website tracker tool

2009-05-04 Thread Dmitry S. Makovey
Hi everybody,

is there a simple application to track website updates (not RSS) for 
Maemo. It would be nice if there was an applet to do it. Or should I 
just go and write my own?
maemo-users mailing list

skype2 ?

2009-04-05 Thread Dmitry S. Makovey
Question might be somewhat naive, but does anybody know if there is any
chance of skype2 making it to N8x0 devices? It sure would be nice to be
able to utilize built-in camera...
maemo-users mailing list

Re: Installing packages onto /media/...

2009-03-08 Thread Dmitry S. Makovey
Peter Flynn wrote:
 I have a nicely-running N800, but the apps I use are taking up most of 
 the internal space. I want to add a couple of big ones (TeX is one) and 
 I have plenty of space on SD cards. Is there a command for package 
 installation that says, in effect, install this all in /media/foo/bar 
 and symlink it back to where you would normally have installed it? Or 
 some other way? I guess if I knew how to view the inside of a package I 
 could work out where all the big stuff is expecting to go, and create 
 symlinks in those places to the SD cards...or would that make the 
 installer spit blood when it finds that symlinks exist where it expected 
 to create new directories?
didn't look into it myself but I think if you find a way to bolt-on
unionFS ( you can
achieve that - have a base system on built-in flash and the rest on SD
or whatever else you feel like. EeePC does that out-of-the box, and I
think it's a darn good idea - having stable OS underneath and having
easy roll-back plan (just wipe FS stacked on top of base). Good luck
with your search :)
maemo-users mailing list

Re: Music Player Exasperation

2008-11-30 Thread Dmitry S. Makovey
Hal Vaughan wrote:
 Just a note to all who responded or are reading this topic:

 I've gotten a few responses privately, but it seems people are 
 forgetting to reply to the list instead of to me.

 So far the best solution is that I wrote a Perl script to go through my 
 entire music collection (which is all in flac, as I've said) and rename 
 each file so the track number precedes the track title.  It works for 
 now, but there's still a deficiency in media players that it leaves 
just in case that didn't come up yet - Canola2 seems to be adequate 
solution sorting by album etc. using tags. Don't have any Flac files to 
test, but seems to work properly with MP3s. You can also create 
playlists that it seems to follow (not much testing on my part though ;) ).
maemo-users mailing list

Re: the hell of Maemo repos

2008-11-22 Thread Dmitry S. Makovey
sebastian maemo wrote:
 Why should I complain?... I think it's a great idea... when it's done with
 care of course... you cannot disable a repository until you confirm that all
 packages are correctly transferred... But it's so logical thing that I
 really don't understand what all you are talking about...
You've missed the point: Nokia/ didn't ask to take down repo -
they have asked to move packages over. Owner of the repo made a decision
to unplug the repo and abandon packages in it (See Niels email for
details). I think it it quite clear what has happened and I can't see
how Nokia/ is at fault:

1. Mail gets sent out on behalf of Nokia/
2. Repo owner has the impression that none of his packages are in active use
3. Repo owner unplugs the repo
4. User community gets upset with Nokia/

Clearly first thing you should do: contact repo owner and clear #2.

It is easy to blame Nokia/, but please do this when it's
deserved. This case clearly doesn't qualify.

maemo-users mailing list

Re: the hell of Maemo repos

2008-11-21 Thread Dmitry S. Makovey
Mark Haury wrote:
 Everybody who owns one of these tablets is not a developer. 
according to original poster he was after Kismet. That is not a toy your
average user would install. He did know what he was asking for. He did
know about etiquette on ML and he should've checked the facts before
accusing people. Mark, you didn't help the cause - you've inflamed issue
too. Sorry, that's the sad truth.

