Re: [Mageia-dev] Mirror layout, round two

2010-11-30 Thread Wolfgang Bornath
I think this whole question is not done with an easy answer. It can
also not be ssen in a black/white mode. I see the clear insight of
Michael's suggestion which is a black/white point of view. Not
maintained? Kick it out (well, not out but into the ante-room). But
I also see the reality from the user's POV. As for technical skilled
or experienced users (including server admins) the main question is
that those packages which are available should work and be maintained.
But there is also the vast group of the unwashed masses including
those we want to attract to Mageia. Many of those do look at the sheer
number of packages (like, I'd rather switch to Foo Linux which offers
2 million packages while Mageia only offers 5,000). Yes, I know, it's
rather dumb and those users are the first to complain about some
missing icon. But they are a large part of the users out there.

So we have to find a middle way between the pure and the ugly. How to
find that, I don't know, this is far beyond my knowledge. I only
wanted to comment on the philosophical side of the problem. For me
as a mostly non-technical guy the best solution would be the flag
solution. Forget the main/contrib split and just flag unmaintained
rpms so that the user sees it in the GUI. How to accomplish that on
the CLI with urpmi I don't know. Then people who are security- aware
like server admins can easily avoid unmaintained packages or open a
request in Bugzilla which **may** inspire somebody to pick up the poor
unmaintained package.

One comment on the mirror maintainer part of the story:
I was mentioned by Michael several times as an example of a certain
kind of mirror maintainers. Yes, ressources are tight but not that
tight. As I understood the official mirror as suggested by Olivier
was about to fill up to 700 GB during the next 3 years - given that we
will have 2 releases per year. Most of the official mirrors of
Mandriva do not provide 6 releases, moreso when the life cycle of a
release is less than 2 years.
So, a realistic size woul be more like 450-500 GB at the most which is
easily done with today's hardware. This is not a problem. Time is not
a problem either for such people like me. The only problem I still see
from the mirror maintainer's side is the way to deal with tainted
packages wrt the mirrorlist (as already mentioned).


Re: [Mageia-dev] Mirror layout, round two

2010-11-30 Thread Ahmad Samir
On 30 November 2010 07:29, andre999 wrote:
 Michael Scherer a écrit :

 Le lundi 29 novembre 2010 à 20:54 -0500, andre999 a écrit :

 Yann Ciret a écrit :

 I dislike the main/contrib separation in some case.
 The first example is with Mozilla Thunderbird packages. Some extension
 packages are in contrib. So each time thunderbird received security
 update, the update cannot be installed because of non automatically
 rebuild of his contrib package. And each time I see a bug report of user
 asking a manual rebuilt. With only one core media, this situation will
 disapear (I hope).

 Unlikely.  This problem is not at all related to separate repositories.

 It is. It is exactly related to the fact that thunderbird is supported,
 and that extension are not despites depending on it.

 In this case it is evident that you don't understand how extensions work
 with mozilla products.
 Thunderbird will function correctly with no
 extensions installed.  So why should any extension block the update of
 Thunderbird ?

So the user can simply uninstall that extension and update to new
thunderbird? the user can do this only if he doesn't need that
extension, only if it doesn't offer features he wants to use. That's
an invalid argument, if he doesn't need that extension why does he
have it on his system??

The rationale is/was that mozilla code breaks/broke ABI, so it was
agreed that extensions are rebuilt for both firefox and thunderbird
respective new versions.

We will look into that with upstream, so that if a rebuild isn't
needed, then all the better for us (packagers). But until that
happens, they will be rebuilt. A 1-2 day delay isn't too much for

The more pressing issue is, what does this have to do with the topic
at hand Mirrors layout, round two ?? this discussion is deviating
too much, to the extent it's becoming bloated...

 Additionally, modules installed will continue to work as long as the major
 version doesn't change.  (Actually slightly more complicated.)
 In some cases one won't be able to newly install a module because a config
 file inside the module - equivalent to the spec file in rpm packages -
 hasn't been updated for compatible versions.  (In fact, the versions were
 probably improperly specified.)  But installed modules will continue to
 It is possible that the packager did not realise this - or for whatever
 reason did not properly set up a spec file - but this issue has nothing at
 all to do with separate sets of repositories.

Speaking abstractly without examples in this case is just that,
speaking. Give us an example of such a case (if any) in a spec file
so that it can be fixed.

 That precisely because we tell security and bugfixes occurs only on
 main that contribs got broken, since the security team do not care to
 not break contribs packages.

 The crux of this problem is that core (in the general sense) packages are
 dependant on packages that are not recognized as core.
 That again has nothing to do with repositories as such.

I agree with Michael here, doing sec fixes isn't hard (once one gets
used to it), just time consuming, and it should be done for all
packages in the official repos; it's true that GPL gives no
guarantees what so ever, just it's a moral obligation for people
involved in the FOSS world to support users as best they can.

Users do not differentiate between main/contrib, there's a package
they install it, I don't think they look from which repo it comes

 Rather that one package was updated, and an optional installed module
 was not.
 The fact that the module is optional is the key point.
 The installer should be flexible enough to give a warning in this case,
 and ask if you wish to continue the installation.

 So basically, you want a --nodeps ?
 If there is a requires, there is usually a good reason. Engineering is
 not randomly adding line to a file until it work.

 How about better configured spec files ?
 A better definition (in general) of core packages ?
 A focus on ensuring that core packages are maintained ?
 Basically my idea behind a core sandbox.
 But if you have a better idea ...

Again, give us an example of a spec file that needs better
configuration, otherwise you're theorising.

 Just remember, eliminating a supported core breaks the sandbox.
 So removing repositories does have secondary effects.
 And they should be seriously considered and discussed by those proposing to
 remove the repositories.

