Re: Looking for Slack feedback from voiceover users on OSX and IOS

2016-07-16 Thread Chris Meredith
One thing that I’ve found helps with Slack is to set the VO modifiers to allow 
caps lock as an option.  My guess is that some sort of keyDown event gets fired 
whenever any key that would register does so (I.e. Option, particularly since 
it can be used to type extended characters), and pops focus into the input 
field.  Caps lock is handled entirely by the OS (illustrated nicely by how many 
hoops we have to jump through to pass that key to VMware Fusion), and is thus 
not intercepted by Slack.
Find is your friend.  Search for “new messages since” to find the date of the 
last message, then search backward for that date to read what went on in your 
absence.  One thing I can’t seem to do is close the pop-up windows such as, for 
instance, the search box, short of closing and reopening the app.  If Slack are 
engaging in public discourse with their blind users, I’d love to chime in, 
since Slack seems to be part of my complete breakfast set of 
tools I need at my employer.
> On Jul 13, 2016, at 9:19 AM, michael babcock  
> wrote:
> So hears how I’m using the desktop app:
> #1, try not to tap “Option” (that jumps focus back to edit box). I know kinda 
> hard when using voiceover…
> #2, use find for the text “esc” and that will take you to the end of the 
> conversation (channel) your in.
> #3, use command+option+left or right to jump between conversations you’ve 
> opened since that instance of the app has been running.
> Let me know if I can help any more :( and I hope they make it more 
> accessible. Love the concept of it, and am actively using it with a VA out of 
> India, so would love to have it working.
> VOIP quality IMO is fairly good.
>> On Jul 13, 2016, at 2:29 AM, Simon Fogarty > > wrote:
>> Thanks Michael,
>> I’ll go check this out , it might be worthwhile.
>> If only the desktop apps were more accessible, I’ll probanly have to use my 
>> iPhone.
>> From: 
>> [
>>  ] On Behalf Of michael babcock
>> Sent: Tuesday, 12 July 2016 5:05 PM
>> To: 
>> Subject: Re: Looking for Slack feedback from voiceover users on OSX and IOS
>> Simon:
>> Thanks for your message.
>> Slack has created a #a11y organization, and they seem to be making things 
>> better. I’ll post one of the messages I got from the team a few hours ago:
>> "Hi Michael,
>> Thanks for coming back to me. Yes, there is an existing team that the 
>> accessibility community has created. This is a broad, public team on Slack 
>> with the goal of collaborating on accessibility solutions, technologies, 
>> etc. The current membership is already substantial and includes some of our 
>> engineers and folks from our accessibility team. Please feel free to share 
>> this with anyone who is interested.
>> Here's the link to request an invite: 
>> .
>> “
>> And this was a follow-up to this message:
>> "Bel (Slack)
>> Jul 9, 9:32 PM PDT 
>> Hey there Michael,
>> Thanks for getting in touch! We would love to hear all your suggestions on 
>> how we might improve the user experience for blind users.
>> Accessibility is something we are working very hard to improve and our 
>> dedicated accessibility team are currently working on more features for our 
>> vision-impaired users. Please do let us know what your initial thoughts are 
>> on your experience and I will get our team involved from this side too.
>> Thanks for taking the time to offer your help and feedback on this Michael, 
>> your insights are really valuable to our development.
>> Warmly,
>> -Bel"
>> Hit up @slackhq
>> And type 
>> /feedback your feedback here
>> In any of the edit boxes on slack
>> Note: in desktop app on Mac, hitting the option key seems to jump focus back 
>> to the edit box, kinda makes things hard when using voiceover :)
>> On Jul 11, 2016, at 12:02 AM, Simon Fogarty > > wrote:
>> Hi Michael,
>> Thanks for this, I will definitely be looking into this.
>> We’ve just started using slack at work for our messaging system as it’s not 
>> hosted locally therefore if systems go down we can still communicate with 
>> our teams nationwide.
>> I have only been able to get it to work somewhat accessible on my iPhone but 
>> mac osx and windows desktop clients are pretty much crap accessibility 
>> So thanks this will be helpful.
>> From: 
>> [
>>  ] On Behalf Of Michael Babcock
>> Sent: Monday, 11 July 2016 2:08 AM
>> To: 
>> Subject: Loo

Re: To Devon, (was This blind Apple engineer is transforming the tech world at only 22

2016-07-16 Thread Chris Meredith
Half a sec.  You lose points on the immigration scale for New Zealand if you’re 
blind?  The mind boggles just a bit.
> On Jul 16, 2016, at 5:32 AM, David Chittenden  wrote:
> Yes, Simon, I could not immigrate here. I immigrated independently. Most 
> blind people who immigrate do so as the partner of a Kiwi. I did not just 
> want to come here to work. I wished to become a citizen. To do so, I needed 
> to match the immigration skills list and have enough points. Also, I needed 
> to prove I could live independently. It would have been been much easier had 
> I married a Kiwi.
> David Chittenden, MSc, MRCAA
> Email:
> Mobile: +64 21 2288 288
> Sent from my iPhone
>> On 16 Jul 2016, at 20:04, Simon Fogarty  wrote:
>> David, do you mean you couldn't move over here until you got a masters 
>> degree?
>> I can't believe that.
>> -Original Message-
>> From: 
>> [] On Behalf Of David Chittenden
>> Sent: Saturday, 16 July 2016 1:02 PM
>> To:
>> Subject: Re: To Devon, (was This blind Apple engineer is transforming the 
>> tech world at only 22
>> Scott,
>> You always have time to go back and attend university.
>> I went to a university directly after high school and flunked out. I never 
>> reported that year to any other education institution. This way, I escaped 
>> the C- GPA drag.
>> I then attended community college for a few years part-time, only taking 
>> classes that interested me. I then went to massage school (a 9 month program 
>> which I graduated from when I was 27).
>> When I was 38, I decided I wanted to x-patriate myself from the US. I looked 
>> into it and discovered that I would need a masters degree because I am 
>> blind. So, I looked at my skills and realised I have excellent understanding 
>> of business. So, I located a fully accredited (highest accreditation in US 
>> is regional which is the only one accepted overseas), and applied to and 
>> entered an online university which met the criteria. A year later, I 
>> graduated at the top of my class with a bachelors. Thanks to the appropriate 
>> accreditation, and my grades, I easily entered a masters program when I was 
>> 40.
>> The truth is, university was much easier for me when I returned at 38. I had 
>> developed the drive and focus which I lacked when I was 18. Put another way, 
>> now is as good a time as any to go back to university.
>> David Chittenden, MSc, MRCAA
>> Email:
>> Mobile: +64 21 2288 288
>> Sent from my iPhone
>>> On 16 Jul 2016, at 12:04, Scott Granados  wrote:
>>> Wow, I wish I was smart, I could never get the whole education school thing 
>>> down.  I tried college, dropped out and started a business, tried again, 
>>> lost focus, started another business and moved on.  I’ve always felt guilty 
>>> about it.  My poor mother wanted to see me graduate college with a degree 
>>> so badly.  Always felt like I let her down.
>>> Oh well I went the long way but my positions more recently and career have 
>>> made up for a lot but I always wished I had the focus and stuff to get 
>>> through and do well in college.
 On Jul 15, 2016, at 12:53 PM, Vaughn Brown  wrote:
 I loved attending my community college. It was a great way to ease
 into a college life, meet new people.
> On 7/15/16, Simon Fogarty  wrote:
> Hi Donna and Devin,
> Devin, if your as sheltered as you make it sound, Donnas suggestion of a
> community college would be a great idea, you would also get to meet many
> other people from all walks of life.
> I’ve met truckloads of people from my studies at University
> I would tell my family where to get off if my parents had tried to put me
> into a group living situation.
> From:
> [] On Behalf Of Donna Goodin
> Sent: Friday, 15 July 2016 12:56 AM
> To:
> Subject: To Devon, (was This blind Apple engineer is transforming the tech
> world at only 22
> Thank you, Scott.  I've been thinking about how to respond to this message
> since last night.  You hit the nail on the head.
> Devon, no, I can't imagine why on earth you would be at an adult learning
> facility.  Do you have any ideas about what kind of career you might like 
> to
> pursue?  I would suggest a visit to a community college as a starting 
> point.
> Meet with a career counselor there, a regular career counselor is going to
> be much more likely to help you generate a broader list of options. Then
> maybe start by taking a couple of classes there.  That would be a good way
> to get your feet wet and figure out if a four-year college is for

RE: I Need a Little Help in Safari

2016-07-16 Thread M. Taylor
Hello Jonathan,

Thanks to your hint, I was able to disable the audio via the Mute Tab, option.

Displayed all of the Tabs from within the Safari toolbar.

Located the tab that corresponded with the article in question.

Then, after interacting with that specific tab group, selected the Mute button.

Thank you,


-Original Message-
From: [] 
On Behalf Of Jonathan Cohn
Sent: Saturday, July 16, 2016 2:05 PM
Subject: Re: I Need a Little Help in Safari


There is also a mute button built into the list of tabs that can be used. I 
wonder if you were reading the same article I was when I first needed that 

I wanted to read 27 features of El Capetain the you never knew about, and a 
video came up giving guides on something completely unrelated. 

Best wishes,

Jonathan Cohn 

> On Jul 16, 2016, at 2:23 PM, M. Taylor  wrote:
> Hello Erik,
> Thank you for the Command+Shift+R tip; I'd forgotten all about it.  While 
> using that key combo made the text easier to navigate, it did nothing to 
> stop/or even access the video controls.
> By the way, I read the Safari help article, on the web and I did not see the 
> listing for the Command+Shift+R key combo.
> Mark
> -Original Message-
> From: 
> [] On Behalf Of Erik Burggraaf
> Sent: Saturday, July 16, 2016 10:45 AM
> To:
> Subject: Re: I Need a Little Help in Safari
> Hi did you try using command shift R to bring up the article reader 
> this should have stripped everything out of the page that was in your 
> way including the flash video leaving only the article with possibly a 
> couple of extra links let me know if this works for you
> Sent with AquaMail for Android
> On July 16, 2016 1:42:13 PM "M. Taylor"  wrote:
>> Hello Everyone,
>> Earlier today, I received an email in my Inbox with a link to a cNet 
>> article that I wanted to read.
>> When I click on the link, Safari opens and, in addition to the text, 
>> a Flash video begins to play.  Try as I may, I cannot seem to stop 
>> the video.  This is to say, I cannot find the pause/stop button.
>> I realize that my Safari skills are not as advanced as they should be 
>> so I'm hoping one of you Safarians can inform me as to how to stop the 
>> playback.
>> I grew so frustrated with this endeavor that I finally gave up and 
>> opened the article in Windows Explorer where I could read the text 
>> without being bothered with the video playback, via Jaws.
>> Article:
>> Pokemon Go could crash and burn this way
>> 6
>> DD9EE0
>> 0AF25C9314BD07:r:22694667381686839172315209628767
>> All replies, greatly appreciated.
>> Mark
>> --
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>> Your Mac Visionaries list moderator is Mark Taylor and your owner is 
>> Cara Quinn - you can reach Cara at
>> The archives for this list can be searched at:
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> --
> The following information is important for all members of the Mac Visionaries 
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> If you have any questions or concerns about the running of this list, or if 
> you feel that a member's post is inappropriate, please contact the owners or 
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> Your Mac Visionaries list moderator is Mark Taylor and your owner is 
> Cara Quinn - you can reach Cara at
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Re: To Devon, (was This blind Apple engineer is transforming the tech world at only 22

2016-07-16 Thread Devin Prater
I have blindsquare, but yeah it's more of knowing nonvisual cues, although I 
can follow directions well.

Sent from my iPhone

> On Jul 16, 2016, at 5:21 PM, Jonathan Cohn  wrote:
> To bring this back on topic, you seem unconfident in your mobility skills. 
> Have you attempted using any of the GPS tools available or is it more related 
> to just understanding and appreciating non-visual feedback from the 
> environment to let you know when corners or obstacles are present? 
> If there are electronic tools available to help your mobility, I know we 
> could help you learn to use them on this list. If it is more of the latter, 
> sometimes you just have to practice on your own and see what happens.
> I was recently with a individual who was transitioning to using a wheelchair. 
> She didn't even take a day off from work to try and use her white cane with 
> the wheel chair. 
> Best wishes,
> Jonathan
>> On Jul 14, 2016, at 10:56 AM, Devin Prater  wrote:
>> Sorry y’all, I’ve not checked my email sense early last night. After 
>> graduating the Alabama school for the blind, I was sent there. I needed 
>> independent living training, and some mobility instruction, as there was 
>> only one mobility instructor at the school for the blind, at least for most 
>> of my days there.
>> Sent from my Mac.
>> Devin Prater
>>> On Jul 14, 2016, at 7:56 AM, Donna Goodin  wrote:
>>> Thank you, Scott.  I've been thinking about how to respond to this message 
>>> since last night.  You hit the nail on the head.
>>> Devon, no, I can't imagine why on earth you would be at an adult learning 
>>> facility.  Do you have any ideas about what kind of career you might like 
>>> to pursue?  I would suggest a visit to a community college as a starting 
>>> point.  Meet with a career counselor there, a regular career counselor is 
>>> going to be much more likely to help you generate a broader list of 
>>> options. Then maybe start by taking a couple of classes there.  That would 
>>> be a good way to get your feet wet and figure out if a four-year college is 
>>> for you.  If it's not, it will still help you come up with some better 
>>> options for yourself than what you currently have.
>>> Cheers,
>>> Donna
 On Jul 13, 2016, at 11:47 PM, Scott Granados  wrote:
 I’m hoping there’s some hyperbole or excess here to make a point because 
 on the surface your message disturbs me.  You’re far to smart to end up in 
 a group home.  I’ve seen your posts here and other places, you don’t seem 
 like group home material to me. How can we help avoid such a thing?
> On Jul 13, 2016, at 4:55 PM, Devin Prater  wrote:
> I talked to her years ago, before she joined Apple. Yeah, she’s pretty 
> cool. I guess I’m the blindie here. I grew up a pampered kid in a 
> lower-middle class home. I went and somehow graduated from the Alabama 
> school for the blind, where teachers seemed to care but just couldn’t do 
> much, or didn’t know what to do, exactly. As you can imagine, they then 
> shuttled me off to the adult learning facility, E.H. Gentry, where I 
> attend now. I know more than I did when I left ASB, sure, but these 
> blindness organizations just aren’t all that organized, at least here in 
> the state of football and rednecks. I just hope that I can get at least 
> something to happen before my family decides a group home would indeed be 
> just the spot to plop down their poor blind boy that just can’t seem to 
> learn independence and advocacy skills no matter where the Alabama 
> Institute sends him. Oh discordia.
> Sent from my Mac.
> Devin Prater
>> On Jul 13, 2016, at 6:38 AM, Donna Goodin  wrote:
>> Hi Katie,
>> Yep, I agree with everything you pointed out.  It really is a nice 
>> braille display.  I haven't had the problem you describe, so I'm afraid 
>> I can't help you.  Have you tried calling tech support or posting the 
>> VarioUltra list?  It's a great list, with some very helpful and 
>> knowledgeable folks.
>> Cheers,
>> Donna
>>> On Jul 12, 2016, at 10:52 PM, Katie Zodrow  wrote:
>>> Hi, Donna.
>>> Yes, I’ve been learning to use the VarioUltra since May and love it! 
>>> :-) its the best braille display for me so far. I think its great you 
>>> can just connect a device like your phone via bluetooth and it works 
>>> once the pairing is successfully connected. I can also text or email 
>>> people with just my iphone and the braille display, so that’s awesome I 
>>> don’t always need to constantly use dictation. Its really cool that you 
>>> can just charge the device with a USB cable too instead of carrying 
>>> around a 12 volt charger. The only problem I have sometimes is opening

Re: Use of "Move To" in Email

2016-07-16 Thread Jonathan Cohn
Another option is to create a keyboard shortcut for a specific folder even if 
it is not in your favourites.