I'm involved to a different degree with different Linux and *BSD
distributions (porting applications and such) and My first reaction was
exactly like Ryan's: why didn't you ask repo owner? Seriously - having
no affiliations with Nokia and being far from delusional about Nokia's
goals (like any other company) I think that this flame-ball was rolling
out for nothing. Eko was responsible for providing service to community.
Eko was the one who delivered package in the first place. Eko decided to
take it offline without much comment or advising substitute solutions.
You SHOULD BE ASKING EKO. Fact that nobody else has a mirror of eko's
content is a fault of ... wait for it EKO.

I've got my issues with Maemo and Nokia's handling of the platform, but
this one has nothing to do with Nokia. It is clearly repo owner's

I wouldn't be surprised if repo owner took message from Nokia (no matter
how polite it was written) for cease and desist message give the fact
that his native tongue is polish.

Here, I'll ask him for you to get information about why did he not move
contents of his repo to Extras. I'll report later with his response.

maemo-users mailing list

Re: the hell of Maemo repos

2008-11-21 Thread Dmitry S. Makovey
sebastian maemo wrote:
 Yes, I was a bit stressed maybe because every semester I have the same
 problem when I happen to reflash my Nokia 770 and am unable to find the
 fucking packages I need for my fucking unusable tablet... Sorry about that
 and my stressed unpolite fucking language...
first of all: why do you reflash your 770? Ever since I've got my 800 I
have reflashed it exactly once - to get Diablo. Is there some specific
requirement of 770 to reflash it so often? Is that because of the fact
that pre-diablo systems can't be upgraded without reflash?

Secondly: you seem to know which packages you want/like/use. Why don't
you have them handy someplace safe? every linux system I own (which is
much more than one) has a cache of packages I have installed currently
in one form or another so that in case my system/internet/something else
goes in flames - I can rebuild safely. You reflash your device - you
know you will need packages you have installed currently, why do you not
keep copy of them? You seem like an advanced kind of person. It's a
common sense, considering you've ran into that problem before.

Instead of accusing Nokia I would suggest to go to the source of the
problem and ask repo maintainers for reasons why repo has disappeared
and what are the alternative solutions if any. Just going around and
blaming the biggest elephant in the zoo is not going to bring back to
life your goat that escaped over the fence. Yes, situation with repos is
a Zoo and Nokia is the biggest animal there so it is convenient to yell
at them at all times, but not always is it their fault. I'm an N800
user. I shot my foot off on more than one occasion just because I've
decided to get adventurous and include or enable something Nokia has
very little (if any) control over. Would I want Nokia to seize control
and protect me from myself? No. I want to be able to screw up and learn
from it. What you're asking is for Nokia to take full controll. No
apples here thankyouverymuch. I like my eco-system exactly the way it
is. Repos are responsible for their content and are should answer to
their users. Nokia is (as a repo owner) reponsible for content in it's
*own* repos and it should remain that way. I applaud their effort
consolidating repos, however I don't expect that Nokia will have all
repos consolidated. And *that* is up to repo owners. Repo owner took
repo offline - ask them.

Sorry for intermixing Nokia and - for simplicity of the
argument I think it's quite obvious what I'm trying to say.

maemo-users mailing list

Re: What is the best app to read .doc or .ppt files on N810

2008-11-14 Thread Dmitry S. Makovey
Mark wrote:
 I only know of two ways:
 1) Install Easy Debian and use OOo on the tablet
 2) Use Google Docs, which can convert to PDF as well as open the
 Microsoft formats

 The former requires a large SD card and is probably very slow, the
 latter requires an active Internet connection and isn't as reliable in
 dealing with the formatting. YMMV, but I have yet to get Abiword to
 open anything other than its own proprietary format - even plain text
 or HTML files don't work.
Not nitpicking, but trying to point to a possible resolution: you *do*
need an active internet connection to receive your mail - so using
Goo-Docs doesn't sound like you'd be going out of your way.

