Apache HTTP

2010-03-01 Thread Demetris

Has anyone been successful in deploying web services on the Apache HTTP 
on either the N800 or
the N810 under Diablo? I was able to deploy python scripts easily but I 
am assuming to be able
to deploy SOAP services on it I will need a SOAP engine (Axis or 
similar) that is capable of
running on the device. The other option is to run REST services on it 
through J2ME compatible

servlets. Has anyone done this before?


maemo-users mailing list

J2ME CDC on N810

2010-03-01 Thread Demetris

Hi all,

   I have been using Java CDC (PhoneME) on the N800 (under Diablo) 
succussfully for a while now.
On a secondary device (N810) which also runs Diablo I tried to run the 
same runtime but instead
it crashes. Is this an architecture compatibility issue? Both devices 
are running

   2.6.21-omap1 #2 Tue Oct 14 11:25:25 EEST 2008 armv6l

Any ideas?


maemo-users mailing list

[Fwd: Re: FM Transmitter Sends Sounds But Not Music]

2010-03-01 Thread Marcel
I actually intended replying to the list intead of Paul directly.
Sorry. ;)
--- Begin Message ---
On Mon, Mar 1, 2010 at 10:37 AM, Marcel  wrote:
> This indeed seems to heavily depend on which car you're in. I've tried
> the following:
> Opel/Vauxhall:
>Corsa B and C: fine
>Omega B: fine
>Zafira: doesn't really work
> VW:
>T4 and T5: fine
>Polo 5: fine

I have a Toyota Camry Hybrid and FM transmitter really turns to static
when I press the brakes. :) I guess because it's generating
electricity in the battery, which is located directly below the FM
antenna (rear windshield).
--- End Message ---
maemo-users mailing list

Re: N900 charging problems

2010-03-01 Thread Xavier Bestel
On Mon, 2010-03-01 at 18:54 +0100, Xavier Bestel wrote:
> On Mon, 2010-03-01 at 11:44 -0600, Paul Hartman wrote:
> > 2010/3/1 Xavier Bestel :
> > > My N900 just switched off by itself (no more juice), and now plugging
> > > the USB cable does nothing. It's dead.
> > >
> > > I'll try the wall charger when I get back home.
> > 
> > On mine, the N900 becomes totally unresponsive (won't even charge)
> > depending on turning power on and off and charging while power is off,
> > etc. I have to remove the battery and reinsert it, then it behaves
> > normally. Maybe you can try that if you haven't already.
> I just tried your suggestion.
> So now, when plugging the cable it enters into a loop where it starts to
> charge (the yellow led slowly blinks), the USB mass storage mode is
> entered, than after 5 seconds the led stops blinking, 2 seconds after
> that it powers completely off for 1 second.
> Rinse and repeat.

... and after trying to power it on while plugged, it's just black with
a red led faintly blinking. Even when unplugging and replugging the

I didn't find a mention of red blinking led in the manual.


maemo-users mailing list

Re: N900 charging problems

2010-03-01 Thread Xavier Bestel
On Mon, 2010-03-01 at 11:44 -0600, Paul Hartman wrote:
> 2010/3/1 Xavier Bestel :
> > My N900 just switched off by itself (no more juice), and now plugging
> > the USB cable does nothing. It's dead.
> >
> > I'll try the wall charger when I get back home.
> On mine, the N900 becomes totally unresponsive (won't even charge)
> depending on turning power on and off and charging while power is off,
> etc. I have to remove the battery and reinsert it, then it behaves
> normally. Maybe you can try that if you haven't already.

I just tried your suggestion.
So now, when plugging the cable it enters into a loop where it starts to
charge (the yellow led slowly blinks), the USB mass storage mode is
entered, than after 5 seconds the led stops blinking, 2 seconds after
that it powers completely off for 1 second.
Rinse and repeat.

Is there a mean to ask for charge without even entering the mass-storage
mode ?


maemo-users mailing list

Re: N900 charging problems

2010-03-01 Thread Paul Hartman
2010/3/1 Xavier Bestel :
> My N900 just switched off by itself (no more juice), and now plugging
> the USB cable does nothing. It's dead.
> I'll try the wall charger when I get back home.

