Re: OS 2008 Bluetooth keyboard problems (was: Move from 2007 to 2008 Questions)

2008-04-23 Thread Kevin T. Neely
On Tue, Apr 22, 2008 at 10:39:31PM -0400, Norman Ramsey wrote:
>  > Don't just stew, vote for the bug here:
>  > Let Nokia know this is 
> happening
>  > to more people and you're not pleased.  I can't believe we have only 5 
> votes
>  > for this killer bug.
> Thank you so much for the pointer.  I have tried and failed to vote
> for this bug.  Perhaps my experience will explain why it has received

FYI, using my tablet, I created a bugzilla account, entered teh bug number 
above (2850) and voted for it.  It probably took me 2.5 minutes.  It's annoying 
yes, but something I've been meaning to do.


In Vino Veritas

Description: Digital signature
maemo-users mailing list

Re: OS 2008 Bluetooth keyboard problems (was: Move from 2007 to 2008 Questions)

2008-04-22 Thread Norman Ramsey
 > Don't just stew, vote for the bug here:
 > Let Nokia know this is happening
 > to more people and you're not pleased.  I can't believe we have only 5 votes
 > for this killer bug.

Thank you so much for the pointer.  I have tried and failed to vote
for this bug.  Perhaps my experience will explain why it has received
so few votes:

  1. Voting requires an account on yet another bugzilla.  I overcome
 my annoyance and inertia and apply for an account.
  2. Applying for an account sends a challenge message to my email
  3. My employer's email server runs amavisd antivirus software, which
 misidentifies the challenge as a virus and refuses to deliver it.
  4. I cannot vote.

 > There is a possible workaround too - turn on your bluetooth icon in the
 > taskbar.  Leave it on... It may not be a 100% cure but it seems to help a
 > lot for most people.

My bluetooth icon is always on; no luck there, I'm afraid.
I've also tried turning it off and on again.

maemo-users mailing list

Re: OS 2008 Bluetooth keyboard problems

2008-04-22 Thread Norman Ramsey
 > >   1. Based on random criteria I haven't been able to figure out, the
 > >  Bluetooth keyboard sometimes activates the word-completion
 > >  feature ...
 > > 
 > >   2. THE KILLER: Once I have connected a bluetooth keyboard, the
 > >  on-screen stylus keyboard and thumb keyboard no longer work
 > Which bug(s) did you report on these issues?

None.  On average I file about 20 bug reports a month.  I have a
backlog.  Debian bugs get highest priority because they are easiest to
report.  Bugzilla bugs get lowest priority because they often require
a challenge/response in order to report a bug, I must remember a
password, and I have to use the mouse, which hurts my hands.

If you want bug reports, make bugs easy to report!

maemo-users mailing list

Re: OS 2008 Bluetooth keyboard problems

2008-04-17 Thread Mark
>> 2. THE KILLER: Once I have connected a bluetooth keyboard, the
>> on-screen stylus keyboard and thumb keyboard no longer work.
>> Even when the BT keyboard is put away and turned off, attempts to
>> use the stylus keyboard produce only a black bar at the bottom of
>> the screen with the letters Abc at the far right.  The only cure
>> is to reboot the machine.

This is not specific to BT keyboards. This is true of USB keyboards as
well, although I don't even get the black bar. It just doesn't respond
to anything that normally would pop up an onscreen keyboard.

maemo-users mailing list

Re: OS 2008 Bluetooth keyboard problems

2008-04-17 Thread Austin Che
"Kevin T. Neely" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> On Wed, Apr 16, 2008 at 09:29:24PM -0400, Norman Ramsey wrote:
>> 1. Based on random criteria I haven't been able to figure out, the
>>  Bluetooth keyboard sometimes activates the word-completion
> I have seen this.  Cannot figure out what causes it, either.  I am
> only really typing txt messages and such, so it is not much of an
> issue forme, although it takes up valuable screen real-estate.

Try shift-space. See this bug

You can try to manually get around this problem with:
gconftool-2 -t bool -s /system/osso/af/slide-open false
That will fake the closing of the slide keyboard that the N800
doesn't have and get rid of the word completion bar.

