Re: [Mailman-Users] sending mail to members in batches

2004-12-02 Thread Stephen J. Turnbull
> "G" == G James Jones <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

G> I would think that throttling is an MTA issue (in this case
G> Exim). Given that the MTA will control the rate of ALL messages
G> from the system, not just those that are generated by Mailman.

I agree with your analysis, but that may or may not be the desired
effect here.  In particular, it may be desirable to throttle Mailman
specifically to something lower than the system-wide limit.  The MTA
may or may not be able to limit specific usages (how would it know?) 
or users (in this case, Mailman usually has a unique uid, so that
would work).

BTW, I've been around for some time, am moderately familiar with a
selection of relevant RFCs and other standards, and have bits and
pieces of experience with mail systems in particular, but you
shouldn't take my pronunciamentos too seriously.  I'm just too lazy
(arrogant?) to word them cautiously.  Also, see sections 11 and 12 of
the GNU General Public License.  :-)

Institute of Policy and Planning Sciences
University of TsukubaTennodai 1-1-1 Tsukuba 305-8573 JAPAN
   Ask not how you can "do" free software business;
  ask what your business can "do for" free software.
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Re: [Mailman-Users] Not able to send messages to lists I've setup

2004-12-02 Thread Jim Tittsler
On Dec 2, 2004, at 23:19, Jody Cleveland wrote:
I've got mailman running fine. It installed ok, I can create lists 
the command line, and the web site. I can also subscribe to lists using
the website. The problem comes in when I try to post messages to the
list I subscribe to. I get a Undeliverable message from the exchange
System Administrator:
It sounds like the connection between the mail server and Mailman on 
the Linux server is not set up correctly.  If you send the mail from 
your Linux account, do you get the same error?

The way you tell the mail server about the lists (and their associated 
-request, -bounces, etc ) addresses depends upon the mail server you 
are using.  It is often done by adding aliases for each list you 
create, but there are also "automated" ways of having the mail server 
detect the existence of your lists.  (There is a lot of information in 
the INSTALL and README.* files in the Mailman distribution.)  And in 
your case, since you are apparently forwarding all other mail on to 
another server, you will want to make sure that the aliases are checked 
before that catchall step.

Mailman's bin/genaliases tool can remind you of the aliases you need to 
add to your mail server if you didn't add them as you created each 

Jim Tittsler  GPG: 0x01159DB6
Python Starship
Ringo MUG Tokyo
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Re: [Mailman-Users] Unknown user- what am I missing?

2004-12-02 Thread Zain Memon
I think I'll test it out on some other email addresses to make sure it
isn't my fault.
The speakeasy server is of no relation to my server... Speakeasy just
happens to be my ISP and I have an email address with them, so I was
using it to test.

I wonder why it wouldn't accept mail. Could it be because my server is
currently running on a no-ip domain? Speakeasy offers serverside spam
filtering which I've turned off, so I don't think that would be a
problem. And both gmail and hotmail accept, which surprises me as

I signed up for this mailing list using my speakeasy email address,
and the messages are coming through fine.

On Fri, 3 Dec 2004 01:13:21 +0100, Brad Knowles
> At 10:02 PM -0800 2004-12-01, Zain Memon wrote:
> >  I know for sure that the speakeasy email address is correct. I can get
> >  regular email on it.
> In that case, my guess is that they're doing some additional
> anti-spam stuff on their machines, and there's something else about
> your message that is causing their servers to reject it.  I can't
> tell you what the specific problem is, you need to talk to the admins
> of about that.
> >  Since this is a production server, I can't really have some addresses
> >  that don't work; what can I do to get mail through to speakeasy?
> You need to call up the people at speakeasy and talk to them.
> --
> Brad Knowles, <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> "Those who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little
> temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety."
>  -- Benjamin Franklin (1706-1790), reply of the Pennsylvania
>  Assembly to the Governor, November 11, 1755
>SAGE member since 1995.  See  for more info.
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Re: [Mailman-Users] Group name "mailman" doesn't exist

2004-12-02 Thread Brad Knowles
At 2:18 PM -0700 2004-12-02, Shawn Wilson wrote:
 Dec  1 15:47:28 jupiter2 postfix/local[21592]: 70D562C82A1:
 to=<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, relay=local, delay=0, status=bounced
 (Command died with status 8: "/usr/local/mailman/mail/mailman post
 kilimanjaro". Command output: Failure to find group name mailman.  Try
 adding this group to your system, or re-run configure, providing an
 existing group name with the command line option --with-mail-gid. )
	How are groups implemented on your system?  Are you using 
something like NIS, PAM, or LDAP which might require a refresh to 
pick up the new group name, even though the source text file might 
have been updated?