On mine, the N900 becomes totally unresponsive (won't even charge)
depending on turning power on and off and charging while power is off,
etc. I have to remove the battery and reinsert it, then it behaves
normally. Maybe you can try that if you haven't already.
maemo-users mailing list

Re: Desktop Icons

2010-03-01 Thread Edward Johns
>2010/3/1 Kimmo Hämäläinen :
> Did you run gtk-update-icon-cache to rebuild the icon cache after adding
> the new icon?
I did but nothing happened (no output from the command). I'm assuming
that's correct because I've not actually added a new icon, I'm trying
to re-use an existing one.

On 1 March 2010 16:24, David Hautbois  wrote:
> Hello
> Do You know this bug :
> https://bugs.maemo.org/show_bug.cgi?id=6931
> David.

I missed that one. I'm still waiting for 1.1.1 as I'm in the uk so
maybe that will fix it. It's not the last item in the list though so
it's not exactly the same.
I notice that also mentions the "no output from gtk-update-icon-cache" problem.
Sounds like I might just need to be patient.

maemo-users mailing list

Re: Desktop Icons

2010-03-01 Thread David Hautbois

Do You know this bug :


Edward Johns wrote:

I've setup a .desktop file for a shell script I want to run. It runs
ok but I can't get it to show a meaningful icon.
This is the desktop file:

[Desktop Entry]
Exec=/usr/bin/osso-xterm 'sudo /root/mount.jb'

terminal.png exists in /usr/share/icons/hicolor/48x48 (and 24x24,25x25,64x64).

I've tried a reboot but it won't show; what am I missing?

maemo-users mailing list

maemo-users mailing list

Re: N900 charging problems

2010-03-01 Thread Xavier Bestel
On Mon, 2010-03-01 at 18:04 +0200, Kimmo Hämäläinen wrote:
> On Mon, 2010-03-01 at 16:40 +0100, ext Xavier Bestel wrote:
> > Hi,
> > 
> > I have a new problem today with my N900: it won't charge anymore through
> > USB (pc-connected) when powered on.
> > 
> > The N900 is connected via the monitor's USB hub to the pc, or directly
> > from the pc's front plugs. When powered on, if I plug the cable it will
> > charge for a few seconds, then stop charging and show a notification
> > yellow bar saying "Défaut de charge", which roughly translated means
> > "Charging defect", then charge stops.
> The animation is stopped if you are not getting more power from PC than
> you are using in the N900. So it could be that some process is using lot
> of CPU in the N900 and causing this consumption.  This happens to me
> with browser playing Youtube, for example, unless I use the dedicated
> charger (that provides more power).

My N900 just switched off by itself (no more juice), and now plugging
the USB cable does nothing. It's dead.

I'll try the wall charger when I get back home.


maemo-users mailing list

Re: Desktop Icons

2010-03-01 Thread Kimmo Hämäläinen
On Mon, 2010-03-01 at 11:33 +0100, ext Edward Johns wrote:
> Hello,
> I've setup a .desktop file for a shell script I want to run. It runs
> ok but I can't get it to show a meaningful icon.
> This is the desktop file:
> [Desktop Entry]
> Encoding=UTF-8
> Version=0.1
> Type=Application
> Terminal=true
> Name=Mount.jb
> Exec=/usr/bin/osso-xterm 'sudo /root/mount.jb'
> Icon=terminal
> #X-Window-Icon=timerwidget
> #X-Window-Icon=
> X-HildonDesk-ShowInToolbar=true
> X-Osso-Type=application/x-executable
> terminal.png exists in /usr/share/icons/hicolor/48x48 (and 24x24,25x25,64x64).
> I've tried a reboot but it won't show; what am I missing?

Did you run gtk-update-icon-cache to rebuild the icon cache after adding
the new icon?


