want to try
>> another band.
>> The coolest thing I do with the watch is the ApplePay on JetBlue as
>> they accept it on flights.  I had thought the watch would work well as
>> a boarding pass, but the phone is a lot easdier to orient at TSA & at
>> the gate.
>> I think it is cool also how it can track your pulse and that may be
>> helpful when working out.
>> Also at CSUN I heard how the Tile app (an app for tracking Bluetooth
>> tiles that you use to find objects like keys or a wallet) is more
>> accessible on the watch than the iPhone.  Basically on the iPhone it
>> announces an unlabeled element for each tile where as I am told on the
>> watch it properly announces the name of each tile like wallet, keys,
>> back pack, etc.
>> Finally I like seeing my next meeting readily available right on the
>> home screen of the watch, and I agree the complications could be cool.
>> That being said I have not worn the watch for a month or so again
>> probably because of the issue with the band but I want to get back in
>> to it again!
>> Best,
>> Mika Pyyhkala
>> @pyyhkala
>> On 4/6/16, Scott  wrote:
>>> I like that as well and I also like you can edit the complications that
>>> appear on each face.  Very cool and cool how new applications add new
>>> complications.
 On Apr 6, 2016, at 7:26 AM, Jenine Stanley 
 I do love the ability to change the Watch faces and complications on each
 face depending on what I’m doing. I have each face with complications set
 differently for different situations and often switch between them.
 Jenine Stanley
> On Apr 4, 2016, at 7:48 AM, Scott  wrote:
> Vaughn I would highly recommend the Apple watch as well.  To anyone else
> interested I was highly skeptical at first.  Figured it wouldn’t be much
> use if the watch couldn’t be used independent of the phone.  I was wrong!
> I find I like getting my quick notifications on my watch, I love having
> the vibration feedback, the range from the watch to the phone is
> excellent so I can cover a several thousand SQFT office that’s a section
> of a huge glass and steel building with no problem.  I know for example
> if I’m getting texted or called while in a meeting but don’t have to
> disturb others.
>   The work out tracking is fantastic and the little pokes and prods to be
> moving and active I really find useful and helpful in the health
> department.
>   You can remote control things like your TV and audio if you have Apple
> TV or your phone wired in to your audio etc, and you can place and
> receive calls even with out a phone as long as the watch can join a WiFi
> network that your phone or other devices have joined before.  So it does
> have some stand alone functionality.  I say run and don’t walk and buy an
> Apple watch if you can.  I like the larger 42MM model but go with what
> you can afford and with what feels like it fits your 

Urgent Requirement--Lead Data Modeler@Miami, FL

2016-04-06 Thread manjit singh

Hope you are doing great!

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*Nityo Infotech has been rated as One of the top 500 Fastest growing
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Re: nomail

2016-04-06 Thread Bill Dengler
Noreply. Deletingnow.

> On Apr 6, 2016, at 10:19 AM, Peter Bosher  wrote:
> nomail
> -- 
> The following information is important for all members of the Mac Visionaries 
> list.
> If you have any questions or concerns about the running of this list, or if 
> you feel that a member's post is inappropriate, please contact the owners or 
> moderators directly rather than posting on the list itself.
> Your Mac Visionaries list moderator is Mark Taylor and your owner is Cara 
> Quinn - you can reach Cara at
> The archives for this list can be searched at:
> --- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
> "MacVisionaries" group.
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2016-04-06 Thread Peter Bosher


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Updating styles in pages revisited

2016-04-06 Thread Phil Halton
Man! I hate voice over when it misses things. I now see the update button right 
after the styles button just us and said it would be there. Never mind!