 Any ideas what else I can do to figure out what went wrong? I posted
 this request on the gentoo forums as well but so far the couple replies
 I received have not helped.
	Given what you've said here, it looks to me like this is probably 
a Gentoo-specific issue, and I don't know if we're going to be able 
to help.

Brad Knowles, <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
"Those who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little
temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety."
-- Benjamin Franklin (1706-1790), reply of the Pennsylvania
Assembly to the Governor, November 11, 1755
  SAGE member since 1995.  See  for more info.
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Re: [Mailman-Users] Footer as attachment

2004-12-02 Thread Brad Knowles
At 1:45 PM -0500 2004-12-02, Bruce N. Audie wrote:
 Why does the footer text that I have entered in "Footer added to every
 digest " show up as an attachment to about half the postings.
	Go to the Mailman FAQ Wizard at 
 and search for "footer".

Brad Knowles, <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
"Those who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little
temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety."
-- Benjamin Franklin (1706-1790), reply of the Pennsylvania
Assembly to the Governor, November 11, 1755
  SAGE member since 1995.  See  for more info.
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Re: [Mailman-Users] Unknown user- what am I missing?

2004-12-02 Thread Brad Knowles
At 10:02 PM -0800 2004-12-01, Zain Memon wrote:
 I know for sure that the speakeasy email address is correct. I can get
 regular email on it.
	In that case, my guess is that they're doing some additional 
anti-spam stuff on their machines, and there's something else about 
your message that is causing their servers to reject it.  I can't 
tell you what the specific problem is, you need to talk to the admins 
of about that.

 Since this is a production server, I can't really have some addresses
 that don't work; what can I do to get mail through to speakeasy?
You need to call up the people at speakeasy and talk to them.
Brad Knowles, <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
"Those who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little
temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety."
-- Benjamin Franklin (1706-1790), reply of the Pennsylvania
Assembly to the Governor, November 11, 1755
  SAGE member since 1995.  See  for more info.
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[Mailman-Users] Group name "mailman" doesn't exist

2004-12-02 Thread Shawn Wilson
I'm trying to get mailman up and running on my Gentoo box alongside 
postfix but I can't seem to get over this final hurdle. Here is what I 
get in my log when I try sending a message to one of my lists:

=== BEGIN LOG ===
Dec  1 15:47:28 jupiter2 postfix/smtpd[19851]: 70D562C82A1: 
Dec  1 15:47:28 jupiter2 postfix/cleanup[19808]: 70D562C82A1: 
message-id=<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Dec  1 15:47:28 jupiter2 postfix/qmgr[1027]: 70D562C82A1: 
from=<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, size=909, nrcpt=1 (queue active)
Dec  1 15:47:28 jupiter2 postfix/local[21592]: 70D562C82A1: 
to=<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, relay=local, delay=0, status=bounced 
(Command died with status 8: "/usr/local/mailman/mail/mailman post 
kilimanjaro". Command output: Failure to find group name mailman.  Try 
adding this group to your system, or re-run configure, providing an 
existing group name with the command line option --with-mail-gid. )
Dec  1 15:47:28 jupiter2 postfix/qmgr[1027]: 70D562C82A1: removed
=== END LOG ===

The pertinent part is "Failure to find group name mailman". However I 
know that this group exists:

   $ grep mailman /etc/group
As you can see, group "mailman" exists with ID 280. I checked my ebuild 
file for mailman and MAILGID is indeed set to 280, which means it should 
be passing --with-mail-gid=280 to the configure script. I have run 
check_perms and all permissions look okay.

Any ideas what else I can do to figure out what went wrong? I posted 
this request on the gentoo forums as well but so far the couple replies 
I received have not helped.