I have not tried this personally, but the following should work.

1. Open systemPreferences keyboard 
2. Open shortcuts tab and select application 
3. Add a new item for the Mail application like 
"Move To->Family 
and assign a keyboard shortcut to the command.

If this works correctly, then you should see the shortcut key listed in the 
Messages->Move To->Family menu item.

Please note: I have not tested this out.

Best wishes,


> On Jul 13, 2016, at 2:05 PM, Tim Kilburn  wrote:
> Hi chuck,
> Thanks for this hint.  I think that I heard about this a long while back, but 
> it must have went in one ear and out the other.  Good efficiency if the 
> desired location is in your Favourites.
> Later...
> Tim Kilburn
> Fort McMurray, AB Canada
> On Jul 13, 2016, at 10:17, CHUCK REICHEL  > wrote:
> Hi Tim,
> If the mail box is in your "favorites"
> I use "control command 1-9" on the num pad to move the selected message to my 
> different boxes.
> control command then  hit the number on the num pad to move it.
> The rub with this method is you half to know which # your desired mail box 
> corresponds to.
> I find my self checking where I want to move it to by hitting "command and a 
> num pad #" to hear VO announce the mail box that corresponds to that 
> "favorite" mail box i want.
> Then I go back to my in box "command 1" and move it.
> I guess the key here is that you half to  have that mail box in the favorites 
> to make this short cut work. :)
> PS I always enjoy your posts Tim.
> very cool step by step instructions.
> talk soon
> Chuck
> On Jul 13, 2016, at 11:32 AM, Tim Kilburn wrote:
>> Hi Joseph,
>> NO problem adding to any message of mine.  A question though, not sure where 
>> the VO-shift-a.m. comes from.  I'm not sure what the "a" is used for in your 
>> suggestion.  The Contextual menu command is VO-shift-m, followed by letters 
>> or arrows suggested in your message.  Please correct me or clarify if 
>> necessary.  Thanks.
>> Later...
>> Tim Kilburn
>> Fort McMurray, AB Canada
>> On Jul 13, 2016, at 09:26, Joseph Hudson > > wrote:
>> Hi, I would like to add to your message if you wouldn't mind. Control option 
>> shift a.m. Opens up the menu where this moved to submenu is. Once you find 
>> the submenu, you will be able to Arrow right, to activate that menu. Then 
>> Erin down to the desired mailbox that you wish to move to didn't when you're 
>> done, hit the enter are the key. Keep in mind, you want to have focused on 
>> the message that you're wanting to move before doing the command that I have 
>> provided above for you.
>> Joseph Hudson
>> Email
>> I device support
>> Telephone
>> 2543007667
>> Skype
>> joseph.hudson89 facebook
>> Twitter
>> FaceTime/iMessage
>>> On Jul 13, 2016, at 10:20 AM, Tim Kilburn >> > wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> The "Move To" item should have a sub-menu.  That is, whether you use your 
>>> keyboard shortcut or the contextual menu, when you're focused on the "Move 
>>> To" item, press your right arrow to open the sub-menu then either use down 
>>> arrows or type the first few characters of the Mailbox name.  Once focus is 
>>> on the Mailbox you wish it to be moved to, just press return.  Note that, 
>>> depending on whether these are sub-mailboxes, and if you have the parent 
>>> mailbox open within the Mailboxes table, you may or may not need to open 
>>> additional sub-menus to finally locate the desired location.
>>> HTH.
>>> Later...
>>> Tim Kilburn
>>> Fort McMurray, AB Canada
>>> On Jul 13, 2016, at 09:14, Sandra E. Finley >> > wrote:
>>> I am trying to move a message from one mailbox to another. I can find "Move 
>>> To" in the menu and have created a keyboard shortcut for it. Once that is 
>>> found, how do I actually move the message? I guess the better question is 
>>> how do I get to the desired mailbox and have the message follow me there? 
>>> Sandy
>>> -- 
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>>> Your Mac Visionaries list moderator is Mark Taylor and your owner is Cara 
>>> Quinn - you can reach Cara at 
>>> Th

Re: Problem solved.

2016-07-16 Thread Kawal Gucukoglu
Hi Tim.

Now I’ve had a chance to play with Overdrive for the Mac, it’s very easy to use 
and much improved since I did the testing for RNIB a few years ago.

However, I don’t use Overdrive to listen to the book because of the limited 
time you can listen and so after a little while of getting use to what I had to 
do, I just put all the books on my Victor Reader stream SD card so as to get of 
the limitations.

Thanks Tim for all your help.

> On 16 Jul 2016, at 22:23, Tim Kilburn  wrote:
> Oops, sorry.  This must have came in while I was writing the other message.
> Later...
> Tim Kilburn
> Fort McMurray, AB Canada
> On Jul 16, 2016, at 15:16, Kawal Gucukoglu  > wrote:
> Please don’t worry about my Overdrive question as I have found the files.  
> They downloaded without me knowing.
> I'm fundraising for RNIB.
> Please help me make a difference by making a donation to my Virgin Money 
> Giving page. 
> To find out more about what I'm doing and why, please visit 
>  where you can also 
> sponsor me online.
> -- 
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> Quinn - you can reach Cara at 
> The archives for this list can be searched at:
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I'm fundraising for RNIB.

Please help me make a difference by making a donation to my Virgin Money Giving 

To find out more about what I'm doing and why, please visit where you can also sponsor me 

The following information is important for all members of the Mac Visionaries 

If you have any questions or concerns about the running of this list, or if you 
feel that a member's post is inappropriate, please contact the owners or 
moderators directly rather than posting on the list itself.

Your Mac Visionaries list moderator is Mark Taylor and your owner is Cara Quinn 
- you can reach Cara at

The archives for this list can be searched at:
You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
"MacVisionaries" group.
To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it, send an email 
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Re: To Devon, (was This blind Apple engineer is transforming the tech world at only 22

2016-07-16 Thread Jonathan Cohn
To bring this back on topic, you seem unconfident in your mobility skills. Have 
you attempted using any of the GPS tools available or is it more related to 
just understanding and appreciating non-visual feedback from the environment to 
let you know when corners or obstacles are present? 

If there are electronic tools available to help your mobility, I know we could 
help you learn to use them on this list. If it is more of the latter, sometimes 
you just have to practice on your own and see what happens.

I was recently with a individual who was transitioning to using a wheelchair. 
She didn't even take a day off from work to try and use her white cane with the 
wheel chair. 

Best wishes,


> On Jul 14, 2016, at 10:56 AM, Devin Prater  wrote:
> Sorry y’all, I’ve not checked my email sense early last night. After 
> graduating the Alabama school for the blind, I was sent there. I needed 
> independent living training, and some mobility instruction, as there was only 
> one mobility instructor at the school for the blind, at least for most of my 
> days there.
> Sent from my Mac.
> Devin Prater
>> On Jul 14, 2016, at 7:56 AM, Donna Goodin > > wrote:
>> Thank you, Scott.  I've been thinking about how to respond to this message 
>> since last night.  You hit the nail on the head.
>> Devon, no, I can't imagine why on earth you would be at an adult learning 
>> facility.  Do you have any ideas about what kind of career you might like to 
>> pursue?  I would suggest a visit to a community college as a starting point. 
>>  Meet with a career counselor there, a regular career counselor is going to 
>> be much more likely to help you generate a broader list of options. Then 
>> maybe start by taking a couple of classes there.  That would be a good way 
>> to get your feet wet and figure out if a four-year college is for you.  If 
>> it's not, it will still help you come up with some better options for 
>> yourself than what you currently have.
>> Cheers,
>> Donna
>>> On Jul 13, 2016, at 11:47 PM, Scott Granados >> > wrote:
>>> I’m hoping there’s some hyperbole or excess here to make a point because on 
>>> the surface your message disturbs me.  You’re far to smart to end up in a 
>>> group home.  I’ve seen your posts here and other places, you don’t seem 
>>> like group home material to me. How can we help avoid such a thing?
 On Jul 13, 2016, at 4:55 PM, Devin Prater >>> > wrote:
 I talked to her years ago, before she joined Apple. Yeah, she’s pretty 
 cool. I guess I’m the blindie here. I grew up a pampered kid in a 
 lower-middle class home. I went and somehow graduated from the Alabama 
 school for the blind, where teachers seemed to care but just couldn’t do 
 much, or didn’t know what to do, exactly. As you can imagine, they then 
 shuttled me off to the adult learning facility, E.H. Gentry, where I 
 attend now. I know more than I did when I left ASB, sure, but these 
 blindness organizations just aren’t all that organized, at least here in 
 the state of football and rednecks. I just hope that I can get at least 
 something to happen before my family decides a group home would indeed be 
 just the spot to plop down their poor blind boy that just can’t seem to 
 learn independence and advocacy skills no matter where the Alabama 
 Institute sends him. Oh discordia.
 Sent from my Mac.
 Devin Prater 
> On Jul 13, 2016, at 6:38 AM, Donna Goodin  > wrote:
> Hi Katie,
> Yep, I agree with everything you pointed out.  It really is a nice 
> braille display.  I haven't had the problem you describe, so I'm afraid I 
> can't help you.  Have you tried calling tech support or posting the 
> VarioUltra list?  It's a great list, with some very helpful and 
> knowledgeable folks.
> Cheers,
> Donna
>> On Jul 12, 2016, at 10:52 PM, Katie Zodrow > > wrote:
>> Hi, Donna.
>> Yes, I’ve been learning to use the VarioUltra since May and love it! :-) 
>> its the best braille display for me so far. I think its great you can 
>> just connect a device like your phone via bluetooth and it works once 
>> the pairing is successfully connected. I can also text or email people 
>> with just my iphone and the braille display, so that’s awesome I don’t 
>> always need to constantly use dictation. Its really cool that you can 
>> just charge the device with a USB cable too instead of carrying around a 
>> 12 volt charger. The only problem I have sometimes is opening documents. 
>> Yesterday, I tried opening a couple files with the USB stick connected 
>> to 

Re: I emptied the trash by unlocking the backup folder

2016-07-16 Thread Jonathan Cohn

I expect that the important information in that chflags command is actually the 
nouchg part. In most unix file manipulation commands like chmod, cp   a dash 
capital R (-R) is used to say do this command recursively. In other words don't 
just change this folder but change every file and folder contained in the 
folder specified in path. 

I was thinking of suggesting you use the rm -rf  command to remove files on the 
disk, but decided this was too dangerous since if you do that command with the 
wrong path you will delete everything on the computer.

Best wishes,

Jonathan Cohn 

> On Jul 16, 2016, at 11:40 AM, Joshua Tubbs  wrote:
> Hi everyone,
> So I figured out the problem regarding the trash and my Time Machine backup. 
> The solution is pretty simple actually, at least for me.
> Setting chflags to -R on any file will unlock it if it happens to be locked. 
> So, in terminal, you can do:
> chflags -R nouchg 
> To have the path of the trash files or any file path in finder auto-filled 
> in, you can simply drag it to the terminal. Believe it or not, with the 
> finder, this works with VoiceOver’s drag and drop commands.
> I then emptied the trash and it successfully emptied.
> HTH.
> -- 
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Re: Problem solved.

2016-07-16 Thread Tim Kilburn
Oops, sorry.  This must have came in while I was writing the other message.


Tim Kilburn
Fort McMurray, AB Canada

On Jul 16, 2016, at 15:16, Kawal Gucukoglu  wrote:

Please don’t worry about my Overdrive question as I have found the files.  They 
downloaded without me knowing.
I'm fundraising for RNIB.

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Re: Overdrive for the Mac.

2016-07-16 Thread Tim Kilburn
Hi Kawal,

When I pressed the Mac link, the download just started automatically.  So, even 
though it seemed to take you to an empty page, if you check in your Downloads 
folder, the installer dmg should be there.  Not sure how accessible things are 
after that.


Tim Kilburn
Fort McMurray, AB Canada

On Jul 16, 2016, at 15:10, Kawal Gucukoglu  wrote:


I’m trying to download the Overdrive app for the Mac by visiting  but when I press the link 
for the Mac, I get empty HTML.  I’d be grateful if someone could try this for 
me and tell me if I’m doing something wrong.  All I want to do is download the 
RNIB talking books to my Mac computer so that I can put my Victor Stream card 
in my Mac and copy them to my Victor Stream SD card to listen to later.  If I 
download the books to Overdrive on my phone then I’ll have 28 days to listen to 
them but I want to avoid that so I can listen to books any time I like.  I 
already have a password and login username to get books but I can’t get the 
Application for the Mac.


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Problem solved.

2016-07-16 Thread Kawal Gucukoglu
Please don’t worry about my Overdrive question as I have found the files.  They 
downloaded without me knowing.
I'm fundraising for RNIB.

Please help me make a difference by making a donation to my Virgin Money Giving 

To find out more about what I'm doing and why, please visit where you can also sponsor me 

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feel that a member's post is inappropriate, please contact the owners or 
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Re: VMware Fusion: When the keyboard commands are not being sent to WIndows

2016-07-16 Thread Jonathan Cohn
control-` is I believe supposed to switch you around windows in Fusion. Other 

1. Make sure VO touch pad functions are disabled and three finger swipe to a 
the fusion full screen desktop.
2. Use Mission control to switch windows or desktops. It seems that a four 
finger swipe up will always bring up mission control. Mission control has three 
sections the first if clicked on creates a new desktop. The second lets you 
switch to or close a desktop and the third lists all windows. You do need to 
use interaction for the second and third section.

