RE: Download of 10MB after internet connection

2010-11-29 Thread Aldon Hynes
Sorry about being a little late to this discussion.  If people are still 
interested, I have a few other thoughts to consider.

First, the assumption is that it is the checking for updates that is using up 
the bandwidth.  Keep in mind that it could be other things, such as fMMS if you 
use it, email, Ovi Maps, or even some of the social networking tools like 
Pidgin, etc.

Whatever the cause, I always try to always disable automatic checking, and then 
do my checking manually when I am connected to WiFi, e.g. running

apt-get update and apt-get upgrade from the command prompt when I am connected 
to my home network.

I also don't automatically connect to my 3G network.  I stay disconnected 
except when I need to connect.


> -Original Message-
> From:
> []on Behalf Of Tanuva
> Sent: Thursday, November 11, 2010 4:40 PM
> To:
> Subject: Re: Download of 10MB after internet connection
> Moin,
> This behaviour is really annoying to me since I have 30 MB/month free 
> data. If about 20 MB of that get eaten by some apt-worker process 
> updating the db from time to time its fairly useless to me.
> Practically disabling auto update checking isn't _the_ fix since I have 
> WLAN available most of the time but don't want to waste 3G traffic just 
> because something decides that it's time for updates now. Isn't there a 
> network-aware solution possible?
> Marcel
> Am 11.11.2010 22:24, schrieb Paul Hartman:
> > 2010/11/11 João Olavo Baião de Vasconcelos:
> >> Hi there!
> >>
> >> Every time I connect my n900 to 3g, I notice through Personal Dataplan
> >> Monitor that it downloads almost 10 MB, even if I don't open browser or
> >> login into any messenger.
> >>
> >> I'm guessing that the it runs like a "apt-get update" to check 
> new software
> >> updates.
> >>
> >> Does it happen with everyone? How to disable this repository 
> check (without
> >> disabling the repositories)? Or is there any other issue?
> >>
> >> Thanks any advice!
> >
> > You can change the auto-update interval:
> >
> >
> > ___
> > maemo-users mailing list
> >
> >
> >
> ___
> maemo-users mailing list

maemo-users mailing list

RE: help please ...

2010-11-05 Thread Aldon Hynes
Well, there are a lot of different things that could be going on and since
everyone's phone is likely to have different things installed, it is hard to
come up with a general recommendation, but that said, let me suggest a few

Do you have OpenSSH installed?  It is typically the first thing I install on
my N900.  It allows you to connect to your N900 from another computer, so
you have a full keyboard and screen to use when you are trying to figure
things out.  This makes it much easier to figure out what is going on.

If not, do you have rootsh installed?  It will allow you to get root
privileges from the Xterminal screen if that is all you have.

I'm a command line sort of guy, so I would start off by checking various
things on the command line:

First, if you have root access, do anapt-get clean  This may get
read of some old files that are laying around.  You can also try   apt-get
autoclean orapt-get autoremove

If these work, you may be okay.  If not, there are a few problems you might
run into.  It might be that you aren't doing it as root, and it will give
you an error.  You might also have the application manager trying to do
things, in which case it will give you a message about being unable to lock
the administration directory.  Make sure you aren't running the application
manager, and that it has had a bit of time to finish any background tasks.

To see what the status of my file system is, I'd enter   df   to see if
there are any filesystems that are out of space.  I'd also do amount
to see if any file systems are mounted read only.

If you find any that are out of space, that is where you're memory problem
is.  If you find a filesystem that is mounted read only, that could also be
your problem.

If you have OpenSSH installed and a linux machine around, you can mount your
N900 as a filesystem on the Linux machine using sshfs.  Lacking that, you
should be able to connect via the USB and the PC Connectivity software and
move files off of your N900.  Personally, I don't use PCs much any more so I
can't really help a lot with that.

If all else fails, you may have to reflash the phone.  In this case, you
probably need to reflash everything to get back to an initial state, instead
of just reflashing the root filesystem which is often done when upgrading.

Perhaps others will have additional ideas.  Hope this helps and good luck.


  -Original Message-
[]on Behalf Of Nick Ingham
  Sent: Friday, November 05, 2010 2:02 PM
  Subject: help please ...

  Help please to sort out my N900. It may be that the problem is as simple
as the resolution of the following to error messages (which are presumably
related).Following the latest firmware update (which is to say having been
USBd to my PC and disconnected without the proper safe procedure ...) the
N900 (which otherwise seems fine) downloaded two small apps but thn refused
to download anything further saying that it has 'insufficient memory' and to
uninstall applications to free memory. the first claim isn't true and the
uninstallation makes no difference. There is a second, intermittent, error
message which says that the memory is read only and which suggests
re-attaching the phone to the PC.This seems to have no effect at all. the
long and short of it may therefore be the question of how to repair the
memory. (And perhaps for me to be more disciplinedin detaching the USB cable
in future.

  There have however  several difficulties, some of my making, some of
Nokia's. I downloaded Hide user Agent and asked the phone to report as
Android. This just before a Nokia person persuaded me to re-install the
software thereby wiping out all third-part apps. Since then I have been
quite unable to find - never mind download - HUA despite having the
extras-devel repos in app manager. Not sure if this matters although I
suspect it bars me from Ovi Store.

  Any help with these things would come as a great relief to my poor
befuddled mind.

maemo-users mailing list

RE: Installing MeeGo unto the SD Card (with NitDroid)

2010-10-26 Thread Aldon Hynes
I've been kicking this around for a while and not managed to get this to
work yet.  From what I'm reading MeeGo just isn't working with MultiBoot

In may case, I have a 16 gb card.  I've partitioned it into

1 2 gb vfat (for Maemo data)
2 2 gb Swap (particularly for booting Fedora)
3 2 gb Fedora
4 10 gb Extended partition

The extented partition is then partitioned as
5 2 gb MeeGo
6 2 gb Mer
7 2 gb Nitroid
8 2 gb To be used later
9 2 gb To be used later

I go into details about this in my blog post
Configuring the Nokia #N900 Chameleon for Mer, MeeGo and Fedora

I've never had luck booting Fedora or MeeGo, although I have chrooted to
them and done minimal testing that way.  I did have some luck with booting
Mer using Bootmenu.

Later, I upgraded to Power Kernel and Bootmenu stopped working for me.

MeeGo 1.1, Partitions, Bootmenu, Kernel Power, Flasher and All That Stuff on
the #N900

This led to some good discussions about MeeGo which lead me to believe it is
not ready for dual booting and may not be ready until MeeGo 1.2.  I've
switched from Bootmenu to Multiboot and I have had great luck running
NitDroid.  See

My New Nokia #N900 #Android Phone

It is worth noting that I did not use the NitDroid autoinstaller.  That will
repartition your SD card.  Instead, I did the steps manually, and it has
worked nicely.

As a final note, I updated to PR 1.3 yesterday.

My Update Adventure #N900 PR 1.3 NitDroid, Titan and MeeGo

I tried doing an Over The Air (OTA) upgrade, but that failed miserably and I
had to reflash my device.  Once it was reflashed, I ran one small part of my
NitDroid installation, and I am now dual booting between Maemo and NitDroid.

I made a few more attempts at getting MeeGo running, but without any luck.

As a side note, I was told on the IRC channel that Titan refers to Power
Kernel, so I've used that name in this post.  Titan does work nicely with PR
1.3 and Multiboot.

One of the things particularly important to me about Titan is IPv6
capabilities.  I wrote about

Setting up a Nokia #N900 to be an #IPv6 Enabled Web Server

I had to reconfigure my web server after the latest flash, but it is up and
running nicely over IPv6.  Because of firewall issues, you can't access it
over IPv4, so unless you have IPv6, you can't get to the machine.  However,
if you do have IPv6 check out

Also, check the link to my location using Python and my battery status using

Hope this helps.


> -Original Message-
> From:
> []on Behalf Of Francisco Diaz Trepat
> - gmail
> Sent: Tuesday, October 26, 2010 9:21 AM
> To: maemo-users
> Subject: Installing MeeGo unto the SD Card (with NitDroid)
> Hi all I have installed the NitDroid port for N900 unto my 8gb SD card.
> I partitioned a big 6gb vfat and a 2gb ext3 for the NitDroid as
> suggested in the installation guide at the nitdroid project site.
> Now whenever I boot my N900 I have to press 1 for Maemo and 2 for
> NitDroid.
> Could I re-partition my free 6gb vfat partition and installed the
> MeeGo 1.1 raw image into a this new partition, keeping Nitdroid?
> My goal is to boot my N900 and have:
> Press
> 1. for Maemo 5
> 2. for NitDroid
> 3. for MeeGo
> is this possible?
> f(t)
> ___
> maemo-users mailing list

maemo-users mailing list

RE: PR1.3 coming!

2010-10-25 Thread Aldon Hynes
I tried doing an OTA upgrade.  It said I had conflicts.  I started removing
conflicts, and then it went out and removed just about the whole rootfs.
So, I've just flashed it and am starting to rebuild everything.  Of course,
now I have lots of free space!


> -Original Message-
> From:
> []on Behalf Of Paul Hartman
> Sent: Monday, October 25, 2010 12:32 PM
> To:
> Subject: Re: PR1.3 coming!
> On Mon, Oct 25, 2010 at 9:45 AM, Aldon Hynes
>  wrote:
> > Various questions:
> >
> > Who has installed this?  Did you flash or go OTA?
> I'm trying to install OTA, but I don't have enough free rootfs
> space... and of course it does not tell me how much it wants me to
> have, only that I don't have enough. Some things never change! :(
> ___
> maemo-users mailing list

maemo-users mailing list

RE: PR1.3 coming!

2010-10-25 Thread Aldon Hynes
Various questions:

Who has installed this?  Did you flash or go OTA?

Anyone using this with power-kernel?  Is power-kernel compatible with 1.3?

What sort of multi-boot capabilities are there?  I currently use the
multi-boot package to boot between Maemo and Android.  Is 1.3 compatible
with multi-boot?

If you've done the upgrade, can you run
uname -a
and paste what the output says?