Now to the fun part: depending on your setup (ISP etc.) you may very
well automate the task of doc-pdf conversion and stick to email usage
on your IT. Here's how (based on my personal experience and currently
employed technique for spam filtering on my POP account which is not
SPAM filtered by ISP):

if you have some machine that is online 24/7 (or close to it) you could
easily fetch your mail from that mailbox (either write your own program
or use fetchmail/procmail stack on *nix using keep on server option)
and post-process it using OpenOffice conversion (you can convert files
on-the-fly from command line) forwarding resulting PDF back to your
email. IT is not designed for heavy lifting, and it shouldn't do it,
really. You can use OpenOffice to convert inbound docs to .txt if you
want to edit them easily and don't care to lose fancy formatting.

Granted that PalmOS devices have proprietary tools to open/edit MS docs
but those are different beasts: they employ commercial software whose
producer has access to MS resources and can build something workable
without reverse-engineering  it like  OOo and AbiWord folks do. Maybe
what you should be looking for is a producer of similar payed-for
software for IT?

better yet - if your ISP uses Zimbra for mail they could do PDF
conversion on-the-fly server-side out-of-the-box :)

No I don't work for Zimbra... err... Yahoo ;)

maemo-users mailing list

Re: WiFi borked after update

2008-10-07 Thread Dmitry S. Makovey
Marius Vollmer wrote:
 True. Perhaps we (as a community) should try pushing this message
 more: red-pill mode is intended as a rescue environment in the event
 of b0rkage; not for every day use (even by power users)?

 Yes.  What about making red-pill mode non-persistent: on the next start
 of the AM, it would be back in blue-pill mode.

I think this is a good middle-ground solution for the problem at hand.
It would definitely prevent people (like me) from forgetting to exit
red-pill once they're done with uber-tasks that warrant use of red-pill.

maemo-users mailing list

Re: WiFi borked after update

2008-10-06 Thread Dmitry S. Makovey
Marius Vollmer wrote:
 I know how frustrating it is to have very little details to resolve
 issues, but I was in a hurry, and I needed my N800 in somewhat working
 condition no matter what, so I just took as many shortcuts as I
 could at the time just to get going. Now that I've learned my lesson
 I won't be agreeing to any updates if I don't have an hour or so to
 spend so I can do thing more diligently (including bug reports).

 Ah, no, just stay out of red-pill mode for updates.  They might take
 some time, but they should not need any baby-sitting.  It should be one
 big download followed by one big installation and a clean reboot.
I'll take your word for it ;)

maemo-users mailing list

Re: WiFi borked after update

2008-10-06 Thread Dmitry S. Makovey
Ryan Abel wrote:
 To anybody reading using Red Pill mode, please don't. If you aren't
 absolutely positive of what it's going to do, then you're just going
 to get yourself in trouble. You don't need it and you don't want it,
 so don't use it.
Not trying to spin any flamewars or try to be obnoxious here, however I
just have to ask this: why the need for 2 modes in first place?. I'm
taking care of quite a few (read - much more than 10 ;) ) linux boxes
(embedded and otherwise) and none of them has separate modes for package
installation - you either install package or you don't. There's nothing
in between. What was the motivation to split the two? Is that because
Application Manager is not exactly apt-get frontend and does something
extra that  couldn't have been implemented via extension of
apt-get/dpkg ? I'm just curious.

maemo-users mailing list

Re: WiFi borked after update

2008-10-06 Thread Dmitry S. Makovey
 One colour pill is for ordinary users.  They get packages that are safe 
 to use.