Senior Software Developer
ATMReports Department, ATM Express Inc.
PH: 877-327-0873, FAX: 406-294-5806
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Re: [Mailman-Users] converted 2.0 moderated to 2.1.5

2004-12-02 Thread Dave Stern - Former Rocket Scientist
On Thu, 2 Dec 2004, Dave Stern - Former Rocket Scientist wrote:
I'm converting a few dozen lists from an older install (2.1.12) to
2.1.5 and came across an interesting bug. We have some lists that
were moderated in the old style of 2.0   ie restrict-post-to-members
was set to NO and "special people" were added to the 
approval window.

After copying everything across as detailed in the archives and running
withlist and genaliases on the new server, I noted that the lists was
not set up as moderated and I had to do it manually.
* Is this a bug? feature? Is there a way around it?

Doh!  Pardon me! It really does work. I was just looking at the wrong 
list. But associated with this, what does/should $MAILMAN/bin/update do?

 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-  generated by /dev/dave -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
 David SternUniversity of Maryland
   Institute for Advanced Computer Studies
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[Mailman-Users] converted 2.0 moderated to 2.1.5

2004-12-02 Thread Dave Stern - Former Rocket Scientist
I'm converting a few dozen lists from an older install (2.1.12) to
2.1.5 and came across an interesting bug. We have some lists that
were moderated in the old style of 2.0   ie restrict-post-to-members
was set to NO and "special people" were added to the 
approval window.

After copying everything across as detailed in the archives and running
withlist and genaliases on the new server, I noted that the lists was
not set up as moderated and I had to do it manually.
* Is this a bug? feature? Is there a way around it?
* Alternatively, is there a relatively painless way to at least identify
such lists on the 2.0.12 side for manual conversion? (I'm guessing probably
dumpdb and some snazzy grepping. Since this will cross lines and thus be
a bit of a pain to script)
* BTW, the instructions for web redirections are flawed as the pattern-
match is not specific enough: If you move over a list called, "mine"
but leave a list called "mine-friends", guess what happens to the web
page redirection for the latter...
The way I've converted lists was:
---On old listserver--
/fs/mailman/bin/list_lists | awk '{print $1}' |tail +2 \
   | tr '[A-Z]' '[a-z]' | while read LISTNAME 
scp -r /fs/mailman/lists/$LISTNAME [EMAIL PROTECTED]:/fs/mailman2/lists
scp -r  /fs/mailman/archives/private/$LISTNAME \
 [EMAIL PROTECTED]:/fs/mailman2/archives/private
scp -r  /fs/mailman/archives/private/$LISTNAME.mbox \
 [EMAIL PROTECTED]:/fs/mailman2/archives/private
scp -r  /fs/mailman/archives/public/$LISTNAME \
 [EMAIL PROTECTED]:/fs/mailman2/archives/public
scp -r  /fs/mailman/archives/public/$LISTNAME.mbox \
[EMAIL PROTECTED]:/fs/mailman2/archives/public

scp /fs/mailman/tools/all-lists [EMAIL PROTECTED]:/fs/mailman2/tools
ssh root$newlistserver /fs/mailman2/tools/move-all
--On new listserver, move-all-
#ya, ya, no comments about useless cat awards, I know better, I'm lazy
cat /fs/mailman2/tools/all-lists| while read LISTNAME
/fs/mailman2/bin/withlist -l -r fix_url $LISTNAME
cp /fs/mailman2/tools/request.pck /fs/mailman2/lists/$LISTNAME
chown -R mailman:mailman /fs/mailman2/archives/private/$LISTNAME
chown -R mailman:mailman /fs/mailman2/archives/public/$LISTNAME
chown mailman /fs/mailman2/lists/$LISTNAME
/fs/mailman2/bin/genaliases >/tmp/newalias.txt
echo "Append appropriate pieces of /tmp/newalias.txt to /fs/lists2/aliases"

 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-  generated by /dev/dave -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
 David SternUniversity of Maryland
   Institute for Advanced Computer Studies
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Re: [Mailman-Users] A Simple Question about Duplicate E-mails

2004-12-02 Thread John W. Baxter
On 12/2/2004 11:19, "Andrew Gendreau" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Hi,
> I just setup a mailman server and it is working very well with the exception
> of one thing.
> Only one of the 50 something people on the list is receiving duplicate
> e-mails.  I am sure that he is not on the list twice, I am also sure that
> options for him such as "nodupes" are set and that Receive Duplicate E-mails
> is set to no.
> This isn't a problem whereby he receives two when someone replies to the
> list, but rather he receives two whenever anyone posts anything to the list
> for the first time.