> Cheers,
> Ed.
> ___
> maemo-users mailing list
> maemo-users@maemo.org
> https://lists.maemo.org/mailman/listinfo/maemo-users

maemo-users mailing list

Re: N900 charging problems

2010-03-01 Thread Xavier Bestel
On Mon, 2010-03-01 at 16:40 +0100, Xavier Bestel wrote:
> Hi,
> I have a new problem today with my N900: it won't charge anymore through
> USB (pc-connected) when powered on.
> The N900 is connected via the monitor's USB hub to the pc, or directly
> from the pc's front plugs. When powered on, if I plug the cable it will
> charge for a few seconds, then stop charging and show a notification
> yellow bar saying "Défaut de charge", which roughly translated means
> "Charging defect", then charge stops.
> I see nothing special in the N900's dmesg.
> If I turn it off, it will charge happily (the yellow led blinks slowly),
> and act as an USB key.

Ok, my bad, it just charges for a little while more than when powered
on, but it still stops after a while.
So it looks like a hw problem. Well, that phone sure didn't live for


maemo-users mailing list

Re: N900 charging problems

2010-03-01 Thread Kimmo Hämäläinen
On Mon, 2010-03-01 at 16:40 +0100, ext Xavier Bestel wrote:
> Hi,
> I have a new problem today with my N900: it won't charge anymore through
> USB (pc-connected) when powered on.
> The N900 is connected via the monitor's USB hub to the pc, or directly
> from the pc's front plugs. When powered on, if I plug the cable it will
> charge for a few seconds, then stop charging and show a notification
> yellow bar saying "Défaut de charge", which roughly translated means
> "Charging defect", then charge stops.

The animation is stopped if you are not getting more power from PC than
you are using in the N900. So it could be that some process is using lot
of CPU in the N900 and causing this consumption.  This happens to me
with browser playing Youtube, for example, unless I use the dedicated
charger (that provides more power).


> I see nothing special in the N900's dmesg.
> If I turn it off, it will charge happily (the yellow led blinks slowly),
> and act as an USB key.
> This morning it was charging ok (powered on) on the wall charger.
> Does someone have an idea how to find where does that come from ?
> Thanks,
>   Xav
> ___
> maemo-users mailing list
> maemo-users@maemo.org
> https://lists.maemo.org/mailman/listinfo/maemo-users

maemo-users mailing list

N900 charging problems

2010-03-01 Thread Xavier Bestel

I have a new problem today with my N900: it won't charge anymore through
USB (pc-connected) when powered on.

The N900 is connected via the monitor's USB hub to the pc, or directly
from the pc's front plugs. When powered on, if I plug the cable it will
charge for a few seconds, then stop charging and show a notification
yellow bar saying "Défaut de charge", which roughly translated means
"Charging defect", then charge stops.

I see nothing special in the N900's dmesg.

If I turn it off, it will charge happily (the yellow led blinks slowly),
and act as an USB key.

This morning it was charging ok (powered on) on the wall charger.

Does someone have an idea how to find where does that come from ?


maemo-users mailing list

Re: FM Transmitter Sends Sounds But Not Music

2010-03-01 Thread Paul Hartman
On Mon, Mar 1, 2010 at 7:09 AM, Xavier Bestel  wrote:
> On Mon, 2010-03-01 at 12:05 +0100, Andre Klapper wrote:
>> Am Montag, den 01.03.2010, 10:21 + schrieb Chris Ross:
>> > The FM Transmitter feature on my N900 is very useful to me as my car's
>> > built-in stereo doesn't support Bluetooth, but this weekend it just
>> > stopped working. I can set the TX frequency and tune the radio to it,
>> > enable the FM Transmitter in Media Player and all seems well. The static
>> > is replaced by quiet, I can hear the clicks and other system sounds as I
>> > select things through the car speakers, but when I press play I get
>> > silence. It's good silence, like properly transmitted silence, but
>> > obviously what I wanted to hear was the music.
>> This also happened to us yesterday in the car, however it worked after
>> rebooting the N900.
> The FM transmitter never worked for me (tried in different cars), it
> only emits a faint static sound with a very very faint music, even with
> N900 and car's volume crancked up.
> I always thought it was just a marketing gimmick. Is it supposed to work
> well ?
> Maybe I should try to hear the clicks and other system sounds.

FM transmitter is basically useless for me, too. I tried in 3
different cars and at it's best the sound quality is very poor, barely
better than AM radio, but most of the time there is so much static I
can't hear anything. And I'm using the FM boost package, which helps a
little. Without FM boost it's even worse...