 The other is for system hackers who know what they're doing.  They also 
 get packages that are not safe to use, in case they need them to do 
 things the ordinary user wouldn't dream of.
Well I know about colors, but why do you need them at all - that is my
question. I don't know of any other distro using similar concepts:
Xandros on Eee, Ubuntu, Debian, OpenMoko, Gentoo, RedHat - none is using
a concept of two separate modes for installs. I wonder how did it happen
that Maemo got those?

remember that this is my curiosity rather than a flamebait or trolling ;)

maemo-users mailing list

Re: WiFi borked after update

2008-10-03 Thread Dmitry S. Makovey
Marius Vollmer wrote:
 from what I've seen it was downloading packages one-by-one installing as
 it goes. :(

 No, that's impossible...  The code just doesn't do it this way.  Once
 the Installing OS2008 Feature Upgrade progress bar is shown, the
 network should no longer be needed.
I distinctly remember seeing osso* packages in the listing and I caught 
a glimpse of screen when it was downloading separate packages. It never 
got to Feature Upgrade. I got to that much later, when I fixed my 
networking. Come to think of it I'm pretty sure I've got Operating 
System Upgrade and not Feature Upgrade, but I can't be sure now.
 So I would say that your upgrade got interrupted by something else than
 the network going down.  Any idea what that might have been?
 Nothing was happening at the time. Sequence was fairly simple:
 1. turn on the updates (via app manager)
 2. walk away
 3. let N800 download/install packages
 4. come back later

 In what state did you find the N800?  Was the Application manager still
 open, or did you see the home screen?
Application manager was running stating that it can't download one of 
the packages (sorry by now I can't remember which). To which I figured 
I'll just fire up connection again (mine is configured to ask before 
establishing connection or I fire it up manually whenever I need it) and 
all I saw was spinner stating that it's searching for network and 
never finding one.
 I assume the AM was still open, since otherwise there should have been a
 note saying Update successfully installed.
 If the AM stops the update without rebooting and without giving any
 error message, then that's a bug int the AM.
could be, but I never seen that before (I guess because it's the first 
upgrade of this kind).
 5. reboot N800
 6. live happy.

 items 3 and 6 were the ones with the problem: #3 broke several times
 complaining about version mismatches (to which I replied: ok)

 Hmm, a dependency error is not something that you can override.  Any
 chance that you remember more details about this?
I didn't override much - it just complained that package X can't be 
installed because of missing dependency and offered choices (as I 
remember it now) of skipping that one or aborting. Since I was already 
(as I thought at the time) half way through and I was pretty sure that 
aborting will not roll back transactions and I'll be left with some 
applications in inconsistent state (required libraries bumped version 
but not application for example) I figured I'd skip a package or two 
which will automatically discard updates for all apps depending on that 
package. In the end I skipped several packages before AM was able to 
continue, at which point I left it alone and when I came back it was 
sitting there without network connection and with broken connection manager.

I know how frustrating it is to have very little details to resolve 
issues, but I was in a hurry, and I needed my N800 in somewhat working 
condition no matter what, so I just took as many shortcuts as I could 
at the time just to get going. Now that I've learned my lesson I won't 
be agreeing to any updates if I don't have an hour or so to spend so I 
can do thing more diligently (including bug reports). (by the way - 
there was no sarcasm in above, in case you were wondering ;) ).

maemo-users mailing list

Re: WiFi borked after update

2008-10-01 Thread Dmitry S. Makovey
Laurent GUERBY wrote:
 On Tue, 2008-09-30 at 23:37 -0600, Dmitry S. Makovey wrote:
 Andre Klapper wrote:
 This might be related to the problem:
 thanks. that was the exact problem. Poking around with autoconnection on 
 my N800 made it to connect to nearest known AP, from there I was able to 
 continue in terminal. ugh. glad I didn't have to reflash.