Sent from my IPhone

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If you have any questions or concerns about the running of this list, or if you 
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Updating styles in pages

2016-04-06 Thread Phil Halton

I am working through Ann's book, and I find reference to an update button when 
changing styles of paragraphs. It says that after changing some attributes of a 
paragraph you can update the style by pressing the update button next to the 
styles button. However, there is no update button. I see the Astruc next to the 
style name in the button, but there is no update button to it's right. I am 
running Yosemite and the latest version of pages. And, can you tell me what I 
missing? Also. I cannot seem to do anything with the fonts dialogue, although I 
haven't gone through it with the book yet so maybe I'll hold off on that for a 
later time. Any help most appreciated thank you
Sent from my IPhone

The following information is important for all members of the Mac Visionaries 

If you have any questions or concerns about the running of this list, or if you 
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Re: Perhaps I'm not as teky as the rest of you but...

2016-04-06 Thread Mika Pyyhkala

I got the Apple watch sport with the sort of rubberized band, but I
find the band irritates my wrist a little bit; so I want to try
another band.

The coolest thing I do with the watch is the ApplePay on JetBlue as
they accept it on flights.  I had thought the watch would work well as
a boarding pass, but the phone is a lot easdier to orient at TSA & at
the gate.

I think it is cool also how it can track your pulse and that may be
helpful when working out.

Also at CSUN I heard how the Tile app (an app for tracking Bluetooth
tiles that you use to find objects like keys or a wallet) is more
accessible on the watch than the iPhone.  Basically on the iPhone it
announces an unlabeled element for each tile where as I am told on the
watch it properly announces the name of each tile like wallet, keys,
back pack, etc.

Finally I like seeing my next meeting readily available right on the
home screen of the watch, and I agree the complications could be cool.

That being said I have not worn the watch for a month or so again
probably because of the issue with the band but I want to get back in
to it again!

Mika Pyyhkala

On 4/6/16, Scott  wrote:
> I like that as well and I also like you can edit the complications that
> appear on each face.  Very cool and cool how new applications add new
> complications.
>> On Apr 6, 2016, at 7:26 AM, Jenine Stanley 
>> wrote:
>> I do love the ability to change the Watch faces and complications on each
>> face depending on what I’m doing. I have each face with complications set
>> differently for different situations and often switch between them.
>> Jenine Stanley
>>> On Apr 4, 2016, at 7:48 AM, Scott  wrote:
>>> Vaughn I would highly recommend the Apple watch as well.  To anyone else
>>> interested I was highly skeptical at first.  Figured it wouldn’t be much
>>> use if the watch couldn’t be used independent of the phone.  I was wrong!
>>>  I find I like getting my quick notifications on my watch, I love having
>>> the vibration feedback, the range from the watch to the phone is
>>> excellent so I can cover a several thousand SQFT office that’s a section
>>> of a huge glass and steel building with no problem.  I know for example
>>> if I’m getting texted or called while in a meeting but don’t have to
>>> disturb others.
>>> The work out tracking is fantastic and the little pokes and prods to be
>>> moving and active I really find useful and helpful in the health
>>> department.
>>> You can remote control things like your TV and audio if you have Apple
>>> TV or your phone wired in to your audio etc, and you can place and
>>> receive calls even with out a phone as long as the watch can join a WiFi
>>> network that your phone or other devices have joined before.  So it does
>>> have some stand alone functionality.  I say run and don’t walk and buy an
>>> Apple watch if you can.  I like the larger 42MM model but go with what
>>> you can afford and with what feels like it fits your style and use case
>>> the best.
>>> Good luck.
 On Apr 3, 2016, at 7:23 PM, Vaughn Brown 


 Thank you for sharing this article. It was precise in detail. I've
 been thinking about getting one, but like you at one time, do not have
 the money for it.
 I really like the sound of the fitness tracker.


 On 4/3/16, Alex Hall  wrote:
> Here's my post on the Apple Watch. This was written before I got my
> own
> Watch, but it still applies. I talk about what I love, like, and don't
> like,
> and why I find the Watch useful. I'd add the playback remote for iOS to
> the
> list of features I use, but aside from that, the post is still pretty
> accurate.
>> On Apr 3, 2016, at 15:35, Marie Lyons  wrote:
>> This is in relation to the Apple watch. I am wondering what it does
>> and
>> why you all like it so much. I’d like to know before I look at one in
>> the
>> Apple store.
>> Thanks
>> Marie Lyons
>> --
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>> Your Mac Visionaries list moderator is Mark Taylor and your owner is
>> Cara
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Re: AirFoil

2016-04-06 Thread Scott
I believe it’s a control app for several audio destinations.  Simon can speak 
to this more I think.