Best wishes,


> On Jul 16, 2016, at 12:00 AM, Scott Granados  wrote:
> you can tab over to unity then alt tab I believe it is back  and focus drops 
> in to the VM.  Also, command F5 and shut off voice over while in the VM, that 
> helps me greatly but might not meet your needs.
> Just my $.02
>> On Jul 15, 2016, at 8:49 PM, Joshua Tubbs  wrote:
>> Hi everyone,
>> I was able to install Windows 10 as a Virtual Machine. I pressed command, 
>> which is Windows key, and suddenly tab or any other command was being sent 
>> to the Mac tabbing to suspend, Unity etc.
>> Is there a way to avoid this? Furthermore, when this happens, how do I start 
>> sending keys to Windows again? Currently, I have to quit Fusion and start it 
>> up again. CMD-G used to work, not anymore.
>> -- 
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Overdrive for the Mac.

2016-07-16 Thread Kawal Gucukoglu

I’m trying to download the Overdrive app for the Mac by visiting  but when I press the link 
for the Mac, I get empty HTML.  I’d be grateful if someone could try this for 
me and tell me if I’m doing something wrong.  All I want to do is download the 
RNIB talking books to my Mac computer so that I can put my Victor Stream card 
in my Mac and copy them to my Victor Stream SD card to listen to later.  If I 
download the books to Overdrive on my phone then I’ll have 28 days to listen to 
them but I want to avoid that so I can listen to books any time I like.  I 
already have a password and login username to get books but I can’t get the 
Application for the Mac.


I'm fundraising for RNIB.

Please help me make a difference by making a donation to my Virgin Money Giving 

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Re: I Need a Little Help in Safari

2016-07-16 Thread Jonathan Cohn

There is also a mute button built into the list of tabs that can be used. I 
wonder if you were reading the same article I was when I first needed that 

I wanted to read 27 features of El Capetain the you never knew about, and a 
video came up giving guides on something completely unrelated. 

Best wishes,

Jonathan Cohn 

> On Jul 16, 2016, at 2:23 PM, M. Taylor  wrote:
> Hello Erik,
> Thank you for the Command+Shift+R tip; I'd forgotten all about it.  While 
> using that key combo made the text easier to navigate, it did nothing to 
> stop/or even access the video controls.
> By the way, I read the Safari help article, on the web and I did not see the 
> listing for the Command+Shift+R key combo.
> Mark
> -Original Message-
> From: 
> [] On Behalf Of Erik Burggraaf
> Sent: Saturday, July 16, 2016 10:45 AM
> To:
> Subject: Re: I Need a Little Help in Safari
> Hi did you try using command shift R to bring up the article reader this 
> should have stripped everything out of the page that was in your way 
> including the flash video leaving only the article with possibly a couple of 
> extra links let me know if this works for you
> Sent with AquaMail for Android
> On July 16, 2016 1:42:13 PM "M. Taylor"  wrote:
>> Hello Everyone,
>> Earlier today, I received an email in my Inbox with a link to a cNet 
>> article that I wanted to read.
>> When I click on the link, Safari opens and, in addition to the text, a 
>> Flash video begins to play.  Try as I may, I cannot seem to stop the 
>> video.  This is to say, I cannot find the pause/stop button.
>> I realize that my Safari skills are not as advanced as they should be 
>> so I'm hoping one of you Safarians can inform me as to how to stop the 
>> playback.
>> I grew so frustrated with this endeavor that I finally gave up and 
>> opened the article in Windows Explorer where I could read the text 
>> without being bothered with the video playback, via Jaws.
>> Article:
>> Pokemon Go could crash and burn this way
>> DD9EE0
>> 0AF25C9314BD07:r:22694667381686839172315209628767
>> All replies, greatly appreciated.
>> Mark
>> --
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Re: Reformatting drives on Mac: which entry in the table?

2016-07-16 Thread Jonathan Cohn
If you are migrating the disk from NTFS make sure that the partition map 
showing up in the physical disk is GUID partition map. Also, if you do the work 
from the first (physical) entry, at least in older versions of disk utility, 
you could specify the type of each partition there, so you wouldn't have to 
first do physical and then logical.


Jonathan Cohn

> On 16 Jul 2016, at 15:26, Alex Hall  wrote:
> Thanks. To be sure I have it right, that would be the first, collapsable 
> entry in the disks table? What would happen if I reformatted the volume and 
> not the physical disk? Would that leave it using NTFS, not letting me 
> partition it but with a Mac FS partition?
>> On Jul 16, 2016, at 15:06, Tim Kilburn > > wrote:
>> Hi,
>> If changing it from NTFS to an Apple File System, I'd use the physical disk, 
>> not the volume label.  In most cases, it just matters what you plan on using 
>> the disk for.  The physical disk maps out what volumes etc are present, and 
>> the items in the sub-list are the volumes present on the physical disk.  So, 
>> if it's only going to be used for a Mac, especially if it's possible that 
>> you wish it to be used for Time Machine as well., then it's best to format 
>> it as MacOS Extended (Journaled).
>> HTH.
>> Later...
>> Tim Kilburn
>> Fort McMurray, AB Canada
>> On Jul 16, 2016, at 12:36, Alex Hall > > wrote:
>> Hey list,
>> Something I've wondered for a long time but never bothered to check out is 
>> this. When reformatting a drive in OS X--sorry, macOS--Disk Utility shows me 
>> a table of disks. Most have two entries, one for the physical device and one 
>> for each volume on that device, I presume. I'm not even sure if that's 
>> correct. When reformatting, which do I choose? My mother has a 1TB NTFS 
>> drive that she wants me to reformat for use on a Mac. I've backed it up, and 
>> know to use the right file system and all that. What I'm wondering is which 
>> entry in the disks table to choose. Thanks.
>> --
>> Have a great day,
>> Alex Hall
>> -- 
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>> .
> --
> Have a great day,
> Alex Hall
> -- 
> The

Re: setting up rules in the mail app

2016-07-16 Thread Kawal Gucukoglu
Hi Mark.

Just read your message about Icloud and setting up rules.  I would have said 
this if you had not pasted this article.  The only thing is that I can’t access 
Icloud at work as the site has been blocked so it won’t work if the website is 

> On 16 Jul 2016, at 18:58, M. Taylor  wrote:
> Hello Walter,
> I am going to paste in a Mac World article, the link to which is located at 
> the end of the text, that should shed some light on this, for you.
> Mark
> Five iCloud email tricks you probably missed
> If you have an Apple ID, then you have an iCloud email account. This free 
> account gives you up to 5GB storage for your emails, minus what you use for 
> documents and other data you store in the cloud. It’s easy to work with your 
> iCloud email from Apple’s Mail, on the Mac, or on an iOS device. Still, you 
> may not know about the many extra options and features available if you log 
> into iCloud on the Web. 
> Before you can take advantage of any of the following tips, you need to turn 
> on iCloud. If you already have an Apple ID, which you use on the iTunes 
> store, you may never have set up iCloud. Read this article to get it up and 
> running. Once you've done that, you can use your email account and these five 
> tricks. 
> 1.
> Access email anywhere 
> While you may check your email on your Mac, iPhone or iPad, you can also 
> access your messages on the Web. This is useful if you need to get or send 
> email from a shared computer, but also if you need to send or receive files 
> when you’re on the road. Just log into, and click the Mail icon. 
> You’ll have access to all of your email—and all of your contacts, if you’ve 
> set iCloud to sync them—so you can send and receive messages and files. This 
> can be useful if you need to get a file and print it out when you’re visiting 
> a client or friend. 
> 2.
> Create rules that work on all your devices
> You can set up rules—filters that act on incoming email messages—using Mail 
> for OS X. (See this article for tips on using rules.) But these rules only 
> work on your Mac; they don’t have any effect on your iPhone or iPad, unless 
> you leave your Mac on all the time. If your Mac’s not running, your email 
> will simply flow into your iCloud account’s inbox. 
> But you can set up rules on the website that will move messages 
> before they get to any of your devices. For example, you can filter your 
> email so all the messages from your employer go into a specific mailbox. 
> To do this, you need to create a new mailbox; you can do this on your Mac or 
> iOS device, but with iCloud on the Web, just click the plus-sign (+) icon 
> next to Folders, then type a name for the new mailbox. 
> Next, click the gear icon at the top-right of the iCloud Mail interface, and 
> choose Rules. Click Add a Rule, then choose one of the first conditions: if a 
> message is from a specific person, has a subject containing a specific word, 
> and so on. In the next field, enter an email address (for a specific person), 
> a domain name, such as (this will filter any messages from that 
> domain), one or more words for subject filtering, and so on. 
> In the next section, choose either Move to Folder, Move to Trash, or Forward 
> to. Then select the folder to move the message to, or the email address to 
> forward it to. Click Done, and the rule will become active. 
> You can create rules so the iCloud sever will act on your email before it 
> gets to your Mac or your iOS device.
> Now, any messages meeting these conditions will be filtered on the iCloud 
> server, and you won’t need to leave your Mac on to do the job. 
> 3.
> Let everyone know you're away
> Here’s something you can’t do in Mail on the Mac, or on iOS. If you’re away 
> from work, or on vacation, you may want to set up an auto-response to tell 
> people when you’ll be back. Click the gear icon at the top-right of the 
> iCloud Mail page, then click Preferences. Click the Vacation icon, and check 
> Automatically reply to messages when they are received. Enter the text you’d 
> like sent, and then click Done. 
> Set up an auto-response when you're away or on vacation.
> You can combine this with Rules to route work messages to colleagues, too. 
> After you’ve set up the auto-response, click Rules, and create a rule for 
> specific addresses or domains, and forward them to the person at work who’s 
> filling in for you while you’re away. When you get back from your trip, just 
> delete the rule. 
> 4.
> Forward emails to another account
> You probably don’t have just an iCloud account; you may have another account 
> for work as well. If you get some emails in your iCloud account, you can 
> choose to forward them all to another account. This is a good way to use your 
> iCloud account for some of your email, and download it when you check your 
> main email account. Instead of checking 

Re: Reformatting drives on Mac: which entry in the table?

2016-07-16 Thread Tim Kilburn

You are right with respect to the first item in the list.  With respect to your 
question about only formatting the volume, I'm not totally sure as I've never 
tried it.  You are able to have both Mac and Windows based partitions on one 
physical disk, but I've never tried it with the initial partition map being 
NTFS.  If it did work, you would not be able to boot from that disk, nor be 
able to use it for Time Machine, but likely for data.

Refer to for some more info.


Tim Kilburn
Fort McMurray, AB Canada

On Jul 16, 2016, at 13:26, Alex Hall  wrote:

Thanks. To be sure I have it right, that would be the first, collapsable entry 
in the disks table? What would happen if I reformatted the volume and not the 
physical disk? Would that leave it using NTFS, not letting me partition it but 
with a Mac FS partition?
> On Jul 16, 2016, at 15:06, Tim Kilburn  > wrote:
> Hi,
> If changing it from NTFS to an Apple File System, I'd use the physical disk, 
> not the volume label.  In most cases, it just matters what you plan on using 
> the disk for.  The physical disk maps out what volumes etc are present, and 
> the items in the sub-list are the volumes present on the physical disk.  So, 
> if it's only going to be used for a Mac, especially if it's possible that you 
> wish it to be used for Time Machine as well., then it's best to format it as 
> MacOS Extended (Journaled).
> HTH.
> Later...
> Tim Kilburn
> Fort McMurray, AB Canada
> On Jul 16, 2016, at 12:36, Alex Hall  > wrote:
> Hey list,
> Something I've wondered for a long time but never bothered to check out is 
> this. When reformatting a drive in OS X--sorry, macOS--Disk Utility shows me 
> a table of disks. Most have two entries, one for the physical device and one 
> for each volume on that device, I presume. I'm not even sure if that's 
> correct. When reformatting, which do I choose? My mother has a 1TB NTFS drive 
> that she wants me to reformat for use on a Mac. I've backed it up, and know 
> to use the right file system and all that. What I'm wondering is which entry 
> in the disks table to choose. Thanks.
> --
> Have a great day,
> Alex Hall
> -- 
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Have a great da

Re: Reformatting drives on Mac: which entry in the table?

2016-07-16 Thread Alex Hall
Thanks. To be sure I have it right, that would be the first, collapsable entry 
in the disks table? What would happen if I reformatted the volume and not the 
physical disk? Would that leave it using NTFS, not letting me partition it but 
with a Mac FS partition?
> On Jul 16, 2016, at 15:06, Tim Kilburn  wrote:
> Hi,
> If changing it from NTFS to an Apple File System, I'd use the physical disk, 
> not the volume label.  In most cases, it just matters what you plan on using 
> the disk for.  The physical disk maps out what volumes etc are present, and 
> the items in the sub-list are the volumes present on the physical disk.  So, 
> if it's only going to be used for a Mac, especially if it's possible that you 
> wish it to be used for Time Machine as well., then it's best to format it as 
> MacOS Extended (Journaled).
> HTH.
> Later...
> Tim Kilburn
> Fort McMurray, AB Canada
> On Jul 16, 2016, at 12:36, Alex Hall  > wrote:
> Hey list,
> Something I've wondered for a long time but never bothered to check out is 
> this. When reformatting a drive in OS X--sorry, macOS--Disk Utility shows me 
> a table of disks. Most have two entries, one for the physical device and one 
> for each volume on that device, I presume. I'm not even sure if that's 
> correct. When reformatting, which do I choose? My mother has a 1TB NTFS drive 
> that she wants me to reformat for use on a Mac. I've backed it up, and know 
> to use the right file system and all that. What I'm wondering is which entry 
> in the disks table to choose. Thanks.
> --
> Have a great day,
> Alex Hall
> -- 
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Have a great day,
Alex Hall

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To u

Re: Reformatting drives on Mac: which entry in the table?

2016-07-16 Thread Tim Kilburn

If changing it from NTFS to an Apple File System, I'd use the physical disk, 
not the volume label.  In most cases, it just matters what you plan on using 
the disk for.  The physical disk maps out what volumes etc are present, and the 
items in the sub-list are the volumes present on the physical disk.  So, if 
it's only going to be used for a Mac, especially if it's possible that you wish 
it to be used for Time Machine as well., then it's best to format it as MacOS 
Extended (Journaled).