 As well, in the case of Thunderbird, it is almost certain that the
 installed module was in fact compatible with newer version of
 Thunderbird.  (A security problem may directly impact Thunderbird or the
 module, but highly unlikely both packages.)
 Rpm tags should have been set so that Thunderbird would recognize that
 the module was appropriate in the newer version.

 No. If there is stricter dependency, it is precisely because there is no
 guarantee of any kind of ABI between thunderbird 

Re: [Mageia-dev] Mirror layout, round two

2010-11-30 Thread Thomas Backlund
So, after reading all different opinions here and discussing with 
founders, here is the idea:

We start of with  3 medias: core, nonfree, tainted and 3 debug medias:
debug_core, debug_nonfree, debug_tainted. In order to avoid confusion,
we wont use the name restricted as it was used in MDV commercial products.

Now all of theese medias will have their 5 submedias: release, updates,
updates_testing, backports, backports_testing.

That brings us to 30 medias in total :)

The details of the media layout suggestion is also at the end of this
mail, and at:


We wont blindly import every package from cooker, instead  we'll
start off the import with basesystem (as in bootable system with
shell access), compiler and rpm tools (and of course their buildtime
depencies). When all of that is imported and rebuilt, we have a working 
buildsystem / base to build from.

Then we to go on with and start importing X, the different
DE's and every other package needed to build a full distro.

By doing it this way, we get a clean start, every package rebuilt,
and no old/unmaintained stuff in the beginning.

Then as more maintainers join, I guess more packages will be imported
from cooker and other sources. And packages can always be requested.

As for those that want the core/extra split:
We already tried it with main/contrib split. And I know mdv is now
trying to refine what belongs in main or not, but thats for mdv
to work through the problem as it wont be an easy task.

For us I think the best way for now is to start with this suggested
layout, and see if it works well for us. Remember, as Michael pointed
out, this is a community supported distro, and only time will tell how
well the community actually will support their distro.

Point is, if we later decide this is not working well, we can always
review the decisions and if decided do the split.

Can we reach an agreement that this is the way to start the distro?

and for refernece: The suggested layout for is:

* core
  - enabled by default
  - mirrors must mirror this media to be listed as a mirror
  - only free/libre stuff as described by FSF / OSI
  - must be selfcontained

* nonfree
  - disabled by default, installer will ask to enable it if
it detects hw that need driver/fw from here
  - mirrors must mirror this media to be listed as a mirror
  - contains apps/drivers/firmware that are free to redistribute
but we dont have redistributable source for
  - for example: ati/nvidia drivers/firmware, Oracle Java,
Adobe stuff we might get redistribution permission for

* tainted
  - disabled by default
  - mirrors are free to not mirror this media ( ? )
  - stuff we think we can redistribute, but that may have some
patent issues or other legal restrictions
  - what belongs / is allowed here must still be discussed

* debug_core
  - disabled by default
  - debug rpms for core

* debug_nonfree
  - disabled by default
  - debug rpms for nonfree

* debug_tainted
  - disabled by default
  - debug rpms for tainted

Every media contains the same layout:

* backports
  - disabled by default

* backports_testing
  - disabled by default

* release
  - disabled by default on nonfree, installer will ask to enable
it if it detects hw that need driver/fw from here
  - disabled by default on tainted, debug_core, debug_nonfree,

* updates
  - disabled by default on nonfree, installer will ask to enable
it if it detects hw that need driver/fw from here
  - disabled by default on tainted, debug_core, debug_nonfree,

* updates_testing
  - disabled by default


Re: [Mageia-dev] Mirror layout, round two

2010-11-30 Thread Jerome Quelin
On 10/11/30 12:37 +0200, Thomas Backlund wrote:
 We wont blindly import every package from cooker, instead  we'll
 start off the import with basesystem (as in bootable system with
 shell access), compiler and rpm tools (and of course their buildtime
 depencies). When all of that is imported and rebuilt, we have a
 working buildsystem / base to build from.
 Then we to go on with and start importing X, the different
 DE's and every other package needed to build a full distro.
 By doing it this way, we get a clean start, every package rebuilt,
 and no old/unmaintained stuff in the beginning.
 Then as more maintainers join, I guess more packages will be imported
 from cooker and other sources. And packages can always be requested.

sounds sensible to me.

- how will the import be done?
- is it up for the maintainer to request it? or only for non-base system
- or does the maintainer has a magic command to do?
- will submitting a package for rebuild bork the list of maintainer (mdv
  uses the maintainer = 1st to submit scheme)
- do we have an estimated planning with the different steps?


Re: [Mageia-dev] Mirror layout, round two

2010-11-30 Thread Balcaen John
Le mardi 30 novembre 2010 07:37:42, Thomas Backlund a écrit :
 So, after reading all different opinions here and discussing with
 founders, here is the idea:
 We start of with  3 medias: core, nonfree, tainted and 3 debug medias:
 debug_core, debug_nonfree, debug_tainted. In order to avoid confusion,
 we wont use the name restricted as it was used in MDV commercial
 We wont blindly import every package from cooker, instead  we'll
 start off the import with basesystem (as in bootable system with
 shell access), compiler and rpm tools (and of course their buildtime
 depencies). When all of that is imported and rebuilt, we have a working
 buildsystem / base to build from.
Are you (not specifically you thomas :p)  going to check again the basesystem 
dependencies/requirements, if i remember correctly the basesystem in mandriva 
not anymore a « real » basesystem ?

 Then we to go on with and start importing X, the different
 DE's and every other package needed to build a full distro.
Should not each package imported directly by the maintener here (for the DE),
so he's going to import (hopefully ?) only the real requirements so we'll be 
able to drop « more » unused packages maybe?

