GSoC 2010: Transifex client (Looking for ideas and feedback)

2010-05-22 Thread lauri
Hello guys,

I am Lauri Võsandi and I am participating on GSoC this year under
Maemo. My project is Transifex mobile client for Maemo.

More information about the project can be found in this blog post:

I just set up Git repostiory, more information about it here:

Most importantly I am looking for community input to make this project
a killer-app for Maemo!

Lauri Võsandi
tel: +372 53329412
university: Estonian IT College
please share:
maemo-developers mailing list

Re: git over ssh access for garage projects - calling for brave testers

2010-05-22 Thread Alberto Mardegan

Alberto Mardegan wrote:

Ferenc Szekely wrote:

If you had a few minutes to spare please check it out and let me know
your findings. We may have some bugs here and there, so let's find and
fix them together.

I get this:

ma...@portatie:/tmp$ git clone ssh://
Initialized empty Git repository in /tmp/maemo-mapper/.git/
fatal: ''/git/maemo-mapper'': unable to chdir or not a git archive
fatal: The remote end hung up unexpectedly

Hi Ferenc, any news on this?
I already had my SSH keys (and I can upload to extras, so I guess they 
are correct), but I still get the error above.


-- - geek in un lingua international!
maemo-developers mailing list

Re: QT Packages, Repositories and PR1.2

2010-05-22 Thread Benoît HERVIER
I'll wait a little longer for this to get resolved, but if it takes
too long I just might ebay my n900 and go Android.

You can also compile it yourself and create your own repository ...
easier to manage, and do the trick ... and switch back to the maemo
repository again when everythings will be fixed.

Benoît HERVIER, Khertan Software -
maemo-developers mailing list

Paid apps in OVI for N900

2010-05-22 Thread ds

I never got contact to OVI Store. At the moment there are no paid apps.
Does anybody know about the status.

Does anybody know, how to display only non-free applications from extras
(on the web, as I do not own a N900)? I could not find any search

Thanks a lot


maemo-developers mailing list

Re: GSoC 2010, eBook reader. Looking for feedback and ideas.

2010-05-22 Thread Juhana Jauhiainen
I've moved the blog to
maemo-developers mailing list

RE: QT Packages, Repositories and PR1.2

2010-05-22 Thread Felipe Crochik

 Hate to be the bearer of bad news :( What we managed to agree for the
PR1.2 release is that development releases starting with PR1.2 will not be
called libqt4-maemo5 as it's not that obvious that it's *really* just a
version for testing, prone to breakage and not necessarily the exact one
that will end up in the next PR. Future releases will sport the
'experimental' moniker (f.e. libqt4-experimental, python-qt4-experimental)
so it's more clear that it (and stuff depending on it) are not meant to be
promoted to end users. Not ideal, but hopefully will reduce confusion until
a better solution is found that is acceptable for both Nokia and the

I started this subject after reading the post by Venemo
( so I decided that a good way
to close it would be to add a post there (page 4). 

Having threads like that out in the open and our exchange of emails
remind me of why I wanted the n900 so badly. It is a pretty unique device
and even more unique community. I hope we can manage to make it more of a
mass market product so nokia can justify maintaining it but, at the same
time, I would hate to have to give in this geek feeling to it. 

Thanks again, 

maemo-developers mailing list

Re: QT Packages, Repositories and PR1.2

2010-05-22 Thread ianaré sévi
Le 22 mai 2010 06:15, Benoît HERVIER a écrit :
I'll wait a little longer for this to get resolved, but if it takes
too long I just might ebay my n900 and go Android.

 You can also compile it yourself and create your own repository ...
 easier to manage, and do the trick ... and switch back to the maemo
 repository again when everythings will be fixed.

I've already made packages available through the garage, but there are
several problems with doing this :

* No way to promote packages past extras-devel.

* Asking non-technical users to start adding repos should be
discouraged due to security and stability issues. Having a community
reviewed repo is a great thing, if it actually worked as intended.

* I don't want users to have to look through the web to install an
app, it should be listed in the phone's manager.

* Fragmenting apps is a sure way to lose out against iPhone and
Android which do have centralized app managers.

Granted, deployment is not stopped, but going out of our way as
developers to also be package managers is a little silly IMO. Nokia's
expertise as a hardware maker but not a software publisher has been
showing itself lately ...

- ianaré sévi
maemo-developers mailing list

business - quick break from coding

2010-05-22 Thread Felipe Crochik
This is probably the best place to talk about this once being a developer
most of the time also implies somehow getting paid to develop software.


I wanted the n900 because I wanted to fully control my phone but also
because I thought it could be a good platform to develop commercial (or at
least business) applications. I hope the second argument was not just some
fake reasoning I created to justify me buying it. :-) 


I imagine a lot of people on this list are somehow sponsored by nokia
(and/or other companies) trough sponsoring open source projects. I am
curious to know if there is anybody (or any software company) trying to use
the maemo/n900 platform to develop software to be sold to consumers and/or
companies. From time to time we see someone complaining about Ovi store not
selling applications but I haven't seen anything about software being
developed as some business solution. 


The openness of the platform, the flexibility and the great community around
it makes it, in my opinion, a good candidate for business oriented
applications. Of course, companies, especially medium and big ones, will
resist adopting a platform that is not mass market but smaller companies
with very unique needs probably won't have as much of a problem (if they
have some guarantee that the investment will not be wasted by the platform
being discontinued).


The Qt movement gives me even more hope because we can offer some more
wiggle room for companies by offering different devices. The meego
initiative could prove to make the platform even more interesting. 


I have some issues with Qt but the code once run everywhere is really
appealing to me. I have developed software for target platforms for too
long and, soon or later, you need/want to move to a different platform and
have to start over. I have used JAVA/C# for many solutions but still can't
buy that an intermediary language/generic can run as quick or as native
as native/machine code, especially on mobile devices with limited resources
and unique architectures. 




Now, back to coding.. 


maemo-developers mailing list

GTK+ question with maemo 2.2

2010-05-22 Thread Han

I am using Maemo 2.2 (Gregale) to develop a program on N770 (sorry I
don't have resources to upgrade to N800/900 yet.) .

So far so good until I start to use GtkScaleButton and
GtkVolumeButton. It seems that maemo 2.2 came with GTK+ 2.6 which does
not support GtkScaleButton and GtkVolumeButton.

My question is: can I upgrade GTK+ to newer versions (2.10 and up) and
still use maemo 2.2 (and scratchbox of course) to develop programs for
N770? will that cause any issues?

maemo-developers mailing list