> On Apr 5, 2016, at 8:53 PM, Jessica Moss  wrote:
> Ok, I may be a little late coming in on this thread; what is airfoil?
>> On Apr 4, 2016, at 7:43 AM, Scott  wrote:
>> How’s the sound on these?  I’ve been thinking about this setup but haven’t 
>> heard one yet.
>>> On Apr 4, 2016, at 5:37 AM, Simon Fogarty  wrote:
>>> I've only tried once from my mac mini,
>>> I've had better luck from my windows machine, but again that's been more 
>>> luck than anything else.
>>> I do prefer my phone which between that and my iPods is the better and very 
>>> accessible option.
>>> And the music is all coming from the same place.
>>> I'm waiting on apple music to up on the sonos app to get a full range of 
>>> all music types.
>>> -Original Message-
>>> From: 
>>> [] On Behalf Of Krister Ekstrom
>>> Sent: Monday, 4 April 2016 8:41 PM
>>> To:
>>> Subject: Re: AirFoil
>>> Just a question here. How do you use the sonos controler from the Mac? As 
>>> far as i know there are tons of unlabeled buttons and such, enough so that 
>>> it’s hard or almost impossible to use. Surely we could label the buttons 
>>> ourselves if we had sighted people around to help us with this, but some 
>>> folks, me included don’t have that.
>>> Don’t want to offend, just want to point that out.
>>> /Krister
 4 apr. 2016 kl. 10:24 skrev Simon Fogarty :
 I can highly suggest the Sonos sound system.
 I'm using it at home for my Gym and lounge  and it's great,
 And it's useable from either a computer mac or windows desktop app or
 from an IOS device through a very accessible app and an apple watch app I 
 currently don't get my tv through the system but that's on it's way with a 
 sonos sound bar.
 Great wifi speakers with upgradable software
 But costly or at least here in NZ it's costly but well worth it.
 -Original Message-
 [] On Behalf Of Jeff Berwick
 Sent: Monday, 4 April 2016 1:20 PM
 Subject: Re: AirFoil
 Okay, don't ask me how, but both bluetooth speakers are now showing up.  
 Seems that my Jambox doesn't like to connect to my computer, but if I 
 unfair it and make sure it is connected before I turn on my Bose, then 
 they both appear in the speakers list.
 Just purchased Airfoil as I think this solution is going to work for me.
> On Apr 3, 2016, at 7:56 PM, Jeff Berwick  
> wrote:
> Hi all,
> I am thinking of developing my own whole home audio setup using several 
> Airplay and bluetooth speakers, all run by Airfoil.  I have downloaded 
> the trial version of Airfoil to see if I can do this, but I can't get 
> more than 1 bluetooth speaker to show up in the list of speakers.  I am 
> sure that, when I first launched Airfoil two of them showed up, but I 
> just can't make that happen.
> Has anybody achieved this task and can you provide me with tips?
> I have two bluetooth speakers paired to my Mac running el Capitan, but I 
> can only get one to show up in the bluetooth section of the speakers list 
> of Airfoil.
> Thanks for any assistance.
> Jeff
> --
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Re: switching calls between devices

2016-04-06 Thread Scott
The watch can WiFi call but unfortunately it’s only when the phone is 
unavailable, if the phone is available it uses bluetooth.  And as usual, I’m 
right there with you  I would like to see more use of the WiFi in general for 
the link instead of bluetooth.  Even as much as bt has improved WiFi is 
preferable in a lot of ways.