 Can we reach an agreement that this is the way to start the distro?
Sure (even if i'm not followed for the 2 points before :p )


Balcaen John
IRC: mikala on

Re: [Mageia-dev] Mirror layout, round two

2010-11-30 Thread nicolas vigier
On Tue, 30 Nov 2010, Thomas Backlund wrote:

 So, after reading all different opinions here and discussing with founders, 
 here is the idea:

 We start of with  3 medias: core, nonfree, tainted and 3 debug medias:
 debug_core, debug_nonfree, debug_tainted. In order to avoid confusion,
 we wont use the name restricted as it was used in MDV commercial products.

 Now all of theese medias will have their 5 submedias: release, updates,
 updates_testing, backports, backports_testing.

 That brings us to 30 medias in total :)

 The details of the media layout suggestion is also at the end of this
 mail, and at:

 Can we reach an agreement that this is the way to start the distro?

I agree with this proposal.

Re: [Mageia-dev] Mirror layout, round two

2010-11-30 Thread Samuel Verschelde

Le mardi 30 novembre 2010 11:37:42, Thomas Backlund a écrit :
 So, after reading all different opinions here and discussing with 
 founders, here is the idea:
 We start of with  3 medias: core, nonfree, tainted and 3 debug medias:
 debug_core, debug_nonfree, debug_tainted. In order to avoid confusion,
 we wont use the name restricted as it was used in MDV commercial products.
 Now all of theese medias will have their 5 submedias: release, updates,
 updates_testing, backports, backports_testing.
 That brings us to 30 medias in total :)
 The details of the media layout suggestion is also at the end of this
 mail, and at:
 We wont blindly import every package from cooker, instead  we'll
 start off the import with basesystem (as in bootable system with
 shell access), compiler and rpm tools (and of course their buildtime
 depencies). When all of that is imported and rebuilt, we have a working 
 buildsystem / base to build from.
 Then we to go on with and start importing X, the different
 DE's and every other package needed to build a full distro.
 By doing it this way, we get a clean start, every package rebuilt,
 and no old/unmaintained stuff in the beginning.
 Then as more maintainers join, I guess more packages will be imported
 from cooker and other sources. And packages can always be requested.
 As for those that want the core/extra split:
 We already tried it with main/contrib split. And I know mdv is now
 trying to refine what belongs in main or not, but thats for mdv
 to work through the problem as it wont be an easy task.
 For us I think the best way for now is to start with this suggested
 layout, and see if it works well for us. Remember, as Michael pointed
 out, this is a community supported distro, and only time will tell how
 well the community actually will support their distro.
 Point is, if we later decide this is not working well, we can always
 review the decisions and if decided do the split.
 Can we reach an agreement that this is the way to start the distro?

OK for me provided support policy matters are not discarded forever but only 
delayed to allow things to start.

It would be great to start QA Team's organization as soon as possible. I don't 
think we need to wait for the BS and the packages to begin thinking about those 



Re: [Mageia-dev] Mirror layout, round two

2010-11-30 Thread Anne nicolas
2010/11/30 Thomas Backlund
 So, after reading all different opinions here and discussing with founders,
 here is the idea:

 For us I think the best way for now is to start with this suggested
 layout, and see if it works well for us. Remember, as Michael pointed
 out, this is a community supported distro, and only time will tell how
 well the community actually will support their distro.

 Point is, if we later decide this is not working well, we can always
 review the decisions and if decided do the split.

 Can we reach an agreement that this is the way to start the distro?

Looks ok for me and the easiest layout we may achieve. Still we will
need to finalize policies about repositories content.


Re: [Mageia-dev] Mirror layout, round two

2010-11-30 Thread Samuel Verschelde

  In Mandriva, you can find many examples of packages in main which are not 
  supported in reality,
   or even maybe simply don't work. You can find also many packages in 
  contrib which are 
  perfectly supported, in cooker as in stable releases. You gave me examples. 
  However I 
  see very rarely security or bugfix updates for packages in contrib for 
  stable releases 
  (or sometimes they go to backports), whereas there are many security fixes 
  and bugfixes 
  for packages in main thanks to Mandriva's security team. There really is a 
  between supported packages and other, although it's far from perfect.
 The difference is mainly that Mandriva has a team of 2 people full time
 doing the bugfixes and security updates. We do not have them. 
 So that's not because there is contribs that main got more bugfixes and
 updates. That's because people are paid to do the work.
 And so there is no correlation between there is updates in main and
 there is a split. 

Yes there is a correlation : there is a team of people working to provide quick 
support for a set of packages. Without a list of supported packages, they 
couldn't focus their work. However please remember that I agreed that the split 
mirror-side is not the only way to achieve such focus.

Our main disagreement here is you prefer that we have the same level of support 
for any package in the distribution (which probably means very few packages in 
the distribution then) while I'd like many packages in the distribution, a 
subset of which is officially supported. At least, it worked well enough so 
that we could send more than 450 servers with Mandriva in French hospitals and 
use Mandriva at work on workstation. 

Why do I prefer a large package list to a list restricted to platinum-supported 
packages : I can build a system where the critical parts are supported, and if 
I need to add some less supported stuff, I still can. We should compare the 
ratio between packages in main and packages in contrib which are actually 
installed on people's systems. On our servers, that would be around 98% coming 
from main, and less than 2% coming from contrib. On my workstation, it would be 
probably 75% vs 25%. Main provides stability and security (regardless of some 
badly supported packages). Contrib provides choice..

 Seeing that everything is equally supported is a sign of a lack of
 quality ?