> -Original Message-
> From:
> []on Behalf Of Nils Faerber
> Sent: Monday, October 25, 2010 10:50 AM
> To:
> Subject: Re: PR1.3 coming!
> Am 25.10.2010 16:43, schrieb Paul Hartman:
> > On Thu, Oct 14, 2010 at 8:24 AM, Nils Faerber
> >  wrote:
> >> Hi!
> >> I just read on a German newsticker that a PR1.3 is planned, excellent!
> >> One of the major enhancements will be that it can dual-boot Maemo and
> >> MeeGo, pretty cool.
> >
> > PR 1.3 version 20.2010.36-2 is now available.
> >
> > :)
> Yup, just upgraded - from a first look I cannot discover any big news so
> I assume most changes are rather "under the hood".
> I am now looking forward for a first dual-boot guide for Maemo/MeeGo.
> Cheers
>   nils
> --
> kernel concepts GbRTel: +49-271-771091-12
> Sieghuetter Hauptweg 48
> D-57072 Siegen Mob: +49-176-21024535
> ___
> maemo-users mailing list

maemo-users mailing list

My Go Experiements:

2010-06-22 Thread Aldon Hynes
Following the discussion about Go here, I decided to try my hand and
building Go and testing it.

What I did was build it in Scratchbox on my Ubuntu machine.  With one minor
problem it built nicely.

I mounted the Scratch box directories onto my N900 using sshfs and the
program ran fine.

(You don't need to copy your executables to /usr/bin  You can keep them in a
cleaner safer place.  In my case, I been using /root/mysrc for my testing)

Since I couldn't find the Bison parser for Maemo, I didn't try building Go
on the N900 itself, but building it in Scratchbox and then using it on the
N900 seems to work fine.  If anyone wants a tarball of Go let me know.
Uncompressed it is about 15 Meg, and it should work nicely in the /opt

For more info, check my blog post
My First Go Language Program on the Nokia #N900


maemo-users mailing list

RE: Fwd: N900 is hot when charged & sucks battery life after updatingto PR1.2

2010-06-08 Thread Aldon Hynes
How hot is it?

I've started running Kernel Power which I really like.

Mostly because it gives me the ability to use IPv6.  However, one of the
other features it provides is information about the battery.

Specifically, if you run
modprobe bq27x00_battery
it will give you access to data about the battery, including capacity,
voltage_now, current_now and temp

It seems like this might be useful in understanding what is going on with
the battery, if it has been damaged, etc.

For example, right now, my battery is reporting:


Yesterday, when I had drained it, the POWER_SUPPLY_TEMP climbed to 40.

I'm curious about what other people are seeing for these numbers, as well as
what the acceptable ranges should be.

Anyone else running Kernel_Power and care to report on the status of their

  > 2010/6/7 Kimmo Hämäläinen 
  > On Sun, 2010-06-06 at 14:10 +0200, ext khalid khan wrote:
  > > In my N900 there is only two widget running on desktop AP
  > News &
  > > Foreca Weather with other shortcuts of contact icons & games
  > icon but
  > > do this eat up so much of battery that when it's been
  > charged for 2 -
  > > 3 hrs in every 7 or 11 hrs a day.
  > Could you check with "top" command in "X Terminal" if some
  > process has a
  > big number in the "%CPU" column?  There has been some reports
  > about
  > Twitter applet before...
  > -Kimmo
  > >
  > > I know if media (audio & video) is running it eat more
  > battery life.
  > > But i have tried not using it & always analyse with Battery
  > Eye App.
  > >
  > > I use normally emails (not mre than 10-20 emails, on
  > weekends) use to
  > > play some simple games,listen music & watch some
  > videos ,talk on gtalk
  > > voice & video.Browse Internet.
  > >
  > > I charge using normal USB Adapter & Battery gets full in 2-3
  > hrs.
  > >
  > > Also notice that the pin converter provided in the nokia box
  > if
  > > charged through that it charges but once unplugged the
  > battery is
  > > drained. If charged with normal USB Adapter works fine &
  > with USB
  > > connected to laptop.
  > >
  > > What would be the real reason as i purchased N900 only 4
  > months back
  > > so i dont think it should be problem with battery.
  > >
  > > Can over charging cause battery drain in 7-11 hrs? Please
  > let me
  > > know.
  > >
  > > Thanks
  > > Khalid
  > > --
  > > Sent from my Nokia N900 using Nokia Messaging
maemo-users mailing list

RE: N900 does not display a caller's name as in phone book

2010-06-01 Thread Aldon Hynes
I did my update over the air using apt-get commands from a terminal

Specifically, you need to have root priviliges to run this.  Since I use SSH
to connect to my machine I can come in easily as root.  If you are going
from the terminal on your phone, you will neeed to gainroot one way or
another.  I have sudo installed, so I can

sudo -i to have a root prompt.

When doing an update over the air, you have to be careful about running out
of space, and I suggest removing any large optional applications.  In my
case, I removed Chromium and a few other applications.

If your previous install failed, you may need to run
apt-get -f install
to fix things up.

You may also want to run
apt-get clean
to remove old versions of installation files from your archives.

You should run
apt-get update
to get information about any new packages to be updated, and then run
apt-get dist-upgrade

This can run for a while.

Also, if there is something in specific that appears to be screwed up, you
may want to try

apt-get install --reinstall -y appname

to force a re-installation of the application.

For more information, please read my blog post

My Over the Aire N900 Update...


> -Original Message-
> From:
> []on Behalf Of Umarzuki Mochlis
> Sent: Tuesday, June 01, 2010 9:05 AM
> To:
> Subject: N900 does not display a caller's name as in phone book
> hi,
> my N900 does not display a caller's name as in phone book recently
> after failed its upgrade recently.
> what happened during that upgrade, i cancelled it but my phone hanged
> so i try to reboot it but it won't and installed the packages that had
> been downloaded (assumption only). It seems ok after a while but then
> i realized i had the problem as above.
> how do i redo the upgrade? apt-get upgrade from terminal?
> --
> Regards,
> Umarzuki Mochlis
> ___
> maemo-users mailing list

maemo-users mailing list

RE: IPv6 on the N800

2010-05-28 Thread Aldon Hynes

> > [...]
> > I'm using IPv6 with the power kernel as well. I get the IPv6 address 
> > via a tunnel managed by aiccu. I've no problems so far with the web 
> > browser and ssh. I can use IPv6 pretty reliable. I've also a very 
> > small http webserver running on the N900 which listens on the IPv6 
> > address.
> >
> > The nice thing is, that the IPv6 stays the same, no matter how I'm 
> > connected to the internet.
> >
> What's this "power kernel"?  Do you have a N800 or N900?

I have an N900.  For information about power kernel check 

maemo-users mailing list

RE: IPv6 on the N800

2010-05-28 Thread Aldon Hynes

> [...]
> I'm using IPv6 with the power kernel as well. I get the IPv6 address via
> a tunnel managed by aiccu. I've no problems so far with the web browser
> and ssh. I can use IPv6 pretty reliable. I've also a very small http
> webserver running on the N900 which listens on the IPv6 address.
> The nice thing is, that the IPv6 stays the same, no matter how I'm
> connected to the internet.

I'm doing an IPv6 tunnel from the Linux Server on my home network, which is
how I get my IPv6 address on my N900.  The server is connecting to Freenet6
similar to what James Knotts is doing.  If I ping6 from my N900 to my Linux
server, about eight packets make it, and then no more.  If I ping6 from my
Linux Server to my N900 it have about the same experience.

Anyone else with similar IPv6 configurations?

As to running aiccu, can you tell us how you set that up?  I don't see aiccu
as an available package with apt-get.  Also, I'm curious about who your
tunnel provider is.


maemo-users mailing list

RE: IPv6 on the N800

2010-05-28 Thread Aldon Hynes
My guess is that it takes a kernel modification.  I'm using 'kernel power'
on the N900, which enables IPv6.  In my case, with the enhanced kernel, I
get an IPv6 address properly off of my local network.  I can send out about
half a dozen IPv6 packets, but then it stops working.  I haven't had a
chance to explore this further.

I'm very interested in moving more things to IPv6 and I would love to hear
others experience with IPv6 on the N800, the N900 and other mobile devices.
As an aside, I also encourage people to check out IP over Facebook  It is an interesting introduction to

Also, does anyone know if Meego supports IPv6?


> -Original Message-
> From:
> []on Behalf Of James Knott
> Sent: Friday, May 28, 2010 4:25 PM
> To:
> Subject: IPv6 on the N800
> I have upgraded my network and internet access to IPv6, but it appears
> the N800 does not get an IPv6 address from my router.  Is it possible to
> configure the N800 to support IPv6?  Software update?
> tnx jk
> ___
> maemo-users mailing list

maemo-users mailing list

RE: PR 1.2 update and messaging

2010-05-27 Thread Aldon Hynes

> -Original Message-
> Anyway, removing el-v1.db and el-v1.db-journal and then rebooting fixed
> this for me.  The database got correctly converted during boot and I
> have all my conversations back (minus the one that got lost while the
> database was in the wrong format).
> Be sure to make a backup before removing el-v1.db, of course.
> You can check whether el-v1.db is in the right format like this:
>   $ sqlite3 ~/.rtcom-eventlogger/el-v1.db
>   sqlite> .schema Events
> If the Events table contains the "outgoing" column like this
> CREATE TABLE Events (..., outgoing BOOL DEFAULT 0, ... );
> then you have the right format.

I moved el-v1.db and el-v1.db-journal to a different directory, rebooted,
and everything is working.  Thanks for helping with this.


maemo-users mailing list

RE: PR 1.2 update and messaging

2010-05-26 Thread Aldon Hynes
I start the program by tapping on the Conversations folder on the n900, so
it should be running as user.  However, when I do a ps from the command
line, I see two instances of rtcom-messaging-ui running, but as user.

I've rebooted.  I've done an apt-get install --reinstall for
rtcom-messaging-ui and everything that depends on it.  Rebooted a few more
times, and still I'm not getting my eventlogger data.

Any other ideas in things that I could check?