This almost sounds like an insane filter in his mail client (or perhaps in
the mail server).

> I've tried removing and re-adding this user however that didn't work.

During the time he wasn't on the list, did a new message get posted?   If
so, did he receive zero or one copy?  You could probe that next time you
start a new thread in the list, if necessary.

> Any other suggestions would be very welcome.

You would like to see the full mail headers from a pair of duplicate
messages, and compare the Received: headers (bottom up) to see where they
diverge.  (Murphy's Law suggests that the recipient is using MS Outlook,
which will make getting the full headers remarkably difficult.)
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[Mailman-Users] A Simple Question about Duplicate E-mails

2004-12-02 Thread Andrew Gendreau


I just setup a mailman server and it is working very well with the exception
of one thing.


Only one of the 50 something people on the list is receiving duplicate
e-mails.  I am sure that he is not on the list twice, I am also sure that
options for him such as "nodupes" are set and that Receive Duplicate E-mails
is set to no.


This isn't a problem whereby he receives two when someone replies to the
list, but rather he receives two whenever anyone posts anything to the list
for the first time.


I've tried removing and re-adding this user however that didn't work.


Any other suggestions would be very welcome.


Thank you,


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[Mailman-Users] Footer as attachment

2004-12-02 Thread Bruce N. Audie
Why does the footer text that I have entered in "Footer added to every
digest " show up as an attachment to about half the postings. Even when
multiple subscribers are responding to the same thread.. some will have the
footer inserted at the end of the message and others will have a text file
attachment containing the footer info.

Bruce Audie
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Re: [Mailman-Users] sending mail to members in batches

2004-12-02 Thread G James Jones
> __
> From: Stephen J. Turnbull <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> To: Darryl Hamilton <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject: Re: [Mailman-Users] sending mail to members in batches
> Date: Thu, 02 Dec 2004 17:10:23 +0900
> > "Darryl" == Darryl Hamilton <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> Darryl> I'm wondering if there is a setting in mailman to send
> Darryl> mail out to members of a list in batches - for example
> Darryl> send 100, wait 30 seconds, send to the next 100, wait 30
> Darryl> seconds, and so on.


> FWIW, I will say that IMO Mailman is very well designed for this kind
> of hacking; something like throttling is reasonably complex in itself,
> but Mailman won't make it harder than it needs to be.

With all respect to Stephen, who knows this topic way better than I do,
I have to disagree with this approach.

I would think that throttling is an MTA issue (in this case Exim). 
Given that the MTA will control the rate of ALL messages from the
system, not just those that are generated by Mailman.  

That might not be an issue in this situation, but generally it is true. 
"Fixing" throttling in Mailman would still potentially leave an admin
open for capacity issues generated by users or other email generation
applications.  However, fixing it in the MTA, the last step before
leaving the box, would mitigate the issue for all email from the system
(Mailman or not).

Just a thought.


> Another possibility would be a custom processing pipeline, but
> implementing it there would basically amount to a busy loop, and use
> an excessive amount of resources.
> -- 
> Institute of Policy and Planning Sciences
> University of TsukubaTennodai 1-1-1 Tsukuba 305-8573 JAPAN
>Ask not how you can "do" free software business;
>   ask what your business can "do for" free software.
> __

Jim Jones
Systems Analyst
Computer Center
University of Southern Indiana
Phone: (812) 461-5402

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[Mailman-Users] Not able to send messages to lists I've setup

2004-12-02 Thread Jody Cleveland

I've got the latest version of Mailman running on a redhat 3.0as server.
When mail comes in, the redhat handles it with MailScanner coupled with
spamassassin and f-prot. Then, that machine forwards it on to our
exchange 5.5 machine.

I've got mailman running fine. It installed ok, I can create lists using
the command line, and the web site. I can also subscribe to lists using
the website. The problem comes in when I try to post messages to the
list I subscribe to. I get a Undeliverable message from the exchange
System Administrator:

Your message did not reach some or all of the intended recipients.