It depends on the amount of available packages and available resources. 1 
packages *equally supported* with 30 packages, yep, that would be a sign of a 
lack of quality. If there are only 1000 packages, of course, this is different. 
I still prefer the 1000 supported packages + 9000 use-at-your-own-risk packages.

  Now if there were a list of supported packages, either it would not be 
  officially supported and 
  the user would know he could use it but maybe won't have security and 
  bugfix updates, 
  or it is officially supported. Now take the example above :
  - Someone checks if postgresql is supported because if not he'll use 
  another distribution where it is
  - It is !
  - However the maintainer went away doing his own fork, so he dropped 
  - Someone in QA Team rings a bell : this supported package isn't supported 
  but we promised we would support it for Mageia 2011 for 2 years from now ! 
  We have 
  to do something !
  - The package team leader, or someone else, relays the warning and finds 
  else to maintain the package, at least for Mageia 2011, for security and 
 Please, I would appreciate that you do not arrange facts just to support
 your point, or I will seriously have to reconsider answering in the
 In the first case :
 package is not supported, no one step to maintain, we drop - that's
 second case :
 package is not supported, someone step, we don't drop - that's good
 Why do you make the assumption that someone will step to maintain in 2nd
 case and not in the first one ? 
 Just saying it should be supported because it is on some official list
 is not really something that worked that well at Mandriva for the

The way you make a caricature of my arguments is rude here.

What I'm saying is totally different : 

In the first case :
- no one steps in to maintain it. We drop it.

In the second case :
- no one steps in to maintain it. Because we promised to support it, and 
because there are people who care about that (the QA Team Leader for example), 
we would *try very hard* to find a solution. this is a problem, we identify the 
problem, we try to solve it. Maybe we fail, but at least we try hard, because 
the package is on the supported list. In my example I supposed we find a 
solution, because I suppose that we find it. If I were that kind of person who 
cares, I'm sure I would find someone. Of course, if we flag too much packages 
as supported, then it may become actually impossible to support them all, 

[Mageia-dev] Support policy

2010-11-30 Thread Samuel Verschelde


I would like to discuss the support policy for Mageia.

It would be interesting to know (or decide) where Mageia is heading, given our 
limited resources :
1) focus on stability and security : few very well equally supported packages. 
Apparently, this is where we're going for now.  May be wise as a start, but I 
hope this is not our final destination, because it means either very limited 
choice, or progressive diminution of quality of support if the number of 
packages increases faster than the dedicated resources.
2) focus on choice : many packages, but no support policy. This would be really 
bad, I think we're not heading there, from what I read. However, this is a 
danger if we start from option 1) and then open wide the gates for importing 
packages, without setting a support policy.
3) focus on both (this is my option). There would be 2 levels of support :
   - top guaranteed support : those are the (few at start) packages your can 
rely on almost blindly, they'll be updated in a timely manner, and updates 
don't break things. Those are the packages the QA Team puts its limited 
resources on (doesn't mean the QA Team provides the support themselves, this is 
maintainer work, but they check that good support is provided) : testing, 
helping the maintainers to watch for security problems... The maintainers are 
responsible for their package, but the QA Team double-checks updates for stable 
   - supported packages (every other package) : those are maintained packages, 
however the QA Team doesn't have to check them. It's up to the maintainer to 
check the package and updates quality.
   - unsupported packages are dropped.

Are we heading for 1), 2), 3), or any other option ?

Of course, with unlimited resources, options 1 and 3 would be equivalent, 
everything would have the top guaranteed support :)

Best regards

Samuel Verschelde
Packager/QA Team/User

Re: [Mageia-dev] Mirror layout, round two

2010-11-30 Thread Thomas Backlund

Jerome Quelin skrev 30.11.2010 12:48:

On 10/11/30 12:37 +0200, Thomas Backlund wrote:

We wont blindly import every package from cooker, instead  we'll
start off the import with basesystem (as in bootable system with
shell access), compiler and rpm tools (and of course their buildtime
depencies). When all of that is imported and rebuilt, we have a
working buildsystem / base to build from.

Then we to go on with and start importing X, the different
DE's and every other package needed to build a full distro.

By doing it this way, we get a clean start, every package rebuilt,
and no old/unmaintained stuff in the beginning.

Then as more maintainers join, I guess more packages will be imported
from cooker and other sources. And packages can always be requested.

sounds sensible to me.

- how will the import be done?

It will be done by reviewing every srpm, drop anything mdv 
owned/trademarked, and then committed to svn. This is to get a clean 
svn to start from.

- is it up for the maintainer to request it? or only for non-base system
- or does the maintainer has a magic command to do?

maintainers will be able to import stuff into svn themselves.
More to follow soon regarding packagers / cleanup work.

We will notify users when we open up the svn so people can start 
reviewing/cleaning packages and commit it to svn

Then a new notification will be sent when we consider BS fully open.

- will submitting a package for rebuild bork the list of maintainer (mdv
   uses the maintainer = 1st to submit scheme)

I guess that will be so atleast for now.
This will be refined for packaging teams/maintainer groups...

- do we have an estimated planning with the different steps?

Not yet, there are still some fixes needed to be done on youri to get it 
fully working.


Re: [Mageia-dev] Mirror layout, round two

2010-11-30 Thread Thomas Backlund

Balcaen John skrev 30.11.2010 12:50:

Le mardi 30 novembre 2010 07:37:42, Thomas Backlund a écrit :

So, after reading all different opinions here and discussing with
founders, here is the idea:

We start of with  3 medias: core, nonfree, tainted and 3 debug medias:
debug_core, debug_nonfree, debug_tainted. In order to avoid confusion,
we wont use the name restricted as it was used in MDV commercial


We wont blindly import every package from cooker, instead  we'll
start off the import with basesystem (as in bootable system with
shell access), compiler and rpm tools (and of course their buildtime
depencies). When all of that is imported and rebuilt, we have a working
buildsystem / base to build from.