> On Apr 6, 2016, at 7:14 AM, Sabahattin Gucukoglu  wrote:
> I’m much more concerned about the watch and that it uses Bluetooth to send 
> audio from the phone, even where the watch would otherwise have autonomy, for 
> example with FaceTime Audio or Wi-Fi calls.  That’s just pants.  I sincerely 
> hope they fix that.
> --
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Re: Perhaps I'm not as teky as the rest of you but...

2016-04-06 Thread Scott
I like that as well and I also like you can edit the complications that appear 
on each face.  Very cool and cool how new applications add new complications.

> On Apr 6, 2016, at 7:26 AM, Jenine Stanley  wrote:
> I do love the ability to change the Watch faces and complications on each 
> face depending on what I’m doing. I have each face with complications set 
> differently for different situations and often switch between them.
> Jenine Stanley
>> On Apr 4, 2016, at 7:48 AM, Scott  wrote:
>> Vaughn I would highly recommend the Apple watch as well.  To anyone else 
>> interested I was highly skeptical at first.  Figured it wouldn’t be much use 
>> if the watch couldn’t be used independent of the phone.  I was wrong!  I 
>> find I like getting my quick notifications on my watch, I love having the 
>> vibration feedback, the range from the watch to the phone is excellent so I 
>> can cover a several thousand SQFT office that’s a section of a huge glass 
>> and steel building with no problem.  I know for example if I’m getting 
>> texted or called while in a meeting but don’t have to disturb others.
>>  The work out tracking is fantastic and the little pokes and prods to be 
>> moving and active I really find useful and helpful in the health department.
>>  You can remote control things like your TV and audio if you have Apple 
>> TV or your phone wired in to your audio etc, and you can place and receive 
>> calls even with out a phone as long as the watch can join a WiFi network 
>> that your phone or other devices have joined before.  So it does have some 
>> stand alone functionality.  I say run and don’t walk and buy an Apple watch 
>> if you can.  I like the larger 42MM model but go with what you can afford 
>> and with what feels like it fits your style and use case the best.
>> Good luck.
>>> On Apr 3, 2016, at 7:23 PM, Vaughn Brown  wrote:
>>> Alex,
>>> Thank you for sharing this article. It was precise in detail. I've
>>> been thinking about getting one, but like you at one time, do not have
>>> the money for it.
>>> I really like the sound of the fitness tracker.
>>> Vaughn
>>> On 4/3/16, Alex Hall  wrote:
 Here's my post on the Apple Watch. This was written before I got my own
 Watch, but it still applies. I talk about what I love, like, and don't 
 and why I find the Watch useful. I'd add the playback remote for iOS to the
 list of features I use, but aside from that, the post is still pretty
> On Apr 3, 2016, at 15:35, Marie Lyons  wrote:
> This is in relation to the Apple watch. I am wondering what it does and
> why you all like it so much. I’d like to know before I look at one in the
> Apple store.
> Thanks
> Marie Lyons
> --
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 Have a great day,
 Alex Hall
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Re: Apple's 2015 Q4 PC business stats from Gartner

2016-04-06 Thread Sabahattin Gucukoglu
Marginal growth for Macs again.  Let’s just hope it’s for the right reasons.

Thanks for the link.

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Re: Safari Annoyance in Latest Build

2016-04-06 Thread Sabahattin Gucukoglu
On 5 Apr 2016, at 03:01, Kevin Chao  wrote:
> On Mon, Apr 4, 2016 at 6:21 AM Sabahattin Gucukoglu  wrote:
>> Well, to be fair, ChromeVox would be a better extension if it could actually 
>> announce the chrome in Chrome.
> It's built using web technology (HTML5/JavaScript) and content scripts are 
> injected to each page, so this was done by design. It still does better than 
> traditional/legacy desktop-based screen readers with advanced interactive web 
> apps (e.g. Twitter, FaceBook, Docs & Drive, Office 365, etc.).