  -Original Message-
  From: []
  Sent: Wednesday, May 26, 2010 2:00 PM
  Subject: Re: PR 1.2 update and messaging

  On May 26, 2010, at 8:13 PM, ext Aldon Hynes wrote:

Okay... I've finally gotten PR 1.2 running and just about everything
seems to be working, with one exception.  My SMS messages are not showing up
in Converstations.  I can send and receive new SMS messages, but they do not
show up in conversations.

  Are you sure that you run it as user, not as root. If you run as root, you
can send but you can't access eventlogger database

  There was also some bugs on 10.0.0, it did not set correctly default
account for SMS . It is fixed in 10.0.1 .


Checking the database
/home/user/.rtcom-eventlogger/el-v1.db or el.db with sqlite3 shows the
old messages in the database.

I tried reinstalling rtcom-messaging-ui and that hasn't made a

Is anyone else running into the same problem, or have ideas about fixing
the problem, or at least narrowing down the nature of the problem?


maemo-users mailing list

PR 1.2 update and messaging

2010-05-26 Thread Aldon Hynes
Okay... I've finally gotten PR 1.2 running and just about everything seems
to be working, with one exception.  My SMS messages are not showing up in
Converstations.  I can send and receive new SMS messages, but they do not
show up in conversations.

Checking the database
/home/user/.rtcom-eventlogger/el-v1.db or el.db with sqlite3 shows the old
messages in the database.

I tried reinstalling rtcom-messaging-ui and that hasn't made a difference.

Is anyone else running into the same problem, or have ideas about fixing the
problem, or at least narrowing down the nature of the problem?

maemo-users mailing list

RE: PR1.2 is here

2010-05-26 Thread Aldon Hynes
I am doing my upgrade via apt-get dist-upgrade.  I've installed an
incredible amount of cra... err, interesting applications and have often run
into space problems.  To get around this I have done a few things.

First, I moved the apt cache into the /opt directory   In my case, I moved
the directory, and then added a symbolic link so /var/cache/apt points to
/opt/cache/apt.  I did the same thing with /var/lib/dpkg pointing to
/opt/lib/dpkg and /var/lib/apt pointing to /opt/lib/cache

Even with that, I was told I needed 133 meg and I had less than that
available in my /opt filesystem.

To get around this, I went to /opt/cache/apt/archives and did a  'rm *'

Then, I ran apt-get dist-upgrade.  It took about half an hour for me to
download everything and is taking at least that long to unpack and install
everything.  It has had a few hiccups due to network problems and other
issues, so I've had to restart the process once or twice, as well as do an
apt-get -f install at one point to fix problems with dependencies that got
messed up along the way.

In spite of all of this, I still think that using apt-get from the command
line is the best approach.


> -Original Message-
> From:
> []on Behalf Of Oleg Hahm
> Sent: Wednesday, May 26, 2010 8:57 AM
> To: Paul Hartman
> Cc:
> Subject: Re: PR1.2 is here
> Hi!
> Am Tue, May 25, 2010 at 03:42:31PM -0500 schrieb Paul Hartman:
> > > I thought reflassing was something from the past since Nokia
> started distributing the updates as packages with Diablo. Why is it
> > > necessary to reflash?
> >
> > Because for most of the world (other than UK) it's not available as
> > SSU yet, only as the firmware image. And we are impatient, despite
> > after waiting months, we want it on our precious N900 right now. :)
> Dunno if I got it all right but let me summarize what I
> experienced so far:
>  - some hours ago the packet manager informed me about a Maemo 5 update.
>  - when I try to install it, it recommends a backup and asks me
> to connect my
>phone with the PC suite (which is assumingly some Windows crap
> and I don't
>use a Linux phone to then need a Windows PC to upgrade it).
>  - so I tried apt-get dist-upgrade which asks me to upgrade more than 1000
>packages which fails because of insufficient disk space.
>  - so the only possibility for me to get the new version on my
> phone would be
>to reflash it and then pray that nothing goes wrong and I will
> have all the
>software installed like before.
> Did I miss something? Isn't their a more comfortable way?
> Regards
> Oleg
> --
> "Why do all the things have to change
> Just when they mean the most?"
> The God Machine, It's All Over

maemo-users mailing list

RE: Still Good Time To Bye an N900?

2010-05-11 Thread Aldon Hynes
It really depends on what you are looking for.  There will always be some
greater device coming down the pipeline.  Some people may find the announced
N8 more to their liking.  It has a 12 Megapixel camera is supposed to
support Java and the OS, Symbian3 is supposed to be open source.

On the other hand, I always wanted my machine to be based on a good open
source Linux based OS, so the N900 is more to my taste.  Maemo has been a
great OS for my purposes.  I'm waiting to see what MeeGo will look like, but
so far, I haven't been impressed by what I'm hearing.

So, for me, I'm very happy with the N900 and I expect I'll not think about
any other device for at least the 12 to 18 months.  After that I might think

  -Original Message-
[]on Behalf Of Francisco Diaz Trepat -
  Sent: Tuesday, May 11, 2010 4:39 PM
  Subject: Still Good Time To Bye an N900?

  Hello everyone, I'm such a newby that I don't have the N900 yet.

  I recently payed back my debts and am ready to get the N900.

  But I wanted to get some comments on whether it is a good Idea to get it
now, almost one year later.

  Should I get it? is there plans for a new N900b or something of the sort?
and therefore it may be prudent to wait a while?

  Anyhow, I take this chance to salute you, and hope to be part of this
network, and collaborate a bit.

maemo-users mailing list

RE: cannot access samba shares

2010-05-09 Thread Aldon Hynes
I kind of depends on what you want to do.  If you want to access files from
a linux box sshfs is a much nicer option.  I've been trying to get sshd
running under cygwin for Windows boxes, but without much luck.

UPnP works nicely if you want to share media files and access them from
either the File manager or the media player, but I don't know any way to
access other files using UPnP, or accessing them other ways, such as from a
terminal window, or being able to do things other than play the files.  And
even the media access isn't all that reliable.


> -Original Message-
> From:
> []on Behalf Of Andre Klapper
> Sent: Sunday, May 09, 2010 8:49 AM
> To:
> Subject: Re: cannot access samba shares
> Am Sonntag, den 09.05.2010, 14:30 +0200 schrieb Christopher Intemann:
> > Is there any good reason for dropping such a usefull feature?
> Priorities? IIRC UPnP was decided to be the way to go.
> andre
> --
> Andre Klapper ( bugmaster)
> ___
> maemo-users mailing list

maemo-users mailing list

mafw-lastfm and pianobar

2010-04-23 Thread Aldon Hynes
> -Original Message-
> I'm glad of your interest and suggestions. However, could you please
> file them individually as bug reports[1]? I wouldn't like to hijack the
> maemo-users mailing list with discussions on a small project.
> Claudio
> [1]

Claudio, et al.,

   I appreciate your desire not to hijack the maemo-users mailing list, and
I considered simply adding my suggestion as an enhancement request, but mine
is a little different, since I'm not sure if this really ends up being
something for mafw-lastfm or for pianobar.

   Generally, I like to listen to music from Pandora.  When I used to do it
on the web, there was a site that mashed up Pandora and Lastfm.  Now, I
listen to Pandora via Pianobar.  Generally, I use the PyPianoBar interface,
although sometimes I use the QtPianoBar interface.

   I don't know enough about how mafw-lastfm and pianobar work on whether or
not it would be possible to get tunes listened to on pianobar scrobbled
through mafw-lastfm, and if so whether the changes would have to be in
mafw-lastfm, pianobar, one of the interfaces, or something else.  Hence, I'm
posting it here for discussion and then perhaps will post a feature request
to whichever project can best handle it.


maemo-users mailing list

The Maemo Community Council Elections

2010-03-25 Thread Aldon Hynes
As I hope everyone on this list knows, we are in the middle of the Maemo
Community Council elections.

People who have had accounts for over 3 months and have a karma of
10 or over can vote.  If you qualify, you should have received a ballot.  If
you think you qualify, and didn't receive a ballot, there might be something
wrong with your email address and you should Dave Neary [].

Voting will run from March 23rd until March 30th 2010, 23:59 UTC

As an experienced political organizer and blogger, I've written up my review
of the different candidates in a summary

The Maemo Community Council Elections

It gathers information from the web about the candidates and I add in my own
reflections based on my interactions with candidates online and via email,
based on my own thoughts about what the council should be concerned with.  I
realize that not everyone agrees with all my thoughts.

One candidate, has posted a very well written and thoughtful response, which
I applaud him for.  He is perhaps the person I disagree with most on some
issues I consider very important, but he is also one of the people I respect
the most for arguing well for his positions.  I've posted a reply to his
comment as well.

I would encourage members of the larger Maemo community to become more
involved.  Read my post.  Share comments.  If you are qualified to vote,
please do so.  If not, please become more involved with the community so
that you can vote in the next election.

My two cents

maemo-users mailing list

RE: Buzz client for Maemo

2010-03-20 Thread Aldon Hynes
For wave, I would encourage you to check out QWaveClient

It is still very early code, but I've tested it on my N900 with some luck.
The downside is that QWave Client works with federated wave servers, but not
with the Google Preview Wave server.

For a little more on this, check out my blog post from last December
Programming the Nokia #N900
where I talk a little bit more about compiling QWaveClient for the N900

Other than that, I don't know of any clients other than the browsers which
seem to work fine.  The same applies to Buzz.

For Buzz, there have been requests that Buzz support XMPP.  (As an aside,
Wave's internals are based on XMPP).  Currently Buzz does not support XMPP.
However, Facebook Chat now does, and I've had some great chats with people
on Facebook using the Nokia N900 Conversations client.


> -Original Message-
> From:
> []on Behalf Of Kahlil Johnson
> Sent: Saturday, March 20, 2010 5:52 PM
> To: Tablet Blog
> Subject: Buzz client for Maemo
> anyone have seen a client for buzz or wave on maemo.
> also if there was a way to build a widget.
> --
> Kahlil Johnson
> "Ya tengo GMAIL!!"
> ___
> maemo-users mailing list

maemo-users mailing list

RE: Java for Maemo 5?