Are you (not specifically you thomas :p)  going to check again the basesystem
dependencies/requirements, if i remember correctly the basesystem in mandriva is
not anymore a « real » basesystem ?

technically it's basesystem-minimal that should be just that: minimal.
but it will be reviewed as everythng else.

Then we to go on with and start importing X, the different
DE's and every other package needed to build a full distro.

Should not each package imported directly by the maintener here (for the DE),
so he's going to import (hopefully ?) only the real requirements so we'll be
able to drop « more » unused packages maybe?


Can we reach an agreement that this is the way to start the distro?

Sure (even if i'm not followed for the 2 points before :p )


Re: [Mageia-dev] Mirror layout, round two

2010-11-30 Thread Thomas Backlund

Samuel Verschelde skrev 30.11.2010 13:04:

Le mardi 30 novembre 2010 11:37:42, Thomas Backlund a écrit :

So, after reading all different opinions here and discussing with
founders, here is the idea:

We start of with  3 medias: core, nonfree, tainted and 3 debug medias:
debug_core, debug_nonfree, debug_tainted. In order to avoid confusion,
we wont use the name restricted as it was used in MDV commercial products.

Now all of theese medias will have their 5 submedias: release, updates,
updates_testing, backports, backports_testing.

That brings us to 30 medias in total :)

The details of the media layout suggestion is also at the end of this
mail, and at:


We wont blindly import every package from cooker, instead  we'll
start off the import with basesystem (as in bootable system with
shell access), compiler and rpm tools (and of course their buildtime
depencies). When all of that is imported and rebuilt, we have a working
buildsystem / base to build from.

Then we to go on with and start importing X, the different
DE's and every other package needed to build a full distro.

By doing it this way, we get a clean start, every package rebuilt,
and no old/unmaintained stuff in the beginning.

Then as more maintainers join, I guess more packages will be imported
from cooker and other sources. And packages can always be requested.

As for those that want the core/extra split:
We already tried it with main/contrib split. And I know mdv is now
trying to refine what belongs in main or not, but thats for mdv
to work through the problem as it wont be an easy task.

For us I think the best way for now is to start with this suggested
layout, and see if it works well for us. Remember, as Michael pointed
out, this is a community supported distro, and only time will tell how
well the community actually will support their distro.

Point is, if we later decide this is not working well, we can always
review the decisions and if decided do the split.

Can we reach an agreement that this is the way to start the distro?

OK for me provided support policy matters are not discarded forever but only 
delayed to allow things to start.

It wont be discarded.
We need to list package priority, wich ones must go through QA, and wich 
ones that are subject to maintainer qa  testing

It would be great to start QA Team's organization as soon as possible. I don't 
think we need to wait for the BS and the packages to begin thinking about those 

Yes, its time to start defining policies around all this and team creation.


Re: [Mageia-dev] Mirror layout, round two

2010-11-30 Thread Thomas Backlund

Anne nicolas skrev 30.11.2010 13:15:

2010/11/30 Thomas

So, after reading all different opinions here and discussing with founders,
here is the idea:

For us I think the best way for now is to start with this suggested
layout, and see if it works well for us. Remember, as Michael pointed
out, this is a community supported distro, and only time will tell how
well the community actually will support their distro.

Point is, if we later decide this is not working well, we can always
review the decisions and if decided do the split.

Can we reach an agreement that this is the way to start the distro?

Looks ok for me and the easiest layout we may achieve. Still we will
need to finalize policies about repositories content.


A post on that will follow later today/tomorrow.


Re: [Mageia-dev] Mirror layout, round two

2010-11-30 Thread Thomas Backlund

Michael Scherer skrev 30.11.2010 14:23:

Le mardi 30 novembre 2010 à 07:50 -0300, Balcaen John a écrit :

Le mardi 30 novembre 2010 07:37:42, Thomas Backlund a écrit :

So, after reading all different opinions here and discussing with
founders, here is the idea:

We start of with  3 medias: core, nonfree, tainted and 3 debug medias:
debug_core, debug_nonfree, debug_tainted. In order to avoid confusion,
we wont use the name restricted as it was used in MDV commercial


We wont blindly import every package from cooker, instead  we'll
start off the import with basesystem (as in bootable system with
shell access), compiler and rpm tools (and of course their buildtime
depencies). When all of that is imported and rebuilt, we have a working
buildsystem / base to build from.

Are you (not specifically you thomas :p)  going to check again the basesystem
dependencies/requirements, if i remember correctly the basesystem in mandriva is
not anymore a « real » basesystem ?

The explicit goal is to be able to boot, and start bash. Not bash and be
able to do anything useful with it :)
( ok, maybe a script with /dev/tcp to say hello on irc ).

So if basesystem as a rpm is not enough, we will import what is needed
to complete it.

or basesystem-minimal :)


Re: [Mageia-dev] Mirror layout, round two

2010-11-30 Thread Romain d'Alverny
On Tue, Nov 30, 2010 at 13:29, Samuel Verschelde wrote:
 What I'm saying is totally different :

 In the first case :
 - no one steps in to maintain it. We drop it.

 In the second case :
 - no one steps in to maintain it. Because we promised to support it, and 
 because there are people who care about that (the QA Team Leader for 
 example), we would *try very hard* to find a solution. this is a problem, we 
 identify the problem, we try to solve it. Maybe we fail, but at least we try 
 hard, because the package is on the supported list.

Ok, it's a degree of support management:
 - first case, dropping is automatic,
 - second case, we turn the red light on and try to organise around
this to find a best effort solution.