Tim Kilburn
Fort McMurray, AB Canada

On Jul 16, 2016, at 12:36, Alex Hall  wrote:

Hey list,
Something I've wondered for a long time but never bothered to check out is 
this. When reformatting a drive in OS X--sorry, macOS--Disk Utility shows me a 
table of disks. Most have two entries, one for the physical device and one for 
each volume on that device, I presume. I'm not even sure if that's correct. 
When reformatting, which do I choose? My mother has a 1TB NTFS drive that she 
wants me to reformat for use on a Mac. I've backed it up, and know to use the 
right file system and all that. What I'm wondering is which entry in the disks 
table to choose. Thanks.

Have a great day,
Alex Hall 

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If you have any questions or concerns about the running of this list, or if you 
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RE: setting up rules in the mail app

2016-07-16 Thread CHUCK REICHEL
Hello Walter,

I am going to paste in a Mac World article, the link to which is located at the 
end of the text, that should shed some light on this, for you.


Five iCloud email tricks you probably missed

If you have an Apple ID, then you have an iCloud email account. This free 
account gives you up to 5GB storage for your emails, minus what you use for 
documents and other data you store in the cloud. It’s easy to work with your 
iCloud email from Apple’s Mail, on the Mac, or on an iOS device. Still, you may 
not know about the many extra options and features available if you log into 
iCloud on the Web. 

Before you can take advantage of any of the following tips, you need to turn on 
iCloud. If you already have an Apple ID, which you use on the iTunes store, you 
may never have set up iCloud. Read this article to get it up and running. Once 
you've done that, you can use your email account and these five tricks. 

Access email anywhere 
While you may check your email on your Mac, iPhone or iPad, you can also access 
your messages on the Web. This is useful if you need to get or send email from 
a shared computer, but also if you need to send or receive files when you’re on 
the road. Just log into, and click the Mail icon. You’ll have access 
to all of your email—and all of your contacts, if you’ve set iCloud to sync 
them—so you can send and receive messages and files. This can be useful if you 
need to get a file and print it out when you’re visiting a client or friend. 

Create rules that work on all your devices
You can set up rules—filters that act on incoming email messages—using Mail for 
OS X. (See this article for tips on using rules.) But these rules only work on 
your Mac; they don’t have any effect on your iPhone or iPad, unless you leave 
your Mac on all the time. If your Mac’s not running, your email will simply 
flow into your iCloud account’s inbox. 

But you can set up rules on the website that will move messages 
before they get to any of your devices. For example, you can filter your email 
so all the messages from your employer go into a specific mailbox. 

To do this, you need to create a new mailbox; you can do this on your Mac or 
iOS device, but with iCloud on the Web, just click the plus-sign (+) icon next 
to Folders, then type a name for the new mailbox. 

Next, click the gear icon at the top-right of the iCloud Mail interface, and 
choose Rules. Click Add a Rule, then choose one of the first conditions: if a 
message is from a specific person, has a subject containing a specific word, 
and so on. In the next field, enter an email address (for a specific person), a 
domain name, such as (this will filter any messages from that 
domain), one or more words for subject filtering, and so on. 

In the next section, choose either Move to Folder, Move to Trash, or Forward 
to. Then select the folder to move the message to, or the email address to 
forward it to. Click Done, and the rule will become active. 

You can create rules so the iCloud sever will act on your email before it gets 
to your Mac or your iOS device.

Now, any messages meeting these conditions will be filtered on the iCloud 
server, and you won’t need to leave your Mac on to do the job. 

Let everyone know you're away
Here’s something you can’t do in Mail on the Mac, or on iOS. If you’re away 
from work, or on vacation, you may want to set up an auto-response to tell 
people when you’ll be back. Click the gear icon at the top-right of the iCloud 
Mail page, then click Preferences. Click the Vacation icon, and check 
Automatically reply to messages when they are received. Enter the text you’d 
like sent, and then click Done. 

Set up an auto-response when you're away or on vacation.

You can combine this with Rules to route work messages to colleagues, too. 
After you’ve set up the auto-response, click Rules, and create a rule for 
specific addresses or domains, and forward them to the person at work who’s 
filling in for you while you’re away. When you get back from your trip, just 
delete the rule. 

Forward emails to another account
You probably don’t have just an iCloud account; you may have another account 
for work as well. If you get some emails in your iCloud account, you can choose 
to forward them all to another account. This is a good way to use your iCloud 
account for some of your email, and download it when you check your main email 
account. Instead of checking two accounts, you can just check one. 

Click the gear icon at the top-right of the iCloud Mail page, click 
Preferences, and then click General. Next to Forwarding, check Forward my email 
to, and enter an email address, such as your other account. You can also check 
Delete messages after forwarding, if you don’t want them clogging up your 
iCloud mailbox. 

Avoid spam with iCloud aliases
Set up email aliases to protect your main address from spam. Use an alias to 
sign up for online new

Re: A question I'd really like some serious thought to be given to regarding iOS.

2016-07-16 Thread Jessica Moss
I find Garage band to be a real disappointment to work with as well, which is 
really upsetting to me.  My dad does a lot with it on his ipad, and uplodes it 
to facebook, so I thought I could possibly create some of those same tracks, 
until I tried in vain and after accidentally taping on drums I didn’t want, and 
not being able to correct them, then after watching him create tracks with his 
ipad, seeing how he was able to take them in and out on the fly, something you 
apparently can’t do with voiceover, and how knowing your musical notes helps 
(something I’m not good with) I’ve for the most part given it up.

> On Jul 13, 2016, at 7:05 AM, Christopher-Mark Gilland  
> wrote:
> OK guys,
> First of all, no doubt, I get that this isn't gonna be the experience I'd 
> have on the mac OSX side of things with ProTools, or Logic, but I really 
> would like some serious thought on this.  I've got an IPad, and really would 
> like to know to what extent the accessibility is with the iOS version of 
> Garageband.  When I tried it last, I couldn't make any sense of its UI at all.
> I've had a few people from this list, don't remember who, who told me flat 
> out that Garageband did work with Voiceover on iOS.  They said I can bring 
> the on screen keyboard up, then can do little things like playing Mary had a 
> Little lamb, or hot cross buns.  OK, that's all fine and kiddy kiddy, here, 
> kiddy kiddy, nice, kiddy, but I wanna get some real brutally honest answers 
> here from people who may be a little above the level of Twinkle.  OK, 
> inevitably, it's an on screen keyboard, so I'm not gonna really be able to do 
> Moonlight Sonata, or Hendel Messiah's Hallelujah chorus, LOL! Not that I'd do 
> those anyway, but point is, I know I'd be somewhat limited, but really how 
> much power do we have with Voiceover either on or off?  Keep in mind, though 
> I have some vision, if I turned off Voiceover, I really don't have enough 
> usable sight to do anything all that productive, not even with Zoom.
> Ultimately, what I'd like to do is to look at getting an audio interface that 
> would let me connect my IPad via its lightning port, then record directly 
> into it with a professional grade microphone which would connect to the 
> interface via male to female XLR mike cable, then maybe also patch in my 
> keyboard with standard stareo quarter inch gold tip plugs.  Basically I want 
> an interface like I already have only one that has IPad or IPhone docking 
> ability so I could let the IPad basically be the recording DAW hardware.
> Ideally, I'd already have stem tracks of all the instruments.  I'd simply 
> just want to be able to import those wave or mp3 stems into my GB project, 
> again, on iOS, not on OSX, on to seperet stereo audio tracks, then create a 
> mono audio track for my vocals, track them, and maybe some backings, then add 
> maybe a little delay, or maybe a little reverb to the vocals, maybe lay down 
> a backing part, then bounce to M4A, or mp3, and somehow then get it back over 
> to my mac for further distribution.
> I know in the sighted world, all of this is super super super doable.  I just 
> don't know how much I could actually do with Voiceover.  Again, I'm perfectly 
> happy/comfortable with doing all this from my mac.  I'm just trying to figure 
> out specifically on iOS.
> Am I wishing way too much for GB at this point from an accessibility 
> standpoint?  I probably am, but I can't help asking.  Again, basic little 
> things, banging out If you're birdy and you know it chirp along, is one 
> thing, but can I really! actually use this for production work?  I don't need 
> to edit things right now.  I just need to record.  If I goof up, then just 
> undo, and do another take.  I'm not concerned with routing through AUX 
> tracks, or sends, I'm not interested in comping, I don't need to write 
> automation, none of that.  I just need to bang out a basic recording of my  
> vocals on top of a few stem tracks, then bounce it out.
> Any thoughts?  I know, again, you get the point, but I cannot stress enough, 
> I'm asking about GB on iOS, not! on OSX with the mac.  Make that entirely 
> clear.
> Chris.
> -- 
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Re: Reformatting drives on Mac: which entry in the table?

2016-07-16 Thread Jeffrey Shockley
I always have chosen the entry in the table where the name of the partition on 
the drive you want to reformat is listed. The one below where it has the 
physical device listed. This method has always worked for me. Hopefully, it 
will for you as well. :)
I hope this helps,
> On Jul 16, 2016, at 2:36 PM, Alex Hall  wrote:
> Hey list,
> Something I've wondered for a long time but never bothered to check out is 
> this. When reformatting a drive in OS X--sorry, macOS--Disk Utility shows me 
> a table of disks. Most have two entries, one for the physical device and one 
> for each volume on that device, I presume. I'm not even sure if that's 
> correct. When reformatting, which do I choose? My mother has a 1TB NTFS drive 
> that she wants me to reformat for use on a Mac. I've backed it up, and know 
> to use the right file system and all that. What I'm wondering is which entry 
> in the disks table to choose. Thanks.
> --
> Have a great day,
> Alex Hall
> -- 
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Reformatting drives on Mac: which entry in the table?

2016-07-16 Thread Alex Hall
Hey list,
Something I've wondered for a long time but never bothered to check out is 
this. When reformatting a drive in OS X--sorry, macOS--Disk Utility shows me a 
table of disks. Most have two entries, one for the physical device and one for 
each volume on that device, I presume. I'm not even sure if that's correct. 
When reformatting, which do I choose? My mother has a 1TB NTFS drive that she 
wants me to reformat for use on a Mac. I've backed it up, and know to use the 
right file system and all that. What I'm wondering is which entry in the disks 
table to choose. Thanks.

Have a great day,
Alex Hall

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RE: I Need a Little Help in Safari

2016-07-16 Thread M. Taylor
Hello Erik,

Thank you for the Command+Shift+R tip; I'd forgotten all about it.  While using 
that key combo made the text easier to navigate, it did nothing to stop/or even 
access the video controls.

By the way, I read the Safari help article, on the web and I did not see the 
listing for the Command+Shift+R key combo.


-Original Message-
From: [] 
On Behalf Of Erik Burggraaf
Sent: Saturday, July 16, 2016 10:45 AM
Subject: Re: I Need a Little Help in Safari

Hi did you try using command shift R to bring up the article reader this should 
have stripped everything out of the page that was in your way including the 
flash video leaving only the article with possibly a couple of extra links let 
me know if this works for you

Sent with AquaMail for Android

On July 16, 2016 1:42:13 PM "M. Taylor"  wrote:

> Hello Everyone,
> Earlier today, I received an email in my Inbox with a link to a cNet 
> article that I wanted to read.
> When I click on the link, Safari opens and, in addition to the text, a 
> Flash video begins to play.  Try as I may, I cannot seem to stop the 
> video.  This is to say, I cannot find the pause/stop button.
> I realize that my Safari skills are not as advanced as they should be 
> so I'm hoping one of you Safarians can inform me as to how to stop the 
> playback.
> I grew so frustrated with this endeavor that I finally gave up and 
> opened the article in Windows Explorer where I could read the text 
> without being bothered with the video playback, via Jaws.
> Article:
> Pokemon Go could crash and burn this way
> DD9EE0
> 0AF25C9314BD07:r:22694667381686839172315209628767
> All replies, greatly appreciated.
> Mark
> --
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> Visionaries list.
> If you have any questions or concerns about the running of this list, 
> or if you feel that a member's post is inappropriate, please contact 
> the owners or moderators directly rather than posting on the list itself.
> Your Mac Visionaries list moderator is Mark Taylor and your owner is 
> Cara Quinn - you can reach Cara at
> The archives for this list can be searched at:
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RE: setting up rules in the mail app

2016-07-16 Thread M. Taylor
Hello Walter,

I am going to paste in a Mac World article, the link to which is located at the 
end of the text, that should shed some light on this, for you.


Five iCloud email tricks you probably missed

If you have an Apple ID, then you have an iCloud email account. This free 
account gives you up to 5GB storage for your emails, minus what you use for 
documents and other data you store in the cloud. It’s easy to work with your 
iCloud email from Apple’s Mail, on the Mac, or on an iOS device. Still, you may 
not know about the many extra options and features available if you log into 
iCloud on the Web. 

Before you can take advantage of any of the following tips, you need to turn on 
iCloud. If you already have an Apple ID, which you use on the iTunes store, you 
may never have set up iCloud. Read this article to get it up and running. Once 
you've done that, you can use your email account and these five tricks. 

Access email anywhere 
While you may check your email on your Mac, iPhone or iPad, you can also access 
your messages on the Web. This is useful if you need to get or send email from 
a shared computer, but also if you need to send or receive files when you’re on 
the road. Just log into, and click the Mail icon. You’ll have access 
to all of your email—and all of your contacts, if you’ve set iCloud to sync 
them—so you can send and receive messages and files. This can be useful if you 
need to get a file and print it out when you’re visiting a client or friend. 

Create rules that work on all your devices
You can set up rules—filters that act on incoming email messages—using Mail for 
OS X. (See this article for tips on using rules.) But these rules only work on 
your Mac; they don’t have any effect on your iPhone or iPad, unless you leave 
your Mac on all the time. If your Mac’s not running, your email will simply 
flow into your iCloud account’s inbox. 

But you can set up rules on the website that will move messages 
before they get to any of your devices. For example, you can filter your email 
so all the messages from your employer go into a specific mailbox. 

To do this, you need to create a new mailbox; you can do this on your Mac or 
iOS device, but with iCloud on the Web, just click the plus-sign (+) icon next 
to Folders, then type a name for the new mailbox. 

Next, click the gear icon at the top-right of the iCloud Mail interface, and 
choose Rules. Click Add a Rule, then choose one of the first conditions: if a 
message is from a specific person, has a subject containing a specific word, 
and so on. In the next field, enter an email address (for a specific person), a 
domain name, such as (this will filter any messages from that 
domain), one or more words for subject filtering, and so on. 

In the next section, choose either Move to Folder, Move to Trash, or Forward 
to. Then select the folder to move the message to, or the email address to 
forward it to. Click Done, and the rule will become active. 