I think it depends on phone's proximity to the FM antenna, whether the
antenna is shielded from electrical signals inside the car (which is
normally a good thing, except for when the FM transmitter is inside
the car...)
maemo-users mailing list

RE: FM Transmitter Sends Sounds But Not Music

2010-03-01 Thread tero.kojo
The range of the transmitter isn't too long if you have a well built stereo.
At home I have to put the device on top of the receiver to get really clean 
sound. In the car I prefer a small box just above the car radio. The sound does 
work from elsewhere in the car, but just above the radio is best.

Generally the better the radio the better they are insulated from external 
signals that are not coming to the antenna directly.


> -Original Message-
> From: maemo-users-boun...@maemo.org [mailto:maemo-users-
> boun...@maemo.org] On Behalf Of ext Xavier Bestel
> Sent: 01 March, 2010 16:26
> To: Alexander Schröter
> Cc: maemo-users@maemo.org
> Subject: Re: FM Transmitter Sends Sounds But Not Music
> On Mon, 2010-03-01 at 14:28 +0100, Alexander Schröter wrote:
> > It works great for me. Just saved myself from a 5 hour drive with no
> music
> > because of a broken cd player.
> >
> > To Xavier: Try to use a different station ... if you get static your
> device is
> > either out of range, gets interference from another source or u have
> another
> > problem. The situation Chris describes is different because he gets
> "clean
> > silence" and device sounds which pretty much says his device is
> working.
> I already tried different stations, each time I tried one in a blank
> range.
> I think I get static because the volume is really faint.
> I'll try once again today now that I know it's supposed to work well.
> Thanks,
>   Xav
> ___
> maemo-users mailing list
> maemo-users@maemo.org
> https://lists.maemo.org/mailman/listinfo/maemo-users
maemo-users mailing list

Re: FM Transmitter Sends Sounds But Not Music

2010-03-01 Thread Xavier Bestel
On Mon, 2010-03-01 at 16:34 +0200, Marius Vollmer wrote:
> ext Xavier Bestel  writes:
> > So obviously my phone has a problem.
> It might also be your car.  Radio transmitters are usually outside of
> your car, and the antenna might be optimized for that.

I tried on three of them. But just in case, I'll try outside of mine,


maemo-users mailing list

Re: FM Transmitter Sends Sounds But Not Music

2010-03-01 Thread Lon Lentz
  It might be the antenna setup on your car. My antenna is embedded in the
rear glass of my car and I can't get any fm transmitter setup to sound good.

> No I'm not :(
> So obviously my phone has a problem. Do you have to push the volume of
> your stereo to hear the N900 ?
> Are there different FM chips/configurations for different countries ?
maemo-users mailing list

Re: FM Transmitter Sends Sounds But Not Music

2010-03-01 Thread Marius Vollmer
ext Xavier Bestel  writes:

> So obviously my phone has a problem.

It might also be your car.  Radio transmitters are usually outside of
your car, and the antenna might be optimized for that.
maemo-users mailing list

Re: FM Transmitter Sends Sounds But Not Music

2010-03-01 Thread Xavier Bestel
On Mon, 2010-03-01 at 14:28 +0100, Alexander Schröter wrote:

> It works great for me. Just saved myself from a 5 hour drive with no music 
> because of a broken cd player.
> To Xavier: Try to use a different station ... if you get static your device 
> is 
> either out of range, gets interference from another source or u have another 
> problem. The situation Chris describes is different because he gets "clean 
> silence" and device sounds which pretty much says his device is working.

I already tried different stations, each time I tried one in a blank range.
I think I get static because the volume is really faint.
I'll try once again today now that I know it's supposed to work well.


maemo-users mailing list

Re: FM Transmitter Sends Sounds But Not Music

2010-03-01 Thread Xavier Bestel
On Mon, 2010-03-01 at 11:15 -0300, Cláudio Sampaio wrote:
> On Mon, Mar 1, 2010 at 10:09 AM, Xavier Bestel 
> wrote:
> The FM transmitter never worked for me (tried in different
> cars), it
> only emits a faint static sound with a very very faint music,
> even with
> N900 and car's volume crancked up.
> I always thought it was just a marketing gimmick. Is it
> supposed to work
> well ?
> Are you kidding? It works very well for me, the sound is barely
> distinguishable from the CDs I put in my car sound system, it's loud
> and clear. Never had any problem with it.