 Yes same for me (I didn't put it in the report but I removed all non
 diablo repo from my source list before apt-get). After the manual
 command line cleanup everything seems back to normal (and reboot works
 fine). Only thing is that osso-software-version-rx44 is no longer
 installed for some reason.
just for completeness - I didn't have to remove any repos. just allow 
N800 do automatic connection to available *known* AP, launch browser and 
navigate to any page so that connection is auto-made and then

# apt-get upgrade

resolved issue so that Connection Manager started to function properly 
again. After that Application manager was able to update OS normally 
with no side-effects.

maemo-users mailing list

WiFi borked after update

2008-09-30 Thread Dmitry S. Makovey
Today in the morning my N800 happily announced available updates. So I
agreed to install them. At some point half way through WiFi connection
was interrupted so I've been left with packages in inconsistent state (I
assume) as my WiFi can't locate any access points anymore spinning into

What are my options in fixing this? (I want to avoid flashing as that
would involve lots of backup/restore steps for me).

this is what apt reports as not updated yet:

# apt-get upgrade --fix-missing
Reading package lists... Done
Building dependency tree
Reading state information... Done
The following packages will be upgraded:
  icd2-network-wlan-config initfs-flasher ke-recv
  kernel-diablo-flasher libbz2-1.0 libconbtui0
  libconic0 libcst libcst0 libcurl3
  libdbus-glib-1-2 libgtkmozembed
  libhildon-im-western-plugin-common3 libhildon1
  libicd-network-wlan libicd2
  libmodest-dbus-client libnspr4 libnss3
  libnss3-certs libosso-abook libosso-gnomevfs2-0
  libosso-gnomevfs2-samba libreadline4
  libsofia-sip-ua-glib3 libsofia-sip-ua0
  libtinymail-1.0-0 libtinymail-camel-1.0-0
  libtinymail-maemo-1.0-0 libtinymailui-1.0-0
  libtinymailui-gtk-1.0-0 libxfont1 mce
  microb-eal microb-engine modest
  nokia-repository operator-wizard-settings
  osso-addressbook osso-af-startup osso-af-utils
  osso-app-killer osso-applet-location
  osso-applet-screencalibration osso-backup
  osso-bookmark-menu osso-connectivity-ui
  osso-contact-plugin osso-dsp-modules-rx-44
  osso-filemanager osso-filemanager-ui
  osso-ic-gwhwdetect osso-icons-default
  osso-mission-control osso-pdf-viewer
  osso-rss-feed-reader osso-speeddial
  osso-startup-wizard osso-wlan-security
  promo-applet quiver tablet-browser-controls
  tablet-browser-daemon tablet-browser-ui
  telepathy-sofiasip telepathy-stream-engine
  udhcpc xserver-xomap
78 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 0 not upgraded.
Need to get 20.6MB of archives.


maemo-users mailing list

Re: WiFi borked after update

2008-09-30 Thread Dmitry S. Makovey
As a follow-up, I've tried:

 # apt-get -qq --print-uris dist-upgrade  uris

with subsequent attempt to fetch listed uris on my desktop

 # awk '{print wget -O  $2   $1}'  uris  wget-script
 # sh +x wget-script

however all the nokia updates refuse to download in this fashion. Is it
possible for somebody to post the batch and let me bulk-download it (see
details on which packages I'm missing in parent post)?


maemo-users mailing list

Re: WiFi borked after update

2008-09-30 Thread Dmitry S. Makovey
On Tue, September 30, 2008 10:37, Marius Vollmer said:
 Hmm, the Application manager will first download all the needed
 packages, and only after that has happened will it start the update
 process.  So you should have all the packages somewhere.

from what I've seen it was downloading packages one-by-one installing as
it goes. :(

 Look into


I did, just to find out that it had packages unrelated to base system update.

 During a OS update, the network connection will usually be shutdown and
 then brought up again, as the relevant packages get updated.  But the
 Wifi going down should not have any ill effect on the OS update, it
 should finish normally.

 So I would say that your upgrade got interrupted by something else than
 the network going down.  Any idea what that might have been?

Nothing was happening at the time. Sequence was fairly simple:
1. turn on the updates (via app manager)
2. walk away
3. let N800 download/install packages
4. come back later
5. reboot N800
6. live happy.

items 3 and 6 were the ones with the problem: #3 broke several times
complaining about version mismatches (to which I replied: ok) assuming
that there is some error in dependency resolution and it'll get fixed on
the second run of update. (The very last event on device was another
pop-up with conflict information, but WiFi was gone then so hitting OK
didn't do anything except for failure) I couldn't locate WiFi AP anymore
so I did #5 thinking that maybe driver version has changed and the whole
OS better be reloaded. But that didn't help either.