You can create rules so the iCloud sever will act on your email before it gets 
to your Mac or your iOS device.

Now, any messages meeting these conditions will be filtered on the iCloud 
server, and you won’t need to leave your Mac on to do the job. 

Let everyone know you're away
Here’s something you can’t do in Mail on the Mac, or on iOS. If you’re away 
from work, or on vacation, you may want to set up an auto-response to tell 
people when you’ll be back. Click the gear icon at the top-right of the iCloud 
Mail page, then click Preferences. Click the Vacation icon, and check 
Automatically reply to messages when they are received. Enter the text you’d 
like sent, and then click Done. 

Set up an auto-response when you're away or on vacation.

You can combine this with Rules to route work messages to colleagues, too. 
After you’ve set up the auto-response, click Rules, and create a rule for 
specific addresses or domains, and forward them to the person at work who’s 
filling in for you while you’re away. When you get back from your trip, just 
delete the rule. 

Forward emails to another account
You probably don’t have just an iCloud account; you may have another account 
for work as well. If you get some emails in your iCloud account, you can choose 
to forward them all to another account. This is a good way to use your iCloud 
account for some of your email, and download it when you check your main email 
account. Instead of checking two accounts, you can just check one. 

Click the gear icon at the top-right of the iCloud Mail page, click 
Preferences, and then click General. Next to Forwarding, check Forward my email 
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Re: I Need a Little Help in Safari

2016-07-16 Thread Erik Burggraaf
Hi did you try using command shift R to bring up the article reader this 
should have stripped everything out of the page that was in your way 
including the flash video leaving only the article with possibly a couple 
of extra links let me know if this works for you

Sent with AquaMail for Android

On July 16, 2016 1:42:13 PM "M. Taylor"  wrote:

Hello Everyone,

Earlier today, I received an email in my Inbox with a link to a cNet article
that I wanted to read.

When I click on the link, Safari opens and, in addition to the text, a Flash
video begins to play.  Try as I may, I cannot seem to stop the video.  This
is to say, I cannot find the pause/stop button.

I realize that my Safari skills are not as advanced as they should be so I'm
hoping one of you Safarians can inform me as to how to stop the playback.

I grew so frustrated with this endeavor that I finally gave up and opened
the article in Windows Explorer where I could read the text without being
bothered with the video playback, via Jaws.

Pokemon Go could crash and burn this way

All replies, greatly appreciated.


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I Need a Little Help in Safari

2016-07-16 Thread M. Taylor
Hello Everyone,

Earlier today, I received an email in my Inbox with a link to a cNet article
that I wanted to read.  

When I click on the link, Safari opens and, in addition to the text, a Flash
video begins to play.  Try as I may, I cannot seem to stop the video.  This
is to say, I cannot find the pause/stop button.  

I realize that my Safari skills are not as advanced as they should be so I'm
hoping one of you Safarians can inform me as to how to stop the playback.  

I grew so frustrated with this endeavor that I finally gave up and opened
the article in Windows Explorer where I could read the text without being
bothered with the video playback, via Jaws.  

Pokemon Go could crash and burn this way

All replies, greatly appreciated.


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I emptied the trash by unlocking the backup folder

2016-07-16 Thread Joshua Tubbs
Hi everyone,
So I figured out the problem regarding the trash and my Time Machine backup. 
The solution is pretty simple actually, at least for me.
Setting chflags to -R on any file will unlock it if it happens to be locked. 
So, in terminal, you can do:
chflags -R nouchg 
To have the path of the trash files or any file path in finder auto-filled in, 
you can simply drag it to the terminal. Believe it or not, with the finder, 
this works with VoiceOver’s drag and drop commands.
I then emptied the trash and it successfully emptied.

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Re: Deleting a Time Machine Backup in the trash

2016-07-16 Thread Tim Kilburn

The Trash for each media device is kept on that device.  So, the Trash for an 
external drive will reside on that drive itself.  Therefore, erasing the drive 
will also eliminate its related Trash.  You will, likely, need to turn off Time 
Machine before the erase will be permitted.


Tim Kilburn
Fort McMurray, AB Canada

On Jul 16, 2016, at 09:04, Joshua Tubbs  wrote:

Yes, but the backup data is in the trash now so can’t that is what I am trying 
to get rid of.

> On Jul 16, 2016, at 3:50 AM, Simon Fogarty  wrote:
> What about just eraising the intire disk using disk utilities?
> That will give you a clean slate to start again with.
> And if you have everything on your new machine then your not going to lose 
> anything 
> Just a thought.
> -Original Message-
> From: 
> [] On Behalf Of Joshua Tubbs
> Sent: Saturday, 16 July 2016 6:21 AM
> To: 'Maxwell Ivey' via MacVisionaries 
> Subject: Deleting a Time Machine Backup in the trash
> Hi everyone,
> I am wondering how to delete a time machine backup in the trash? I delete the 
> trash, tell it that I want to remove all items, including locked ones, but 
> then it tells me that some of the backup folders, such as the user folder, 
> which is now on this new Mac, my home folder and something dated something in 
> July, are all in use.
> Is there any way to delete this? I want it completely trashed. Furthermore, I 
> don’t have a drive bigger than my now current internal of 2 TB, so I guess I 
> won’t be using Time Machine for now. I wonder if there are other, better 
> backup utilities I can use instead?
> I thought about paying for a Bazkblaze subscription to back this stuff up. 
> Not sure if there’s anything better than Backblaze.
> Thanks all.
> -- 
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Re: Deleting a Time Machine Backup in the trash

2016-07-16 Thread Joshua Tubbs
Yes, but the backup data is in the trash now so can’t that is what I am trying 
to get rid of.

> On Jul 16, 2016, at 3:50 AM, Simon Fogarty  wrote:
> What about just eraising the intire disk using disk utilities?
> That will give you a clean slate to start again with.
> And if you have everything on your new machine then your not going to lose 
> anything 
> Just a thought.
> -Original Message-
> From: 
> [] On Behalf Of Joshua Tubbs
> Sent: Saturday, 16 July 2016 6:21 AM
> To: 'Maxwell Ivey' via MacVisionaries 
> Subject: Deleting a Time Machine Backup in the trash
> Hi everyone,
> I am wondering how to delete a time machine backup in the trash? I delete the 
> trash, tell it that I want to remove all items, including locked ones, but 
> then it tells me that some of the backup folders, such as the user folder, 
> which is now on this new Mac, my home folder and something dated something in 
> July, are all in use.
> Is there any way to delete this? I want it completely trashed. Furthermore, I 
> don’t have a drive bigger than my now current internal of 2 TB, so I guess I 
> won’t be using Time Machine for now. I wonder if there are other, better 
> backup utilities I can use instead?
> I thought about paying for a Bazkblaze subscription to back this stuff up. 
> Not sure if there’s anything better than Backblaze.
> Thanks all.
> -- 
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Re: Trying to connect a USB headset

2016-07-16 Thread Tim Kilburn

Try using System Preferences, under the Sound pane, the Output tab.


Tim Kilburn
Fort McMurray, AB Canada

On Jul 16, 2016, at 08:56, Sharon Hooley  wrote:


I have a USB headset that I want to connect with my Mac Air using OS 10 or 
above and/or Windows 10 on that machine.  I had no trouble hitching it to my 
former Windows laptop, but for some reason I haven't been able to have success. 
 I try to add it, but it seems inaccessible to go through the dialog.  I also 
tried to select it from the play-back area of the audio devices group.  Is 
there a way around this or anything else I should try?


Sharon H.

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Trying to connect a USB headset

2016-07-16 Thread Sharon Hooley

I have a USB headset that I want to connect with my Mac Air using OS 10 or 
above and/or Windows 10 on that machine.  I had no trouble hitching it to my 
former Windows laptop, but for some reason I haven't been able to have success. 
 I try to add it, but it seems inaccessible to go through the dialog.  I also 
tried to select it from the play-back area of the audio devices group.  Is 
there a way around this or anything else I should try?


Sharon H.

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Re: VMware Fusion: When the keyboard commands are not being sent to WIndows

2016-07-16 Thread matthew dyer


Make sure you are in full screen mode.  HTH.


On 07/15/2016 08:49 PM, Joshua Tubbs wrote:

Hi everyone,
I was able to install Windows 10 as a Virtual Machine. I pressed command, which 
is Windows key, and suddenly tab or any other command was being sent to the Mac 
tabbing to suspend, Unity etc.
Is there a way to avoid this? Furthermore, when this happens, how do I start 
sending keys to Windows again? Currently, I have to quit Fusion and start it up 
again. CMD-G used to work, not anymore.

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Re: HP's radical new computing design or Singularity here we come!

2016-07-16 Thread Cheree Heppe
Good one!

Sent from my iPhone

> On Jul 16, 2016, at 07:12, Donna Goodin  wrote:
> Wow, Scot, I probably only understand half of that, but it's crazy.  Thanks 
> for sharing.
> Cheers,
> Donna
>> On Jul 15, 2016, at 10:40 PM, Scott Granados  wrote:
>> Absolutely startling developments at HP that may impact us all.  It dwarfs 
>> what Apple is doing in the cloud or even the idea of the cloud.  It’s also 
>> probably one of your m ore frightening advertising videos.  It’s tied in 
>> with Star Trek believe it or not but basically they’re using the idea of the 
>> Singularity (AKA Ray Kurzweil and the Singularity).
>> The idea is that instead of processors and nodes in the cloud like we have 
>> now there will be a massive pile of addressable memory.  They have built 
>> this system, memory is stored on fabric made of photons meaning memory is 
>> stored on particles of light instead of electrons.  This means a base 
>> increase of performance over conventional circuits of 1000 times but it gets 
>> crazier than that.  Once data is stored in photons you can start applying 
>> principles of quantum mechanics using ideas like entanglement to instantly 
>> transfer data over any distance.  Think of a radio wave taking 8 minutes to 
>> get from our Sun to our planet in perfect conditions, now imagine modulating 
>> one out of two photons in a pair and seeing it’s results over that same 
>> distance instantly because information can exceed the speed of light.
>>  Imagine HP releasing this to open source developers so unix instances 
>> automatically boot with hooks in to this memory fabric, the internet of 
>> things starts dumping data in to this system.  By 2020 there will be over 30 
>> billion connected devices, that level of connectivity will crush the network 
>> as it stands today but ideas like this allow us to progress past Moore’s law 
>> right down to the photon level rather than primitive atoms.:)
>> Read a lot more here
>> I used to laugh at the idea of computing becoming self aware and intelligent 
>> especially by 2029 on the near end or 2045 on the far end.  IF possible I 
>> used to think it would take hundreds of years especially considering where 
>> we started.  I’m not laughing any more.  I’m wondering if 2029 isn’t to far 
>> out?  I’m not sure if I’m ready for my computing infrastructure to be alive 
>> rather than a thing.  Wait until the human machine interfaces become so good 
>> that you hard wire your brain right to the network and we’ve got 9 billion 
>> brains available for parallel processing.  I’m in!  For anyone who doubts 
>> it, go outside, look at the billion people staring at their phones wandering 
>> around the country side staring like zombies in their phones finding 
>> Pokemon.  This enhanced reality thing, it’s just the primitive start, the 
>> model A ford equivalent of it’s time, it’s about to get really really 
>> interesting!
>> -- 
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Re: Deleting a Time Machine Backup in the trash

2016-07-16 Thread Tim Kilburn

That's a very good suggestion.  I've done just that on occasion.  If your 
backup folder is rather large, like 2, 3 or 4 TB, it actually takes quite a 
while to empty the Trash.  It can even make you believe that your computer has 
hung, even though it has not.  Once you turn off Time Machine, you can then 
erase the HD where the backup resides, and it will be a much quicker and 
actually cleaner process for your backup HD.


Tim Kilburn
Fort McMurray, AB Canada

On Jul 16, 2016, at 01:50, Simon Fogarty  wrote:

What about just eraising the intire disk using disk utilities?

That will give you a clean slate to start again with.

And if you have everything on your new machine then your not going to lose 

Just a thought.

-Original Message-
From: [] 
On Behalf Of Joshua Tubbs
Sent: Saturday, 16 July 2016 6:21 AM
To: 'Maxwell Ivey' via MacVisionaries 
Subject: Deleting a Time Machine Backup in the trash

Hi everyone,
I am wondering how to delete a time machine backup in the trash? I delete the 
trash, tell it that I want to remove all items, including locked ones, but then 
it tells me that some of the backup folders, such as the user folder, which is 
now on this new Mac, my home folder and something dated something in July, are 
all in use.
Is there any way to delete this? I want it completely trashed. Furthermore, I 
don’t have a drive bigger than my now current internal of 2 TB, so I guess I 
won’t be using Time Machine for now. I wonder if there are other, better backup 
utilities I can use instead?
I thought about paying for a Bazkblaze subscription to back this stuff up. Not 
sure if there’s anything better than Backblaze.
Thanks all.

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Re: Can't delete my time machine backups folder due to not having permissions?

2016-07-16 Thread Tim Kilburn

To verify that you're an Admin, go into system Preferences, Users & Groups and 
interact with the Users, Groups & Login Options list.  Your user will be listed 
there and should also announce whether it's just a "User" or an "Admin".  
Regarding emptying the Trash, The Backup item is still linked to Time Machine, 
so it will not allow you to totally get rid of it.  To get around this, go into 
System Preferences, Time Machine and turn Time Machine off.  Once it is off, 
you should be able to empty the Trash.  If not, then you may still need to 
restart then empty.  After it has been emptied, you can go back into System 
Prefs, Time Machine and turn it back on.


Tim Kilburn
Fort McMurray, AB Canada

On Jul 16, 2016, at 08:01, Joshua Tubbs  wrote:

I’m the administrator. I entered my password and got that. Unless the migration 
assistant made my account a user when I transferred everything over? How can I 
verify that I’m an admin?