No I'm not :(
So obviously my phone has a problem. Do you have to push the volume of
your stereo to hear the N900 ?

Are there different FM chips/configurations for different countries ?


maemo-users mailing list

Re: FM Transmitter Sends Sounds But Not Music

2010-03-01 Thread Cláudio Sampaio
On Mon, Mar 1, 2010 at 10:09 AM, Xavier Bestel wrote:

> The FM transmitter never worked for me (tried in different cars), it
> only emits a faint static sound with a very very faint music, even with
> N900 and car's volume crancked up.
> I always thought it was just a marketing gimmick. Is it supposed to work
> well ?

Are you kidding? It works very well for me, the sound is barely
distinguishable from the CDs I put in my car sound system, it's loud and
clear. Never had any problem with it.

Best regards,
Cláudio "Patola" Sampaio
IRC: ptl  - Yahoo: patolaaa
Campinas, SP - Brazil.
maemo-users mailing list

Re: FM Transmitter Sends Sounds But Not Music

2010-03-01 Thread Alexander Schröter
Am 01.03.2010 14:09, schrieb Xavier Bestel: 
On Mon, 2010-03-01 at 12:05 +0100, Andre Klapper wrote:
Am Montag, den 01.03.2010, 10:21 + schrieb Chris Ross:
The FM Transmitter feature on my N900 is very useful to me as my car's 
built-in stereo doesn't support Bluetooth, but this weekend it just 
stopped working. I can set the TX frequency and tune the radio to it, 
enable the FM Transmitter in Media Player and all seems well. The static 
is replaced by quiet, I can hear the clicks and other system sounds as I 
select things through the car speakers, but when I press play I get 
silence. It's good silence, like properly transmitted silence, but 
obviously what I wanted to hear was the music.
This also happened to us yesterday in the car, however it worked after
rebooting the N900.
The FM transmitter never worked for me (tried in different cars), it
only emits a faint static sound with a very very faint music, even with
N900 and car's volume crancked up.
I always thought it was just a marketing gimmick. Is it supposed to work
well ?
Maybe I should try to hear the clicks and other system sounds.

It works great for me. Just saved myself from a 5 hour drive with no music 
because of a broken cd player.

To Xavier: Try to use a different station ... if you get static your device is 
either out of range, gets interference from another source or u have another 
problem. The situation Chris describes is different because he gets "clean 
silence" and device sounds which pretty much says his device is working.

To Chris: Have you tried turning the FMTransmitter on and off in- and outside 
of the player? And if you play the music with the transmitter on I understand 
there is no music from the speakers, right? Double check the Player Sound 
maybe the sound in the player is just somehow disabled. You can simply check 
that by starting the music with the transmitter off and enabling it. Are you 
using any aditional software like the fmtransmitter button and/or the booster?

maemo-users mailing list

Re: FM Transmitter Sends Sounds But Not Music

2010-03-01 Thread Alexander Schröter
Am 01.03.2010 14:09, schrieb Xavier Bestel: 
On Mon, 2010-03-01 at 12:05 +0100, Andre Klapper wrote:
Am Montag, den 01.03.2010, 10:21 + schrieb Chris Ross:
The FM Transmitter feature on my N900 is very useful to me as my car's 
built-in stereo doesn't support Bluetooth, but this weekend it just 
stopped working. I can set the TX frequency and tune the radio to it, 
enable the FM Transmitter in Media Player and all seems well. The static 
is replaced by quiet, I can hear the clicks and other system sounds as I 
select things through the car speakers, but when I press play I get 
silence. It's good silence, like properly transmitted silence, but 
obviously what I wanted to hear was the music.
This also happened to us yesterday in the car, however it worked after
rebooting the N900.
The FM transmitter never worked for me (tried in different cars), it
only emits a faint static sound with a very very faint music, even with
N900 and car's volume crancked up.
I always thought it was just a marketing gimmick. Is it supposed to work
well ?
Maybe I should try to hear the clicks and other system sounds.

It works great for me. Just saved myself from a 5 hour drive with no music 
because of a broken cd player.