Sure, but I’d say that this was a bug in the native screen reader, rather than 
an inherent advantage of injected javascript.  Indeed the “Next” branch is 
moving away from this model, for added responsiveness.  Really, I’d rather 
VoiceOver improved, and I think VoiceOver already has an edge over the other 
guys for more complex web applications.  You can already use Twitter quite 
comfortably just using Safari, now, with VoiceOver.  Google applications, far 
less well.  Others have a positive opinion of the Firefox+NVDA combination, 
although I’m not sure what all the fuss is about personally (especially when 
you consider all the other failings of the WinBloze platform).

>>   You’d have to leave aside the fact that using a dedicated screen reader 
>> just for your web browser was kind of crazy to start with, but it’s 
>> basically the reality on ChromeBooks.
> Why is this "crazy"? There are so many great web apps that only require a 
> browser and will work mostly the same across Linux, Mac, Windows, and Chrome 
> OS. e.g. I'm using with VoiceOver to interact with this 
> thread/bundle.   

Mmm, I’m not sold on that idea personally.  You’re right, the web is becoming 
the new terminal, but native still has a place.  This email brought to you from 
the native Mail app in Mac OS. :)

But actually, my point was that having to use a different screen reader just 
for one application is madness.  And, it is!  It’s a boon to accessibility, of 
course, but it’s also the perfect indictment for your platform and its screen 
reader.  Nothing is perfect, but it ought to be more perfect, and that includes 
being able to choose a browser / screen reader combination, IMO.  And, as I 
said, you can always use a ChromeBook if you want to live the dream of the 
web-based utopia.  I’m all for that choice, and (as an owner of such a 
ChromeBook) I’ll gladly acknowledge it.  There’s a lot to be said for a web 
that’s so invisible it only takes a single application on a secure platform to 
use it and do the many things that can be done as the consumer wishes, if that 
meets your needs.  But I think the fact it’s Google’s OS and Google’s browser 
and Google’s web applications go a long way to explaining why it works so well, 
rather than, as such, the use of the web.  Remember, nobody else using Safari 
or Firefox on OS X have the problems we do.

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Re: Perhaps I'm not as teky as the rest of you but...

2016-04-06 Thread Jenine Stanley
I do love the ability to change the Watch faces and complications on each face 
depending on what I’m doing. I have each face with complications set 
differently for different situations and often switch between them. 

Jenine Stanley

> On Apr 4, 2016, at 7:48 AM, Scott  wrote:
> Vaughn I would highly recommend the Apple watch as well.  To anyone else 
> interested I was highly skeptical at first.  Figured it wouldn’t be much use 
> if the watch couldn’t be used independent of the phone.  I was wrong!  I find 
> I like getting my quick notifications on my watch, I love having the 
> vibration feedback, the range from the watch to the phone is excellent so I 
> can cover a several thousand SQFT office that’s a section of a huge glass and 
> steel building with no problem.  I know for example if I’m getting texted or 
> called while in a meeting but don’t have to disturb others.
>   The work out tracking is fantastic and the little pokes and prods to be 
> moving and active I really find useful and helpful in the health department.
>   You can remote control things like your TV and audio if you have Apple 
> TV or your phone wired in to your audio etc, and you can place and receive 
> calls even with out a phone as long as the watch can join a WiFi network that 
> your phone or other devices have joined before.  So it does have some stand 
> alone functionality.  I say run and don’t walk and buy an Apple watch if you 
> can.  I like the larger 42MM model but go with what you can afford and with 
> what feels like it fits your style and use case the best.
> Good luck.
>> On Apr 3, 2016, at 7:23 PM, Vaughn Brown  wrote:
>> Alex,
>> Thank you for sharing this article. It was precise in detail. I've
>> been thinking about getting one, but like you at one time, do not have
>> the money for it.
>> I really like the sound of the fitness tracker.
>> Vaughn
>> On 4/3/16, Alex Hall  wrote:
>>> Here's my post on the Apple Watch. This was written before I got my own
>>> Watch, but it still applies. I talk about what I love, like, and don't like,
>>> and why I find the Watch useful. I'd add the playback remote for iOS to the
>>> list of features I use, but aside from that, the post is still pretty
>>> accurate.
 On Apr 3, 2016, at 15:35, Marie Lyons  wrote:
 This is in relation to the Apple watch. I am wondering what it does and
 why you all like it so much. I’d like to know before I look at one in the
 Apple store.
 Marie Lyons
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>>> --
>>> Have a great day,
>>> Alex Hall
>>> --
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>>> Visionaries list.
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>>> you feel that a member's post is inappropriate, please contact the owners or
>>> moderators directly rather than posting on the list itself.
>>> Your Mac Visionaries list moderator is Mark Taylor and your owner is Cara
>>> Quinn - you can reach Cara at
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>>> ---
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>> --
>> Vaughn Brown
>> Berklee College of Music Graduate, Bachelor in Mus