2010-03-20 Thread Aldon Hynes
Gunter wrote:
> Aldon Hynes wrote:
> I just wanted to add my experiences with Java Embedded and Cambridge
> Labs OpenJDK on the N900 as well as with running J2ME midlets /
> applications using MicroEmulator ( but I
> somehow hit the wrong key which caused my browser to open a new URL, and
> after pressing "back" everything I had already entered was gone. :-/
> Using extremely smart magic JavaScript for the comment feature which
> destroys a commentors text if he makes a tiny mistake is not really
> optimal, had it been a standard static textarea my text would have
> survied the mistake I made. :-(

  Sorry that you had problems with the comment system.  I actually support
two different comment systems, and no matter what, people complain.  One
uses Disqus which is a shared comment system and defaults to funky
JavaScript, which some people dislike.  The other is standard Drupal
comments, but I require registration.  Can't please everyone.
> Long story short, Sun's Java Embedded runs *much* faster than Cambridge
> Lab's OpenJDK (Which doesn't use a JIT, as far as I understand.) and
> MicroEmu seems to work as well, althought I've not yet tested it
> throughoutly.

Anyway, thanks for the comments.  Others have commented on ways to to
automate the 90 day replacement of the Sun Java, concerns about AWT/Swing
appearing in italicson the OpenJDK version etc.  I'm interesting in hearing
more about people's experiences with MicroEmulator.  I haven't tried that

However, the thing that seems to have gotten a lot of resonance is that
while all of this is probably fine for developers, it really isn't great for
end users and not having Java easily installable on the N900 seems to
relegate it to the realms of a nice developers toy, but limits its potential
in the smartphone market, which is really unfortunate.


maemo-users mailing list

RE: Java for Maemo 5?

2010-03-19 Thread Aldon Hynes
Sorry about taking so long to get back to this, it's been a busy couple of

I finally got a chance to sit down and write up some of my experiences and
what I did.  You can read it at

Running Java on an #N900

I hope it helps.  Let me know any thoughts or questions you have.


> -Original Message-
> From:
> []on Behalf Of Venomrush
> Sent: Sunday, February 28, 2010 12:11 AM
> To:
> Subject: RE: Java for Maemo 5?
> > I installed Sun's Embedded Java 1.6.0_10 when I first got my
> N900 back in
> > December.  I managed to get java applications to run, but
> didn't have any
> > luck with java applets in a browser.  If I spent more time, I suspect
> > there
> > may be ways to get it to work.
> >
> > Aldon
> Could you please provide some instructions how to install Sun's Embedded
> Java 1.6.0_10?
> I believe there are alot of people wanting to run java applications and
> would appriciate your help.
> Cheers
> --
> View this message in context:
> Sent from the maemo-users mailing list archive at
> ___
> maemo-users mailing list

maemo-users mailing list

RE: N900: Calibrating the accelerometers?

2010-03-17 Thread Aldon Hynes
It seems like we are at least getting useful data that will help in figuring 
out the best way to calliabrate the accelerometers.

First, go to a place where there is zero gravity

> -Original Message-
> From:
> []on Behalf Of Tomasz Rybak
> Sent: Wednesday, March 17, 2010 3:06 PM
> To: Gunter Ohrner
> Cc:
> Subject: Re: N900: Calibrating the accelerometers?
> Dnia 2010-03-16, wto o godzinie 00:54 +0100, Gunter Ohrner pisze:
> > What accDisplay-readings do other units produce? Maybe some other N900 
> > owners could post their values?
> Mine fluctuates:
> X: 0.0 -> -0.01
> Y: 0.01 -> -0.01
> Z: -1.02 -> -1.04
> BTW - it looks like my flat/desk is tilted, because when
> I rotate device so screen is upside down, X and Y numbers
> are positive, not negative :-)
> Regards
> -- 
> Tomasz Rybak  GPG/PGP key ID: 2AD5 9860
> Fingerprint A481 824E 7DD3 9C0E C40A  488E C654 FB33 2AD5 9860

maemo-users mailing list

RE: N900: Calibrating the accelerometers?

2010-03-15 Thread Aldon Hynes
When I set mine on a table, I get
X: -.04
Y: 0.00
Z: -1.07

When I shift it onto the edge of a table so it isn't propped up by the
camera lens cover, the numbers stay essentially the same, although X does
fluctuate down to the -.02 to -.03 range.

All of that said, for my purposes that seems to be more than close enough.


> -Original Message-
> From:
> []on Behalf Of Gunter Ohrner
> Sent: Monday, March 15, 2010 6:55 PM
> To:
> Subject: Re: N900: Calibrating the accelerometers?
> Luis Listas wrote:
> > When my accelerometer is working (it gets stuck every time the N900
> > runs out of battery and is recharged) and I place it on a flat table,
> > AccDisplay shows:
> >
> >  X: 0.02
> >  Z: -0.95
> >  Y: 0.02
> Mine show
> X:  0.09
> Z: -1.02
> Y:  0.09
> which translates to all applications using the accelerometers to
> consider the unit to be slightly tilted when it's lying flat an the
> surface of a table. (And yes, the table is not tilted. ;)
> On the contrary, I need to tilt the unit to let X and Y become zero ar
> to center XEyes' pupils.
> A friend's N900 shows the XEyes' pupils as expected, ie. centered while
> the device lies on its back. I do not know this device's raw values,
> however.
> According to a mail from Nokia I got today, there's no way to
> recalibrate the sensors...
> What accDisplay-readings do other units produce? Maybe some other N900
> owners could post their values?
> Greetings,
>   Gunter
> ___
> maemo-users mailing list

maemo-users mailing list

RE: Java for Maemo 5?

2010-02-27 Thread Aldon Hynes
I installed Sun's Embedded Java 1.6.0_10 when I first got my N900 back in
December.  I managed to get java applications to run, but didn't have any
luck with java applets in a browser.  If I spent more time, I suspect there
may be ways to get it to work.

  -Original Message-
[]on Behalf Of Cláudio Sampaio
  Sent: Saturday, February 27, 2010 2:23 PM
  To: Ville M. Vainio
  Cc: Maemo Users
  Subject: Re: Java for Maemo 5?

  2010/2/27 Ville M. Vainio 

2010/2/27 Cláudio Sampaio :

> Why java support seems to have stopped for Maemo 5/N900? Wouldn't it
be a
> great idea to be able to use java programs in it?
> Or was this stuff moved to another place? Does anyone know?

There is a long thread on it at t.m.o:

  I've read that, but it sounded rather inconclusive. So, bottom line, java
on the N900 still is not possible? What would happen if I downloaded sun's
JDK 6 for ARM, would it work?

  Best regards,
  Cláudio "Patola" Sampaio
  IRC: ptl  - Yahoo: patolaaa
  Campinas, SP - Brazil.

maemo-users mailing list

RE: how to free up space in rootfs

2010-02-25 Thread Aldon Hynes
What I did was move the apt and dpkg directories out of the rootfs and
everything works nicely.

(I posted about this back on the 19th)

First get root access  e.g. sudo gainroot or ssh into the device with root


mkdir /opt/cache
mkdir /opt/lib
cd /var/cache
mv apt /opt/cache
ln -s /opt/cache/apt apt
cd /var/lib
mv apt /opt/lib
ln -s /opt/lib/apt apt
mv dpkg /opt/lib
ln -s /opt/lib/dpkg dpkg

This moves the cache and the libraries over to the opt directory, with
symbolic links so everything runs as normal

When I did this, I moved about 56 meg out of the rootfs.

  -Original Message-
[]on Behalf Of daniel young
  Sent: Thursday, February 25, 2010 4:36 PM
  To: Paul Hartman
  Subject: Re: how to free up space in rootfs

  of course just a google away sorry for a dumb question.  i cant find how
to make it save the extras-devel and testing into a different partiton.

  On Thu, Feb 25, 2010 at 2:17 PM, Paul Hartman

On Thu, Feb 25, 2010 at 3:00 PM, daniel young 
> ok so i am trying to update to the most recent release of maemo.  i
> its a bug where any apps you install from the maemo extras-devel get
> in rootfs.  it might be the apps from maemo extras-testing too but im
> sure.  so apparently i have installed too many of them and i have no
> room left in rootfs.  my question is whats the best way to go about
> room.  should i uninstall some of the maemo extras-devel and how do i
> which ones those are.  or should i just delete data out of rootfs and
if so
> how would i do that.  thanks in advance.

maemo-users mailing list


maemo-users mailing list

RE: Not enough memory

2010-02-19 Thread Aldon Hynes
I did something similar below, and it worked a little bit, but I eventally
ran out of room again.

What I ended up doing was

mkdir /opt/cache
mkdir /opt/lib
cd /var/cache
mv apt /opt/cache
ln -s /opt/cache/apt apt
cd /var/lib
mv apt /opt/lib
ln -s /opt/lib/apt apt
mv dpkg /opt/dpkg
ln -s /opt/lib/dpkg dpkg

At present /opt/cache/apt is 10 Meg, /opt/lib/apt is 18, meg and
/opt/lib/dpkg is 28 Meg

With 56 Meg moved out of rootfs, I now have 30 Meg to spare in my rootfs


-Original Message-
[]on Behalf Of Kimmo Hämäläinen
Sent: Friday, February 19, 2010 6:23 AM
To: Tamminen Eero (Nokia-D/Helsinki)
Subject: Re: Not enough memory

On Fri, 2010-02-19 at 11:02 +0100, Tamminen Eero (Nokia-D/Helsinki)
> Hi,
> ext Jason wrote:
> > On a more technical, get-it-done approach, my problem with OOM was
> > too much crap in /var/cache/apt/archive/ .  There are two ways to
> > handle this in a more user friendly manner.  Instead of the OOM
> > error message, offer to run 'apt-get clean', and/or symlink
> > /var/cache/apt out to /home/.var.cache.apt .  Which I just tried,
> > and seems to wfm.
> >
> > $ sudo gainroot
> > # cd /var/cache/
> > # mv apt /home/.var.cache.apt
> > # ln -sf ../../home/.var.cache.apt apt
> * Application manager doesn't have caches on rootfs, but on
>the 2GB partition.