To Xavier: Try to use a different station ... if you get static your device is 
either out of range, gets interference from another source or u have another 
problem. The situation Chris describes is different because he gets "clean 
silence" and device sounds which pretty much says his device is working.

To Chris: Have you tried turning the FMTransmitter on and off in- and outside 
of the player? And if you play the music with the transmitter on I understand 
there is no music from the speakers, right? Double check the Player Sound 
maybe the sound in the player is just somehow disabled. You can simply check 
that by starting the music with the transmitter off and enabling it. Are you 
using any aditional software like the fmtransmitter button and/or the booster?

maemo-users mailing list

Re: FM Transmitter Sends Sounds But Not Music

2010-03-01 Thread Xavier Bestel
On Mon, 2010-03-01 at 12:05 +0100, Andre Klapper wrote:
> Am Montag, den 01.03.2010, 10:21 + schrieb Chris Ross:
> > The FM Transmitter feature on my N900 is very useful to me as my car's 
> > built-in stereo doesn't support Bluetooth, but this weekend it just 
> > stopped working. I can set the TX frequency and tune the radio to it, 
> > enable the FM Transmitter in Media Player and all seems well. The static 
> > is replaced by quiet, I can hear the clicks and other system sounds as I 
> > select things through the car speakers, but when I press play I get 
> > silence. It's good silence, like properly transmitted silence, but 
> > obviously what I wanted to hear was the music.
> This also happened to us yesterday in the car, however it worked after
> rebooting the N900.

The FM transmitter never worked for me (tried in different cars), it
only emits a faint static sound with a very very faint music, even with
N900 and car's volume crancked up.
I always thought it was just a marketing gimmick. Is it supposed to work
well ?
Maybe I should try to hear the clicks and other system sounds.


maemo-users mailing list

Re: FM Transmitter Sends Sounds But Not Music

2010-03-01 Thread Andre Klapper
Am Montag, den 01.03.2010, 10:21 + schrieb Chris Ross:
> The FM Transmitter feature on my N900 is very useful to me as my car's 
> built-in stereo doesn't support Bluetooth, but this weekend it just 
> stopped working. I can set the TX frequency and tune the radio to it, 
> enable the FM Transmitter in Media Player and all seems well. The static 
> is replaced by quiet, I can hear the clicks and other system sounds as I 
> select things through the car speakers, but when I press play I get 
> silence. It's good silence, like properly transmitted silence, but 
> obviously what I wanted to hear was the music.

This also happened to us yesterday in the car, however it worked after
rebooting the N900.

Andre Klapper (maemo.org bugmaster)

maemo-users mailing list

FM Transmitter Sends Sounds But Not Music

2010-03-01 Thread Chris Ross

If this is an FAQ I've been unable to find it, nor has googling helped.

The FM Transmitter feature on my N900 is very useful to me as my car's 
built-in stereo doesn't support Bluetooth, but this weekend it just 
stopped working. I can set the TX frequency and tune the radio to it, 
enable the FM Transmitter in Media Player and all seems well. The static 
is replaced by quiet, I can hear the clicks and other system sounds as I 
select things through the car speakers, but when I press play I get 
silence. It's good silence, like properly transmitted silence, but 
obviously what I wanted to hear was the music.

I've tried power cycling the N900 a couple of times, tried running 
update in the apps manager, gone through the settings with a fine comb 
looking for something obvious but haven't spotted it.

How do I get music played via FM once again? It plays fine through the 
internal speakers or headphone socket, just not over FM, although other 
sound is fine over FM seems to be just the music that doesn't work 
though I haven't tried playing a game to see whether I can hear that.

Thanks in advance,
Chris R.

maemo-users mailing list

Desktop Icons

2010-03-01 Thread Edward Johns
I've setup a .desktop file for a shell script I want to run. It runs
ok but I can't get it to show a meaningful icon.
This is the desktop file:

[Desktop Entry]
Exec=/usr/bin/osso-xterm 'sudo /root/mount.jb'

terminal.png exists in /usr/share/icons/hicolor/48x48 (and 24x24,25x25,64x64).

I've tried a reboot but it won't show; what am I missing?

maemo-users mailing list