Re: switching calls between devices

2016-04-06 Thread Sabahattin Gucukoglu
I’m much more concerned about the watch and that it uses Bluetooth to send 
audio from the phone, even where the watch would otherwise have autonomy, for 
example with FaceTime Audio or Wi-Fi calls.  That’s just pants.  I sincerely 
hope they fix that.

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RE: Left Control Conflict

2016-04-06 Thread Simon Fogarty
Hi Helga,

That should be no problem at all.

You I would assume will not be running both NVDA and Jaws at the same time so 
yes your fine with running / installing both Jaws and NVDA on the one VM>

I have both in my mac book air 11” however my mba is a custom build with 
highest specs possible and I have 2 vms’ running sometimes on my windows 
bootcamp side.

Hope that helps.

From: [] 
On Behalf Of Helga Schreiber
Sent: Wednesday, 6 April 2016 6:57 PM
Subject: Re: Left Control Conflict

Hi Simon and all!  This ishelga! How are you? I just have a question. Can I 
have on my VM two screen readers, or itiwll only allow me to have one? I'm just 
wondering since when I download the M ware fusion I iwl like to have JAWS 17 
and NVDA on my windows side of my Mac. I s tat possible to do guys? Or would 
that be to much for my Macbook Air 11 inches? I look forward in hearing form 
you soon. Thanks and God bless!

Helga Schreiber

Member of National Federation of the Blind and Florida Association of Blind 
Member of the International Networkers Team (INT).
Independent Entrepreneur of the Company 4Life Research.
Phone:  (561) 706-5950
Skype: helga.schreiber26
4Life Website:
INT Website:

"For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever 
believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life." John 3:16
Sent from my iPhone 6S running IOS 9.3.1

On Apr 6, 2016, at 2:41 AM, Simon Fogarty>> wrote:

I know this might be right out of left field but I’ve found I get better 
reaction from my VM’s in VM Fusion by turning off voiceover when I go to my vm.

I find that voiceover being off allows me to use the windows / jaws key strokes 
and get a lot less crossover reactions from VO

Give it a go and see what happens.
If you want the mac back just a command key and f5 to turn vo back on.

Good luck.

[] On Behalf Of Grant
Sent: Wednesday, 6 April 2016 12:00 PM
To: MacVisionaries List>>
Subject: Re: Left Control Conflict

Any global keyboard shortcut that is assigned in System Preferences will not be 
passed through to your virtual machine. You can view these shortcuts by opening 
up System Preferences, selecting the “Keyboard” button, then navigating to the 
“Shortcuts” tab. If there is a conflict with a shortcut key combination that 
you are trying to use with Windows, you need to reassign it or uncheck the 
checkbox next to it to disable it. The shortcuts in this preference pane are 
arranged by category. For example, in the “Mission Control” category you’ll see 
that both CTRL+UP ARROW and CTRL+DOWN ARROW are assigned to handle window 
management tasks. If you don’t use the features of Mission Control then you can 
deselect the checkboxes for these items. Otherwise, you need to reassign the 
commands to a different key combination. It would be nice if there was a more 
elegant solution, and maybe another lister will point one out that I haven’t 
thought of.