Apparently it still has them on rootfs, see the internal bug 144371. I
don't see it necessary to keep these caches on rootfs since the .deb
cache is not mandatory and the rest (.bin files) can be regenerated


maemo-users mailing list

maemo-users mailing list

RE: n900 - buy or wait?

2010-02-19 Thread Aldon Hynes
- Original message -
>> Guys, thanks for the input. I see you all like your n900.
>> I have an issue which is stopping me to buy it right away.
>> Here in Vancouver, Canada, n900's 3G is not going to work with any of
>> the GSM providers here.
>Well if you'd told us that earlier..we could have saved ourselves all that
hassle :)
>But you do know the N900 can also run on GSM/GPRS? Albeit slower.
>But from a practical POV, it is a very valid point (its a pity all the
iphone users in 3g areas didn't think of that before >buying 2g phones :) )

Well, I bought my N900 even though it does not work on AT&T's 3G network.  I
do run a little data over the AT&T network, but almost none, since most of
the time, I'm in range of an open WiFi network.  For that matter, I am using
a minimal dataplan for AT&T since I do so little data over their network.


maemo-users mailing list

RE: [OT] Worry about Bada?

2010-02-19 Thread Aldon Hynes
I hear that it works really well with Microsoft's search engine


  -Original Message-
[]on Behalf Of Cláudio Sampaio
  Sent: Thursday, February 18, 2010 11:18 PM
  Subject: [OT] Worry about Bada?

  Just got notice of yet another linux-based mobile operating system,
Samsung's Bada:

  Are you worried yet? :P

  Sorry. Couldn't resist.

  Best regards,


maemo-users mailing list

RE: Not enough memory

2010-02-18 Thread Aldon Hynes
Yes, moving the package cache and other parts of the packaging system out of
rootfs works great.  It is, perhaps, a little geeky for some users, but for
those comfortable with root access at a command line it is trivial.

I wrote about it in a blog post when the last big set of upgrades came out
#n900 updates

In my case, I have tons of junk so I moved three directories,

I haven't had problems since.


-Original Message-
[]on Behalf Of Gunter Ohrner
Sent: Thursday, February 18, 2010 3:16 PM
Subject: Re: Not enough memory

Nelson Ferreira wrote:
> 4. Allow for the package cache to be out of rootfs

I did not receive my recently ordered N900 so far, but can't you
transparently move the apt cache (and other larger directories)
somewhere else using a bind mount?

I'd assume most things in /var/cache, /var/spool (if it exists) and
/var/lib do not need to reside on the "/" partition.



maemo-users mailing list

maemo-users mailing list

RE: n900 - buy or wait?

2010-02-18 Thread Aldon Hynes
Val, (et al)

   For years, I had a Motorola Razr V3xx.  It has been a wonderful legacy
cellphone, and my wife still uses one.  I've watched smartphones come and go
over the time.  I didn't buy a blackberry.  I didn't buy an iPhone.  I
didn't by the iPhone 3GS when it came out, but I came close.  Same sort of
thing was the androids started showing up.

   However, last December, I bought a Nokia N900.  I love it.  I use it as a
phone, including making Skype calls.  I use it to text and to chat.  I use
it as my camera and I stream video on it.  The 5 Megapixel camera is great.
As a hacker, I love getting under the covers and writing code for it as well
as exploring the OS, hacking and installing strange apps.

   For me, it has definately been worth the money.  I can't say if it will
be worth it to you.  It depends on what you want to get out of the device
that you're not getting right now from your current devices.  But, as I
said, for me, it has been well worth $530 (or that range).


-Original Message-
[]on Behalf Of Valentin Chopov
Sent: Thursday, February 18, 2010 1:15 PM
Subject: Re: n900 - buy or wait?


Let ask my question in a different way ;)
If I can somehow afford to pay $530 (Amazon) for n900 now, is it
really worth the money ?


On Wed, Feb 17, 2010 at 5:01 PM, Valentin Chopov  wrote:
> Thanks!
> I personally think that n900 is too small to be used as a tablet.
> I hope until the end of this year we see other linux based tablets/phones.
> Val
> On Wed, Feb 17, 2010 at 10:13 AM, Tim Ashman  wrote:
>> On Wednesday 17 February 2010 08:09:09 am Marius Gedminas wrote:
>>> On Mon, Feb 15, 2010 at 01:05:31PM -0800, Valentin Chopov wrote:
>>> > I'm a current n810 owner and like it very much. I was thinking to
>>> > upgrade to n900 (maybe around Christmas) but now after the news about
>>> > MeeGo I think it will be better to wait ...
>>> It's up to you, really, but as a former n810 owner myself I have to say
>>> the n900 is a very substantial upgrade.  I wouldn't want to go back.
>> I have to agree here.  It is alot of money and with all of the swirling
>> goes on around Maemo5, 6 Meego etc I might be buying another unit next
>> that will depend on the features of the new units.  The only thing I wish
>> worked that doesn't on the n900 is the x forwarding oh, and I wish I had
>> older keyboard layout.  I think the 3 rows isn't enough, some things are
>> difficult to enter like an IP address since the numbers are blue and the
>> decimal point isn't...
>> Anyway over all it is a great unit and I would not go back.
>> tim
>> ___
>> maemo-users mailing list
maemo-users mailing list

maemo-users mailing list

RE: Bad experience with N900 onboard GPS.

2010-02-14 Thread Aldon Hynes
I don't know for sure, but my guess is that it is based on what you have 
selected in 
Settings... Location...

If you enable GPS and Network Positioning, I would guess you get Assisted 
Global Navigation Satellite System (AGNSS) 

If you enable GPS and don't enable Network Positioning, I would guess you get 
Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) 

If disable GPS and enable Network Positioning, I would guess you get Assisted 
Complementary Wireless Positioning (ACWP)  

and if you diable both, I would guess you get Complementary Wireless 
Positioning (CWP) 


- Original message -
> Based on the documentation of the GPS software, the GPS can run in four
> different modes,

Interesting, do you know if the gps runs through these 4 modes when starting up 
ovi maps? Or if you can say what order it goes through?



maemo-users mailing list

RE: Bad experience with N900 onboard GPS.

2010-02-14 Thread Aldon Hynes
Based on the documentation of the GPS software, the GPS can run in four
different modes,

Complementary Wireless Positioning (CWP) - This is based on the location of
the country and/or the GSM base station location.  It does not use the
onboard GPS at all, but depends on the SIM card.

Assisted Complementary Wireless Positioning (ACWP)  - This is similar to CWP
but requires a network connection to get better information about the GSM
base station location

Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) - This uses the GPS receiver.  It
does not require a network connection or a SIM card.

Assisted Global Navigation Satellite System (AGNSS) - This uses the GPS
receiver, but gets additional information from a SIM card or Network
connection.  It works basically the same as GNSS, but since it starts with a
good guess at the location is often faster on startup than GNSS.

I had a little fun writing some software for the N900 to track a drive I
took a while ago.  All of the data was extracted using AGNSS and saved to a
file which I loaded into Google Maps.  You can see the map of my trip, as
well as read about the programming I did at

#N900 - My New Gps

(The link to liblocation in the blog post is where you can also read more
information about the various GPS modes)

  -Original Message-
[]on Behalf Of Dawid Lorenz
  Sent: Sunday, February 14, 2010 7:43 AM
  To: Bernard Tyers
  Subject: Re: Bad experience with N900 onboard GPS.

  On 14 February 2010 09:12, Bernard Tyers  wrote:

No, I don't have a connection to the Internet when using Ovi Maps-thats
the exact reason why I use Ovi Maps.

You shouldn't be expected to use a network connection with an onboard

  True, but afaik N900 has A-GPS onboard, which is assisted by supplementary
GPS data downloaded via internet. Without that connection it probably sucks
badly, as you could experience. I am no expert on GPS, but that's how I
understand A-GPS chipsets are working.

  Dawid 'evad' Lorenz *

  null://I would love to change the world, but they won't give me the source
maemo-users mailing list

RE: OpenJDK / Sun JRE & MicroEmu

2010-02-07 Thread Aldon Hynes
I installed Sun's JRE, 1.6.0_10 on my N900.  I managed to get command line
java applications to run, but did not get as far as getting Java ME MIDlets
to run.  It may be possible, I just didn't get that far.

However, this might be a better question maemo-developers list, which also
talks a lot about Scratchbox, which is the testing environment most
developers use on X86 hosts.


-Original Message-
[]on Behalf Of Gunter Ohrner
Sent: Sunday, February 07, 2010 5:05 AM
Subject: OpenJDK / Sun JRE & MicroEmu


I'd like to know if OpenJDK or Sun JRE work reliably and stable on the
N900 and if MicroEmu works well enough to support some Java ME MIDlets,
especially DB Railnavigator, a public transport travel planner.

Unfortunately I do not (yet) own an N900 and there does not seem to be a
full emulator for testing the complete environment with ARM binaries on
an x86 host.

I already found and read the following ressources, which sound rather


I also tested DB Railnavigator with Java SE 6 and MicroEmu 2.0.4 on my
x86 Linux Notebook, which seems to work pretty good, except some
problems with fullscreen mode.

  (Lower half of page.)

Maybe someone already has some experience with OpenJDK / Sun JRE on his
N900 and can tell me how usuable it works, and maybe someone could even
test DB Railnavigator to check if it's starting and running sufficiently
fast on this platform?



maemo-users mailing list

maemo-users mailing list

RE: gst-launch and openmax

2010-01-31 Thread Aldon Hynes

   Thanks for the reply.  I did eventually find dspjpegenc, as well as some 
other options that have worked especially well, particularly a little bit of 
code that handles the exposure issue that I described.  Taking all of this, 
I've written a blog post about HDR photography on the N900

High Dynamic Range (HDR) Imaging on the #n900 Using Gstreamer and Enfuse

It ended up a little more geeky than I would have liked, but I continue to make 
refinements to my HDR processing, and I do think that the pieces are almost all 
in place for an HDR application is people are interested.