But, in the second case, relying exclusively on the community, for the
support promise to work, you have to show that you have either some
separate incentive, either a large enough community to grow the
chances for this to happen.

 another solution : we do no promises of supporting anything.

 This is a solution. Not mine however.

Not promising of something to happen is not a promise of this thing
not to happen.

Such a promise of support is much more sustainable if you have a
clear, identifiable incentive or reason or experience (for the people
you promise to) to keep it. There are differences between:
 * guaranteed,
 * trying very hard,
 * best effort,
 * good will,
 * nothing pretended

support promises.

 Let me present the idea differently. There are 2 levels of support :

 - top guaranteed support (a subset of packages) : those are packages your can 
 rely on blindly, they'll be updated in a timely manner. Those are the 
 packages the QA Team puts its limited resources on (doesn't mean the QA Team 
 provides support, but they check that good support is provided). The 
 maintainer is responsible for the package, but the QA Team is vigilant about 
 - supported packages (every other package) : those are maintained packages, 
 however the QA Team doesn't have to check them. It's up to the maintainer.
 - unsupported packages are dropped.

 So everything is supported, but there a special level of support for some 
 critical components.

Just saying, but as packages support is to be distributed, we may as
well have commercial companies step around and manage this kind of
 * within/through Mageia through their employees (so, it matches our
policies, that's the idea),
 * because it matches their activity/interest (they build the
software, they consult/sell/build around it).

To help thinking about that (in the future, because now we have
nothing to track/compare) we need to collect and report relevant data
about packages management experience (supported, not supported, number
of updates, maintainers, time to push an update, etc.) against a first
policy. So we can measure what happens and what can be reasonably
changed/expected in the future.


Re: [Mageia-dev] Mirror layout, round two

2010-11-30 Thread Daniel Kreuter
2010/11/30 Thomas Backlund

 * core
  - enabled by default
  - mirrors must mirror this media to be listed as a mirror
  - only free/libre stuff as described by FSF / OSI
  - must be selfcontained

 * nonfree
  - disabled by default, installer will ask to enable it if
it detects hw that need driver/fw from here
  - mirrors must mirror this media to be listed as a mirror
  - contains apps/drivers/firmware that are free to redistribute
but we dont have redistributable source for
  - for example: ati/nvidia drivers/firmware, Oracle Java,
Adobe stuff we might get redistribution permission for

 * tainted
  - disabled by default
  - mirrors are free to not mirror this media ( ? )
  - stuff we think we can redistribute, but that may have some
patent issues or other legal restrictions
  - what belongs / is allowed here must still be discussed

 * debug_core
  - disabled by default
  - debug rpms for core

 * debug_nonfree
  - disabled by default
  - debug rpms for nonfree

 * debug_tainted
  - disabled by default
  - debug rpms for tainted

 Every media contains the same layout:

 * backports
  - disabled by default

 * backports_testing
  - disabled by default

 * release
  - disabled by default on nonfree, installer will ask to enable
it if it detects hw that need driver/fw from here
  - disabled by default on tainted, debug_core, debug_nonfree,

 * updates
  - disabled by default on nonfree, installer will ask to enable
it if it detects hw that need driver/fw from here
  - disabled by default on tainted, debug_core, debug_nonfree,

 * updates_testing
  - disabled by default

The Scheme sounds good. One only suggestion from my side, i would enable the
updates once the repositories are enabled.
For Example if I enable the non-free Repos i would like also to get the
Updates for them. or maybe only security fixes and enable the other updates
manually would be ok.

Mit freundlichen Grüßen


Daniel Kreuter

Re: [Mageia-dev] Support policy

2010-11-30 Thread Samuel Verschelde

Le mardi 30 novembre 2010 16:13:25, Michael Scherer a écrit :
 Le mardi 30 novembre 2010 à 13:31 +0100, Samuel Verschelde a écrit :
  I would like to discuss the support policy for Mageia.
  It would be interesting to know (or decide) where Mageia is heading, given 
  our limited resources :
 can you first explain what are our ressources so you can explain how
 limited you think they are ?

Well, I can't because as you already told me we don't know what our resources 
will be. What I can guess is that they are limited because I know no free 
software project where there's too much resources.


Re: [Mageia-dev] Support policy

2010-11-30 Thread Michael Scherer
Le mardi 30 novembre 2010 à 16:36 +0100, Samuel Verschelde a écrit :
 Le mardi 30 novembre 2010 16:13:25, Michael Scherer a écrit :
  Le mardi 30 novembre 2010 à 13:31 +0100, Samuel Verschelde a écrit :
   I would like to discuss the support policy for Mageia.
   It would be interesting to know (or decide) where Mageia is heading, 
   given our limited resources :
  can you first explain what are our ressources so you can explain how
  limited you think they are ?
 Well, I can't because as you already told me we don't know what our resources 
 will be. 
 What I can guess is that they are limited because I know no free software 
 where there's too much resources.

Well, from a physical point of view, everything is limited, so saying
limited ressources didn't indeed told much. 

I think that the ressources at Mandriva could be summarized as around 1
to 3 full time people ( maybe more, maybe less, and likely not full time
on the stable free distro ).

Which is not balanced at all when compared to the ressources that were
placed in packaging. Ie, there was much more people to produce rpm than
people to 
1) take care of update ( secteam, 2 people )
2) take care of testing update ( qateam, 1-3 people )

Being unbalanced lead to the main/contribs split with the complexity and
problem that went with it. Of course, the goal is not to have less
packagers, but rather more Qa people, the 2 being not exclusive. 

This then bring to the simple question is why did we have more
packagers than QA ?

My own opinion is that because packaging was opened to external
contribution since almost the start ( since 10 years, packagers number
have growth ), while QA was not, and I suppose that was due to a lack of
time devoted on making QA more open ( ironically likely due to a lack of
ressources at the first place ).