> On Jul 16, 2016, at 4:11 AM, Simon Fogarty  wrote:
> Are you the administrator of the machine or just a user?
> -Original Message-
> From: 
> [] On Behalf Of Joshua Tubbs
> Sent: Saturday, 16 July 2016 7:57 PM
> To: 'Maxwell Ivey' via MacVisionaries 
> Subject: Can't delete my time machine backups folder due to not having 
> permissions?
> Hi everyone,
> So, this backups.upd or whatever is still in my trash. Going to empty the 
> trash normally causes an endless loop of “X” still in use, even after a 
> restart.
> When I go to the “delete immediately” option in the trash, it says I don’t 
> have permissions.
> Help? I hate having stuff in my trash.
> Thanks.
> -- 
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Re: To Devon, (was This blind Apple engineer is transforming the tech world at only 22

2016-07-16 Thread Donna Goodin
Hey Scott,

Don't forget online options.  Most campuses offer a lot of their Gen Ed 
classes--and some other as well--online.  Obviously, you have the option of an 
online degree like David mentioned, but you also have the option of a more 
traditional degree with just completing your core requirements online.  There 
are tons of different possible configurations.  And I agree with David, by the 
way.  If this is important for you, go for it.  Like I said, you're quite 
obviously intelligent enough to do this, you just need to figure out the best 
option for you.
> On Jul 15, 2016, at 10:53 PM, Scott Granados  wrote:
> David, that’s a lot to think about there but all very true.  I actually did 
> attempt some college classes during period while I was floundering before I 
> started my first business and did very well with them.  I was lucky to live 
> near a small very high end liberal arts college and took some very 
> interesting music technology classes as well as an English class that I 
> absolutely loved.  I really hadn’t had a professor before that was very 
> inspired in literature and lucked out and took a class on World War II 
> literature taught by the dean of the department and the reading was demanding 
> but one of my favorite non technical classes of all time.
>   The school assigned a technologist to work with me in the music program 
> since screen reading wasn’t nearly as developed as it is now although from 
> what Katy was saying I probably should have looked at outspoken more.  I 
> think the big advantage for me was the class sizes were extremely small, most 
> of my classes in technology were 2 people including me and the English class 
> was large but much more fun that way do to the in class discussions.
>   If I stay up here in Massachusetts which is basically college central I 
> wonder if I should approach a school and see if they have any programs that 
> specialize in smaller sizes.  MIT has approached me several times to work for 
> them as an engineer and they offer free classes to employees.  I wouldn’t 
> object to throwing money at the problem (I’m good at that) and paying for 
> more personalized instruction since I don’t do well in a lot of large 
> lectures with white boards as we discussed earlier.
> As always David, you’ve given me a lot to think about.
>> On Jul 15, 2016, at 9:02 PM, David Chittenden  wrote:
>> Scott,
>> You always have time to go back and attend university.
>> I went to a university directly after high school and flunked out. I never 
>> reported that year to any other education institution. This way, I escaped 
>> the C- GPA drag.
>> I then attended community college for a few years part-time, only taking 
>> classes that interested me. I then went to massage school (a 9 month program 
>> which I graduated from when I was 27).
>> When I was 38, I decided I wanted to x-patriate myself from the US. I looked 
>> into it and discovered that I would need a masters degree because I am 
>> blind. So, I looked at my skills and realised I have excellent understanding 
>> of business. So, I located a fully accredited (highest accreditation in US 
>> is regional which is the only one accepted overseas), and applied to and 
>> entered an online university which met the criteria. A year later, I 
>> graduated at the top of my class with a bachelors. Thanks to the appropriate 
>> accreditation, and my grades, I easily entered a masters program when I was 
>> 40.
>> The truth is, university was much easier for me when I returned at 38. I had 
>> developed the drive and focus which I lacked when I was 18. Put another way, 
>> now is as good a time as any to go back to university.
>> David Chittenden, MSc, MRCAA
>> Email:
>> Mobile: +64 21 2288 288
>> Sent from my iPhone
>>> On 16 Jul 2016, at 12:04, Scott Granados  wrote:
>>> Wow, I wish I was smart, I could never get the whole education school thing 
>>> down.  I tried college, dropped out and started a business, tried again, 
>>> lost focus, started another business and moved on.  I’ve always felt guilty 
>>> about it.  My poor mother wanted to see me graduate college with a degree 
>>> so badly.  Always felt like I let her down.
>>> Oh well I went the long way but my positions more recently and career have 
>>> made up for a lot but I always wished I had the focus and stuff to get 
>>> through and do well in college.
 On Jul 15, 2016, at 12:53 PM, Vaughn Brown  wrote:
 I loved attending my community college. It was a great way to ease
 into a college life, meet new people.
> On 7/15/16, Simon Fogarty  wrote:
> Hi Donna and Devin,
> Devin, if your as sheltered as you make it sound, Donnas suggestion of a
> community college would be a great idea, you would also get to meet many
> other people from all walks of life.
> I’ve me

Re: HP's radical new computing design or Singularity here we come!

2016-07-16 Thread Donna Goodin
Wow, Scot, I probably only understand half of that, but it's crazy.  Thanks for 
> On Jul 15, 2016, at 10:40 PM, Scott Granados  wrote:
> Absolutely startling developments at HP that may impact us all.  It dwarfs 
> what Apple is doing in the cloud or even the idea of the cloud.  It’s also 
> probably one of your m ore frightening advertising videos.  It’s tied in with 
> Star Trek believe it or not but basically they’re using the idea of the 
> Singularity (AKA Ray Kurzweil and the Singularity).
> The idea is that instead of processors and nodes in the cloud like we have 
> now there will be a massive pile of addressable memory.  They have built this 
> system, memory is stored on fabric made of photons meaning memory is stored 
> on particles of light instead of electrons.  This means a base increase of 
> performance over conventional circuits of 1000 times but it gets crazier than 
> that.  Once data is stored in photons you can start applying principles of 
> quantum mechanics using ideas like entanglement to instantly transfer data 
> over any distance.  Think of a radio wave taking 8 minutes to get from our 
> Sun to our planet in perfect conditions, now imagine modulating one out of 
> two photons in a pair and seeing it’s results over that same distance 
> instantly because information can exceed the speed of light.
>   Imagine HP releasing this to open source developers so unix instances 
> automatically boot with hooks in to this memory fabric, the internet of 
> things starts dumping data in to this system.  By 2020 there will be over 30 
> billion connected devices, that level of connectivity will crush the network 
> as it stands today but ideas like this allow us to progress past Moore’s law 
> right down to the photon level rather than primitive atoms.:)
> Read a lot more here
> I used to laugh at the idea of computing becoming self aware and intelligent 
> especially by 2029 on the near end or 2045 on the far end.  IF possible I 
> used to think it would take hundreds of years especially considering where we 
> started.  I’m not laughing any more.  I’m wondering if 2029 isn’t to far out? 
>  I’m not sure if I’m ready for my computing infrastructure to be alive rather 
> than a thing.  Wait until the human machine interfaces become so good that 
> you hard wire your brain right to the network and we’ve got 9 billion brains 
> available for parallel processing.  I’m in!  For anyone who doubts it, go 
> outside, look at the billion people staring at their phones wandering around 
> the country side staring like zombies in their phones finding Pokemon.  This 
> enhanced reality thing, it’s just the primitive start, the model A ford 
> equivalent of it’s time, it’s about to get really really interesting!
> -- 
> The following information is important for all members of the Mac Visionaries 
> list.
> If you have any questions or concerns about the running of this list, or if 
> you feel that a member's post is inappropriate, please contact the owners or 
> moderators directly rather than posting on the list itself.
> Your Mac Visionaries list moderator is Mark Taylor and your owner is Cara 
> Quinn - you can reach Cara at
> The archives for this list can be searched at:
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If you have any questions or concerns about the running of this list, or if you 
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Your Mac Visionaries list moderator is Mark Taylor and your owner is Cara Quinn 
- you can reach Cara at

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Re: Can't delete my time machine backups folder due to not having permissions?

2016-07-16 Thread Joshua Tubbs
I’m the administrator. I entered my password and got that. Unless the migration 
assistant made my account a user when I transferred everything over? How can I 
verify that I’m an admin?

> On Jul 16, 2016, at 4:11 AM, Simon Fogarty  wrote:
> Are you the administrator of the machine or just a user?
> -Original Message-
> From: 
> [] On Behalf Of Joshua Tubbs
> Sent: Saturday, 16 July 2016 7:57 PM
> To: 'Maxwell Ivey' via MacVisionaries 
> Subject: Can't delete my time machine backups folder due to not having 
> permissions?
> Hi everyone,
> So, this backups.upd or whatever is still in my trash. Going to empty the 
> trash normally causes an endless loop of “X” still in use, even after a 
> restart.
> When I go to the “delete immediately” option in the trash, it says I don’t 
> have permissions.
> Help? I hate having stuff in my trash.
> Thanks.
> -- 
> The following information is important for all members of the Mac Visionaries 
> list.
> If you have any questions or concerns about the running of this list, or if 
> you feel that a member's post is inappropriate, please contact the owners or 
> moderators directly rather than posting on the list itself.
> Your Mac Visionaries list moderator is Mark Taylor and your owner is Cara 
> Quinn - you can reach Cara at
> The archives for this list can be searched at:
> --- 
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> "MacVisionaries" group.
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> -- 
> The following information is important for all members of the Mac Visionaries 
> list.
> If you have any questions or concerns about the running of this list, or if 
> you feel that a member's post is inappropriate, please contact the owners or 
> moderators directly rather than posting on the list itself.
> Your Mac Visionaries list moderator is Mark Taylor and your owner is Cara 
> Quinn - you can reach Cara at
> The archives for this list can be searched at:
> --- 
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feel that a member's post is inappropriate, please contact the owners or 
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Your Mac Visionaries list moderator is Mark Taylor and your owner is Cara Quinn 
- you can reach Cara at

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Re: HP's radical new computing design or Singularity here we come!

2016-07-16 Thread E.T.

   That is called cleaning out the gene pool.

From E.T.'s Keyboard...
  Are We Alone in the Universe?

On 7/16/2016 1:10 AM, Simon Fogarty wrote:

Or  getting run over by a motor vehicle  which you step in front of while  
chasing a cartoon character which you can only see if your stuck to your phones 

-Original Message-
From: [] 
On Behalf Of E.T.
Sent: Saturday, 16 July 2016 4:14 PM
Subject: Re: HP's radical new computing design or Singularity here we come!

I cannot resist. Pokemon = subliminal programming.

 From E.T.'s Keyboard...
   Are We Alone in the Universe?

On 7/15/2016 8:40 PM, Scott Granados wrote:

Absolutely startling developments at HP that may impact us all.  It
dwarfs what Apple is doing in the cloud or even the idea of the cloud.
 It’s also probably one of your m ore frightening advertising videos.
 It’s tied in with Star Trek believe it or not but basically they’re
using the idea of the Singularity (AKA Ray Kurzweil and the Singularity).

The idea is that instead of processors and nodes in the cloud like we
have now there will be a massive pile of addressable memory.  They
have built this system, memory is stored on fabric made of photons
meaning memory is stored on particles of light instead of electrons.
This means a base increase of performance over conventional circuits
of 1000 times but it gets crazier than that.  Once data is stored in
photons you can start applying principles of quantum mechanics using
ideas like entanglement to instantly transfer data over any distance.
Think of a radio wave taking 8 minutes to get from our Sun to our
planet in perfect conditions, now imagine modulating one out of two
photons in a pair and seeing it’s results over that same distance
instantly because information can exceed the speed of light.
Imagine HP releasing this to open source developers so unix instances
automatically boot with hooks in to this memory fabric, the internet
of things starts dumping data in to this system.  By 2020 there will
be over 30 billion connected devices, that level of connectivity will
crush the network as it stands today but ideas like this allow us to
progress past Moore’s law right down to the photon level rather than

Read a lot more here

I used to laugh at the idea of computing becoming self aware and
intelligent especially by 2029 on the near end or 2045 on the far end.
 IF possible I used to think it would take hundreds of years
especially considering where we started.  I’m not laughing any more.
I’m wondering if 2029 isn’t to far out?  I’m not sure if I’m ready for
my computing infrastructure to be alive rather than a thing.  Wait
until the human machine interfaces become so good that you hard wire
your brain right to the network and we’ve got 9 billion brains
available for parallel processing.  I’m in!  For anyone who doubts it,
go outside, look at the billion people staring at their phones
wandering around the country side staring like zombies in their phones
finding Pokemon.  This enhanced reality thing, it’s just the primitive
start, the model A ford equivalent of it’s time, it’s about to get really 
really interesting!

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Visionaries list.

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moderators directly rather than posting on the list itself.

Your Mac Visionaries list moderator is Mark Taylor and your owner is Cara Quinn 
- you can reach Cara at

The archives for this list can be searched at:
You receiv

RE: Mac Mini and wireless headphones

2016-07-16 Thread Martin Brown
Thanks Simon, Scott and others for the suggestions as how to solve my problem 
with the wireless headphones. Turns out that the problem was a router hub that 
was causing the interference. Now that I have unplugged the offending little so 
and so, sound heaven has returned to this neck of the woods.

-Original Message-
From: [] 
On Behalf Of Scott Granados
Sent: Saturday, July 16, 2016 4:59 AM
Subject: Re: Mac Mini and wireless headphones

So my guess here is that the interference is 60 cycle hum is that correct, 50 
for you folks across the pond.  Would you say that’s the case?

I’m wondering if the jack size is different enough and or you’re plugging the 
line in and out in the wrong place type of thing.  I’m just trying to think of 
the things that have generated that sort of sound that I’ve done in the past 
and that’s a really simple one that’s caught me up before.  Might be a pin out 
deal as well if the jack you’re using is one of the integrated microphone / 
stereo combos that’s a little bit longer than your standard 8th inch jack.  
Also, some apples have a single line in and out that censes, the censing 
mechanism mightn’t be working, and others have separate.

Hope I didn’t confuse things.