-Original Message-
From: Felipe Contreras []
Sent: Sunday, January 31, 2010 8:45 AM
To: Aldon Hynes
Cc: maemo users
Subject: Re: gst-launch and openmax

On Tue, Jan 26, 2010 at 11:26 PM, Aldon Hynes
> So, I've been reading about a lot of fun things that I could do with my
> N900, if I can just figure out how...
> In particular, I'm interested in exploring what I could do with the camera.
> For example, I would love to set up a script to create high dynamic range
> (HDR) photographs.  It seems like the best way to do this is to write a
> script that would take three pictures in a row, with exposer setting of +2,
> 0 and -2.  It seems like gstreamer might give me that ability.  So, I've
> started looking at it.  However the examples for taking pictures via
> gstreamer talk about using omx_jpegenc, the OpenMax jpeg encoder.  However,
> I don't have that installed on my N900 and I can't figure out how to get it
> installed.  Is anyone using this that could give me some hints?
> Beyond that, the idea of Kite Aerial Photography, which also uses gstreamer
> and omx_jpegenc looks especially interesting.  Anyone tried anything like
> that, or have other interesting photography ideas?

omx_jpegenc was dropped in favor of dspjpegenc.

Felipe Contreras

maemo-users mailing list

RE: iPad

2010-01-29 Thread Aldon Hynes
For anyone interested, I've just written my blog post about the iPad, the
Nexus One and the N900.

iPads, Nexus One and the N900

Thoughts and comments are always welcome.


-Original Message-
[]on Behalf Of Gary
Sent: Friday, January 29, 2010 2:05 PM
Subject: Re: iPad

low end netbooks pre-installed with Linux may be obtained for sub $200
prices. that's cheaper than anything Apple or Nokia are offering in a
comparable category & they don't require special SDKs. Apple's P.A.
Semi talent will do wonders for Apple but it won't be much use
elswhere as they're unlikely to license their SoCs to 3rd parties.

On Jan 28, 2010, at 7:25 PM, Will Marone  wrote:

> That article is making me rage. Fortunately, the readers
> and commenters for the site responded quickly with far
> more insight than the article's author.
> In a way Apple doing their own chip is brilliant. They get
> exactly what they want in the quantities they desire, and
> can strike special deals to be bleeding-edge. Which makes the
> hardware pretty impresssive, except for the display.
> I don't think I'd touch an iPad unless given one for free,
> and only then to jailbreak it. After all, there's a very
> good reason why I got my N900.
> On 1/28/2010 3:48 PM, Christer Eliasson wrote:
>> Enough said 
maemo-users mailing list

maemo-users mailing list

RE: iPad

2010-01-28 Thread Aldon Hynes
Hmm.  Does that mean it might be hackable and you could put something
useful, like maemo on it?


-Original Message-
[]on Behalf Of Milos Mandaric
Sent: Thursday, January 28, 2010 9:01 AM
To: Christer Eliasson
Cc: maemo-users users
Subject: Re: iPad

2010/1/28 Christer Eliasson :
> Its still a glorified iPhone...
> It has a 1Ghz Snapdragon so its nothing special:p

No, it's A4 based on Cotrex-A9.
maemo-users mailing list

maemo-users mailing list

RE: iPad

2010-01-27 Thread Aldon Hynes
So, you haven't seen yet?  

-Original Message-
[]on Behalf Of George Farris
Sent: Wednesday, January 27, 2010 8:05 PM
Subject: Re: iPad

On Wed, 2010-01-27 at 16:05 -0700, Mark wrote:
> The Apple iPad: Yawn... a huge iPod Touch/iPhone that can't possibly
> fit in anyone's pocket. Really?

I just can't wait for the jokes about the name to start:-)
Maybe College humour will do a video.

maemo-users mailing list
maemo-users mailing list

RE: gst-launch and openmax

2010-01-27 Thread Aldon Hynes
I've tried 
gst-launch camerabin filename="cb.jpg"

but it just hangs and never takes a picture.

aldon900:~/linux1/n900# gst-launch camerabin filename="cb.jpg"
Setting pipeline to PAUSED ...
Pipeline is live and does not need PREROLL ...
Setting pipeline to PLAYING ...
New clock: GstSystemClock

(It never gets past the NewClock and I have to interrupt the process)

That said, by adding videoscale back in with the dspjpegenc, I can now talk 
640x480 jpeg pictures.  However, when I try changing the width or height, I 
don't have any luck.  I'm also hoping to find some way of adjusting the 
exposure and/or ISO settings with gst.  If anyone knows how to do that, please 
let me know.

  -Original Message-
  From: []on 
Behalf Of Iñigo Illán Aranburu
  Sent: Wednesday, January 27, 2010 8:51 AM
  To: Aldon Hynes
  Subject: RE: gst-launch and openmax

  I think you should better use camerabin 

  El mar, 26-01-2010 a las 21:01 -0500, Aldon Hynes escribió: 
I am new to using gst-launch.  I've not been able to find good descriptions
of the different options or elements to use.  So, I started by using

gst-launch v4l2camsrc device=/dev/video1 num-buffers=1 ! videoscale !
video/x-raw-yuv,width=475,height=356 ! omx_jpegenc ! filesink

That gave me the error about omx_jpegenc

When I tried using jpegenc instead of omx_jpegenc I got a message:
could not link videoscale0 to jpegenc0

I tried dropping videoscale, I tried using pngenc, none of these worked.
The suggestion about dspjpegenc worked nicely, except that the images turned
out all black or all white.  Is there a png counterpart?  I also tried
adding capture-mode=1 to the v4l2camsrc element, which didn't make any

I haven't done anything with ffmpegcolorspace, so I'll look at that next.

If you know of any good documentation on using the gst-tools, that would be
greatly appreciated.


-Original Message-
From: Attila Csipa []
Sent: Tuesday, January 26, 2010 6:42 PM
Cc: Aldon Hynes
Subject: Re: gst-launch and openmax

On Tuesday 26 January 2010 23:21:49 Aldon Hynes wrote:
> When I tried jpegenc I got
> WARNING: erroneous pipeline: could not link v4l2camsrc0 to jpegenc0
> When I tried pngenc I got
> WARNING: erroneous pipeline: could not link v4l2camsrc0 to pngenc0
> When I tried dspjpegenc, it captured a picture, but my image was all

Can you post the whole pipeline you're using ? Seems you're missing an
(likely ffmpegcolorspace or sorts).


maemo-users mailing list

maemo-users mailing list

RE: gst-launch and openmax

2010-01-26 Thread Aldon Hynes
I am new to using gst-launch.  I've not been able to find good descriptions
of the different options or elements to use.  So, I started by using

gst-launch v4l2camsrc device=/dev/video1 num-buffers=1 ! videoscale !
video/x-raw-yuv,width=475,height=356 ! omx_jpegenc ! filesink

That gave me the error about omx_jpegenc

When I tried using jpegenc instead of omx_jpegenc I got a message:
could not link videoscale0 to jpegenc0

I tried dropping videoscale, I tried using pngenc, none of these worked.
The suggestion about dspjpegenc worked nicely, except that the images turned
out all black or all white.  Is there a png counterpart?  I also tried
adding capture-mode=1 to the v4l2camsrc element, which didn't make any

I haven't done anything with ffmpegcolorspace, so I'll look at that next.

If you know of any good documentation on using the gst-tools, that would be
greatly appreciated.


-Original Message-
From: Attila Csipa []
Sent: Tuesday, January 26, 2010 6:42 PM
Cc: Aldon Hynes
Subject: Re: gst-launch and openmax

On Tuesday 26 January 2010 23:21:49 Aldon Hynes wrote:
> When I tried jpegenc I got
> WARNING: erroneous pipeline: could not link v4l2camsrc0 to jpegenc0
> When I tried pngenc I got
> WARNING: erroneous pipeline: could not link v4l2camsrc0 to pngenc0
> When I tried dspjpegenc, it captured a picture, but my image was all

Can you post the whole pipeline you're using ? Seems you're missing an
(likely ffmpegcolorspace or sorts).


maemo-users mailing list

RE: gst-launch and openmax

2010-01-26 Thread Aldon Hynes
I deliberated whether this was a developer or a user type question.  Since
it was about using existing programs, as is, I opted for user


When I tried omx_jpegenc I got

WARNING: erroneous pipeline: no element "omx_jpegenc"

When I tried jpegenc I got

WARNING: erroneous pipeline: could not link v4l2camsrc0 to jpegenc0

When I tried pngenc I got

WARNING: erroneous pipeline: could not link v4l2camsrc0 to pngenc0

When I tried dspjpegenc, it captured a picture, but my image was all black.

-Original Message-
From: Attila Csipa []
Sent: Tuesday, January 26, 2010 5:07 PM
Cc: Aldon Hynes
Subject: Re: gst-launch and openmax

On Tuesday 26 January 2010 22:26:54 Aldon Hynes wrote:
> started looking at it.  However the examples for taking pictures via
> gstreamer talk about using omx_jpegenc, the OpenMax jpeg encoder.
> I don't have that installed on my N900 and I can't figure out how to get
> installed.  Is anyone using this that could give me some hints?

Sounds a bit like a developer topic.  :) Anyway, that's just the hardware
accelerated jpeg encoder, it's not essential (you can use any other image
format). There have been some gstreamer element shufflings with PR1.1, try
dspjpegenc or simply jpegenc. If you want to get extreme, you could even use
pngenc for lossless imagery :)


maemo-users mailing list

gst-launch and openmax

2010-01-26 Thread Aldon Hynes
So, I've been reading about a lot of fun things that I could do with my
N900, if I can just figure out how...

In particular, I'm interested in exploring what I could do with the camera.
For example, I would love to set up a script to create high dynamic range
(HDR) photographs.  It seems like the best way to do this is to write a
script that would take three pictures in a row, with exposer setting of +2,
0 and -2.  It seems like gstreamer might give me that ability.  So, I've
started looking at it.  However the examples for taking pictures via
gstreamer talk about using omx_jpegenc, the OpenMax jpeg encoder.  However,
I don't have that installed on my N900 and I can't figure out how to get it
installed.  Is anyone using this that could give me some hints?