And so, I think we are now in a totally different situation. QA will be
more open, because it cannot be closed. We can ( and I think we should )
make the QA ressources grow with the packagers one ( among others ).

So how can we do ? 

While this may not seems apparent at first sight, I think that Fedora is
actually leading in term of community QA process ( we still had the lead
in term of automated QA ).
Basically, packages that are updated requires to be noted, with a system
of karma ( ). 
Positive karma, the update is pushed, negative, it is not. 

Anybody can test anything, even if there is also a proven tester group.

There is even the concept of critical path packages, aka very important
package that must be deeply tested
( ).

Of course, the system is not perfect and will not solve everything. For
example, last week, openldap update broke server functionality :
( )

But still, having community enabled QA is a great way to have every grow
And in fact, that's exactly one of the feature of your project
mageia-app-db. So we could indeed have a better QAteam by easing the
work of community, using mageia-app-db. Ie, take regular user, and turn
them in QA team member.

And so, doing like this would enable to give us :
- real involvement from some users
- balanced community, not overwhelmed by technical maniac packagers
( like me )
- having a better Qa, for a better system

So while nothing is done, while I am not a member of the QA team nor a
leader, while I just speak to voice my opinion, and while this is just a
proposal based on what other have done to solve the same issue than us,
this show that we can have more ressources than what Mandriva had. 

Ie, we need to think with a fresh mind, and I am sure that people can
creatively propose solutions on the problem :

how can we have a more balanced QA and packagers team.

Michael Scherer

Re: [Mageia-dev] Mirror layout, round two

2010-11-30 Thread Yann Ciret
Le 30/11/2010 11:37, Thomas Backlund a écrit :

 Can we reach an agreement that this is the way to start the distro?
I agree with this proposal.


Re: [Mageia-dev] Mirror layout, round two

2010-11-30 Thread Renaud MICHEL
On mardi 30 novembre 2010 at 11:37, Thomas Backlund wrote :
 Can we reach an agreement that this is the way to start the distro?

I agree.

Renaud Michel

Re: [Mageia-dev] Mirror layout, round two

2010-11-30 Thread Maarten Vanraes
Op dinsdag 30 november 2010 13:29:28 schreef Samuel Verschelde:
   In Mandriva, you can find many examples of packages in main which are
   not supported in reality,
or even maybe simply don't work. You can find also many packages in
contrib which are
   perfectly supported, in cooker as in stable releases. You gave me
   examples. However I see very rarely security or bugfix updates for
   packages in contrib for stable releases (or sometimes they go to
   backports), whereas there are many security fixes and bugfixes for
   packages in main thanks to Mandriva's security team. There really is a
   difference between supported packages and other, although it's far
   from perfect.
  The difference is mainly that Mandriva has a team of 2 people full time
  doing the bugfixes and security updates. We do not have them.
  So that's not because there is contribs that main got more bugfixes and
  updates. That's because people are paid to do the work.
  And so there is no correlation between there is updates in main and
  there is a split.
 Yes there is a correlation : there is a team of people working to provide
 quick support for a set of packages. Without a list of supported packages,
 they couldn't focus their work. However please remember that I agreed that
 the split mirror-side is not the only way to achieve such focus.
 Our main disagreement here is you prefer that we have the same level of
 support for any package in the distribution (which probably means very few
 packages in the distribution then) while I'd like many packages in the
 distribution, a subset of which is officially supported. At least, it
 worked well enough so that we could send more than 450 servers with
 Mandriva in French hospitals and use Mandriva at work on workstation.
 Why do I prefer a large package list to a list restricted to
 platinum-supported packages : I can build a system where the critical
 parts are supported, and if I need to add some less supported stuff, I
 still can. We should compare the ratio between packages in main and
 packages in contrib which are actually installed on people's systems. On
 our servers, that would be around 98% coming from main, and less than 2%
 coming from contrib. On my workstation, it would be probably 75% vs 25%.
 Main provides stability and security (regardless of some badly supported
 packages). Contrib provides choice..

I do see a point here.

  Seeing that everything is equally supported is a sign of a lack of
  quality ?
 It depends on the amount of available packages and available resources.
 1 packages *equally supported* with 30 packages, yep, that would be a
 sign of a lack of quality. If there are only 1000 packages, of course,
 this is different. I still prefer the 1000 supported packages + 9000
 use-at-your-own-risk packages.

It is true that it could be viewed as such by people.

   Now if there were a list of supported packages, either it would not be
   officially supported and the user would know he could use it but maybe
   won't have security and bugfix updates, or it is officially supported.
   Now take the example above :
   - Someone checks if postgresql is supported because if not he'll use
   another distribution where it is - It is !
   - However the maintainer went away doing his own fork, so he dropped
   maintainership. - Someone in QA Team rings a bell : this supported
   package isn't supported anymore, but we promised we would support it
   for Mageia 2011 for 2 years from now ! We have to do something !
   - The package team leader, or someone else, relays the warning and
   finds someone else to maintain the package, at least for Mageia 2011,
   for security and bugfix updates.
  Please, I would appreciate that you do not arrange facts just to support
  your point, or I will seriously have to reconsider answering in the
  In the first case :
  package is not supported, no one step to maintain, we drop - that's
  second case :
  package is not supported, someone step, we don't drop - that's good
  Why do you make the assumption that someone will step to maintain in 2nd
  case and not in the first one ?
  Just saying it should be supported because it is on some official list
  is not really something that worked that well at Mandriva for the
 The way you make a caricature of my arguments is rude here.
 What I'm saying is totally different :
 In the first case :
 - no one steps in to maintain it. We drop it.
 In the second case :
 - no one steps in to maintain it. Because we promised to support it, and
 because there are people who care about that (the QA Team Leader for
 example), we would *try very hard* to find a solution. this is a problem,
 we identify the problem, we try to solve it. Maybe we fail, but at least
 we try hard, because the package is on the supported list. In my example
 I supposed we find a solution, because I suppose that we find it. If I
 were that 

Re: [Mageia-dev] Mirror layout, round two

2010-11-30 Thread Sam Bailey
On Tue, 30 Nov 2010 12:37:42 +0200, Thomas Backlund wrote:
 Can we reach an agreement that this is the way to start the distro?