 First try

# dpkg --configure -a
 Does this do anything?  Any errors?  This might bring your connectivity
 back.  If it does, try to complete the update, either in the Application
 manager or with apt-get upgrade.

no errors or any other types of messages.

 Rebooting might also help, in case you didn't do that already.

I did it twice already - unfortunately a no-go. (Now I regret not having
fully developed backup procedure for N800).

I have some extra repositories configured, but I do not use testing or
unstable repos that could've broken things so severely.

I can try to resuscitate WiFi manually if I only knew how. Looking at the
list of packages yet to be updated it seems like my gui might be
out-of-sync with other libs? Can I kick in manual config for WiFi just to
finish update?

maemo-users mailing list

Re: WiFi borked after update

2008-09-30 Thread Dmitry S. Makovey
Andre Klapper wrote:
 This might be related to the problem:
thanks. that was the exact problem. Poking around with autoconnection on 
my N800 made it to connect to nearest known AP, from there I was able to 
continue in terminal. ugh. glad I didn't have to reflash.
 See comment 5 for a potential workaround. No idea about potential
 negative side effects, though. :-/


maemo-users mailing list

Gtk Entry limit entered chars

2008-09-01 Thread Dmitry S. Makovey
Hi everybody,

I've noticed that some applications are locking keyboard input only to a 
subset of characters which greatly simplifies input esp. if you have 
numeric fields. Default action in Hildon input is to capitalize first 
letter which also means - no numeric pad so I'd like to change that 
somehow for certain fields.

I've gone through all stuff relative to python:gtk.Entry and found 
pretty much nothing on it. I suppose there are some hildon helpers for 
that, but 
doesn't seem to mention them. What am I missing? (I know I could've 
started to dig into sources of those programs that do limit input to a 
character subset, however I don't remember now which ones did that and 
that might be C/C++ app which may or may not affect applicability for 
maemo-users mailing list

probably and FAQ item...

2008-08-12 Thread Dmitry S. Makovey
I'm stuggling with rather cosmetic issue: icons for my apps on N800 
(running diablo).

Namely - I can't get it (Maemo desktop) to use decent sized icons of my 
app (like 48x48 etc.) it seems to be picking up only 26x26 or so. Should 
I be dropping some hints in .desktop file?

My .desktop looks like this:

[Desktop Entry]

and apparently icon is being looked up from /usr/share/pixmaps. What 
should I write and where to use bigger icons in menus etc. ? ( I 
provided those in /usr/share/icons/hicolor/NNxNN/fuellog.png but that 
seem to make no difference whatsoever. )

maemo-users mailing list

looking for python development shortcuts :)

2008-08-10 Thread Dmitry S. Makovey

I'm trying to apply development skills to Maemo platform and it was 
relatively easy with python bindings available for everything I need. 
However I seem to be stuck with following problem:

I want to write simple application that would listen for D-BUS even 
whenever internet connection is established and run certain actions. My 
present usecase is that GPE-Contacts fails to render ICS files generated 
by Zimbra server, so I'd like to write python script which upon every 
internet connection receive data from Zimbra, render it to a form that 
is acceptable for GPE and submit it via gpesyncd. So as you see I have 
figured most pieces for myself, except I'm kind of struggling with D-BUS 
stuff esp. that I can't figure out how to simulate those evens in 
scratchbox and doing it on actual device is kind of painful (breaking 
connection so I have to re-ssh in etc. etc. etc.).

Any pointers are appreciated. So far I have found those:

but I wasn't able to put those together into something coherent to 
implement as a code :)
maemo-users mailing list