>>   2. THE KILLER: Once I have connected a bluetooth keyboard, the
>>  on-screen stylus keyboard and thumb keyboard no longer work.
>>  Even when the BT keyboard is put away and turned off, attempts to
>>  use the stylus keyboard produce only a black bar at the bottom of

Also in the bug above. You can get around this with the following
gconftool-2 -t bool -s /system/osso/af/keyboard-attached false
That'll force the system into thinking there's no keyboard attached.
maemo-users mailing list

Re: OS 2008 Bluetooth keyboard problems

2008-04-17 Thread Eero Tamminen

ext Kevin T. Neely wrote:
> I also have a #3:
> 3.  Sometimes, when I switch the keyboard on,
> the first couple letters I type cause the entire
> tablet to halt for a second, minimizes all the
> applications, and the desktop applets disappear.

I think this is Desktop crashing and system restarting it.
When Desktop notices that it has been restarted by the
system, it intentionally disables all applets.  This is
to prevent bad applets from causing device to go into
reboot loop.

> A reboot brings everything back.
> Until then, the device seems to operate well enough,
> but I try to reboot asap.

I think you have a bad applet on your desktop.
Rebooting doesn't help more, the Desktop restart
already got rid of it. :-)

- Eero

maemo-users mailing list

Re: OS 2008 Bluetooth keyboard problems (was: Move from 2007 to 2008 Questions)

2008-04-17 Thread Kevin T. Neely
On Wed, Apr 16, 2008 at 09:29:24PM -0400, Norman Ramsey wrote:
>   1. Based on random criteria I haven't been able to figure out, the
>  Bluetooth keyboard sometimes activates the word-completion

I have seen this.  Cannot figure out what causes it, either.  I am only really 
typing txt messages and such, so it is not much of an issue forme, although it 
takes up valuable screen real-estate.

Since moving to OS2008, I have not done much major typing through the shell.  
If I were, and if this happened, it would definitely be a pain.

>   2. THE KILLER: Once I have connected a bluetooth keyboard, the
>  on-screen stylus keyboard and thumb keyboard no longer work.
>  Even when the BT keyboard is put away and turned off, attempts to
>  use the stylus keyboard produce only a black bar at the bottom of

I have yet to see this, thankfully

I also have a #3:

3.  Sometimes, when I switch the keyboard on, the first couple letters I 
type cause the entire tablet to halt for a second, minimizes all the 
applications, and the desktop applets disappear.  (It reminds me of when 
explorer.exe crashes on a Win2k/XP machine).  
A reboot brings everything back.  Until then, the device seems to operate well 
enough, but I try to reboot asap.


In Vino Veritas

Description: Digital signature
maemo-users mailing list

Re: OS 2008 Bluetooth keyboard problems

2008-04-17 Thread Eero Tamminen

ext Norman Ramsey wrote:
>  > Thanks, Tony, and to everyone else.  Because I rely so heavily on my N800
>  > for day-to-day operations, I'm very hesitant about doing anything that will
>  > impact that.  I have no problem with re-installing the software (although I
>  > don't want to) but wanted to make sure the tools I use are there.
> I would definitely encourage you *not* to upgrade.  In addition to the
> touch-screen problems already mentioned, my OS2008 'upgrade' has had
> the following disastrous effect on my Igo Stowaway Bluetooth keyboard:
>   1. Based on random criteria I haven't been able to figure out, the
>  Bluetooth keyboard sometimes activates the word-completion
>  feature used with the stylus keyboard.  This is so slow (I type
>  75 words per minute on a kinesis so probably half that on the
>  stowaway) that the keyboard becomes useless because the N800
>  can't keep up.
>   2. THE KILLER: Once I have connected a bluetooth keyboard, the
>  on-screen stylus keyboard and thumb keyboard no longer work.
>  Even when the BT keyboard is put away and turned off, attempts to
>  use the stylus keyboard produce only a black bar at the bottom of
>  the screen with the letters Abc at the far right.  The only cure
>  is to reboot the machine.
>  I can't tell you how angry I am about this.  For me one of the
>  great benefits of the N800 is that it's always on, always
>  connected.  I mostly use the stylus but can easily connect a
>  keyboard if I have to write a long email.  Now that's all gone;
>  every time I think about the external keyboard I have to think
>  about whether I'm going to give up all my external state and
>  reboot.
> If these problems aren't fixed in the next release of OS2008 I'm just
> going to punt and go back to OS2007, which at least worked.

Which bug(s) did you report on these issues?

- Eero
maemo-users mailing list