> On Jul 15, 2016, at 7:28 AM, Martin Brown  wrote:
> There is indeed Simon. Sadly I get the same interference on all frequencies. 
> My reason for trying these instead of Bluetooth is quite simply to find a use 
> for a very nice and comfortable  pair of headphones. And, equally, my 
> curiosity has been peaked as to why I only get this problem on my Mac Mini.
> Martin
> -Original Message-
> From: 
> [] On Behalf Of Simon Fogarty
> Sent: Friday, July 15, 2016 10:20 AM
> To:
> Subject: RE: Mac Mini and wireless headphones
> Does the base station for the headset have a frequency selector on the base 
> of it?
> Possibly you need to select a new channel for it to work from your mac.
> From: 
> [] On Behalf Of William Gallik
> Sent: Friday, 15 July 2016 8:23 PM
> To:
> Subject: Re: Mac Mini and wireless headphones
> Pardon me if you've tried this, but why not Hook your Bluetooth earphones up 
> to your Mac Mini directly using the Bluetooth services on the Mac Mini?
> - Sent from Bill's iPhone 6 (iOS 9.3.2)
> On Jul 15, 2016, at 2:56 AM, Martin Brown   > wrote:
>   Hi Scott.
>   Connecting my Mac Mini to a base station using the 3.5 headphone jack 
> on the back of the Mini. I suspect that it could be the close proximity of 
> that headphone jack to the USB outputs that could be the problem. If so, not 
> sure how the problem might be got around. Pity, because the headphones are 
> excellent quality with good comfort for prolonged wearing.
>   Martin
>   -Original Message-
>   From: 
> [] On Behalf Of Scott Granados
>   Sent: Thursday, July 14, 2016 5:44 PM
>   To: 
>   Subject: Re: Mac Mini and wireless headphones
>   How are you connecting the headphones to the Mac?  Via 
> bluetoothdirectly or an adapter.
>   On Jul 14, 2016, at 6:28 AM, Martin Brown 
>> > wrote:
>   I have tried to use a set of wireless headphones on my Mac 
> Mini, but 
>   get a constant hum in the background. I have tried them on my 
> Windows 
>   machine and my wife has tried them on her iMac, and in both 
> instances 
>   they perform flawlessly. Just wondering if anyone might suggest 
> a 
>   possible cause, and even better, a possible fix.
>   Martin
>   --
>   The following information is important for all members of the 
> Mac Visionaries list.
>   If you have any questions or concerns about the running of this 
> list, or if you feel that a member's post is inappropriate, please contact 
> the owners or moderators directly rather than posting on the list itself.
>   Your Mac Visionaries list moderator is Mark Taylor and your 
> owner is 
>   Cara Quinn - you can reach Cara at 
>   The archives for this list can be searched at:

setting up rules in the mail app

2016-07-16 Thread Walter Harper
Hello all,
How do you setup messages rules in the mail app on mac mail?

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If you have any questions or concerns about the running of this list, or if you 
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moderators directly rather than posting on the list itself.

Your Mac Visionaries list moderator is Mark Taylor and your owner is Cara Quinn 
- you can reach Cara at

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Re: To Devon, (was This blind Apple engineer is transforming the tech world at only 22

2016-07-16 Thread David Chittenden
Yes, Simon, I could not immigrate here. I immigrated independently. Most blind 
people who immigrate do so as the partner of a Kiwi. I did not just want to 
come here to work. I wished to become a citizen. To do so, I needed to match 
the immigration skills list and have enough points. Also, I needed to prove I 
could live independently. It would have been been much easier had I married a 

David Chittenden, MSc, MRCAA
Mobile: +64 21 2288 288
Sent from my iPhone

> On 16 Jul 2016, at 20:04, Simon Fogarty  wrote:
> David, do you mean you couldn't move over here until you got a masters degree?
> I can't believe that.
> -Original Message-
> From: 
> [] On Behalf Of David Chittenden
> Sent: Saturday, 16 July 2016 1:02 PM
> To:
> Subject: Re: To Devon, (was This blind Apple engineer is transforming the 
> tech world at only 22
> Scott,
> You always have time to go back and attend university.
> I went to a university directly after high school and flunked out. I never 
> reported that year to any other education institution. This way, I escaped 
> the C- GPA drag.
> I then attended community college for a few years part-time, only taking 
> classes that interested me. I then went to massage school (a 9 month program 
> which I graduated from when I was 27).
> When I was 38, I decided I wanted to x-patriate myself from the US. I looked 
> into it and discovered that I would need a masters degree because I am blind. 
> So, I looked at my skills and realised I have excellent understanding of 
> business. So, I located a fully accredited (highest accreditation in US is 
> regional which is the only one accepted overseas), and applied to and entered 
> an online university which met the criteria. A year later, I graduated at the 
> top of my class with a bachelors. Thanks to the appropriate accreditation, 
> and my grades, I easily entered a masters program when I was 40.
> The truth is, university was much easier for me when I returned at 38. I had 
> developed the drive and focus which I lacked when I was 18. Put another way, 
> now is as good a time as any to go back to university.
> David Chittenden, MSc, MRCAA
> Email:
> Mobile: +64 21 2288 288
> Sent from my iPhone
>> On 16 Jul 2016, at 12:04, Scott Granados  wrote:
>> Wow, I wish I was smart, I could never get the whole education school thing 
>> down.  I tried college, dropped out and started a business, tried again, 
>> lost focus, started another business and moved on.  I’ve always felt guilty 
>> about it.  My poor mother wanted to see me graduate college with a degree so 
>> badly.  Always felt like I let her down.
>> Oh well I went the long way but my positions more recently and career have 
>> made up for a lot but I always wished I had the focus and stuff to get 
>> through and do well in college.
>>> On Jul 15, 2016, at 12:53 PM, Vaughn Brown  wrote:
>>> I loved attending my community college. It was a great way to ease
>>> into a college life, meet new people.
>>> Vaughn
 On 7/15/16, Simon Fogarty  wrote:
 Hi Donna and Devin,
 Devin, if your as sheltered as you make it sound, Donnas suggestion of a
 community college would be a great idea, you would also get to meet many
 other people from all walks of life.
 I’ve met truckloads of people from my studies at University
 I would tell my family where to get off if my parents had tried to put me
 into a group living situation.
 [] On Behalf Of Donna Goodin
 Sent: Friday, 15 July 2016 12:56 AM
 Subject: To Devon, (was This blind Apple engineer is transforming the tech
 world at only 22
 Thank you, Scott.  I've been thinking about how to respond to this message
 since last night.  You hit the nail on the head.
 Devon, no, I can't imagine why on earth you would be at an adult learning
 facility.  Do you have any ideas about what kind of career you might like 
 pursue?  I would suggest a visit to a community college as a starting 
 Meet with a career counselor there, a regular career counselor is going to
 be much more likely to help you generate a broader list of options. Then
 maybe start by taking a couple of classes there.  That would be a good way
 to get your feet wet and figure out if a four-year college is for you.  If
 it's not, it will still help you come up with some better options for
 yourself than what you currently have.
 On Jul 13, 2016, at 11:47 PM, Scott Granados>> wrote:
 I’m hoping there’s some hyperbole or excess h

RE: Can't delete my time machine backups folder due to not having permissions?

2016-07-16 Thread Simon Fogarty
Are you the administrator of the machine or just a user?

-Original Message-
From: [] 
On Behalf Of Joshua Tubbs
Sent: Saturday, 16 July 2016 7:57 PM
To: 'Maxwell Ivey' via MacVisionaries 
Subject: Can't delete my time machine backups folder due to not having 

Hi everyone,
So, this backups.upd or whatever is still in my trash. Going to empty the trash 
normally causes an endless loop of “X” still in use, even after a restart.
When I go to the “delete immediately” option in the trash, it says I don’t have 
Help? I hate having stuff in my trash.

The following information is important for all members of the Mac Visionaries 

If you have any questions or concerns about the running of this list, or if you 
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- you can reach Cara at

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If you have any questions or concerns about the running of this list, or if you 
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Your Mac Visionaries list moderator is Mark Taylor and your owner is Cara Quinn 
- you can reach Cara at

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RE: HP's radical new computing design or Singularity here we come!

2016-07-16 Thread Simon Fogarty
Or  getting run over by a motor vehicle  which you step in front of while  
chasing a cartoon character which you can only see if your stuck to your phones 

-Original Message-
From: [] 
On Behalf Of E.T.
Sent: Saturday, 16 July 2016 4:14 PM
Subject: Re: HP's radical new computing design or Singularity here we come!

I cannot resist. Pokemon = subliminal programming.

 From E.T.'s Keyboard...
   Are We Alone in the Universe?

On 7/15/2016 8:40 PM, Scott Granados wrote:
> Absolutely startling developments at HP that may impact us all.  It 
> dwarfs what Apple is doing in the cloud or even the idea of the cloud.
>  It’s also probably one of your m ore frightening advertising videos.
>  It’s tied in with Star Trek believe it or not but basically they’re 
> using the idea of the Singularity (AKA Ray Kurzweil and the Singularity).
> The idea is that instead of processors and nodes in the cloud like we 
> have now there will be a massive pile of addressable memory.  They 
> have built this system, memory is stored on fabric made of photons 
> meaning memory is stored on particles of light instead of electrons.  
> This means a base increase of performance over conventional circuits 
> of 1000 times but it gets crazier than that.  Once data is stored in 
> photons you can start applying principles of quantum mechanics using 
> ideas like entanglement to instantly transfer data over any distance.  
> Think of a radio wave taking 8 minutes to get from our Sun to our 
> planet in perfect conditions, now imagine modulating one out of two 
> photons in a pair and seeing it’s results over that same distance 
> instantly because information can exceed the speed of light.
> Imagine HP releasing this to open source developers so unix instances 
> automatically boot with hooks in to this memory fabric, the internet 
> of things starts dumping data in to this system.  By 2020 there will 
> be over 30 billion connected devices, that level of connectivity will 
> crush the network as it stands today but ideas like this allow us to 
> progress past Moore’s law right down to the photon level rather than 
> primitive
> atoms.:)
> Read a lot more here
> I used to laugh at the idea of computing becoming self aware and 
> intelligent especially by 2029 on the near end or 2045 on the far end.
>  IF possible I used to think it would take hundreds of years 
> especially considering where we started.  I’m not laughing any more.  
> I’m wondering if 2029 isn’t to far out?  I’m not sure if I’m ready for 
> my computing infrastructure to be alive rather than a thing.  Wait 
> until the human machine interfaces become so good that you hard wire 
> your brain right to the network and we’ve got 9 billion brains 
> available for parallel processing.  I’m in!  For anyone who doubts it, 
> go outside, look at the billion people staring at their phones 
> wandering around the country side staring like zombies in their phones 
> finding Pokemon.  This enhanced reality thing, it’s just the primitive 
> start, the model A ford equivalent of it’s time, it’s about to get really 
> really interesting!
> --
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RE: To Devon, (was This blind Apple engineer is transforming the tech world at only 22

2016-07-16 Thread Simon Fogarty
You guys and girls talking about community college make me think about a USA tv 
show called Communitty, all about a community college and bloody funny

-Original Message-
From: [] 
On Behalf Of Ryan Mann
Sent: Saturday, 16 July 2016 2:49 PM
Subject: Re: To Devon, (was This blind Apple engineer is transforming the tech 
world at only 22

Another thing I like about community college is that the general classes are a 
lot smaller, at least at my community college.

Sent from my iPhone

> On Jul 15, 2016, at 2:57 PM, Katie Zodrow  wrote:
> I went to a community college too for my first semester of college after I 
> graduated high school. I took a couple classes   during the fall semester 
> before I started attending Berklee in Boston for the spring semester. Its a 
> great way to transition from high school to college life and classes before 
> you attend a four year college.  Taking your general ed classes at a 
> community college  is much cheaper anyway. I took a lot of my general 
> education classes at community college during the summer.
>> Katie
>> On Jul 15, 2016, at 9:53 AM, Vaughn Brown  wrote:
>> I loved attending my community college. It was a great way to ease
>> into a college life, meet new people.
>> Vaughn
>>> On 7/15/16, Simon Fogarty  wrote:
>>> Hi Donna and Devin,
>>> Devin, if your as sheltered as you make it sound, Donnas suggestion of a
>>> community college would be a great idea, you would also get to meet many
>>> other people from all walks of life.
>>> I’ve met truckloads of people from my studies at University
>>> I would tell my family where to get off if my parents had tried to put me
>>> into a group living situation.
>>> From:
>>> [] On Behalf Of Donna Goodin
>>> Sent: Friday, 15 July 2016 12:56 AM
>>> To:
>>> Subject: To Devon, (was This blind Apple engineer is transforming the tech
>>> world at only 22
>>> Thank you, Scott.  I've been thinking about how to respond to this message
>>> since last night.  You hit the nail on the head.
>>> Devon, no, I can't imagine why on earth you would be at an adult learning
>>> facility.  Do you have any ideas about what kind of career you might like to
>>> pursue?  I would suggest a visit to a community college as a starting point.
>>> Meet with a career counselor there, a regular career counselor is going to
>>> be much more likely to help you generate a broader list of options. Then
>>> maybe start by taking a couple of classes there.  That would be a good way
>>> to get your feet wet and figure out if a four-year college is for you.  If
>>> it's not, it will still help you come up with some better options for
>>> yourself than what you currently have.
>>> Cheers,
>>> Donna
>>> On Jul 13, 2016, at 11:47 PM, Scott Granados
>>>>> wrote:
>>> I’m hoping there’s some hyperbole or excess here to make a point because on
>>> the surface your message disturbs me.  You’re far to smart to end up in a
>>> group home.  I’ve seen your posts here and other places, you don’t seem like
>>> group home material to me. How can we help avoid such a thing?
>>> On Jul 13, 2016, at 4:55 PM, Devin Prater
>>>>> wrote:
>>> I talked to her years ago, before she joined Apple. Yeah, she’s pretty cool.
>>> I guess I’m the blindie here. I grew up a pampered kid in a lower-middle
>>> class home. I went and somehow graduated from the Alabama school for the
>>> blind, where teachers seemed to care but just couldn’t do much, or didn’t
>>> know what to do, exactly. As you can imagine, they then shuttled me off to
>>> the adult learning facility, E.H. Gentry, where I attend now. I know more
>>> than I did when I left ASB, sure, but these blindness organizations just
>>> aren’t all that organized, at least here in the state of football and
>>> rednecks. I just hope that I can get at least something to happen before my
>>> family decides a group home would indeed be just the spot to plop down their
>>> poor blind boy that just can’t seem to learn independence and advocacy
>>> skills no matter where the Alabama Institute sends him. Oh discordia.
>>> Sent from my Mac.
>>> Devin Prater
>>> On Jul 13, 2016, at 6:38 AM, Donna Goodin
>>>>> wrote:
>>> Hi Katie,
>>> Yep, I agree with everything you pointed out.  It really is a nice braille
>>> display.  I haven't had the problem you describe, so I'm afraid I can't help
>>> you.  Have you tried calling tech support or posting the VarioUltra list?
>>> It's a great list, with some very helpful and knowledgeable folks.
>>> Cheers,
>>> Donna
>>> On Jul 12, 2016, at 10:52 PM, Katie Zodrow
>>> mailto:kzo

RE: To Devon, (was This blind Apple engineer is transforming the tech world at only 22

2016-07-16 Thread Simon Fogarty
David, do you mean you couldn't move over here until you got a masters degree?

 I can't believe that.

-Original Message-
From: [] 
On Behalf Of David Chittenden
Sent: Saturday, 16 July 2016 1:02 PM
Subject: Re: To Devon, (was This blind Apple engineer is transforming the tech 
world at only 22


You always have time to go back and attend university.

I went to a university directly after high school and flunked out. I never 
reported that year to any other education institution. This way, I escaped the 
C- GPA drag.

I then attended community college for a few years part-time, only taking 
classes that interested me. I then went to massage school (a 9 month program 
which I graduated from when I was 27).