On Apr 5, 2016, at 8:41 AM, Ramy Moustafa>> wrote:

On my VMware, when using the left control and errows, they move me to
another Mac window and do not what I need inside  windows 7, is there
a way to avoid this?

Ramy MoustafaSaber
Music instructor @:
Faculty ofmusical education
Music arranger and Sound engineer @:
Harmony Recording Studio

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Re: Left Control Conflict

2016-04-06 Thread Shawn Krasniuk
Yeah that should be fine. I had NVDA and Jaws on one virtual machine and it 
didn't do any harm to my machine.

Sent From My White MacBook
Facebook Username: Shawn Krasniuk
Twitter Handle: shawnk_aka_bbs
Skype username: bbstheblindrapper

> On Apr 6, 2016, at 1:57 AM, Helga Schreiber  
> wrote:
> Hi Simon and all!  This ishelga! How are you? I just have a question. Can I 
> have on my VM two screen readers, or itiwll only allow me to have one? I'm 
> just wondering since when I download the M ware fusion I iwl like to have 
> JAWS 17 and NVDA on my windows side of my Mac. I s tat possible to do guys? 
> Or would that be to much for my Macbook Air 11 inches? I look forward in 
> hearing form you soon. Thanks and God bless! 
> Helga Schreiber 
> Member of National Federation of the Blind and Florida Association of Blind 
> Students.
> Member of the International Networkers Team (INT).
> Independent Entrepreneur of the Company 4Life Research.
> Phone:  (561) 706-5950 
> Email:  
> Skype: helga.schreiber26 
> 4Life Website: 
> px 
> INT Website:  
> "For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever 
> believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life." John 3:16 
> Sent from my iPhone 6S running IOS 9.3.1
> On Apr 6, 2016, at 2:41 AM, Simon Fogarty  > wrote:
>> Hi
>> I know this might be right out of left field but I’ve found I get better 
>> reaction from my VM’s in VM Fusion by turning off voiceover when I go to my 
>> vm.
>> I find that voiceover being off allows me to use the windows / jaws key 
>> strokes and get a lot less crossover reactions from VO
>> Give it a go and see what happens.
>> If you want the mac back just a command key and f5 to turn vo back on.
>> Good luck.
>> From: 
>> [
>>  ] On Behalf Of Grant
>> Sent: Wednesday, 6 April 2016 12:00 PM
>> To: MacVisionaries List > >
>> Subject: Re: Left Control Conflict
>> Any global keyboard shortcut that is assigned in System Preferences will not 
>> be passed through to your virtual machine. You can view these shortcuts by 
>> opening up System Preferences, selecting the “Keyboard” button, then 
>> navigating to the “Shortcuts” tab. If there is a conflict with a shortcut 
>> key combination that you are trying to use with Windows, you need to 
>> reassign it or uncheck the checkbox next to it to disable it. The shortcuts 
>> in this preference pane are arranged by category. For example, in the 
>> “Mission Control” category you’ll see that both CTRL+UP ARROW and CTRL+DOWN 
>> ARROW are assigned to handle window management tasks. If you don’t use the 
>> features of Mission Control then you can deselect the checkboxes for these 
>> items. Otherwise, you need to reassign the commands to a different key 
>> combination. It would be nice if there was a more elegant solution, and 
>> maybe another lister will point one out that I haven’t thought of.
>> Cheers,
>> Grant
>> On Apr 5, 2016, at 8:41 AM, Ramy Moustafa > > wrote:
>> On my VMware, when using the left control and errows, they move me to
>> another Mac window and do not what I need inside  windows 7, is there
>> a way to avoid this?
>> thanks
>> -- 
>> Ramy MoustafaSaber
>> Music instructor @:
>> Faculty ofmusical education
>> Music arranger and Sound engineer @:
>> Harmony Recording Studio
>> -- 
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