Beyond that, the idea of Kite Aerial Photography, which also uses gstreamer
and omx_jpegenc looks especially interesting.  Anyone tried anything like
that, or have other interesting photography ideas?

maemo-users mailing list

RE: Recording on the N900

2010-01-23 Thread Aldon Hynes
Thanks.  Great info.  Exactly what I was looking for.

  -Original Message-
  From: Sergey Vlasov []
  Sent: Saturday, January 23, 2010 4:53 PM
  To: Aldon Hynes
  Cc: maemo-users
  Subject: Re: Recording on the N900

  On Fri, Jan 22, 2010 at 5:20 PM, Aldon Hynes

Anyone doing anything interesting with using the N900 as an audio
recording device or doing things to improve audio quality when doing video

Currently, I'm using Recorder for audio and Qik for streaming video.
However, I'm just using the internal microphone.

I know that Steve Garfield came up with a hack for the N900 which allows
the use of a powered external microphone

I'm wondering that works for the N900 or if there is a better way with
the N900.  I'm also curious about ways to use non powered microphones, XLR
connections etc.

Thoughts or comments are appreciated.


maemo-users mailing list

  According to
e_Interface_Specification_v1_0_en.pdf you can use yellow plug for audio
input. For XLR connections you have to use adapters, try to google for
phmxmh, but that may not work for all microphones. Or you will need a
converter from balanced to unbalanced, but it can be bulky and may need an
external power.


maemo-users mailing list

Recording on the N900

2010-01-22 Thread Aldon Hynes
Anyone doing anything interesting with using the N900 as an audio recording
device or doing things to improve audio quality when doing video recordings?

Currently, I'm using Recorder for audio and Qik for streaming video.
However, I'm just using the internal microphone.

I know that Steve Garfield came up with a hack for the N900 which allows the
use of a powered external microphone

I'm wondering that works for the N900 or if there is a better way with the
N900.  I'm also curious about ways to use non powered microphones, XLR
connections etc.

Thoughts or comments are appreciated.


maemo-users mailing list

RE: Forced Upgrade to N900 from N810

2010-01-20 Thread Aldon Hynes
SQLite3 on the N900 is 3.6.14 I haven't checked to verify that it is
complete, but it has worked really nicely for everything I'm using it for.

It is worth noting that the database that keeps tracks of calls and SMS
messages on the N900 is sqlite3

For more info on this check
#N900 mbarcode, python, SMS and sqlite3


-Original Message-
[]on Behalf Of Dr. Nicholas Shaw
Sent: Wednesday, January 20, 2010 10:42 AM
To: 'Dieter Plaetinck';
Subject: RE: Forced Upgrade to N900 from N810

I'd go to and download/compile the latest version then move it to
your 810 and/or 900 which is what I did.  SQLite3 is an excellent embedded
DB.  I don't know about sqlite3 on the 900 but on the 810 it isn't complete
and it's old.


-Original Message-
From: []
On Behalf Of Dieter Plaetinck
Sent: Wednesday, January 20, 2010 7:23 AM
Subject: Re: Forced Upgrade to N900 from N810

On Wed, 20 Jan 2010 14:18:28 +
Peter Flynn  wrote:

> Presumably as it's an SQLite file, there must be a GUI or CL interface
> to let me open the database and delete from  where
> date<20081231 or something. Do you have pointers to something
> suitable?

n900's come with the sqlite3 commandline program by default.
it's an easy program :)

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maemo-users mailing list

Garnet VM beta 5 on the N900

2010-01-19 Thread Aldon Hynes

   Can you walk me through what you needed to do to get it running?  e.g.
Did you download the OS2008 version?  For the N800 or the N810?  Does it
make a difference which one?  Any gotchas to be aware of?

   I just tried installing the N800 version using dpkg -i and it gave me an
error message
/var/lib/dpkg/info/garnet-vm.postinst: line 22: maemo-select-menu-location:

   I managed to start it successfully, but I could not find any easy way to
kill it.  Comments on that?

   Also, any comments on how to get and load other Palm apps?


-Original Message-
[]on Behalf Of Nelson Ferreira
Sent: Tuesday, January 19, 2010 12:25 PM
To: Fernando Cassia
Cc: Tablet Blog
Subject: Re: Recording calls

It does work, and runs the stock Palm apps fine.
Still have not found the time to install the other Palm apps I still cling

On Tue, Jan 19, 2010 at 12:00, Fernando Cassia  wrote:
> On Tue, Jan 19, 2010 at 1:57 PM, Thomas Wälti  wrote:
>> It literally took the Palm YEARS to get a call recorder.
>> It took the N900 weeks (days :-) to get a call recorder - dictaphone -
>> FM radio recorder - Internet radio recorder - Flash TV recorder, in
>> AAC 128 kbps Stereo :-)
>> Happy hacking - the N900 rocks!
>> -Tom
> Has anyone managed to install the Garnet VM beta 5 on the N900?.
> I'm just curious if it works, as the Access Software page only
> mentions N800 and N810 tablets...
> FC
> ___
> maemo-users mailing list
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maemo-users mailing list

RE: mystery voicemail after each N900 reboot

2010-01-15 Thread Aldon Hynes
I am using my N900 on AT&T, and rebooted it yesterday after applying an
upgrade.  I had a similar alert appear.  I rebooted again today, without an
update, to check to see if I would get the message again, and I did not.  As
another data point, I previous phone was not an iPhone.  I had used a Razr
before that.  I've never used an iPhone

  -Original Message-
[]on Behalf Of Reggie Suplido
  Sent: Friday, January 15, 2010 1:49 PM
  Subject: Re: mystery voicemail after each N900 reboot

  I guess your main phone is an iPhone? AT&T looks like it sends code
specific for the iPhone, maybe for their visual voice mail service.

  On Fri, Jan 15, 2010 at 1:46 PM, Eric Cooper  wrote:

I'm using my N900 on AT&T.  I've rebooted twice in the past two days,
and each time a new voicemail alert appears right after startup with
the contact listed as "_@".  Selecting "Call" for that produces "This
contact's application does not support calls".  When I do check my
voicemail, there's no new message.

(I did two things recently that might be related: updated to the new
Maemo 5 system, and activated a Skype account.)

Does anyone know what's causing this?

Eric Cooper e c c @ c m u . e d u
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maemo-users mailing list

RE: Is Maemo PR 1.1 the same 1.2009.51-1 released today for all?

2010-01-14 Thread Aldon Hynes
Hartti -

   Yes.  My bad, although I suspect others may also get confused when the
hostname, set by default, tends to indicate a different version of the
firmware than is actually running.  Are there any downsides to changing the
network host name?

  -Original Message-
  From: Hartti Suomela []
  Sent: Thursday, January 14, 2010 9:30 PM
  To: Aldon Hynes
  Subject: Re: Is Maemo PR 1.1 the same 1.2009.51-1 released today for all?

  I could be wrong, but isn't that "Nokia-N900-42-11" your device's network
host name and it does not really tell you anything about the current
firmware version...


  On Thu, Jan 14, 2010 at 5:28 PM, Aldon Hynes

Hmm, I'm trying to make sense of all of this.  I had major problems when
tried to do an apt-get upgrade today.  I moved files around and finally
enough space to do the upgrade.

Now, if I go to settings about, I get Version 2.2009.51.1.002  So, that
is a
different name from 1.2009.51-1...

However, when I do a uname -a I get
Linux Nokia-N900-42-11 2.6.28-omap1 #1 PREEMPT Thu Dec 17 09:40:52 EET
armv7l unknown

So, am I running 42-11 kernel on 2.2009.51.1.002 firmware?


-Original Message-
[]on Behalf Of Andre Klapper
Sent: Thursday, January 14, 2010 9:41 AM
Subject: Re: Is Maemo PR 1.1 the same 1.2009.51-1 released today for

Am Donnerstag, den 14.01.2010, 15:19 +0100 schrieb Andrea Grandi:
> What are the changes between the version that testers installed few
> weeks ago and this 1.2009.51-1 version released today?

1.2009.51-1 has been 1.2009.51-1 and still is 1.2009.51-1.
If it was something else, it would have a different name.


Andre Klapper ( bugmaster)

maemo-users mailing list

maemo-users mailing list

maemo-users mailing list

RE: Is Maemo PR 1.1 the same 1.2009.51-1 released today for all?

2010-01-14 Thread Aldon Hynes
Hmm, I'm trying to make sense of all of this.  I had major problems when I
tried to do an apt-get upgrade today.  I moved files around and finally got
enough space to do the upgrade.

Now, if I go to settings about, I get Version 2.2009.51.1.002  So, that is a
different name from 1.2009.51-1...

However, when I do a uname -a I get
Linux Nokia-N900-42-11 2.6.28-omap1 #1 PREEMPT Thu Dec 17 09:40:52 EET 2009
armv7l unknown

So, am I running 42-11 kernel on 2.2009.51.1.002 firmware?


-Original Message-
[]on Behalf Of Andre Klapper
Sent: Thursday, January 14, 2010 9:41 AM
Subject: Re: Is Maemo PR 1.1 the same 1.2009.51-1 released today for

Am Donnerstag, den 14.01.2010, 15:19 +0100 schrieb Andrea Grandi:
> What are the changes between the version that testers installed few
> weeks ago and this 1.2009.51-1 version released today?

1.2009.51-1 has been 1.2009.51-1 and still is 1.2009.51-1.
If it was something else, it would have a different name.


Andre Klapper ( bugmaster)

maemo-users mailing list

maemo-users mailing list

RE: Recording calls

2010-01-13 Thread Aldon Hynes
I've managed to record calls by starting the Recorder application and then
placing a call and putting it on Speaker phone.  It isn't a nicely
integrated app, and requires using the speaker, but it works well as a
temporary work around.


-Original Message-
[]on Behalf Of Kahlil Johnson
Sent: Wednesday, January 13, 2010 4:12 PM
To: Tablet Blog
Subject: Recording calls

anyone know about an app that can record my calls, I would love to
have something like that. I have it on my desktop for skype and is

In my linux box I use this app
Having it somehow integrated on the Maemo phone app would be
groundbreaking. So far nobody in the mobile market have released these
apps and is so useful, nothing like forwarding a conversation to a
third party specially for businesses.