When I was 38, I decided I wanted to x-patriate myself from the US. I looked 
into it and discovered that I would need a masters degree because I am blind. 
So, I looked at my skills and realised I have excellent understanding of 
business. So, I located a fully accredited (highest accreditation in US is 
regional which is the only one accepted overseas), and applied to and entered 
an online university which met the criteria. A year later, I graduated at the 
top of my class with a bachelors. Thanks to the appropriate accreditation, and 
my grades, I easily entered a masters program when I was 40.

The truth is, university was much easier for me when I returned at 38. I had 
developed the drive and focus which I lacked when I was 18. Put another way, 
now is as good a time as any to go back to university.

David Chittenden, MSc, MRCAA
Mobile: +64 21 2288 288
Sent from my iPhone

> On 16 Jul 2016, at 12:04, Scott Granados  wrote:
> Wow, I wish I was smart, I could never get the whole education school thing 
> down.  I tried college, dropped out and started a business, tried again, lost 
> focus, started another business and moved on.  I’ve always felt guilty about 
> it.  My poor mother wanted to see me graduate college with a degree so badly. 
>  Always felt like I let her down.
> Oh well I went the long way but my positions more recently and career have 
> made up for a lot but I always wished I had the focus and stuff to get 
> through and do well in college.
>> On Jul 15, 2016, at 12:53 PM, Vaughn Brown  wrote:
>> I loved attending my community college. It was a great way to ease
>> into a college life, meet new people.
>> Vaughn
>>> On 7/15/16, Simon Fogarty  wrote:
>>> Hi Donna and Devin,
>>> Devin, if your as sheltered as you make it sound, Donnas suggestion of a
>>> community college would be a great idea, you would also get to meet many
>>> other people from all walks of life.
>>> I’ve met truckloads of people from my studies at University
>>> I would tell my family where to get off if my parents had tried to put me
>>> into a group living situation.
>>> From:
>>> [] On Behalf Of Donna Goodin
>>> Sent: Friday, 15 July 2016 12:56 AM
>>> To:
>>> Subject: To Devon, (was This blind Apple engineer is transforming the tech
>>> world at only 22
>>> Thank you, Scott.  I've been thinking about how to respond to this message
>>> since last night.  You hit the nail on the head.
>>> Devon, no, I can't imagine why on earth you would be at an adult learning
>>> facility.  Do you have any ideas about what kind of career you might like to
>>> pursue?  I would suggest a visit to a community college as a starting point.
>>> Meet with a career counselor there, a regular career counselor is going to
>>> be much more likely to help you generate a broader list of options. Then
>>> maybe start by taking a couple of classes there.  That would be a good way
>>> to get your feet wet and figure out if a four-year college is for you.  If
>>> it's not, it will still help you come up with some better options for
>>> yourself than what you currently have.
>>> Cheers,
>>> Donna
>>> On Jul 13, 2016, at 11:47 PM, Scott Granados
>>>>> wrote:
>>> I’m hoping there’s some hyperbole or excess here to make a point because on
>>> the surface your message disturbs me.  You’re far to smart to end up in a
>>> group home.  I’ve seen your posts here and other places, you don’t seem like
>>> group home material to me. How can we help avoid such a thing?
>>> On Jul 13, 2016, at 4:55 PM, Devin Prater
>>>>> wrote:
>>> I talked to her years ago, before she joined Apple. Yeah, she’s pretty cool.
>>> I guess I’m the blindie here. I grew up a pampered kid in a lower-middle
>>> class home. I went and somehow graduated from the Alabama school for the
>>> blind, where teachers seemed to care but just couldn’t do much, or didn’t
>>> know what to do, exactly. As you can imagi

RE: This blind Apple engineer is transforming the tech world at only 22

2016-07-16 Thread Simon Fogarty
Scott, I'm not sure we want your kind down here in the southern hemisphere.

 Specially around new Zealand we're a very clean country 

You might dirty the water!

-Original Message-
From: [] 
On Behalf Of Scott Granados
Sent: Saturday, 16 July 2016 12:10 PM
Subject: Re: This blind Apple engineer is transforming the tech world at only 22

David, when that business grows large enough you need an IT department, you let 
me know.  Would be nice to have a post hillary escape strategy.:)


Good luck, sounds like interesting and rewarding work.

> On Jul 15, 2016, at 12:34 AM, David Chittenden  wrote:
> It is an expansion of my current business. I am now contracted to do some 
> government work with those who are disabled. However, it lines me up for 
> something which will be coming up in a couple years around technology and 
> accessibility.
> David Chittenden, MSc, MRCAA
> Email:
> Mobile: +64 21 2288 288
> Sent from my iPhone
>> On 15 Jul 2016, at 00:59, Donna Goodin  wrote:
>> That's exciting, David.  What is your new business?
>> Cheers,
>> Donna
>>> On Jul 14, 2016, at 5:34 AM, David Chittenden  wrote:
>>> Well, I just signed a new contracting agreement, so I am about to start a 
>>> new business. If I am correct, I will preceed an upcoming trend and be 
>>> ready to capitalise on where things appear to be headed. Here we go with 
>>> the next business.
>>> David Chittenden, MSc, MRCAA
>>> Email:
>>> Mobile: +64 21 2288 288
>>> Sent from my iPhone
 On 14 Jul 2016, at 16:59, Scott Granados  wrote:
 David, I like your history, not to point out a bad thing but I like your 
 comments on failed businesses.  I’m right there with you.
 I always hid my blindness when possible while doing business.  I had for a 
 while, especially during my first attempt, sited folks that I put out 
 front and I mainly dealt with people through telephones or email etc.  
 This worked for several years although there were reporters and other 
 people very interested in my business (an internet provider) at the time 
 who made it challenging to hide.  I would actually only allow these people 
 close if I was able to maintain control and final approval whether 
 something would be released and I had a marketing person for a while who I 
 made review everything to make sure no hints leaked out.  I remember 
 meeting a fellow business owner later in the history of that company who 
 convinced me to completely drop that policy and had his marketing droid 
 try to convince me to use my image in marketing campaigns which I never 
 went that far but I definitely loosened things up.  I’m glad though that 
 person got through to me.
 Oh and I still have a PDP 11.:) Complete with the 8 dip switches and 
 submit button so you can enter in the first few bytes by hand to boot the 
 box and start loading from tape.
> On Jul 13, 2016, at 12:58 AM, David Chittenden  
> wrote:
> I guess I will chime in here. I was congenitally (born) blind. My 
> brother, who is two years older, is also blind.
> We started school at a blindness school, and then attended a bording 
> school for the blind. My parents decided to mainstream us when I entered 
> 6th grade. The schools for the blind taught me certain skills such as 
> braille, quite well. Fortunately, I was mainstreamed early enough to get 
> a healthy dose of normal (sighted) culture.
> I attended a private highschool (the best school in the state) which I 
> was able to enter because I scored well enough on the entrance exam. 
> Resource teachers were not allowed to work at private schools, so I was 
> pretty much on my own, in an academically challenging environment, from 
> 9th grade. Note: I was registered in the nearby public highschool, so was 
> able to see a resource teacher there for 45 minutes per day, four days 
> per week. That person did the important braille transcription for tests. 
> At school, however, everything was my responsibility.
> I took a basic programming course when I was a senior. I enjoyed it so 
> much that I decided to become a computer systems engineer. That lasted 
> one semester at university. I broke my wrist, so could not type for 8 
> weeks. I then floundered at a community college for a few years, became a 
> massage therapist, became a technology salesperson, became an 
> accessibility interface evaluater and an accessibility advocate, failed a 
> couple businesses, then returned to university for a bachelors in 
> business admin management followed by a masters in counseling. After I 
> completed university, I independently immigrated to New Zeala

RE: To Devon, (was This blind Apple engineer is transforming the tech world at only 22

2016-07-16 Thread Simon Fogarty

I’m not trying to be rude here but it’s not what your mum or dad like it’s what 
you like and want to do with your life.

If you want to work with adaptive tech then you do it if you want to be a 
lawyer then do that, it’s what you want that matters don’t’ let other people 
make your chhoices for you.

Be your own person independence will take you along way in life and show those 
out there that you are able to do things without assistance.

Don’t get me wrong we all need help along the way but then so do the able 
bodied of the world also.

Good luck with what choices you make.

From: [] 
On Behalf Of Devin Prater
Sent: Saturday, 16 July 2016 7:43 AM
Cc: Katie Zodrow 
Subject: Re: To Devon, (was This blind Apple engineer is transforming the tech 
world at only 22

Wow, pretty cool. Well I finally got to talk to my counsellor, and she told me 
that the Lionsworld training is in October or somewhere around there, so I 
haven’t missed it. In the meantime, I’ll try to go through college prep, or at 
least some of it, to try and learn to study better and things like that, just 
in case I have to do that in training to be an assistive technology instructor. 
Also, though, if I wind up not liking the job, I can still go through college 
afterwards to get another job. I know that won’t be easy, and my mom won’t like 
my insistence to go through with the Lionsworld training, but I’ll give it a 
try, and see where things go.
Sent from my Mac.

Devin Prater

On Jul 15, 2016, at 1:57 PM, Katie Zodrow>> wrote:

I went to a community college too for my first semester of college after I 
graduated high school. I took a couple classes   during the fall semester 
before I started attending Berklee in Boston for the spring semester. Its a 
great way to transition from high school to college life and classes before you 
attend a four year college.  Taking your general ed classes at a community 
college  is much cheaper anyway. I took a lot of my general education classes 
at community college during the summer.


On Jul 15, 2016, at 9:53 AM, Vaughn Brown>> wrote:

I loved attending my community college. It was a great way to ease
into a college life, meet new people.

On 7/15/16, Simon Fogarty>> 

Hi Donna and Devin,

Devin, if your as sheltered as you make it sound, Donnas suggestion of a
community college would be a great idea, you would also get to meet many
other people from all walks of life.

I’ve met truckloads of people from my studies at University
I would tell my family where to get off if my parents had tried to put me
into a group living situation.

[] On Behalf Of Donna Goodin
Sent: Friday, 15 July 2016 12:56 AM
Subject: To Devon, (was This blind Apple engineer is transforming the tech
world at only 22

Thank you, Scott.  I've been thinking about how to respond to this message
since last night.  You hit the nail on the head.

Devon, no, I can't imagine why on earth you would be at an adult learning
facility.  Do you have any ideas about what kind of career you might like to
pursue?  I would suggest a visit to a community college as a starting point.
Meet with a career counselor there, a regular career counselor is going to
be much more likely to help you generate a broader list of options. Then
maybe start by taking a couple of classes there.  That would be a good way
to get your feet wet and figure out if a four-year college is for you.  If
it's not, it will still help you come up with some better options for
yourself than what you currently have.

On Jul 13, 2016, at 11:47 PM, Scott Granados>> 

I’m hoping there’s some hyperbole or excess here to make a point because on
the surface your message disturbs me.  You’re far to smart to end up in a
group home.  I’ve seen your posts here and other places, you don’t seem like
group home material to me. How can we help avoid such a thing?

On Jul 13, 2016, at 4:55 PM, Devin Prater>> wrote:

I talked to her years ago, before she joined Apple. Yeah, she’s pretty cool.
I guess I’m the blindie here. I grew up a pampered kid in a lower-middle
class home. I went and somehow graduated from the Alabama school for the
blind, where teachers seemed to care but just couldn’t do much, or didn’t
know what to do, exactly. As you can imagine, they then shuttled me off to
the adult learning facility, E.H. Gentry, where I attend now. I know more
than I did when I left ASB, sure, but these blindness organizations jus

Can't delete my time machine backups folder due to not having permissions?

2016-07-16 Thread Joshua Tubbs
Hi everyone,
So, this backups.upd or whatever is still in my trash. Going to empty the trash 
normally causes an endless loop of “X” still in use, even after a restart.
When I go to the “delete immediately” option in the trash, it says I don’t have 
Help? I hate having stuff in my trash.

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RE: Deleting a Time Machine Backup in the trash

2016-07-16 Thread Simon Fogarty
I don't use timemachine but I suggest it for a backup to anyone that has a mac.

 It's built in and therefore free and more reliable than most.

-Original Message-
From: [] 
On Behalf Of Tim Kilburn
Sent: Saturday, 16 July 2016 6:26 AM
Subject: Re: Deleting a Time Machine Backup in the trash


If you restart your Mac, you should be able to empty the trash.  Regarding a 
better backup solution, others may disagree, but I believe that Time Machine is 
your best option.  How much of your 2 TB internal is free?  The recommendation 
of a drive being twice the size of what it's backing up assumes that you're 
using a large portion of its space.  If you are using less than 1 TB on your 
internal drive, then a 2 TB external should do the trick.


Tim Kilburn
Fort McMurray, AB Canada

On Jul 15, 2016, at 12:20, Joshua Tubbs  wrote:

Hi everyone,
I am wondering how to delete a time machine backup in the trash? I delete the 
trash, tell it that I want to remove all items, including locked ones, but then 
it tells me that some of the backup folders, such as the user folder, which is 
now on this new Mac, my home folder and something dated something in July, are 
all in use.
Is there any way to delete this? I want it completely trashed. Furthermore, I 
don’t have a drive bigger than my now current internal of 2 TB, so I guess I 
won’t be using Time Machine for now. I wonder if there are other, better backup 
utilities I can use instead?
I thought about paying for a Bazkblaze subscription to back this stuff up. Not 
sure if there’s anything better than Backblaze.
Thanks all.

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RE: Deleting a Time Machine Backup in the trash

2016-07-16 Thread Simon Fogarty
What about just eraising the intire disk using disk utilities?

 That will give you a clean slate to start again with.

 And if you have everything on your new machine then your not going to lose 

Just a thought.

-Original Message-
From: [] 
On Behalf Of Joshua Tubbs
Sent: Saturday, 16 July 2016 6:21 AM
To: 'Maxwell Ivey' via MacVisionaries 
Subject: Deleting a Time Machine Backup in the trash

Hi everyone,
I am wondering how to delete a time machine backup in the trash? I delete the 
trash, tell it that I want to remove all items, including locked ones, but then 
it tells me that some of the backup folders, such as the user folder, which is 
now on this new Mac, my home folder and something dated something in July, are 
all in use.
Is there any way to delete this? I want it completely trashed. Furthermore, I 
don’t have a drive bigger than my now current internal of 2 TB, so I guess I 
won’t be using Time Machine for now. I wonder if there are other, better backup 
utilities I can use instead?
I thought about paying for a Bazkblaze subscription to back this stuff up. Not 
sure if there’s anything better than Backblaze.
Thanks all.

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