I also agree with this structure.

Sam Bailey

Cyprix Enterprises
Mb: 0425 796 308

Re: [Mageia-dev] Mirror layout, round two

2010-11-30 Thread Maarten Vanraes
Op dinsdag 30 november 2010 12:04:49 schreef Samuel Verschelde:
 Le mardi 30 novembre 2010 11:37:42, Thomas Backlund a écrit :
  So, after reading all different opinions here and discussing with
  founders, here is the idea:
  We start of with  3 medias: core, nonfree, tainted and 3 debug medias:
  debug_core, debug_nonfree, debug_tainted. In order to avoid confusion,
  we wont use the name restricted as it was used in MDV commercial
  Now all of theese medias will have their 5 submedias: release, updates,
  updates_testing, backports, backports_testing.
  That brings us to 30 medias in total :)
  The details of the media layout suggestion is also at the end of this
  mail, and at:
  We wont blindly import every package from cooker, instead  we'll
  start off the import with basesystem (as in bootable system with
  shell access), compiler and rpm tools (and of course their buildtime
  depencies). When all of that is imported and rebuilt, we have a working
  buildsystem / base to build from.
  Then we to go on with and start importing X, the different
  DE's and every other package needed to build a full distro.
  By doing it this way, we get a clean start, every package rebuilt,
  and no old/unmaintained stuff in the beginning.
  Then as more maintainers join, I guess more packages will be imported
  from cooker and other sources. And packages can always be requested.
  As for those that want the core/extra split:
  We already tried it with main/contrib split. And I know mdv is now
  trying to refine what belongs in main or not, but thats for mdv
  to work through the problem as it wont be an easy task.
  For us I think the best way for now is to start with this suggested
  layout, and see if it works well for us. Remember, as Michael pointed
  out, this is a community supported distro, and only time will tell how
  well the community actually will support their distro.
  Point is, if we later decide this is not working well, we can always
  review the decisions and if decided do the split.
  Can we reach an agreement that this is the way to start the distro?
 OK for me provided support policy matters are not discarded forever but
 only delayed to allow things to start.
 It would be great to start QA Team's organization as soon as possible. I
 don't think we need to wait for the BS and the packages to begin thinking
 about those matters.

i agree

Re: [Mageia-dev] Support policy

2010-11-30 Thread Maarten Vanraes
Op dinsdag 30 november 2010 13:31:08 schreef Samuel Verschelde:
 I would like to discuss the support policy for Mageia.
 It would be interesting to know (or decide) where Mageia is heading, given
 our limited resources : 1) focus on stability and security : few very well
 equally supported packages. Apparently, this is where we're going for now.
  May be wise as a start, but I hope this is not our final destination,
 because it means either very limited choice, or progressive diminution of
 quality of support if the number of packages increases faster than the
 dedicated resources. 2) focus on choice : many packages, but no support
 policy. This would be really bad, I think we're not heading there, from
 what I read. However, this is a danger if we start from option 1) and then
 open wide the gates for importing packages, without setting a support
 policy. 3) focus on both (this is my option). There would be 2 levels of
 support : - top guaranteed support : those are the (few at start) packages
 your can rely on almost blindly, they'll be updated in a timely manner,
 and updates don't break things. Those are the packages the QA Team puts
 its limited resources on (doesn't mean the QA Team provides the support
 themselves, this is maintainer work, but they check that good support is
 provided) : testing, helping the maintainers to watch for security
 problems... The maintainers are responsible for their package, but the QA
 Team double-checks updates for stable releases. - supported packages
 (every other package) : those are maintained packages, however the QA Team
 doesn't have to check them. It's up to the maintainer to check the package
 and updates quality. - unsupported packages are dropped.
 Are we heading for 1), 2), 3), or any other option ?
 Of course, with unlimited resources, options 1 and 3 would be equivalent,
 everything would have the top guaranteed support :)
 Best regards
 Samuel Verschelde
 Packager/QA Team/User

having read misc's lenghty and almost political proposal, i suggest a 4th 
option (even though i'm not part of QAteam either):

4) dynamically distributed focus:
- level 1: BuildSystem-required packages (all packages used for buildnodes)
- level 2: everything that is minimally required to boot and do stuff
- level 3: popular server packages
- level 4: release focus (everything that's defaultly installed by a release)
- level 4b: stage images
- level 5: the rest

depending on resources and certain timings; focus should be spread according 
to desires at that time.

- i imagine that level 1 could be discussed between sysadm and qateam during 
- i imagine that level 2 would be the primary focus
- i imagine that level 4 could be more important during release times
- i imagine that level 5 would probably not be focussed by QA unless unlimited 
- i imagine that level 3 would probably be good if resources would be growing, 
and possibly level 4 if there's enough resources.

- i agree that testing should be open to anyone
- i agree that karma could not be a bad idea, but suggest that QAteam give 
more karma (perhaps even on the karmic state of that person)
- i also would suggest that at the time of alpha release, we should do a 
contest on testing and bugfinding; so that we could gather enough testers; and 
possibly even extra packagers or qateam people.