Any input would be cool, where can I push the idea to the developers?

Kahlil Johnson
"Ya tengo GMAIL!!"
maemo-users mailing list

maemo-users mailing list

RE: Unable to upgrade maemo 5 44-1 because of not enough disk space

2010-01-12 Thread Aldon Hynes
I ran into a similar problem.  I have 15M available in my root file system,
but the updates where asking for about 38M

To get around this, I moved my apt cache to the /opt directory and ran the
updates.  Everything ran fine at that point.


-Original Message-
[]on Behalf Of Johan Helsingius
Sent: Tuesday, January 12, 2010 4:50 AM
To: Tablet Blog
Subject: Unable to upgrade maemo 5 44-1 because of not enough disk space


Trying to upgrade maemo 5, but get "not enough memory
in target location". No wonder, as I am down to 9M of
free space on the root filesystem. Suggestions for what
to delete? Anything that could be moved to /home?

maemo-users mailing list

maemo-users mailing list

RE: Google services - Latitude, mbarcode and Goggles.

2010-01-09 Thread Aldon Hynes
According to apt-cache depends googlelatitude

it does have a libqt4-phonon dependency and it looks like it is related to
the bug you highlighted.


-Original Message-
From: []on Behalf Of Andrew
Sent: Saturday, January 09, 2010 3:12 PM
To: Andrea Grandi
Cc: Aldon Hynes; maemo-users
Subject: Re: Google services - Latitude, mbarcode and Goggles.

On Sat, Jan 9, 2010 at 16:34, Andrea Grandi  wrote:
> I'm getting dependencies problems with Qt.
> I've also tried to uninstall the old 0.2 googlelatitude and reinstall
> it, but no success.
> Maybe it's a problem related to PR 1.1 I'm using?

Does it have a libqt4-phonon dependency? Even if not, there may be
other issues with Qt apps in 2.2009.51-1:



Andrew Flegg --  |

maemo-users mailing list

RE: Google services - Latitude, mbarcode and Goggles.

2010-01-09 Thread Aldon Hynes
Hmm... I'm running Google Latitude on my N900.

googlelatitude 0.3-9  - Works quite nicely.

Also, mbarcode is every nice as well

mbarcode 0.0.8-0  - Only problem I'm having with that is that SMS barcodes
aren't handled well yet, but the developer and I have been having a great
discussion about addressing it.

It is what I like best about the N900, you can build your own apps or find
others to do that that take advantages of services out there.

Now, Google Goggles:  That is something I really want to see on the N900,
especially if you can mash it up with some Augmented Reality!


-Original Message-
> This doesn't apply to Google services like Latitude, where a nice
> small daemon that updates it would be nice on the N900.
> It would suck less battery and I won't have to run a full fledged
> browser with the geolocation plugin just to have it updated.

Well I was mostly thinking about Google Goggles or the Barcode
Scanner, basically get to use N900 builtin technology like camera to
do exactly that.

maemo-users mailing list

RE: possible bug in N900 Maemo 5 desktop ??

2010-01-05 Thread Aldon Hynes
I'm with Timo on this.  If you don't like the N900, there is a better site
to be posting on.  It is called eBay.  When you post your N900 there, let us
know, some of us might respond more favorably there.

  -Original Message-
[]on Behalf Of Timo Pelkonen
  Sent: Tuesday, January 05, 2010 3:31 PM
  Subject: Re: possible bug in N900 Maemo 5 desktop ??

  Mark, why are you in this mailing list anyway? I have seen only _very_
negative comments from you. Most of them inappropiate...

  Is there a way to ignore people within maemo mailing lists?

  Ossipena / Timo

  2010/1/5 Mark 

On Tue, Jan 5, 2010 at 1:14 PM, Andre Klapper 
>> Am Dienstag 05 Januar 2010 17:34:53 schrieb Mark:
>> > Beautiful. :-/ The "solution" to a bug is to just remove the
>> > involved. As if no one will miss the feature...
> Many people don't understand why there is a second application menu
> level instead of just scrolling down in the first one. Me neither.
> Enjoy being probably the only person missing it.

Because some people appreciate organization more than others. However,
since it apparently isn't configurable, that makes the point moot.

Maemo4 has a second level in the application menus and it works
beautifully. I very much prefer two levels of menu over having to
scroll for days to find the app I want.


maemo-users mailing list

maemo-users mailing list

iPhone/Andriod(Nexus One)/N900 ... was possible bug in N900 Maemo 5 desktop

2010-01-05 Thread Aldon Hynes
Looking at the specs of the Nexus One, I see that it has a Qualcomm 1Ghz
processor.  That looks nice.  5 megapixel camera, same as N900.  512M Flash,
512M RAM and 4GB Micro SD.  The extra ram is nice, but the lack of disk
space is a concern to me.  It has a digital compass, which is nice.  Does
not have stero speakers builtin, that's too bad.  So, as hardware it has
some pluses and some minuses.

In terms of the OS, I don't know people who have done any Android hacking,
so I can't talk about how easy it is to really tweak the machine.  iPhone
isn't bad in this area, if you jailbreak it.  But in terms of
customizability, the N900 is still the tops as far as I can tell.  (The
FreeRunner probably beats the N900 in that category, but severely lags in
the hardware).

Many of my friends love their iPhones and will stay with them.  I can see
Nexus One drawing off some iPhone users, and perhaps even more WinMobile
users.  However, most of the people that I know that like the N900, I
believe, will still be drawn to the N900 over the Nexus One.

To me, it seems to be very much a question of how much you want someone else
to control your phone and how much you want to be in control of the phone
yourself.  Personally, I prefer to be able to get in and fix bugs myself
instead of waiting for large corporation to do it.  So, my biggest gripe
with the N900 is that it isn't as open source as I would like, even though
it is much more open than any other phone out there (again, with the
exception of the FreeRunner, which I don't believe is viable).


-Original Message-

Oh... so it's just another case of Nokia's OS (never mind the shipped
apps) not being ready for release, well after the device has started
shipping to clueless consumers... Yeah, that's better >:-(

But the Nexus One is shipping today. Sayonara, Nokia!!


maemo-users mailing list

RE: N900 memory usage

2009-12-28 Thread Aldon Hynes
Kevin, et al.

   My understanding is that the 32 Gig of diskspace that comes in the N900
is broken into a few different pieces.  These include pieces for the root
file system, temporary files, a section for installable applications and a
section for user data.

   The section for installable applications is 2 GB, so having 1.82 GB
available is pretty good.  I've got 1.4 GB available.  The section for user
data is 27 GB.  I have 25.2 GB available.  If you want to get much more
details, go to the xterminal window and type

   df -h

   That displays all the different places data is stored and how much space
is available in each one.

My two cents, YMMV,


-Original Message-
[]on Behalf Of Kevin Kempter
Sent: Monday, December 28, 2009 4:14 PM
Subject: N900 memory usage

Hi all;

I've bought a 16G SD card for my N900. When I go to Settings --> Memory I

Nokia N900:
21.13 GB Available

Memory Card:
11.10 GB Available

Memory for installable applications
1.82 GB available

Can anyone tell me what the  "Memory for installable applications" is used
and why do I have only 1.82 GB available? Is this a normal scenario?

Thanks in advance
maemo-users mailing list

maemo-users mailing list

Any Smalltalk users with N900s?

2009-12-28 Thread Aldon Hynes
Recently, I've been kicking around porting Squeak, a popular version of
SmallTalk to run on the Nokia N900.  I've had some success and have a zipped
tarball available.  If you're interested, check out

Running Squeak, Etoys, Scratch, or maybe even OpenCoqueat or OpenCobalt on a
Nokia N900

Then, drop me a note and let me know your thoughts.  I'd love to collaborate
with other Smalltalk users on N900s.

maemo-users mailing list

RE: accessing N900 internal gps for console apps

2009-12-23 Thread Aldon Hynes

   The whole GPSD aspect throws a complicated wrench in the project.  If you 
are simply looking for the ability to read simple GPS data off of port 2947, 
that wouldn't be too difficult.  Setting up a python script to act as a server 
that you could connect to port 2947 and get the GPS data available from 
liblocation would be pretty simple.

   The problem is that GPSD is much more complicated than simple lat/long/alt 
that liblocation returns.  As I read it, GPSD gets pretty nitty/gritty in terms 
of translating NMEA 0183 data, into some sort of GPSD format which is then 
queryable on port 2947.

   Given that, I'm not sure if there is enough data available from liblocation 
available to be able to emulate GPSD.  

   All of that said, the idea of building a GPSD application that receives 
liblocation data and generates the same output as the traditional gpsd routine 
sounds particularly interesting and I would be willing to try and collaborate.

   Anyone else know of anything being done in this area?


-Original Message-
From: Jason []
Sent: Wednesday, December 23, 2009 6:32 PM
To: Aldon Hynes
Subject: Re: accessing N900 internal gps for console apps

Aldon Hynes wrote:
> For a good starting point, I would recommend 

Okay, that's a good start.  I found the raw C api here [1].  Does this
generate a tcp listener socket on 2947?  It doesn't look like it.  :-(
I'm shooting for a gpsd equivalent so existing gpsd aware apps don't
need to be modified.



[1] -

maemo-users mailing list

RE: accessing N900 internal gps for console apps

2009-12-23 Thread Aldon Hynes
For a good starting point, I would recommend

It provides pretty good documentation as well as a nice sample python script.  
I've run it as well as tweaked it, on my phone.  I think I'll run a more 
interesting test a little later.

Anyone else playing with this?


  -Original Message-
  From: []on 
Behalf Of Tim Teulings
  Sent: Wednesday, December 23, 2009 1:26 PM
  To: Jason;
  Subject: Aw: accessing N900 internal gps for console apps


  Take a look at liblocation. You can find documentation and examples as part 
of the maemo documentation. 

  Directly accessing gpsd will either not work (likely, but havn't tried) or 
will lead to power consumption problems. 


maemo-users mailing list