[maemo-developers] apt-get update

2006-12-05 Thread Raul Fernandes Herbster

Hi! I'm trying to install some extra packages (apt-get update and then
apt-get install ), using armel target configured properly.
However, there are always unmet dependencies problems. After trying apt-get
-f install and just unsuccessfully results, I checked /var/lib/apt/lists and
realized that packages for armel are not listed. This is the list of
packages from repositories


Why packages for armel are not listed?

maemo-developers mailing list

[maemo-developers] Bora Repositories

2007-01-10 Thread Raul Fernandes Herbster

I tried to install package maemo-explicit as described at INSTALL.txt at
Bora release page. However, this package seems to not exist.

[sbox-SDK_X86: ~] > fakeroot apt-get install maemo-explicit
Reading Package Lists... Done
Building Dependency Tree... Done
E: Couldn't find package maemo-explicit

are the repositories ok?
Raul Fernandes Herbster
Aluno do Programa de Pós-Graduação em Informática - COPIN
Laborátório de Sistemas Embarcados e Computação Pervasiva
Campina Grande, Paraíba - Brasil
maemo-developers mailing list

Re: Re: [maemo-developers] Xypher Error - Is Display set?

2007-01-11 Thread Raul Fernandes Herbster

Such problems also occcurr to me, and are releated to target configuration
problems. I usually delete both SDK_PC (and also SDK_ARMEL if you're using
it) and redo the process of creating the targets.


Raul Fernandes Herbster
Embedded and Pervasive Computing Laboratory - embedded.dee.ufcg.edu.br
Electrical Engineering Department - DEE - www.ee.ufcg.edu.br
Electrical Engineering and Informatics Center - CEEI
Federal University of Campina Grande - UFCG - www.ufcg.edu.br
Campina Grande - PB - Brasil
maemo-developers mailing list

Re: [maemo-developers] Help needed on setting up the development plarform for NOKIA N770/800

2007-01-17 Thread Raul Fernandes Herbster

Following are my questions:

1.I am newbie to Linuix. I have SUSE LINUX running in the VMWare Server on
Windows PC. I would like to know if there are detail steps as to how I can
setup the Maemo development platform on SUSE LINUX.


2.From the links in www.maemo.org, I understand that the Mamemo works on

Debian. Do I have to change my linux distro to debian only?

No,  Debian <http://www.debian.org/> or Ubuntu <http://www.ubuntu.com/> are
recommended, but other fairly recent distributions should also work

3.Pl. provide me what tools I have to install in order.

The tools are listed at the tutorial (item 1).

Help is appreciated

maemo-developers mailing list

Raul Fernandes Herbster
Embedded and Pervasive Computing Laboratory - embedded.dee.ufcg.edu.br
Electrical Engineering Department - DEE - www.dee.ufcg.edu.br
Electrical Engineering and Informatics Center - CEEI
Federal University of Campina Grande - UFCG - www.ufcg.edu.br
Caixa Postal 10105
58109-970 Campina Grande - PB - Brasil
maemo-developers mailing list

Re: [maemo-developers] to Nokia: simple method to gain a gamingaudience on 770/800

2007-01-25 Thread Raul Fernandes Herbster

Yeah... and besides that, no specific tutorials for "maemo game programming"
are available. We have to try using the same techniques as we do at Desktop
games. This idea could be improved.



Hi, thanks for sharing these thoughts.

What is really interesting is the idea of raising and labeling core usages
(i.e. gaming) so developers and advanced users can focus and collaborate
around them: maemo for gaming, maemo for this, maemo for that. The result
could be beneficial to everybody, with more applications being developed,
more users knowing and using them and a more popular platform generating
more and better software.

>I'd like to advance a proposal, mainly to Nokia's Tableteer
>site developers.


>[1] http://wiicade.com
>[2] http://www.albinoblacksheep.com/games/wii/

The content of your recommendation is interesting but you can probably
point it to better directions. Tableteer is an official site while the sites
you are recommending are not. The difference might be tiny from a user
perspective (specially when unofficial sites look so good, work so well and
are so popular) but the story behind the scenes is totally different.

Should you then go and build an unofficial site for IT gamers à la
wiicade? Well, maybe this is a challenge for someone.

We have maemo.org. It's not unofficial, true, but it's community oriented
and developers can upload software without corporate intervention in
between. Developers upload, users download: this is the core functionality
needed and behind the scenes we are providing it.

>From a user point of view, though, the story of wiicade.org and maemo.orgis 
totally different. Agreed. We have here two questions that would help
finding the solution we want:

1. maemo is a development platform and the core focus of maemo.org is the
community of developers. Do we want it to be a primary resource for end
users as well? Yes or No, the answer leads to different paths.

2. If we want maemo.org to include also a specific story for end user
gamers (and end user travelers, musicians, sysadmins, scuba divers or
whatever) we will need to work on web architecture and layout. It's
feasible, but not easy.

These two questions already suggest that a determined independent
webmaster could get a site up & running while we discuss.  :) The discussion
is probably worth per se, though.

Quim Gil
Maemo team
maemo-developers mailing list

Raul Fernandes Herbster
Embedded and Pervasive Computing Laboratory - embedded.dee.ufcg.edu.br
Electrical Engineering Department - DEE - www.ee.ufcg.edu.br
Electrical Engineering and Informatics Center - CEEI
Federal University of Campina Grande - UFCG - www.ufcg.edu.br
Caixa Postal 10105
58109-970 Campina Grande - PB - Brasil
maemo-developers mailing list

Re: [maemo-developers] to Nokia: simple method to gaina gamingaudience on 770/800

2007-01-25 Thread Raul Fernandes Herbster

what i mean is a tutorial which gives us some tips to create more
sophisticated user interfaces. GTK is good, but not sufficient to catch
gamers attention.


>Raul Fernandes Herbster wrote:
>> Yeah... and besides that, no specific tutorials for "maemo game
>> programming" are available. We have to try using the same techniques
>> as we do at Desktop games. This idea could be improved.
>You mean something like this http://maemo.org/maemowiki/GameDevelopment
>? Had to write 'game' in wiki searchbox and click 'Titles',
>pretty advanced stuff ;-)

And also this from ot list of developer docs:



Raul Fernandes Herbster
Embedded and Pervasive Computing Laboratory - embedded.dee.ufcg.edu.br
Electrical Engineering Department - DEE - www.ee.ufcg.edu.br
Electrical Engineering and Informatics Center - CEEI
Federal University of Campina Grande - UFCG - www.ufcg.edu.br
Caixa Postal 10105
58109-970 Campina Grande - PB - Brasil
maemo-developers mailing list

Re: [maemo-developers] Maemo 2.1 and 3.0 SDKs at the same time

2007-01-26 Thread Raul Fernandes Herbster

Some scripts demands Scratchbox installed on folder "/scratchbox". I also
need both versions. My solution is unpack both version in any directory (for
example /home/$USER/scratchbox_(version)) and make some links (using ln).
However, you cannot use both version at the same time.


Raul Fernandes Herbster
Embedded and Pervasive Computing Laboratory - embedded.dee.ufcg.edu.br
Electrical Engineering Department - DEE - www.ee.ufcg.edu.br
Electrical Engineering and Informatics Center - CEEI
Federal University of Campina Grande - UFCG - www.ufcg.edu.br
Caixa Postal 10105
58109-970 Campina Grande - PB - Brasil
maemo-developers mailing list