  Subject:  test
  Sent: 12/1/2004 11:48 AM

The following recipient(s) could not be reached:

  [EMAIL PROTECTED] on 12/1/2004 11:48 AM
The recipient name is not recognized
The MTS-ID of the original message is: c=US;a= ;p=Winnefox

I guess I don't understand why exchange is taking issue with this. I can
send email to my user account on that linux machine, and it works fine.
Is there a setting somewhere I need to change?

Jody Cleveland
Computer Support Specialist
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Re: [Mailman-Users] Unknown user- what am I missing?

2004-12-02 Thread Stephen J. Turnbull
> "Zain" == Zain Memon <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

Zain> I know for sure that the speakeasy email address is
Zain> correct. I can get regular email on it.

Uh, what is your server's relation to  I don't know
Postfix, but that "virtual" relay strongly suggests to me that they're
the same machine or something like that.

Do you send that regular mail to speakeasy from the server machine?
If not, you need to try that.

Zain> Since this is a production server, I can't really have some
Zain> addresses that don't work; what can I do to get mail through
Zain> to speakeasy?

FedEx?  You can't do anything forcible about some other guy's
machine refusing your mail.

If you can get some cooperation from speakeasy: It is known that some
(broken) spam filtering setups think that mail from Mailman is spam.
Also, it's possible that some content is triggering spam filters.
You'd have to ask about their policies to be sure,
though.  If your machine is _not_, it's possible that
it's on a blacklist of some kind that speakeasy subscribes to.  It's
possible that your IP is part of a subnet that harbors lots of
spammers, or that your domain name has been abused by spammers, etc.

To test the hypothesis that it's something about Mailman, you could
subscribe your speakeasy address to this list and see if it gets

Institute of Policy and Planning Sciences
University of TsukubaTennodai 1-1-1 Tsukuba 305-8573 JAPAN
   Ask not how you can "do" free software business;
  ask what your business can "do for" free software.
Mailman-Users mailing list
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Re: [Mailman-Users] sending mail to members in batches

2004-12-02 Thread Stephen J. Turnbull
> "Darryl" == Darryl Hamilton <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

Darryl> I'm wondering if there is a setting in mailman to send
Darryl> mail out to members of a list in batches - for example
Darryl> send 100, wait 30 seconds, send to the next 100, wait 30
Darryl> seconds, and so on.

Darryl> This is a cPanel install (and from what I've heard, they
Darryl> distribute a custom version of mailman), but they don't
Darryl> have any settings I can change. I've seen the Exim tweaks
Darryl> and will be looking at implementing them, but I'm not sure
Darryl> if it'll be enough.

There's a note in one of the source files, I think it's,
something like "this is where you could implement things like
throttling."  While cPanel users normally don't have access to the
software installation, your comment about fiddling with Exim suggests
that maybe you do.  Sure, that's more work than you're describing, but
it's a late (or last) resort.

FWIW, I will say that IMO Mailman is very well designed for this kind
of hacking; something like throttling is reasonably complex in itself,
but Mailman won't make it harder than it needs to be.

Another possibility would be a custom processing pipeline, but
implementing it there would basically amount to a busy loop, and use
an excessive amount of resources.

Institute of Policy and Planning Sciences
University of TsukubaTennodai 1-1-1 Tsukuba 305-8573 JAPAN
   Ask not how you can "do" free software business;
  ask what your business can "do for" free software.
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Re: [Mailman-Users] Language options

2004-12-02 Thread Stephen J. Turnbull
> "marioca" == marioca   writes:

marioca> if someone from France sets their messages to display in
marioca> French, would a post from a subscriber in Brazil in
marioca> Portuguese be automatically translated into French?

Translated, no.  The Mailman "preferred language" settings allow the
user (list moderator, list owner) to get informative messages
(including list-generated headers and footers for the posts) and
instructions about using the Mailman web interface in that language,
if available.

However, the content of postings to the list is entirely the
responsibility of the poster.  It is possible, in theory, for a
multilingual poster to generate translations of their post and send it
by mail, but I am unaware of any mail software that supports this.
Even in that case, Mailman would simply pass the content through,
neither helping nor hindering.

Institute of Policy and Planning Sciences
University of TsukubaTennodai 1-1-1 Tsukuba 305-8573 JAPAN
   Ask not how you can "do" free software business;
  ask what your business can "do for" free software.
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